May newsletter

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Chapel Hill Country Club VOLUME I, ISSUE III

Memorial Day Weekend

There are many activities planned for Memorial Day

Weekend here at Chapel Hill Country Club. Beginning with the Pool Kickoff Party on Friday night, we then move onto Taco ‘bout a Party! on Saturday night, and finishing off with the annual Golf, Tennis and BBQ events on Monday. Check out the schdule of events below.

Pool Kickoff Party Friday, May 27, 4:00-8:00 PM

Kick off the start of a fun-filled summer season. The pool was newly renovated through the winter months and is back and better than ever. The party will feature live entertainment, and the new pool menu.

Memorial Day Golf Classic Monday, May 30, 9:00 AM shotgun start

Captain’s Choice tournament, followed by lunch and beverages. Sign ups are limited to 100 people.

Parent/Child Round Robin Monday, May 30, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

This has always been a popular event with great participation. Junior participants must be 8 years of age and above and be able to serve and keep score. Pro Shop gift certificates will be awarded to the winners of each division. The cost of this tournament is $10.00 per player. Drinks and snacks will be provided, with a member charge lunch available after the completion of the round robin.

Annual Memorial Day Barbeque Monday, May 30, 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Finish off the weekend right with our Annual Memorial Day BBQ. There will be live music and (weather permitting) the pool and outdoor dining will be open. Bring your friends and family and join your fellow members for the start of what’s sure to be an amazing summer at the Club.

103 Lancaster Drive, Chapel Hill NC 27517 919-967-8201

Club Information Club Officers

President’s Message

Jay Kennihan, President

ou should see new faces on campus, as our membership roster drive has begun in earnest. While our efforts right now are focused on attracting new members to join, we are also concentrating on retention through our Ambassadors’ Club, ensuring existing members and new ones alike are engaged in the many activities offered here at CHCC. Your board has authorized the installation of a new driving range practice turf, as well as authorized work on number 14 fairway in an effort to prevent the washout we experience each winter. Both projects should begin by mid-May with some interruption to the club’s daily routine; please bear with us while we make these improvements. There are changes coming for Isaac’s Porch. We are looking to imitate the appeal of Lawson’s Bar with an eye toward ensuring families of all ages feel welcome on the porch. Susan Skolsky and her House Committee, along with our staff, are doing the honors. The improvements to the Isaac’s Porch experience are ongoing and welcome. Spring brings growth and even more opportunities to enjoy the Chapel Hill Country Club lifestyle. I know our staff, headed by our General Manager, Mike Blazer, has an exceptional program planned for 2016, one that I know you will want to share with your fellow members and guests. I think you will appreciate not only the improvements we are making, but also the enhanced experience of being a member here at the Chapel Hill Country Club. That experience will continue to get better, your board and our staff are committed to going from good to great. I’ll see you around campus, and as always, keep your comments and questions coming! - Jay Kennihan

Bishop Jordan, Vice President Lance Baker, Treasurer Ken Allman, Assistant Treasurer Susan Skolsky, Secretary Kate Eifrig, Assistant Secretary Terry Barker, Board Member Jen Gwaltney, Board Member Ron Merritt, Board Member Gus Neville, Board Member Louis Tortora, Board Member Lee Wollman, Board Member

Committee Chairs Ron Merritt, Golf Committee & By-Laws Susan Skolsky, House Committee Ken Allman, Green Committee Gus Neville, Green Committee Lee Wollman, Tennis Committee Kate Eifrig, Personnel Committee Louis Tortora, Membership Committee Bishop Jordan, Strategic Planning Committee Lucy Falk, Social Committee Jen Gwaltney, Pool Committee Lance Baker, Finance Committee


Member Research Survey


e are excited to announce that Club Insights launched our Member Research Survey. Please look for this email in your inbox as well as your junk or spam folder. The email subject is Chapel Hill Country Club Member Research, coming from Chapel Hill Country Club (customerservice@ Once you have located the email, please open it and click on the survey link to access your member survey. We value every member’s opinion, and we would like to hear from both husbands and wives. Our goal is to ensure that everyone in your family finds the Club welcoming with enjoyable events and activities. If you did not receive the survey via email, please pick up a printed copy in the Clubhouse lobby and return it to the front office. Thank you in advance for taking the time to share your valuable feedback.

