Quick Guide for Teachers | July 2019 | English

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Our Mission Statement “In a caring and academically challenging environment, Chapel provides an American-style education to an international student body. Through Christian values, students learn to make informed decisions, to own responsibility for personal actions and community needs, and to respect life and cultural diversity.”

Our Shared Vision “Engage. Challenge. Support. Care. Prepare students for life.”

Our Motto “Faith in Education”

Statement of Philosophy to make a personal contribution to the building of a more just and peaceful world. We are committed to education that instills social responsibility, ethical behavior, and respect for all beliefs.


Chapel School is a Catholic international school. We bring together students and staff from many countries and of many religions. Our diverse student body thrives in the three-fold curriculum we offer: American, Brazilian and International Baccalaureate. Our curricular structure and pedagogical approach are especially geared to prepare learners for universities and life in the United States, in Brazil and the world beyond.

To achieve this, we have developed rigorous, multidimensional curricula and provide a variety of activities that support the intellectual, social, emotional and physical growth of our students. Additionally we invest heavily in professional development and support teachers and staff so they are able and confident in promoting learner success. We work collaboratively and foster an environment that is positive, always At Chapel School we take on the assuming good intentions. challenge to prepare young men and women so they are both willing and able to make the difficult choices. Concerned with moral leadership, we hold as our vital role, Chapel believes that beyond striving the development of knowledgeable, critical for academic excellence, parents, minds which value humanity. administrators, teachers, students and staff should come together to reach out and enable others to grow to their full potential as well. We believe in a shared humanity and see each and every person as unique and valuable. Stakeholders are called upon 3

QUICK GUIDE FOR TEACHERS The purpose of this guide is to give new teachers answers to frequently asked questions around Chapel. If you need clarification on an item contained herein, please consult your Mentor, Department Head or Principal.

Revised in August, 2019

Contents Contents

1. General Expectations............................................................................................................................................................... 6 1.1 Attendance............................................................................................................................................................................ 6 1.1.1 Teacher Work Day...................................................................................................................................................... 6 1.1.2 Special Events............................................................................................................................................................. 6 1.1.3 Requesting Absences.............................................................................................................................................. 6 1.1.4 Student Dismissal Procedures.............................................................................................................................. 6 2. Substitutes.................................................................................................................................................................................... 8 2.1 Advance Notice and Lesson Plans................................................................................................................................. 8 3. Teacher Attire............................................................................................................................................................................... 9 3.1 Specifics for Teacher Attire............................................................................................................................................... 9 3.1.1 Attire Never Permitted at School......................................................................................................................... 9 3.1.2 Business Attire............................................................................................................................................................ 9 3.1.3 Casual Attire................................................................................................................................................................ 9 4. Privacy...........................................................................................................................................................................................10 5. Communication .......................................................................................................................................................................11 5.1 E-mail.....................................................................................................................................................................................11 5.2 Mailboxes.............................................................................................................................................................................11 5.3 Bulletin Board in Staff Lounge......................................................................................................................................11 5.4 Telephone Usage...............................................................................................................................................................11 6. Resources.....................................................................................................................................................................................12 6.1 Requisition Forms..............................................................................................................................................................12 6.2 Copy Center.........................................................................................................................................................................12 6.3 Classroom Supplies...........................................................................................................................................................12 6.4 Book Orders.........................................................................................................................................................................12 6.5 Technology...........................................................................................................................................................................13 6.6 Help Desk..............................................................................................................................................................................13 7. Professional Development/Career Plan........................................................................................................................14 7.1 Professional Development Meetings.........................................................................................................................14 7.2 Tutoring.................................................................................................................................................................................14 7.3 Conferences.........................................................................................................................................................................14 7.4 Reimbursement for Faculty Tuition Expenses.........................................................................................................14 7.5 Professional Evaluation...................................................................................................................................................15 7.5.1 Personnel Records...................................................................................................................................................15 8. Miscellaneous............................................................................................................................................................................16 8.1 Anthem.................................................................................................................................................................................16 8.2 Keys.........................................................................................................................................................................................16 8.3 Emergency Procedures....................................................................................................................................................16 8.4 Visitors on Campus............................................................................................................................................................16 8.5 Chapel Forms......................................................................................................................................................................16 Appendix...........................................................................................................................................................................................17


