Chapter August Awst 2017

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029 2030 4400



Art / Celfyddyd

029 2030 4400


James Richards: Music for the gift Until / Tan 26.11.17 Santa Maria Ausiliatrice, Venezia Our James Richards’ exhibition ‘Music for the gift’ opened in May in Venice to great critical acclaim, being described by Frieze magazine as “…one of the most disturbing, moving and intense presentations at this year’s Venice Biennale”. The exhibition represents Cymru yn Fenis Wales in Venice as a collateral event of the 57th International Art Exhibition — the Venice Biennale. Richards’ presentation includes Migratory Motor Complex (2017), a six-channel electro-acoustic installation that explores the capacity of sound to render artificial spaces and locate sonic and melodic events within them. The work has then been tuned in situ, with Richards reacting to the acoustic contingencies of the site as he creates a cinematic and multi-sensory experience. What weakens the flesh is the flesh itself (2017) is a video made with collaborator Steve Reinke. The starting point for the work is a series of images found in the private archive of Albrecht Becker — a production designer, photographer and actor imprisoned by the Nazis for being homosexual. Amongst pictures of friends and photographs taken whilst serving in World War II is a collection of staged

self-portraits that reveal an obsessive commitment to body modification, tattooing and his own image: duplicated, repeated and reworked with collage and darkroom revision. This extraordinary collection of images serves as the backbone for the video, an extended meditation on the archive, photography and the body. Rushes minotaur (2017) is an installation of inkjet prints that draw on two distinct images: a close- up of crumbling skin from a medical book, and the tarpaulin-shielded façade of a shop. Cut together and then rescanned, these simple visual cues and combinations of found images are disrupted and reinstated through a scanning process that stretches and stacks them into different combinations. James Richards: Music for the gift is commissioned by the Arts Council of Wales; curated by Hannah Firth and managed by Chapter. More information about the exhibition in Venice is available at

James Richards, Migratory Motor Complex2, 2017. Copyright the artist; photo Jamie Woodley / Hawlfraint yr artist; llun Jamie Woodley


Art / Celfyddyd


Agorodd ein harddangosfa o waith James Richards, ‘Music for the gift’, yn Fenis ym mis Mai a derbyniodd ganmoliaeth feirniadol hael. Fe’i disgrifiwyd gan gylchgrawn Frieze fel ‘un o’r cyflwyniadau mwyaf aflonyddol, mwyaf dwys a mwyaf ingol yn Biennale Fenis eleni. Mae’r arddangosfa’n cynrychioli Cymru yn Fenis ac yn un o ddigwyddiadau cyfochrog 57fed Arddangosfa Gelfyddyd Ryngwladol Biennale Fenis. Mae cyflwyniad Richards yn cynnwys Migratory Motor Complex (2017), gosodwaith electro-acwstig chwe sianel sy’n archwilio gallu sain i rendro mannau artiffisial ac i leoli’r digwyddiadau sonig a melodaidd sy’n digwydd ynddynt. Cafodd y gwaith ei addasu in situ ac fe aeth Richards ati i ymateb i gyfyngiadau’r safle a chreu profiad sinematig ac aml-synhwyraidd. Mae What weakens the flesh is the flesh itself (2017) yn fideo a wnaed ar y cyd â Steve Reinke. Man cychwyn y gwaith yw cyfres o ddelweddau sydd i’w gweld yn archif preifat Albrecht Becker — dylunydd cynhyrchu, ffotograffydd ac actor a garcharwyd gan y Natsïaid am fod yn hoyw. Ymysg y lluniau o’i ffrindiau a’r ffotograffau a dynnodd tra roedd yn gwasanaethu yn yr Ail Ryfel Byd, mae yna gasgliad o hunanbortreadau bwriadus sy’n datgelu ymrwymiad

obsesiynol Becker i weddnewid ei gorff trwy ei datŵio a’i awydd i ystyried ei ddelwedd hun: cafodd y delweddau hyn eu dyblygu, dro ar ôl tro, a’u hailweithio ar ffurf collage a thrwy gyfrwng golygiadau yn yr ystafell dywyll. Mae’r casgliad rhyfeddol hwn o ddelweddau yn asgwrn cefn i’r fideo, sydd yn fyfyrdod estynedig ar yr archif, ar ffotograffiaeth fel cyfrwng ac ar y corff ei hun. Mae Rushes Minotaur (2017) yn osodwaith o brintiau ‘inkjet’ sy’n tynnu ar ddwy ddelwedd wahanol: delwedd agos o groen llyfr meddygol dirywiol, a ffasâd siop dan gysgod tarpolin. Wedi’u torri at ei gilydd ac yna’u sganio, caiff y cliwiau gweledol hyn eu cuddio ac yna’u hadfer drwy broses sydd yn estyn gafael y delweddau ac yn dod â nhw at ei gilydd mewn gwahanol gyfuniadau. Cafodd arddangosfa James Richards: Music for the gift ei chomisiynu gan Gyngor Celfyddydau Cymru. Cafodd ei churadu gan Hannah Firth a’i rheoli gan Chapter. Mae mwy o wybodaeth am yr arddangosfa yn Fenis ar gael yn

From top / O’r brig: ‘Rushes minotaur’, inkjet prints on dibond aluminium, 2017, ‘What weakens the flesh is the flesh itself’, digital video with sound, 2017

Art / Celfyddyd

029 2030 4400

Megan Cope. The Blaktism. Courtesy the artist and THIS IS NO FANTAZY + Diane Tanzer Gallery / Megan Cope. The Blaktism. Gyda chaniatâd yr artist a THIS IS NO FANTAZY + Oriel Diane Tanzer


Megan Cope & Helen Johnson Until / Tan 24.09.17 Megan Cope and Helen Johnson interrogate notions of identity, power and social history to explore the complex colonial relationship between Australia and Britain. Prompted by the artist’s experience obtaining her ‘Certificate of Aboriginality’, Megan Cope’s video work The Blaktism is a high-energy performance and ritual that sees a young female ‘fair-skinned Aborigine’ undertake a sacred ceremony in which she receives the rite of authenticity validated by authorities ever present in the Australian cultural landscape. The sacred ceremony itself results in a satirical cultural assimilation dance party whereby all Australians are liberated, celebrated equally and transgressively renewed through physical and gestural adjustments. The Blaktism seeks to challenge audience members by showing the absurd nature of racial classification. Using the medium of painting, Helen Johnson weaves and overlays historical and contemporary signifiers to

establish points of tension and reflection. Using large-scale paintings mounted to a structure that zigzags through the gallery, she creates an economy of images within and between paintings; some are given precedence, others made barely legible. The paintings are the size of theatre backdrops, in excess of the body, becoming sets before which to act. This body of work re-situates 19th century images of the White man as an imperialist brute, a sycophant and a greedy solipsist. The works repurpose and re-examine images of rituals used by colonists in an attempt to legitimise their occupation of Australia. This exhibition is presented in collaboration with the ICA, as part of ICA Touring, funded by Arts Council England. The project has been assisted by the Australian Government through the Australia Council for the Arts, its arts funding and advisory body.

Art / Celfyddyd


Mae Helen Johnson a Megan Cope yn archwilio syniadau am hunaniaeth, pŵer a hanes cymdeithasol er mwyn ystyried y berthynas drefedigaethol gymhleth rhwng Awstralia a Phrydain. Wedi’i ysgogi gan y ffaith iddi dderbyn ei ‘Certificate of Aboriginality’, mae gwaith fideo Megan Cope, ‘The Blaktism’, yn berfformiad egnïol a defodol sy’n dangos merch ifanc ‘Aborijini groen-olau’ yn cynnal seremoni sanctaidd ac yn cymryd rhan mewn defod o ddilysrwydd dan oruchwyliaeth yr awdurdodau yn nhirwedd ddiwylliannol Awstralia. Mae’r seremoni sanctaidd ei hun yn arwain at barti dawns (dychanol) o gymathiad diwylliannol sydd yn rhyddhau, yn dathlu ac yn gosod pob Awstraliad ar yr un lefel. Cânt eu hadnewyddu drwy addasiadau ffisegol ac ystumiol. Mae ‘The Blaktism’ yn herio aelodau’r gynulleidfa trwy ddangos natur hurt dosbarthu yn ôl hil. Trwy gyfrwng paentio, mae Helen Johnson yn plethu ac yn cyflwyno arwyddion hanesyddol a chyfoes er mwyn creu cyflwr o densiwn myfyrgar. Â phaentiadau

mawrion wedi’u gosod ar strwythurau sy’n igamogami drwy’r oriel, mae hi’n creu hierarchaeth rhwng paentiadau; mae rhai yn cael blaenoriaeth ac eraill o’r braidd yn weladwy. Mae’r paentiadau tua maint cefnlenni theatr; yn fwy o faint na’r corff, maent yn troi’n setiau i bobl actio o’u blaen. Mae’r corff hwn o waith yn adleoli delweddau’r 19eg ganrif o’r dyn gwyn ac yn ei gyflwyno fel bwystfil imperialaidd, crafwr a gormeswr barus. Mae’r gweithiau’n ailddefnyddio ac yn archwilio o’r newydd ddelweddau o ddefodau a ddefnyddiwyd gan y gwladychwyr i geisio cyfreithloni eu meddiant o Awstralia.

Helen Johnson, installation at ICA, London. Photo: Mark Blower / gosodwaith yn ICA, Llundain. Llun: Mark Blower

Cyflwynir yr arddangosfa hon mewn cydweithrediad â’r ICA, yn rhan o ICA Touring, a ariennir gan Gyngor Celfyddydau Lloegr. Derbyniodd gefnogaeth hefyd gan Lywodraeth Awstralia trwy gyfrwng ei chorff ariannu a chynghori celfyddydol, Cyngor Celfyddydau Awstralia.

Art / Celfyddyd

029 2030 4400

Peter Finnnemore



Peter Finnemore: Between the Lines Until / Tan 27.08.17 ’Reading between the lines’ is a phrase suggesting concealed, unspoken or avoided narratives. ‘Between the Lines’ forms part of an ongoing body of photographic work, using newsprint as a source to provide an alternative interpretation of journalistic accounts. Collectively, it is a collage of around 70 fragmented international events, peopled by politicians, celebrities, sportspeople, military personnel, bystanders, victims and demonstrators. The recurring image of an open mouth acts as a silent scream, an open void, a lost voice. Finnemore stretches taut the pictorial life of the found photograph or headline text towards formless signal or noise. ‘Between the Lines’ is part of Diffusion Cardiff’s International Festival of Photography delivered by Ffotogallery in collaboration with a wide range of partners.

Mae ‘darllen rhwng y llinellau’ yn ymadrodd sy’n awgrymu ystyron cudd neu naratifau dirgel. Mae ‘Between the Lines’ yn rhan o brosiect ffotograffig parhaus ac yn defnyddio print fel modd i gyflwyno dehongliad amgen o straeon newyddiadurol. At ei gilydd, mae’r corff hwn o waith ffotograffig yn dwyn ynghyd ryw 70 o ddigwyddiadau rhyngwladol tameidiog ac yn llawn gwleidyddion, enwogion, campwyr, personél milwrol, penawdau, tirweddau, gwylwyr, dioddefwyr a phrotestwyr. Y geg yw un o ddelweddau allweddol y cyflwyniad — ceg sydd yn sgrechian yn fud ac yn cynrychioli llais coll neu wagle agored di-rym. Mae Finnemore yn estyn bywyd darluniadol y llun neu’r pennawd ac yn ei droi’n signal neu’n sŵn di-ffurf. Mae ‘Between the Lines’ yn rhan o Ŵyl Ffotograffiaeth Ryngwladol Caerdydd, Diffusion, a gyflwynir gan Ffotogallery ar y cyd ag ystod eang o bartneriaid.

