theatre cinema gallery shop caffi bar theatr sinema oriel siop www.chapter.org
The doors are open and we are very pleased to see you. After just 16 months of building work the new arts centre has come to life this autumn. And we are able finally to let you see what the sketches and drawings could only hint at — a building that is thrillingly new and comfortably familiar. We think it’s all been worth it. Every second pouring over plans, working with architects, builders and designers, all the dust, mayhem and what seemed at one time to be a never ending string of false fire alarms…it’s all been worth it. Together we’ve created the arts centre of tomorrow — to ensure new opportunities for future generations and extraordinary experiences for you today - whether it’s the Cardiff Festival of Creative Technology, Experimentica, Sŵn music festival, Iris film prize or any of the hundreds of events and workshops each month. On a personal note I’d like to thank Chapter staff, tenants and the artists and organisations we work with. Our tenants and artists have put up with it all in great spirit — it made our job so much easier. Our staff have worked long hours in often difficult and stressful circumstances. They’ve gone the extra mile and made the transformation from ugly duckling to swan seem a much more straightforward process than it actually was. Thank you for all your support. I hope you enjoy the new season, the new facilities, the new Chapter. Janek Alexander Chapter
09 22
33 29
We’re Back…
It’s all change but somehow it’s still uniquely Chapter. Just walk through the doors and you’ll know what we mean. We’ve lovingly restored the original brown school tiles and kept small but important elements of the original architecture. To this we’ve added a beautiful new oak floor, opened up our entrances, created a spacious outdoor courtyard and possibly the biggest café-bar in Wales. You’ll love the little touches — the iroko wood surfaces, the corian counter tops, the statement light fittings, the cwtchy corners. And we’ve sorted out the acoustics in the main space — you won’t have to shout anymore. A gleaming lightbox spans the width of our frontage, jutting out from our first floor theatre foyer. Yes, we’ve actually got, for the first time in our 38 year history a proper theatre foyer where you can linger, chat, discuss and possibly argue over our latest performance. The theatre itself has wonderful seats — they’re comfy and they don’t squeak and rattle anymore. Hurrah. There’s a larger and more open entrance to the gallery so don’t be afraid to pop in and check out the latest exhibition. We’ve repositioned our shop too — it’s still at the end of the gallery but it’s bigger and better. The cinema foyer adds a touch of glamour with its black, soft seating and edge-lit film posters. You’ll love the interior design. It’s an eclectic mix: salvaged school chairs, desks converted into laptop stations, coat pegs and satchels displaying our monthly magazine reflect the building’s school heritage. Vintage wallpaper, classic fabrics and graphic patterns reflect our roots in the early 1970s. Reclaimed furniture, including gorgeous orange, swivel chairs and G-plan tables, also echos a theme that runs through the project — sustainability. We can’t tempt you with photos of how the new Chapter looks yet (those will come next month) so you’ll just have to come in and see it with your own eyes. Come and tell us what you think… it’s just the start.
With Phase 1 of the redevelopment completed, we’d like to say thank you to all of you who have supported us so far. We’re putting together an allsinging, all-dancing event at the end of November to officially launch the new Chapter — see opposite. With all the excitement of the reopening and launch party, it’s important to remember that we’re still raising the funds we need to create our top-notch programme of exhibitions, performance and films, to add some finishing touches and to start on Phase 2.
There are a number of ways you can help: Adopt a Seat Why not adopt one of our lovely new cinema or theatre chairs? For £250 your name (or a name of your choice) is engraved on a plaque which will adorn the back of a seat for 10 years. For more information call the Box Office on 029 2030 4400 or visit www.chapter.org Donations Regular or one off donations are crucial in helping us to plan ahead and create the programme you know and love. Your donation can be directed towards a specific area or art form or you can choose to let our management team decide where your donation is most needed. Please contact the Fundraising office on 02920 355662 or email elaina.gray@chapter.org to request a donation form. And don’t forget to ask about Gift Aid if you’re a UK tax payer. Legacies Leaving a legacy will help to ensure a healthy future for Chapter. In the first instance you should contact your solicitor for advice and, if you have already mentioned Chapter in your Will, please let us know so that we can recognize your donation in the most appropriate way. Limited Edition Prints We have a stunning selection of limited edition prints on offer by celebrated artists James Aldridge, Pete Fowler, Heather and Ivan Morison and Joanna Quinn. Each print costs £100 and we offer an easy payment system allowing you to spread the cost. You can buy online at www.chapter.org, by phoning us on 029 2030 4400 or just pop in. Postcard versions of the prints are now available from the Shop, priced at £3.50 for a set of four.
James Aldridge’s limited edition print
If you have any questions relating to the above schemes, please contact Elaina Gray, Fundraising Officer on 02920 355662 or email elaina.gray@chapter.org
Tue 24 Nov • 6 for 6.30pm • Maw 24 Tach We’d love you to come to our relaunch. It won’t be stiff and starchy, it won’t be a night of long speeches and self congratulations; we just want to say thank you to all our supporters, big and small, for their help getting us here. And we want to say it in a very Chapter way. We’ll start proceedings with a free glass of bubbly and the smooth, jazz stylings of the Glen Manby band. Glen who’s also our Chief Projectionist (find out more about him on p38) is the first of several staff contributing to this special occasion. Later in the evening watch out for Chapter staff Andy Fung (of Cymbient), Jon Ruddick (also performing at Experimentica in November — see p21), Tom Raybould (aka Zwolf) and Mel Daley in her band The Me Me Mes. We’ll also be joined by local musical legend Richard James for a special performance. Chapter favourites Eddie Ladd, Mark Rees and Bedwyr Williams will be making impromptu performances throughout the night and our cinema screens will be awash with the very best of Chapter Moviemaker and quite a few zombies. Full details of the special launch events in the cinema are on p44. The wonderful Nicola Heywood-Thomas will be playing host for the evening and making sure those speeches (OK, so there will be a few) don’t over-run. New events are being added every minute so for a full run-down check out our website at www.chapter.org. So a night to party, a night to celebrate a taste of all things Chapter. Come and join us. (Oh, there might be a few balloons too.) The launch is kindly sponsored by Unity Trust Bank.
From top: Eddie Ladd (photo Tim Freeman), Marc Rees (photo: Warren Orchard), Tom Raybould
Eddo Stern Tue 20 October — Sun 29 November Maw 20 Hydref — Sul 29 Tachwedd
Opposite: Eddo Stern, Tsunami, 2007. Plastic, paper, electronics. Left: Lotusman, 2007. Plastic, paper, electronics.
Eddo Stern is an internationally renowned American/Israeli artist who works on the borderlands between fantasy and reality, exploring the uneasy and unconscious connections between physical existence and electronic simulation. His work incorporates video game modification, machinima (cinema made through video game sequences) and installation. He explores new modes of narrative and documentary, technology and history, and cross-cultural representation in film, computer games and on the internet. This is his first solo exhibition in the UK and the first show in our newly reopened gallery. The exhibition includes a collection of his acclaimed kinetic shadow puppets and 3D computer animations: a mash-up of documentary material from online forums, clip art, YouTube, midi music, electronics, and handmade puppets. Eddo’s diverse works mine the online gaming world at its paradoxical extremes; on the one hand exploring the untenable perversity of a life spent slaying an endless stream of virtual monsters; on the other, an ultimate mirroring of the most familiar social dynamics: the struggle with masculinity, honour, aggression, faith, love and self worth. Eddo has also made a ‘portal’ for Chapter seemingly allowing you to step into another world. It houses a projection of found 3D animations of tunnels, wormholes, voids, and fly-throughs — the iconic abstractions of computer gaming’s spatial aesthetics, a clichéd metaphor for timeless and endless transcendence. Eddo Stern was born in Tel Aviv and currently lives in Los Angeles. www.eddostern.com This exhibition was made possible through the generous support of University of Wales, Newport, and is a MYLIIT commission.
May You Live in Interesting Times Cardiff Festival of Creative Technology Thu 22 — Sat 24 Oct • Iau 22 — Sad 24 Hyd May You Live in Interesting Times (MYLIIT) is a three-day, biennial Festival that celebrates the latest intriguing uses of everyday technology and social innovation, enabled through shared ideas. There’s a fantastic range of commissions, exhibitions, discussions, workshops, screenings etc. For booking details contact 029 2132 8082 or admin@mayyouliveininterestingtimes.org.uk Time
Booking required
Thu 22 Oct • Iau 22 Hyd 9am-7.30pm Jamie King: Fringy Festival Hub, Chapter No Ongoing Switchboard Mobile Radio Station www.switchboardonline.co.uk No Ongoing Artstation: Reversing the Google Car Chapter No 9am-5pm Alfred Sirleaf: Analogue Blogger St John Street, City Centre No 10am-12pm 4iP Workshop Dance Studio, Chapter Yes/FREE 11am-1pm Game Pit Market House, Chapter Yes/FREE 12-5pm Real Institute: Bwyd Sonique Castle Arcade Yes/FREE 1-4pm Centre is Here: Artists’ Workshop Firstspace, Chapter Yes/£10 4-6pm Film Pit Stiwdio, Chapter Yes/FREE 4-6pm Digital Clinics Market House, Chapter Yes/FREE 6pm Steal This Film: Screening Stiwdio, Chapter No 6-8pm Ghana Think Tank: Exhibition Preview Ffotogallery at Turner House, Penarth No 7-9.30pm Eddo Stern: Exhibition Preview Chapter Gallery No
Fri 23 Oct • Gwe 23 Hyd 9am-7.30pm Jamie King: Fringy Festival Hub, Chapter No Ongoing Switchboard Mobile Radio Station www.switchboardonline.co.uk No Ongoing Artstation: Reversing the Google Car Chapter No 9am-5pm Alfred Sirleaf: Analogue Blogger St John Street, City Centre No 9am-5pm unConference Firstspace, Chapter Yes/£10 10am-8pm Eddo Stern Exhibition Chapter Gallery No 11am-4pm Micro Maker Faire Wales Stiwdio, Chapter No 12-5pm Ghana Think Tank Exhibition Ffotogallery and National Museum Cardiff No 12-5pm Real Institute: Bwyd Sonique Castle Arcade Yes/FREE 5.30-6.30pm Us Now and talk with Ivo Gormley Cinema 2, Chapter Yes/£Various 7-10pm Who Wants to Be…?: The People Speak Cinema 1, Chapter Yes, £10
Sat 24 Oct • Sad 24 Hyd 9am-5pm Jamie King: Fringy Festival Hub, Chapter No Ongoing Switchboard Mobile Radio Station www.switchboardonline.co.uk No Ongoing Artstation: Reversing the Google Car Chapter No 9am-5pm Alfred Sirleaf: Analogue Blogger St John Street, City Centre No 10am-8pm Eddo Stern Exhibition Chapter Gallery No 11am-1pm Sound Pit Market House, Chapter Yes/FREE 11am-4pm Micro Maker Faire Wales Stiwdio, Chapter No 12-5pm Ghana Think Tank Exhibition Ffotogallery and National Museum Cardiff No 1.15-2pm PAST Performance Cinema 1, Chapter Yes/FREE 2-5pm Real Institute: Bwyd Sonique Castle Arcade Yes/FREE 2-5pm Centre is Here: Artists’ Workshop Firstspace, Chapter Yes/£10 3-5.30pm Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Cinema 1, Chapter Yes/£Various 6pm The Hunt for Gollum/Blair Thumb Cinema 1, Chapter Yes/£Various MYLIIT is a partnership between bloc: Creative Technology Wales and Chapter. The 2009 programme has been developed in collaboration with the British Council, Ffotogallery, Safle and Wales Arts International. The Festival has been further supported by the following: @ Wales, Academi, Arts Council of Wales, g39/WARP, Cardiff & Co, Cardiff Design Festival, Cyfle, ELFEN, iShed, National Museum Wales, National Theatre Wales, University of Glamorgan, University of Wales, Newport, Unltd, Wales Innovators Network, Welsh Assembly Government and 4iP. Micro Maker Faire Wales has been produced in cooperation with Maker Faire.
gallery • oriel
Blogiwr Preswyl: Ciron Gruffydd
Fel awdur ifanc yng Nghymru heddiw, mae’n amhosib peidio sylwi ar sut mae’r safleoedd rhwydwaith cymdeithasol, a’r we yn gyffredinol, yn llwyddo i ddod a phobl greadigol at ei gilydd i gydweithio ar brosiectau gwahanol. Yn ddiweddar cynhaliwyd yr Harlech Biennale gyda thua ugain o artistiaid gwahanol yn creu gweithiau ar y thema pontio ryngwladol. Cafodd rhai o’r darnau perfformiad eu darlledu ar y we i orielau yn Naples, Yr Eidal a Toledo yn Sbaen. Dyma enghraifft berffaith o gydweithio creadigol rhyngwladol. Mae prosiectau eraill sy’n cyfuno arddulliau gwahanol — fel rhoi barddoniaeth y bardd o America, Billy Collins, gyda gwaith animeiddiedig ar YouTube — wedi gwneud i lawer sylwi a gwerthfawrogi barddoniaeth am y tro cyntaf. Hefyd, mae defnydd llenorion ifanc o wefannau MySpace a Facebook yn codi ymwybyddiaeth o’u gwaith ac yn creu cynulleidfa o’r newydd. Mae’r awdures a bardd, Laura Dockrill, yn un sy’n torri tir newydd drwy ddefnyddio’r gwefannau hyn. Mae hi hefyd yn croes-dorri cerddoriaeth a barddoniaeth gan drefnu digwyddiadau ar y cyd â Kate Nash yn aml. Bydd y cyfle o weithio gydag artistiaid a blogwyr yng Ngŵyl May You Live in Interesting Times yn brofiad arbennig ac yn siŵr o agor drysau dychymyg a’n hysbrydoli i fynd oddi yno yn llawn syniadau newydd. Rwy’n gobeithio y bydd fy amser fel blogiwr preswyl yn annog mwy ohonom i rannu ysbrydoliaeth a syniadau drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg o fewn Cymru a thu hwnt. Os yw’n bosib i ni wneud hyn, yna fe allwn ninnau hefyd ddenu cynulleidfa, llenorion, arlunwyr a nifer o bobol greadigol eraill i’n plith gan greu prosiectau newydd sy’n croes-dorri arddulliau a dod a chreadigrwydd Cymraeg i’r ugeinfed ganrif ar hugain.