1. Geral Expectations

1. General Expectations 1. General Expectations In order to keep the community running smoothly, Chapel has put into place some general rules and guidelines. 1.1 Attendance 1.1.1 Teacher Work Day The teacher’s workday starts at 8:00 a.m. and ends at 3:10 p.m. On Mondays, the teacher’s workday starts at 8:00 a.m. and ends at 4:30 p.m. This is monitored by a time clock (located in the staff lounge) that registers teacher’s arrival and departure times. Each staff member is required to personally record the time of arrival and departure. It is expected that classes and instruction begin promptly at 8:00 am. If you need to leave early or arrive late, you must submit an Absence Request Form to your Principal. 1.1.2 Special Events Chapel hosts a variety of events throughout the year and all teachers are encouraged to attend school functions. Back-to-School Night/Open House and Parent/Teacher Conference are obligatory. Any activity that invites parents and/or speakers to campus must be approved, booked in advance, have requisitions filled out and be appropriately documented on the Google All School Calendar. Room 18 and computer labs need to be booked through the Sign-Up Genius system (http://www. signupgenius.com/). All activities that invite parents and/or speakers and require spaces such as the Auditorium, Meeting Room, Covered Gym, among others, must be booked directly with the secretary to the superintendent at cida@chapelschool. com. The Elementary Library can be reserved directly with the school librarian however must go through the superintendent’s office for final approval. Every activity must have a chaperone/teacher present, must be listed on the Google All School Calendar as well and have requisitions submitted so that appropriate security and communication can be provided. 1.1.3 Requesting Absences Teachers may request to be absent for certain circumstances through the Absence Request Form (see Appendix). This form must be submitted in advance. Absences may not be requested to extend holidays or vacation. 1.1.4 Student Dismissal Procedures Safety is our first priority and we must all be vigilant especially when dismissing students. Please follow the below procedures for your section precisely, consistently and diligently throughout the year to avoid students being released to unauthorized persons. We are all responsible for children being safely dismissed to persons who are previously authorized by parents or guardians. In the terrible event that you notice a student has gone missing, immediately alert your building administrator, secretary and/or nearest security personnel. This will trigger a Gate Lock Down and Search Procedure.


Request parents/authorized adults to stand in line for an orderly dismissal procedure;

Stand by the classroom’s door;

• Hand the sign-out book to the authorized adult who will sign-out the child he/she is pickingup. This includes van monitors; •

1. Geral Expectations

ECEC/ELEMENTARY At student dismissal time ECEC/ES teachers are expected to:

Call the child by name while the authorized adult signs-out the child;

• Dismiss children one by one (individually) instead of calling groups of children (for example “van kids, after school kids”); •

Always call each individual child by name;

• Dismiss children that go by van only after attending all parents/authorized adults standing in line; • Confirm that the child leaving the room is the child that was signed-out by the authorized adult; • Write a note on the back of the sign-out sheet in case a child has been picked-up by an authorized person who does not usually pick him or her up, so that we can identify the signature if needed. HIGH SCHOOL High School students are dismissed by their G period teachers at 3:10 p.m. At the beginning of the school year, every student’s family completes a “A Leaving Campus Authorization” form that has different levels of authorization: • Child is authorized to be picked up by specific adults (the family provides a list of names and ID numbers) •

Child is authorized to walk home independently after school.

Child is authorized to take a taxi (as called by the reception) independently after school.

• Child is authorized to take a taxi or UBER or to use a cell phone application to order his/her own means of transportation after school. The High School Office works closely with our gate security to ensure that all students leave campus in accordance with the authorization form completed by the student’s family.


2. Substitutes

2. Substitutes 2. Substitutes In the event that a teacher must be absent, the school will provide a substitute. If the absence is for a short period of time, the school will recruit someone from the current faculty. Teachers should be ready to substitute for colleagues when requested. If the absence is for longer, the school will make every effort to find a substitute from outside of the teaching staff. To inform of a last minute absence in case of illness or emergency, the staff member must speak to the section secretary on the phone and send his or her supervisor an email. Informal messages such as WhatsApps and the like, are not acceptable. 2.1 Advance Notice and Lesson Plans The teachers are required to give adequate advance notice of their absence. In the case that this is not possible, the school should be formally notified as soon as possible via phone so they have time to find an adequate substitute. Again, informal messages are not acceptable. Each teacher is responsible for providing 2 days of contingent lesson plans at the beginning of each semester. These lesson plans will be kept on file with the ES and HS offices and should be periodically updated.