Performance / Perfformiadau

PERFORMANCE / PERFFORMIADAU Chapter Theatres are supported by the David Seligman donation in memory of Philippa Seligman Cefnogir Theatrau Chapter gan rodd David Seligman er cof am Philippa Seligman

Stifyn Parri: Shut Your Mouth 31 August (See page 8)

Stifyn Parri: Cae Dy Geg

Stifyn Parri

30 Awst (Gweler tudalen 8)

Ever wondered why Chapter’s theatre seems quiet in August? It’s because our Technical team are checking over all of our equipment, seating and generally giving the spaces a summer clean and making sure we’re ready for the busy autumn programme. However, next year we are changing the time of year when this important maintenance takes place so that we can offer our audiences plenty of summer performances and events in the Seligman theatres. Keep an eye out in 2018 for summer activities for all the family.

Ydych chi wedi ystyried pam mae theatr Chapter mor dawel yn ystod mis Awst? Am fod ein tîm technegol yn gwirio’r holl offer a’r seddi, yn glanhau’n drwyadl ac yn sicrhau bod popeth yn barod at raglen lawn yr hydref. Y flwyddyn nesaf, byddwn yn newid yr adeg pan gwblheir y gwaith cynnal a chadw pwysig hwn, fodd bynnag, er mwyn cynnig digon o berfformiadau a digwyddiadau i’n cynulleidfaoedd dros fisoedd yr haf yn theatrau Seligman. Cadwch lygad ar galendr 2018 i weld manylion gweithgareddau’r haf i’r teulu cyfan.


Performance / Perfformiadau

029 2030 4400

From L to R / O’r chwith i’r dde: Bragod, Stifyn Parri



06.08 7.30pm

Fuchsia We are delighted to welcome back to Cardiff the spellbinding Tony Durant / Fuchsia who will be visiting Chapter as part of a rare, small tour of the UK. Their 1971 psychedelic folk opus with its classical string sections, poetic lyrics and beautifully woven arrangements is considered an art rock masterpiece. As well as material from the early days, expect to hear songs from the latest album, ‘Fuchsia II: From psychedelia to a distant place’.

“Returning with dignity and verve, Durant’s created a worthy follow-up to his age-old gem. Did we have to wait quite so long?” — Jan Zarebski, The Record Collector

Bragod The extraordinary Bragod compliment the evening with their exploration of medieval Welsh ceremonial music and poetry. Mary — Anne Robert’s enchanting movement and powerful voice is expertly coupled with the evocative playing of Robert Evans, a maestro of the European Lyre and its descendent, the Crwth. £10/£8

Fuchsia 06.08 7.30pm Rydym yn falch iawn o gael croesawu’r perfformiwr cyfareddol Tony Durant / Fuchsia yn ôl i Gaerdydd — bydd yn ymweld â Chapter yn rhan o daith Brydeinig fer a phrin. Caiff opws gwerin seicedelig Fuchsia o 1971 — gyda’i linynnau clasurol, ei eiriau barddonol a’i drefniadau hardd — ei ystyried yn un o gampweithiau ‘art rock’. Yn ogystal â deunydd o’r dyddiau cynnar, gallwch ddisgwyl clywed caneuon o’r albwm diweddaraf, ‘Fuchsia II: From psychedelia to a distant place’.

Bragod Bydd y grŵp ardderchog Bragod hefyd yn perfformio ac yn archwilio cerddoriaeth a barddoniaeth seremonïol Gymraeg yr Oesoedd Canol. Mae symudiadau hudolus a llais grymus Mary-Anne Robert yn cydfynd yn gain â chwarae atgofus Robert Evans, maestro y delyn fach Ewropeaidd a disgynnydd yr offeryn hwnnw, y crwth. £10/£8

Stifyn Parri Shut Your Mouth / Stifyn Parri Cau Dy Geg 30.08 + 31.08 8.00pm

Welsh Language Performance, 30.08. English Language Performance, 31.08 / Perfformiad yn Gymraeg, 30.08. Perfformiad yn Saesneg, 31.08

This one-man show is an honest, unscripted and outrageous account of the untold story of a larger than life TV and Showbiz personality who has worked with some of the biggest names in the industry. A cheeky and charming eclectic mix of comic and poignant anecdotes of showbiz life from Stifyn Parri stories include West End backstage drama, Hollywood royalty, real royalty, coming out, behind the camera TV secrets, glorious and embarrassing moments and plenty of celebrity gossip that he should probably keep to himself! £13/£11 Age 12+

Mae’r sioe fyrfyfyr un-dyn hon yn onest ac yn feiddgar ac yn adrodd hanes gwyllt personoliaeth ‘showbiz’ a theledu a weithiodd gyda rhai o enwau mwyaf y diwydiant. Mae’r cymysgedd eclectig, digywilydd a swynol hwn o hanesion comig a theimladwy o fywyd ‘showbiz’ Stifyn Parri yn cynnwys drama’r West End, enwogion Hollywood, y teulu brenhinol, dod allan fel dyn hoyw, cyfrinachau byd teledu, eiliadau o ogoniant ac embaras a llawer iawn o glecs mae’n siŵr na ddylai fod yn eu rhannu! £13/£11 12+ oed

Performance / Perfformiadau


From L to R / O’r chwith i’r dde: Junior Actors Workshop / Gweithdy Actorion Ifanc. Carri Munn

Junior Actors Workshop: Big Drama Week / Gweithdy Actorion Ifanc: Wythnos Fawr Drama 21.08—25.08 10am—1pm or 10am—4pm Junior Actors Workshop returns to Chapter for an exciting week of performance for young people aged between 7 and 16. Join us for a week full of acting, singing and dancing at Chapter Arts Centre. You’ll be part of a great team of performers devising, rehearsing and then performing a brand new show for friends and family on the final day. It will include scenes, songs, movement, dance and much more! No previous experience is needed. Just an enthusiasm to have a lot of fun, learn new skills and hopefully meet some new friends along the way! Sign up for the mornings or stay for the whole day! • All 5 mornings (10.00am-1.00pm): £100 (£70 siblings) • All 5 days (10.00am-4.00pm): £150 (£120 siblings) • (Children can be dropped off at 9.30am if needed) Age 7-16

For more information or to book a place please contact Artistic Director Jamie Lee on: (029) 21250 566

Mae’r Gweithdy i Actorion Ifanc yn dychwelyd i Chapter am wythnos gyffrous o berfformiadau i bobl ifanc rhwng 7 ac 16 oed. Ymunwch â ni am wythnos lawn o actio, canu a dawnsio yng Nghanolfan Gelfyddydau Chapter. Byddwch yn rhan o dîm gwych o berfformwyr ac yn dyfeisio, yn ymarfer ac yna’n perfformio sioe newydd sbon i ffrindiau a theulu ar y diwrnod olaf. Bydd honno’n cynnwys golygfeydd, caneuon, symudiadau, dawnsio a llawer mwy! Does dim angen unrhyw brofiad blaenorol — dim ond awydd i gael hwyl, i ddysgu sgiliau ac i gwrdd â ffrindiau newydd! Cofrestrwch ar gyfer sesiynau’r bore yn unig neu arhoswch am y diwrnod cyfan! • 5 bore (10am-1pm): £100 (£70 yr un i frodyr a chwiorydd) • 5 diwrnod cyfan (10am-4pm): £150 (£120 yr un i frodyr a chwiorydd) • (Gallwch adael eich plant gyda ni am 9.30am os bydd angen) 7-16 oed I gael mwy o wybodaeth neu i gadw lle, cysylltwch â’r Cyfarwyddwr Artistig, Jamie Lee: (029) 21250 566

Carri Munn: Cardiff Minger Of The World 01.09 + 02.09 7.30pm

Carri Munn is Cardiff Minger Of The World. Not that it’s a competition. After being mistaken for Stephen Fry in drag, Carri Munn wondersAre the eyes of others our prison, as Virginia Woolf would have it? Or beautiful no matter what they say, as Christina Aguilera claims? Either way, when the favourite part of the body is your inner child, it’s time to take a look at the Munn in the mirror. ‘a master of quick wit and happy charm...’ (Theatre in Wales) Age 16+ £10/£8

Carri Munn yw’r Cardiff Minger Of The World – er nad cystadleuaeth ydyw. Ar ôl cael ei chamgymryd am Stephen Fry mewn ‘drag’, mae Carri Munn yn ystyried cwestiwn Virginia Woolf: ‘Ai golygon pobl eraill yw ein carchar’? Neu a ydym ni’n hardd beth bynnag ddywed unrhyw un, fel mae Christina Aguilera yn mynnu? Y naill ffordd neu’r llall, os taw eich hoff ran o’r corff yw’r ‘plentyn ar y tu fewn’, mae hi’n amser i chi gael golwg ar ‘the Munn in the mirror’. £10/£8 16+ oed

Performance / Perfformiadau

029 2030 4400




Benny 06.09—09.09 8pm Benny Hill, the celebrated comedian, writer, actor, and singer, passed away on the 20th April 1992 at the age of 68. His body lay undiscovered in his sparsely decorated flat for two days. During these two days, and largely ostracized in the country of his birth, his television programmes were watched by an estimated one billion people around the planet. Performed by Liam Tobin and using Benny Hill’s unique style to re-evaluate his life and work, ‘Benny’ a new play by Owen Thomas and directed by Gareth John Bale, revisits these lost two days at the end of the life of the lad himself.

Bu farw’r digrifwr, yr awdur, yr actor a’r canwr Benny Hill ar 20 Ebrill 1992 yn 68 oed. Roedd hi’n ddau ddiwrnod cyn i’w gorff gael ei ddarganfod yn ei fflat foel. Yn ystod y dau ddiwrnod hynny, ac a’r perfformiwr wedi’i ddiarddel fwy neu lai gan bobl ei wlad ei hun, cafodd ei raglenni teledu eu gwylio gan ryw biliwn o bobl ledled y blaned. Wedi’i pherfformio gan Liam Tobin yn arddull unigryw Benny Hill, mae’r ddrama newydd hon gan Owen Thomas, wedi’i chyfarwyddo gan Gareth John Bale, yn ailystyried y dau ddiwrnod coll hynny ar ddiwedd oes y digrifwr.

£13/£11 Age 14+

£13/£11 14+ oed

Performance / Perfformiadau


From L to R / O’r chwith i’r dde/ Peter Pan, Yerma


NT Encore: Peter Pan

NT Live: Yerma

UK/DG/2017/170mins/PG. Dir/Cyf: Sally Cookson With/Gyda: Marc Antolin, Suzanne Ahmet, Will Bower

UK/DG/2017/120mins/15. Dir/Cyf: Simon Stone With/Gyda: Billie Piper

Captured live in front of an audience this recorded production is a riot of magic, music and make-believe and a delight for children and adults alike, a co-production with Bristol Old Vic theatre.

In contemporary London a woman in her thirties is driven to the unthinkable by her desperate desire to have a child which builds with elemental force to a staggering, shocking, climax.