Mae Ciron Gruffuddy wedi’i gomisiynu i fod yn flogiwr preswyl ar ein cyfer yn y cyfnod sy’n arwain at ac yn ystod yr ŵyl. Mae’r wobr ‘You May Fund’ yma gan ‘MYLIIT’ ac Academi yn cael ei gefnogi gan Gyngor Celfyddydau Cymru. Mae’r ‘You May Fund’ yn cefnogi gweithgareddau gŵyl gan ymarferwyr Cymreig, ac eleni mae’n cael ei gyllido a’i gefnogi gan Safle, y sefydliad strategol ar gyfer celf yn y cylch cyhoeddus yng Nghymru.
Alfred Sirleaf: Analogue Blogger
Spin Painting at Maker Faire Image courtesy of Richie Cotterill
The People Speak, Who Wants to Be…?
An English language version of Ciron Gruffydd’s Festival blog can be found at www. mayyouliveininteresting times.org.uk
Assembly: Art in the Bar
Louise Bourgeois Tue 20 October — Sun 29 November • Maw 20 Hydref — Sul 29 Tachwedd Louise Bourgeois has been making, drawing and writing over a career that has spanned a remarkable seven decades. She has been an active figure among the majority of twentieth century art movements, but has remained uniquely individual, powerfully inventive and often at the forefront of contemporary visual art. We are thrilled to announce that Bourgeois is launching our new programme of Art in the Bar with a specially produced, site-specific work. Utilising the hand drawn — Bourgeois’ preferred working method — the work is both humorous and thought provoking. We hope you enjoy it. Louise Bourgeois was born in Paris in 1911 and brought up in Choisy-le-Roi, where her parents restored Aubusson tapestries. From the age of 12, it was Bourgeois’ job to draw the missing parts of the tapestries onto canvas for the weavers. Later, she studied art under Fernand Leger among others, before moving to New York with her husband, Robert Goldwater, where she held her first solo exhibition of paintings in 1945. In the 1950s and 60s, discovering new materials, she participated in many group exhibitions, culminating in the 1966 exhibition ‘Eccentric Abstraction’ curated by Lucy Lippard. In 1982, aged 71, she had her first major retrospective at The Museum of Modern Art in New York — the first ever retrospective given to a woman by the museum. Since then, she has been awarded many honours for achievement in the visual arts and has exhibited internationally at galleries all over the world, including a retrospective at Tate Modern in 2007.
gallery • oriel
Lightbox Commission: Bedwyr Williams
We are delighted to announce that the first artist commissioned to make a site-specific work for our new lightbox is Bedwyr Williams. The lightbox is the huge glass structure above our new entrance. Chosen through an open call for applications from artists from Wales, Williams’ new work incorporates his sharply observed, irreverent humour. Many of you will remember his 2005 exhibition Tyranny of the Meek that featured a collection of snooker tables with trains travelling through the tunnel-pockets and across the baize. It’s great to be working with him again so keep an eye out during November for his piece, which promises to cause a real 'buzz'. Bedwyr Williams is based in Caernarfon and is represented by Ceri Hand Gallery, Liverpool. www.bedwyrwilliams.com
Due to the strength of the shortlist for this commission we decided to select a second artist to follow Bedwyr in the lightbox. Cardiff-based Holly Davey will spend a few months working in residence at Chapter to produce a photographic work exploring the architectural spaces of the 'old' and 'new' building. During a number of discreet live performances she will mark out a series of frozen tableaux using her body to create an imprint on each given space at a given moment in time. The final image will be selected from a range of 'snapshots' and enlarged to provide a striking follow-up to Bedwyr’s launch comission. www.hollydavey.com
theatre • theatr
Cai Tomos Calon Wed 4 Nov • 8pm • Mer 4 Nov Following sell-out performances at Chapter in 2007 and Experimentica 08, Cai Tomos continues to explore his obsession and fascination with the heart in this fusion of movement, text and live sound manipulation. He takes a closer look anatomically, emotionally and culturally at the heart as a symbol we identify with, mixing the scientific with personal stories and celebrating the ordinary and the extraordinary moments of human experience. Tomos explores what makes us tick as he resurrects, recalls and replays memories in the hope of bringing them back to life.
Mae Cai yn parhau i archwilio ei obsesiwn a’i ddiddordeb yn y galon, gan gymryd golwg agosach ar y galon o safbwynt anatomaidd, emosiynol a diwylliannol ac fel symbol yr ydym yn uniaethu ag e. Mae’n cymysgu y gwyddonol gyda ffeithiau personol a straeon ac yn dathlu’r cyffredin ynghyd â eiliadau mwy rhyfeddol profiad dyn. Calon yn cyfuno symudiad, testun, a thriniaeth o sain mewn ymdrech daer i gyrraedd at galonnau eraill. £12/£8/£6 A Galeri and Cai Tomos co-production.
“Original, engaging, and accessible” (Time Out)
Y Llofft As we enter the final stages of our redevelopment and make the necessary changes to reinstate our Stiwdio performance space this event takes place in Y Llofft. Unfortunately, Y Llofft is not accessible to wheelchair users and access is via a steep external staircase. Please call the Box Office on 029 2030 4400 for further details. (photo: Roy Campbell-Moore)
3D Angel Cwmni 3D return with an extravaganza of new short plays exploring the theme of angels. Are angels winged creatures sent to protect? Are all angels good? Some say they are ever-present, leaving signs for us in everyday life… A triple bill of Welsh language plays features on the first two nights, followed by a triple bill of English language plays on Thursday and Friday. Tue 3 + Wed 4 Nov • 7.30pm • Maw 3 + Mer 4 Tach Heb fwg heb dân gan Dafydd Llewelyn Tri person rhwng dau fyd, yn chwilio am baradwys mewn drama dywyll afreal sy’n procio’r meddwl a chodi ambell i gwestiwn pigog. Ieuan Bythwyrdd gan Joanna Davies Gall angel gwarchodol fod yn feidrol ac yn beryglus... Beth sy’n digwydd pan mae obsesiwn un menyw yn rheoli ei bywyd? A phwy yw’r angel pen-ffordd golygus sy’n ei gwthio i’r eithaf? Dyma gomedi dywyll newydd gan Joanna Davies ag ennillodd gwobr Cymdeithas Drama Cymru am y ddrama orau Gymraeg eleni. Sawl yn Syrthio gan Glenn Jones Diffiniad y geiriadur o syrthio: ‘Disgyn yn sydyn, cwympo, codwm, cwympo o fan uchel gyda nerth disgyrchiant; lleihau gwerth; llai pwerus; teimlad cariad; digwyddiad neu amod.’ Ond syrthio mewn ffordd wahanol iawn a wna’r pedwar cymeriad sy’n ganolog i’r ddrama hon. Byddwn yn dyst i ddeilema Llio, Huw, Arwel a Meirion wrth iddynt sefyll ar eu dibyn personol nhw yn myfyrio dros yr ysfa bwerus i syrthio... neu ddim.
Thu 5 + Fri 6 Nov • 7.30pm • Iau 5 + Gwe 6 Tach My friend Death by Chantal Lee-Gan She’s met him once before but thought it was a dream. When she sees him again almost twenty years later, she really wishes it was a dream. A deeply moving play about love, loss and inner fears… and a visit from the angel of death. Sponge for the ducks by Alastair Sill Ray didn’t believe in angels ‘til he found one dangling in a telephone box; an angel with a preference for the more mature gentleman! A cup of Earl Grey and a slice of battenburg seals the deal! But when Ray’s son gets to know about the angel’s affections things start to get a little messy... Black Ice by Owen Thomas In a service station in the small hours of a winter night Colin Green is about to be saved. From the writer of Richard Parker comes this new twenty minute play about chance encounters and stale cakes. £8/£6/£5 Supported by the Arts Council of Wales.
£8/£6/£5 Image: Kim Fielding (thanks to Jason Pinder and Jaakko Tenhunen)
theatre • theatr
Eddie Ladd Ras goffa Bobby Sands / The Bobby Sands memorial race
(photo: Cara Brostrom)
Thu 29 — Sat 31 Oct • 8pm • Iau 29 — Sad 31 Hyd This latest work from one of Wales’ most pioneering and acclaimed performance artists is inspired by a short story by Bobby Sands which focuses on his little known passion for running. Sands died in 1981 on hunger strike in Long Kesh prison in Belfast while campaigning to win back political status for republican prisoners. The performance takes place on a large-scale running machine and follows the 66 days of his hunger strike. The piece is performed to a specially commissioned electroacoustic score by Welsh composer Guto Puw. £12/£8/£6
Bombastic Argonauts
Special Offer Family Ticket: £20 (up to 4 people)
Sat 7 Nov • 3.30pm • Sad 7 Tach Argonauts is a fantastical and humorous family show which retells the famous Greek myth using dance, story, animation and live video. Two friends journey through a city of talking animals and strange monsters, deciphering mysterious clues as they search for their ultimate prize: the Golden Hoodies! Bombastic, under the artistic leadership of Sean Tuan John, specialise in dance theatre and new media productions for young people. Suitable for adults and children aged 6 and over. £8/£5
On The Edge Straight Talk Tue 17 Nov • 8pm • Maw 17 Tach He shot the wrong man; he’s going to lose the case; his wife has gone off with his son’s French teacher; but there’s a glimmer of hope from a stranger in the park… A policeman is enticed into a magical world where fact and fiction blur and his dream (to become a good cop) begins to come true. Michael Kelligan’s 10th season of script-held performances continues with this new play by Welsh playwright Dan Anthony. Directed by Simon West. £3 (on the door)
When Doors Lie Open
Far South
Wed 4 Nov • 7.30pm • Mer 4 Tach An evening of stories and songs to celebrate the Celtic festival Samain, which was held at the beginning of November when, it was believed, the doors lay open to the spirit world. Come and share the stories and songs of three women: the internationally renowned folk singer Frankie Armstrong, together with storytellers Cath Little and Amanda Rackstraw. Three voices to stir the spirit, raise a chuckle and touch your soul.
Wed 18 Nov • 8pm • Mer 18 Tach Following the Three Cities trilogy at Chapter in 2007, writer Des Barry returns with a preview of his latest labyrinthine multi-media work which draws inspiration from the disappearance of Uruguayan theatre director Gerardo Fischer. Far South features readings from Barry’s novel (with actor Nathan Sussex) alongside filmed interviews and short films made with an international cast. At the boundary between truth and misinformation, Far South asks you to question everything you see, read and hear.
£7/£5 (on the door)
Drones Comedy Club Fri 6 + Fri 20 Nov • 8.30pm • Gwe 6 + Gwe 20 Tach Resident hosts Clint Edwards and Dan Thomas showcase the very best in new stand up comedy.
£6/£5/£4 Supported in part by a Creative Wales Award.
“An unmissable writer…” — GQ
£3 (on the door)
Cardiff Shakespeare Readers Sun 8 Nov • 6.30pm • Sul 8 Tach Cardiff Shakespeare Readers get together every month to experience the great playwright’s works spoken aloud. Anyone is welcome to attend and read, no matter what experience you have. On Sun 8 Nov Troilus and Cressida gets the CSR treatment. Please bring along a copy of the script if you have one. £3 (on the door) www.cardiffshakespearereaders.co.uk
Double CL1C card points
When Doors Lie Open
theatre • theatr
Volcano Theatre i-witness
uhhuh dance Cell
Fri 20 + Sat 21 Nov • 8pm • Gwe 20 + Sad 21 Tach Have you ever read a book that changed your life? The latest work from Volcano Theatre is based on the remarkable novel ‘The Rings of Saturn’ by W.G. Sebald. A quartet of performers each appeal to you to see things their way as they describe their own readings of this ambiguous, wondrous journey of a book. Volcano Theatre return to Chapter with this theatrically arresting, politically engaged exploration of contemporary life.
Sun 22 Nov • 8pm • Sul 22 Tach Another chance to see this challenging and thought-provoking performance which asks how people can come to embrace what they previously found abhorrent. While fleeing Germany in 1949, notorious Nazi doctor Josef Mengele was imprisoned in Genoa and forced to share a cell with a disabled street musician who, only a few years earlier, he would have selected for experiments or consigned to the gas chambers. uhhuh dance specialise in a non-discriminatory approach, featuring collaborations between disabled and non-disabled performers. Performed by Jon Luxton and Jodie Allinson. Music composed and performed by Bethan Frieze. Directed by Sarah Hall and Andy Marshall.