Club Information S.T.A.R. Program


he STAR, Special Treatment And Recognition, program was created as a way to recognize employees for doing an exceptional job by going above and beyond. If there is an employee that you feel deserves recognition for a job well done, take a moment to fill out a STAR card and let us know. STAR cards are available in the lobby of the Clubhouse. You can also request a digital copy of the nomination card by emailing Melanie Windrem, A special thank you to all of the members who have already written in and nominated various employees over the past couple of months. All cards are given to the employees nominated regardless of whether or not they are the award recipient. We began the the STAR program in February of this year. Below are the recipients of the STAR award for February and March. Julio is a set up captain and an integral part of our food and beverage team. He was a STAR award recipient in February 2016. He is a perfect example of an employee that goes above and beyond on a regular basis. This month Julio received multiple nominations stating that he came in early, stayed late, and offered to come in and help out for events that he was not scheduled to work. It is obvious Julio Rodriguez from the nominations that Julio is well respected and appreciated by his peers. Thank you for all that you do Julio! Jair is an equipment technician in our maintenance department. He was a STAR award recipient in both February and March 2016. He is someone you can count on to lend a hand. From his multiple nominations both months, it is very clear that many of his peers turn to him when they need assistance. Specifically, his peers all stated that, “you do not need to ask Jair for help, he always offers and jumps in when available”. Jair is a great asset to the Club. After winning in February, Jair Jair Martinez noticeably stepped it up even further. He has made it his goal to win this award as much as possible. His peers have recognized him as a helpful pair of hands no matter what the task. Jair even built our wonderful new lifeguard chairs!

Gabriel is a cart attendant in the golf department. He was a STAR award recipient in March 2016. He is someone whose job title does not limit him - he is a jack of all trades! Many of his peers made mention of his positive attitude and amazing work ethic. Gabriel is always busy fixing something or helping out others, whether it be in the clubhouse or in the golf shop. Emily is a member of our waitstaff team and can also be seen attending to our golfers on the beverage cart. She is someone who is always attentive to our Club members, and is constantly helping out her fellow employees. Through our busiest time of the year, Emily put in some very long hours while maintaining her positive attitude and outstanding attention for detail. Thank you Emily for bringing your positive energy to our Club. Hugo is a member of our waitstaff. He is constantly looking for ways to help out in anyway possible. He has been known to stay late, come in early, work a double, and even help others outside of his own department. Hugo does it all, from waiting on tables in the dining room, to assisting entertainment in setting up their equipment, to helping someone jump start their car in the parking lot. Thank you Hugo for always being someone the Club can count on. Danica is the Club’s Banquet Manager. Since joining the Club last year Danica has worked in the banquet department building strong relationships with vendors, companies, and members. Danica is often times the first one to the Club in the morning and the last to leave at night. She goes above and beyond to ensure that members are pleased with their events and that her staff is well taken care of. Members and peers have noticed Danica’s attention to detail and dedication to her craft. Thank you Danica.

Gabriel Gumeta

Emily Walden

Hugo Diaz

Danica Barfoot

Clubs within the Club Clubs Within The Club Upcoming Meeting Dates

Book Club - Wednesday, May 18, 12:00 PM. No June meeting. Book Club will reconvene in the Fall, date TBA. Bridge Club - Every Tuesday, 7:00 PM Bunco Club - Tuesday, May 10, 7:00 PM & Tuesday, June 14, 7:00 PM Chef’s Club - Fall 2016, TBA Garden Club - Thursday, May 12, 2:00 PM & Thursday, June 9, 2:00 PM Interior Design Club - Wednesday, May 25, 10:00 AM Mens’ Group - Wednesday, May 25, 7:00 AM Writing Club - Wednesday, May 11 & 25, 1:00 PM & Wednesday, June 8 & 22, 1:00 PM

Book Club Meeting, March 2016.

Meeting Details

Kathy Gariboldi, Interior Design Club Speaker May 2016 meeting. Interior Design Club - The speakers for our May 25 meeting will be Kathy Gariboldi and Peggy Kernoble. Kathy and Peggy will be discussing Window Treatments; appropriates fabrics; trims; and style selections. They will also give you a brief peek into fabrication and how functionality is achieved without dismissing style, focal point and visual impact. The Interior Design Club will take a short hiatus over the summer and will reconvene in the fall with our meeting on September 28. For more information please contact Brenda Eskridge, (919) 4938166 or Writing Club - The Writing Club has some openings and would welcome new members. You do not have to have written before. Come to one of our sessions and see how we do things and think about joining us. You could write a memoir for your family, or a family history, or do creative writing. We meet the second and fourth Wednesday of each month from 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM. Call or email Karen Lazarus for more information, (919) 240-7171 or

Book Club - The May 18 meeting will be the last meeting until Fall. As per usual we will begin with lunch at 12:00, followed by a short discussion at 12:30 PM, to decide on books for next year’s schedule. We will reconvene in the Fall with our first meeting on Wednesday, September 21 at 12:00 PM. Any interested club member is invited to participate. Although we hope everyone reads the books, that isn’t required. For further information, contact Suzan Cheek, Mens’ Group - At our May 25 meeting our speaker will be Chris Meldrum. Chris is a local entrepreneur focusing mostly in the biotech and oral health fields. He will be speaking on Private Equity Investing and presenting several options for investigating and investing in local companies. As always, a continental breakfast will be served. After the meeting, the group will continue onto the golf course to play a few holes. If interested, please contact Dr Larry Moray, (919) 259-2280 or

Garden Club Chair Karen Lazarus watering flowers April 2016.