Wedi’i ffilmio o flaen cynulleidfa fyw, mae’r cynhyrchiad hwn (ar y cyd â theatr y Bristol Old Vic) yn llawn hud a lledrith, cerddoriaeth a dyfeisgarwch ac yn siŵr o swyno plant ac oedolion fel ei gilydd.

“Brutal yet ferociously funny” Metro

06.08 2.00pm

RSC Live: Titus Andronicus

31.08 Aug 7pm

Yn Llundain y cyfnod cyfoes, mae menyw yn ei thridegau yn cael ei gyrru y tu hwnt i reswm gan ei hawydd tanbaid i gael plentyn ac mae hynny’n arwain, â grym elfennol, at uchafbwynt syfrdanol a brawychus.

09.08 Aug 7pm

UK/DG/2017/180mins/ctba/TiCh. Dir/Cyf: Blanche McIntyre With/ Gyda: David Troughton, Nia Gwynne

The decay of Rome reaches violent depths in Shakespeare’s gory revenge tragedy. Presenting us with murder as entertainment and cannibalism filling the moral void at the heart of this corrupt society. Mae pydredd Rhufain yn cyrraedd isafbwynt treisgar yn nhrasiedi waedlyd Shakespeare. Caiff llofruddiaethau eu cyflwyno fel adloniant ac fe ddaw canibaliaeth hefyd i lanw’r gwagle moesol sydd wrth wraidd cymdeithas lygredig.

Donations Chapter is a registered charity and we rely on your support. Text ‘CHAP16’ plus the amount you wish to give to 70070, eg. CHAP16 £5. It doesn’t cost you a penny to send the text and we get 100% of the donation.


Film / Ffilm

029 2030 4400

The City of Ghosts


The Big Sick

30.07 + 01.08


Germany/Yr Almaen/1921/91mins/PG. Dir/Cyf: Fritz Lang. With/Gyda: Lil Dagover, Walter Janssen, Bernhard Goetzke

USA/UDA/2017/120mins/15. Dir/Cyf: Michael Showalter. With/Gyda: Kumail Nanjiani, Zoe Kazan, Holly Hunter

A young woman, who in her dreams is confronted by Death, argues for the life of her beloved, but is unable to make the personal sacrifices that Death insists upon. Mae menyw ifanc sy'n dod wyneb yn wyneb â Marwolaeth yn ei breuddwydion yn eiriol am fywyd ei hanwylyd - ond dyw hi ddim yn gallu gwneud yr aberthau personol y mae Marwolaeth yn eu mynnu ganddi.

John Berger: Seasons in Quincey 28.07—03.08

UK/DG/2016/93mins/12a. Dir/Cyf: Tilda Swinton, Christopher Roth, Colin MacCabe, Bartek Dziadosz

Conceived by Tilda Swinton, this is an experimental filmic love letter to her mentor John Berger, told in four parts. Mae’r gwaith arbrofol hwn gan Tilda Swinton yn llythyr o gariad ffilmig at ei mentor, John Berger, wedi’i hadrodd mewn pedair rhan.

Chapter Moviemaker 07.08

Wales/Cymraeg/2017/approx 90m/tua 90m/18

A regular showcase for short films by independent filmmakers. To enquire about screening your film or for any other information email Sesiwn reolaidd sy’n cynnig cyfle i gyfarwyddwyr annibynnol ddangos eu ffilmiau byrion. I gael mwy o wybodaeth am ddangos eich ffilm chi neu unrhyw fanylion eraill, e-bostiwch

Kumail and Emily begin a romance at odds to the life expected of him by his traditional Muslim parents. When Emily becomes ill Kumail navigates the crisis with her parents who he has never met. Mae Kumail ac Emily yn cychwyn perthynas sy’n mynd yn groes i ddisgwyliadau rhieni Mwslemaidd traddodiadol Kumail. Ar ôl i Emily fynd yn sâl, mae Kumail yn ceisio ymdopi â’r argyfwng gyda’i rhieni hithau – pobl nad yw erioed wedi cwrdd â nhw.

An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power 25.08—31.08

USA/UDA/2017/100mins/ctba/TiCh. Dir/Cyf: Bonni Cohen, Jon Shenk

A decade after An Inconvenient Truth brought Al Gore’s climate change campaign into the heart of political discussion comes the followup which shows just how close we are to a real energy revolution. Ddegawd ar ôl i An Inconvenient Truth roi ymgyrch newid hinsoddol Al Gore wrth galon y drafodaeth wleidyddol, daw’r dilyniant hwn i ddangos pa mor agos yr ydym at chwyldro ynni go iawn.

Film / Ffilm



My Cousin Rachel

UK/DG/2017/106mins/12a. Dir/Cyf: Christopher Nolan. With/Gyda: Tom Hardy, Kenneth Branagh, Mark Rylance

UK/DG/2017/106mins/12a. Dir/Cyf: Roger Michell. With/Gyda: Sam Claflin, Rachel Weisz, Holliday Grainger, Iain Glen

Allied soldiers are left stranded on enemy territory. Domestic boats from across the channel are sent to evacuate the force in this searing epic based on true events.

Philip plots revenge against his cousin, believing she has murdered his guardian but these feelings are complicated when he begins to fall for the glamourous Rachel.

Mae rhai o filwyr y Cynghreiriaid yn sownd ar dir y gelyn. Caiff cychod o’r ochr draw i’r sianel eu hanfon i’w hebrwng adre. Ffilm epig yn seiliedig ar ddigwyddiadau go iawn.

Mae Philip yn cynllwynio i ddial yn erbyn ei gyfnither yn y gred ei bod hi wedi llofruddio ei warcheidwad ond caiff ei deimladau eu cymhlethu wrth iddo gwympo mewn cariad â'r Rachel hudolus.

The City of Ghosts

Land of Mine

USA/UDA/2017/90mins/18/subs/is-deitlau. Dir/Cyf: Matthew Heineman

Denmark/Denmarc/2015/100mins/15/subs/is-deitlau. Dir/Cyf: Martin Zandvliet. With/Gyda: Roland Møller, Louis Hofmann, Joel Basman

Clockwise from top / Gyda’r cloc o’r brig: Land of Mine, My Cousin Rachel, Dunkirrk



A shocking and inspiring documentary about the bravery of citizen journalists Raqqa Is Being Slaughtered Silently as they expose the human rights violations by ISIS in their home country of Syria.

“An epoch-defining piece on modern media tactics” The Guardian Ffilm ddogfen frawychus ac ysbrydoledig am ddewrder newyddiadurwyr/dinasyddion grŵp Raqqa Is Being Slaughtered Silently, wrth iddynt geisio datgelu troseddau erchyll ISIS yn eu mamwlad, Syria.



With World War II finished a battalion of teenage German soldiers are sent to disarm the coastland of Denmark, directed by the contemptuous Sgt Rasmussen. An observant tale of bloodshed and forgiveness. A’r Ail Ryfel Byd ar ben, caiff bataliwn o filwyr Almaenig yn eu harddegau ei hanfon i ddiarfogi arfordir Denmarc, dan gyfarwyddyd y Sarjant Rasmussen dirmygus. Stori graff am dywallt gwaed a maddeuant.


Film / Ffilm

029 2030 4400

From L to R / O’r chwith i’r dde: Whitney: Can I Be Me, The Midwife


To celebrate the strength of women and girls on screen, this month we have some representations of wonderful women in front and behind the camera. I ddathlu grym merched a menywod ar y sgrin, mae gennym ambell gynrychioliad hyfryd y mis hwn o fenywod nodedig o flaen a’r tu ôl i’r camera.

The Beguiled

The Midwife

USA/UDA/2017/94mins/15. Dir/Cyf: Sofia Coppola. With/Gyda: Nicole Kidman, Kirsten Dunst, Colin Farrell, Elle Fanning

France/Ffrainc/2017/117mins/12a/subs. Dir/Cyf: Martin Provost. With/Gyda: Catherine Deneuve, Catherine Frot, Olivier Gourmet


In a Southern girls’ school during the American Civil War… young women take in an injured soldier. Taboos are broken in an unexpected turn of events. Yn ystod Rhyfel Cartref America, mewn ysgol i ferched yn un o daleithiau’r De, mae’r menywod ifanc yn gofalu am filwr wedi’i anafu. Caiff tabŵs eu chwalu ac mae pethau digon annisgwyl yn digwydd ...

Whitney: Can I Be Me 28.07—03.08

UK/DG/2017/105mins/15. Dir/Cyf: Rudi Dolezal, Nick Broomfield

An intimate exploration of the heart of the career and life of one of the most talented and performers of the 20th century. Archwiliad agos-atoch o yrfa, bywyd a chariadau un o berfformwyr mwyaf talentog yr 20fed ganrif.


Claire has her life turned upside down when her father’s mistress comes back into her life 20 years after she left town. The two women develop an unlikely friendship in this bittersweet character study. Caiff bywyd Claire ei droi wyneb i waered pan ddaw meistres ei thad yn ôl i’w bywyd 20 mlynedd ar ôl gadael y dref. Mae’r ddwy wraig yn datblygu cyfeillgarwch annisgwyl mewn ffilm sydd yn astudiaeth chwerw-felys o’i chymeriadau.

Wonder Woman 05.08—09.08

USA/UDA/2017/141mins/12a. Dir/Cyf: Patty Jenkins With/Gyda: Gal Godot, Chris Pine, Robin Wright

Amazon princess Diana finds her idyllic life amongst female warriors interrupted when a pilot crash-lands. She learns that war is engulfing the planet, and vows to use her superpowers to restore peace. Ar ôl i beilot grash-lanio ei awyren, mae bywyd delfrydol Diana tywysoges yr Amazon, ymhlith ei chydryfelwragedd, yn cael ei chwalu. Mae hi’n dysgu bod rhyfel yn anrheithio’r blaned ac yn tyngu llw i ddefnyddio’i phwerau arbennig er mwyn adfer heddwch.

Film / Ffilm



The Eagle Huntress

Canada/2016/116mins/12a. Dir/Cyf: Aisling Walsh With/Gyda: Ethan Hawke, Sally Hawkins, Kari Matchett

UK/DG/2016/87mins/U. Dir/Cyf: Otto Bell. Narrated by Daisy Ridley/ Gyda llais Daisy Ridley

Inspired by the life of painter Maud Lewis as she creates beauty from despair in a life of extreme poverty, finding love with the difficult Everett Lewis.

Inspirational Aisholpan, a 13 year old girl, trains to rise to the pinnacle of a tradition that has been handed down from father to son for generations.

Ffilm wedi’i hysbrydoli gan fywyd yr arlunydd Maud Lewis, sy’n ceisio creu harddwch o anobaith mewn bywyd o dlodi eithafol, a hynny ar ôl syrthio mewn cariad gyda’r Everett Lewis anwadal.

Mae Aisholpan, merch 13 oed, yn hyfforddi i gyrraedd pinacl traddodiad a drosglwyddwyd o dad i fab ers cenedlaethau lawer.

Clockwise from top left / Gyda’r cloc o’r chwith uchaf: Kedi, Maudie, Wonder Woman



06.08—08.08 Turkey/Twrci/2016/79mins/U/subs /is-deitlau. Dir/Cyf: Ceyda Torun

A thoughtful, beautifully filmed look at Istanbul’s street cat population which offers an insight into the ancient city.