Teacher Attire



Monday is Chapel Polo Shirt Spirit Day and Dress Pants / Skirts Or Business Attire* as described below

• • • •

Jeans of any color Tennis shoes, flip-flops Any other Chapel shirt/sweatshirt Items listed in # 3.1.1 – “Never permitted”

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday Business Attire* as described below

Same as above

Friday is Casual Day Casual Attire** as described below Or Business Attire* as described below

Items listed in # 3.1.1 – “Never permitted”

Other Special Days / School Events All-Day Professional Development Days: Casual Attire ** Day Time School Events: Casual Attire** Evening or Graduations: Business Attire* Field Trips: Chapel Polo Shirt and Casual Pants

Items listed in # 3.1.1 – “Never permitted”

3.1 Specifics for Teacher Attire

3. Teacher Attire

3. Teacher Attire

Our students see us as role models including for how to dress appropriately at school and work. Therefore, we expect that staff and faculty dress professionally and conservatively at school. Below is a 3. Teacher Attire Our chart students see us specifics as role models including howexpectations. to dress appropriately at schoolstaff and should work. Therefore, as well as for better clarity on of the Physical Education use the we expect that staff and faculty dress professionally and conservatively at school. Below is a chart as well as specifics designated PE teacher uniform. for better clarity of the expectations. Physical Education staff should use the designated PE teacher uniform.


3.1.1 Attire Never Permitted at School: leggings or tight pants/skirts without long tops that fall 1- Attire never permitted at School: to one palm above the knee or longer • flip-flops or shoes without a back strap • tank tops or tops with thin /“spaghetti” straps • clothing, including jeansfall and t-shirts, that is worn out, ripped and/ ● leggings or tight pants/skirts without long tops that to one palm above the knee or longer; or faded • clothing with inappropriate messages (drugs/ alcohol, propaganda, jokes in poor taste) • ● flip-flops or shoes without a back strap; clothing that is sheer/see-through or too revealing • visible undergarments • sweatpants, bermudas ● tank tops or tops with thin /“spaghetti” straps; and/ other shorts. ● clothing, including jeans and t-shirts, that is worn out, ripped and/or faded; ● 3.1.2 clothing with inappropriate messages (drugs/pants alcohol, propaganda, jokes in fall poor Business Attire* includes: slacks/dress • dresses and skirts that totaste); one palm above the knee or lower • capri pants • dress shirts and blouses • ties and scarves • suits and blazers • sweaters, ● clothing that is sheer/see-through or too revealing; vests and cardigans. ● visible undergarments; ● sweatpants, bermudas and/or other shorts. 3.1 3 Casual Attire** for Fridays only: Chapel Polo shirt • other polo shirts or t-shirts in excellent repair and in good taste • casual dresses and skirts that fall to one palm above the knee or lower • dark 2- Business denimAttire* jeans inincludes: excellent repair • sneakers/tennis shoes in excellent repair. ● slacks/dress pants, ● dresses and skirts that fall to one palm above the knee or lower, ● capri pants,


4. Privacy

4. Privacy


4. Privacy For safety reasons, no school employee shall release names, addresses, or telephone numbers of pupils or staff to anyone other than school officials.

5. Communication 5.1 Email Faculty is provided with an email address and signature (……….@chapelschool.com). The use of this tool must be strictly professional to communicate with parents, students, teachers and other departments. A majority of school information is communicated through email, and it should be checked regularly. The expectation is that teachers will respond to emails within 24 hours.

5. Communication

5. Communication

5.2 Mailboxes Teachers’ mailboxes are located in the Teachers’ Lounge. Pay stubs are placed in teachers’ mailboxes at the end of each month. Other school information is placed in the mailboxes on a regular basis. 5.3 Bulletin Board in Staff Lounge Communications about teacher pay, cesta-básica (food basket), vaccines, vacation schedules, and health insurance are published by the Financial and Administrative Directory and posted in the teachers’ lounge 5.4 Telephone Usage The telephones in the offices are for official use only. Local calls are unrestricted but should be made only when the teacher is off duty. To make a local call, dial 0 before the phone number. Long distance calls are allowed with permission from one’s Principal. Personal calls to cell phones will be charged. To place a call to a cell phone or long distance dial 9 and talk to the operator. Students’ use of office phones (ECEC, ES, HS) is not permitted except when authorized by the secretary.


