2nd Version - February 3, 2022 CHAPEL SCHOOL RE-ENTRY PLAN Learning, Health and Safety Protocols PROTOCOLO DE RETORNO ÀS AULAS CHAPEL SCHOOL Protocolos de Aprendizagem, Saúde e Segurança
Learning, Health, and Safety Protocols at Chapel School
Protocolos de Aprendizagem, Saúde e Segurança na Chapel School 2ª Versão - 03 de fevereiro de 2022.
Learning, Health, and Safety Protocols at Chapel School
• Access to Chapel’s Campus • Arrival and Dismissal Procedures • Designated Entrances for Students • • • • • •
in Each Section Students’ Access to Classrooms Placement of Students Health Prevention Routines Breaks, Recesses, and Lunchtimes After School Activities Field Trips
Learning Health and Safety Protocols
• Face Masks • Drinking Water • Sanitizing Hands 3. SANITATION OF THE ENVIRONMENT
• Bathroom Sanitation • General Sanitation • Garbage Removal • Ventilation 4. COMMUNICATION 5. MONITORING
• Care in our Infirmary • Temperature Checks • Risk Monitoring and Management RE-ENTRY SUPPORT REFERENCES
Learning Health and Safety Protocols
Guiding Statements Mission Statement “In a caring and academically challenging environment, Chapel provides an American-style education to an international student body. Through Christian values, students learn to make informed decisions, to own responsibility for personal actions and community needs, and to respect life and cultural diversity.”
Shared Vision Statement “Engage. Challenge. Support. Care. Prepare students for life.”
Motto “Faith in Education”
Learning Health and Safety Protocols
Child Protection and Wellbeing at Chapel School Policy Statement Chapel School believes that, because children can be vulnerable to different forms of abuse, great care must be taken in ensuring that all our students are protected and advocated for. To guide us in this most important mission we refer to international recommendations from the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, the International Centre for Missing and Exploited Children as well as Brazilian laws stated in the Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente. At Chapel School, all adults are responsible for not only protecting all children enrolled, but also working towards their ultimate wellbeing. To do this, we will take all measures necessary.
Learning Health and Safety Protocols
Child Protection and Wellbeing at Chapel School Continued
Foundational Beliefs For all intents and purposes, the term child refers to any human being under 18 years of age. Our core child protection beliefs are based on the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) These beliefs are rooted in the natural rights of the child and include that:
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all adults are responsible for preventing abuse, children cannot consent to abuse, and children have a right to agency and to voice their opinion.
Learning Health and Safety Protocols
Child Protection and Wellbeing at Chapel School Continued
The Guiding Principles of Child Protection and Wellbeing at Chapel School The duty to protect and advocate for children takes precedence over all other duties. We will spare no efforts in order to keep children safe both at school and elsewhere. This includes working with all children that may be at risk or have been affected. This will ensure the continuity of education delivery and providing support services while always taking actions that are truly in the best interest of the child. We will take into account the child’s wishes whenever possible in regards to making decisions. We also recognize that the ultimate decision lies with parents and/ or guardians and we will work with them closely, unless to do so might jeopardize the welfare of a child. When needed we will work across agencies and go beyond institutional boundaries to protect and advocate for the wellbeing of children.
Learning Health and Safety Protocols
Glossary Terms The following terms will be used often throughout this document and the definitions below refer to how they are applied in education within Chapel School.
Emergency Learning Mode or Health and Safety Learning Mode An altered instructional delivery method, which becomes necessary due to circumstances that would put our community’s health and/or safety at risk.
Regular Classes Classes on site or on campus during non emergency learning mode.
Classes on Campus Classes are held on campus in or out of emergency learning mode.
Remote Learning Instruction that is delivered online or off site using various platforms and delivery methods.
Hybrid Learning or Instruction A combination of on campus and remote learning delivery .
Learning Health and Safety Protocols
Glossary Terms Continued
Synchronous Online Instruction Synchronous learning refers to all types of learning in which learners and teachers interact simultaneously for learning to occur.
Asynchronous Online Instruction Asynchronous learning refers to all types of learning which can occur at different times. In asynchronous learning, teachers set up a learning path, which students engage with at their own pace.
Learning Health and Safety Protocols
Introduction Learning Health and Safety Protocols
Chapel School’s Re-Entry is in accordance with the State and city of São Paulo’s regulations for a safe reopening of schools within the Covid-19 Pandemic. The “Learning, Health, and Safety Protocols at Chapel Schools” are aligned with public health indicators and will comply with the governmental regulations for safe return to campus. Next, we present the general protocols as determined by the State of São Paulo for the return of students and implementation by Chapel School.