“A shimmeringly unusual meditation... This challenging, charismatic and suitably unclassifiable production leaves us in no doubt that books matter.” — The Guardian
“Andy came to us with an idea for a performance based on Mengele. He described it as a theatrical gift because this relationship, these two very different people trapped in a cell, allows us to really explore what it means to be human.” — Jon Luxton, uhhuh dance
Welsh Independent Dance Dance Bytes: Work in Progress Fri 27 Nov • 5.30pm+8pm • Gwe 27 Tach Dance Bytes is Welsh Independent Dance’s unique choreographic development scheme, providing choreographers with the opportunity to create work through three stages of development, enabling exploration and experimentation. Work in Progress is the second stage, which gives you the opportunity to discuss the presented works with the artists during a post-show discussion. £8 (includes a glass of wine after the show) (photo: Joe Wild)
“Original, engaging, and accessible” — Time Out
Everyman The Seventh Seal Tue 1 — Sat 5 Dec • 7.30pm • Maw 1 — Sad 5 Rhag Cardiff’s prolific amateur theatre group bring Ingmar Bergman’s iconic film to the stage for the very first time. A world weary knight wakes up on a desolate beach. But he isn’t alone — Death has come to claim his soul. The knight proposes a wager, challenging Death to a game of chess — if he wins, he lives. In between moves, the knight travels home to his wife though a plague-stricken land. On the way, he offers protection to a ragtag company of actors, an adulterous wife, a blacksmith and a young woman, who are all unaware that they also have their date with Death… £8 (£6 concs on Tue and Thu only)
) + ( = a0 (Ireland) Ephemeral silence_or the universe of d.a.n.t.e. Thu 3 — Sat 5 Dec • 8pm • Iau 3 — Sad 5 Rhag Following their visit to Chapter in 2005 with the extraordinary Like Watching Paint Dry, choreographer/dancer Ursula Mawson-Raffalt and multimedia artist Anthony Faulder-Mawson return with a twopart performance featuring guest artists Kylie Ann Smith, Ricky White and Robert Lee Hilton of Gaijin-San Company (Wales). Drawing inspiration from Dante’s Divine Comedy, this longdeveloped work is an exquisite and profound meditation of image, text and movement. £12/£8/£6 Produced by ) + ( = a0 International Platform for Innovation in the Arts with Kulturhus Aarhus and Chapter with the support of Culture Ireland and the Danish Arts Council .
theatre • theatr
Double Bill: Anushiye Yarnell & Geumhyung Jeong Thu 26 — Sat 28 Nov • 8pm • Iau 26 — Sad 28 Tach 7 Ways by Geumhyung Jeong (Korea) Also featuring in this month’s Experimentica festival (see p25), Geumhyung Jeong fuses puppetry, dance and stagecraft to create a captivating choreography of mind and body. 7 Ways brings together several recent works - a vacuum cleaner, a mannequin, a tall ship voyage and other customised objects, each engaged in a mesmerising duet. Geumhyung explores the potential for a body to transform and be transformed by desire, fantasy and possibility. Supported by Arts Council Korea
“…a reminder of how fantastical, magical and disturbing a form (puppetry) can be” Theron Schmidt, Real Time This is…Love is…?…without props by Anushiye Yarnell (Wales) “What’s Love but a second hand emotion? Who needs a heart when a heart can be broken?” Inspired by the lyrics to Tina Turner’s song, Anushiye Yarnell presents a new solo performance. One of Wales’ most idiosyncratic and visionary dancers, Yarnell creates performances which blend the everyday with extraordinary flights of invention. £12/£8/£6
Double CL1C card points
This is...Love is...?...without props (top), 7 Ways (bottom)
Experimentica 09
theatre • theatr
Tue 10 — Sun 15 Nov • Maw 10 — Sul 15 Tach Young blood, local heroes and iconoclasts from overseas. Welcome to the ninth instalment of Experimentica. A brave new Chapter of theatre, dance and live art from local and international artists. A day Pass costs a mere £6/£5; or for £25/£18/£14 you can immerse yourself completely in Experimentica, with entry to any event over the 6 days. Auxesis Tue 10 Nov • 7pm • Maw 10 Tach TactileBosch Studios in Llandaff North are hosting a series of three exhibitions, each covering a different medium and coordinated by a different curator using the archaic word auxesis (to increase) as its curatorial starting point. The performance element of Auxesis doubles up as an Experimentica opening party. The night is curated by Neil Jeffries and includes new performances by Shaun Caton, Protoplay Arts Collective and Good Cop Bad Cop. + Tim Bromage, Karl Price and Jon Ruddick Tue 10 Nov • 7pm • Maw 10 Tach Wed 11 + Thu 12 Nov • 4.30pm • Mer 11 + Iau 12 Tach New collaborative works over 3 nights at TactileBosch. Taking place within a custom built installation, the project utilises cctv, live action and complex audio loops to create a surreal and interactive environment that alludes to the industrial landscapes that shape Wales and England. An exhibition of video, audio, and drawing created during the project opens to the public from 2–7pm until Sun 22 Nov. A publication documenting the project will be available from late November. Supported by the Arts Council of Wales Free
Clara Garcia Fraile Treat Me Like You Do Wed 11 — Sun 15 Nov • 6-11pm Mer 11 — Sul 15 Tach This incomplete film features characters that are only partially present — they appear as two disembodied pairs of arms, their bodies to be provided by... you? A table-top screen works as a bridge between reality and fiction, image and physicality, providing you with an unexpected and intimate encounter — perhaps with a stranger, as you become impotent actors and observers of a surreal love story. Supported by The Basement. Images: Stage Fright (background), Oil Pressure Vibrator (bottom left), Resistor (bottom right)
Matthew Ennalls Tape Pile Wed 11 Nov • 6.30pm • Mer 11 Tach A live sculpture created in front of your eyes. Rolls of tape are fed into the space allowing it to pile up, shift form, tower, fall, and constantly change shape. As the tape piles up it sticks together and supports itself. The stream of tape can become hypnotic, almost looking like liquid or silk. “I do not wish to fool or ‘outsmart’ the viewer with materials or process and I want the work to be accessible. I like to take materials and objects that we may come across and use every day, such as the tape, and use it in a way that brings new life and interest to it.” Caroline Sabin and Eddie Ladd Things Happening Quietly Wed 11 Nov • 7pm • Mer 11 Tach A show inspired by the extraordinary nature of human biology and the mind-numbing incalculability of the chemical processes necessary for a living body to exist. These two highly experienced and idiosyncratic dance artists work seamlessly through a series of duets and solos using strong lighting and text to frame moments of quiet, kinetic beauty. Random People We Live Here Now Wed 11 Nov • 8pm • Mer 11 Tach A series of short performances by Gareth Llyr and Esther Pilkington, exploring the importance of the geographical as well as the discursive context for making performance work. This multilingual series consists of three consecutively performed pieces — A Long Walk: a performance about a re-enactment of Richard Long’s ‘Crossing Stones’; Would You Like to Learn My Language?: an attempt at linguistic and cultural exchange; and Y Gwynt o’r Dwyrain Chwyth: a lecture performance on the various translations of Brecht/Weill’s Seeräuberjenny.
Richard Allen Stage Fright Wed 11 Nov • 10pm • Mer 11 Tach This installation and performance is played out on the stage set of an abandoned dressing room. The actor is absent but his wardrobe and various props remain. Seemingly automated, the set becomes a machine for the performance of a series of ill conceived conjuring tricks. Part of a series of works addressing materiality, Stage Fright considers the absurdity of the human condition, making for a familiar yet strangely haunting experience. Warning: Contains sudden and (un)expected explosions.
Emily Underwood-Lee Patience Thu 12 Nov • 6.30pm • Iau 12 Tach “I grew some lumps, I grew some lumps, I grew some lumps. One was a baby, two were something more sinister.” This powerful piece explores Emily’s experience of being diagnosed with breast cancer while pregnant. It traces her emotional journey through the most difficult choices — whether to receive treatment or protect her unborn baby. Using personal narrative to explore universal themes, Patience asks questions about life, death, love, determination, motherhood and what it means to be a woman.
Matt Beere & Jesse Schwenk Resistor Thu 12 Nov • 7pm • Iau 12 Tach + Fri 13 Nov • 10pm • Gwe 13 Tach A fifteen foot trench of used VHS tape; a dark room littered with glow sticks; a phantom figure bound; the distant thump of a hardcore rave soundtrack. This performance is an experiment in resistance and potential: in the body; in culture; in leisure; in pleasure. Performer Matt Beere draws on his own experiences of the hardcore rave culture of Holland in the 1990s, to explore the darker realms of desire and memory. When leisure and pleasure are packaged up and sold back to us — when culture is commoditised — how do we search for authentic, personal experience? Deborah Light Between Reality Thu 12 Nov • 8.30pm • Iau 12 Tach Using the photographic work of Francesca Woodman as a starting point, Deborah Light’s latest dance performance explores feminine notions of presence and absence in an imagined reality. “Through our associations, imaginings, fears and desires we construct our own reality - only a trace of this appears in the physical world.” Supported by the Arts Council of Wales, Choreodrome — The Place, St Donats Arts Centre/ Atlantic College and NDCW Dance House.
Between Reality
Marya Erin Jones (USA) SEA & The Invalid Mariner Thu 12 Nov • 9pm • Iau 12 Tach “do you take it as a dead man is dead for good, or do he come alive again?” Treasure Island, 1883 What do a lost sailor, a drowned monk, a woman of the night, a Southern girl from Florida and a dead writer have in common? Probably nothing, if it weren’t for Robert Louis Stevenson… According to quantum theory, the past is alive, accessible, and offers the possibility of dialogue with the present. This performance breaches the wall between past and present, transforming a physics question into a visceral physical theatre performance, which delves deep into the power of connection and collaboration. SAAB The Velvet Lantern Fri 13 Nov • 7pm • Gwe 13 Tach Utilising small fragments of films and soundtracks from the ‘classical’ period as an audio-visual projection, SAAB create an artificial environment for their improvised ritual. Richard Bowers established The Sound of Aircraft Attacking Britain in 1999 as a loose collective of musicians operating without the restrictions of a conventional band. In this performance, Richard welcomes back the charismatic Gwilly Edmondez alongside experimental vocal artists Caroline Pugh and Ludovic Bunel. Experimentica tickets Full Pass: £25/£18/£14 • Day Pass: £6/£5
The Velvet Lantern
Lorena Wolffer (Mexico) Recovery Map Fri 13 Nov • 8pm • Gwe 13 Tach Recovery Map forms part of Expuestas: registros públicos: a series of site-specific performances and interventions that focus on violence against women in Mexico City. The intention of the project is to bring the subject of gender violence into the public consciousness — articulating, denouncing and healing it in various artistic works. Lorena Wolffer conducted weekly interviews with women at the Nuevo Día Shelter in Mexico City in order to learn about their experiences, and their testimonies serve as the starting point for this performance. Bryony Kimmings Sex Idiot Fri 13 Nov • 9.30pm • Gwe 13 Tach Bryony has what some might call unhealthy sexual fascinations but has always deemed herself to be a sensual, safe and giving sexual partner. In March this year Bryony had her very first STI test and found that she has a very common sexual disease. Not usually one for looking back, Bryony was faced with the arduous task of re-tracing her sexual footsteps to see where she may have contracted her little problem. And there were lots of people who didn’t want to speak to her… For this show Bryony reminisces, tries to explain, argues, tells the forbidden truths and in some cases apologises wholeheartedly for the things she has done in the name of sexual conquest and love. Sex Idiot
Eve Dent & Zoe Gingell — Breastcups Sat 14 + Sun 15 Nov • 12-10pm • Sad 14 + Sul 15 Tach Performances: Sat 14 Nov • 12+3pm • Sad 14 Tach Presented as part of the Mothersuckers project, this collaboration between Zoë Gingell and Eve Dent features video, installation and performance, and draws from their personal and artistic responses towards motherhood and pregnancy. There is a particular focus on the psychological and emotional connections involved in a shared physical relationship. Supported by the Arts Council of Wales
Chad Dembski — All for Nothing Sat 14 Nov • 5pm • Sad 14 Tach Canadian Chad Dembski has been creating original experimental performance pieces with various companies since 1997. A prelude to his Hamletown residency in Cardiff next year, this performance straddles the line between the narrative and storytelling elements of theatre and the personal and risk taking aspects of performance art. All for Nothing delves deep into his “need to connect to a place and people I am not familiar with.” Paul Hurley Sat 14 Nov • 8pm • Sad 14 Tach Paul Hurley’s latest project is developed from a new series of body/action based pieces that explore what he has termed ‘the shamanoid’. His exploration of philosophy and the limits of representation features energetic, provocative and sometimes humorous acts of endurance. Hurley creates performances that slow down the world and connect you with ‘something other’.
Los Torreznos (Spain) Sat 14 Nov • 7pm • Sad 14 Tach Jaime Vallaure and Rafael Lamata are highly charismatic veterans of performance and video and have developed a very distinct collaborative personality based on a sense of the spectacle, along with a desire to investigate or reflect on contemporary issues, both social and artistic. The choice of name Los Torreznos was born from the need to familiarise audiences to the idea of conceptual art. It refers to a Spanish dish — pork scratchings — that is usually consumed with a few beers or a glass of wine; something nice and to a certain extent unimportant but which leaves a strong aftertaste in one’s throat and stomach. Special Event Baroque Barrett (UK premiere) ... and what exactly is a joke? Sat 14 Nov • 9pm • Sad 14 Tach A special concert of songs by the late, great English singer songwriter and Pink Floyd legend Syd Barrett arranged and conducted by Italian composer and musicologist Marco Lenzi, sung by Anthony Reynolds. Lenzi’s aim was to reveal the beauty of Barrett’s melodies by translating into a more classical vocabulary. Anthony Reynolds is a critically acclaimed musician and author and has worked with Scott Walker’s producer Peter Walsh, Momus, Vashti Bunyan and cult author Colin Wilson. Marco Lenzi’s compositions have been performed by classical, contemporary music and rock performers. They will be joined on piano by Cardiff-based composer Dave Stapleton. Originally commissioned by Luca Fagella of the Cambini Chamber Music festival in Livorno, Italy. £12/£10/£8 or Free with a full festival pass.
