Chapel Day: For Students By Students NHS and Stuco organize a special event for NHS e Stuco organizam festa do aniversário de Chapels 70th Anniversary 70 anos do colégio By Paula Veneroso
Por Paula Veneroso
Six months - The time it took NHS and Stuco students to plan
Seis meses. Esse foi o tempo que os alunos do NHS e do Stuco
and organize the special event, Chapel Day. Six hours - The time
levaram planejando e organizando as atividades do Chapel
students spent hosting Chapel’s birthday party, celebrated on
Day. Seis horas. Esse foi o tempo que os alunos passaram
December 5th. There were three sessions each lasting two hours.
atuando na festa de aniversário da Chapel, comemorada no
Student organizers took turns hosting the event. They were there
dia 5 de dezembro. Foram três sessões de duas horas cada,
not only as hosts, but also as technical support and “behind the
durante as quais os alunos organizadores revezaram-se na
scenes” facilitators. They had all hands on deck to ensure the
apresentação, na operação técnica e nos bastidores para que
event ran smoothly, flawlessly and provided entertainment to
o show resultasse perfeito e agradasse a todos da comunidade
everyone in the academic community.
Elementary School
Elementary School
Elementary students were the first to step onto the red carpet that
Os alunos do ES foram os primeiros a pisar no tapete vermelho,
stretched from the covered area to the back of the auditorium.
que se estendia da área coberta ao fundo do auditório, decorado
It was beautifully decorated and illuminated specially for the
e iluminado especialmente para o evento. Assim que colocavam
event. As soon as the students set foot on the catwalk, they were
os pés na passarela, eram abordados por fotógrafos profissionais
e clicados como celebridades. Em seguida, concediam entrevista a Nicole Jensen Sykora e Luis Felipe Perrelli, apresentadores do Chapel News - videojornal do 6º ano coordenado pelo professor Otávio Garcia. Enquanto se acomodavam nas cadeiras reservadas a cada série, os alunos divertiram-se com os jogos “Quem é este?” e “Onde é isto?” - no primeiro, partes de imagens de professores projetadas no telão eram aos poucos reveladas enquanto a plateia tentava adivinhar quem era, e, no segundo, imagens de detalhes do campus eram projetadas testando a capacidade de observação do público, que tinha de adivinhar a approached by professional photographers and asked to pose
qual lugar pertencia cada detalhe.
like celebrities. Some students were interviewed by Nicole Jensen Sykora and Luis Felipe Perrelli, presenters of Chapel News - a vlog ran by 6th grade students and coordinated by Mr. Otávio Garcia. Once settled into the auditorium, Chapel elementary students were entertained with fun games such as “Guess Who?” and “Where is this?”. During the “Guess Who?” game images of the teachers were projected onto a huge screen in the front of the auditorium. Each image was slowly revealed as the audience attempted to guess the teacher. The other game “Where is this?” showed the students detailed images of Chapel’s magnificent campus. The audience had to guess the location. This truly tested the audience’s observation abilities. In front of a crowded audience, a game show based on a famous TV series - Family Feud started. Grade leveled classes competed against one another on facts about Chapel. The game show hosts were Thiago Bittar (12th Grade) and Lina Moradi (10th Grade). The games were neck and neck with fans cheering at every turn of the board in favor of their grade level. The winning “families” were the 2nd, 4th and 5th grades. The Trojan mascot, played by 10th grader Rafael Lopes, encouraged the audience with his enthusiastic participation. After the game, the 2017 Book Fair video premiered. Finally, students paid tribute to the elementary school director, Ms. Erin Thomas, who left Chapel to return to the United States. She received a silver plate from Chapel as a sign of appreciation for all her years of work at the school. She was also thrilled to watch videos created by the students in her honor. ECEC The second session of the day was dedicated to the ECEC students. They dressed up, walked the red carpet, had their pictures taken,
Com a plateia repleta, teve início o game show interclasses (1º X 2º, 3º X 4º e 5º X 6º), baseado no famoso Family Feud. Apresentado pelos alunos Thiago Bittar (12º ano) e Lina Moradi (10º), o jogo de curiosidades sobre a Chapel foi bastante disputado, com as torcidas vibrando a cada virada de placar a favor da sua equipe - sagrando-se vencedoras as “famílias” do 2º, 4º e 5º ano. O mascote Trojan, interpretado pelo aluno Rafael Lopes, do 10º ano, animou a plateia com uma divertida participação. Depois do game, foi exibido pela primeira vez o vídeo da Book Fair 2017 e, em seguida, os alunos prestaram homenagem à
and were interviewed before joining their teachers and assistants
então diretora do ES, Ms. Erin Thomas, que deixou o colégio
in the audience. The cheerleaders entertained the students as
para voltar aos Estados Unidos. Ela recebeu uma placa de prata
they arrived. After, the team went on stage to perform for the
da Chapel e ficou emocionada ao assistir a um vídeo que os
alunos produziram em sua homenagem.