Activities/Membership Activities DPAC



ur Roster Opening Program has been a great success, thanks to all our current members who extended an invitation of membership to their friends! We still have roster openings it’s not too late to invite your friend, colleague, neighbor or family to become a member. We have many wonderful, new individuals and families that have joined our CHCC family, so please extend a warm welcome to them!

Welcome New Members

Our last DPAC show this season is If/Then on Friday, May 27. Tickets are $100, which includes a ticket in section 4, chartered transportation, private lounge privileges for CHCC ticket holders only where a full bar and snacks await you when you arrive and at intermission. Contact Alisa Rawls to purchase tickets,

Kids’ Club Schedule

Every Wednesday Night, 6:00 - 8:30 PM: Free of charge! Children should dine in the Clubhouse before going to play in the Terrace Room. A room supervisor wil be there. Every Friday Night, 5:30 - 9:00 PM. $12.50 per child

Summer Camp

Summer is just around the corner and the Club has plenty of fun and exciting camps planned for our Club’s littlest members. We have half day and full day sessions available for ages 5 through 12. A full day in the life of a camper will start at 8:30 AM on the playground, followed by tennis and golf, lunch, swimming and a surprise activity each day. There are eight sessions available - sign up soon, before they’re all filled up. Contact Alisa, arawls@chapelhill-cc-com.

Campers enjoying tennis, Summer 2015.

Jody & Andrea Leidolf, Edgar & Deborah Roach, David Lambeth & Warner Underwood, Jonathan & Reagan Pruitt, Dr. James & Lynn Furgurson, Ryan & Shannon Colvin, Sean & Grace May, Chris & Laura McDougald, Ryan & Stephanie Walsh, Drs. Charles & Lauren Burke, Andrew & Jennifer Perry, Samuel & Julie Myers, Rocky & Jennifer Smith, Adam & Susan Jones, Jeffrey & Jennifer Galloway, Ben Gildin & Vicki Segar, Jed & Jana Simmons, John & Harriet Pegram, Art & Diane Belden, Dr. Tim & Teresa Sadiq, Joli Stockwell, Julianne Hoell, Brian & Catherine Hunter, Bill & Meghan Stark, Barbara Mason, Jay & Carmen (Nikki) Lowe, John & Betty Leydon, Miles Parker, Bobby Gonzalez, Ron Gibson & Felicia Washington, Kevin & Ann Leibel, Dr. Adam & Beth Goldstein, Wood Wilson, Rob Mazzoni, Ryan Weaver & Shelby Marx, Drs. Edward & Lisa Chekan, William & Staci Spransy, John & Gillian Goodacre, Richard Teichgraeber & Mary Brown, Steven & Dr. Meredith Canterbury, Kent Cheeseborough & Aimee Sweet.

Thank you to all of our Sponsors

Lee Wollman, Terry Barker, Bill Tate, Durwood Williams, Eddie Sidenstricker, Rhomina Khandani, Bishop & Nanci Jordan, Jim Starling, Henry & Lindsay Robbins, John McGee, Jeff Galloway, David Zvara, Joseph Stockwell, Steve & Lisa Jones, Whitney & Jim Bulbrook, Sheleyne Sutton, Susan & John Branion, Susan Longiotti, Chris Rafferty, Gary Hill, Jay & Denise Kennihan, David Zvara, Kevin & Ann Leibel, Chris Rafferty, Tania Talman, Dustin & Susan Gross, Tom Perkins, Pete Seagroves, John Page. - Jamie Harper, Membership Director

Food and Beverage Chef Jimmy’s Recipes Tabbouleh Ingredients • • • • • • • • •

½ cup Dried Bulghur Wheat 2 bunches Parsley- Chopped, washed, strained 1/3 cup Fresh Mint- chopped ¼ cup Green onion thin slice ½ cup Extra virgin olive oil 1ea large Cucumbers- seeded and small dice 1.5 cups Tomatoes- dice 1/3 cup Lemons- squeezed Salt & Pepper to taste


1. Pour 2 cups of boiling water over bulghur wheat and let it sit for 15-20 minutes until tender. Strain and rinse with cold water. Squeeze excess water out. Place bulghur in a colander and press out all water. 2. Place wheat in large bowl and add remainder of ingredients 3. Mix well and season with salt and pepper to taste.

