Tuesday Support Lab
Audience Frequency
Advisor Rooms
The Art Lab has a few different objectives being:
1- have a space for students to explore creative projects. 2- have a space to accomplish creative projects from any subject or school related event. 3- receive support in creative areas. 4- have a space for students in IB 11th and 12th to receive support towards their Creativity related to CAS - this objective will be a requirement for IB students with sporadic check ins
Tuesday, Thursday
Maximum of 22 students No sharing of materials Students must clean their area using sanitizer from the Art room entrance prior to start working
Ms. Sylvia Almeida
Art Room
https://chapelschool.zoo m.us/j/7269089549 Password: visualarts
Students are expected to be proactive and arrive on time. Also, they are encouraged to solve questions by themselves before classes and make questions about them.
Mr. Vinícius Talarico
https://chapelschool.zoo m.us/j/2938968405
Criar condições para que os alunos possam, de Para alunos do maneira autônoma, acompanhar os conteúdos 7º ao 12º Ano ministrados em sala de aula, alinhando e matriculados consolidando conhecimento. em BSS.
As regras do Suporte de BSS são as mesmas de uma aula regular. Além das regras escolares e frequência, também espera-se rigor acadêmico, dedicação e participação.
Mr. Erico Padilha
https://chapelschool.zoo m.us/j/6907194402 Passcode: BSS
To support students progress in Science and resolve any doubts.
Same as normal lessons in Science
Mr. Matthew Kane
https://chapelschool.zoo m.us/j/6337753079 Password: science
Mr. Marcio Kuroiwa
Provide students the opportunity to recap contents taught during regular classes, in order to improve their understanding of Bio I and II topics.
Help students with problems and questions in Chemistry. Vestibular - Offer students help to get better prepared to Chem. vestibular. Chemistry
7th through 10th - optional 11 and 12 few required sessions
Juniors and Seniors (11th and 12th)
9th, 10th 11th, 12th
Tuesday 10th, 11th, 12th
Respect and patience with all peers Student Handbook.
https://chapelschool.zoo m.us/j/93988290273
Wednesday Support Lab
Objectives Work on math exercises, projects, homework and solve lingering doubts.
The goal is to offer students more opportunities to resolve questions and discuss class content.
Provide students the possibility to explore or develop understanding and skills about concepts, tasks, and questions related to their classes.
Solve questions from ENEM, FUVEST and other Vestibular - prestigious national exams in order to connect Bio Brazilian contents with the ones already taught in IB. - Discutir elementos linguísticos e de compreensão de leitura abordados nas provas. - Compreender como são abordadas as obras Vestibular - literárias. Português - Compreender o gênero de questões de múltipla escolha e dissertativas na prova. - Compreender as expectativas da prova de redação.
Audience Frequency
Advisor Rooms
7 - 12th grades
Ask for help. Help others. Do not disturb other people's work. Mind health/safety protocols. Focus on what you need to do.
11th, 12th
Respect peers and be proactive.
7th, 8th
Students must come to Science Support Lab with questions related to their classes or assignments and they must follow all the health protocols and do not have disruptive behavior during the class.
Mr. Leonardo Silveira
https://chapelschool.zoo m.us/j/98962049272 Passcode: science
Juniors and Seniors (11th and 12th)
Students are expected to be proactive and participate every time they are called.
Mr. Vinicius Talarico
https://chapelschool.zoo m.us/j/2938968405
Os alunos devem ter interesse nos Vestibulares e devem participar ativamente, comentando conteúdo das questões e expondo suas dúvidas.
Ms. Magna Martins
https://chapelschool.zoo m.us/j/9949725284 (Passcode: MAGNA)
11th, 12th
https://chapelschool.zoo m.us/j/6159212204 Passcode: GGR2017
Mr. Caio Gragnani
Mr. Bruno D'Elia
https://chapelschool.zoo m.us/j/2032584527
Thursday Support Lab
Audience Frequency
Advisor Rooms
The Art Lab has a few different objectives being: 1- have a space for students to explore creative projects. 2- have a space to accomplish creative projects from any subject or school related event. 3- receive support in creative areas. 4- have a space for students in IB 11th and 12th to receive support towards their Creativity related to CAS - this objective will be a requirement for IB students with sporadic check ins
Tuesday, Thursday
Maximum of 22 students No sharing of materials Students must clean their area using sanitizer from the Art room entrance prior to start working
Ms. Sylvia Almeida
Art Room
https://chapelschool.zoo m.us/j/7269089549 Password: visualarts
Students are expected to have all materials, a task, their notebooks, and agenda. They should be working independently, quietly, when not directly engaged with the support teacher.
Ms. Cory Blasingame and Mr. Francis Koolman
https://chapelschool.zoo m.us/my/blasingame
7 - 12th grades
Students must maintain proper distancing at all times. Mr. Marcos Students must bring books, Müller notebook, writing material to be able to work on their problems.
https://chapelschool.zoo m.us/j/93818034927 Passcode: Math
- Dar suporte a atividades linguísticas feitas na classe de português ou como lição de casa. - Dar suporte a atividades de mediação de leitura da obra literária lida em classe. 7th, 8th, 9th, - Dar suporte de produção escrita para Portuguese atividades solicitadas pelo professor em classe , 10th, 11th, 12th esclarecendo dúvidas. - Dar suporte a atividades de oralidade, solicitadas pelo professor regular, que necessitem de apoio extra-classe.
Há a expectativa de que o aluno compareça apenas para resolução de dúvidas.
https://chapelschool.zoo m.us/j/9949725284 (Passcode: MAGNA)
Students struggling with skills in their language arts classes can work with an English teacher to improve.
Help students clear their doubts from the Math Class.
7th through 10th - optional 11 and 12 few required sessions
Ms. Magna Martins
Friday Support Lab
Any student Support students that want to improve their Math that is willing to skills, in any level. work hard
Develop skills on reading and comprehension in Portuguese Portuguese.
Social Studies
Audience Frequency
Help students with problems and questions in Social Studies.
7th, 8th, 9th
7 - 12th grades
Advisor Rooms
Students are expected to want to improve in Math.
Ms. Marina Cajado
https://chapelschool.zoo m.us/j/8720097571 Senha de acesso: math
- Attend the support lab on Thursdays. - Be committed to participating in lab activities.
Ms Livia Galeote
https://chapelschool.zoo m.us/j/3120440386 Passcode: 657832
- Students should abide by the expectations of the student handbook. - Students should also attend the lab only with a specific question or assignment they Mr Jean Silva need help with. - Students must be able to access the assignment instructions by bringing their laptops.
https://chapelschool.zoo m.us/my/jeanmarcus