All creatures deserve respect, compassion and love; at least, that’s what we at Monde & Moon believe. So it hurts us to know that over 20 000 bears are being held in captivity as ‘Bile Bears’ across Asia alone. Being a Bile Bear means living cramped cages and being ‘surgically milked’ every day for the bile that resides in the gall bladder. It a painful process that destroys bears physically and mentally. This process is done from the bears are three years old. For a bear that’s twenty, that means over 7 300 times. WSPA envision a world where animal welfare matters and animal cruelty has ended. Their SAVE The BEARS campaign has resulted in numerous bears being rescued and placed in sancturies and numerous Bear Bile Factories closed down. With over 17 offices and a growing network of over 1000 organisations worldwide, WSPA is regarded as the world’s largest alliance of animal welfare organisations. Starting in the month of June, Monde & Moon will be releasing a range of specially designed t-shirts and home wares to raise funds for WSPA under the campaign name of BEARHEADS.
Monde & Moon has chosen to name the following campaign ‘BEARHEADS’. BEARHEADS primarily aims to work in conjunction with both Monde & Moon and WSPA to raise funds for WSPA’s SAVE THE BEARS campaign. The branding gives another element of definition to the campaign and ties in with Monde & Moon’s branding.
MUGS All proceeds from mug purchases will be donated directly to WSPA. There are mulitple designs to suit a broad range of audiences.
T-SHIRTS T-shirts will be worn by both Monde & Moon staff members/ promotional officers and also are available to purchase for the general public. The shirts are mainly to spread awareness and are another element designed to appeal to a broad audience. All proceeds will be donated to WSPA.
MAGAZINE AD WORK CURRENTLY IN PROGRESS. The magazine ad aims to target audiences between ages 16-30. The magazine ad also aims to promote the product as much as possible. All other revenues generally advertise the campaign to raise awareness. To implement the advertisement, Monde & Moon will be using magazines such as Frankie, Inside Out, Yen, Adore Home and Home Beautiful. As the campaign grows Monde & Mpon hope to host future BEARHEADS ads in other popular magazines to generate interest.
POSTER The poster is utilised to generate awareness in the community and will be placed in numerous locations. It will be held in store, at any pop up events such as market stalls, expos or future events. The poster will also be placed in the general community such as bus stops, shopping centres and busy public areas.
WEBSITE The website will include a seperate page that is also connected to the WSPA page where people can find more information about the cause. The page will be formatted as a click through page, like an image slider with only the information relevant to that page lit up. It provides information about WSPA, the partnership with WSPA and Monde & Moon, what the BEARHEADS campaign is and also information about the Bear Bile Industry and how to donate.
SOCIAL MEDIA Social Media outlets primarily include Facebook and Instagram due to the interactive nature of the sites. Facebook will have a promotional banner placed up in the month of June when the partnership begins. It can be interchanged with the regular banner and any other promotional banner. Instagram will be hosting a promotional giveaway to spread awareness for the campaign and to rally up followers. The give away includes a free shirt, mug and a 10% discount voucher. The competition runs over the month of July and August and the winner is chosen on the 30th of August. Online presence is a great way to promote and raise awareness for WSPA, Monde & Moon and the BEARHEADS Campaign.
PROMOTIONAL BEARHEADS will release promotional items whenever there is a event. These items can also be purchased in store/online and can be used as a free give away. The main purpose is purely to promote awareness for WSPA and BEARHEADS. This is an example of only one promotional item, future items may also include water bottles, wristbands, posters and more.