Fattoushe Ingredients 2 bunch 4ea ¼ c 1ea 4ea 1ea ½ cup 1ea 1ea ¼ cup ½ cup ½ cup 2ea

Flat leaf parsley, chopped, washed, strained Sprigs green onion, chopped Fresh mint chopped large Cucumbers- seeded and small dice Radishes, sliced thin Tomato, medium dice Kalamata Olives, cut in half Red pepper, medium dice Yellow pepper, medium dice Zahtar Spice Fresh Squeezed Lemon Juice Extra Virgin Olive Oil Pita Bread, medium dice, toasted w/ olive oil


Mix all ingredients together and season with salt and pepper

Dining Room Hours Tuesday - Saturday, 11:00 AM - 9:00 PM Sunday, 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM Monday, Closed Tuesday, May 31 - Closed

Welcome Deanna!


eanna Ferruzza joins our team as our new Service Director. She is a native of Chapel Hill . She attended Johnson & Wales University in Charlotte, NC where she completed both her associate’s degree for Culinary Arts and her Bachelor’s degree in Food Service Management. This led her to an internship at The Sea Pines Resort in Hilton Head, SC, where she started in the kitchen and worked her way up to become a service supervisor of their brand new Beach Club that opened in Summer of 2013. Over the past two years she has been working at Charlotte Country Club as their Event Supervisor. She then chose to take on another Internship a year later at yours truly, Chapel Hill Country Club, as a Food Service Intern where she worked directly with Chef Jimmy Reale on learning all aspects of the kitchen. After graduating this past Winter, she couldn’t think of a better place to work! Deanna is looking forward to getting to know our members and making their experiences here at the club noteworthy! She will be in charge of the pool Food & Beverage service this summer. Please contact her for any questions you may have!, (919) 932-2851.

David’s Bar Tales The Victorian


his fanciful twist on a Tom Collins makes an excellent brunch cocktail or up-martini. Bold, refreshing and aromatic. Enjoy for your next Bridal or baby shower, or sitting by the pool relaxing.


11/2 oz Hendrick’s Gin 3/4 oz St.Germain Elderflower liquor 2 oz Sour mix 1/4 oz Simple syrup


• Pour over ice and top with soda water, or, shake well and strain in a martini glass. • Garnish with fresh sliced cucumber. Visit David in the bar to try this refreshing cocktail.

Club Events Cotillion at CHCC


Just TRYAN It, Sunday, May 1 2016

Taco ‘bout a Party!

Saturday, May 28, 6:00 PM

Come and join fellow members for a night of Tacos. Mix and mingle, while enjoying live entertainment and great food. Reservations are required. $25 includes your food, drinks are member charge.

he Orange and Durham County Chapters of the National League of Junior Cotillions, cordially invite you to attend the 2016-2017 season. Classes will be held once a month, October through March., The Junior Cotillion program places as much emphasis on etiquette, manners and character education as it does on dancing. The highlight of the season is the Grand Spring Ball. Students have the opportunity to use the etiquette and dance skills that they learned throughout the classes. NLJC is proud to offer the area’s only comprehensive social education for 5th-8th grades. This program has been the recipient of many national awards. For more information or to receive an invitation for your child, please contact Debbie Scully, National Director of the Year, at (919) 636-2986 or Rehearsals will be held at CHCC beginning in October.

Memorial Day BBQ

Monday, May 30, 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Fathers’ Day Brunch Sunday, June 19

Seatings are every half hour 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM.

Battle of the BBQ’s

Saturday, June 25, 6:00 PM

Come and join fellow members for a battle of the BBQ’s. Mix and mingle, while enjoying live entertainment.

Reserve your spot at any or all of these exciting events. Email or call (919) 967-8201.

Game Night Thursday Nights


ame Nights are new and improved in 2016 with the addition of Family Feud on the 1st Thursday of each month. Trivia continues to be a hit, and will continue to take place on the 2nd & 4th Thursday of each month. Make a reservation for your full or partial team, and come join us.

Burgers, Brews & Bucks Tuesday Nights


B&B has been moved to a new night. Bringing the same amazing food and the pot of gold drawing. Remember, you must be present to claim your bucks. Every member is put in the pot, so don’t miss it. Reservations are highly recommended as these are member favorite nights. Please email reservations@chapelhill-cc. com or call 919-967-8201.

Club Events

Simone Bulbrook with Grandma Easter Egg Hunt

The Graves Family Easter Egg Hunt

The Barfield Family Easter Egg Hunt

Children “dashing� for eggs Easter Egg Hunt

Mothers and daughters enjoy tea together Mother-Daughter Tea

Smruti & Sophie Shah, Phoebe & Reed Loughrey Mother-Daughter Tea

Club Events

GM Mike Blazer showing off his cooking skills LGA Opening Luncheon

The Moray’s Toast Wine Dinner

Volunteers fill divots on the golf course Divot Party

Mary Beth Evers, Christy Bowman & Julie Vozella Adult Spring Team Challenge

Volunteers fill divots on the golf course Divot Party

Winning Team Adult Spring Team Challenge

Golf Upcoming Golf Events

Important Golf Dates

Men’s Tuesday Night League

2016 Golf Calendar of Events

Starts May 10th

We are now starting the sign-up process for the Men’s Tuesday Night League. Each Team needs 2-3 members so that you can have a full team each week. Two players will represent the Team each week, and the 3rd player can play either as a sub or just for skins. Call the Golf Shop to sign up.

Demo Day

Saturday, May 21

TaylorMade Golf will be here on Saturday, May 21st from 12pm to 4pm. Appointments only, you must call the Golf Shop to schedule.