“Tracking the Street Felines of Istanbul, ‘Kedi’ Reveals a City’s Humanity” Village Voice Golwg hardd a meddylgar ar gathod stryd Istanbul sydd hefyd yn gipolwg ar y ddinas hynafol.

26.08 + 28.08

In This Corner of the World 28.07—03.08

Japan/2016/130mins/12a. Dir/Cyf: Sunao Katabuchi With/Gyda: Rena Nonen, Yoshimasa Hosoya

Suzu, an ordinary young woman, comes of age at an extraordinary time in the city of Hiroshima. An exquisite, compelling animation quietly telling the story about what was lost. Mae Suzu, merch ifanc gyffredin, yn dod i oed yn ystod cyfnod eithriadol yn hanes dinas Hiroshima. Animeiddiad cain a choeth sy’n cyfleu â chryn sensitifrwydd yr hyn a gollwyd.

Film / Ffilm

029 2030 4400

Chapter 13: Ghost in the Shell

Kiki’s Delivery Service

Japan/1995/81mins/15/subs. Dir/Cyf: Mamoru Oshii. Voices/Lleisiau: Atsuko Tanaka, Iemasa Kayumi, Akio Ôtsuka

Japan/1989/100mins/U/Dubbed/Wedi’i dybio. Dir/Cyf: Hayao Miyazaki. With/Gyda: Debbie Reynolds, Kirsten Dunst, Minami Takayama.

From L to R / O’r chwith i’r dde: My Neighbour Totoro, Ponyo



In an inter-connected future world cyborg detective Major Motoko Kusanagi and her partner hunt a mysterious and powerful hacker called the Puppet Master.

“A work of profound and melancholic beauty” The Telegraph Mewn dyfodol rhyng-gysylltiedig, mae’r ditectif seiborg, yr Uwchgapten Motoko Kusanagi, ynghyd â’i bartner, ar drywydd haciwr dirgel a grymus o’r enw Puppet Master.


04.08—10.08 Japan/2010/91mins/U Dubbed/Wedi’i dybio. Dir/Cyf: Hiromasa Yonebayashi. Voices/Lleisiau: Saoirse Ronan, Olivia Colman, Mark Strong

The Clock family are small people who live in the floorboards. Life changes for the Clocks when their daughter, Arrietty, is discovered. Mae’r Clockiaid yn deulu o bobl bitw sy’n byw yn estyll y llawr. Ond mae eu bywydau’n newid pan gaiff eu merch, Arrietty, ei darganfod.

My Neighbour Totoro 11.08—17.08

Japan/1988/87mins/U/Dubbed/Wedi’i dybio. Dir/Cyf: Hayao Miyazaki. Voices/Lleisiau: Elle Fanning, Pat Carroll, Frank Welker

When two girls move to the country to be near their ailing mother, they have adventures with the wondrous forest spirits who live nearby. Ar ôl i ddwy ferch symud i’r wlad er mwyn bod yn agosach at eu mam wan, daw anturiaethau anhygoel gydag ysbrydion y goedwig gerllaw i’w rhan.


A young witch, on her mandatory year of independent life, finds fitting into a new community difficult while she supports herself by running an air courier service. This screening is dubbed with an English cast of voices. Mae gwrach ifanc yn treulio blwyddyn orfodol yn byw’n annibynnol ond yn ei chael hi’n anodd ymdopi â bywyd yn ei chymuned newydd. Mae hi’n ennill ei bywoliaeth drwy drefnu gwasanaeth negesydd awyr. Dangosiad wedi’i ddybio i Saesneg.


25.08—31.08 Japan/2008/101mins/U/Dubbed/Wedi’i dybio. Dir/Cyf: Hayao Miyazaki. Voices/Lleisiau: Noah Cyrus, Cate Blanchett, Liam Neeson.

Sosuke finds a goldfish trapped in a jar who turns into a little girl, but their blossoming friendship is threatened by ecological catastrophe as Ponyo’s crossing from sea to land upsets the balance of nature. Mae Sosuke yn dod o hyd i bysgodyn aur yn sownd mewn jar. Merch fach ydyw mewn gwirionedd, ond caiff cyfeillgarwch y ddau blentyn ei fygwth gan drychineb ecolegol, ar ôl i daith Ponyo rhwng môr a thir effeithio ar gydbwysedd byd natur.

Film / Ffilm


From L to R / O’r chwith i’r dde: England Is Mine, A Ghost Story


Baby Driver 28.07—03.08

UK/DG/2017/113mins/15. Dir/Cyf: Edgar Wright. With/Gyda: Ansel Elgort, Kevin Spacey, Jon Hamm

A talented, young getaway driver relies on a pulsating beat to be the best in the game. But a doomed heist for crime boss Doc threatens his cool. Mae gyrrwr getawê ifanc a thalentog yn defnyddio curiadau dwfn er mwyn ei gynorthwyo i wneud ei waith hyd eithaf ei allu. Ond mae heist wedi’i felltithio — ar ran y pennaeth troseddol Doc — yn bygwth ei ‘cŵl’. DEMENTIA FRIENDLY / ADDAS I BOBL Â DEMENTIA

Sing-a-long / Codi Cân: Mamma Mia 18.08.17

USA/UDA/2008/106mins/PG. Dir/Cyf: Phyllida Lloyd. With/Gyda: Meryl Streep, Pierce Brosnan, Julie Walters

Join us for this fun musical experience as a bride-to-be attempts to track down her real father told, using hit songs by ABBA. + Musical warm up by Goldies Cymru

Ymunwch â ni am brofiad cerddorol hwyliog wrth i ddarparbriodferch geisio dod o hyd i’w thad go iawn, i gyfeiliant caneuon gwych ABBA. + Cynhesu cerddorol yng nghwmni Goldies Cymru

England is Mine 18.08—24.08

UK/DG/2017/94mins/15. Dir/Cyf: Mark Gill. With/Gyda: Jack Lowden, Jessica Brown Findlay, Jodie Comer

An evocative portrait of singer-songwriter Steven Patrick Morrissey, focused on his young adult years in 1970s Manchester before The Smiths, brimming with youthful conceit and searching for his place in the world. Portread atgofus o’r canwr-gyfansoddwr Steven Patrick Morrissey sy’n canolbwyntio ar ei flynyddoedd fel oedolyn ifanc yn y 1970au ym Manceinion — cyn The Smiths, pan oedd yn llawn o hunan-dyb ieuenctid ac yn chwilio am ei rôl yn y byd.

Shot! The Psycho-Spiritual Mantra of Rock 26.08—30.08

UK/DG/2017/95mins/15. Dir/Cyf: Barney Clay

A cinematic adventure into the mind of one of music’s greatest living photographers: Mick Rock, from the glam rock shimmer of Bowie’s London to the snarl of NYC punk and beyond.

“Candid and compelling” Indiewire Antur sinematig a thaith drwy feddwl un o ffotograffwyr byw mwyaf eiconig byd cerddoriaeth. Roedd Mick Rock yn ffigwr o bwys, o ddyddiau glam roc Bowie yn Llundain i fyd ffyrnig pync yn Efrog Newydd a thu hwnt.

A Ghost Story 25.08—31.08

USA/UDA/2017/87mins/ctba/TiCh. Dir/Cyf: David Lowery With/Gyda: Rooney Mara, Casey Affleck, Will Oldham

An exploration of legacy, love, loss, and the enormity of existence, a ghost returns home to reconnect with his bereft wife.

“Quietly haunting tale of loss and redemption” Little White Lies Archwiliad o etifeddiaeth, cariad, colled, ac anferthedd bodolaeth; mae ysbryd yn dychwelyd adref i ailgysylltu gyda’i wraig alarus.


Film / Ffilm

029 2030 4400

LGBT50 To mark the 50th year since landmark LGBTQ rights legislation, we take a look at representations of queer culture on screen.

Prick Up Your Ears

Er mwyn nodi 50-mlwyddiant deddfwriaeth hawliau LGBTQ, byddwn yn ystyried portreadau o ddiwylliant ‘queer’ ar y sgrin cyn 1967.


Prick Up Your Ears

UK/DG/1961/96mins/PG. Dir/Cyf: Basil Dearden With/Gyda: Dirk Bogarde, Sylvia Syms, Dennis Price

UK/DG/1987105mins/15. Dir/Cyf: Stephen Frears. With/Gyda: Gary Oldman, Alfred Molina, Vanessa Redgrave

When homosexual ‘Boy’ Barrett, commits suicide in his police cell, barrister Melville Farr, motivated by his own feelings of guilt, risks his career and marriage to break a blackmail ring in this tense thriller.

The spectacular successes of playwright Joe Orton take him away from his relationship with the older, more fragile, Kenneth Halliwell with tragic consequences.

Ar ôl i’r dyn hoyw ‘Boy’ Barrett gyflawni hunanladdiad yn ei gell, mae’r bargyfreithiwr Melville Farr, dan ddylanwad ei euogrwydd ei hun, yn peryglu ei yrfa a’i briodas er mwyn chwalu cylch blacmel mewn ffilm gyffro lawn tensiwn.

Mae llwyddiannau rhyfeddol y dramodydd Joe Orton yn ei yrru o afael ei bartner Kenneth Halliwell sydd yn hŷn nag ef ac yn hynod fregus — ac mae canlyniadau’r ymddieithrio hwnnw’n drasig.

06.07 + 08.07

The Children’s Hour 13.07 + 15.07

USA/UDA/1961/106mis/12a. Dir/Cyf: William Wyler With/Gyda: Audrey Hepburn, Shirley MacLaine, James Garner

Karen and Martha are respected teachers in an exclusive girl’s school, until a petulant student makes an allegation about the women that throws their lives into chaos. Mae Karen a Martha yn athrawon uchel eu parch mewn ysgol ecsgliwsif i ferched ond mae myfyriwr pigog yn gwneud honiad amdanynt sydd yn arwain at anhrefn yn eu bywydau.

20.07 + 22.07

Desert Hearts 27.07 + 29.07

USA/UDA/1986/89mins/18. Dir/Cyf: Donna Deitch With/Gyda: Helen Shaver, Patricia Charbonneau, Audra Lindley

It’s 1959 and Vivian has gone to Reno for a divorce and start a new life. Buttoned up and fragile, Vivian is drawn to firecracker Cay, who is not afraid to go after what she wants. Mae hi’n 1959 ac mae Vivian wedi mynd i Reno am ysgariad ac i ddechrau bywyd newydd. Yn fregus a swil, caiff ei denu at y Cay gwyllt ac afreolus – merch nad oes arni ofn mynnu’r hyn y mae’n ei ddyheu.

Film / Ffilm

Handsome Devil

Britain on Film: LGBT Britain

Ireland/Iwerddon/2017/95mins/15. Dir/Cyf: John Butler. With/Gyda: Fionn O’Shea, Nicholas Galitzine, Andrew Scott



Clockwise from top left / Gyda’r cloc o’r chwith uchaf: Britain on Film: LGBT Britain, Queermam, Tom of Finland


Returning to school, bullied outsider Ned makes a friend in rugby star roommate Conor. Yet the pair’s new bond is tested when his team mates and coach notice that Conor is running around with the wrong crowd.

25.08 + 30.08

A programme of films spanning 1909 to 1994 documenting a century in which homosexuality went from crime to Pride, via profoundly courageous activism and shifting attitudes to LGBT people throughout a time of explosive social change.