Learning Health and Safety Protocols
State of São Paulo General Protocols Upon Campus Re-Entry
Learning Health and Safety Protocols
State of São Paulo General Protocols Upon Campus Re-Entry 1 - Observe Adequate Social/Physical Distancing Reduce physical proximity and contact between people. 2 - Increased Personal Hygiene Further, promote the culture of, and attention to, personal hygiene procedures and habits. 3 - Increased Sanitation and Ventilation of Environments Redouble cleaning efforts and ensure abundant ventilation of environments. 4 - Increased Communication Ensure that staff, students and families know the procedures adopted and are aware of the risks involved. 5 - Monitoring Ensure that actions are in effect throughout the pandemic and that systems are in place to identify and track possible cases.
Learning Health and Safety Protocols
1. Social/Physical Distancing Hybrid Learning (on campus in conjunction with remote instruction) On campus classes remain optional. Students at home will follow classes via remote learning while the others are on campus. Student Drop-off and Pick-up and Reduced Access to Campus The circulation of people on campus must be reduced and restricted. Vehicles will be allowed on campus to safely drop-off and pick-up students. All parents and their staff must remain inside their vehicles at all times, and no parking is permitted during arrival and dismissal. Suspend Face to Face School Events Fairs, talks, workshops, sports competitions, celebrations, assemblies, and others are not permitted on campus in accordance with public policies in the state of São Paulo. Chapel will inform families in advance about virtual events, to be adjusted following the legislation from time to time or per the development of the pandemic seasons. Recesses and Lunchtimes Physical distancing in all school areas is maintained. Hygiene and health protocols are followed at all times.
Learning Health and Safety Protocols
Hybrid Learning Access to Chapel’s Campus Entrance on campus is permitted only to adults and children wearing face masks and following São Paulo State’s Health Protocols.
Students Students will be dropped off in a designated area for their section before school begins. Students must walk to the main entrance of their division. Students will sanitize their hands at their division entrance, step on a shoe sanitizing floor mat to enter, and temperatures will be checked in the halway. After following this procedure, students must head directly to their classrooms.
Parents Pre I - Parents must walk their children to the designated main entrance for their division. Parents and their children will sanitize their hands and step on a sanitizing floor mat to enter. After following this procedure, parents must drop-off their child at the classroom’s door, return to their vehicle, and leave campus. Pre II, Kindergarten, Elementary School, and High SchoolParents are allowed on campus during drop-off and pickup times only. Parking isn’t permitted on campus and parents, their employees, and other adults must remain inside their vehicles at all times.
Learning Health and Safety Protocols
Hybrid Learning Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
To ensure the learning, health, and safety protocols at Chapel School, the circulation of people on campus must be reduced and restricted. Vehicles will be allowed on campus to safely drop-off and pick-up students. All parents, their staff and other adults must remain inside their vehicles at all times. No parking is permitted by parents and/or their staff during arrival and dismissal. Exception made for Pre I. Siblings in different divisions may be dropped off together in the designated area for the youngest child. The oldest sibling will then walk to the main entrance of their section. All students must be wearing face masks. We kindly ask parents and their staff for their patience and cooperation as we adjust and adapt to this new routine. We are committed to conducting student pick-up and drop-off as quickly as possible, however we must proceed safely and responsibly.
Learning Health and Safety Protocols
Hybrid Learning Arrival and Dismissal Procedures Continued
School Gate Hours Morning The entrance gate opens at 7:35 a.m. for student arrival. Before this time, only staff’s vehicles are allowed on campus. The gates close at 8:15 a.m., when all vehicles must leave campus.
Afternoon To ensure that health and safety protocols continue to be followed, our dismissal procedures have also been reviewed to accommodate 100% of the student population. Due to the number of students returning to campus, a staggered dismissal schedule is necessary for safe pickup and boarding students. The community must adhere to this new model to guarantee that we can continue welcoming and attending to the entire student body. We kindly ask all families and students for their cooperation and understanding during this transition moment as we perfect our routines.
Learning Health and Safety Protocols
Hybrid Learning Arrival and Dismissal Procedures Continued
Regular School Days Dismissal Pick-up 1 Gate
2:45 p.m.
3:00 p.m.