All for Nothing
Sian Robinson Davies Pen is the Word for Fisherman Sun 15 Nov • 2-8pm • Sul 15 Tach A short tabletop performance in which objects are encoded with information to tell a tale of the sea. A memory game containing visual puns and spatial syntax. As day turns to night with the tipping of the cup, the dreams of a penned protagonist arrange themselves on napkins. Sam Hasler & Leo Devlin Artists in residence presentation Sun 15 Nov • 5pm • Sul 15 Tach Over the course of the festival Sam Hasler is using text based interventions and commentary to widen the field of discourse and debate about art and performance. Leo Devlin is performing in response to the Experimentica programme and the Chapter site. Devlin is an active contributor to the arts in Northern Ireland. Based at Flax studios he has exhibited in the UK, Finland, Poland and South America. His work focuses on sensation and catharsis and responds to the immediacy of personal environments and architecture. Katherina Radeva Native Birds Sun 15 Nov • 7pm • Sul 15 Tach Based loosely on the story of five Bulgarian medics who were wrongly imprisoned in Libya for infecting children with HIV, this work also presents a personal journey of a young Eastern European woman living in the west. Native Birds is a performance using elements of Bulgarian folklore through simple actions, text and video in Pen is the World for Fisherman (photo: Simon Steven)
a space filled with a thousand origami birds. The exploration of abandonment, exile, periphery and freedom is central to Radeva’s work. She looks at the elements that define what it is to be in exile and how they affect individual and collective identity. Geumhyung Jeong (Korea) Oil Pressure Vibrator Sun 15 Nov • 9pm • Sul 15 Tach Experimentica regulars will remember Geumyung’s highly regarded and darkly comic ‘vacuum cleaner’ performance at Chapter in 2007. We’re thrilled to welcome her back to give an insight into her unique style of machine based puppetry with a lecture performance that explains how a JCB transformed her sex life. Supported by Arts Council Korea and Seoul Marginal Theatre Festival.
Gerald Tyler versus Limbo Six Dreams & Other Nonsense Sun 15 Nov • 2pm • Sul 15 Tach Gerald is currently working on two projects — one is a comic book with an accompanying music CD (a continuation of the theatre show Big Hands with music by Limbo); the other is an ongoing series of live music and spoken word gigs, also with Limbo. For Experimentica Gerald is presenting a mix of these two projects - with images from Cardiff Based animator, John Edwards, a few guests and stories and some poetry. It takes place in Cinema Two and, according to Gerald, will be "very cosy and a bit weird". Experimentica tickets Full Pass: £25/£18/£14 • Day Pass: £6/£5 Leo Devlin
Notes by Alyson McEvoy
SWDFAS Lecture
I sit, as yet among the energies, meanings and ideas which have variously filled and moulded the Chapter space this month. These visitations have been at times arresting and startling, at others intensely humbling, quietening. All have shared the intention and the capacity to provoke. Feeling. Thought. Reflection. As viewer of another’s vision, theatrical, cinematic or otherwise, there exists the remarkable opportunity of expanding one’s own perspective, of experiencing an inner spaciousness as the limits of one’s own vision of things edges into the frame. Living, we are often immersed in all the doings and beings. The fact of the drama of life itself does not easily reveal itself. In rare moments we might stumble across, or alternatively seek out, the space to become a witness to ourselves, to our own personal drama. Yet more often the distance is not there to laugh at one’s own misgivings, be startled by one’s own action or reaction or by the frenzied pace of one’s existence. The darkened, quietened witnessing within the theatre or cinema can encourage this distance. We may simply choose to be entertained. Or we may open ourselves up to a more subtle transformation if we arrive open and receptive, spacious, transparent. Empti…a frantic portrayal of a family on the edge, and a son who falls over it; Dandelion…a series of meditations searching for the meaning of lives drawing to their close; The Censor…a candid depiction of the relationship between deep seated repressions and the so called objective viewpoint used to identify art, propriety, etiquette, custom… All shine light into the shadowy recesses of what it may mean, this being human. And if we are disturbed by what we see, either as witnesses to the stage or to our own personal drama, we can remind ourselves that this meta-act itself of bringing to the level of expression that which is observed is an act whereby one cherishes one’s experience. On stage, though the material dark and grave, this act of creative expression of the shadowy and solemn is one to be inspired and encouraged by.
Thu 12 Nov • 2pm • Iau 12 Tach South Wales Decorative and Fine Arts Society continue their series of lectures, this month profiling Watkin Williams Wynn, a member of the great dynastic families of Wales. He was one of the most discerning patrons of the arts of his time, and commissioned some of the finest examples of domestic architecture, furniture and pictures. In a short life of forty years, he was twice married, a Member of Parliament and a friend of people like David Garrick and Handel.
One thing feels certain, that human beings are guesthouses to many arrivals, dark and bright, frustrating and illuminating. The trick is to take a leaf from the book of those who use their arrivals in this creative way - the playwrights, authors, actors and performers of this world. Take a leaf and stick it on the fridge. Allow oneself to be constantly reminded. In the theatre room, at the gallery, in the cinema, in the poetry book, novel, listening to the song… Kernels of creative potential lie in all our experiences. Step back and take another look. Alyson McEvoy is a recent graduate of Trinity College, Dublin who now lives in Cardiff. She is happy to receive queries, wonderings and feedback: aly404@hotmail.com
£4 (on the door)
Hires and Classes
We have a number of spaces and facilities for hire at Chapter, many of which are booked regularly by a wonderful mix of day and evening classes. So if you fancy taking up yoga or flamenco, learning Welsh or a martial art, or if your kids are expressing an interest in ballet, then go to our website or pick up a leaflet at the box office to see what’s on offer. And if you’re looking for a room for a party, meeting, video shoot, rehearsal or team building extravaganza then give our hires manager a ring on 029 2031 1050 or email nicky.keeping@chapter.org. Our café manager Lex is also able to supply scrumptious catering for your event — please ask for details or go to www.chapter.org.
Behind The Scenes Paul Turton: Canton Tang Soo Do Paul Turton (or Jaffa as he’s bizarrely known — it’s a long story) is one of the friendly Facilities Managers here at Chapter. When not handing out keys, testing alarms or climbing ladders he finds time to teach his beloved martial art in one of our regular evening classes. Tang Soo Do is a Korean martial art for men and women, young and old. All classes are taught by Black Belt instructors internationally certified by the World Tang Soo Do Association. Tang Soo Do is a form of self defence, but also promotes physical and spiritual health, helping you to develop a strong body and sound mind through training. Classes take place every Monday: 6 — 7.15pm for aged 7–14; 7.30 — 9.30pm for 14 and over. New students are always welcome, but please ring 07734 557767 to check if there’s space available.
Tang Soo Do at Chapter (photo: Neil Bennet)
In Paul’s words “The goal of Tang Soo Do is to provide a way of thinking and acting that will guide and teach you in all areas of your life, so that you will be happier, healthier and wiser.”
Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus
cinema • sinema
Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus Fri 30 Oct — Thu 5 Nov • Gwe 30 Hyd — Iau 5 Tach
France/Canada/UK/2009/122 mins/12A. Dir: Terry Gilliam. With Heath Ledger, Johnny Depp, Colin Farrell, Jude Law, Tom Waits.
As the daughter of Doctor Parnassus nears her 16th birthday, he must save her from eternal fire by finding 5 souls to take her place. After making a deal with Mr Nick for immortality and eternal youth, Parnassus enlists the help of his troupe of players. Together they travel the seedy streets of modern London in a 19th century carnival wagon to ensnare curious customers and force them to choose between a joyful or doom-filled eternity. Gilliam weaves Heath Ledger’s alter-egos (Depp, Farrell and Law) seamlessly into the plot and is at his most extravagant in this surreal tale of morality and longing.
“[Ledger’s] screen presence is so magnetic that you can’t take your eyes off the morally flexible Tony” SFX
Goodbye Solo Fri 30 Oct — Thu 5 Nov • Gwe 30 Hyd — Iau 5 Tach USA/91 mins/2008/15. Dir: Ramin Bahrani. With Souleymane Sy Savane, Red West.
William, a tough and slightly damaged man with very little to live for, meets Solo, a young Sengelese cab driver working hard to make a better life for his young family. They forge an improbable friendship that will change both of their lives. This beautifully moving and unrushed tale from the director of Chop Shop and Man Push Cart has gained stunning critical acclaim around the world.
“Wonderful, moving and mysterious. Startlingly new and bracingly real. An almost perfect film.” The New York Times
Thirst (Bakjwi) Fri 30 Oct — Thu 5 Nov • Gwe 30 Hyd — Iau 5 Tach
South Korea/2009/133 mins/subtitled /18. Dir: Park Chan-wook. With Song Kang-ho, Kim Ok-vin.
From the director of Old Boy and Sympathy For Lady Vengeance comes this much awaited and blood-soaked vampire film. Roman Catholic Priest Kang-ho Song volunteers to be a subject for a risky and ultimately deadly medical experiment. Resurrected after receiving tainted blood, he must find a way to reconcile his new existence and raging desires with his deeply held moral code. Winning the Jury Prize at Cannes, in true Chan-wook style, this is a complex horror film which probes the very depths of human nature.
“A fresh, surprising take on an old, old story that holds the attention with deadly wit.” — Empire
Spurn The Dust A season of films celebrating the representation of the labour movement in film curated in association with Unison and the WEA.
Bound For Glory
Sun 1 Nov • Sul 1 Tach
Sun 8 Nov • Sul 8 Tach
1976/USA/145 mins/PG. Dir: Hal Ashby. With David Carradine, Ronny Cox, Melinda Dillon.
UK/1987/174 mins/18. Dir: Bill Douglas. With Keith Allen, Robin Soans, Vanessa Redgrave, Imelda Staunton, Barbara Windsor.
Bound For Glory charts the life of one of America's greatest folk singers, Woody Guthrie. He left his dust-devastated Texas home in the 1930s, riding the rails in search of an audience for his music, travelling through California before ending up in New York. Winning Oscars for music and cinematography, this excellent biopic captures the bleakness of the Great Depression and the beautiful grandeur of America as expressed by Guthrie in his songs. + Join us in the Caffi Bar at 4pm for a performance by singer/ songwriter Martyn Joseph, an edgy and charismatic performer described by Bob Harris as singing songs of “outstanding lyrical intelligence”.
This epic retelling of the beginnings of trade unionism tells the tale of The Tolpuddle Martyrs: six Dorset labourers who were deported to Australia in the 1830s for rising up against the indignities suffered at the hands of their employers. Unfolding in the pastoral haze of Dorset and blinding light of Australia, this film is rich with carefully layered visual illusions and nuances and is a compelling account of struggle and injustice. + short film by Justice for Columbia (5mins) Columbia is the most dangerous place in the world to be a trade unionist but, despite the dangers, people are still prepared to speak out. + Introduction by Steve Belcher, UNISON Cymru Wales International Officer.
cinema • sinema
Norma Rae
Sun 15 Nov • Sul 15 Tach USA/1979/115 mins/PG. Dir: Martin Ritt. With Sally Field, Beau Bridges, Ron Liebman.
Based on a true story, this inspiring film tells the story of Norma Rae, a textile worker in the American industrial South. Uneducated and poor, she is sickened by the working conditions she and her colleagues endure. When a union organiser from New York comes to town, Norma takes on the hostility of the mill's management and the apathy of her co-workers to try to unionise the mill and improve both her life and the deplorable conditions in the mill. + Special guest introduction giving an insight into women’s roles in the Trade Union movement.
King Coal: A Century of Coal Mining on Film Sun 22 Nov • Sul 22 Tach UK/78 mins/no cert
Launching in conjunction with the BFI's Britain's Industrial Heritage project, this programme offers a remarkable insight into an industry which came to define 20th century Britain. The selection includes precious early films such as A Day in the Life of a Coal Miner (1910), a 1940s animation and 1980s documentary footage shot during the turmoil of the Miners' Strike. + Introduction by Tyrone O’Sullivan, former NUM branch secretary from Tower Colliery.
Carry On At Your Convenience Sun 29 Nov • Sul 29 Tach UK/1971/87 mins/PG. Dir: Gerald Thomas. With Sidney James, Kenneth Williams, Charles Hawtrey, Joan Sims.
Known as Carry On Round The Bend outside of the UK, the Carry On team tackled trade unionism in a way that just didn’t flush with the great British audience at the time. Union representative Vic Spanner is causing havoc and industrial strife at WC Boggs’ lavatory factory in order to get time off to watch his local team play and it’s up to Sid Plummer, the factory foreman, to bridge the gap between workers and management. + Introduction focusing on media representation of the Trade Union movement.
Bad Film Club: Snowbeast Sun 1 Nov • Sul 1 Tach USA/1977/86 mins/PG. Dir: Herb Wallerstein. With Bo Svenson, Yvette Mimieux, Robert Logan.
Purveyors of the ultimate in film trash, Nicko and Joe return with a very special night where they’re filming a live commentary for their forthcoming DVD. And the film that receives this great honour is the mighty Snowbeast! Mystery hangs over the Rill Ski Resort in Colorado after a young skier is killed by a yeti. However, the Ski Resort owner and town sheriff are not keen to believe this tall tale, especially with the new season and festival looming ever closer. Carnage, mayhem and a man in a badly fitted yeti outfit, what’s not to like?
I Want to See (Je veux voir) Tue 3 — Thu 5 Nov • Maw 3 — Iau 5 Tach France/Lebanon/69 mins/subtitled/ctba. Dir: Joana Hadjithomas, Khalil Jorgeige. With Catherine Deneuve, Rabih Mroue.
Double CL1C card points
As a response to the many wars taking place around the globe, a group of renowned Lebanese artists and documentary makers got together to ask what meaningful role cinema can have. Their latest project addresses the harsh realities of conflict in the Middle East, and features Catherine Deneuve, a recognisable icon of international cinema. She joins director Khalil Joreige on a road trip around Lebanon in this part fiction, part documentary, to see the regions devastated by the recent conflict and ask how a country like Lebanon can move forward.