Ar ôl dychwelyd i’r ysgol, mae Ned — sydd yn cael ei fwlio — yn dod yn ffrindiau gyda seren y tîm rygbi, Conor. Ond caiff cyfeillgarwch y pâr ei brofi wedi i’w gyd-chwaraewyr a’i hyfforddwyr rybuddio Conor ei fod yn cadw’r cwmni anghywir…

Rhaglen o ffilmiau sy’n rhychwantu’r blynyddoedd 1909-1994 ac sydd yn dogfennu canrif pan aeth gwrywgydiaeth o fod yn drosedd i fod yn destun Pride, a hynny o ganlyniad i ymgyrchu dewr a newidiadau yn yr agweddau at bobl LGBT mewn cyfnod o newid cymdeithasol sylweddol.

Tom of Finland



Finland/Y Ffindir/2017/115mins/18. Dir/Cyf: Dome Karukoski With/Gyda: Jakob Oftebro, Jessica Grabowsky, Jimmy Shaw

Touko returns home after World War II to persecution of homosexuals in Helsinki and finds refuge in his art: homoerotic drawings of men. His liberating work becomes the emblem of a generation and inspires revolution. Mae Touko’n dychwelyd i Helsinki ar ôl yr Ail Ryfel Byd ac yn gweld bod pobl hoyw’n cael eu herlid yn y ddinas — felly mae e’n ceisio lloches yn ei gelfyddyd ac yn ei ddarluniau homoerotig o ddynion. Ond mae ei waith rhyddhaol yn troi’n symbol i genhedlaeth gyfan ac yn ysbrydoli chwyldro.

26.08 + 29.08

UK/DG/2017/70mins/15. Dir/Cyf: Daisy Asquith

The music of John Grant and Goldfrapp take us on a journey through the BFI archive discovering the relationships, desires, fears of the LGBTQ community in the 20th century. Mae cerddoriaeth John Grant a Goldfrapp yn ein harwain ar daith drwy archif y BFI er mwyn olrhain hanes perthnasau, dyheadau ac ofnau’r gymuned LGBTQ yn ystod yr 20fed ganrif.

Learning / Addysg

029 2030 4400

Cars 3


Film Activity Days / Diwrnodau Ffilm i Blant Join Chapter’s Learning Team for a fun day filled full of creative activities exploring the world and the themes of a film. Activities will include games, puzzles, arts and crafts. This Activity Day is Suitable for ages 8 – 11. Cost £15 (includes ticket to film screening) Please bring packed lunch.

Arrietty (U) 07.08 10.30am—3.30pm Based on the classic children’s book The Borrowers, Arrietty is a tiny teenager who lives beneath the floorboard of a house, and has brave adventures in the big world. This Activity Day is Suitable for ages 8—11. Cost £15 (includes ticket to film screening) Please bring packed lunch.

Cars 3 (U) 21.08 10.30am—3.30pm Lightning McQueen sets out to prove to a new generation of racers that he’s still the best race car in the world. This Activity Day is Suitable for ages 5—8. Cost £15 (includes ticket to film screening). Please bring packed lunch.

Ymunwch â Thîm Addysg Chapter am ddiwrnod o weithgareddau creadigol hwyliog a fydd yn archwilio byd a themâu ffilm benodol. Bydd y gweithgareddau’n cynnwys gêmau, posau, a chelf a chrefft.

Arrietty (U) 07.08 10.30am—3.30pm Ffilm sy’n seiliedig ar y llyfr clasurol i blant, The Borrowers. Mae Arrietty yn blentyn pitw sy’n byw o dan estyll y tŷ — ac sy’n mwynhau anturiaethau hynod ym myd y bobl fawr. Mae’r gweithgareddau hyn yn addas i blant 8—11 oed. Cost: £15 (yn cynnwys tocyn i’r ffilm). Dewch â phecyn bwyd gyda chi, os gwelwch yn dda.

Cars 3 (U) 21.08 10.30am—3.30pm

Mae Lightning McQueen yn ceisio profi i genhedlaeth newydd o raswyr taw ef yw’r car rasio gorau yn y byd o hyd. Mae’r gweithgareddau hyn yn addas i blant 8 — 11 oed. Cost: £15 (yn cynnwys tocyn i’r ffilm). Dewch â phecyn bwyd gyda chi, os gwelwch yn dda.

Film Course / Cwrs Ffilm 8.08—11.08 10am—4pm 12.08 12pm—5pm This 5 day film course will allow participants to create their own unique film experience. Participants will learn about interactive cinema, and will work towards an immersive screening on 12.08. The immersive audience experience will be designed and performed by the course participants, leading the audience on a real life experience and then blending this with the world of the film. This course is suitable for 9—14 year olds. Course Fee: £100 Please bring a packed lunch on each day

Bydd y cwrs 5 diwrnod hwn yn galluogi cyfranogwyr i greu eu profiad ffilm unigryw eu hunain. Bydd cyfranogwyr yn dysgu am sinema ryngweithiol ac yn mynd ati i greu dangosiad rhyngweithiol hollgynhwysol ar ddydd Sadwrn 12 Awst. Bydd y profiad rhyngweithiol amlsynhwyraidd yn cael ei gynllunio a’i berfformio gan gyfranogwyr y cwrs, ac fe fydd yn arwain y gynulleidfa trwy brofiad go iawn a fydd yn plethu wedi hynny â byd y ffilm. Mae’r cwrs hwn yn addas ar gyfer pobl ifanc 9—14 oed. Cost y cwrs: £100 Dewch â phecyn bwyd gyda chi bob dydd.

Learning / Addysg


Clockwise from top / Gyda’r cloc o’r brig: Kiki’s Delivery Service, Film Activity Days / Diwrnodau Ffilm i Blant, Arrietty

Film Sewcials / ‘Sewcials’ Ffilm Watch a film, then get inspired with a Summer Sewcial Class. Participants will learn and develop sewing skills in a fun 2-hour post screening sewing workshops. Ideal for beginners or intermediate sewers aged 8–12 Places limited. Please bring packed lunch.

Arrietty (U) 08.08 10.30am —3.30pm In this workshop you will learn how to make different uses of miniature clothing. Suitable for Age 8+ Cost: £15 (Includes all materials and ticket to film)

Kiki’s Delivery Service (U) 22.08 10.30am —3.30pm Dyluniwch a crëwch gyfwisgoedd hafaidd gan ddefnyddio ffabrig a defnyddiau wedi eu hysbrydoli gan Japan. Suitable for Age 8+ Cost: £15 (Includes all materials and ticket to film)

Dewch i wylio ffilm ac i gael eich ysbrydoli yn ‘Sewcial’ yr haf. Bydd cyfranogwyr yn dysgu ac yn datblygu eu sgiliau gwnïo a hynny mewn gweithdai hwyliog dwy awr o hyd ar ôl dangosiad o ffilm. Delfrydol i ddechreuwyr neu bwythwyr canolradd 8-12 oed. Nifer cyfyngedig o leoedd sydd ar gael. Dewch â phecyn bwyd gyda chi os gwelwch yn dda.

Arrietty (U) 08.08 10.30am —3.30pm Yn y gweithdy hwn byddwch yn dysgu sut i wneud defnydd o ddillad pitw. Addas i blant 8+ oed Cost: £15 (yn cynnwys yr holl ddeunyddiau angenrheidiol a thocyn i’r ffilm)

Kiki’s Delivery Service (U) 22.08 10.30am —3.30pm Dyluniwch a crëwch gyfwisgoedd hafaidd gan ddefnyddio ffabrig a defnyddiau wedi eu hysbrydoli gan Japan. Addas i blant 8+ oed Cost: £15 (yn cynnwys yr holl ddeunyddiau angenrheidiol a thocyn i’r ffilm)


Learning / Addysg

Drop-in Art Workshops / Gweithdai Celf

Crafty Pictures Birthday Parties / Partïon Pen-blwydd ‘Crafty Pictures’

Every Friday afternoon in August / Bob prynhawn dydd Gwener ym mis Awst 4, 11, 18, 25.08, 2pm—5pm Get crafty with our Summer Arts and Craft workshops suitable for all ages. Each week for 3 hours, in our downstairs foyer area, there will be a number of different craft projects for you to get stuck into. Guidance and materials provided. Cost: £1 per activity. These workshops are suitable for families and young people aged 4 — 11

Dewch i fwynhau Gweithdai Celf a Chrefft yr Haf, sydd yn addas i blant o bob oed. Bob wythnos am 3 awr, yn y cyntedd ar y llawr gwaelod, bydd yna nifer o brosiectau crefft gwahanol i chi ymwneud â nhw. Bydd yna arweiniad a chymorth ac fe ddarperir yr holl ddeunyddiau angenrheidiol. Cost: £1 fesul gweithgaredd. Mae’r gweithdai hyn yn addas i deuluoedd â phlant 4 — 11 oed


Discover Chapter In A Day / Diwrnod Darganfod Chapter 4.08 10am—1pm A morning workshop to introduce 5-7 year olds to the different art forms that are all around us like dance, drama, craft, architecture, design and more. £5 includes lunch and a Discover Arts Award certificate for each participant. Places limited to 8 participants.

Gweithdy bore i i blant 5-7 oed a fydd yn cyflwyno’r gwahanol ffurfiau celfyddydol sydd o’n cwmpas ni — dawns, drama, crefft, pensaernïaeth, dylunio a mwy. £5 yn cynnwys cinio a thystysgrif Gwobr Darganfod y Celfyddydau i bob cyfranogwr. 8 lle ar y mwyaf fydd ar gael.

029 2030 4400

Do you have a Birthday coming up? Contact us to book A Crafty Picture Party. 1 hour Craft Workshop, Party Buffet, and ticket to the Cinema! Saturdays and School Holidays only. 1.30pm – 4.30pm (Film at 3pm). Minimum booking required. £15 per child. For more information contact Ydy hi bron yn ben-blwydd arnoch chi? Cysylltwch â ni i archebu Parti ‘Crafty Pictures’. Gweithdy Crefft awr o hyd, Bwffe Parti a thocyn i’r Sinema! Dyddiau Sadwrn a Gwyliau Ysgol yn unig. 1.30pm – 4.30pm (Ffilm am 3pm). Mae angen bwcio isafswm o leoedd. £15 y plentyn. I gael mwy o wybodaeth e-bostiwch

Gallery Workshops / Gweithdai’r Oriel 9.08 + 23.08 10.30am—12.30pm Explore the work of Megan Cope and Helen Johnson in this practical Artist-led workshop. The 2-hour workshop will give participants the opportunity to get creative with a number of different materials, and to explore our current exhibition in a hands-on way. This workshop is suitable for ages 11—14 £10 per participant. Places limited to 8 participants.

Dewch i archwilio gwaith Megan Cope a Helen Johnson yn y gweithdy ymarferol hwn dan arweiniad artist. Bydd y gweithdy 2 awr hwn yn gyfle i chi fod yn greadigol gyda nifer o wahanol ddeunyddiau ac i archwilio ein harddangosfa gyfredol mewn ffordd ymarferol. Mae’r gweithdy hwn yn addas ar gyfer pobl ifanc 11—14 oed — £10 i bob cyfranogwr. 8 lle ar y mwyaf fydd ar gael.

