theatre cinema gallery shop caffi bar theatr sinema oriel siop www.chapter.org
Creative Partnerships Alongside many other partners, throughout October and November we’re helping to spotlight the creative industries in Cardiff and the surrounding area. Spearheaded by our friends at Cardiff & Co we’re all keen to raise the profile of the rich and diverse activities throughout the city… and more importantly the huge benefits that creativity brings to it. Cardiff’s creativity sets it apart from many other cities and it’s this that will help us meet the urban challenges of the future. The differing backgrounds and wide and innovative perspectives of our residents provide the perfect breeding ground for radical solutions. It’s this diversity and tolerance that not just provides a spark but also allows us to make something, mold it, create something special. Over the next two months, as well as our Creative Cardiff partners: SŴN (see pp 19, 41), Soundtrack (see next month’s mag), Cardiff Design Festival (pp 17,18, 26) and Made in Roath (see p17) we’re also working with The Festivals Company on Iris (pp 35-37), TactileBOSCH (p16), thinkArk (p18) sciSCREEN (pp 42, 45) and Culture Colony (p11). And a last minute addition to the creative mix is a new collaboration with our friends from Cardigan – Theatr Mwldan. We’re working with them to promote the Cardiff leg of their latest co-production with Mappa Munda. Here are the details…
Much Ado About Nothing Tue 18 + Wed 19 Oct • 7.30pm • Maw 18 + Mer 19 Hyd War is over and the thoughts of homecoming soldiers turn to love. However, as conflict on the home front ends, Britain’s women are rolling up their sleeves to face a fresh battle — the assertion of their new role in a previously male dominated society. One woman in particular is about to embark on her own merry war… Over the past two decades, cult Welsh theatre company Mappa Mundi have built a reputation for gloriously irreverent, populist and accessible adaptations of classic theatrical and literary works. With a well-deserved reputation for quality, originality and an engaging irreverence, this is the company’s first Shakespeare production since 2005. £14.50/£12.50 Tickets also available from www.mwldan.co.uk Supported by the Welsh Government and the Arts Council of Wales through the National Performing Arts Touring scheme. A Theatr Mwldan and Mappa Mundi co-production in association with Chapter.
Images clockwise from top left: Much Ado About Nothing, Made In Roath, Benjamin Francis Leftwitch (SĹľn), Iris Prize Festival
Gallery opening hours for this show: Sunday — Thursday: 8.30am-11pm Friday: 8.30am-12.30am Saturday: 8.30am-12 midnight The Shop is open as normal (see p48).
The WITH Collective Resident Fri 30 Sept — Sun 6 Nov • Gwe 30 Medi — Sul 6 Tach Resident is a witty and engaging rumination on the role of the artist in a rapidly changing and blurred cultural landscape. For their exhibition, The WITH Collective have moved a large section of our caffi bar into the gallery and have installed a paying turnstile into another section of the exhibition so that visitors must choose whether to pay to see the remainder of the show and to receive an unlimited edition WITH artwork. These jarring and provocative interventions have created a site for a series of unfolding (yet invisible) performances where WITH will be engineering a number of delegated actions on behalf of visitors to the exhibition. As well as posing timely questions about the ongoing sustainability of the art sector, Resident explores the nature of participation, memory and responsibility through a series of multilayered new works. Since its inception in 2002, The WITH Collective has received critical praise in the UK and beyond, largely through the creation of a diverse range of concepts that are for sale at their website, including: Knowthing™ where a commissioner can have their ‘me-time’ delegated to a member of the collective and Mymory™ where a client can have a memory recovered (or lost) on their behalf. These concepts or ‘solutions’ are the primary manifestation of the artwork; the theme that links all of the ideas together is that a client can have an experience either invented or lived out on their behalf by a member of the collective. WITH are hosting a talk on Thursday 3 November with Professor Christopher French, Head of the Anomalistic Psychology Research Unit at Goldsmiths, University of London, about ‘False Memory’, as part of a new collaborative body of research commissioned by the Wellcome Trust. www.withyou.co.uk
Opposite page: 100 meetings we missed on your behalf in Cardiff, 100 days before our exhibition opened at Chapter (extract); Giclée print on Harman Gloss Baryta; The WITH Collective 2011. Above: Found Responses_001; The WITH Collective 2011.
gallery • oriel
Assembly: Art in the Bar Elizabeth McDonald Until Sun 30 Oct • Tan Sul 30 Hyd Elizabeth McDonald’s oil paintings have an anecdotal quality, exploring interweaving narratives of truth and fiction that appear to be gathered from a random collection of her own personal memories and second-hand nostalgia — familiar images of elderly relatives, souvenir shops and chance encounters. They are full of memories and traces of life and occupy a fascinating territory between the distant and the instantly accessible. Although rooted in reality, Elizabeth’s works appear strangely dreamlike. They are painted wet-on-wet with watery, almost off-hand brush strokes that skilfully undermine any coherent or complete narrative. The seemingly unstable surface of the paintings instead hints at an examination of the subconscious and how it is used to recollect. Biography Elizabeth McDonald was born in 1985 in Plano, Texas. She earned a BFA at the University of North Texas (2008) and has recently completed an MFA at Glasgow School of Art. She was a finalist for the Hunting Art Prize, Texas (2010) and was awarded Second Place in Painting at the Celeste Art Prize, New York (2010). She was also awarded BP Portait’s Young Artist Award, London (2010) and was shortlisted for the John Moore’s Contemporary Painting Prize, Liverpool (2010). Most recent exhibitions include Chalet Prize, The Chalet, Glasgow (2011); The Baths Auction, Govanhill Baths, Glasgow (2011); Celeste Art Prize Exhibition, Invisible Dog Gallery, New York (2010); Salon Art Prize, Matt Roberts Art, London (2010); Two Young American Artists, The Gables, San Angelo, Texas (2010). Her work is held in The San Angelo Museum of Fine Art Collections, San Angelo, Texas. www.aesthetiac.com
Opposite: Elizabeth McDonald, Troublemakers, 2010. Oil on paper. Above: Elizabeth McDonald, Aftermath is the Worst Kind of Math, 2010. Oil on paper.
Mae Chapter yn lle poblogaidd i gyfarfod ynglŷn â ffilm annibynnol, perfformiad, celf a syniadau. Fel elusen gofrestredig rydym yn dibynnu arnoch chi i gyflawni ein rhaglen amrywiol o weithgareddau. Dyma ychydig o ffyrdd y gallwch ein cefnogi, arbed dipyn o geiniogau, neu i gadw mewn cysylltiad â’r hyn sy’n mynd ymlaen…
Arbedwch Arian
Rhowch anrheg pen-blwydd i Chapter Mae Chapter yn dathlu’i ben-blwydd yn 40 oed eleni, ac rydym yn chwilio am roddion o £40 yn anrhegion penblwydd. Bydd yr holl gyfraniadau yn ariannu rhaglen gyffrous o ddigwyddiadau i ddathlu’r garreg filltir hon. Yn gyfnewid, byddwch yn derbyn anrheg arbennig gan Chapter a gwahoddiadau ecsgliwsif i’r digwyddiadau arbennig gaiff eu cynnal drwy gydol y flwyddyn.
Cerdyn CL1C Bob tro byddwch yn prynu tocynnau neu nwyddau o’r siop, byddwch yn casglu pwyntiau. Mynnwch ffurflen y tro nesaf byddwch yma, neu gallwch ei lawr lwytho o www.chapter.org.
£250 — Mabwysiadu Sedd Gallwch fabwysiadu sedd yn y sinema neu’r theatr i chi eich hun neu i ffrind. Bydd eich plac arbennig yn addurno sedd o’ch dewis chi am 10 mlynedd. Rhoddion Rheolaidd Rydym yn croesawu cyfraniadau misol neu flynyddol, fydd yn cael eu defnyddio yn eich dewis faes chi yn ein rhaglen artistig. Mae ffurflenni ar gael ar ein gwefan neu o’r swyddfa codi arian, 029 2035 5662. Cymynroddion Mae gadael cymynrodd i Chapter yn eich ewyllys yn ffordd o sicrhau dyfodol iach i’r ganolfan. Dylech gysylltu â’ch cyfreithiwr i gael cyngor — a rhowch wybod i ni hefyd, fel y gallwn gydnabod eich rhodd yn y modd priodol. Peidiwch ag anghofio Cymorth Rhodd — gallwn hawlio’r dreth yn ôl, gan ychwanegu 25% at werth eich rhodd. I gael mwy o wybodaeth neu i wneud cyfraniad, ewch i’r adran ‘Cefnogi Chapter’ ar ein gwe-fan, www. chapter.org. Gall rhoddion gael eu rhoi dros y ffôn hefyd, 029 2035 5662 neu gallwch anfon siec, yn daladwy i ‘Chapter (Caerdydd) Cyf’ at Elaina Gray yn y Swyddfa Codi Arian.
Cerdyn Chapter Arbedwch £££oedd ar bob tocyn; y cylchgrawn hwn yn cael ei bostio yn fisol; taleb ar gyfer y sinema. Bydd eich Cerdyn Chapter yn dyblu fel Cerdyn CL1C. Cerdyn Sengl: £20/£10 Cerdyn Deuol: £25/£20 (2 berson yn yr un cartref) Aelodaeth Gyflawn Cymerwch fwy o ran a dod yn aelod llawn. Ymuno â ni yn ein CCB; byddwch yn derbyn adroddiad blynyddol ac yn profi holl fanteision Cerdyn Chapter. £40/£30
Cadwch mewn Cysylltiad Ymunwch â ni ar-lein www.chapter.org yw’r lle gorau i gael rhagor o wybodaeth. Neu dilynwch ni ar Twitter @chaptertweets a Facebook (www.facebook.com/chapterarts). eRestrau am ddim Rhestrau’n syth i’ch Blwch Derbyn. E-bostiwch carol.jones@chapter.org gan ddefnyddio ‘Join Listings’ fel pennawd. Rhestr Bostio’r Cylchgrawn Am £5 y flwyddyn yn unig fe yrrwn ein cylchgrawn atoch yn uniongyrchol bob mis.