'A potent and Intriguing cinema of ideas' — The Guardian
The Soloist Fri 6 — Thu 12 Nov • Gwe 6 — Iau 12 Tach USA/2009/117mins/12A. Dir: Joe Wright. With Jamie Foxx, Robert Downey Jr, Catherine Keener.
Joe Wright follows Atonement with this modern day drama based on the true story of Steve Lopez, a Los Angeles Times newspaper reporter who went out looking for a story and found Nathaniel Ayers, a one-time musical prodigy now homeless and struggling with mental illness. When a reader sends in a cello to replace the shoddy instrument Ayers currently plays, the lives of the two men become interconnected and Lopez begins to wonder if, through friendship, they can both find redemption.
“Intelligent and uncompromising, with knock-out performances from Downey Jr. and Foxx” — Empire The screening on Mon 9 Nov will be subtitled.
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The September Issue Fri 6 — Mon 9 Nov • Gwe 6 — Llun 9 Tach USA/2009/90 mins/12A. Dir: R J Cutler. With Anna Wintour, Grace Coddington.
Anna Wintour is widely though to be the inspiration behind Meryl Streep’s character in The Devil Wears Prada. She dictates who’s in, who’s out and what we’ll be seeing on the runways of fashion next season. Every August, up to 13 million people scramble to get their hands on her must-have Bible of fashion, Vogue’s September Issue. This funny and intimate documentary allows us unprecedented access to behind the scenes of Vogue as we meet her Creative Director, Anglesey born Grace Coddington, and her team of largerthan-life, hard-working editors as they battle to make it the best issue yet. + Guest introduction by Angela Biggins, fashion promotion lecturer from University of Glamorgan on Fri 6 Nov.
Identity of the Soul Wed 11 Nov • Mer 11 Tach Dir: Thomas Hoegh. With Vanessa Redgrave
A very special cinematic performance combining poetry, film, music and dance. Vanessa Redgrave narrates a poem about revenge, conciliation and the individual based on Henrik Ibsen’s ‘Terje Vigen’ and Mahmoud Darwish’s ‘A Soldier Dreams Of White Lilies’. Stunning imagery shot in Japan, Norway, Egypt and some sourced from the BFI National Archive is projected across 5 screens which are installed in the cinema to provide an immersive and truly unique experience. www.identityofthesoul.com This is screened as part of our on-going collaboration with the Atrium celebrating poetry and film. www.cci.glam.ac.uk/AWEN
An Education
Fri 13 — Thu 26 Nov • Gwe 13 — Iau 26 Tach UK/2009/100 mins/12A. Dir: Lone Scherfig. With Peter Sarsgaard, Carey Mulligan, Rosamund Pike, Sally Hawkins, Alfred Molina.
Its 1961 and Jenny, a witty and precocious 16-year-old living a sheltered life in the suburbs of London, has her eyes on a place at Oxford until a dashingly handsome and maybe slightly shady businessman, David, whisks her away and introduces her to London’s ‘university of life’. Based on the humorous and moving memoirs of journalist Lynn Barber, and adapted for screen by Nick Hornby, An Education shows a post war sixties which was yet to swing, but which had opportunities a plenty for fun, culture and the high life.
”a wonderful film, emotionally pulsing, culturally observant, simply bursts with life” — Variety
Hot Docs A selection of stunning recent documentaries focusing on some of the most imortant issues of the moment.
The Crimson Wing: Mystery of the Flamingos Fri 6 — Thu 12 Nov • Gwe 6 — Iau 12 Tach USA/2008/78 mins/PG. Dir: Matthew Aeberhard, Leander Ward. Narrated by Mariella Frostrup.
This visually captivating documentary follows the life-cycle of the magnificent flamingos that fly up and down Africa’s Rift Valley. Follow their austere lives from procreation, to the many dangers faced by the young chicks, through to migration, all captured with stunning cinematography and accompanied by a musical score by the UK-based Cinematic Orchestra.
“the cinematography is exquisite… the music is perfect… it’s surprisingly willing to face up to the more grisly side of life in the wild” — Time Out
Vanishing of the Bees Tue 10 — Thu 12 Nov • Maw 10 — Iau 12 Tach UK/2009/97 mins/U. Dir: George Langworthy, Maryam Henein. Narrated by Emilia Fox.
In the UK, bees pollinate a third of the food we eat and so contribute around £200 million a year to our nation’s economy. In the winter of 2008/09 around one fifth of our honeybee hives were lost to Colony Collapse Disorder - is this something we can afford to ignore? The bees leave their hive, their queen and their offspring and their oncenatural predators don’t even raid the hives for the abandoned honey. This documentary considers the experience of farmers, beekeepers, scientists and government agencies to see how we can prevent the situation from becoming a disaster. www.vanishingbees.co.uk
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cinema • sinema
The Cove
Tortured Truths
Fri 13 — Thu 19 Nov • Gwe 13 — Iau 19 Tach
Sun 15 Nov • Sul 15 Tach
USA/2009/92 mins/12A. Dir: Louie Psihoyos. With Richard O’Barry.
Just as the author of Jaws, Peter Benchley, spent the last years of his life campaigning for the welfare of sharks, Flipper trainer and dolphin expert Richard O’Barry now regrets helping to create the view that one of our most intelligent of mammals is happy in captivity. This powerful and at times heartbreaking documentary explores the abuse of these creatures in captivity for our amusement. It also includes disturbing footage of the brutal mass slaughter at Taiji Cove, Japan in the guise of fish stock management and for use as whale meat under the glancing eye of The International Whaling Commission.
“There are many documentaries angry about the human destruction of the planetary peace. This is one of the very best — a certain Oscar nominee” Roger Ebert
UK/2008/90 mins/no cert. Dir: Christine Garabedian.
La Maison des Journalistes is a Parisian refuge for persecuted journalists who have suffered torture, prison sentences and death threats because they dared to express themselves freely. Christine Garabedian carefully extracts personal stories from some of the refuge’s inhabitants including an Iraqi poet punished for writing about love and reconciliation amongst his countrymen, a political cartoonist from Burma and a Cuban investigative reporter. + Q&A with the director after the screening. This screening is being held as a fundraiser for the Medical Foundation for the Care of Victims of Torture. Matinee ticket prices apply. www.torturecare.org.uk
Dead But Not Buried As the nights draw in, what better way to spend your evenings than in the presence of the undead and dying. With some cracking Zombie films around at the moment, here’s a small selection of dark treats to keep you from your sleep.
District 9
Fri 6 — Thu 12 Nov Gwe 6 — Iau 12 Tach
Fri 13 + Sat 14 Nov Gwe 13 + Sad 14 Tach
Fri 20 — Thu 26 Nov Gwe 20 — Iau 26 Tach
Canada/2009/95 mins/15. Dir: Bruce McDonald. With Stephen McHattie, Lisa Houle, Georgina Reilly.
USA/2009/112 mins/15. Dir: Neill Blomkamp. With Sharlto Copley, Jason Cope, Nathalie Boltt.
No not that Pontypool, but Pontypool in Ontario, Canada. But with a name so close to our hearts how could we not screen this psychological thriller in which a deadly virus infects a small snowy town by being transmitted through the use of the spoken word? A witty but thought-provoking low budget film which asks us to consider the role of the media in debasing language with their incessant chit chat and lazy hyperbole – while still giving horror fans enough gore to chew on.
In 1990, a massive star ship bearing a bedraggled alien population, nicknamed ‘The Prawns’ appears over Johannesburg, South Africa. Twenty years later, the initial welcome by the human population has faded. The refugee camp where the aliens are located has deteriorated into a militarized ghetto called District 9, where they are confined and exploited in squalor. Multi-National United is contracted to forcibly evict the population but The Prawns find a kindred spirit in Wikus van der Merwe, a government agent that becomes exposed to their biotechnology...
USA/87 mins/2009/15. Dir: Ruben Fleischer. With Woody Harrelson, Jesse Eisenberg, Emma Stone, Abigail Breslin, Bill Murray.
“Think of this witty, economically gory little tour de force as 28 Days Later written by linguist Noam Chomsky” Entertainment Weekly
In an almost post-human world filled with fast, wily and ravenous zombies, Tallahassee, a cowboy road warrior, stops only for provisions, to meet Bill Murray and to do some gratuitous and finely executed zombie killing. He finds the geeky and neurotic loner Columbus, who’s got this far by following his 47 rules of survival, and they join with two young sisters to head for a rumoured zombie-free theme park outside L.A. Zombieland is a rollicking, rollercoaster ride of a zombieslaying adventure, with all the fun of the fair.
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PLAY DEAD — a zombie gaming afternoon Sat 21 Nov • 3pm • Sad 21 Tach Join us for a FREE afternoon of big screen mayhem and take your turn in blitzing and blasting zombies to your dark heart’s content. (Cert: 15)
Flick Fri 20 —Tue 24 Nov • 8.30pm Gwe 20 — Maw 24 Tach UK/2008/96 mins/15. Dir: David Howard. With Hugh O’Conor, Liz Smith, Faye Dunaway.
With a love that wouldn’t die, Johnny, a rockabilly from the 1950s, returns from his watery grave to avenge his death and rekindle his love for teen angel Sally. Brought in to investigate a series of strange deaths and weird sightings, Memphis cop Lieutenant McKenzie (Dunaway) must find out who the killer is and what’s driving him. With a cracking soundtrack and first class cast including the Royle Family’s Liz Smith as his everloving ‘Ma’ and Richard Hawley playing the Devil’s music as Radio Rockabilly’s resident DJ, there’ll be no peace in the valleys until McKenzie can put an end to Johnny’s reign of terror. A fun zombie thriller by South Walian director, David Howard.
If you like these, you might like this...
X (The Man with the X-Ray Eyes) Tue 24 Nov • 6.30pm Maw 24 Tach USA/1963/80 mins/ctba. Dir: Roger Corman. With Ray Milland, Diana Van Der Vlis, Harold J Stone.
One of Wales’ finest actors, Ray Milland stars in this B-movie shocker as Dr James Xavier, a scientist attempting to increase the power of the human eye. Testing a new serum on his own eyes, he gains powerful X-ray vision to not only see through superficial items such as clothes and human skin but also into the heart of the very universe. Warned that ‘only the gods see everything’, he soon lives to regret his actions. Director, Roger Corman, developed the ‘Spectorama’ technique to create some quite astonishing effects for this low budget, high concept film.
Behind the scenes with us Chapter folk.
Pan's Labyrinth (El Laberinto del Fauno)
Name: Glen Manby
Wed 18 Nov • Mer 18 Tach
Head Projectionist How long have you worked at Chapter? A very, very long time. What is your favourite thing about working at Chapter? Most of the people I come across from day to day are really nice, friendly, and interesting. What is the last thing you saw at Chapter? I’m not sure what the last thing was I saw in its entirety – in this job, testing prints and setting various levels, I get to see small amounts of lots of things, but in great detail. What’s the most memorable thing that’s happened to you at Chapter? Well, I’ll never forget the day Sylvia Anderson turned up with Lady Penelope (the voice and the puppet together at Chapter!). I also once showed the creator of The Pink Panther a drawing of the Pink Panther I had done myself, upon which he muttered “hrumph” and walked off. What do you enjoy doing outside Chapter? I lead a parallel life as a jazz musician and teacher, so that, along with parenthood, pretty much takes up most my time. Incidentally, one of my jazz groups has been playing regularly once a month in the Chapter Bar for the last 14 years! Tell us a joke… What is half of infinity? Nity. Glen’s jazz group, The Glen Manby Trio, will be performing in our Caffi Bar as part of the launch celebrations on Tue 24 Nov. See p5 for full details.
Spain/2006/119 mins/15. Dir: Guillermo Del Toro. With Ivana Baquero, Sergi Lopez, Maribel Verdu.
This epic fantasy unfolds through the eyes of Ofelia, a dreamy little girl who is uprooted to a rural military outpost in Fascist-ruled Spain. Powerless and lonely in a place of unfathomable cruelty, Ofelia lives out her own dark fable as she confronts monsters both otherworldly and human. + Guest introduction and supporting information pack; Presented in partnership with Cardiff County Council, this is part of our series of schools screenings aimed at exploring modern foreign languages. Regular matinee ticket prices apply — please book in advance to avoid disappointment.
“Compelling from first frame to last, Pan’s Labyrinth never misses a chance to wrench, quell or quicken your heart: this visionary project propels Del Toro into the highest league of filmmakers” — BBC
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Tales From the Golden Age (Amintiri din epoca de aur) Romania/2009/141 mins/subtitled/12A. Dir: Ioana Uricaru, Hanno Hoefer, Razvan Marculescu, Constantin Popescu, Cristian Mungiu.
Double CL1C card points
Fri 13 — Thu 19 Nov • Gwe 13 — Iau 19 Tach The final 15 years of the Ceausescu regime were the worst in Romania's history. Nonetheless, the propaganda machine referred to the period as “the golden age”. The latest film from producer Cristian Mungui (4 months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days) adapts for screen the most popular urban myths of the period: comic, bizarre, surprising tales that drew on the often surreal events of everyday life under the communist regime. This was an era when food was more important than money, freedom more important than love and survival more important than principles.
“Absurd, hilarious, poignant and curiously affecting. One of the top 10 films of Cannes 2009” — The Times
The Beaches Of Agnes (les Plages d’Agnes) Mon 16 — Wed 18 Nov • Llun 16 — Mer 18 Tach France/2008/110 mins/subtitled/18. Dir: Agnes Varda. With Andre Lubrano, Blaise Fournier, Vincent Fournier.