Accessible Cinema / Sinema Hygyrch

Dementia Friendly Screenings / Dangosiadau Addas i Bobl â Dementia

Soft Subs & AD screenings / Is-deitlau Meddal + Disgrifiadau Sain

Our new dementia friendly screenings are a great opportunity for people living with dementia to enjoy a film in a relaxed friendly environment. The screenings themselves are shown without adverts or trailers and have slightly brighter lighting throughout the auditorium. Where possible we will screen the film with soft subtitles and audio description available. Following the films there is a chance to socialise with tea and coffee. The screenings are open to anyone living with dementia i.e. those diagnosed with and their family, friends, neighbours or carers. We also welcome charity workers, medical professionals, care home staff, social workers and support staff. Our Dementia Friendly screenings and events are supported by the Rayne Foundation and the Dunhill Medical Trust. £4.50 including a cup of tea or coffee

Audio Description and Soft Subtitles are available on many of our films, however, the information may change before going to print so please check our website for details.

Mae ein dangosiadau newydd sy’n addas i bobl â dementia yn gyfle gwych i fwynhau ffilm mewn awyrgylch cyfeillgar a hamddenol. Cyflwynir y dangosiadau eu hunain heb hysbysebion neu ragolygon o ffilmiau newydd ac fe fydd yr awditoriwm ychydig yn llai tywyll nag arfer. Pan fydd yn bosib, byddwn yn dangos ffilmiau gydag is-deitlau meddal a disgrifiadau sain. Ar ôl y dangosiadau, bydd yna gyfle i gymdeithasu dros baned o de neu goffi. Mae’r dangosiadau hyn ar agor i bobl sy’n byw gyda dementia h.y. i’r rheiny sydd wedi cael diagnosis o dementia ynghyd ag aelodau o’u teuluoedd, ffrindiau, cymdogion neu ofalwyr. Bydd yna groeso cynnes hefyd i weithwyr elusennol, gweithwyr meddygol proffesiynol, staff cartrefi gofal, gweithwyr cymdeithasol a staff cymorth. Cefnogir ein dangosiadau a’n digwyddiadau i Bobl â Dementia gan Sefydliad Rayne. £4.50 gan gynnwys paned o de neu goffi You may notice this logo attached to certain films and performance. F–Rating is a new rating for films and performances directed by women, written by women and / or with women on screen and on stage in their own right. Fe sylwch chi efallai ar y logo hwn ger manylion rhai ffilmiau a pherfformiadau. Mae’r F yn dynodi ffilmiau a pherfformiadau wedi’u cyfarwyddo gan ferched, wedi’u hysgrifennu gan ferched neu / ac sydd yn cynnwys rhannau canolog i ferched ar y sgrin neu ar y llwyfan.


Mae Disgrifiadau Sain ac Is-deitlau Meddal ar gael ar gyfer nifer fawr o’n ffilmiau. Fodd bynnag, fe all y wybodaeth honno newid wedi i ni anfon y cylchgrawn hwn i’r wasg — mae manylion pellach i’w cael ar ein gwe-fan. Soft Subtitles / Is-deitlau Meddal

Audio description / Disgrifiadau Sain TBC / I’w cadarnhau

Relaxed Screenings / Dangosiadau Hamddenol

These screenings are recommended to anyone who might benefit from the subtle alterations made to the auditorium environment. Films are screened with the lights raised slightly, the volume turned down, and with the trailers and adverts removed. People can feel free to move around the cinema or make a noise as they feel comfortable. Chapter staff will be on hand to help if you need additional assistance. Unallocated seating. Regular ticket prices apply. Mae’r dangosiadau hyn wedi eu bwriadu ar gyfer unrhyw un a fyddai’n elwa ar newidiadau cynnil i awyrgylch yr awditoriwm. Caiff ffilmiau eu dangos â goleuadau ychydig yn fwy llachar nag arfer, bydd lefel y sain yn is ac ni ddangosir trelars neu hysbysebion. Bydd rhwydd hynt i bobl godi a symud o gwmpas y sinema neu i wneud sŵn fel y dymunant. Bydd staff Chapter wrth law i helpu os bydd angen cymorth pellach arnoch. Dim seddi cadw. Pris tocyn arferol.


Film / Ffilm

029 2030 4400

The Red Turtle


A selection of fabulous, family–friendly films every Saturday and Sunday. Children under 12 years old must be accompanied by an adult. Detholiad o ffilmiau gwych sy’n addas i’r teulu cyfan, bob dydd Sadwrn a dydd Sul. Rhaid i blant dan 12 oed fod yng nghwmni oedolyn. Independent children’s shoe shop supplying the leading brands Our fitters take time and care to ensure the best fit for your child

SCHOOL SHOES Siop esgidiau plant yn cynnig y brandiau gorau Rhown ofal ac amser i sicrhau’r ffit gorau i’ch plentyn

Ogam Igam, 5 Royal Buildings, Penarth CF64 3EB t. 029 20704254 Penarth

Film / Ffilm

Despicable Me 3

The Red Turtle


Despicable Me 3, Spiderman: The Homecoming


USA/UDA/2017/96mins/PG. Dir/Cyf: Kyle Balda, Pierre Coffin, Eric Guillon. With the voices of / Gyda lleisiau: Steve Carell, Kristen Wiig, Trey Parker

Gru, Lucy and their Minions come face-to-face with Gru’s long-lost twin brother Dru and team up to steal the diamond stolen by 80s child star Balthazar Bratt. Mae Gru, Lucy a’u Minions yn wynebu efell hir-golledig Gru, Dru, ac yn dod at ei gilydd i geisio dwyn diemwnt a gafodd ei ddwyn yn y lle cyntaf gan seren ifanc yr 80au, Balthazar Bratt.

Cars 3

11.08—24.08 USA/UDA/2017/109mins/U. Dir/Cyf: Brian Fee. Voices/Lleisiau: Owen Wilson, Cristela Alonzo, Chris Cooper

Lightning McQueen sets out to prove to a new generation of racers that he’s still the best race car in the world. Mae Lightning McQueen yn ceisio profi i genhedlaeth newydd o raswyr taw ef yw’r car rasio gorau yn y byd o hyd.

Spiderman: The Homecoming Sat 12—Wed 16

USA/UDA/2017/133mins/12a. Dir/Cyf: Jon Watts. With/Gyda: Tom Holland, Robert Downey Jr, Michael Keaton

As he enters the Avengers universe, Peter Parker struggles with his identity as Spiderman and faces a deadly foe. Wrth iddo gyrraedd bydysawd yr Avengers, mae Peter Parker yn ei chael hi’n anodd ymdopi â rôl Spiderman ac yn wynebu gelyn marwol.


France/Ffrainc/2016/81mins/PG. Dir/Cyf: Michaël Dudok De Wit

The lone survivor of a shipwreck is washed ashore on a tropical island and learns to survive amongst the birds, animals and a giant red turtle. An immersive and meditative fairy tale from Studio Ghibli. Mae unig oroeswr llongddrylliad yn cael ei olchi i’r lan ar ynys drofannol ac yn dysgu byw ymysg adar, anifeiliaid a chrwban coch anferth. Stori dylwyth teg ryfeddol a myfyriol gan Stiwdio Ghibli.

Captain Underpants 25.08—31.08

USA/UDA/2017/89mins/U. Dir/Cyf: David Soren With/Gyda: Kevin Hart, Thomas Middleditch, Ed Helms

Two overly imaginative pranksters named George and Harold, hypnotize their head teacher into thinking he’s a ridiculously enthusiastic, incredibly dim-witted superhero named Captain Underpants. Mae dau ddisgybl drygionus o’r enw George a Harold yn hypnoteiddio eu prifathro i feddwl ei fod yn uwcharwr hurt, chwerthinllyd a thwp o’r enw Captain Underpants.


Golden Thread Playback Theatre 05.08 1pm Powerful and unique performances in which stories from the audience are spontaneously and magically brought to life before your eyes. £7/£5/£3 Children / Under 5s free (on the door)

Perfformiadau grymus ac unigryw lle daw straeon y gynulleidfa yn fyw yn y fan a’r lle, o flaen eich llygaid! £7/£5/£3 Plant / Am ddim i blant dan 5 oed (wrth y drws)

Cardiff Storytelling Circle / Cylch Chwedleua Caerdydd 06.08 8pm Tales for the Turning Year — Stories and Songs to celebrate the Harvest. All storytellers and all story listeners welcome. £4 (on the door)

Straeon ar dro’r flwyddyn — straeon a chaneuon i gyfarch y cynhaeaf. Croeso cynnes i storïwyr a gwrandawyr fel ei gilydd! £4 (wrth y drws)

Chapter Mix

029 2030 4400

ChapterLive 11.08 + 25.08 9pm Join us in our Caffi Bar for live music curated by seasoned promoters Jealous Lovers Club, bringing the music they love from around the UK, Europe and other distant lands to Chapter. FREE Enjoy a pizza and a pint for £10 in our Caffi Bar on ChapterLive nights!

Ymunwch â ni yn ein Caffi Bar i glywed cerddoriaeth fyw wedi’i churadu gan yr hyrwyddwyr profiadol, Jealous Lovers Club, a fydd yn cyflwyno detholiad o’u hoff grwpiau o’r DG, Ewrop a gwledydd pellennig eraill yn Chapter. RHAD AC AM DDIM Mwynhewch beint a phizza am £10 yn ein Caffi Bar yn ystod nosweithiau ChapterLive!

Capoeira Street Roda / Roda Capoeira Awyr Agored 20.08 2—4pm Local capoeira group Nucleo de Capoeiragem (mestre Claudio Campos) bring their monthly roda outdoors to Chapter’s Community Garden for the summer months. Capoeira is an AfroBrazilian martial arts game that incorporates playful fighting, acrobatic “floreos” and elements of dance, with live acoustic music and singing. Everyone welcome! FREE

Bydd y grŵp capoeira lleol, Nucleo de Capoeiragem (mestre Claudio Campos) yn cyflwyno’u roda awyr agored yng Ngardd Gymunedol Chapter yn ystod misoedd yr haf. Mae Capoeira yn gamp Affro-Frasiliaidd sy’n ymgorffori crefft ymladd chwareus, ‘floreos’ acrobatig ac elfennau o ddawns, cerddoriaeth acwstig fyw a chanu. Croeso i bawb! RHAD AC AM DDIM

Sunday Jazz / Jazz ar y Sul 20.08 9pm Our monthly evening of melodic acoustic Jazz in the Caffi Bar with the Chapter Four Jazz Quartet, featuring Glen Manby, Jim Barber, Don Sweeney and Greg Evans. Free

Ein noson fisol o jazz acwstig melodig yn y Caffi Bar, gyda Phedwarawd Jazz Chapter — Glen Manby, Jim Barber, Don Sweeney a Greg Evans. RHAD AC AM DDIM

Clonc yn y Cwtch Every Monday / Bob dydd Llun 6.30—8pm Are you learning Cymraeg? Come and join us for a great chance to practice your Welsh with other learners. Croeso i bawb! FREE

In partnership with Menter Caerdydd and Cardiff University

Ydych chi’n dysgu Cymraeg? Mae hwn yn gyfle gwych i ymarfer eich Cymraeg yng nghwmni dysgwyr eraill. Croeso i bawb! RHAD AC AM DDIM

Ar y cyd â Menter Caerdydd a Phrifysgol Caerdydd

Chapter Mix


Cider & Perry Palooza / Gŵyl Seidr a Pherai 25.08 + 26.08

After a 5 year hiatus, we’ve decided to grapple with the apple and share the pear once again. We’ve put together a scrumptious, varied selection of craft perry and cider from local Welsh producers, all available from our special festival bar. And this August, we’re taking the party outside! On Saturday 26th August, Chapter’s front garden will be transformed into a family friendly festival space, complete with outside bar, Chapter barbeque, live music, and fun and games for the kids (including drop-in hula hooping and capoeira workshops. And, of course, apple bobbing!). Come and relax in the sun (hopefully), drink the very best ciders Wales has to offer (definitely), and enjoy a day of great entertainment. Ar ôl bwlch o 5 mlynedd, rydym wedi penderfynu ailafael yn yr afal a galluogi’r gellyg unwaith eto. Rydym wedi trefnu detholiad blasus ac amrywiol o seidr a pherai crefftus gan gynhyrchwyr Cymreig lleol, ac fe fydd pob un ohonynt ar gael ym mar arbennig yr ŵyl. Ac yn ystod mis Awst bydd y parti’n mynd allan i’r ardd! Ar ddydd Sadwrn 26 Awst, bydd gardd ffrynt Chapter yn cael ei thrawsnewid yn fan gŵyl i deuluoedd, gyda bar, barbeciw, cerddoriaeth fyw, a digon o weithgareddau i’r plant (gan gynnwys gweithdai hwla-hŵp a capoeira a thowcio afalau, wrth gwrs!). Dewch i ymlacio yn yr haul (gobeithio), i yfed seidr gorau Cymru (yn bendant) ac i fwynhau diwrnod o adloniant gwych.