Chapter is a world renowned meeting place for independent film, performance, art and ideas. As a registered charity we rely on your help to deliver our varied programme of events. Here are few ways you can lend your support, save yourself a few pennies or just keep in touch with what’s going on…
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Keep in touch Join us online www.chapter.org is the best place to go for more info on everything we do. Or follow us on Twitter @chaptertweets and Facebook (www.facebook.com/chapterarts). Free eListings Weekly listings straight to your Inbox. E–mail carol.jones@chapter.org with ’Join Listings’ in the subject line. Magazine Mailing List For a mere £5 per year we’ll send you our monthly magazine direct to your letterbox.
photo: Roy Campbell Moore
theatre • theatr
Experimentica 1.1 Wed 12 — Sun 16 Oct • Mer 12 — Sul 16 Hyd This festival is for challenging, provocative and imaginative artworks. The 11th annual edition of Experimentica focuses on pedagogy, art and performance; hopefully with energy, care and intelligence. The festival acknowledges the funding assistance of the Arts Council of Wales which has supported the artists’ presentations and enabled us to work with Sam Hasler, Kathryn Ashill, Matt Cook and Davida Hewlett, both in assembling this year’s programme and presenting the ‘Introduction to Performance Art’ study course taking place this autumn. We hope you enjoy the programme. A day pass costs £6/£5; or for £22/£18/£14 you can gain entry to any event over the 5 days.
Matt Cook Automatic Walking Mon 3 — Sun 16 Oct • Llun 3 — Sul 16 Hyd “Walking is like drawing on the landscape, every time one travels through the city a trace is left behind, on the traveller and the place through which he has travelled.” During this two-week research project, Matt is taking a series of walks through the city. On a quest to find out something new about Cardiff and himself, Matt is documenting his journeys with sound and image. This material will be assembled into an installation in the theatre foyer, evolving over the festival into a map of his experience.
AT CARDIFF CENTRAL STATION Hannah Goudie Purveyor of Railway Communication
Gemma Copp Wed 12 — Sun 16 Oct • Mer 12 — Sul 16 Hyd Rising Tides is a video performance filmed at a transitional time of day when low tide turns to high. A boat, with Gemma inside, is positioned inland and awaits the rising tide. The boat, the vast ocean and the open-air all suggest optimism and escapism but are juxtaposed by the long wait for the tide and the subsequent and constant nudging of the boat back towards the shore, highlighting the repetitiveness of daily life and all its obstacles.
wen yau A P(a)lace to Remember (working title)
Wed 12 — Fri 14 Oct • Mer 12 — Gwe 14 Hyd What are the boundaries of communicating with strangers? When is it acceptable to make eye contact, smile and exchange words? Does communicating through a train window make it easier, knowing someone will be gone in an instant?
Wed 12 — Sun 16 Oct • Mer 12 — Sul 16 Hyd Hong Kong artist wen yau visited Cardiff in June and was immersed in an imaginary territory of Canton — both the area in Cardiff and the city where her father’s family was based in southern China. When strolling through Canton, she was remembering stories of places of the same name in Hong Kong. wen yau is presenting work-inprogress for an installation/performance.
Culture Colony
Heike Roms
Culture Colony is a cultural networking website full of creative content uploaded by its membership. Experimentica 1.1 has a ‘platform’ on the website where performances can be viewed, discussed and commented on; opinions shared and ideas explored. You can request an invitation by emailing pete@culturecolony.com. Culture Colony also has a physical presence at the festival — filming, editing and uploading performances and conducting interviews with attenders and artists. Films will be shown in a number of locations at Chapter.
How to Build an Art Centre? A Guided Audio-Tour Wed 12 — Sun 16 Oct • Mer 12 — Sul 16 Hyd In 1971 the old Cantonian High School became Chapter Arts Centre. Three protagonists of Chapter’s early history — cofounder Christine Kinsey, performance maker Mike Pearson and technical manager Dave Hutton — have contributed to this audio tour of the building. In front-of-house areas and back corridors, their reminiscences draw a vivid picture of the people and events that helped to turn a place for education into a place for art. Please book an appointment at the box office.
Images opposite clockwise from top: Mark Bell, Matt Cook, Hannah Goudie, good cop bad cop (photo: Pete Telfer), Eddie Ladd
Part of ‘It was forty years ago today — Locating the early history of performance art in Wales 1965–1979’. With support from the AHRC Arts and Humanities Research Council. www.performance-wales.org
12 Experimentica Reading Group Wed 12 Oct • 6pm • Mer 12 Hyd + Fri 14 + Sun 16 Oct • 5pm • Gwe 14 + Sul 16 Hyd Should we feel self-conscious, and responsible as audience members? What is it in the stylised, fleeting nature of performance relationships that makes them seem intimate? Do we learn about ourselves through participating in performance? Co-ordinated by Phil Owen of Tertulia in Bristol, these reading groups focus on texts chosen for the insights they provide on the questions above. Authors include Adrian Heathfield, ORLAN, Rebecca Schneider and Rachel Zerihan. Excerpts of texts will be available from cathy.boyce@chapter.org or as hard copies from the box office. It is not essential to have read the texts, but you will undoubtedly get a richer experience if you have read some of them.
Random People Live Art Live Blog Launch including “Would Joseph Beuys have used Powerpoint?” Wed 12 Oct • 7pm • Mer 12 Hyd Live blogs are widely used to report from events as diverse as football matches, trials, riots, earthquakes or revolutions; but the same kind of attention has not yet been awarded to the art form that claims liveness as its primary quality. Random People are here to change that. Random People’s live blog covers this year’s festival as it happens, presenting a programme of short performances and presentations, focusing on questions of knowledge production, pedagogy, technology, performance and liveness. www.liveartliveblog.net
www.chapter.org Iwan ap Huw Morgan Gweledigaeth/Vision Wed 12 Oct • 8.30pm • Mer 12 Hyd A new ritualistic performance work which considers visionary experience and its manifestations and after effects.
Iain Campbell F-W & Fritz Welch: Werkdock Thu 13 — Sat 15 Oct • Iau 13 — Sad 15 Hyd “Where would I go if I could go nightclubbing?” You are invited to research, apply for, plan, create, refuse, embrace, despise and celebrate your very own un-happening creation transaction. Bring your ideas, plans, wits and tools along, and plan and participate in the collaborative making of this temporary education, dematerialisation and dancing space! All culminating in an event on Saturday night, hosted by André Stitt.
Pester & Rossi Survival !? Survive-It! Thu 13 — Sun 16 Oct • Iau 13 — Sul 16 Hyd Survive-It! is Cardiff’s first open experimental labkitchen exploring themes of survival. All products are created from simple, high quality, locally sourced ingredients*. Goods include: first aid kits, personal protective equipment, emergency food rations, batteries, torches, maps, goggles, tools and safety products. Survive-It! are also interested in alternative trading e.g. bartering, swapping and stealing. *Although all Survive-It! Products are edible, they are not recommended for consumption unless in a desperate situation. Visit the lab for a full list of relative risks and techniques.
Pester & Rossi
theatre • theatr Elbow Room Intercourse Thu 13 + Fri 14 Oct • 5-10pm • Iau 13 + Gwe 14 Hyd An exploration into public engagement and human interaction which looks at the ethics of public and private observation. What are the boundaries of what is and isn’t acceptable in public? A member of the public will be invited with a friend or stranger to be isolated in The Common Room; they may wish to carry out their own actions. A live feed will be screened in the caffi bar.
Forever Academy Thu 13 Oct • 6.30pm • Iau 13 Hyd + Sat 15 Oct • 5pm • Sad 15 Hyd Focusing on discussion, dialogue, exchange, cooking and eating together, this new artist-led initiative responds to the current cultural and economic climate. Shaped by the participants, Forever Academy will explore creative strategies and shared questions resulting in new ideagenerating processes. With term one beginning in the autumn, Forever Academy are presenting a micro session for Experimentica, introducing the structure of the Academy and discussing the need for DIY Art Schools and how artists can survive.
Surprise Theatre (Canada) Farewell Cardiff Thu 13 Oct • 7.30pm • Iau 13 Hyd On an ordinary night, in a place you might pass by every day, two performers make an attempt to say goodbye to all the past and future people to leave Cardiff. Farewell Cardiff is about engaging with a community both real and imagined, about the people and spaces that surround us and about the emotional connections to place that inform our sense of identity. Performed by Dustin Harvey & Chad Dembski
André Stitt
André Stitt Amnesia Thu 13 Oct • 9pm • Iau 13 Hyd “The first forty years of life give us the text; the rest supply the commentary” - Schopenhauer ‘A journey through my own backstory… and out my backside.” Through spoken word, text, sound, akshuns and projected image, Stitt reflects on the place of performance and art-making in his life. From his childhood and the civil conflict in Belfast, to a life spent travelling and making art around the world; Stitt considers how memory and recall, allegory, communal narrative, conflict, codes and myth inform the present.
+ Book launch: TRACE Displaced Fri 14 Oct • 6.30pm • Gwe 14 Hyd Edited by André Stitt, this high-quality art book looks at the most recent work of the Wales-based Trace Collective, and includes critical essays and images. The Trace Collective have created full size replications of their space in Cardiff in locations around the world. This has resulted in performance art using reconstituted materials to incorporate experiences of displacement, memory and recall.
Mark Bell Fri 14 Oct • 7.30pm • Gwe 14 Hyd Mark Bell discusses and demonstrates a selection of his ongoing ‘Visual Karaoke’ experiments — a rather fetching (and slightly disturbing) fusion of white spandex and the projected image. Mark will attempt to achieve impossible feats of synchronisation in order to satisfy his own bizarre curiosity. You are invited to laugh in ridicule as he fails miserably and, if you’re feeling brave, perhaps join in and give it a go for yourself. www.lamblerk.com
Things Make Electric
Eddie Ladd Gaza/Blaenannerch
The Avant-garde in the Classroom: reenacting–learning–performing
Fri 14 Oct • 9pm • Gwe 14 Hyd Darn dawns, testun a cherddoriaeth yw hwn. Mae’n olrhain y cyswllt rhwng Palesteina ag ardal Blaenannerch yng ngorllewin Cymru. Cefais fy magu yno ar fferm nid nepell o lain awyrennau sydd ar safle’r MOD yn yr ardal.