The Tradition

June 16th - 18th

The Golf Course and Practice Facilities will be closed for the event. Contact the Golf Shop to sign up. Sign ups will be limited to the first 60 teams.

May through June 2016

Monday, May 2 - St.Thomas Moore Match Wednesday/Friday, May 4/6 - SMGA Member-Member Thursday, May 5 - Durham Academy Golf Tournament (course closed) Tuesday, May 10 - LGA Invite the SMGA Wednesdy, May 11 - Senior Interclub Match vs. Riverwood Saturday/Sunday, May 14/15 - MGA Member-Member Monday, May 16 - Larry Fadora VFY Golf Tournament Thursday/Friday, May 19/20 - SMGA Member-Guest Saturday, May 21 - Taylor Made Demoday Friday, May 27-Sunday, May 29 - Big Cat Cup Monday, May 30 - Memorial Day Classic Tuesday, May 31 - Club Closed Thursday/Friday, June 2/3 - Carolina Classic Thursday, June 9 - MGA Playday Sunday, June 12 - Interclub vs. Umstead Thursday, June 16-Saturday, June 18 - The Tradition Wednesday, June 22 - Senior Interclub vs. Stoney Creek Thursday, June 23 - Tri Nine (Shotgun Both Sides) Wednesday, June 29 - Senior Interclub vs. Forest Oaks

Adjusted Golf Course Hours May through June 2016

Sunday, May 1 - Course opens at noon. Thursday, May 5 - Tournament - course available after event completion. Thursday/Friday, May 19/20 - Tournament - course available after event completion. Thursday/Friday, June 2/3 - Tournament - course closed. Thursday, June 9 - Tournament - course available after event completion. Thursday, June 16 - Saturday, June 18 - Tournament - course closed.

Locker Room Chatter


would like to welcome all the new members and their families to CHCC. I currently have lockers available in both the men’s and women’s locker rooms, contact me for more information. This beautiful spring weather means it is time to get out on the course. Come by and have your shoes spruced up before you get out there. See you all soon. - Walt

Golf Junior Golf Junior Golf Academy


elcome to the Chapel Hill Junior Golf Academy! Our mission is to provide a 15-year golf development plan for your junior golfer to take them as far as they want in the sport. The academy is structured using the Operation 36 Junior Development Platform. The platform is used by facilities across the nation and consists of a team of coaches and parents working together to support the junior in their journey towards shooting par or better for 9 holes! Each junior that enrolls in the academy will be issued a Bag Tag and profile in our new Op 36 Academy Mobile App. The OP 36 Platform consists of 6 levels, and has a 12-badge curriculum that Academy Director; Joe Alden will deliver throughout the academy semesters. When the junior can demonstrate objectives to coaches they will earn badges on their bag tag, and will be able to track and log the progress in the mobile app. Golf Actions are tracked in a social activity feed and points are earned for achieving badges, and playing/ practicing outside of class. To graduate from the academy the juniors must progress through all 6 levels and ultimately shoot par or better for 9 holes from their full tee box! Parent Information meetings for the CHJGA will be every Wednesday in May starting at 5:00pm. For more information, please contact Joe Alden, Academy Director,

Summer Camp

June 20 - 2, June 27 - 3, July 12 - 1, August 9 - 12


he camps will focus on short game, long game, and on-course instruction that will enable juniors to improve their game and lower their scores. Prizes will be awarded based on daily games, matches, and at the end of the camp based on participation and competitions. These re half day sessions between the hours of 9:00 11:00 AM. Camp is available to children ages 6 years and older. The cost is $200 per week. Cancellations within 3 days will be billed 10% of the session fee. Guests will be allowed to participate based on openings. Members will have first priority. Guests will be accepted one week prior to the start of the camp if there are openings based on first to register. To register contact the Golf Shop at (919) 932-2857 or email Joe Alden at