Get Involved / Cymryd Rhan

Get Involved

Cymryd Rhan

CLIC Reward Card

Cerdyn Gwobrwyo CLIC

Collect points when you visit the cinema/ theatre and you’ll be surprised at how quickly you can build your points up to receive a free ticket. See this and double your points!

Casglwch bwyntiau wrth ymweld â’r sinema/ theatr ac fe synnwch chi ba mor gyflym y gallwch chi hawlio tocyn rhad ac am ddim. Dyblwch eich pwyntiau pan welwch y symbol hwn!

Chapter Friends

Ffrindiau Chapter

Become a friend and enjoy the many benefits on offer from discounts on tickets & at the Caffi bar to special events. Also doubles as a CLIC card. Gold £45/£40; Silver £35/£30; Bronze £25/£20.

Ymunwch â chynllun Ffrindiau Chapter ac fe gewch chi fuddion fel gostyngiadau ar bris tocynnau a bwyd a diod yn ein Caffi Bar a gwahoddiadau i ddigwyddiadau arbennig. Bydd eich cerdyn Ffrindiau hefyd yn gweithio fel cerdyn CL1C. Aur £45/£40; Arian £35/£30; Efydd £25/£20.

Chapter Students Chapter offers a free membership to students and therefore a number of benefits, including discounts on cinema/theatre tickets & Caffi bar.

Keep in Touch/Info Our weekly e-listings Email and state “Join Listings” Workshops and classes Head to to see the range we have on offer. Home to resident companies and Artists For more information head to

029 2030 4400

Myfyrwyr Chapter Mae Chapter yn cynnig aelodaeth am ddim i fyfyrwyr a manteision yn cynnwys gostyngiadau ar docynnau sinema/theatr a phrisiau is yn y Caffi Bar.

Cadw mewn Cysylltiad/Gwybodaeth Ein e-lythyr wythnosol: E-bostiwch a nodi “Cylchlythyr” ym mhwnc yr e-bost. Gweithdai a dosbarthiadau: Ewch i i weld yr hyn sydd ar gael. Mae Chapter yn gartref i gwmnïau ac artistiaid preswyl: Am fwy o wybodaeth ewch i

Chapter Theatres are supported by the David Seligman donation in memory of Philippa Seligman Noddir Theatrau Chapter gan rodd David Seligman er cof am Philippa Seligman Chapter gratefully acknowledges the support it receives from the following: Hoffai Chapter gydnabod cefnogaeth hael y sefydliadau canlynol: Esmée Fairbairn Foundation Garfield Weston Foundation Colwinston Charitable Trust Waitrose SEWTA Tesco The Clothworkers’ Foundation Dunhill Medical Trust Google Wales Arts International Boshier-Hinton Foundation Oakdale Trust Western Power Distribution

Big Lottery Fund Foyle Foundation Admiral Group plc ScottishPower Green Energy Trust Australia Council for the Arts WRAP The Jane Hodge Foundation Simon Gibson Charitable Trust The Angel Hotel Ernest Cook Trust Dipec Plastics Nelmes Design

Moondance Foundation Biffa Award Viridor Waterloo Foundation Santander UK The Henry Moore Foundation Arts & Business Cymru Lloyds Aston Martin Austin & Hope Pilkington Trust Gibbs Charitable Trust Bruce Wake Charity

How to book / Sut i archebu

How to Book

Sut i Archebu

Phone: Box Office 029 2030 4400 (major credit cards accepted). In person: Office Hrs Mon—Sun, 10.00am–8.30pm Online: 24/7 at Concessions: Only applicable for Students, over 60’s, children, unemployed, disabled people, MAX card, Chapter’s Friends, and Card Holders. Proof must be shown. Group Bookings: Buy 8 tickets, get the 9th Free. Please note: Only one discount is applicable at one time. Tickets cannot be reserved without payment. No latecomers. Only bottled water allowed in the cinema auditoria.

Ffôn: Swyddfa Docynnau — 029 2030 4400 (derbynnir y prif gardiau credyd). Yn bersonol: Oriau Agor Llun-Sul, 10am-8.30pm Ar-lein: 24/7 yn Consesiynau: Ar gael i fyfyrwyr, pobl 60+ oed, plant, pobl ddi-waith, pobl anabl, deiliaid cerdyn MAX, Ffrindiau Chapter a Deiliaid Cardiau. Rhaid dangos prawf o’ch cymhwyster. Disgownt Grwpiau: Prynwch 8 tocyn ac fe gewch chi’r 9fed am ddim Dalier sylw: Dim ond un disgownt y gellir ei ddefnyddio ar y tro. Ni ellir cadw tocynnau heb dalu amdanynt. Dim hwyrddyfodiaid. Dwr ˆ potel yn unig yn y sinemâu.

Cinema prices

Prisiau’r sinema

Cinema Before 5pm From 5pm Full £4.50 (£4.00) £7.50 (£7.20)   Concs £3.50 (£3.00) £5.80 (£5.10) Card + Conc £3.00 (£2.50) £5.00 (£4.50) BARGAIN TUESDAY! All main screening tickets £4.40

Sinema Llawn Disg Card + Disg

(Prices in Brackets) = Any time before the day of screening / online bookings.

(Prisiau mewn cromfachau) = Unrhyw adeg cyn diwrnod y dangosiad / archebion ar-lein.

How to get to Chapter

Sut i gyrraedd Chapter

Travelling: West of the city centre, Market Road, Canton, Cardiff CF5 1QE. So from the city centre it’s a 20 minute walk. Every 5 minutes by bus, No 17 and 18. Bike racks are available on site. Parking: There is a car park to the rear of the building and there are a number of public car parks just off Cowbridge Rd East.

Teithio: I’r gorllewin o ganol y ddinas, Heol y Farchnad, Treganna, Caerdydd CF5 1QE. Mae hi’n daith gerdded o ryw 20 munud o ganol y ddinas. Bysus rhif 17 ac 18, bob 5 munud. Mae raciau beic ar gael o flaen yr adeilad. Parcio: Mae yna faes parcio yng nghefn yr adeilad ac mae nifer o feysydd parcio cyhoeddus oddi ar Cowbridge Rd East.

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Chapter welcomes disabled visitors. If you have any specific access requirements or questions, please contact our box-office on 029 2030 4400. We are proud to be part of Hynt,

Mynediad i Bawb


Church Rd.



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Mae Chapter yn croesawu ymwelwyr anabl. Os oes gennych anghenion mynediad neu gwestiynau penodol, cysylltwch â’n swyddfa docynnau ar 029 2030 4400. Rydym yn falch o fod yn rhan o Hynt,

Cinema 1 / Sinema 1

Cinema 2 / Sinema 2

Performance / Perfformiad 6:30pm-8:00pm




Film Course p20

Clonc yn y Cwtch p27

Film Course p20 10:00am-4:00pm Drop-In Art workshops p22 2:00pm-5:00pm

Film Course p20

10:00am-4:00pm 10:30am-12:30pm


Film Course p20

Film Course p20 Gallery Workshops p22



Clonc yn y Cwtch p27

Cardiff Storyelling Circle p26

Golden Thread Playback Theatre p26 1:00pm

Discover Chapter 10:00am-1:00pm In A Day p22 Drop-In Art workshops p22 2:00pm-5:00pm