Sat 15 Oct • 12.30-4.30pm • Sad 15 Hyd In the early 1970s, while a former high school in Canton was turned into a space for art, across town Cardiff’s College of Art became one of the first art schools in Britain where students could follow dedicated tuition in performance. Forty years later, Heike Roms, in collaboration with former teacher John Danvers and with the help of extensive documentation from the period, is revisiting some of the approaches to the making of performance that were being tried out in Cardiff. Among them will be ‘Action/Ideas’, a workshop led by John Gingell and colleagues, which first took place in Chapter in October 1971. At a time when art education finds itself under increasing threat, Roms asks what we may be able to learn from those that first approached learning and teaching (as) performance art.
This dance piece with text and music looks at the link between Palestine and Blaenannerch in West Wales. Eddie Ladd was brought up there, on a farm a mile from an airstrip owned by the MOD, where ‘unmanned air vehicles’ are tested.
ThingsMakeElectric Fri 14 Oct • 11pm • Gwe 14 Hyd This live performance comprises improvised music and visuals; the idea being that each influences the other in order to develop and learn a common language of improvisation and thereby generate a new set of responses for the audience. Drawing inspiration from Jacques Attali who said that ‘the only worthwhile researchers are undisciplined ones’ and from interdisciplinary work by the likes of Black Mountain experimentalists Cage and Cunningham, TME is a multisensory experience, where sound, images and light create sensations that are greater than the sum of their parts. TME are Matthew Lovett , Ben Owen, Tina Hitchens and Paul Jones.
Hannah Goudie Designated Dance Area Sat 15 Oct • Sad 15 Hyd On the corner of Albany Road and Donald St in collaboration with Made in Roath (see p17).
The Avant-garde in the Classroom (photo: John Gingell Estate)
This workshop is open to all, with no previous performance experience required. Please wear work clothes. www.performance-wales.org
Davida Hewlett Do it your Shelf / MiniMum / Happy-ning Sat 15 Oct • 6.30pm • Sad 15 Hyd A performance containing the skeletal components of a larger body of work and research responding to a series of questions about the making of art and its concurrence with daily routines. Vignettes to include: holding breath, shattering glass, a hammer attached to a nail, doing the hokey-cokey while cooking, building a shelf, a family disco. Please wear clothes you feel comfortable in.
theatre • theatr Tim Bromage Sat 15 Oct • 8pm • Sad 15 Hyd Tim Bromage’s new work is informed by interests separate to his established performance activities — sleight of hand and song are placed within a narrative framework that references vaudeville, music hall, and folk rituals.
James Ó hAodha Exodus Sun 16 Oct • 2pm • Sul 16 Hyd James Ó hAodha invites you to participate in a demonstration which moves from Chapter into the heart of nearby Leckwith woods. You will be invited to carry blank white placards which will be made at Chapter in the preceding days. As public protest and demonstration have again become pervasive and frequently employed as tools for social and political change, Exodus displaces this fundamental form of collective action from its familiar contexts. By removing its topical content, this project intends to draw focus onto the nature of collaborative agency in a state of raw potential.
Martin O’Brien Mucus Factory Sun 16 Oct • 2-7pm • Sul 16 Hyd Mucus Factory is based on a durational physiotherapy session — a technique designed to clear the airways. The performance space becomes one of discipline and sensual enjoyment, in order to investigate the convergence between the condition of O’Brien’s body and his body-based practice. Mucus Factory questions and subverts the common representations of people with severe illness as icons of bravery or eliciting sympathy, by presenting a transgressive image of the sick body.
Tim Bromage
Helena Sands Sun 16 Oct • 2pm • Sul 16 Hyd Helena Sands’ practice crosses and explores the boundaries between fine art practices, theatre and performance art. The need to expose vulnerability and the desire to become intimate provides a starting point to her work. Her performances are a process of revelation; peeling away the layers, searching for ‘bare life’.
good cop bad cop Adrodd (serving suggestion) Sun 16 Oct • 7pm • Sul 16 Hyd “Desire lines, bombiau blodau, reverse graffiti, moving the goalposts, men working, cacen aur, what lies beneath, performance for passing vehicles, milky way, a radio show and a residency.” One year on, good cop bad cop deliver their annual report on Croeso i Gymry/u Fwyaf!, a year in which some things happened, some things didn’t, some questions were answered, more were raised. Some things may be inspected, harangued and dissected, in a quest for appropriate re-presentation. Others may be swept under the carpet. This performance will culminate in an announcement.
Experimentica 1.1 team: Sam Hasler is an artist and writer based in Cardiff who has taken on the role of the “voice of the festival”, generating texts that frame the festival programme. Kathryn Ashill is providing a warm Welsh welcome to artists and visitors this year. She is aiming to facilitate a strong sense of community during the week through food, drink, an information/ welcome point and a sleepover. Kathryn is a Cardiff-based artist who responds to site and human relationships, relying on public participation in her investigations that have included inviting people to wash, kiss, cwtch her, or watch as she makes visual, ritualistic actions.
Helena Sands
tactileBOSCH: MOIST Until Sun 30 Oct • Tan Sul 30 Hyd Moist: a quality desirable in sponge cakes, peat bogs and intimate relations. Cakey, fertile and sexy, Moist is a series of events across multiple locations in Cardiff — involving many partners and contexts. www.tactilebosch.org
At Wales Millennium Centre MOIST Movies
At Milgi Lounge, City Road MOIST Milgi
Until Sun 30 Oct • Tan Sul 30 Hyd A series of short films, projected on a continuous loop in the cavernous North end of the building above Cafe Crema.
Fri 14 — Sun 16 Oct • Gwe 14 — Sul 16 Hyd Artists take over a domestic setting in the flat above Milgis — anything can happen (and probably will).
At Urban Outfitters, The Hayes MOIST Urbanos Until Thu 6 Oct • Tan Iau 6 Hyd The beautiful gallery space on the first floor of Urban Outfitters welcomes 9 and a half artists who respond in their own inimitable way. + Opening event on Thu 22 Sept featuring glam/ thrash/electronica ‘Telegram From The Queen’.
At tactileBOSCH, Andrews Rd, Llandaf North MOIST Bosch Sat 8 Oct • 7pm • Sad 8 Hyd The former Victorian laundry building hosts a range of site-responsive installations.
At tactileBOSCH, Andrews Rd, Llandaf North MOIST in Motion Tue 11 Oct • 7pm • Maw 11 Hyd Live art and installation event as a preview to Experimentica1.1.
Kim Fielding
Featured Moisturisers include: Phil Babot, Adam Ballard, Bean, Neil Bebbor, BLATNOVA, Caroline Biggs, Black Engine, Tim Bromage, The Cabinet Particular, Jacqui Caley, Mr and Mrs Clark, Andrew Cooper, Darling Jones, Gemma Copp, Gemma Dando, Freya Dooley, Geraint Evans, Lledrod Evans, Kim Fielding, Peter Finnemore, Colleen Ford-Ellis, Tim Forster, Frankfoto, Beth Greenhalgh, Lewis Hughes-Evans, Victoria Grey, Paul Hurley, Stephanie Hurst, Andrew James Jones & Jesse Darling, Arran Kulpi, MINIMA, Melville Mitchell, Iwan Ap Huw, Richard Huw Morgan, Steve Morgana, Tiff Oben, Kira O’Reilly, Jason Pinder, Eryl Pryce Jones, Tom Raybould, Casey Raymond, Shani Rhys James, James Richards & Steve Reinke, Flora Roberts, Helene Roberts, Susan Roberts, Ruaidhri Ryan, Alyson Simpkins, Dave Sopworth, Andy Taylor, Telegram From The Queen, Vivian Paul Thomas, Becca Voelker, Alice Wilkins, Graham Wilkins and ZILLO. Supported by: Arts Council Wales, Wales Millenium Centre, HOS Construction, National Probation Service, Milgi, Made in Roath, Visible Art and Urban Outfitters. SpecialThanks to Rob Ashelford, Cathy Boyce, Emma Geliot, Lewis Hughes-Evans, Mark Hulme, Neil Jefferies, Rebecca Wyn Kelly, Rob Trigg, James Tyson and Alice Wilkins.
Helene Roberts & Tiff Oben
theatre • theatr
madeinroath Thu 13 — Sun 16 Oct • Iau 13 — Sul 16 Hyd Now in its third year, Made In Roath is a free artistled event which reflects the burgeoning contemporary art scene in Cardiff and South Wales, showcasing the work of emerging and established artists in all genres. This year MiR are collaborating with Cardiff Design Festival, SŴN music festival and Experimentica 1.1, making the programme broader and even more dynamic. Using the whole of Roath as its venue, including domestic, commercial, public and overlooked or disused spaces, the festival boasts a dynamic programme of exhibitions, residencies and collaborations with community groups, workshops and performances. Houses and studios are opening their doors to the public and artists will be available throughout the weekend to discuss their practice. It’s a great opportunity to buy original artwork without paying gallery commissions. The weekend also includes a programme of spoken word and live music events, including opera and classical music at The Gate; and folk,
pop, and rock at the Mackintosh. There will be free workshops, including an introduction to the ukulele; authors and poets are giving readings and workshops at Penylan Library and there’s an open mic session for people wanting to take part and read their own work. Roath Park recreation ground is being transformed into an arena of activity including tent racing, creative frisbee and human bingo. Look out for Room to Read outside the library (www.roomtoread.org), Plinth in the Park (CSAD graduates), The Big Draw and Roathbud, MiR’s pop up arthouse cinema. MiR promises to be a celebration of art in all its many forms — crossing boundaries and inviting the audience and participating artists to explore the locale with fresh eyes and enquiring minds. All events are free and, unless stated, family friendly, please visit the website for full details. www.madeinroath.com madeinroath operates in partnership with www.milkwoodgallery.com
Images clockwise from top left: The Heel Bar featuring Marius Grainger’s work; The Allottment Keeper by Betina Skovbro; Dog in doorway, Dominic Gubb, untitled, reclaimed materials, Open House trail; Giraffe, Richard Powell, ain’t no zoo in roath, photograph on board, venues around Roath. All photographs courtesy of Dave Daggers.