Car Sticker
ECEC Families or
Holders of
Families with children in
ES Families
dark blue
one school division, either ECEC
car stickers
or ES.
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Dismissal Pick-up 2 3:05 p.m.
3:15 p.m.
HS Families
Holders of
Families with
car stickers
with children in multiple school divisions, ex: • Children in ECEC and
children in more than one
school division
(ECEC, ES, and HS)
All HS families and families
children in ES. • Children in ES and children in HS. • Children in ECEC and chilndren in HS. If a student has a sibling they must always board at their younger sibling’s pick-up location station.
Learning Health and Safety Protocols
Hybrid Learning Arrival and Dismissal Procedures Continued
Half-Day - Professional Development (last Monday of each month) On this day, students will have lunch at home.
Dismissal Pick-up 1 Gate
11:30 a.m.
11:45 a.m.
Car Sticker
ECEC Families or
Holders of
Families with children in
ES Families
dark blue
one school division, either ECEC
car stickers
or ES.
3456 21/22
Dismissal Pick-up 2 11:50 a.m.
HS Families
Holders of
Families with
car stickers
with children in multiple school divisions, ex: • Children in ECEC and
children in more than one
school division
(ECEC, ES, and HS)
All HS families and families
children in ES. • Children in ES and children in HS. • Children in ECEC and children in HS. If a student has a sibling they must always board at their younger sibling’s pick-up location station.
Please remember that parents and their employees must remain in their vehicles during the duration of this protocol. Learning Health and Safety Protocols
Hybrid Learning ECEC Arrival and Dismissal Procedures Arrival / Drop-off All ECEC students will use the main entrance of the ECEC reception for arrivals. Pre II and Kindergarten families must only use Lane 4 and stay in a single file line to drop off their child. There should be no gaps from one vehicle to the next to expedite students’ drop-off. Drop-off begins at the first parking space after the second crosswalk. Assistants will receive Pre II and Kindergarten students in their cars; students will have their temperatures checked in the hallway, and will be then taken to their classrooms, where the teacher will be waiting for them. Parents must remain in their vehicles. Due to their particular needs, Pre I students must be accompanied by their parents to the classroom door. For this reason, parents are allowed to park their cars on the ECEC lane (please pay attention to the signs). If a Pre I student has an older sibling, they must be dropped off at the main entrance before parents take their Pre I child to the classrooms. Only the Pre I students may be accompanied by their parents. All students from Pre I to Kindergarten must be wearing face masks before leaving their vehicles.
Dismissal / Pick-up All students from Pre I to Kindergarten will be picked up at the main entrance of the ECEC building, the exact location that they were dropped off at. Vehicles must stay in a single file line in the ECEC Lane. Adults must remain in their cars at all times. Pick-up begins at the first parking space after the second crosswalk. Chapel’s staff will announce students and have them ready to board the vehicle. Class assistants will identify the parent/ family staff in the car and will bring the student to the vehicle and fasten their seatbelts.
Learning Health and Safety Protocols
Hybrid Learning Elementary School Arrival and Dismissal Procedures Arrival / Drop-off Vehicles must only use the ES Lane 2 and stay in a single file line. There should be no gaps from one vehicle to the next to expedite students’ drop-off. Drop-off begins at the first parking space before the second crosswalk, which is close to the main covered area. All students must be wearing face masks before leaving their vehicles. Students will be dropped off at the covered area and should be ready with their backpacks in hand to step out of the vehicle as soon as they reach the designated spot. Adults may not leave their vehicles to remove backpacks or open doors. Class assistants will be there to guide and welcome students into school. Students will have their temperatures checked in the hallway, and will then proceed directly to the hallway entrance in the covered area next to the auditorium to get to their classrooms.
Learning Health and Safety Protocols
Hybrid Learning Elementary School Arrival and Dismissal Procedures Continued
ES Dismissal /Pick-up Students will be picked up at the same location that they were dropped-off at. Vehicles must stay in a single file line in ES Lane 2 and 3. Adults must remain in their vehicles at all times. Pick-up begins at the first parking space before the second crosswalk, which is close to the main covered area. Students will be waiting for pick-up in the cafeteria. Chapel’s staff will announce students and have them ready to board the vehicle. Class assistants will identify the parent/ family staff in the vehicle and will bring the student to the vehicle. Students should quickly and safely board the vehicle, which must then drive off campus promptly.