Clonc yn y Cwtch p27

Art / Celfyddyd Events / Digwyddiadau

Tue 1 Despicable Me 3 (U) p25 11:00am Seasons in Quincy: The Four … (12A) p12 10:30am Maw Baby Driver (15) p17 1:30pm + 8:35pm Relaxed Screening: Destiny (PG) p12 2:30pm The Beguiled (15) p14 6:20pm Whitney: Can I Be Me (15) p14 6:05pm In This Corner of the World (12A) p15 8:15pm Wed 2 Despicable Me 3 (U) p25 11:00am Baby Driver (15) p17 10:30am Mer The Beguiled (15) p14 2:30pm + 8:45pm Seasons in Quincy: The Four… (12A) p12 1:30pm + 6:30pm Baby Driver (15) p17 6:10pm Whitney: Can I Be Me (15) p14 8:30pm Thu 3 Despicable Me 3 (U) p25 11:00am In This Corner of the World (12A) p15 10:30am Iau In This Corner of the World (12A) p15 2:30pm The Beguiled (15) p14 2:00pm The Beguiled (15) p14 6:20pm In This Corner of the World (12A) p15 6:05pm Baby Driver (15) p17 8:35pm Whitney: Can I Be Me (15) p14 8:40pm Fri 4 Arrietty (U) p16 11:30am Carry On Screaming: Wonder Woman (12A) p14 11:00am Gwe Despicable Me 3 (U) p25 3:00pm Dunkirk (12A) p13 2:00pm Dunkirk (12A) p13 5:45pm Handsome Devil (15) p19 6:00pm The Beguiled (15) p14 8:30pm City of Ghosts (18) p13 8:15pm Sat 5 Despicable Me 3 (U) p25 11:00am Dunkirk (12A) p13 2:30pm Sad Wonder Woman (12A) p14 3:00pm City of Ghosts (18) p13 6:10pm The Beguiled (15) p14 6:00pm Handsome Devil (15) p19 8:15pm Dunkirk (12A) p13 8:10pm Sun 6 Despicable Me 3 (U) p25 11:00am Dunkirk (12A) p13 1:00pm The Wyrd Presents Fuchsia & Bragod p8 7:30pm Sul NT Live: Peter Pan (PG) p11 2:00pm Victim (PG) p18 5:30pm Kedi (U) p15 5:15pm The Beguiled (15) p14 7:40pm Dunkirk (12A) p13 7:15pm Mon 7 Despicable Me 3 (U) p25 + Film Activity Day 11:00am Dunkirk (12A) p13 2:00pm Llun Wonder Woman (12A) p14 3:00pm Chapter Moviemaker p12 6:00pm The Beguiled (15) p14 6:05pm Kedi (U) p15 8:20pm Dunkirk (12A) p13 8:10pm Tue 8 Arrietty (U) p16 + Film Sewcial 11:00am Dunkirk (12A) p13 10:30am Maw Despicable Me 3 (U) p25 3:00pm Victim (PG) p18 2:00pm Dunkirk (12A) p13 5:45pm Kedi (U) p15 6:00pm The Beguiled (15) p14 8:30pm City of Ghosts (18) p13 8:00pm +8:30pm Wed 9 Despicable Me 3 (U) p25 11:00am Dunkirk (12A) p13 10:30am Mer Wonder Woman (12A) p14 3:00pm Relaxed Screening: Kedi (U) p15 2:00pm RSC Live: Titus Andronicus (ctba) p11 7:00pm Thu 10 Despicable Me 3 (U) p25 11:00am The Beguiled (15) p14 10:30am Iau Arrietty (U) p16 3:00pm Dunkirk (12A) p13 2:00pm Dunkirk (12A) p13 5:45pm Handsome Devil (15) p19 6:00pm The Beguiled (15) p14 8:30pm City of Ghosts (18) p13 8:10pm Fri 11 My Neighbor Totoro (U) p16 11:30am Carry On Screaming: The Midwife (12A) p14 11:00am Gwe Cars 3 (U) p25 3:00pm Dunkirk (12A) p13 2:00pm The Big Sick (15) p12 6:00pm The Midwife (12A) p14 6:05pm Dunkirk (12A) p13 8:30pm Tom Of Finland (18) p19 8:35pm Sat 12 Cars 3 (U) p25 11:00am Dunkirk (12A) p13 12:00pm Sad Spiderman: Homecoming + Action Flicks (12A) 3:00pm Tom Of Finland (18) p19 6:00pm Dunkirk (12A) p13 5:45pm The Midwife (12A) p14 8:25pm The Big Sick (15) p12 8:30pm Sun 13 Cars 3 (U) p25 11:00am Dunkirk (12A) p13 2:00pm Sul Spiderman: Homecoming (12A) 3:00pm The Children’s Hour (12) p18 5:30pm The Big Sick (15) p12 6:00pm Tom Of Finland (18) p19 8:00pm Dunkirk (12A) p13 8:30pm 2:00pm Mon 14 Spiderman: Homecoming (12A) 11:00am Dunkirk (12A) p13 Llun Cars 3 (U) p25 3:00pm The Midwife (12A) p14 5:55pm Dunkirk (12A) p13 5:45pm Tom Of Finland (18) p19 8:20pm The Big Sick (15) p12 8:30pm 10:30am Tue 15 My Neighbor Totoro (U) p16 11:00am Dunkirk (12A) p13 Maw Cars 3 (U) p25 3:00pm The Children’s Hour (12) p18 2:00pm The Big Sick (15) p12 6:00pm Tom Of Finland (18) p19 5:55pm Dunkirk (12A) p13 8:30pm The Midwife (12A) p14 8:20pm


Peter Finnemore: Between the Lines until / tan 27.08.17 p6

Helen Cope & Megan Johnson until / tan 24.09.17 pp4+5

Wed 16 Mer Thu 17 Iau Fri 18 Gwe Sat 19 Sad Sun 20 Sul Mon 21 Llun Tue 22 Maw Wed 23 Mer Thu 24 Iau Fri 25 Gwe Sat 26 Sad Sun 27 Sul Mon 28 Llun Tue 29 Maw Wed 30 Mer Thu 31 Iau

Spiderman: Homecoming (12A) 11:00am The Big Sick (15) p12 10:30am Cars 3 (U) p25 3:00pm Dunkirk (12A) p13 2:00pm Dunkirk (12A) p13 5:45pm The Midwife (12A) p14 5:55pm The Big Sick (15) p12 8:30pm Tom Of Finland (18) p19 8:20pm My Neighbor Totoro (U) p16 11:00am The Midwife (12A) p14 10:30am Cars 3 (U) p25 3:00pm Dunkirk (12A) p13 2:00pm The Big Sick (15) p12 6:00pm Tom Of Finland (18) p19 5:55pm Dunkirk (12A) p13 8:30pm The Midwife (12A) p14 8:20pm 10:45am Carry On Screaming: Maudie (12A) p15 11:00am Cars 3 (U) p25 Dementia Friendly: Mamma Mia (PG) 2:00pm Kiki’s Delivery Service (U) p16 3:00pm Maudie (12A) p15 6:00pm Land Of Mine (15) p13 5:50pm My Cousin Rachel (12A) p13 8:30pm England Is Mine (15) p17 8:05pm 2:30pm The Eagle Huntress (U) p15 11:00am Maudie (12A) p15 Cars 3 (U) p25 3:00pm England Is Mine (15) p17 6:00pm 6:10pm Land Of Mine (15) p13 8:05pm My Cousin Rachel (12A) p13 Maudie (12A) p15 8:20pm 11:00am England Is Mine (15) p17 2:00pm Cars 3 (U) p25 The Red Turtle (PG) p25 3:00pm Prick Up Your Ears (15) 5:30pm Maudie (12A) p15 6:00pm Land Of Mine (15) p13 8:00pm My Cousin Rachel (12A) p13 8:30pm Cars 3 (U) p25 + Film Activity Day 11:00am Maudie (12A) p15 2:00pm Junior Actors Workshop: 10:00am-4:00pm The Eagle Huntress (U) p15 3:00pm Chapter 13: Ghost In The Shell (15) p16 6:00pm Big Drama Week p9 My Cousin Rachel (12A) p13 6:10pm Land Of Mine (15) p13 8:15pm Maudie (12A) p15 8:20pm 10:30am Junior Actors Workshop: 10:00am-4:00pm Kiki’s Delivery Service (U) p16 + Film Sewcial 11:00am Maudie (12A) p15 Cars 3 (U) p25 3:00pm Prick Up Your Ears (15) 2:00pm Big Drama Week p9 Maudie (12A) p15 6:00pm Land Of Mine (15) p13 6:05pm My Cousin Rachel (12A) p13 8:30pm England Is Mine (15) p17 8:15pm 11:00am My Cousin Rachel (12A) p13 10:30am Junior Actors Workshop: 10:00am-4:00pm Cars 3 (U) p25 The Red Turtle (PG) p25 3:00pm Relaxed Screening: Maudie (12A) p15 2:00pm Big Drama Week p9 My Cousin Rachel (12A) p13 6:10pm England Is Mine (15) p17 6:00pm Maudie (12A) p15 8:20pm Land Of Mine (15) p13 8:05pm Kiki’s Delivery Servicep16 (U) 11:00am England Is Mine (15) p17 10:30am Junior Actors Workshop: 10:00am-4:00pm Cars 3 (U) p25 3:00pm My Cousin Rachel (12A) p13 2:00pm Big Drama Week p9 Maudie (12A) p15 6:00pm Land Of Mine (15) p13 6:05pm My Cousin Rachel (12A) p13 8:30pm England Is Mine (15) p17 8:15pm 2:00pm Junior Actors Workshop: 10:00am-4:00pm Ponyo (U) p16 11:30am An Inconvenient Sequel (PG) p12 Captain Underpants (U) p25 3:00pm LGBT Britain On Film (adv15) p19 6:15pm Big Drama Week p9 An Inconvenient Sequel (PG) p12 6:00pm Maudie (12A) p15 8:15pm A Ghost Story (12A) p17 8:20pm 2:30pm Captain Underpants (U) p25 11:00am An Inconvenient Sequel (PG) p12 The Eagle Huntress (U) p15 3:00pm SHOT! The Psycho-Spiritual Mantra… (adv15) p17 6:10pm A Ghost Story (12A) p17 6:00pm Queerama (15) p19 8:15pm An Inconvenient Sequel (PG) p12 8:00pm Captain Underpants (U) p25 11:00am An Inconvenient Sequel (PG) p12 2:00pm The Red Turtle (PG) p25 3:00pm Desert Hearts (18) p18 5:30pm An Inconvenient Sequel (PG) p12 6:00pm SHOT! The Psycho-Spiritual Mantra… (adv15) p17 7:45pm A Ghost Story (12A) p17 8:20pm 2:00pm Captain Underpants (U) p25 11:00am An Inconvenient Sequel (PG) p12 The Eagle Huntress (U) p15 3:00pm SHOT! The Psycho-Spiritual Mantra… (adv15) p17 6:10pm A Ghost Story (12A) p17 6:00pm LGBT Britain On Film (adv15) p19 8:15pm An Inconvenient Sequel (PG) p12 8:00pm Captain Underpants (U) p25 11:00am An Inconvenient Sequel (PG) p12 10:30am Ponyo (U) p16 3:00pm Desert Hearts (18) p18 2:00pm An Inconvenient Sequel (PG) p12 6:00pm Maudie (12A) p15 6:05pm A Ghost Story (12A) p17 8:20pm Queerama (15) p19 8:30pm 10:30am Stifyn Parri - Shut Your Mouth p8 8:00pm Relaxed Screening: The Red Turtle (PG) p25 11:00am An Inconvenient Sequel (PG) p12 Captain Underpants (U) p25 3:00pm Maudie (12A) p15 2:00pm A Ghost Story (12A) p17 6:00pm LGBT Britain On Film (15) p19 6:10pm An Inconvenient Sequel (PG) p12 8:10pm SHOT! The Psycho-Spiritual Mantra… (adv15) p17 8:05pm 10:30am Stifyn Parri - Shut Your Mouth p8 8:00pm Ponyo (U) p16 11:00am Maudie (12A) p15 Captain Underpants (U) p25 3:00pm An Inconvenient Sequel (PG) p12 2:00pm + 6:00pm NT Live: Yerma (15) 7:00pm A Ghost Story (12A) p17 8:20pm 10:30am-12:30pm

Gallery Workshops p22

Clonc yn y Cwtch p27

Cider & Perry Palooza p27



Drop-In Art workshops p22 2:00pm-5:00pm Cider & Perry Palooza p27 5:00pm-late


Clonc yn y Cwtch p27

Sunday Jazz: 9:00pm Chapter Four Jazz Quartet p27 Capoeria Street Roda p26 2:00pm-4:00pm

Drop-In Art workshops p22 2:00pm-5:00pm




For more information or to begin the process of adopting your seat please contact: Jennifer Kirkham 029 2035 3741 I gael mwy o wybodaeth neu i gychwyn y broses o fabwysiadu eich sedd eich hun, cysylltwch â: Jennifer Kirkham 029 2035 3741

Regulars to Chapter will know that we are as famous for our café as we are for our culture, so famous that we have decided to open a new Culture Café in Cardiff Bay called Caffi Sio. Visit to find out more and to view our brunch, lunch, afternoon tea and early evening menus.

Bydd y rhai sy’n dod i Chapter yn aml yn ymwybodol ein bod mor enwog am ein caffi ag yr ydym am ein diwylliant felly rydym wedi penderfynu agor caffi diwylliant newydd ym Mae Caerdydd o’r enw Caffi Sio. Ewch i i ddarganfod mwy ac i weld ein bwydlenni brecyn, cinio, tê prynhawn a fin nos.

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