The grandmother of the French New Wave, legendary film director Agnes Varda takes a lyrical and moving journey through her past. This is not an autobiography, rather an evocation of her memories through footage from her films and visits to the places and people she once filmed. Varda said that ‘to love cinema is to love Jacques Demy, painting, family and puzzles and again Jacques Demy’, and it was Demy’s failing health which gave rise to this one, final, beautiful, collaboration. Playing the role of ‘a little old lady telling the story of her life’, Varda is very much alive as she remembers those she has filmed, understood (or not) and admired.
“a puckish, moving and wonderfully eccentric tour through her life” — Time Out
Greek Pete Mon 23 Nov • Llun 23 Tach
UK/2009/72 mins/18. Dir: Andrew Haigh. With Peter Pittaros, Lewis Wallis.
Pete arrives in London with hopes of expanding his reputation and income as a male escort. “Always up for it and always horny”, Greek Pete gives an insight into the London gay rent-boy scene as he builds his business, falls into a complicated relationship with LondonboyKai and dreams of winning the ‘World Escort Awards’ in LA. Filmed over a year with men working within and around the sex industry and blurring the boundaries between documentary and fiction filmmaking, this is a warm and honest, non-judgmental and sometimes explicit film about a sub-culture often hidden from view. + Intorduction by Berwyn Rowlands, Director of the Iris Festival
Soundtrack Film Festival Welcoming internationally renowned film-makers and musicians to Cardiff, Soundtrack returns for its second year to celebrate the close relationship between music and film www.soundtrackfilmfestival.com Normal Chapter pricing applies unless stated.
Film Study Day: Coraline
The Music of Hammer Horror
Wed 18 + Thu 19 Nov • 9.45am — 2.15pm Mer 18 + Iau 19 Tach By examining the work of film composers Bruno Coulais (Coraline, Winged Migration) and Danny Elfman (Spiderman, Batman) and exploring the question ‘what is film language?’ this workshop gives participants the opportunity to understand how music is used alongside images to create meaning. Each study day includes a screening of Coraline (PG) in Cinema 2 and a 90 minute workshop with accompanying worksheets.
Marcus Hearn In Conversation with Dr David Huckvale
£3 (To book please call: 07891 749880 or email: matt@reeleducation.co.uk)
Let Him Be Thu 19 Nov • 8.30pm • Iau 19 Tach Canada/2008/82 mins/ctba. Dir: Peter McNamee. With Kathleen Munroe, Sean Clement, Mark Staycer.
When film students Tim and Kathleen discover a video clip of what appears to be John Lennon, alive and well and living in a remote part of Canada performing as Noel Snow, they decide to create this film as proof of their findings. While Tim realises the potential career changing opportunities in store for him, Kathleen is much more sensitive to the morality of exposing their hero. Let Him Be explores this delicate relationship while featuring some first class performances of original songs by ‘Noel Snow’.
Fri 20 Nov • 6.30pm • Gwe 20 Tach Author and Hammer historian Marcus Hearn and fellow Hammer expert Dr. David Huckvale delve into the history of the men whose chilling scores raised the hairs on the necks of a generation of horror fans. + a screening of:
The Quatermass Xperiment 1955/UK/85 mins/PG. Dir: Val Guest. With Brian Donlevy, Jack Warner, Richard Wordsworth
Based on the much loved BBC TV series, this is considered to be Hammer’s first horror/sci-fi movie and a true classic. When a manned space rocket crash lands with just one survivor, leading scientist Professor Quatermass must discover why the other crew members have simply vanished and what is causing the dire physical transformation in the remaining astronaut. £10/£8
Special Offer Ticket
’s full r Friday of cket fo Buy a ti me (The Music ass program or, The Quaterm A Devil r Horr Hamme nt and To The £10. e 12/ £ t s Xperim ju r) for Daughte
The Quatermass Xperiment
cinema • sinema
To The Devil A Daughter
All Tomorrow’s Parties
Fri 20 Nov • 9.30pm • Gwe 20 Tach
Sun 22 Nov • 3pm • Sul 22 Tach
UK/1976/95 mins/18. Dir: Peter Sykes. With Christopher Lee, Honor Blackman, Nastassja Kinski, Richard Widmark.
UK/2009/82 mins/ctba. Dir: Jonathan Caouette. With Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Sonic Youth, Nick Cave, Belle and Sebastian.
“Containing the most shocking scenes this side of Hell”, this final occult offering from the Hammer stable is based on a novel by Dennis Wheatley and features a wonderful score by Paul Glass. Featuring she-devils, baby snatchings, heretics, sacrifices and baptisms in blood, the story follows an occult novelist battling to save the soul of a young girl from a group of Satanists.
Paper Heart Sat 21 Nov • 8.30pm • Sad 21 Tach USA/2009/88 mins/PG. Dir: Nicholas Jasenovec. With Chalyne Yi, Michael Cera, Nicholas Jasenovec.
Charlyne Yi does not believe in love. Well, at the very least, she doesn't believe in fairy-tale love or the Hollywood mythology of love, and her own experiences have compounded her beliefs. Paper Heart follows comedian Charlyne and her good friend (and Director) Nick as they embark on a quest across America to make a documentary about the one subject she doesn't fully understand. Searching for answers and advice, Charlyne talks with friends and strangers, scientists, bikers, romance novelists and children, with each of them offering diverse views on modern romance, as well as various answers to the age-old question: does true love really exist?
Paper Heart
Music fans flock to the seaside every year to spend a long weekend dancing, drinking and enjoying the wonderment of ATP — the indierock festival whose “true intent is for your delight”. This collaboration between Warp Films and ATP captures the kaleidoscopic nature of the festival and features footage of many bands and fans from over the years, including Nick Cave/Grinderman, Sonic Youth, Belle and Sebastian, Portishead, Iggy and The Stooges and many, many more! “A dazzling experience that captures the hallucinatory magic of a unique festival” Little White Lies
Kirikou and the Sorceress Sat 21 Nov • 3pm • Sad 21 Tach France/Belgium/1998/74 mins/U. Dir: Michel Ocelot. With the voices of Antoinette Kellerman, Fezele Mpeka, Theo Sebeko.
Film expert and Soundtrack patron, Mark Cousins has selected this award winning animation for its beautiful soundtrack by Youssou N’Dour. See p46 for full details.
All Tomorrow's Parties (Karen O of the Yeah Yeah Yeahs)
Llygaid Sgwâr Gan Philip Wyn Jones Oil City Confidential Sun 22 Nov • 5.30pm Sul 22 Tach UK/2009/104 mins/ctba. Dir: Julian Temple. With Lee Brilleaux, Wilko Johnson, John B Sparkes, John Martin, Chris Fenwick.
The last film in Julian Temple’s trilogy on British music of the 1970s — following The Filth & The Fury (Sex Pistols) and The Future Is Unwritten (Joe Strummer). Temple utilises the music of Dr Feelgood as a prism through which to examine the social and cultural conditions of the times in an irreverent and anarchic style. This noir-esque documentary looks at the four men in cheap suits who crashed out of Convey Island on the ‘Thames Delta’ and played a key role in creating the conditions for the cultural explosion of the 70s, forming a bridge between The Kinks and The Sex Pistols. + Q&A with director Julian Temple.
Yn y 1930au sefydlodd Enrique Carreras (perchennog nifer o theatrau) a William Hinds (comedïwr a dyn busnes) Gwmni Exclusive ar gyfer dosbarthu ffilmiau Prydeinig. Newidion nhw’r enw i Hammer — enw llwyfan Hinds — pan ddechreuon nhw gynhyrchu ffilmiau ym1935. Torrodd yr Ail Ryfel Byd ar draws eu cynlluniau ond aethant ati o ddifri o 1948 ymlaen. Roedd llawer o’r ffilmiau yn addasiadau o gyfresi radio fel Dick Barton, The Man in Black, P.C 49 a Life With The Lyons. Roedd y teledu yn ffynhonnell hefyd. Ym 1953 darlledodd y BBC gyfres deledu arloesol Nigel Kneale, The Quatermass Experiment. Cyrhaeddodd fersiwn Hammer y sinemâu ym 1956. Mae Prydain wedi anfon ei llong ofod gyntaf i fyny gyda thri astronot ar ei bwrdd. Pan ddaw yn ôl mae dau o’r dynion wedi diflannu ac mae rhywbeth mawr o’i le ar y dyn sydd wedi goroesi. Portreadir hwnnw gan yr actor Richard Wordsworth sy’n rhoi perfformiad gwefreiddiol; yn ein dychryn ond, ar yr un pryd, yn ennyn ein tosturi. Cyfansoddwyd y gerddoriaeth gan gerddor ifanc o’r enw James Bernard. Bu’n fyfyriwr yn y Coleg Cerdd Brenhinol ac yn gynorthwy-ydd i Benjamin Britten cyn ymuno â’r BBC fel cyfansoddwr ar gyfer dramâu radio. Lluniodd sgôr drawiadol gyda’r pwyslais ar y llinynnau a’r offerynnau taro a daeth yn brif gyfansoddwr i ffilmiau Hammer. I bortreadu Quatermass dewiswyd Brian Donlevy oedd wedi arbenigo mewn portreadu gangsters yn ffilmiau Hollywood. Doedd Nigel Kneale ddim yn hapus. Yn ei olwg ef Sais urddasol oedd Quatermass, o haen uchel mewn cymdeithas. Pan roddodd y sensor Prydeinig Dystysgrif ‘X’ (‘18’ heddiw) i’r ffilm addason nhw’r teitl i ddarllen The Quatermass Xperiment! Am yr ugain mlynedd nesaf, gydag ambell eithriad megis Hell is a City Stanley Baker, canolbwyntiodd y cwmni ar ffilmiau iasoer a ffug-wyddonol, yn aml gyda’r actorion Peter Cushing a Christopher Lee. Ymhlith eu ffilmiau llwyddiannus, yn ogystal â thair ffilm Quatermass, roedd y gyfres Frankenstein (gan gynnwys Frankenstein Must Be Destroyed a deledwyd yn Gymraeg), y gyfres Dracula, Curse of the Werewolf (gydag Oliver Reed a Clifford Evans), The Hound of the Baskervilles, Taste of Fear, The Phantom of the Opera (gyda Herbert Lom) a The Nanny (gyda Bette Davis). Ar ddechrau’r 1970au cynhyrchodd Hammer fflyd o addasiadau o gomedïau teledu. Yna gwnaethant un ymdrech fawr olaf. Ym 1968 roedd eu haddasiad o nofel Dennis Wheatley, The Devil Rides Out, wedi plesio’r beirniaid a’r cyhoedd. Yn awr rhoesant gynnig ar addasu nofel Wheatley, To The Devil — A Daughter (Peter Sykes, 1976). Roedd lluniwr y sgript, Christopher Wicking, yn brofiadol ym maes y ffilmiau iasoer ac roedd y cast yn cynnwys Christopher Lee, Richard Widmark, Honor Blackman a Denholm Elliott. Mae Widmark yn ceisio amddiffyn merch ifanc (Nastassja Kinski) rhag Satanydd enbyd (Lee). Er bod yr actorion yn dda a golwg y ffilm yn dderbyniol doedd hi ddim yn gafael. Mewn ambell fan roedd yn ddryslyd. Roedd gobaith Hammer o adfer eu henw da yn deilchion ac ar ôl fersiwn newydd diangen o glasur Hitchcock, The Lady Vanishes, ym 1979 roedd y cyfan ar ben. Philip Wyn Jones. Golygydd ac adolygydd ar ei liwt ei hun.
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Bright Star Fri 27 Nov — Thu 3 Dec • Gwe 27 Tach — Iau 3 Rhag USA/2009/119 mins/PG. Dir: Jane Campion. With Abbie Cornish, Ben Whishaw, Paul Schneider.
Bright Star tells the story of the ill-fated love affair between the early 19th Century Romantic poet John Keats and his high spirited ‘girl next door’, fashion student Fanny Brawne. Jane Campion (The Piano) has created a high-minded and beautifully composed ode to love as the poet agonises over a false choice between love and art. His best friend and Fanny’s mother try their best to keep them from a union which could ruin them both, but sure that a thing of beauty is a joy for ever, the pair are blinded to such corporeal practicalities.
“…could be the best of her career; an affecting and deeply considered study of the last years in the short life of John Keats” — Peter Bradshaw, The Guardian
Morris: A Life With Bells On Fri 27 Nov — Thu 3 Dec • Gwe 27 Tach — Iau 3 Rhag
UK/2009/100 mins/12A. Dir: Lucy Akhurst. With Charles Thomas Oldham, Derek Jacobi, Ian Hart, Sophie Thompson.
Derecq Twist is the avant garde leader of one of the leading Morris Dancing teams in the country. He’s a skilled and devout traditionalist who lives and breathes for Morris, but is also a bit rebellious: a daring and innovative pioneer dabbling in a freeform brand of dancing – Extreme Morris. Thwarted from his dreams on his native shores, will he find what he’s been looking for with the Morris Men of Orange County or will the draw of home, and cider, be too great? A warm-hearted, and wonderfully comic mock documentary full to the brim with great British humour. Gareth O’Gorman from The Cardiff Morrismen joins us on Sat 28 + Tue 1 Dec.
Taking Woodstock Fri 27 Nov — Thu 3 Dec • Gwe 27 Tach — Iau 3 Rhag USA/2008/121 mins/15. Dir: Ang Lee. With Demetri Martin, Henry Goodman, Imelda Staunton, Emile Hirsch, Paul Dano.
Based on the book by Elliot Tiber ‘Taking Woodstock: A True Story Of A Riot, a Concert and a Life’, this is an enjoyable and light-hearted comedy from the director of Brokeback Mountain telling the story of a young man whose parents are struggling to keep their small family motel in White Plains, Woodstock on an even keel. When he hears that a rock promoter is searching for somewhere to host an event, he jumps at the opportunity and offers them some land. Little does he know that he is helping to set in motion the generation defining festival of the summer of ’69 as crowds of hippies, music lovers and Vietnam veterans flock to turn on, tune in and drop out and along with the likes of Jimi Hendrix, The Who and Janis Joplin.