24 Learning Health and Safety Protocols
Hybrid Learning High School Arrival and Dismissal Procedures Arrival / Drop-off Students will be dropped off at the High School drop-off area (Lane 1 - HS Lane). After following the health protocols mentioned in the section “Access to Chapel’s Campus,” students will head directly to their classrooms.
Dismissal / Pick-up Students will be picked up at the same location that they were dropped off at. Vehicles must line up in Lane 1 (HS Lane) to pick up HS students who will be waiting for in the area in front of the Elementary School Art Hut. Students will identify their family vehicle and quickly and safely board the vehicle, leaving campus promptly. Adults must remain in their vehicles at all times. If a student has a younger sibling, they will board at their sibling’s boarding station.
Learning Health and Safety Protocols
Hybrid Learning Designated Entrances for Students in Each Section Physical distancing will be maintained in all areas of the school throughout the day. There will be designated entrances for students in each section. Hallways and staircases will have directional signs to establish one-way routes, which must be followed.
ECEC Designated Entrance and Exit The ECEC Building Main Reception entrance will be the only entrance and exit for students in this section. All students must use this entrance and exit.
Learning Health and Safety Protocols
Hybrid Learning Designated Entrances for Students in Each Section Continued
Elementary School Designated Entrance The Covered Area door to the ES hallways will be the only entrance available for ES students. All ES students must use this entrance throughout the entire day.
ES and HS Designated Exit The exit door close to the infirmary will be the only exit available for students. All students must use this exit throughout the day.
HS Designated Entrance The High School Designated Entrance is the High School Drop-off area door into the hallway. This entrance will be the only one available for HS students throughout the whole day.
Learning Health and Safety Protocols
Hybrid Learning Students Access to Classrooms
ECEC Pre I - Parents must walk their children to the main entrance of the ECEC, where they will sanitize their hands and step on a shoe sanitizing station before entering the hallway. After this procedure, parents must take their child to their classroom and stop at the classroom door. Teachers will welcome students at the door. Personal belongings (e.g., backpacks, clothing, etc.) should be kept to a minimum. If brought, belongings must be labeled and will be stored in the child’s cubby throughout the day.
Student Access to Classrooms in ECEC Pre II and Kindergarten - After following the health protocols mentioned in section “Access to Chapel Campus” and disembarking at the designated entrance for ECEC, students will head directly to their classrooms. They will meet their teachers at the classroom door. If necessary, an assistant will accompany the student.
Learning Health and Safety Protocols
Hybrid Learning Student Access to Elementary School Classrooms Continued
Students will be dropped off in the covered area and directed by Chapel assistants to the elementary school’s designated entrance. After following the health protocols mentioned in the section “Access to Chapel’s Campus,” students will head to their classrooms. Chapel assistants will be in the hallways supporting student’s arrival and transitions. Teachers will be in the classroom guiding students as they arrive. As students will be handling their school materials and belongings, they will be required to sanitize their hands again before coming into the classroom and sitting at their desks. Students will have a fixed desk and will not be switching places throughout the day.
Learning Health and Safety Protocols
Hybrid Learning Student Access to High School Classrooms Students will be dropped off at the High School drop-off area. Students will then proceed to a supervised area. After following the health protocols mentioned in section “Access to Chapel’s Campus,” they will head directly to their classrooms.
Learning Health and Safety Protocols
Hybrid Learning Placement of Students
Placement of students into cohort groups is a complex process. Chapel staff considers the development of the whole child to promote balanced classes. We analyze students’ academic level, social, behavioral, and emotional needs, nationality, primary language, and other factors to create equitable classrooms during this process. Students are placed in heterogeneous groups in which they will continue to build on their social-emotional competencies and be academically challenged each day. Chapel is committed to looking at placement closely with students’ best interests in mind and aims to provide the best learning environment for their development. At Chapel, parent requests for specific teachers and/or friends are not accepted.
Learning Health and Safety Protocols
Health Prevention Routines During hybrid learning on campus:
• • • •
All students are required to wash and sanitize their hands frequently. Each veranda has a sink, and each classroom has hand sanitizer dispensers. Gel alcohol dispensers with remote sensors are also installed in all corridors and other areas of the school. Conventional water fountains, which risk possible mouth contact, have been deactivated, and only the automatic dispensers to fill water bottles have been used. All students are required to wear face masks, which are changed every two hours. Each classroom has a face mask bin where students and teachers to discard their used masks safely. Classroom seating has been reconfigured to ensure appropriate physical distancing. Polycarbonate partition shields are installed on desks and tables.