6. Resources

6. Resources 6. Resources The school believes that teachers should have all the classroom resources necessary for effective teaching. Below you will find the guidelines to request materials.

6.1 Requisition Forms The teacher should submit a requisition form (See attachment I – Requisition Form) to the appropriate secretary when an item is needed (inform description and estimate cost). Teachers will not be reimbursed for materials purchased prior to filling out the form and receiving approval. Student activities that require items purchased, deliveries and/or site visits must have requisitions approved in advance. Requisition forms should be submitted at least 7 school days prior to the event.

6.2 Copy Center Copy requests can be submitted via email to copias@chapelschool.com (to send digital files to be printed) and, by copy request form in the copy center (see Appendix). The copy request form must be filled out correctly, including formatting, time, date of delivery, and number of copies. Copies for school-related business that exceed 150 pages or color copies require written authorization signed by one’s Principal. The copies will then be delivered to the teachers’ boxes located outside the copy room. Regular copy requests should be submitted at least 3 hours in advance of when they are needed. Please note that files sent after 4:30 p.m. will be delivered the next morning. Special copy requests (bound workbooks, pamphlets etc.) should be submitted at least 48 hours before they are needed Students are not allowed to get materials or copies for the teacher under any circumstances. 6.3 Classroom Supplies The Supply Room is located directly across from the Copy Room and operates from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Small requests may be placed in person or via e-mail almoxarifado@chapelschool.com. Large requests require a signed requisition form from your principal. Students are not allowed to pick-up materials for the teacher under any circumstances. 6.4 Book Orders Teachers must submit book orders through their Department Heads (High School) or to their Principal (Elementary School and Early Childhood). A budget meeting is held annually to plan and approve the purchase of materials requested. Once approved by academic and administrative departments, the orders may be processed. Teachers will be responsible for the input of the order into the book order system. The information must be complete:


for books - title, ISBN, author;

for supplies - a complete description of the materials.

• Atlas - Used schoolwide for curriculum documentation and alignment as well as for lesson planning and collaboration;

6. Resources

6.5 Technology In order to assist teachers, Chapel has adopted some technology systems to expedite grading, attendance and course management. All of these systems can be accessed through the Chapel School portal. The following systems are in place and will be reviewed in professional development and/or by new teacher mentors. All staff are expected to sign an Appropriate Use of Technology agreement.

• Samepage - Used internally schoolwide to collaborate nd share projects and documents; • GOLD - system used by ECEC teachers for planning, communicating, and assessing students; • Plus Portals - Online course management system and parent /student communication tool; • Mimio - All classrooms come equipped with a Mimeo whiteboard system and stylus. The library also has a limited number of MimioPads and MimioView document cameras available upon request. Obs.: If you are using a school computer and you would like to add/update software, you should contact the IT department and a requisition must be submitted to your Principal. The school also provides electronic devices for the class (iPads, laptops, cameras….) which may be booked through our Sign-Up Genius system (http://www.signupgenius.com/). Along with the requested material, you will receive a form to list the students using the numbered equipment. Teachers must report damage or inappropriate access immediately.

6.6 Help Desk All technical support requests should be sent to helpdesk@chapelschool.com. For better operational control, all requests will be recorded and monitored through this channel. Users can track the status of their requests on the website http://chapelschool.freshservice.com/google/login, by clicking on “Your tickets”. Use your Chapel School e-mail to access this service.


7. Professional Development / Career Plan

7. Professional Development / Career Plan 7. Professional Development / Career Plan The school supports ongoing professional development of its faculty. To that end, professional development opportunities will be provided on a weekly basis. Additionally, the school will strive to organize courses and workshops whenever possible. The instructional staff has the opportunity to request participation in conferences, educational workshops, instructional visitations, professional meetings and study courses. Chapel has a Career Plan offered to all teachers which looks at the number of years working in the field and academic degrees. Please note that it is important to keep your files updated. If you have any diplomas or certificates, please bring a copy to the Superintendent’s office. For any further information, please contact your Principal. Teachers are responsible for submitting documentation of completion of a degree with a requisition.

7.1 Professional Development Meetings All faculty members must be present for weekly professional development meetings (Mondays from 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.) No after school activities can be scheduled for that day and time. Staff meetings will be announced in advance by each Principal. Teachers with split assignments (Elementary/High School) can opt to attend the meetings of their choice, unless specially requested by one of the Principals.

