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Support Labs

SportsJournalismClub KnowledgeBowlClub ChapelInvestmentClub NHSNationalHonorSociety NJHSNationalJuniorHonorSociety EscritaCriativa

VestibularPortuguese Science

VestibularBiology SocialStudies English CollegeEssayWriting


Kino-FilmProductionClub StuCo-StudentCouncil HowtoReadtheBible CineclubeFrancês STEAMClub

ArtLab Math Portuguese

KnowledgeBowl GleeClub MUN WondersofScience



The purpose of this club is to expand their knowledge of French and Francophonie culture through various films, which will be shown and discussed with the students. They will have the opportunity to reflect on and debate the themes and practice speaking and writing French, as well as developing and improving their listening comprehension in French.At the end of the course, they will be able to create screenplay proposals to practice what they have learned in the discussions, according to the topic of interest discussedduringtheclub.


The Chapel Investment Club’s principal mission is to teach its members to become more informed investors.

In the spring the club participated in the Wharton Global High School Investment Competition from the University of Pennsylvania in which the club designed and maintained an investment portfolio for an imaginary client and in the fall the group created educational videos to help the Chapel community learn thebasicsaboutinvestingandfinance.

In weekly meetings the club teaches analytic techniques to its members and reviews current events of interest to investors. Student members take turns presenting material they have prepared and work collaborativelytotackletasksandfinishprojects.


Glee Club aims to allow students to express their talents through the performing arts and developsingingtechniquesandvocalexpression through a selected choir repertoire. They learn about splitting voices, harmonizing, manipulatingtimbre,andsinginginpitch.

Glee Club meetings happen every Friday after school,from3:20to4:20.Weperformoursongs on HS acoustic performances in the HS Library, includingmash-upsofpopsongsandmedleys.



From script to screening, each of the member will participate in the intrinsic aspects of the film industry.

Everyone will take on at least one role in each of the productionphases.Anditisalsoagreatvenue.

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