Learning Health and Safety Protocols
Health Prevention Routines Continued
• •
Materials will no longer be shared. Individual kits with materials such as counters, manipulatives, a whiteboard marker, flannel eraser cloths, and more will be provided to each student by the school and are used by only one student throughout the year. Students will no longer brush their teeth after lunch. Beyond the measures listed above, all health protocols recommended by the government and health officials will be strictly followed throughout the school day.
A student who does not follow the protocols described here will put the community’s safety at risk. In this case, the student’s family will be notified and called for a meeting.
Learning Health and Safety Protocols
Breaks, Recesses, and Lunchtimes Physical distancing in all school areas is maintained throughout the day. Hygiene and health protocols are monitored and followed at all times.
ECEC Recess and Break Times The morning snack is served by a teacher/class assistant who wears a mask, a face shield and gloves at all times. The snacks provided by Chapel are individually packaged. Different class groups will not meet or be together during break periods. During breaks, students will be allowed to use open areas such as the field and the playground. Surfaces will be sanitized before and after being used.
34 Learning Health and Safety Protocols
Breaks, Recesses, and Lunchtimes Continued
ES Snack and Break Times The school provides morning snacks for all ES students. Afternoon snacks for 1st grade are also .provided by the school. 2nd through 6th grade students must bring their afternoon snacks from home. Snacks brought from home cannot be shared amongst the students. The morning snack is served by a teacher/class assistant who wears a mask, a face shield and gloves at all times. The snacks provided by Chapel are individually packaged. Students remain with their class during these moments and do not mix with students in other classrooms and grade levels. Hygiene and health protocols are followed as usual.
Learning Health and Safety Protocols
Breaks, Recesses, and Lunchtimes Continued
ES Recess Time At recess time, students already follow a staggered schedule. Students can draw, read, play hopscotch, jump rope, and participate in field activities during recess, to mention a few possibilities.
ES and HS Lunchtimes Students are required to sanitize their hands and step through a shoe sanitizing station before entering the cafeteria. At lunchtime, students already follow a staggered schedule. In the cafeteria, there is only one way to the food buffet. Students no longer have direct access to the food buffet counter, as a polycarbonate shield protects it. The kitchen staff now serves students. They use a face mask, a face shield, and gloves at all times.
Learning Health and Safety Protocols
Breaks, Recesses, and Lunchtimes Continued
Seating in the cafeteria has been reduced and spaced out to ensure the recommended physical distance. The windows remain open for proper ventilation. Additionally, polycarbonate partition shields have been installed on the cafeteria tables. Labels have been added to the cafeteria floor to indicate where students must stand in line to get their lunch and to maintain the recommended physical distance. Cutlery and napkins are individually packaged. The cleaning routine is increased in all areas. All tables and chairs are cleaned with sanitizing products before and after groups leave the cafeteria.The cleaning staff is now responsible for collecting and taking lunch trays and utensils to the washing areas after students finish their meal. Students must wear face masks to the cafeteria and may only remove them when they sit down to eat their meal. At this time, an assistant goes around collecting the used face masks, which are appropriately discarded. When students finish their meal, they receive a new face mask before leaving the cafeteria. Students must not leave the cafeteria carrying food.
Learning Health and Safety Protocols
Breaks, Recesses, and Lunchtimes Continued
HS Break The snack-bar will remain closed. Snacks should be brought from home and no longer be shared amongst the students. The library will no longer be available for socializing during break and lunchtime. At these times students will only be able to visit the library to check out/return books. All common areas will have designated spaces to accommodate a reduced number of students to ensure required physical distance.
Learning Health and Safety Protocols
After School Activities ECEC, ES and HS Chapel School will offer an optional on-campus after-school program that will follow the city of São Paulo’s public policies and protocols, safeguarding our community security as a priority. The main objectives of this program are to support the students in the development of their social-emotional skills, and maintain and develop their physical conditions. For health reasons, all students must respect the following basic rules:
• • • • •
Maintain a minimum distance of 1.5m; teachers and coaches will reinforce this rule; Wear a face mask throughout the period; Stay in their groups at all times; Do not share equipment; Bring their own water bottle.
Our Extracurricular Activities Program will adopt a registration system that separates students into specific groups, according to the school division (ECEC, Elementary, High School) in their respective groups.