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This series of talks, performances, dance and music explores interculturalism and how people and their culture are translated through different contexts.
Fri 30 Sept + Sat 1 Oct • Gwe 30 Medi + Sad 1 Hyd Cardiff’s very own games festival begins on Fri 30 September from 9.30am — 3.30pm, with a number of world-renowned speakers discussing the impact and possibilities of developing systems and ways of thinking through games and play in business, education and society as a whole. On Sat 1 October from 10am — 5pm there’s an exciting programme of games taking place in unusual spaces in and around Chapter. So if you fancy a walk down memory lane, or want to take a look at the games of the future, then come out and play. There are games that are suitable for adults, families, groups of friends or individuals.
Rabab Ghazoul Tue 27 Sept • 6.30pm • Maw 27 Medi A talk by Cardiff-based artist Rabab Ghazoul about her on-going art practice within and between diverse communities, audiences and artforms in Cardiff and beyond. Free
Ballet Nimba Wed 28 — Fri 30 Sept • 8pm • Mer 28 — Gwe 30 Medi An evening of West African culture, mythology, dance and music from Wales’s new African dancetheatre company, Ballet Nimba. The show features traditional and contemporary Guinean dance from six agile performers, the rare talents of a Fulani flute player and the rootsy sound of the Ngoni, the traditional African acoustic guitar. Combined with the rousing rhythms of some of West Africa’s most talented percussionists, it’ll be a challenge to stay seated during the performance! Fresh from a show at the Southbank in London, Ballet Nimba are performing a double bill featuring ‘Saiyama’ and ‘Payapaya’. Talented young Gambian multi-instrumentalist Sura Susso opens the evening in style - a rare opportunity to experience the joys of the kora (twenty-one stringed African harp).
Talks: £30/£15 (lunch included) Games: Free
GAME PREMIERE: EVERWAKE Sat 1 Oct • 6pm — 8pm • Sad 1 Hyd Everwake mixes street gaming with online storytelling and play to create a magical and frightening world of ghosts and spirits. The event spans the whole of Canton and requires players to move between several locations in small groups. Strictly for ages 18+ £10/£8 (SOLD OUT — Waiting list available) Find out more at www.everwakethegame.co.uk playARK is a collaboration between thinkARK and Chapter. The event is part of Cardiff Design Festival 2011 and is supported by The UnLtd Millennium Awards Scheme.
£12/£10/£8 www.balletnimba.org.uk
Asking4It Productions
Sat 1 Oct • 8pm • Sad 1 Hyd Championed by Led Zeppelin legend Robert Plant and Radio 1’s Huw Stephens, Fernhill make some of the most beautiful and inventive folk music of any group working in Britain today. They are currently promoting their latest CD ‘Canu rhydd’ which was recorded in Dartington school of arts in summer 2010. Fernhill are Julie Murphy (vocals), Ceri Rhys Matthews (guitar and flute), Christine Cooper (fiddle) and Tomos Williams (trumpet).
Sun 16 Oct + Sun 13 Nov • 2pm • Sul 16 Hyd + Sul 13 Tach As a precursor to their debut production Butcher, coming to Chapter in December, Cardiff-based theatre company A4I are chairing two discussions on the topic of genetic determinism. They are researching the contentious and sensitive area of the ‘cancer gene’ and are specifically interested in the growing trend of women choosing to surgically remove healthy breasts and other organs. A4I’s research is informed by scientists such as Bruce Lipton and Mae Wan Ho, who are marginalised for challenging the positions held by contemporary biomedical science, research and treatment pathways. This explorative discussion process will inform the development of Butcher. All are welcome.
£12/£10/£8 www.fernhill.info
“a very beautiful album” — Verity Sharp, Late Junction BBC radio 3
Show + Tell present Edward Aczel Doesn’t Exist Thu 20 Oct • 8pm • Iau 20 Hyd ‘Britain’s greatest entertainer’ (Time Out) presents an evening of moderately amusing stand-up comedy in order to gain some meaningful television exposure. Aczel comes tired and underprepared from three consecutive years of sell-out runs on London’s West End and the Edinburgh Fringe. As heard on Radio Four. £8.50 www.edwardaczel.com
“Aczel turns unprofessionalism into an artform. Scintillatingly shambolic” — The Times “One of the most original acts in years. An hour in his company is a hilarious joy” — The Guardian “The funniest thing I’ve ever seen” — Jimmy Carr
Edward Aczel
For further information please contact info@janefoxartist.com. Free
SŴN Festival at Chapter Sat 22 Oct • Sad 22 Hyd Cardiff’s wonderful four-day celebration of all that’s musically new and exciting comes to Chapter for one action-packed day. Dots.filmband are in Cinema 1 during the afternoon (see p41 for full description). Local singer-songwriter Richard James presents another of his popular In Chapters events, featuring collaborations between writers and musicians. And our Theatre and Stiwdio are full to the brim with sonic loveliness, in the shape of Benjamin Francis Leftwich, Daughter, Ffred Jones, Bleeding Heart Narrative, Emma Pollock and Joe Janiak and more. SŴN Festival runs from Thu 20 — Sun 23 Oct; with fourday wristbands costing a very reasonable £49.50 or Saturday wristbands at £25. Both available from www.swnpresents.com
Benjamin Francis Leftwich
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Living Pictures & Cegin Productions Diary Of A Madman
Special Student Offer: 2FOR1 on all tickets!
Thu 6 — Sat 8 Oct • 8pm • Iau 6 — Sad 8 Hyd + Sat 8 Oct • 2pm • Sad 8 Hyd Poprishchin is a low ranking civil servant in 1830s Russia, driven insane by government bureaucracy and struggling to make his mark. But one day he makes an amazing discovery - could he really be the next King of Spain? Directed by Sinead Rushe (Olivier Award nominee) and performed by Robert Bowman (Sherman Cymru, Bristol Old Vic, RSC), Nikolai Gogol’s dark comedy explores one man’s journey into a surreal fantasy world. £12/£10/£8 + Post show talk with Sinead Rushe and Robert Bowman on Fri 7 Oct. + Group Workshops on Sat 8 + Sun 9 Oct. For adults who want to develop their skills and knowledge, with a particular focus on the Chekov principle. Info and bookings: livingpictures@btopenworld.com / 07760 454773. Supported by Arts Council Wales and the Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama. www.livingpictures.org.uk
Anushiye Yarnell Nest — Field Site
Double CL1C card points
Fri 21 + Sat 22 Oct • 8pm • Gwe 21 + Sad 22 Hyd Anushiye Yarnell is a dancer and choreographer whose work reflects personal experiences, histories and images drawn from the world around her, often drawing connections and exchanges with international artists and mythologies. Her latest performance at Chapter is an evolving solo dance. “Nest is a little ritual — I make my body a temporary home, a little being makes a temporary home in me. It is a strange and mysterious encounter. We carry each other about, though we have not yet met. Meanwhile I build a nest. I gather my thoughts, feelings encounters with the world outside and inside, which often orbit around the unknown “human being” forming inside me. Transformation becomes a survival necessity. Is it Love… this little unravelling which is happening to me?” £5
PME-ART: Hospitality 3: Individualism was a Mistake
photo: David Jacques
Tue 1 Nov • 8pm • Maw 1 Tach A table with juice and snacks, another table cluttered with records and musical equipment. As you enter the theatre you are asked to write down answers to a series of provocative questions. The performers play records, tell stories, play music, demonstrating the intricate balance that lies at the heart of any true collaboration. With a strong focus on artistic collaboration, Canadian group PMEART combine performance, installation and research to look at social and political aspects of the world around us. Hospitality 3 is part of an ongoing project, begun at Studio 303 in Montreal, which explores how friends and strangers alike might share a common space. £10/£8/£6 www.pme-art.ca
www.chapter.org At the Riverside Conservative Club
A Cold Spread by Katy Owen
Wed 19 — Sun 30 Oct • Mer 19 — Sul 30 Hyd (see calendar p49 for date and time information) “Our Lord said to you ‘Myfs it’s time to go’ You said ‘hang on I’ve got to put the chubb on the lock’.” A celebration of the life of Myfanwy ‘Myfs’ Evans 1935 — 2011 Beloved wife, sister and nono, who always ‘lifted’ our ‘spirits’. Family flowers only. Donations in lieu of flowers to the Ruff Times Dogs’ Home. “There is nothing certain in a man’s life except this: that he must lose it.” — Tom Cruise from the film ‘Minority Report’ The latest production from Ruth Is Stranger Than Richard is a pitch black piece of comic theatre about grief, banality and the exact location of Bridgend’s McArthur Glen retail outlet. It’s an immersive experience set at the wake of Myfanwy ‘Myfs’ Evans, performed at the Riverside Conservative Club by a great cast. Diane from the Club is whipping up one of her famous buffets and there’s a disco at the end. You are politely asked to come dressed for a funeral. Directed by Adele Thomas. Music arranged by Paul Jones. Cast includes Brian Hibbard, Eiry Hughes, Alice James, Francois Pandolfo, Frank Honeybone, Paul Jones, Spencer McGarry, Julie Barclay, Remy Beasley and Mathew Crawford. £10/£8 (including buffet and disco) Supported by Chapter and Arts Council Wales.