Ladies Golf Association


GA time is finally here. What fun we have already been having. Saturday, March 19 the LGA season officially opened with our LGA welcome party. Everyone had tales to tell of the long winter and aspirations for the upcoming golfing season. Several new CHCC ladies joined us for the occasion including Barbara Mason and Anna Rives who joined LGA on the spot. Great to see old friends and to make new ones. Captain’s Choice Tournament and Luncheon - Thursday March 31, the day was beautiful. Our captain’s choice tournaments are no pressure and loads of laughs. We had 26 ladies in the tournament and several more that joined us for lunch. I think I can safely say that fun was had by all! After the tournament we had an absolutely lovely lunch, topped off with Bananas Fosters being created and served by our very own Club manager, Mike Blazer. The dessert was both showy and delicious. We did not realize he was such an accomplished chef. As we were devouring our dessert, the new LGA members in attendance were introduced. A very warm welcome to our 13 newest members: Carol Ann Amico, Jean Billman, Patsy Huff, Stephanie McKenna, Becci Plummer, Sally Sarsfield, Jill Beachler, Deb Bawcom, Kit Carson, Barbara Mason, Jane Montgomery, Anna Rives and Becky Woodruff. A special thanks to Suzanne Kozel who has worked so hard to ensure this year’s membership and resource directory contains all the information you may need. One of the grandest additions to the Directory this year is our very own LGA logo. We can’t wait to start displaying the logo on hats, markers, etc. The credit for the logo goes to Suzanne and Shere Stone. They have done a fantastic job. After the officers of the LGA were introduced and other business items were discussed, we finally came to announcing the winners of the tournament: Foursome: Laura Ellgen, Susan Weidener Cooke and two new members: Jill Beachler and Barbara Mason Nearest to the Line: Pat Hanenberg Closest to the Pin: Stephanie McKenna (new member) The Opening Day was a total success with pretty weather, fun golf, lots of laughs and loads of good food. What a way to start the season! Play Days - We start our first week on Tuesday April 5 and Thursday, April 7. Remember to sign up and show up early. We must be at our assigned holes at 9:00 AM for those members playing18 holes and 9:48 AM for those playing 9 holes. Clinics - We have two clinics with Sally Austin in April: Wednesday, April 6th, Chipping and Putting and Wednesday, April 13 Pitching and Sand. Both clinics are at 9AM. Come and learn, courtesy of your LGA dues.

Golf It is not too late to join, if you wish to become part of the fun contact Suzanne Kozel, Membership Chairman, at phone number 919-5422581 and she will take care of you.

LGA, Opening Day

Senior Mens’ Golf Association


he SMGA opened the season with a great breakfast followed by a captain’s choice tournament. During the breakfast meeting, the board of directors proposed a change to the by- laws which lowered the eligibility to join our group from 55 to 50 years old and the membership unanimously approved it. Even if you are not yet retired, the SMGA offers a variety of activities in addition to the normal Wednesday morning golf. You can give us a try free of charge on any Wednesday by calling the proshop. We are working with the proshop and the chef to make this a fun season so please consider joining. In addition to the following activities, we are also planning a series of golf clinics on all aspects of the game. You may have already received a copy of the clinic schedule. These clinics are limited to 6 persons so they are just the right size for effective game improvement. They are run by both Joe Alden and Rick Brannon and continue throughout the season. We are also working with Joe Alden to create a golf fitness program that will involve a personal fitness evaluation based on your own golf swing and recommendations from a golf fitness professional as to how to improve the many frailties of aging including backs, elbows, knees etc, but more importantly, a change in your swing speed of about 5- 10 mph. Now wouldn’t you like to hit your drives 10 to 15 yards farther with less pain? More to come on this initiative. The spring banquet received rave reviews for the food this year. The door prizes, consisting of private lessons with Rick and Joe were won by Stan Eskridge and Ed Kaiser. Ed has graciously donated his lesson with Rick for the creation of a golf clinic for 6 members to be determined.

The Member / Member tournament is fast approaching on May 4 and May 6 and we would love to have additional players this year. As a new member, you can easily be paired up with a partner by the proshop. The tournament rules are available in the proshop. Also on tap for May the 19th and 20th is our Member / Guest. For $300 per team, you and your guest will enjoy 2 rounds of tournament golf with cart, a coed mini golf tournament on the putting green with refreshments (significant others are invited) breakfast and an awards banquet. Signup is already available online or through the proshop Finally, the benefits for joining the SMGA require repeating: • The yearly dues will remain at $25 for the entire year. • The formats for play will encourage a variety of play groups with special days for ABCD play groups and flighted groups for golfers with similar handicaps. • The SMGA participates in the Senior Interclub in which you have the ability to play golf at neighboring private and semi-private courses. This event occurs twice a month and includes a continental breakfast, golf and a lunch with ice cream and beer. CHCC hosts two of these events per year and will also be hosting the first everinterclub championship. • Membership in the SMGA provides you the opportunity to enjoy the SMGA Supper Club. This is a special fine dining experience prepared by Jimmy on a monthly basis. Each month features a different theme and the seating is limited to 28 members on a first come first serve basis. It is a very special dining opportunity that is not available in all of Chapel Hill. • The SMGA offers many tournament opportunities and is the only group to sponsor a match play tournament called the Presidents Cup. This is a double elimination tournament for those that want a match play experience and is open to all SMGA members, • We are offering informal group tee times on Tuesdays and Fridays • We have instituted a proposed round time of 4 hours and 30 minutes with hole by hole completion times so groups will be able to monitor their progress on the course. We are playing golf to enjoy the gam e and the camaraderie. We seek to have the groups police themselves without the need for a ranger. • The gold tee handicaps have been re-evaluated based on a collection of scorecards from last season in order to provide a realistic change from the present white tee handicaps. • And finally, the SMGA offers a formal fall banquet at which you receive your awards for the year. We have a great year planned so please join us.