Learning Health and Safety Protocols
After School Activities Continued
We will follow the below schedule from Monday to Friday:
• •
From 3:30 p.m. to 4:20 p.m. - ECEC & ES From 4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. - HS
At the end of regular classes at 3:10 p.m., ECEC and Elementary School students enrolled in the program, will be escorted by coaches and teachers to the location of their after-school activity. At the end of the period, at 4:20 p.m., parents or guardians must pick up students in front of the cafeteria. High School students enrolled in the program, who are in school, will be directed to the activity locations at the end of the HS Clubs period. Students coming from home can disembark in front of the gym, beginning at 4:20 p.m. Parents or guardians must pick up students beginning at 6 p.m.
Field Trips ECEC, ES and HS Field trips are suspended during the 2021-2022 school year.
40 Learning Health and Safety Protocols
2. Personal Hygiene
Individual Equipment for Protection Will be available to staff according to their professional activity. Face Masks Face masks are mandatory inside the school, inside vans and cars, and when en route to and from school.
Drinking Water Water bottles are mandatory and will be filled during the day using automatic water fountains with no touch and specific for bottles.
Learning Health and Safety Protocols
Face Masks
The use of face masks for students older than two years old is mandatory, and this rule will be monitored and enforced in all environments, according to law number 14.019/20 determined on July 2, 2020. The exchange of face masks will be carried out under supervision every two hours or when a face mask becomes soiled or humid.
Drinking Water Conventional water fountains, which risk possible mouth contact, have been deactivated, and only automatic no touch dispensers to fill water bottles will be used.
Sanitizing Hands All main circulation areas and classrooms are equipped with automatic no-touch hand sanitizers, which dispense 70% alcohol gel. In addition, students are instructed to frequently wash their hands with soap and water. Posters on how to wash hands appropriately are displayed in bathrooms and above all sinks. 42 Learning Health and Safety Protocols
3. Sanitation of the Environment Bathroom Sanitation Bathrooms are sanitized before and after school. as well as every three hours. General Sanitation All buildings, classrooms, and surfaces (railings, counters, shelves, tables, doorknobs, etc.) are thoroughly cleaned before school and often throughout the day. Garbage Removal Garbage cans throughout the school are emptied at least three times a day, and trash is disposed of safely and appropriately. Ventilation All windows and doors remain open for proper ventilation and to avoid contact with doorknobs and latches.
Learning Health and Safety Protocols 43
Bathroom Sanitation Continued
At Chapel, bathrooms are cleaned by the maintenance staff, and garbage is discarded every hour throughout the day. At the end of the day, the bathrooms are washed and disinfected using the appropriate products and a steam machine.
General Sanitation Classrooms will be disinfected twice a day, using appropriate products as well as a steam machine. This will be done during lunch breaks and after school. All classrooms have sanitizing kits. These kits contain a spray bottle with a disinfecting product, cloths, and gloves. Teachers and/or assistants use these throughout the day to wipe surfaces. The main circulation areas and classrooms are equipped with hand sanitizer (alcohol gel 70%). In addition, students are instructed to frequently wash and sanitize their hands.
44 Learning Health and Safety Protocols
General Sanitation Continued
The cafeteria tables, chairs, and surfaces are cleaned before, after, and throughout each lunch period and disinfected using the appropriate products and a steam machine. This is done after school as well. Specialized shoe sanitizing floor mats are placed in all main entrances and at the cafeteria door. These mats are washed daily after school. Handrails, doorknobs, and surfaces are cleaned and disinfected frequently, using the appropriate products.
Learning Health and Safety Protocols 45
Garbage Removal
Garbage is removed from classrooms twice a day during cleaning routines. There is a specific garbage bin to discard face masks in each classroom. Bathrooms are cleaned every hour, and garbage is removed during cleaning routines. Additionally, Chapel has had the practice of having garbage collected daily by a private company for several years. Therefore, we will continue to have garbage removed from campus every day.
Ventilation Air conditioning is turned off in all spaces during the morning. Windows and doors remain open to allow for abundant ventilation and avoid touching doorknobs. In the afternoon, on hot days, air conditioning is turned on in classrooms.
46 Learning Health and Safety Protocols
4. Communication
Calendar and Protocols Will be shared with families before campus re-opening. Communication with Community Parents and the school should communicate via email or landline telephone. Virtual meetings can also be scheduled. The school’s “Learning, Health, and Safety Protocols” (this document) is established and shared with the community. Divisional Remote Learning Handbooks were developed and made available to the community. Visual Communication Guidelines with specific procedures and protocols about the prevention of COVID-19 were posted throughout campus.
