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Chapel Hill Country Club


Monday- Friday Drop off 8:30-9 AM ፨ Activities 9 AM - 4 PM ፨ Pick-Up 4-4:30 PM

Golf Tennis Swimming Hiking Fishing Crafts Games Lunch Snacks

Session Dates

General Daily Schedule

Ages 5-7

Ages 8-12


June 13-17

8:30 - 9 AM

Check-In at Playground


June 20-24

9 - 10:30 AM




June 27- July 1




July 11-15


July 18-22


July 25-29


August 1-5


August 8-11

10:30 AM -12 PM 12 - 12:45 PM 12:45 - 2:30 PM

Lunch Activity


2:30 - 4 PM


4 - 4:30 PM

Check-Out at Pool

The daily schedule may change due to club events or weather. We will do our best to maintain this schedule as closely as possible.

Rates and Sibling Discounts

Single Session Rates Sign up for 2 or More Sessions before May 15

1st Camper

2nd Camper

3rd Camper

$175 full week

$125 full week

$75 full week

$90 half-days

$65 half-days

$40 half-days

$125 full week

$100 full week

$75 full week

$75 half-days

$65 half-days

$40 half-days

Sibling discounts apply to siblings attending the same sessions. Discounts will be applied to final charges. A $25 per child/per session deposit will be charged when you register. The remainder will be charged during the week of camp.

FUN is what we’re all about. Camp at the club provides a

familiar environment that’s a home away from home with everything a kid could want. With a variety of activities that keep the body and brain moving and a schedule that provides time for campers to relax and cool off, everyday is a great day! In addition to tennis, golf and swimming, campers also have fishing, hiking, and a variety of other activities to keep the summer exciting.


for parents is also kept in mind. We know your life doesn’t stop when school does. CHCC takes care of meals and snacks throughout the day. Parents can set a predictable schedule for the summer and just prepare a backpack with a bathing suit, sunscreen, and a pair of flip flops and be good to go! We’ll keep the kids hydrated and happy. If your child needs you, we are happy to help them call you. You are always welcome to call and check on your child.

SAFETY is our top priority.

We maintain a ratio of no more than 6 campers per counselor, and all camp staff are certified in Pediatric First Aid and CPR and are cleared through thorough background checks. Campers are always surrounded by friendly and caring staff and CHCC members while on the premises. Extra precautions are taken around the pool. Camp staff and lifeguards are on high alert at all times. For the safety and fairness of everyone attending, campers must be able to swim unassisted in order to attend camp If you ever have a concern regarding camp at the Club, please contact Alisa Rawls, Activities Director, at (919) 932-2848. We ask that parents complete all forms and make club staff aware of any issues that may arise during camp to help make camp as safe and enjoyable as possible.

ACTIVITIES in the afternoon vary

day to day. On the list of things to do are fishing in the creek and ponds, hiking in the woods just off Lancaster Drive, craft projects, games, and nature projects. Tennis and golf instruction are provided in short increments to introduce campers to each game in a lighthearted way that will teach the most basic skills. Repeat campers will learn a progression of skills to make sure each week is different and valuable.

Registration Deadlines & Details: • All forms must be complete and recieved at least one week prior to the start of camp session. . • A 20% late registration fee will be assesssed for registering with fewer than 7 days before the start of the camp session.Available space is limited. • A non-refundable deposit of $25 will be charged per session when registration is received. The remainder of your camp total will be charged during the week your child attends camp. • Mult-Week Registration discounts apply to sessions registered for at one time and before May 15, 2016. The discount will be reflected when final charges are posted for each session. • If we are unable to accommodate your child in a camp session due to capacity or staffing, we will notify you immediately so that you can make alternative plans.

You will receive an email confirming the receipt of your registration form.We will also email you reminders in the week before each camp session your child is registered for.

Cancellation Policy: • Deposits are non-refundable. The $25 deposit per session will be applied towards your final charges. • Cancellations made within 7 days of the start of your child’s camp session will result in charges equal to 50% of the session total, or you may opt to attend a different camp session. • Cancellations 1 day or less before the start of camp session due to foreseeable reason will result in full charge for the session.

Illness Policy: • Please call if your child is ill and cannot attend camp. (919) 967-8201 • Children with the following symptoms are not permitted to attend camp: Elevated temperature, diarrhea or vomiting, undiagnosed rash, sore or discharging eyes or ears or profuse nasal discharge, diagnosed contagious diseases such as, but not limited to, chicken pox or strep throat. • Children who become ill while attending camp will be provided with a comfortable place to rest until parents arrive. Parents will need to arrange for pick-up of an ill camper within one hour . • Emergency services will be obtained through 911 for any instance that requires more than American Red Cross Standard First Aid Training. Attempts to reach a parent or other designated guardian will be continued until someone is reached. Parents should inform coworkers and family of where they are during the day so that you can be found in case of emergency. • It is crucial that parents notify camp staff of any medical conditions and complete camp forms thoroughly.