During the “Guess Who?” game, images of the teachers were
projected onto a huge screen in the front of the auditorium.
A segunda sessão do dia foi dedicada aos alunos da Educação
The game was prepared by students from NHS and Stuco.
Infantil. Vestidos como celebridades, desfilaram no tapete
Each image was slowly revealed as the children attempted to
vermelho, foram fotografados e concederam entrevistas antes
guess the teacher. The presenters Giovanna Boueiri and Lara
de se acomodarem na plateia junto dos professores e assistentes.
Barbosa (11th graders) encouraged the students to participate
O time de cheerleaders entreteve os pequenos enquanto todos chegavam e, com o auditório repleto de crianças, subiu ao palco e apresentou várias performances que animaram a plateia. O jogo “Quem é este?”, preparado pelo NHS e pelo Stuco, foi bem divertido: as crianças gritavam os nomes dos professores cujas imagens eram reveladas aos poucos no telão. As apresentadoras Giovanna Boueiri e Lara Barbosa (ambas do 11º) brincaram com a plateia e garantiram a participação dos alunos, levando o microfone até eles para anunciarem a resposta certa. Em seguida do jogo, as crianças assistiram a dois vídeos da Chapel: “Um dia típico” e “Book Fair”. Encerrando o show do ECEC, as crianças foram convidadas a cantar parabéns para a Chapel, o que fizeram com grande entusiasmo, cantando em inglês e em português. A aluna Roberta Ramos (10º), do NHS, que trabalhou na produção dos vídeos do jogo “Quem é este?”, comentou: “Fiquei feliz porque deu tudo certo na hora do show e, principalmente, porque as crianças gostaram da brincadeira”. High School No almoço especial, churrasco, acompanhamentos diversos, saladas, frutas e sorvetes forneceram a energia necessária para o comitê organizador enfrentar a última sessão do dia, destinada aos
by walking around the auditorium with the microphone and
alunos do High School. O show, apresentado por Giovanna Boueiri
having the audience respond to questions. After the game,
e Iqra Fátima (12º) foi marcado por um divertido jogo de trívia com
the 2017 Book Fair video as well as the “Typical Day” video
as equipes de todas as turmas do HS disputando ao mesmo tempo.
premiered. To conclude the celebration children were invited to sing happy birthday to Chapel in both English and Portuguese. Tenth grader Roberta Ramos was in charge of organizing the “Guess Who” game. “I was very happy that everything went well and that the children enjoyed the game.” commented Roberta. High School The special barbecue lunch with desserts, fruits and ice cream, gave the students energy for the last session of the day. The show
was presented by 12th graders Giovanna Boueiri and Iqra Fátima.
A plateia torceu pelas equipes, que tentavam acertar as três
Teams from 7th to 12th grade answered fun trivia questions about
respostas mais votadas pela comunidade escolar de temas como:
the school together. Each group tried to score as many points as
comida predileta dos alunos, sucos mais servidos no almoço,
possible as they guessed the three most voted responses about the
viagens preferidas, clubes e esportes prediletos. No final, a equipe
specific questions. The questions ranged from favorite food, most
do 10º ano foi a campeã e levou o troféu do torneio Chapel Day.
served juice, favorite field trips and favorite after school activities/
Nos intervalos entre as rodadas, as alunas do NHS Lina Moradi
sports. At the end of the game the 10th graders were the winners
e Sofia Bavaresco (10º ano) apresentaram o Oscar dos alunos
and were announced as the champions of Chapel Day. During
da Chapel - categorias como “o mais engraçado” e “o mais
the intermissions, a version of The Oscars was presented by 10th
estudioso” integraram a “premiação”. “Ao organizar este, que foi o
graders and NHS members, Lina Mourad and Sofia Bavaresco.
maior evento que já fizemos, vimos que o trabalho é imenso, mas
The categories included funniest student and the most studious
foi bem planejado e por isso deu certo”, avaliou Sofia.
student. “It was the first whole school event we organized. It was a lot of work, but well planned, that’s why it went so well”,
Na saída de cada sessão, os alunos e professores retiraram suas
celebrated Sofia.
fotos personalizadas. O Chapel Day não só congratulou a Chapel pelos seus 70 anos, mas também parabenizou os alunos pela
At the end of the show students and teachers received their
demonstração de valores que representam o verdadeiro espírito
pictures. Chapel Day was not only held to honor the school’s
do colégio: cooperação, assertividade, responsabilidade, empatia
70th anniversary but to depict the true spirit of the school. This
e autocontrole. Tudo isso regado com grande dose de bom humor
spirit included ideals like cooperation, assertion, responsibility,
e de alegria.
empathy, and self-control. The event brought much happiness and joy to the school community.