Tennis Tennis Pro Message


pring is here, the colder weather and over abundance of pollen is in our past, which means the courts at CHCC are full of action. With 52 Adult UTSA & Triangle Matches scheduled in March and April and the start of our Junior Team Tennis season in April bringing in another 50 matches through June, the CHCC Tennis Department has started off with a bang. Fifteen adult teams and eight junior teams make for one of the busiest tennis programs in the area. Luckily, we are staffed with some of the best to keep everything organized. Our juniors play their matches on Friday evenings, Saturday afternoons and the occasional Sunday afternoons, so if you’re interested in cheering on some of our junior players, check in with the tennis pro shop and find out when they play next. Our first tennis event of the year, the Spring Team Challenge on April 9, brought in a record breaking 36 participants. A special thank you to our tennis committee and staff for all their hard work in spreading the word. We hope to have our next event, the Parent/Child Round Robin on Memorial Day, be just as popular. So if your child is able to serve, rally & keep score, check in with the tennis pro shop and sign up for this fun event. May and June brings the end of our spring seasons here, but the start of our adult summer leagues and junior summer camps. We still have plenty of room in our 5 tennis camps and 3 course & courts camps, so please do not hesitate to stop by and talk with Jaime Montalvo about registering your child in one of 8 camps during the summer. For the adults looking to play league tennis, the USTA offers a singles, mixed doubles and tri-level doubles league from June – August. All interested members are encouraged to get out and play.

Important Tennis Dates 2016 Tennis Calendar of Events May through June 2016

May 11 - May 18 - Local League Playoffs May 19 - 23 - USTA 55+ & 65+ State Championships Monday, May 30 - Memorial Day Parent/Child Round Robin June 9 - 12 - USTA 18+ State Championships June 23 - 26 - USTA 40+ State Championships Monday, July 4 - Adult Round Robin Friday/Saturday, August 26/27 - CHCC Jr Club Championship Monday, September 5 - Labor Day Adult & Jr Round Robin Saturday, September 10 - Member/Guest Tournament

Weekly Clinics Mondays - Everything Doubles Clinic, Mic Wallace Thursdays - Lunch Time Doubles, Mic Wallace Fridays - Shots of the Week, Lindsay Benton Fridays - Women’s 3.0, Jarrod Randle Fridays - Cardio Tennis, Mic Wallace

Thursday Mens & Womens Doubles, 6:30 - 8:00 PM

Each week sign up with the Tennis Pro Shop and come out to play to some Fun doubles with your friendly CHCC members. Balls will be provided for each court with Beers (if wanted) by member/charge.

Sunday Mixed Doubles, 1:00 - 2:30 PM

MUST sign up with a partner each week with the Tennis Pro shop. Courts will be set aside for this weekly fun doubles outing with balls also provided by the tennis pro shop.

Friday Night Doubles in May, 6:00 - 7:30 PM

Open to ALL levels of play here at CHCC. Come out and play a “King of the Court” format of doubles with the winning team moving up and switching partners and the losing team moving down and switching partners. A great way to interact will all members on the court and have a great time!

Tennis Leagues 2016 Spring USTA + Triangle Leagues


e have a total of 14 Adult teams and 8 Junior USTA teams this season representing CHCC. With the first month of the season completed there are just a few more weeks left. The time for each of our teams to make their push in the local leagues is now - let’s go CHCC!

Junior State Championships, June 15-17

Mark your calendars for this weekend if your child plans to play in the Local USTA League. If their team wins the locals, we hope to field a Full team of juniors and represent CHCC in the State Championships.

End of Season Junior Team Tennis Party, June 3rd

This will be open to ALL of Junior Team Tennis players on ALL 8 teams this season. We plan to kick off the party Friday night at 6pm with tennis games, food & prizes for our players. Stay tuned for more information on this great end of the season!

Tennis Junior USTA Team Tennis at CHCC


his Spring, CHCC will have 8 teams competing locally in the Junior Team Tennis League which is the most of any club in the area and the most CHCC has ever formed. With over 50 kids playing from ages 7-15, weekends here at CHCC will be busy with Junior league play! The season began April 8 and will go until June 11. Coached by Mic Wallace, Jarrod Randle, Lindsay Benton & Jaime Montalvo, this season we will have teams in the following leagues: 8 & Under Beginner and Intermediate, 10 & Under Beginner and Intermediate, 12 & Under Beginner and Intermediate, 14 & Under Intermediate, 18 & Under Intermediate. 8s and 10s play the majority of their matches on Friday evenings with some Sunday afternoons as well, with the 12s, 14s & 18s playing their matches on Saturday’s between 11am & 2pm through the local area. The 8 & Under league play best of 3 sets (each set to 7 points), while all other leagues play 2 singles and 2 doubles in a best of 3 set match (each set to 4 games) with a 7 or 10-point tiebreaker in lieu of a 3rd set.