7.2. Tutoring Tutoring may only be recommended through a Child Study Team meeting (ECEC/ES) or Student Team meeting (HS). No teacher should tutor his/her own student and no teacher may tutor to prepare his/her own student for school tests. The tutor and the parents determine tutorial work payment. No tutoring is allowed during regular school hours (8:00 a.m. to 3:10 p.m.).

7.3. Conferences Attendance at conferences and similar activities must receive prior approval from one’s Principal. The Professional Development Request Form, located under Appendix in this handbook and also in Samepage, should be completed and submitted with the teacher’s request.

7.4. Reimbursement for Faculty Tuition Expenses Chapel encourages teaching staff to enroll in continuing education programs and courses. The following criteria shall be used in order to reimburse teachers who pursue university work (see Appendix):


The teacher must be full-time with a minimum of 2 years and a half employment at Chapel.

All course work must be directly connected with the teacher’s assignment.

Prior approval of the course must be obtained in order to receive the agreed upon % of reimbursement for satisfactorily completing course work.

All course work requires prior approval of the teacher’s Principal. This permission must be renewed each semester.

Only regular expenses such as hotel, transportation and food - no alcoholic beverages, incurred at conferences will be reimbursed. Entertainment and luxury meals are not reimbursed. Staff members need to submit receipts to their Principal. There is no reimbursement without presentation of receipts. Receipts must be submitted within five working days after returning from the conference.

7. Professional Development / Career Plan

7.5. Professional Evaluation Chapel School recognizes the need for timely feedback to teachers and provides support such as feedback, counselors and mentors to help them grow as professionals. Evaluation enables the teacher to become more aware of his/her strengths and areas for growth. With this knowledge, the teacher has the opportunity to capitalize on his/her strong points and improve in needed areas. Staff members are encouraged to partner in this process in an open and professional manner. Evaluation will be based on the total performance and effectiveness of the teacher. Teachers will be placed on one of the three supervision and evaluation tracks and will be observed accordingly.

7.5.1. Personnel Records Personnel records shall be available only for official use by the Board, the Superintendent, and the employee’s supervisor, or for inspection by accrediting agencies or other groups – with prior Superintendent or legal authorization.


8. Miscellaneous

8. Miscellaneous 8. Miscellaneous 8.1. Anthem The Brazilian National Anthem is played every Friday at 8:00 a.m. Teachers are expected to model respect and request all students to stand in attention for the National Anthem. The American National Anthem is played every last Friday of the month. 8.2. Keys All keys will be issued through the Principal’s secretary. Keys issued are for personal use and are not to be loaned to others. All keys are to be returned to the office at the end of the semester. 8.3. Emergency Procedures Each school (ECEC, ES or HS) has specific emergency procedures for a situation when a student is not feeling well in class. Check with the secretary or principal of your school to know which ones apply to your situation. First Aid training is offered periodically. Emergency information and Fire Drill evacuation maps are available in every classroom.

8.4. Visitors on Campus If you would like to have a visitor on campus in the hours before, during or after school, you must officially request permission by submitting an email to your section principal and secretary with a copy to the superintendent. A written request form will then be filled out and submitted for approval. Please specify your visitor’s full name, reason for the visit and the areas on campus where the visitor will tour. This request must be submitted at least 24 hours in advance in order for the appropriate vetting and communication process to be completed. 8.5. Chapel Forms Some forms must be filled out in Portuguese. The school secretary can help teachers in this process.


Absence Request Form (See Appendix)

Professional Development Form (See Appendix)

Requisition Form - (See Appendix)

Copy Requisition Form - Should be signed by Principal for requests over 150 pages. Each side counts as a page. (See Appendix)

Visitors on Campus Request Form (See Appendix)


Absence Request Form



Professional Development Request Form



Requisition Form / Copy Requisition Form




Visitor on Campus Request Form

Visitante (Visitor) Solicitado por (Requested by) Motivo (Reason) Data (Date) Horário (Time) Autorizado por (Authorized by)

Nome (Name) DF – Padres Oblatos Lucy Nunes Daniela Gattai Paula Moro Juliana Menezes Conchita Kennedy Administrativo (Marcia Berkowitz)


Assinatura (Signature)

Notes Notes 21




Notes Notes 23




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