Weather & Other Emergencies: • During inclement or excessively hot weather, campers will be kept indoors and entertained with alternative activities such as games, crafts or movies. In the event of fire, tornado, hail, or Police emergencies, campers will be kept in an appropriate and safe location and camp staff will notify parents as quickly as possible.

Registration Please complete a registration form for each child in your family so that we have clear information for each camper in case of emergency. Complete forms are due 1 week prior to attending. Forms are required in order for your child to participate. PLEASE RETURN REGISTRATION FORMS TO ALISA IN THE CLUBHOUSE FRONT OFFICE. REMAINING FORMS CAN BE SUBMITTED UP TO 1 WEEK PRIOR TO FIRST DAY ATTENDING.

Please mark boxes to register for sessions 1

June 13-17


June 20-24


June 27- July 1


July 11-15


July 18-22


July 25-29


August 1-5


August 8-11

Full Week

9 AM-12 PM only

12 PM - 4 PM only

Discounts will be applied to final charges the week(s) your child attends camp. Early Drop-Off and After Camp Care is available for $5 per hour with 24 hours notice. Please contact Alisa to schedule extra care:

Camper Name: __________________________________________________________ Camper’s Age: _______

Birthdate: ____/____/____

Member Number & Name: (for camp charges) _________________________________ Name of Parents: __________________________________________________________ Email Address(es) for Camp Communication: __________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Golf Experience:

1st Time Beginner Intermediate


Tennis Experience:

1st Time Beginner Intermediate


In case of emergency, these numbers will be called in the order listed and repeated until a contact is reached. Contact Phone 1: ___________________________ Contact: ______________________ Contact Phone 2: ___________________________ Contact: ______________________ Contact Phone 3: ___________________________ Contact: ______________________ Contact Phone 4: ___________________________ Contact: ______________________ Contact Phone 5: ___________________________ Contact: ______________________

Medical Disclosure I, _____________________________, give the staff of Chapel Hill Country Club, Inc. permission to provide First Aid care to my child. I understand that the staff of Chapel Hill Country Club will not administer any medication without prior consent. I understand that the staff will call me if my child is in need of medication, and that I may be asked to pick my child up from camp. My child has an allergy or sensitivity to: 

Bee Stings

Other _________________________________________________________________




Required Medication and Dosage: ____________________________________________ Instructions/Procedure to follow in case of emergency: __________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ My child has: 



Seizure Disorder

 Heart Condition

 Other Medical Condition: ________________________________________________ Required Medication and Dosage: ____________________________________________ Instructions/Procedure to follow in case of emergency: _____________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ If your child routinely takes medication, please provide information: Medication _________________ Dosage________________ Schedule _______________ Reason/ Possible Side-Effects: ______________________________________________ Medication _________________ Dosage________________ Schedule _______________ Reason/ Possible Side-Effects: ______________________________________________ (Even if your child does not take medication while at camp during the day, information about medications your child is taking can be crucial in an emergency situation.)

Is there anything that would limit your child’s participation in camp activities? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Camper’s Physician: ____________________ Physician’s Phone: _________________

Health Insurance Health Insurance Company: _________________________________________________ Subscriber’s Full Name: ____________________________________________________ Group/Policy Number: ______________________________________________________ Insurance Phone: __________________________________________________________ Form Completed By: _________________________________

Date: ______________

__________________________________________ Authorized Pick Up I authorize the following guardians to pick my child up from camp:


Best Phone #


1. ____________________________ _____________________ ______________________ 2. ____________________________ _____________________ ______________________ 3. ____________________________ _____________________ ______________________

__________________________________________ Photo/Video/Audio Release Statement

In registering my child for any event at Chapel Hill Country Club, I agree to the use of my child’s image, and/or video for art and/or promotional materials including the Club website and club social media communications by Chapel Hill Country Club, Inc. Children will not be identified by name. Although pictures, audio, and video taken during camp may include your child, there is no guarantee that he/she will be featured in any of the aforementioned materials. These materials may be used online, in print, and may be distributed via the internet, mail, public media or over the air. Signature of Parent: __________________________________ Date: _______________