Adult Spring Team Challenge – Results This year was the best we have had in over 10 years here at CHCC with 36 members signed up for our first Adult Social helping to create 6 teams this year (Team Agassi, Team Borg, Team Connors, Team Djokovic, Team Evert & Team Federer). We did have a couple unexpected guests however that many of the members did not seem too thrilled about….colder temperatures and windy conditions (20+mph gusts!) Despite the weather, we had a very successful tournament and great fun was had by all. In the end after 5 rounds of tennis, only 3 points separated 5 of our 6 teams. With a total of 64 points Team Agassi came out the overall Champion! Lead by James Starling and his teammates Sheila Newton, Tom Wollman, Christy Bowman, Milton Cooke and Kathryn Chan this team came in the clutch and won the points that mattered to seal the victory. THANK YOU to everyone that signed up and made this event one of the best ever!


All participants gather for a group shot prior to the event Adult Spring Team Challenge


n 2007, a group of women at Chapel Hill Country Club , who were just starting to play tennis, decided to form a USTA team and call themselves the Racquettes. Ten seasons later, the Racquettes are still going strong and over thirty women have at one-time called themselves a Racquette. On March 2nd, over 20 current and past members of the team gathered at the club to celebrate these past ten years of tennis friendships. Not only have they won matches together and occasionally lost matches (while going to the playoffs multiple times) they have adopted families during the holidays, cooked monthly meals at Family House, blanketed Orange County, celebrated birthdays and milestones with each other as well as taking care of each other during difficult times. While some have moved on, and some have moved away, once a Racquette always a Racquette!!

Teams battle it out Adult Spring Team Challenge

Tennis Looking Ahead Tennis Summer Camp

Refreshments, snacks and lunch will be provided each day with t-shirts being handed to each camper at the end of the week. $300 Upon registration all members will be charged a nonrefundable $35 registration fee for 4-day camps, and a $50 non-refundable registration fee for 5-day camps. A $75 deposit for course and courts camps will be charged upon registration. The remaining balance will be charged upon completion of the camp week.

2016 Summer USTA Leagues


Tennis Summer Camp, 2015.


egistration for CHCC members is now open. Please sign up your child with Jaime Montalvo in the tennis pro shop or by e-mailing him at Tennis Camp Session 1 - June 13-17 (Ages 8+) 9am-12pm Tennis Camp Session 3 - July 11-15 (Ages 8+) 9am-12pm These camps will focus on stroke production, movement drills, court etiquette, scoring and rules, as well as games and strategy/tactics. Refreshments and snacks will be provided daily with camp t-shirts, a pizza party and an awards presentation at completion of camp on Friday. $215 Tennis Camp Session 2 - June 20-23 (Ages 4-8) 9am-11am Tennis Camp Session 4 - July 25-28 (Ages 4-8) 9am-11am These camps are designed to introduce young children to tennis fundamentals in a light hearted and fun way. Students will learn grips, positioning, movement and strokes; play games and have relays. Refreshments and snacks daily; t-shirt and awards will be presented at the completion of camp on Thursday. $165 Tennis Camp Session 5 - August 8-11 (Ages 10+) 9am-12pm This camp will focus on conditioning, strategy and tactics, match play and point situations. Refreshments and snacks will be provided daily with camp t-shirts, a pizza party and an awards presentation at completion of camp on Thursday. $215 Course & Courts Session 1 - June 27-30, 8:30am-2:30pm Course & Course Session 2 - July 18-21, 8:30am-2:30pm Course & Courts Session 3 - August 1-4, 8:30am-2:30pm Ages 5-12. This is a great camp offering tennis, golf, fitness, arts & crafts, swimming and other athletic activities throughout the day. The children are sure to enjoy themselves!

f you have any questions concerning the leagues and need help in finding a team, please stop by the pro shop and we will gladly help. Also, ALL captains forming a team need to check in with the tennis shop BEFORE registering their team online with the USTA. This will allow us to keep track of which teams are out there so we can help with sending extra players if needed. Summer Singles • 3 courts only per match, with a maximum of 9 players on a team • 18 & Over | 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 5.0+ 
40 & Over | 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5+ • Season: June to September; Registration: April 4 • State Championship: October 13-16, 2016 ~ Goldsboro Summer Mixed Doubles • combined ratings between you and your partner, no more than 1.0 point difference; ie, two 4.0’s or a 3.5 & 4.5 for an 8.0 team) 3 courts only per match, with a maximum of 15 players on a team. • 18 & Over | 2.5, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0
40 & Over | 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0
Season: June to August; Registration: April 4 – May 11 • State Championship: September 8-11, 2016 ~ Asheville Tri-Level Doubles (NEW for this area) • Gender specific league, with 3 courts of doubles per match. Maximum of 15 players on a team. • Monday/Thursday Mornings (3.0, 3.5, 4.0), Sunday/ Saturday (3.5, 4.0, 4.5) • Season: June to August; Registration: April 4 – May 11 • State Championship: September 24-25, 2016 ~ Raleigh

Chapel Hill Country Club 103 Lancaster Drive Chapel Hill NC 27517

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