1 minute read
Clubs Model United Nations
Chapel Model United Nations aims to actively promote an awareness of global issues through the simulation of organs of the United Nations and related international organizations, to promote an awareness of the aims and work of the United Nations, to instill a responsibility towards the international issues of the day within the student body, and to provide an adequate forum for the discussionofsaidissues.
Audience 7th-12thGraders
Enrollment MUN is open to all Chapel high school students. Anyone in good academic standing can participate; however, full club membership (the right to vote and hold office) is earned only after a year of participation, including involvement in at least one conference.
● MUN is offered on two different days to accommodate busy student schedules. Members areexpectedtoattendONEofthesessionseach week to build their skills and stay up-to-date withconferencepreparations.
● Participantsareexpectedtorespecttheguidance of their student officers and teacher supervisor, and meetings will follow parliamentary procedureasmuchaspossible.
● Participants need to bring a device for research, writing,andothercollaborativeactivities.
● Conferences are held, both internally and externally; all club participants are encouraged toattend.
● More detailed rules and regulations can be found in the Chapel Model United Nations Constitution:https://tinyurl.com/ypn6yx6j