Waiver RELEASE AND INDEMNIFICATION This agreement is made this ____day of ______2016, by ____________________, a parent or guardian (of the participant), to release and indemnify Chapel Hill Country Club (hereinafter referred to as the “Club”), its company, affiliated, or subsidiary companies and all their respective officers, directors, agents, contractors employees, heirs, successors and assigns (collectively the “Proprietors”), as set forth below. WITNESSETH WHERE AS, Participant, on his own behalf and on behalf of the other members of his family, including Participant’s spouse, parents, children, heirs and assigns (referred to hereinafter collectively and singularly as “Participant”), hereby grants to the Proprietors this full release and indemnification as a consideration for permitting Participant to participate in various camp programs at the Club (hereinafter referred to as the “Event”. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of these premises, Participant agrees as follows: 1. RELEASE. Participant acknowledges that he recognizes the risks of injury to the person inherent in any physical exercise program and HEREBY DOES RELEASE, DISCHARGE, WAIVE, RELINQUISH AND COVENANT NOT TO SUE with respect to any and all actions or causes of action for bodily injury, property damage, or death occurring to Participant, arising either directly or indirectly out of participating in the Event, wherever and however the same may occur and for whatever period said activities may continue. Participant HERBY RELEASES, DISCHARGES, WAIVES, RELINQUISHES AND COVENANTS NOT TO SUE with the respect to any of the aforesaid actions or causes of action which may hereafter arise for the benefit, directly or indirectly, of Participant, as well as those that might have a cause of action, by, through, or under Participant, and agrees that under no circumstances will Participant prosecute or present any claim for bodily injury, property damage, or death against the Proprietors, arising from any claim of any kind or nature in connection with Participant’s participation in the Event, whether same shall arise in whole in part from the ordinary negligence of the Proprietors or the ordinary negligence, gross negligence, or willful misconduct of any third party and whether such is the sole or concurring cause of bodily injury, property damage or death. 2. INDEMNITY. Participant further does HEREBY INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS the Proprietors from any and all claims, actions, demands, costs, liabilities, expenses, or judgments whatsoever, including attorney’s fees and costs, which might arise by whomever, by, through, or under Participants or whenever made or presented for Participant’s bodily injury, property damage or death, which is alleged to have arisen out of or in connection, directly or indirectly with the Participant’s participation in the Event. It is the intention o the parties hereto that Participant will indemnify and protect the Proprietors from the consequences of acts or omissions of the Proprietors or any third party (including others who may be participating in the Event), who have a claim or cause of actions against the Proprietors that arose by, through, or under Participant, whether same arises, in whole or in part, from ordinary negligence of the Proprietors or the ordinary negligence, gross negligence, gross negligence, or willful misconduct of any third party and whether such is the sole or concurring cause of the bodily injury, property damage or death. 3. MEDICAL. Participant hereby declares Participant has either consulted Participant’s personal physician who has consented to Participant’s participation in the Event or has elected to forgo a physical examination, but declares that the Participant is physically capable of participating in the Event. Participant hereby gives consent to emergency medical care, inclusive of necessary transportation, in order to obtain such treatment in the event of injury to Participant, as the Proprietor may deem appropriate. The release and indemnification set forth above extends to any and all liability arising out of or in any way connected with such provisions of medical treatment or transportation provided in the event of some emergency. PARTICIPANT HEREBY ASSUMES FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR AND RISK OF BODILY INJURY, PROPERTY DAMAGE, OR DEATH TO PARTICIPANT DUE TO THE ORDINARY NEGLIGENCE OF THE PROPRIETORS AND THE ORDINARY NEGLIGENCE, GROSS NEGLIGENCE, OR WILLFUL MISCONDUCT OF ANY THIRD PARTY. 4. PARTICIPANT’S PERSONAL PROPERTY. Participant understands that all personal effects, jewelry and any other personal property owned, controlled or used by Participant (the “Personal Property”) and brought for the Event shall remain the sole responsibility of Participant to properly secure same from theft, damage, or injury to any other person. ALL “PERSONAL PROPERTY” LEFT AT THE CLUB IS LEFT AT THE SOLE RISK OF PARTICIPANT AS TO ITS THEFT, DAMAGE OR INJURY TO ANY OTHER THIRD PARTY AND ALL LOSS, DAMAGE OR INJURY RESULTING FROM PARTICIPANT “PERSONAL PROPERTY” SHALL BE AT THE SOLE EXPENSE OF PARTICIPANT. Participant further understands that the release and indemnity provisions of this Agreement include and relate to any and all damages, claims, causes of action, expenses or the like arising from the theft, damage or injury occurring to the Personal Property and hereby understands that the foregoing provisions of this agreement apply equally to the Personal Property. 5. PHOTOGRAPHY. Camp retains the right to use all photographs of campers for promotional use, unless notified in writing, and the parent/guardian authorizes such use without compensation. 6. DISMISSAL. For the safety and welfare of all campers, the Camp reserves the right to dismiss a camper without refund, whose conduct and influence, in opinion of the Director, is deemed unsatisfactory or detrimental to the best interest of the Camp. For the safety and welfare of all campers, the Camp reserves the right to dismiss a camper without refund, whose conduct and influence, in opinion of the Director, is deemed unsatisfactory or detrimental to the best interest of the Camp. This enrollment is not valid, unless signed by the parent or guardian of the enrolled camper, and accepted by the Chapel Hill Country Club. NO DEDUCTION OR REMISSION ON FEES WILL BE ALLOWED BY THE CAMPER FOR ABSENCE, WITHDRAWAL, OR DISMISSAL. THE PARTICIPANT HAS READ AND VOLUNTARILY SIGNS THIS RELEASE AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENT and further agrees that no oral representations, statements or inducements apart from the foregoing written agreement have been made. THE PARTICIPANT UNDERSTANDS THAT THIS IS A RELEASE OF PARTICIPANT’S CLAIMS THAT MAY BE RAISED BY THROUGH OR UNDER PARTICIPANT AND OTHERS. Date ________________________________ Camp Participant Name ____________________________________________________________