“A cheerfully sweet comedy” — Roger Ebert, Chicago Sunday Times
Wales on Film Chapter has always been proud to screen films by Welsh talent and featuring our wonderful country. As part of our launch day celebrations, we’re including a small selection of titles which reflect this commitment. And there's more to come, so keep an eye on our programme for more titles in coming months — both well loved classics and brand new films. Keep an eye on our website for details of some very special guests joining us for these screenings.
The Fantastic Mr Fox Tue 24 Nov • 11am • Maw 24 Tach FREE Schools screening, introduced by Matt Beere. See p 46 for full film details.
Chapter Moviemaker The Greatest Hits Tue 24 Nov • 6pm • Maw 24 Tach Short films by independent filmmakers. For this special launch day Moviemaker are bringing back some well loved titles with a sprinkling of new short films. Be sure to pick up your FREE ticket at the box office in plenty of time for this very special event with host, Tom Betts. If you’d like more information, or have a film you’d like to show, please email chaptermoviemaker@ hotmail.com or call Chapter Cinema department on 029 2031 1050. + Mon 2 Nov • Llun 2 Tach This Moviemaker features a regular screening programme.
Archive Film Event Hosted by Film Historian, Dave Berry Tue 24 Nov • 3pm • Maw 24 Tach An introduction to the rich heritage of Welsh filmmaking and Wales on film. Dave Berry takes you on a journey through some of the finest archive film from Wales including a cartoon dog created as a screen rival for America's Felix the Cat in the 1920s, Wales' selection for the 1951 Festival of Britain and a rare opportunity to see some of the earliest film created including a colour film from 1898!
Flick Fri 20 —Tue 24 Nov • Gwe 20 — Maw 24 Tach UK/2008/96 mins/15. Dir: David Howard. With Hugh O’Conor.
A fun zombie thriller by South Walian director, David Howard. (See p37 for full details).
X (The Man with the X-Ray Eyes) Tue 24 Nov • 6.30pm • Maw 24 Tach USA/1963/80 mins/ctba. Dir: Roger Corman. With Ray Milland.
Low budget, high concept filmmaking at its best. (See p37 for full details).
Another enthusiastic Moviemaker audience
Jerry the Troublesome Tyke (1925): Archive film event
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A Bit of Tom Jones Tue 24 — Thu 26 Nov Maw 24 — Iau 26 Tach Wales/2009/90 mins/15. Dir: Peter Watkins-Hughes. With Jonathan Owen, Roger Evans, Margaret John, Denise Welch, Eve Myles, Matt Berry.
In a late night bar, Henry is approached by a mysterious woman who offers to sell him the severed manhood of Wales’ greatest vocal entertainer. Believing he can make a fortune selling the infamous appendage, he teams up with his dodgy best friend for a journey deep into the secret world of celebrity body part trading. With a cast list reading like a who’s who of Welsh comedy talent (Torchwood, Gavin & Stacey, IT Crowd and Shameless), farce is far too gentle a word for this daft and rollicking adventure.
Passionate about film The Film Agency for Wales Film in Wales is changing as we all strive to realise the benefits of digital innovations in exhibition and distribution. Indeed, it is thanks to the significant increase in production activity in Wales that the film and television industry brought more than £32m into the Welsh economy last year. At the Film Agency for Wales, our emphasis is on supporting Welsh born or resident talent. We give support in areas such as film production, project development, film festivals and a whole range of exciting education projects, such as Reel Education, based at Chapter. We've also supported film festivals at Chapter, like the annual Wales One World Film Festival which features lots of exciting international titles and guests. We're working closely with the Soundtrack Film Festival (see p40) as well as supporting new, emerging film-making talent such as David Howard, whose rockabilly zombie thriller, Flick, was our first ever funded feature (see p37 for full details). But this is just a small part of what we do — we have more than 30 high quality projects in various stages of development and/or production. Here are the “Plays for Today” the documents of our time — the representation of our obsessions, concerns, dreams and desires. There are many titles that you will have heard of, and hopefully seen at Chapter, including the enormously successful Sleep Furiously and numerous projects with Welsh director, Marc Evans whose new film Patagonia hits the screen in the coming year. We're also helping to preserve our national film heritage by working with the National Sound and Screen Archive of Wales, a selection of which you can see in the event on Tue 24 Nov — see opposite. Having venues like Chapter bringing new and innovative, specialised film to Wales alongside much loved classics is vital in helping the Welsh film industry to grow and develop providing new and emerging film-makers with the opportunity to work together and share their skills in a creative and supportive environment. Put simply, we are passionate about film, full of energy and share a commitment to doing all that we can to develop and promote the wealth of talent that we have in Wales. Visit www.filmagencywales.com to find out how you can be part of a dynamic film culture across Wales.
Family Features Every Saturday at 3pm Fantastic Mr Fox
Mon 23 Nov — Thu 3 Dec Llun 23 Tach — Iau 3 Rhag
Ever thought of remaking your favourite film in your garage, struggling year after year with no end in sight, but loving every minute? We’re bringing you a small selection of films from the super-fans who have done just that. Showing once a month, we can’t promise our season will always be free (sometimes we may ask for donations for the film-makers) but we promise a wild ride of homemade homages, foreign remakes and fanboy extravaganzas:
USA/2009/90 mins/PG. Dir: Wes Anderson. With George Clooney, Meryl Streep, Owen Wilson, Jason Schwartzman, Bill Murray.
An adaption of Roald Dahl’s novel by the filmmaker that brought us The Royal Tenenbaums. Wes Anderson brings his own particular brand of oddness and dysfunction to the lives of the family Fox, as they are beset by angry farmers. With a voice-cast full of Hollywood A-listers, this stop-motion animation delivers a colourful and hugely enjoyable version of the story. The screening on Mon 30 Nov will be subtitled.
+ Supportive Environment Screening on Sat 28 Nov at 11am. A screening for children with disabilities — the lights will be slightly raised and there will be no ads or trailers before the film. Please contact sally.griffith@chapter.org or 029 2030 4400.
Chapter Choices To arrange your own Chapter Choices event, please contact Sally on sally.griffith@chapter.org or 029 2031 1057. For £180 you can choose your own film and get 30 tickets for your own special gang.
The Emperor’s New Clones Sat 14 Nov • Sad 14 Tach Dir: Darren Scales.
A sequel to The Empire Strikes Backyard, made at RAF bases in Lincoln on a budget of just £3500, the team of family and friends spent over 20 months meticulously creating 7 film sets and over 60 costumes. Attracting lots of publicity and many fans (including Richard and Judy!), this film finds Obi Wan captured by the Emperor and used as bait to lure Anakin to the Dark side.
The Crimson Wing: Mystery of the Flamingos Fri 6 — Thu 12 Nov Gwe 6 — Iau 12 Tach USA/2008/78 mins/PG. Dir: Matthew Aeberhard, Leander Ward. Narrated by Mariella Frostrup.
This visually captivating documentary follows the lifecycle of the magnificent flamingos that fly up and down Africa’s Rift Valley, captured with stunning cinematography and accompanied by a musical score by the UK-based Cinematic Orchestra.
Kirikou and the Sorceress Sat 21 Nov • Sad 21 Tach France/Belgium/1998/74 mins/U. Dir: Michel Ocelot. With the voices of Antoinette Kellerman, Fezele Mpeka, Theo Sebeko.
In a little village somewhere in Africa, a boy named Kirikou decides that it is time for him to be born. Knowing he is not like the other children, he sets off on a great adventure to the Wise Man of the Forbidden Mountain to try to save his village from a terrible curse. Screened as a fundraiser for Penarth and district Lesotho Trust.
+ guest introduction from the makers of the film
Carry on screaming! Check out the calendars for details of our special screenings aimed at people with babies under one year old. Every Friday at 11am.
The Emperor’s New Clones
Kirikou and the Sorceress
be part of it Ymunwch â ni Arbedwch Arian
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Cerdyn CL1C Bob tro byddwch yn prynu tocynnau neu nwyddau o’r siop, byddwch yn casglu pwyntiau. Mynnwch ffurflen y tro nesaf byddwch yma, neu gallwch ei lawr lwytho o www.chapter.org.
CL1C Card Chapter’s own reward card. Collect points on cinema, theatre and shop purchases and you’ll be surprised at how quickly you can claim a free ticket. Pick up a form next time you’re in or download from www.chapter.org.
Cerdyn Chapter Arbedwch £££oedd ar bob tocyn; y cylchgrawn hwn yn cael ei bostio yn fisol; taleb ar gyfer y sinema. Bydd eich Cerdyn Chapter yn dyblu fel Cerdyn CL1C. Cerdyn Sengl: £20/£10 Cerdyn Deuol: £25/£20 (2 berson yn yr un cartref) Aelodaeth Gyflawn Cymerwch fwy o ran a dod yn aelod llawn. Ymuno â ni yn ein CCB; byddwch yn derbyn adroddiad blynyddol ac yn profi holl fanteision Cerdyn Chapter. £40/£30
Cadwch mewn Cysylltiad Ymunwch â ni ar-lein www.chapter.org yw’r lle gorau i gael rhagor o wybodaeth. Neu dilynwch ni ar Twitter @chaptertweets a Facebook (www.facebook.com/ chapterarts). eRestrau am ddim Rhestrau’n syth i’ch Blwch Derbyn. E-bostiwch carol.jones@chapter.org gan ddefnyddio ‘Join Listings’ fel pennawd. Rhestr Bostio’r Cylchgrawn Am £5 y flwyddyn yn unig fe yrrwn ein cylchgrawn atoch yn uniongyrchol bob mis.
Chapter Card Save £££s on all cinema and theatre tickets; free monthly mailing of this magazine; free cinema voucher; invitations to special events. Also doubles up as a CL1C Card. Single Card: £20/£10 Dual Card: £25/£20 (2 people in the same household) Full Membership Get more involved and become a Full Member. You’ll be invited to our AGM, receive the annual report and get all the benefits of a Chapter Card. £40/£30
Keep in touch Join us online www.chapter.org is the best place to go for more info on everything we do. Or follow us on Twitter @chaptertweets and Facebook (www.facebook. com/chapterarts). Free eListings Weekly listings straight to your Inbox. E–mail carol.jones@chapter.org with ’Join Listings’ in the subject line. Magazine Mailing List For a mere £5 per year we’ll send you our monthly magazine direct to your letterbox.
Shop • Siopa
Shop open: Tue — Sat 10am-8pm, Sun 2-8pm. Closed Monday.
Have you been into our brand new Gallery Shop? We’re now able to stock an even better range of eclectic and inspiring cards, magazines, books, gifts and homeware. This month we’re introducing two new biannual magazines — Blown, produced in Wales, with its passionate and personal take on art, music, fashion and photography, and It’s Nice That, which focuses on a host of work across the creative industries, including animation and illustration. And why not indulge yourself with some sparkling glamour from Papaya, whose bewitching designs adorn notebooks, journals, cards and calendars. Or for something a little cheekier the Modern Toss comic books make an excellent and affordable gift.
CHILDREN’S COMPETITION Don’t forget the regular children’s competition held in conjunction with each new Assembly: Art in the Bar exhibition. Details can be found in our children’s packs at the Shop or ask a member of gallery staff.
Eat • Bwyta Welcome to the sumptuous surroundings of the all-new Caffi Bar Chapter. Order one of our extensive selection of fair trade hot drinks and take the weight off your feet. Plug your laptop in by our lovely Dutch table, chat with friends or let the kids breathe in the late autumn fresh air in our new courtyard area.
Café open: Mon — Sat 8.30am-9.30pm Sun 9.30am-9.30pm Breakfast: 9-11.30am Lunch: 11.30-3pm Main Menu: 12-9pm
We're changing things round a little with our menu too, to give you more choice, more of the time. Breakfast is now served until 11.30 and our lunch menu, with the usual selection of scrumptious sandwiches plus a new line of jacket potatoes, is available from 11.30am–3pm. Our full main menu, with favourites including beautiful homemade burgers, fresh pasta dishes and salads, will now be served from 12pm right through until 9pm, so you can eat at a time that suits you.
Drink • Yfed Our new supersized bar is a genuine contender for the accolade of ‘longest bar in the UK’ and we’re now able to increase our splendid cask ale selection from four to six different brews. So if you’re a fan of real ale you’re sure to find something to remove that bitter-ness and put a ‘hop’ in your step.
Bar open: Sat 12pm-12am, Sun 12-10.30pm, Mon-Thu 12-11pm, Fri 12pm-12.30am. Free wireless internet is available in Caffi Bar Chapter.
