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There is no process for enrollment, but previous knowledgeofInDesignandPhotoshopisdesirable.


● Absences in the meetings should be informed beforehand.

● AlwaysrefertoChapel’sMissionandVision.

● Meet the deadlines set for the Yearbook project.

● Members are expected to share the responsibilities as a team and help other team memberswhentheyneedit.

● Strive for diversity in the yearbook and make sure that the yearbook shows all the diversity inourschoolcommunity.

● Be professional and courteous while covering activities and taking interviews and photographs.

● Quote sources accurately, and cite facts accuratelyandobjectively.

● Edit carefully for spelling, grammar and mechanics.

● Be careful with all school property such as camerasandmemorycards.



Allhighschoolstudentsareallowedtoparticipatein theWondersofScienceClub.Therearenoprocesses forenrollment.Studentsneedonlytosignup.


● Followthemethodologyoftheexperiments carefullyandattentively.

● Alwaysraiseyourhandbeforespeaking.

● Berespectfulofyourcolleaguesandtheirideas, andneverdosomethingthatcoulddiscourage someonefromspeaking.

● Beniceandtrytospringjoyandknowledgewith everyaction.


3.5GPAorhigher-pillars-scholarship,leadership, character,andservice.

3.5GPAorhigher-pillars-scholarship,leadership, character,andservice.

Objectives Closed Club - selection process starts August. Based on:3.5GPAorhigher-pillars-scholarship,leadership, character,andservice. National Junior Honor Society National Honors Society


The STEAM (Science Technology Engineering Arts and Math) club is a student-centered club that takes place after school on our HS makerspace. It is interdisciplinary and exploratory in nature and we'll work with the intent of understanding, building, testing, re-building, sharing and having fun with a number of different projects. This is not only a club for students who want to pursue a STEM career, but alsoaplaceforthosewhoarelookingforanamusing environment to discuss anything from IoT to fashion torobotdomination.

Objectives The purpose of this club is to provide a space to meet and exchange ideas for students who are interested in writing as an artistic expression. We intend to develop writingprojects,sharegroupcreations,holddiscussions, and learn more about techniques for developing creativity and achieving your own voice as a writer. By the end of the semester, students will have developed a personalliterarywritingproject.

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