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Patrick Jones Throatcursed Thu 6 Oct • 8pm • Iau 6 Hyd “It’s time to speak out. It’s time to re-connect. It’s time to face our truth. Time to face our lies.” An evening of revelation with poet Patrick Jones, featuring new poems that delve into the reality of intimate relationships, Cameron’s big society, nervous breakdown, Islamic and Christian fundamentalism, Welsh nationalism, scars, war and bus lanes. £5
“Very powerful stuff” — Harold Pinter “These poems engage and enrage” — Peter Tatchell
Seren’s 30th Birthday + Book Launch Tue 18 Oct • 7pm • Maw 18 Hyd Seren Books celebrates its 30th birthday with the launch of two more books in the ‘New Stories from the Mabinogion’ series. Fflur Dafydd’s ‘The White Trail’ is a twenty-first-century quest for love and revenge: while in Horatio Clare’s ‘The Prince’s Pen’, England is a defeated archipelago, but in the far west insurrection is brewing. Featuring contributions by Owen Sheers, Russell Celyn Jones, Niall Griffiths and Gwyneth Lewis, The Guardian has called the series “the greatest service to the Welsh national epic since Lady Charlotte Guest”. Following the launch, join Seren for a glass of wine to celebrate three decades of award-winning writing. Seren are currently toasting Patrick McGuinness, longlisted for the Man Booker Prize with ‘The Last Hundred Days’. £5
Parthian Books The Politics of Fiction Tue 25 Oct • 8pm • Maw 25 Hyd Labour politician and cultural activist Kim Howells talks to writer, editor and chair of the Arts Council of Wales Dai Smith about ‘The Volunteers’ by Raymond Williams, now republished in the Library of Wales series. It’s a political thriller set in a future Wales where the political agenda is controlled by the media organization ‘News Corp’ and starts with the assassination of a Welsh Office Minister in the grounds of St Fagans. Followed by Library of Wales launch reception. £5
Lontano Ensemble Dream Hunter Sat 29 Oct • 7.30pm • Sad 29 Hyd Dream Hunter is a new chamber opera composed by Nicola LeFanu to a libretto by renowned poet and storyteller John Fuller. Premiering across Wales in October, the piece is performed by the internationally renowned Lontano Ensemble with conductor Odaline de la Martinez, and directed by Carmen Jacobi of WNO. Set in Corsica, the opera explores the ambiguity surrounding the mazzere — women gifted with the prescience of death. The story centres on Catarina and her growing awareness of her powers and looks at the collision of the real world and the world of dreams, where fantasy knows no bounds. £15/£12/£10 Supported by Arts Council Wales, the RVW Trust, the Britten Pears Foundation, The Stanley Thomas Johnson Foundation, the D’Oyly Carte Charitable Trust, The Mercers Foundation, The PRS Foundation and the Mornington Trust.
“a welcome and absorbing addition to Britain’s post-Britten chamber operas… it has the equipment to entertain and illuminate for years to come” The Times (on Light Passing by Nicola LeFanu)
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Dave Stapleton Thu 3 Nov • 8pm • Iau 3 Tach
“so well conceived that it’s sometimes difficult to separate the written from the improvised” — Irish Times
Dave Stapleton’s latest album ‘Catching Sunlight’ is filled with gorgeous melodies, drenched in lush harmonies and driven by subtle, shifting, exotic rhythms. Commissioned by the Lunar Saxophone Quartet, who join Stapleton for this special concert, it has been described as ‘simply brilliant, both in execution and conception’, with a sound half-way between Gil Evans / Miles Davis and Arve Henriksen. The band features Neil Yates, one of the purest trumpet players in British jazz, alongside Stapleton’s regular rhythm section of Paula Gardiner and Elliot Bennett. £12/£10/£8 www.editionrecords.com
The Fetch Theatre: Basant Lahore!
“A tour de force of total theatre” — The Stage
Fri 4 Nov • 8pm • Gwe 4 Tach Basant Lahore! is a stunning exploration of puppetry and poetry which opens a window onto the culture, sights and language of Lahore and the Panjab. This performance brings together the talents of director, designer and puppeteer Purvin and poet/performer Mazhar Tirmazi in an entertaining, moving and illuminating show. The Fetch’s highly visual style of theatre incorporates masks, puppetry and music and goes a long way to dispelling the myth that “puppetry is for kids” by producing work that engages with all ages. This performance is suitable for 12 years+ Supported by Ledbury Poetry Festival and Arts Council England. £8/£6 www.thefetch.co.uk
Torch Theatre Company Accidental Death of An Anarchist by Dario Fo
Sat 5 Nov • 8pm • Sad 5 Tach Responding to real events in Italy in the late 1960s and early 1970s, this hugely popular play involves an anarchist who, while being held in police custody, fell — or was thrown — from the fourth floor window of a Milan police station. Comic, farcical and occasionally verging on slapstick, the play gains momentum at a cracking pace as Fo’s snappy dialogue explodes like gunfire to reveal a masterly plot in an attempt to ridicule the police and expose a cover up. The events are pertinent to Britain today — the ‘only doing my job’ policeman, the secrecy and cover-ups and the power of strengthening central state are problems we are all familiar with. Adapted by Gavin Richards; translated by Gillian Hanna; directed by Peter Doran. Suitable for ages 14+ £10/£8/£6
Cardiff Storytelling Circle Sun 2 Oct • 8pm • Sul 2 Hyd Cardiff Storytelling Circle invites you to share and listen to stories in relaxed company. £3 (on the door)
Canton Social Media Surgery Wed 5 Oct • 5-7pm • Mer 5 Hyd Have you heard of social media but are unsure how it all works? Or how it can benefit you or your group? Come along to the Cwtch area of our Caffi Bar for this relaxed and informal monthly get together. Perfect for beginners, or if you or your community group are already blogging, tweeting and sharing online but want to gain more confidence. Free twitter.com/cantonsms
Drones Comedy Club Fri 7 + Fri 21 Oct • 8.30pm • Gwe 7 + Gwe 21 Hyd The very best in new stand-up comedy. £3.50 (on the door)
Boardgaming Sundays Sun 9 Oct • 5.30pm • Sul 9 Hyd Join Cardiff’s friendly games shop Rules of Play in our Caffi Bar for this monthly games night. Bring your favourite board games, or just bring yourself and borrow a game from the demo library — whatever your age and ability, there’ll be something you like. Friendly volunteers are on hand to explain rules and make sure everyone is looked after! Free
Fabler Shakespeare Readers: The Jew of Malta by Christopher Marlowe Sun 9 Oct • 6.30pm • Sul 9 Hyd Fabler Shakespeare Readers get together every month to experience the works of the great bard spoken aloud. All are welcome. Please bring along a copy of the script if you have one. £3 (on the door) www.fabler.co.uk
SWDFAS Lecture Thu 13 Oct • 2pm • Iau 13 Hyd South Wales Decorative and Fine Arts Society welcomes Rebecca Hossack to talk about the genesis of Aboriginal art, including a look at the meaning of ‘Dreamtime’ - the creation of the Aboriginal universe, and the system of law which has informed the basis of the painting movement. £5 (on the door) www.r-h-g.uk www.swdfas.org.uk
Music Geek Monthly Sat 15 Oct • 3.30pm • Sad 15 Hyd This listening event runs alongside a music night held in Cardiff Arts Institute. One classic and one brand new album are chosen each month, and listened to in the plush surroundings of Cinema 2. Free www.musicgeekmonthly.tumblr.com
Sunday Jazz Sun 16 Oct • 9pm • Sul 16 Hyd An evening of melodic acoustic jazz in the Caffi Bar with the Glen Manby Quartet. Free
Canton Social Media Surgery
Glen Manby
26 Sherman Cymru at Chapter We’re playing host to Sherman Cymru while their building undergoes a £5.4 million redevelopment. They’re continuing to produce and tour theatre and their residency at Chapter features creative learning, new writing and artist development activity. www.shermancymru.co.uk
Company 5 Sherman Cymru are looking for new members for their diverse community theatre group, where participants can learn skills in acting, voice and movement and take part in small-scale productions in and around Cardiff. The group is open to anyone aged 20+, is totally free to join and you don’t need any previous acting experience. Tuesdays from 5–6.30pm at Plasnewydd Community Centre, Shakespeare Street, Cardiff. For more information about Sherman Cymru’s community engagement projects please contact heather.jones@shermancymru.co.uk 029 2064 6911
At Wales Millennium Centre
The Elves and the Shoemakers/ Y Coblynnod a’r Cryddion by/gan Mike Kenny Tue 13 — Sat 31 Dec • Maw 13 — Sad 31 Rhag It’s going to be a long, cold Christmas for the old shoemakers. There’s no bread in the breadbin, no wood for the fire and no money to buy each other presents. But two little elves have other ideas — there’s still one last piece of leather to make one more pair of shoes. With just the right amount of elf magic things are about to change for the better. Ages/Oedrannau 3 – 6 Perfformiadau Cymraeg hefyd ar gael. www.wmc.org.uk/westonstudio 029 2063 6464
The Elves and the Shoemakers/Y Coblynnod a’r Cryddion
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PechaKucha Night Cardiff Volume #06 Tue 11 Oct • 6.30pm • Maw 11 Hyd PechaKucha is a free event which is part of a worldwide phenomenon, now taking place in 400 cities worldwide, with over 1000 events a year. PechaKucha invites selected speakers to share their knowledge through 20 images, each shown for 20 seconds. It's a format that makes presentations concise and keeps things moving at a rapid pace, creating tempo, story, tension, show and tell. Every event features a number of creatives from areas as diverse as design, architecture, research, science, health, visual and performance arts, literature, music, spoken word, education, business, and more. It's the limitless range of the presentations that makes it such ‘an entertaining evening of colourful concepts and ideas’ (Guardian Cardiff). Launched by Louisa Cameron, hosted and organised by Mab Jones and supported by Chapter; Cardiff School of Art & Design, UWIC; Design Wales; Orangutan Studio; Inkling Creative and Culture Colony — Y Wladfa Newydd. PechaKucha Night is trademarked, devised and shared by Klein Dytham architecture. Part of Cardiff Design Festival 2011. Free (please reserve tickets at Chapter or from www.mabjones.com) Find out more on Facebook: Pecha Kucha Night Cardiff; Twitter: pkn_cardiff; and at www.pecha-kucha.org
Hires and Classes
Name: Richard Higlett
We have a number of spaces and facilities for hire at Chapter, many of which are booked regularly by a wonderful mix of day and evening classes. So if you fancy taking up yoga or flamenco, learning Welsh or a martial art, or if your kids are expressing an interest in ballet, then go to our website or pick up a leaflet at the box office to see what’s on offer. And if you’re looking for a room for a party, meeting, video shoot, rehearsal or team building extravaganza then give our hires manager a ring on 029 2031 1058 or email nicky.keeping@chapter.org. Our café manager Lex is also able to supply scrumptious catering for your event — please ask for details or go to www.chapter.org.