Member # __________________________

Guardian’s Signature _______________________________________________________________

What to Bring

What to Wear

• • • • • • • • • •

• Athletic shoes with socks- no sandals please! Blisters are not fun. • Comfortable play clothes for being outside in the summer heat, being active, getting wet, working with art supplies

The ability to pass the swim test Backpack your child can carry Sunscreen your child can apply (spray preferred) Bathing Suit Flip flops for the pool A ziploc bag for wet bathing suit Hat or sunglasses Extra snack from home (optional) Water Bottle Athletic shoes with smooth-soled white bottoms (for tennis) *Please label EVERYTHING your child brings.

Lunch and Snacks • We provide lunch, snacks and plenty of hydration • Please be sure to inform us of any allergies or dietary restrictions

What Not To Bring

• Valuables that could be lost • ipads, tablets, books, toys or other distractions • Please remember that there are many places that things can be lost at the club, and many times they are not found. Please do not allow your child to bring items they cherish, and please be sure to label items that are coming to camp. Your child will be responsible for keeping up with their belongings. Camp staff will do their best to help campers keep everything together, but cannot be held accountable for lost items.

Each camper will receive a CHCC logoed camp gift for each session they attend!

CHCC Tennis Camps Contact Jaime Montalvo in the Tennis Shop to register for these camps: (919) 932-2855 or

Tennis for ages 4-8

June 20-23 and July 25-28 Monday-Thursday, 9 AM - 11 AM $165

Designed to introduce tennis fundamentals, students will learn grips, positioning, movement and strokes, play games and have relays. T-shirts and awards will be presented on Thursdays.

Tennis for ages 8+

June 13-17 and July 11-15 Monday-Friday, 9 AM - 12 PM $215

Focus will be on stroke production, movement drills, court etiquette, scoring, rules, games, strategy and tactics. Refreshments and snacks are provided. Camp t-shirts and a pizza party will accompany the awards presentation on Friday.

Course & Courts for ages 5-12 June 27-30, July 18-21, and August 1-4 Monday-Thursday, 8:30 AM - 2:30 PM $300

Offers tennis, golf, fitness, arts & crafts, swimming and other athletic activities throughout the day. Refreshments , snacks and lunch are provided. Camp t-shirts and awards are presented on Thursdays.

Advanced Tennis for ages 10+ August 8-11 Monday-Thursday, 9 AM - 12 PM $215

Focus will be on conditioning, strategy and tactics, match play and point situations. Refreshments and snacks are provided. Camp t-shirts and a pizza party will accompany the awards presentation on Thursday

A $35 non-refundable deposit is charged for 4-day camps. A $50 non-refundable deposit is charged for 5 day camps. A $75 deposit is charged for Course & Courts Camps at the time of registration. Your remaining balance will be charged upon the completion of the session.

CHCC Golf Camps To register for Golf Camps, contact the Golf Shop: (919) 932-2857 or Email Joe Alden at

June 20th - 23rd June 27th - 30th July 12th - 15th August 9th - 12th 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM $200 per session


Age 8 & under Age 9 & up Maximum class size of 5 per age group Features: The camps will focus on short game, long game, and on-course instruction that will enable juniors to improve their game and lower their scores. Cancellations made within 3 days of the start of camp will be charged a 10% fee.

The CHCC Junior Golf Program and Summer Camps will be led by Joe Alden who joins the CHCC staff after two years as Head Golf Professional at MacGregor Downs Country Club where he was responsible for the entire Golf Operations team. Before joining MGDCC Joe was the Tournament Director at Essex County Country Club in northern New Jersey where he oversaw all tournament operations, outside operations, and all junior programs including the operation of a 17 Club Interclub program in northern New Jersey.

CLUB CAMPS TENNIS CAMPS GOLF CAMPS Chapel Hill Country Club 103 Lancaster Drive Chapel Hill, NC 27517 (919) 967-8201 ________________________

Alisa Rawls Activities Director (919) 932-2848 Joe Alden Head Golf Professional (919) 932-2857 Jaime Montalvo Tennis Pro Shop Manager (919) 932-2855 ________________________


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