Learning Health and Safety Protocols 47
5. Monitoring
Temperature Checks at Home Students’ temperature must be checked daily before leaving home. Children with a temperature equal to or greater than 37.5º C must stay at home and inform the school. Students who have traveled and/or who have had possible exposure to Covid-19 are asked to inform the school. Temperature Checks on Campus Temperature checks on campus take place during arrival and dismissal times. People at Risk It is recommended that students and staff that belong to risk groups inform the school. All considerations and adjustments are made as needed to protect the health and safety of our community. Reserved Area Any individual on campus with a temperature equal to or greater than 37.5º C and/or who shows any symptoms associated to Covid-19, will be discreetly taken to a reserved area. Parents will then be contacted to pick them up immediately. Symptomatic individuals are not allowed on campus.
48 Learning Health and Safety Protocols
Care in Our Infirmary Protocol for the Prevention of Covid-19
Measures of prevention to combat the spread of Covid-19 require awareness, precaution, care, participation, adherence, and understanding from everyone in our community. The Covid-19 virus is transmitted through direct contact with respiratory droplets of an infected person (through talking, coughing, and/or sneezing), by touching the face (eyes, nose, and mouth) with infected hands due to the contact with contaminated surfaces. For this reason, at school, hugs, handshakes, kisses, and sharing objects of personal use are not allowed. Additionally, social/physical distancing, the use of face masks, and proper hand sanitation must be strictly observed. All students and employees must wash their hands when entering and leaving school, before and after each class, before and after visiting the restroom, before and after meals, after blowing their nose, coughing or sneezing, after touching trash, after touching objects that have been manipulated by other people and whenever necessary.
Learning Health and Safety Protocols 49
Care in Our Infirmary Protocol for the Prevention of Covid-19 Continued
Students and/or people in their household who have any signs and symptoms which are associated with Covid-19 such as cough, fever, runny nose, sore throat, difficulties breathing, shortness of breath, persistent tremors and chills, muscle pain, headache, the recent loss of smell or taste, gastrointestinal disorders, and/or decreased appetite should not come to school. For the success of the measures adopted, we count on the commitment of the entire Chapel community. If the student or someone in the household tests positive for Covid-19, the school must be informed quickly and formally by email. The same care and attention will be given to all our employees.
50 Learning Health and Safety Protocols
Care in Our Infirmary
Only two students may be attended in the infirmary at a time: one at the infirmary reception and the other in the procedure room. Two students will be allowed to wait for assistance in the main corridor respecting the 1 meter distance mark. If the number of students waiting for assistance increases, a screening will be carried out, and students will be instructed to return later for assistance. In urgent cases, the student will be treated immediately in the second procedure room. If any signs and symptoms are identified, while students are at school, the infirmary will contact the parent or guardian by phone. The student will be taken care of in a reserved area by a qualified professional. The student should be picked up immediately and then be preferably taken to a health care provider and remain home in quarantine for 14 days. Please share the medical certificate stating that the student is symptom-free with the infirmary.
Learning Health and Safety Protocols
Temperature Checks
According to the Brazilian Ministry of Health, a temperature of ≥37.8° C is considered a fever; however, with the high rate of confirmed cases of Covid-19 in São Paulo and its easy transmission, students with a temperature equal to or greater than 37.5° C must stay or return home. When entering the school premises, all passengers in vehicles must be wearing face masks and must remain inside the vehicle, to reduce the circulation of people on campus. All students who come to school in their cars or outsourced school vans must have their temperature checked before leaving home and should wear a face mask during the route to school. Upon arriving at school, a trained employee will check the student’s body temperature in the temporal region with a contactless infrared thermometer, to check their general health conditions and the correct use of the face mask. If a student shows any signs or symptoms suggestive of Covid-19, they must return home.
Learning Health and Safety Protocols
Risk Monitoring and Management COVID-19: Case and Risk Management Updated February 3, 2022 Due to the constant changes in scenario, we deemed it appropriate to update and share our revised health and safety protocols related to COVID with you.
Scenario 1 If family members or responsible adults in the same household as a student test positive
a) Notify the Nurse's office. b) Provide COVID testing for the student. c) Send test results to Nurse´s office.