Job title: Gallery Invigilator How long have you worked at Chapter? 1 year, 2 months and 3 days (just a young pup in the scheme of things) Your best memory at Chapter? Too many and usually involving real ale. Your favourite Chapter event? I really enjoyed the Car Bootique which brought people together. My favourite exhibition would be The Magic Show last year. What do you get up to outside of Chapter? Practising artist with a studio just a few yards away. Tell us a bit about your work. Just built a mobile PA for Fiesta to take sound art into urban and rural places. Recently presented at g39, The Dairy in Pontcanna. I tend to drift between painting, film and sound art. Do you have any hidden talents? I love Karaoke and find it hard to pass a pub when it’s on. I’m a crooner. Tell us about your football allegiances. CCFC the first, best and original… Coventry City FC. Are the sky blue glory days going to return? No, but I’m not in it for the winning, just the hard times. I’m not a sports fan in general, but football is responsible for how fathers and sons come together. If money was no object what would you buy? Like all kids of the 70s — Prawn Cocktail, Steak and Chips, followed by Black Forest Gateaux. Otherwise, employ a health coach and buy more time. Who would you like to play you in a film of your life? Someone handsome and thinner, or Will Roberts from Chapter Shop.
Christmas Bookings Chapter is the perfect place to organise a little seasonal get-together. We have party spaces with a private bar and music, as well as a number of little nooks and crannies, like the Cwtch, where you can share a drink and some scrumptious tapas. Give us a ring to chat over your ideas (029 2031 1058) or email our friendly hires manager nicky.keeping@chapter.org.
Tell us a secret… If I did then it wouldn’t be a secret and we all need a little guilt to define us. Tell us a joke… Whats the most common Owl in Britain? The Teat-Owl
Hires and Classes: Tang So Doo
Jayne Eyre
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Jane Eyre
Fri 23 Sept — Fri 7 Oct • Gwe 23 Medi — Gwe 7 Hyd
Fri 30 Sept — Thu 6 Oct • Gwe 30 Medi — Iau 6 Hyd
UK/2011/120mins/PG . Dir: Cary Fukunaga. With Mia Wasikowska, Michael Fassbender, Jamie Bell, Dame Judi Dench.
UK/France/USA/2010/106mins/12A. Dir: Asif Kapadia. With Ayrton Senna, Alain Prost, Frank Williams.
Charlotte Brontë’s classic novel is brought to life by acclaimed director Cary Fukunaga (Sin Nombre) with all its glorious wild romanticism, protofeminism and gothic horror. Governess Jane flees Thornfield House and the wealthy Edward Rochester, taking shelter with clergyman St John Rivers and reflecting upon the people and emotions that have defined her. The isolated and imposing residence, together with Mr. Rochester’s coldness, tested the orphaned young woman’s resilience but she must now act to secure her own future and come to terms with the past that haunts her and the terrible secret that she has discovered.
Bad Film Club: Deep Blue Sea Sun 2 Oct • Sul 2 Hyd USA/1999/105mins/15. Dir: Renny Harlin. With Samuel L Jackson, Saffron Burrows, Thomas Jane.
Nicko and Jo lend their irreverent DVD-style commentary to this all-action sharkfest. If there’s one thing this film will teach you, it’s that trying to harvest Alzheimer’s disease enzymes from genetically modified (and rather grumpy) sharks will always end in disaster.
Deep Blue Sea
Back due to popular demand, this compelling documentary offers a portrait of formula one driver Ayrton Senna, who won the world championship three times before his death at the age of only 34. Director Asif Kapadia and screenplay writer Manish Pandey integrate hours of archive footage into a narrative that never loses momentum. Voiceovers from friends and family accompany grainy 1980s interviews and archive film of press stunts and his family in Sao Paolo, as Senna matures from determined newcomer to world champion, and ultimately to sceptical, but resolute young veteran.
“a loving and skilfully crafted homage” The Guardian + Lowri Morgan, Presenter of S4C’s Ralio, introduces the screening on Tue 4 Oct.
Chapter MovieMaker Mon 3 Oct • Llun 3 Hyd MovieMaker is a regular showcase for short films by independent filmmakers. If you’d like more information, or have a film you’d like to show, please email moviemaker@chapter.org or call Chapter Cinema on 029 2030 4400. Free (please reserve tickets in advance) http://chaptermoviemaker.blogspot.com
Mademoiselle Chambon Fri 30 Sept — Thu 6 Oct • Gwe 30 Medi — Iau 6 Hyd France/2009/101mins/subtitled/ctba. Dir: Stéphane Brizé. With Vincent Lindon, Sandrine Kiberlain, Aure Atika.
Jean lives a simple, happy life as a mason with his wife and son in a provincial French town but when he meets his son’s teacher this simplicity is thrown into disarray as their attraction to each other becomes impossible to ignore. A touching, chaste portrait of two adults on opposite ends of the class spectrum fighting to contain their passion from spilling over into a full blown affair, this exquisitely sad story is built on the tiniest moments and pregnant silences of the small tragedies that happen every day in ordinary lives. “This small, nearly perfect film is a reminder that personal upheavals are as consequential in people’s lives as shattering world events.” — New York Times
Post Mortem Sat 1 — Thu 6 Oct • Sad 1 — Iau 6 Hyd Chile/2010/98mins/subtitled /15. Dir: Pablo Larrain. With Alfredo Castro, Antonio Zegers.
Pablo Larraín follows up the wickedly absurd disco comedy Tony Manero with this chilling, understated look at the casual evils man can commit. Set in one of Chile’s darkest and bloodiest periods, when Pinochet staged a brutal coup against the President in 1975, it follows the strangely desensitised Mario, who works in a morgue typing reports. Mario is obsessed with his neighbour, selfenchanted burlesque dancer Nancy, and when protestors take to the streets and her family are kidnapped, Mario chooses to ignore the chaos to hide the apathetic young woman. Highly textured 16mm film helps to achieve a true 1970s cinematic feel and disturbingly effective sound and framing reinforces the oppression lurking everywhere, building up to a horrific final sequence.
Villain Fri 7 — Thu 13 Oct • Gwe 7 — Iau 13 Hyd Japan/2010/140mins/subtitled/15. Dir: lee Sang-il. With Eri Fukatsu, Satoshi Tsumabuki.
Double CL1C card points
Yuichi is a construction worker who has lived his entire life in a dreary fishing village. With no girlfriend or friends, he spends his days working and looking after his grandparents with no enjoyment in life other than his car. Meanwhile, Mitsuyo also lives a monotonous life pacing between the men’s clothing store where she works and the apartment where she lives with her sister. When the two lonely souls meet on an online dating site, they immediately fall in love; but there’s a secret Yuichi is keeping from his new girlfriend. Villain offers a dark examination of modern Japanese society, charting the many aftershocks that follow a brutal and tragic crime. Based on the award-winning novel by Yoshida Shuichi, the film won 5 Japanese Academy Awards including Best Actress, Actor, Supporting Actress, Supporting Actor and Music Score.
cinema • sinema
Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy Fri 7 — Thu 27 Oct • Gwe 7 — Iau 27 Hyd UK/2011/127mins/15. Dir: Tomas Alfredson. With Gary Oldman, Colin Firth, John Hurt, Mark Strong, Benedict Cumberbatch.
Tomas Alfredson (Let The Right One In) makes his English language debut with this stunning adaptation of John Le Carré’s best-selling espionage novel. In the depths of the Cold War, disgraced British MI6 agent George Smiley is called out of retirement to locate a Soviet mole at the heart of ‘The Circus’ — a group of his trusted former colleagues at the very top of the British Secret Intelligence Service. With cool, considered performances from a great British male ensemble cast, including Gary Oldman admirably filling the shoes of Alec Guinness, this classic tale of spies, lies and deceit has been described by Le Carré himself as nothing less than a triumph.
+ Adaptations Mon 10 Oct • Llun 10 Hyd The reading group with a difference gets together following the screening to discuss the film and John Le Carré’s classic novel.
“a mouthwatering cast, and they are all quite brilliant in it. The production design is a marvel, the costumes are perfect” The Guardian
Philosophy In Film Tue 27 Sept — Tue 1 Nov • 7pm-9pm • Maw 27 Medi — Maw 1 Tach Our repertory films this month run alongside lecturer Gideon Calder’s ‘Introduction to Philosophy’ course, which explores how notions of truth, justice, identity, morality and death are tackled in film. One theme is introduced each week, to coincide with the showing of a relevant film. Course Fees are £65/£55 — which includes a ticket to see the films on either the Sunday or the Tuesday matinee. Please book your place through our website or at the box office. All films are, of course, open to the public at normal ticket prices. Notions of truth will be discussed in relation to Tomas Alfredson’s Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy (see p31) on Tue 11 Oct.
RoboCop Sun 2 + Tue 4 Oct • Sul 2 + Maw 4 Hyd USA/1987/103mins/18. Dir: Paul Verhoeven. With Peter Weller, Nancy Allen.
Detroit in a dystopian near future; a cop who dies in the line of duty is transformed into a chrome-plated, indestructible, crime-fighting cyborg by the corporation which now runs the police department. The only hitch is that this “perfect” cop still holds the remnants of his human identity and seeks revenge on the sadistic criminals who mutilated him. + Lecture on Identity on Tue 27 Sept.
“RoboCop is as tightly worked as a film can be, not a moment or line wasted.” — Variety
High Noon Sun 9 + Tue 11 Oct • Sul 9 + Maw 11 Hyd USA/1952/85mins/U. Dir: Fred Zinnemann. With Gary Cooper, Grace Kelly, Thomas Mitchell.