Beer of the month: Tournament, 4%ABV From Goffs Brewery in the Cotswolds, this is an amber coloured thirst quenching session beer with a delicate floral aroma and a hoppy bittersweet finish. From the fridge: Augustiner Edelstoff, 5.6%ABV A bright export beer, sparkling and fresh. A high-class example of the old Bavarian brewing art.
cinema 1 • sinema 1
cinema 2 • sinema 2
The Imaginarium Of Doctor... (12A) p29 3.00+6.00 Bound For Glory (PG) p30 5.00 Bad Film Club: Snowbeast (PG) p32 8.30 Thirst (18) p29 8.15 mon • llun 2 Goodbye Solo (15) p29 6.15 Chapter Moviemaker p44 6.00 The Imaginarium Of Doctor... (12A) p29 8.15 Thirst (18) p29 8.00 tue • maw 3 Goodbye Solo (15) p29 2.30+8.30 I Want to See (ctba) p32 6.15 The Imaginarium Of Doctor... (12A) p29 6.00 Thirst (18) p29 8.00 wed • mer 4 Goodbye Solo (15) p29 6.15 I Want to See (ctba) p32 2.30+8.45 The Imaginarium Of Doctor... (12A) p29 8.15 Thirst (18) p29 6.00 thu • iau 5 The Imaginarium Of Doctor... (12A) p29 2.30+6.00 I Want to See (ctba) p32 6.15 Goodbye Solo (15) p29 8.30 Thirst (18) p29 8.15 fri • gwe 6 Carry on Screaming: The Soloist (12A) p32 11.00 The September Issue (12A) p33 2.30 The Crimson Wing (PG) p34 6.00 Pontypool (15) p36 6.15 The Soloist (12A) p32 8.00 The September Issue (12A) +Intro p33 8.30 sat • sad 7 The Crimson Wing (PG) p34 3.00+8.30 The September Issue (12A) p33 6.15 The Soloist (12A) p32 6.00 Pontypool (15) p36 8.15 sun • sul 8 The Soloist (12A) p32 3.00+8.00 Comrades (18) + short film p30 5.00 The Crimson Wing (PG) p34 6.00 Pontypool (15) p36 8.45 mon • llun 9 The Soloist (12A) p32 6.00 The September Issue (12A) p33 6.15 The Crimson Wing (PG) p34 8.30 Pontypool (15) p36 8.15 tue • maw 10 The Crimson Wing (PG) p34 6.00 Vanishing Of The Bees (U) p34 2.30+6.15 The Soloist (12A) p32 8.00 Pontypool (15) p36 8.30 wed • mer 11 Identity Of The Soul (no cert) p33 7.00 Bafta Cymru Screening 6.00 Vanishing Of The Bees (U) p34 8.30 thu • iau 12 The Soloist (12A) p32 2.30+8.00 SWDFAS Lecture p26 2.00 The Crimson Wing (PG) p34 6.00 Pontypool (15) p36 6.15 Vanishing Of The Bees (U) p34 8.30 fri • gwe 13 Carry on Screaming: Tales From... (12A) p39 11.00 The Cove (12A) p35 6.00 An Education (12A) p33 2.30+8.45 District 9 (15) p36 8.15 Tales From The Golden Age (12A) p39 6.00 Emperors New Clones (no cert) p46 3.00 The Cove (12A) p35 6.15 sat • sad 14 An Education (12A) p33 6.00 District 9 (15) p36 8.30 Tales From The Golden Age (12A) p39 8.15 sun • sul 15 Tortured Truths (no cert) p35 2.30 Norma Rae (PG) p31 5.00 Tales From The Golden Age (12A) p39 6.00 The Cove (12A) p35 8.00 An Education (12A) p33 8.45 mon • llun 16 An Education (12A) p33 6.00 The Cove (12A) p35 6.15 Tales From The Golden Age (12A) p39 8.15 The Beaches of Agnes (18) p39 8.30
sun • sul 1
7.30 7.30 7.30 8.00 7.30 7.30 8.30 3.30 6.30
When Doors Lie Open p16 3D: Angel (Cymraeg) p14 Cai Tomos p13 3D: Angel (English) p14 3D: Angel (English) p14 Drones Comedy Club p16 Bombastic: Argonauts p15 Cardiff Shakespeare... p16
3D: Angel (Cymraeg) p14
theatre • theatr
Calendar • Calendr November • TACHWEDD 2009
Gallery Closed Mondays
Eddo Stern, p6
Experimentica Live and Time-based Arts Festival pp20-25
Gallery Closed Mondays
Gallery Closed Mondays
gallery • oriel
49 Assembly: Art in the Bar: Louise Bourgeois, p10 Eddo Stern, p6 E
Subtitled Screenings.
AUDIO DESCRIPTION. Check magazine for details.
Please note: the stated film times represent the start of the adverts and trailers.
Tales From The Golden Age (12A) p39 6.00 The Beaches of Agnes (18) p39 2.30+6.00 On The Edge p15 8.00 An Education (12A) p33 8.45 The Cove (12A) p35 8.30 wed • mer 18 Pan’s Labyrinth (15) + Intro p38 11.00 Coraline Study Event p40 9.45 Des Barry: Far South p16 8.00 Tales From The Golden Age (12A) p39 2.30+8.15 The Cove (12A) p35 6.15 An Education (12A) p33 6.00 The Beaches of Agnes (18) p39 8.30 thu • iau 19 Tales From The Golden Age (12A) p39 8.30 Coraline Study Event p40 9.45 The Cove (12A) p35 2.30+8.15 Let Him Be (no cert) p40 6.00 fri • gwe 20 Carry on Screaming: An Education (12A) p33 11.00 Zombieland (15) p36 2.30+6.15 Volcano: i-witness p17 8.00 Hammer Music (12A) + Quatermass (PG) p40 6.30 Flick (15) p37 8.15 Drones Comedy Club p16 8.30 To The Devil A Daughter (18) p41 9.30 sat • sad 21 Kirikou & The Sorceress (U) p46 3.00 Play Dead Gaming (15) p37 3.00 Volcano: i-witness p17 8.00 An Education (12A) p33 6.00 Flick (15) p37 6.15 Paper Heart (PG) p41 8.30 Zombieland (15) p36 8.30 All Tomorrow’s Parties (ctba) p41 3.00 King Coal (no cert) p31 5.00 uhhuh dance: Cell p17 8.00 sun • sul 22 Oil City Confidential (ctba) p42 5.30 Zombieland (15) p36 7.30 An Education (12A) p33 8.15 Gallery Closed mon • llun 23 Fantastic Mr Fox (PG) p46 6.00 Zombieland (15) p36 6.15 Mondays An Education (12A) p33 8.00 Greek Pete (18) +Intro p39 8.30 tue • maw 24 Fantastic Mr Fox – schools screening (PG) p44 11.00 A Bit of Tom Jones (15) p45 2.30 Join us for our launch event Archive Film Event (no cert) p44 3.00 X (The Man With X Ray Eyes) (cbta) p37 6.30 from 6pm — See p5 Chapter Moviemaker – The Greatest Hits p44 6.00 Flick (15) p37 8.30 Fantastic Mr Fox (PG) p46 8.30 wed • mer 25 An Education (12A) p33 6.00 A Bit of Tom Jones (15) p45 6.00 Fantastic Mr Fox (PG) p46 8.15 Zombieland (15) p36 8.15 Fantastic Mr Fox (PG) p46 2.30+6.00 Zombieland (15) p36 6.15 Anushiye Yarnell &... p19 8.00 thu • iau 26 An Education (12A) p33 8.00 A Bit of Tom Jones (15) p45 8.15 fri • gwe 27 Carry on Screaming: Bright Star (PG) p43 11.00 Taking Woodstock (15) p43 6.00 WID: Dance Bytes p18 5.30+ 8.00 Bright Star (PG) p43 2.30+8.00 Morris: A Life With Bells On (12A) p43 8.45 Anushiye Yarnell &... p19 8.00 Fantastic Mr Fox (PG) p46 6.00 sat • sad 28 Morris: A Life With Bells On (12A) + Intro p43 12.30 Morris: A Life With Bells On (12A) p43 6.00 Anushiye Yarnell &... p19 8.00 Fantastic Mr Fox (PG) p46 3.00+8.30 Taking Woodstock (15) p43 8.15 Bright Star (PG) p43 6.00 sun • sul 29 Bright Star (PG) p43 3.00+8.00 Carry On At Your Convenience (PG) p31 5.00 Fantastic Mr Fox (PG) p46 6.00 Taking Woodstock (15) p43 7.30 mon • llun 30 Bright Star (PG) p43 6.00 Morris: A Life With Bells On (12A) p43 6.00 Fantastic Mr Fox (PG) p46 8.30 Taking Woodstock (15) p43 8.15
tue • maw 17
Eddo Stern, p6 Eddo Stern, p6
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To Cardiff City Centre et Stre ton ling l e W
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How to get to Chapter
Lleolir Chapter yn Nhreganna, y tu ôl i Cowbridge Road East, rhwng Heol Llandaf a Heol y Farchnad. Mae’n hawdd ein cyrraedd o ganol y ddinas. Ar ôl 6pm mae llefydd parcio ychwanegol ar gael ym maes parcio Gwasanaethau Dysgu Cymunedol Caerdydd sydd yn ymyl maes parcio Chapter. Uchod gwelir meysydd parcio eraill cyfagos. Mae bysus rhif 17 ac 18 yn gadael Canol y Ddinas bob pum munud. Ar yr M4 o’r dwyrain: Dewch oddi ar y draffordd ar gyffordd 29 gan ddilyn yr A48; wedi 6 milltir cymerwch y tro bychan i’r chwith ar yr A4119/ Mill Lane; yna’r chwith ar Ffordd Caerdydd; ewch yn eich blaen ar y B4267/Ffordd Llandaf; wedi 300m trowch i’r dde ar Stryd Caerfyrddin; a’r chwith nesaf ar Heol y Farchnad; mae maes parcio Chapter ar y chwith. Ar yr M4 o’r gorllewin: Dewch oddi ar y draffordd ar gyffordd 33 a dilynwch yr arwyddion ar gyfer yr A4232; wedi 6.3 milltir dewch oddi ar y ffordd ar Ffordd Lecwydd, tuag at Stadiwm newydd Clwb Pêl-Droed Caerdydd; ewch yn eich blaen ac yna trowch i’r chwith ar Cardiff Road East; mae Heol y Farchnad ar y dde; mae maes parcio Chapter ar y dde.
Chapter is situated in Canton, behind Cowbridge Road East, between Llandaff Road and Market Road. We are easily accessible from the city centre. Overflow car parking is available after 6pm at Cardiff Community Learning Services adjacent to the car park at Chapter. Alternative nearby car parks are shown above. Number 17 and 18 buses leave every five minutes from the City Centre. From the east on M4: Take exit 29 onto the A48; after 6 miles turn slight left onto A4119/Mill Lane; then left onto Cardiff Road; continue straight onto B4267/Llandaff Rd; after 300m turn right onto Carmarthen St; take next left onto Market Road; Chapter car park is on the left. From the west on M4: Take exit 33 and follow signs onto A4232; after 6.3 miles exit onto Leckwith Rd, towards the new Cardiff City Stadium; keep straight until turning left onto Cowbridge Road E; Market Rd is on your right; Chapter car park is on the right.
Mynediad i bawb
Mae Chapter yn croesawu ymwelwyr anabl. Os oes gennych unrhyw anghenion mynediad penodol ffoniwch ein swyddfa docynnau ar 029 2030 4400, minicom 029 2031 3430.
Access for all
Chapter welcomes disabled visitors. If you have any specific access requirements or questions please contact our box office on 029 2030 4400, minicom 029 2031 3430.
Sut i archebu tocynnau
How to Book
Ar y ffôn galwch ar 029 2030 4400. Rydym yn derbyn y prif gardiau credyd. Galwch heibio mae’n Swyddfa Docynnau ar agor Llun-Sad 11.00am — 8.30pm; Sul 3.00 — 8.30pm Drwy’r post Chapter Rhadbost, RLYX-RTEBKYAL, Caerdydd CF5 1ZZ Danfonwch siec yn daladwy i Chapter gan ddweud pa docynnau rydych eu heisiau. Ar-lein cynigiwn wasanaeth archebu 24/7 ar ein gwefan, sef www.chapter.org Consesiynau: Mae’r prisiau gostyngol ar gael i fyfyrwyr, pobl dros 60 oed, plant, pobl ddi‑waith, pobl anabl, pobl â cherdyn MAX, Aelodau a deiliaid Cardiau Chapter. Bydd angen prawf eich bod yn gymwys. Archebion grŵp: prynwch 8 tocyn a chael y 9fed am ddim. Noder • dim ond un gostyngiad a ganiateir ar yr un achlysur • rydym yn croesawu archebu o flaen llaw ond ni allwn gadw tocynnau • mae’n bosib y gwrthodir mynediad i hwyrddyfodiaid
By phone call us on 029 2030 4400. We accept all major credit cards. In person our Box Office is open Mon-Sat 11.00am — 8.30pm; Sun 3.00 – 8.30pm. By post to Chapter Freepost, RLYX-RTEBKYAL, Cardiff CF5 1ZZ. Send us a cheque made payable to Chapter with details of the tickets you require. Online 24/7 booking at www.chapter.org Concessions: The concessionary rate applies to students, over 60s, children, unemployed, disabled people, MAX card, Chapter Members and Card holders. Proof of concession will be required. Group bookings: buy 8 tickets and get the 9th free. Please Note • only one discount will be given at any one time • we are happy to take advance bookings but cannot reserve tickets • latecomers may be refused entry
Cinema • Sinema Full • Llawn Concs • Cons Card + Conc • Cerdyn + Cons
Before 5pm • Cyn 5pm £3.50 (£3) £2.50 (£2) £2.50 (£2)
From 5pm • O 5pm ymlaen £6.60 (£6) £4.80 (£4.50) £4.30 (£4)
Advanced/online prices in brackets. Prisiau ymlaen llaw/ar-lein mewn cromfachau.
029 2030 4400 Market Road, Canton, Cardiff CF5 1QE Heol y Farchnad, Treganna, Caerdydd, CF5 1QE enquiry@chapter.org • www.chapter.org Chapter gratefully acknowledges the support it receives from the following:
Garfield Weston Foundation, Foyle Foundation, Foundation for Sport and the Arts, Trusthouse Charitable Foundation, Community Foundation in Wales, Jane Hodge Foundation, Simon Gibson Charitable Trust, Gibbs Charitable Trust, Oakdale Trust, Coutts Charitable Trust, Bruce Wake Charity, Follett Trust.
Nelmes Design
And all those individuals who have generously supported us through the redevelopment. Registered Charity No. 500813*Rhif Elusen 500813 Designed by Nelmes Design (tel: 029 2064 5777)