Scenario 2 If the student has symptoms at home
Scenario 3 If the student self-reports flu-like symptoms or if teachers or assistants observe symptoms at school
a) Send the student to the Nurse´s office for screening and reserved accomodation. b) Contact parents.
a) Pick-up the student at school and consider seeking medical assistance. b) Provide COVID testing for the student. c) Send test results to Nurse´s office.
ABOUT THE STUDENT´S TEST RESULTS (please share with the Nurse´s Office):
If the student’s test results are NEGATIVE, the student is welcome to continue to come to school.
the student’s test results are POSITIVE, the student should stay home and follow + Ifonline classes.
THE STUDENT WHO TESTED POSITIVE FOR COVID-19 MAY RETURN TO SCHOOL: on the 5th day following the test, provided he has an updated negative test result; or on the 10th day without the need for further testing.
ALL OTHER STUDENTS WILL CONTINUE IN-PERSON LEARNING AT SCHOOL Note: We will closely monitor that classroom for other symptoms or positive test results. We may consider taking further steps, if necessary, on a case by case basis. These additional safety measures will be communicated to families if and when applicable.
If you have questions, please contact the Nurse Office at: nurse@chapelschool.com
Learning Health and Safety Protocols
Re-Entry Support Learning Health and Safety Protocols
At Chapel School, the student is always at the center of the learning process. The school is committed to developing both academic and socio-emotional skills. Since 2009, this approach has been made systematic by implementing our Character Education Program, which we call the school’s fourth curricular program. It is taught alongside the other three curricular strands: the Brazilian, American, and IB programs. Chapel’s socioemotional curriculum, which begins in Pre I and continues through to the Senior year of High School, promotes personal development through building selfesteem, self-confidence, assertion, responsibility, student autonomy, and leadership. It is based on the five pillars of social-emotional development (self-awareness, selfmanagement, awareness of others, relationship skills, and decision-making skills). It aims at strengthening our students’ sense of identity and emotional wellness. Socioemotional learning is embedded in everything we do at Chapel and is central to our re-entry plan.
Learning Health and Safety Protocols
During the delicate process of re-entry to classes on campus, our programs and practices will be enhanced as we shepherd our community back. We understand that the pandemic may have impacted students in different ways, reflecting in multiple layers of their development. Chapel will continually support students upon re-entry by:
Building and strengthening connections
Special Advisory and CARES lessons have been designed to foster connections among students and
their teachers. Group discussions to promote and support students to identify and process their feelings about remote
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learning and re-entry. Class activities have been designed to build empathy and allow students to reconnect. School administration will promote parent talks with the academic team.
Learning Health and Safety Protocols
Training teachers and staff to better support students in hybrid learning
Teachers have been trained to incorporate enhanced forms of student support through
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practices in their classrooms. School staff and teachers will continue to teach and promote online safety practices. Teacher and counselor communication channels have been increased to fast-track student support.
Creating safe, supportive environments to promote the whole child development
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Teachers will continue to promote differentiated activities, creating different paths for students to learn. Whenever possible, students will be given choices to increase their ownership towards learning. Child/Student Support Teams will be assembled to design student specific support strategies.
Learning Health and Safety Protocols
Using data to increase and improve support
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Classroom teachers and Grade level leads will collect and process student data to inform interventions. Counselors will conduct additional Needs Assessments. Chapel’s multi-tiered support system has been adapted to support online, hybrid, and on campus
learning settings. Counselors and principals will liaise with parents and outside specialists to support learners as necessary.
At Chapel, we are committed to the wellness of each and every student. Our socioemotional support systems have been designed to welcome and embrace the whole student, including feelings, academic needs and family experiences.
References: https://casel.org/reopening-with-sel/ Chapel Child Protection Handbook https://casel.org/core-competencies/
Learning Health and Safety Protocols
References Learning Health and Safety Protocols
Chapel School’s “Learning, Health, and Safety Protocols” plan has been carefully developed for our community, taking into consideration the experiences and documents shared by outstanding educational institutions around the world, as well as with the support of experts in the field of science, medicine and education. Some of the institutions and countries which we consulted are listed below.
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World Health Organization Brazilian Ministry of Health New England Association of Schools and Colleges NEASC Harvard Graduate School of Education Association for the Advancement of International Education - AAIE Association of American School in South America AASSA Association of American Schools in Brazil - AASB Denmark Japan Korea China Netherlands France
Learning Health and Safety Protocols
“Faith in Education” 64 Learning Health and Safety Protocols