Just-married lawman Will Kane is about to retire as a smalltown sheriff and begin a new life with his new bride when he learns that gunslinger Frank Miller is due to arrive at high noon to settle an old score. Compelled to face this deadly enemy, he finds that his own town refuses to help him. + Lecture on Justice on Tue 4 Oct.
“Deserving of its label as a true classic, and essential viewing.” — Empire
cinema • sinema
Cutter’s Way Sun 16 + Tue 18 Oct • Sul 16 + Maw 18 Hyd USA/1981/108mins/15. Dir: Ivan Passer. With Jeff Bridges, John Heard, Lisa Eichhorn.
This unique blend of mystery and social commentary is set in Santa Barbara, California, in a community of wealth and power. Richard Bone is a beach-boy gigolo starting to go to seed while his best friend Alex Cutter is a Vietnam veteran maimed in body and spirit living with Cutter’s alcoholic wife. When Cutter spots one of the community’s most prominent citizens in the act of covering up a murder, Bone insists that the police would never believe them. So Cutter seizes the opportunity to blackmail the killer, as a means of striking back at a system he believes sent him off to an unjust war and ruined his life.
“A modern masterpiece and a film ripe for rediscovery” Time Out
Crimes and Misdemeanours Sun 23 + Tue 25 Oct • Sul 23 + Maw 25 Hyd USA/1989/104mins/15. Dir: Woody Allen. With Martin Landau, Alan Alda, Anjelica Huston, Mia Farrow.
Dr. Judah Rosenthal is a prominent ophthalmologist with a successful practice, a loving family, and a reputation for generous charity work. But he also has a secret mistress, Dolores, and as he tries to break off the relationship, she threatens to expose his infidelity to his wife. Fearful that she will make good on her threats, his brother offers to use his organised crime contacts to “make the problem go away”. Meanwhile, filmmaker Cliff Stern is working on his pet project documentary about a philosopher. But this won’t pay the rent, so his wife Wendy arranges for him to work on a film about a vapid and arrogant TV comedian. While Cliff tries to bite the bullet and finish the film, he finds himself falling in love with producer Halley Reed. + Lecture on Morality on Tue 18 Oct.
Nosferatu Sun 30 Oct • Sul 30 Hyd Germany/1922/75mins/PG. Dir: F W Murnau. With Max Schreck, Greta Schroder, Gustav von Wangenheim.
This seminal expressionistic film laid the foundations for all future representations of the vampire, but this is not the theatrical vampires of latter day cinema, this is a haunted man suffering from a dreaded curse. When Count Orlok wishes to buy a deserted new residence in the local town, estate agent Hutter eschews the warnings of the villagers and goes up to the castle. The screening will be accompanied by the six piece ensemble Harmonie Band playing a score by Paul Robinson. £9/£7 www.harmonieband.com
+ Lecture on Death on Tue 25 Oct. SŴN wristband holders (see p19) — book in advance and claim a £2 discount!
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Iris Prize Festival 2011 The Iris Prize is an annual international short film prize that recognises, celebrates and promotes gay, lesbian and transgender filmmaking. The accompanying festival features a packed programme of shorts, features (including many UK premieres), panel sessions and a closing night award ceremony. Go to www.irisprize.org or pick up a brochure for festival info and details of other events around Cardiff.
Spork Wed 5 Oct • 12.30pm • Mer 5 Hyd USA/2010/90mins. Dir: JB Ghuman Jr. With Savannah Stehlin, Sydney Park, Rachel Fox.
Spork is a frizzy-haired, pink-cheeked outcast trying to navigate her way through the complex world that is Junior High. When a school dance show provides a chance for her to confront a mean-girls gang, her trailer-park neighbour steps up to coach her with some booty-poppin moves. This hugely entertaining film has been winning awards and friends on the international festival circuit. + Introduction and post-screening Q&A by writer JB Ghuman and producer Christopher Racster.
Boys’ Village + Welcome to Iris 2011! Wed 5 Oct • 7pm • Mer 5 Hyd UK/Germany/2011/22mins. Dir: Till Kleinert. With Ben Thorne, Andrew McQueen, Hannah-Rose Jones.
European Premiere
August Wed 5 Oct • 8.30pm • Mer 5 Hyd USA/2011/100mins. Dir: Eldar Rapaport. With Murray Bartlett, Daniel Dugan, Adrian Gonzalez.
After spending several years in Spain, Troy returns to Los Angeles and decides to phone Jonathan and meet for coffee. A seemingly innocent rendezvous turns into an attempt to revive passions past; but it’s not that simple, as Jonathan has a new boyfriend, Raul. This opening night feature is directed by 2009 Iris Prize winner Eldar Rapaport. + Introduction by cast member Murray Bartlett.
LGBT families and children on film Sat 8 Oct • 10.30am • Sad 8 Hyd The Kids Are All Right is just one recent example of a film where a gay family has taken centre stage. With legal support for gay people increasing in parts of the world, it appears that for some the gay experience is becoming the norm. This informal session asks if film reflects what is happening in society at large and therefore is a mirror to reality; or does cinema influence and change our perception of society.
The Boys’ Village was once a holiday home for coalminers’ sons, boasting a pool, sports yards and even a chapel. Fifteen years since its closure, its shattered glass and debris make it either a parent’s worst nightmare or heaven on earth for a certain kind of child. It more or less is for Kevin. He has been eleven years old for quite some time. 2008 Iris Prize winner Till Kleinert returns to Cardiff for the screening of the film he made with the Iris Prize. The evening also includes interviews with special guests as Iris celebrates its 5th birthday.
Magnus Mork in conversation with Andrew Pierce
Opposite page clockwise from top: Spork, August, Magnus Mork, Boys’ Village
Sat 8 Oct • 12pm • Sad 8 Hyd Another chance to see The Samaritan, the short film by Magnus Mork which won the 2010 Iris Prize. Magnus is a member of this year’s international jury and is scheduled to make his next short film courtesy of Iris in 2012. Magnus discusses the last 12 months and his plans for the future with festival patron Andrew Pierce of the Daily Mail.
Iris Prize Festival (continued) UK Premiere
So Hard to Forget Sat 8 Oct • 2pm • Sad 8 Hyd Brazil/2010/100mins. Dir: Malu De Martino. With Ana Paula Arosio, Murilo Rosa, Natália Lage.
Julia is a 35-year-old English Literature teacher struggling with depression as she tries to get her life back together after a long, intense love affair. Julia’s life and values have been tinged with unbearable melancholy and her life’s measure seems reduced to out-of-focus fragments of her memories. Although the subject matter might appear a bit heavy, the film is anything but — vibrant colours, fluid camera work and strong performances make for an emotional and satisfying study of one woman’s attempt to get on with life.
UK Premiere
My Last Round Sat 8 Oct • 4pm • Sad 8 Hyd Chile/2011/110mins. Dir: Julio Jorquera Arriagada. With Roberto Farías, Héctor Morales, Alejandro Trejo.
Unfazed by the attention he receives from women, Hugo searches for something meaningful to break up the monotony of his life. He becomes captivated with Octavio, a middle-aged boxing champion, who maintains a hard and gruff image for his fans and fellow fighters. When Octavio furtively acts on the subtle flirtations Hugo throws at him, he is abruptly rejected. But their magnetic attraction eventually leads to an intense romance that would never be accepted in their small town in southern Chile.
UK Premiere
Harvest Sat 8 Oct • 6pm • Sad 8 Hyd Germany/2011/88mins. Dir: Benjamin Cantu. With Lukas Steltner, Kai-Michael Müller.
Marko is an apprentice at a large agricultural school outside Berlin where the days are passed working the land. The rest of the apprentices see him as a bit of a loner, but when Jacob joins the farm, Marko takes immediate interest and begins to open up to him. When the two embark on a night in Berlin, everything changes irrevocably. Harvest avoids the most obvious clichés of young gay love, and the observational detail of farm life is further enhanced by the fact that many of the cast were actual students from the working farm.
cinema • sinema
Llygaid Sgwâr Gan Philip Wyn Jones Croeso i bumed Ŵyl Iris. O Hydref y 5ed hyd yr 8fed, yn Chapter a Cineworld, bydd ffilmiau byrion, ffilmiau nodwedd, trafodaethau a chyflwyniadau. Canolbwynt yr ŵyl fydd y gystadleuaeth i ddewis y ffilm fer orau. Caiff gwneuthurwr y ffilm honno wobr o £25,000. Dyma ragflas o rai o’r ffilmiau byrion. Mae Fuckbuddies yn bortread gogleisiol o ddau gyfaill sy’n cael rhyw mewn car. Dyma ffilm sy’n gyforiog o ryw nad yw’n rhywiol o gwbl! Yn Manhunt mae dyn yn cael ei erlid a’i ddal. Beth yw ei gymhellion? Ffilm ddogfen yw William Yang — The Art of Seduction, portread o ddyn sy’n perswadio dynion i dynnu eu dillad fel y gall ef dynnu eu lluniau. Yn The Red Bike mae bachgen yn ailadeiladu a thrwsio beic fel ffordd o gyfathrebu â’r bachgen y mae’n ei addoli. Gwers Saesneg i oedolyn gawn ni yn The Lesson. Mae disgybl yn torri’i galon. Fydd ei athrawes oeraidd yn fodlon ei helpu? Yn Nice Shirt mae dwy ferch yn saethu ergydion sarhaus at ei gilydd trwy gyfrwng y negeseuon ar eu crysau T. Rwyf wedi gweld pump o wyth ffilm nodwedd yr ŵyl. Troy (Murray Bartlett) yw’r prif gymeriad yn August. Mae’n ymddangos yn gwbl hyderus ac allblyg ond dyw hynny ddim yn wir. Mae’n ceisio aildanio ei berthynas gyda Jonathan sy’n ymddangos yn hawdd ei berswadio ond dyw hynny ddim yn wir chwaith. Cariad presennol Jonathan yw Raul, gŵr eithriadol o olygus, ond mae ganddo ef ei broblemau hefyd. Felly dyma dri chymeriad diddorol. Caiff eu hanes ei gyflwyno’n gelfydd trwy beidio â datgelu popeth yn rhy gyflym a thrwy wneud defnydd ystyrlon o’r sgrin fawr, yn arbennig wrth ddarlunio unigrwydd. Mae Going Down in La-La Land yn dilyn hynt Adam (Matthew Ludwinski) sy’n ceisio ailafael mewn bywyd ar ôl i’w berthynas chwalu. Mae am fod yn actor ond rhaid cael arian i fyw ac mae ei droeon trwstan yn gyfuniad o’r digri a’r brawychus. Yn So Hard to Forget mae cariad Julia (Ana Paula Arioso), y prif gymeriad, wedi troi ei chefn arni ac mae galaru yn ei meddiannu. Mae’n gas ganddi dderbyn cydymdeimlad. Er bod pob un o’r prif gymeriadau eraill wedi colli cariadon neu anwyliaid, hi yw’r unig un hunandosturiol. Wrth i’r stori ddatblygu daw posibilrwydd y gall Julia ddechrau mwynhau bywyd eto ond mae gofyn i’r gynulleidfa fod yn amyneddgar a goddefgar iawn. Yn My Last Round mae Hugo (Roberto Farias) yn gyfeillgar gyda bocsiwr, Octavio (Hector Morales). Mae’r ddau yn hoyw ac mae’r bocsiwr yn dioddef o epilepsi. Byddai parhau i focsio yn siwr o’i ladd. Mae ymyrraeth cymeriad arall, merch sydd yn ffansïo Hugo, yn arwain at drasiedi anorfod. Yr hyn sy’n gwneud y ffilm hon yn wych yw actio Farias a Morales. Felly hefyd Harvest sydd â dau brif actor gwych. Mae Lukas Steltner yn portreadu Marco, llanc a gafodd fagwraeth anodd iawn. Mae canolbwyntio ar ei dasgau fel ffermwr dan hyfforddiant yn broblem iddo. Mae Kai-Michael Muller yn portreadu Jakob, bachgen o wlad dramor ac mae perthynas dyner yn datblygu rhwng y ddau. Philip Wyn Jones — Golygydd ac adolygydd. philip@philipwyn.wanadoo.co.uk You can find extended and English language versions of Philip’s column at www.chapter.org
Melancholia Fri 7 — Thu 20 Oct • Gwe 7 — Iau 20 Hyd Denmark/2011/136mins/15. Dir: Lars Von Trier. With Kirsten Dunst, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Keifer Sutherland.
The end of our world is nigh as the planet Melancholia moves towards us for a collision that no-one can possibly survive. Lars Von Trier uses these pre-apocalyptic weeks as a device to examine the human psyche and how it deals with disaster. As new bride Justine struggles to control her crippling depression and becomes more distant from her family and new husband, her sister Claire tries hard, as ever, to pick up the pieces. As the weeks pass and the planet looms large, it is Claire who lets her fears overcome her, while Justine reaches a calm serenity. This is beautifully realised film which at times purposefully creates a visual pace in line with the striking Wagnerian soundtrack.
“a moving masterpiece, marked by an astonishing profundity of vision” Entertainment Weekly
cinema • sinema
Troll Hunter Fri 7 — Thu 13 Oct • Gwe 7 — Iau 13 Hyd Norway/2011/103mins/subtitled /15. Dir: Andre Ovredal. With: Otto Jespersen, Glenn Erland Tosterud.
Shot in a vérité style, Andre Ovredal’s darkly comic take on the original Norwegian folklore follows a group of film students as they set out to expose the infamous Bearksin Poacher, only to discover they’ve happened upon Norway’s only living troll hunter. Learning that these blood-chugging ogres are the true reason behind global warming and their existence has been covered up for years by a government conspiracy, the filmmakers seek to capture real-life trolls on camera. Delivering some fantastically exciting images, this is an entertaining and sincere horror film told with a wonderfully dry humour. “Unforgettable... will quite simply blow you away “— Total Film “Possibly the best monster movie since Jurassic Park” — Sunday Mirror
The Hedgehog Fri 14 — Wed 19 Oct • Gwe 14 — Mer 19 Hyd France/2009/99mins/subtitled /12A. Dir: Mona Achache. With Josiane Balasko, Garance Le Guillermic.
Double CL1C card points
Inspired by the bestselling novel by Muriel Barbery, this is the story of Paloma, a young girl living in an upper class Parisian apartment building, who is bent on ending it all on her upcoming twelfth birthday. She uses her father’s camcorder to chronicle the hypocrisy she sees in adults and one day her investigations reveal an extensive secret library in the back room belonging to the grumpy building concierge, Renée. Paloma begins to understand that there are allies to be found beneath the prickliest of exteriors.
Self Made Wed 19 + Thu 20 Oct • Mer 19 + Iau 20 Hyd UK/2010/88mins/adv15. Dir: Gillian Wearing.
Turner Prize-winner Gillian Wearing uses her debut feature to explore who we really are underneath the social masks we wear every day. Hundreds of people responded to an advert asking “If you were to play a part in a film, would you be yourself or a fictional character?” when it was placed in newspapers, online and in job centres around London and Newcastle. Seven people were selected to attend a method acting workshop to explore their fantasy selves. The workshops were led by drama teacher Sam Rumbelow, and form the core of the film, which sees the participants using real experiences to bring their characters to life. Revelation is key to the process, as is creating an environment that allows the unexpected to happen. + Introduction on Thu 20 Oct by Hannah Firth, Chapter’s Head of Visual Arts. “…a work of real originality” — The Times “Michael Moore and a few others have made the leap into ‘reality cinema’ but nobody has taken it as far as Wearing has” — The Independent
National Schools Film Week
Fri 14 — Thu 27 Oct • Gwe 14 — Iau 27 Hyd
NSFW gives teachers and students the opportunity to see a wide range of films at local cinemas entirely free-of-charge. Schools can book tickets by calling 0207 2927300 www.nsfw.org
USA/2011/100mins/18. Dir: Nicolas Winding Refn. With Ryan Gosling, Carey Mulligan, Christina Hendricks.
This brutal and beautiful take on the cult James Sallis novel combines Nicolas Winding Refn’s (Bronson, Valhalla Rising) lively European style with the classic excitement of an American ‘fast cars and crime’ drama. The film centres on a 1980s Hollywood stunt driver who moonlights as a topnotch getaway driver. When he agrees to help young mother Irene and her son, he is drawn into a plot with her fresh-out-of-jail husband on one last job to help clear their debts. When things begin to go dangerously awry, the only way he can keep Irene alive is to do what he does best… drive.
“Driver {Gosling’s character} is surely heading straight to hell and his downward plunge has a definite giddy intensity.”— The Guardian “Without doubt the most stylish film in years.” — The Independent
Primary: The Tree of Spirits (50mins/PG) Thu 13 Oct • 10am • Iau 13 Hyd Primary: 400 Blows (92mins/PG) Fri 14 Oct • 10am • Gwe 14 Hyd This French film tells the touching story of a misunderstood young adolescent who delves into a life of petty crime. Secondary: Let Me In (100mins/15) Mon 17 Oct • 10am • Llun 17 Hyd A bullied young boy befriends a young female vampire who lives in secrecy with her guardian. + Introduction and short talk about film classification. Primary: The Secret of Kells (75mins/PG) Mon 17 Oct • 1pm • Llun 17 Hyd The animated story of the boy behind the famed Book of Kells. + Introduction and short talk about film classification. Secondary: Tsotsi (94mins/15) Tue 18 Oct • 10am • Maw 18 Hyd This oscar-winning film about redemption spends six days in the violent life of a young Johannesburg gang leader. + Introduction by Matt Beere, Chapter Cinema Education Officer. Primary: Jasper, Penguin Explorer (80mins/U) Wed 19 Oct • 10am • Mer 19 Hyd Penguin brothers Jasper and Junior are assisted by 9-year-old Emma, as they retrieve the eggs of a threatened parrot species from the evil Dr Block. Secondary: Adèle Blanc-Sec (97mins/12A) Thu 20 Oct • 10am • Iau 20 Hyd A French adventure set in the early part of the 20th century where a popular novelist has dealings with would-be suitors, monsters and other distractions. Primary: Arrietty (94mins/U) Fri 21 Oct • 10am • Gwe 21 Hyd The latest Studio Ghibli animation inspired by ‘The Borrowers’.
cinema • sinema
Dots Film Band Sat 22 Oct • Sad 22 Hyd For this special event, dots. film band have taken six contrasting short films, encompassing silent, animation and live-action, from six up-and-coming British filmmakers, and created soundtracks to perform live on a vast array of instruments and found objects. The films include a painted tale of distance, ageing, longing and a seagull; a stop-frame post-apocalyptic Frankenstein’s monster; an exploration of the consequences of immortality; and a romance that takes in the triumphs and pitfalls of love as played by people made of string. Part of Swn Festival 2011 (see p19).
The Black Power Mix Tape 1967-1975 Fri 21 — Thu 27 Oct • Gwe 21 — Iau 27 Hyd USA/2011/100mins/ctba. Dir: Goran Olsson. With Angela Davis, Stokely Carmichael, Bobby Seale.
Lost in an archive in Sweden for 30 years and recently rediscovered, Danny Glover presents The Black Power Mixtape, a compilation feature documentary that illustrates the struggle of the AfricanAmerican community between the years of 1967-1975. Told with sparkling and beautiful footage and featuring music by artists including The Roots, Michael Jackson and Erykah Badu, this is an amazing film which charts the more radical elements of the civil rights movement. SŴN wristband holders (see p19) — book in advance and receive a concessionary priced ticket.
Tyrannosaur Fri 21 — Thu 27 Oct • Gwe 21 — Iau 27 Hyd UK/2011/93mins/18. Dir: Paddy Considine. With Peter Mullan, Olivia Coleman, Eddie Marsan.
This is the uncompromising debut feature film from award-winning actor Paddy Considine (Dead Man’s Shoes). Joseph, a man plagued by violence and a rage that is driving him to self-destruction, is spiralling into turmoil. A chance of redemption appears in the form of Hannah, a Christian charity shop worker. However, their relationship develops to reveal that Hannah is hiding a secret of her own, a secret with devastating consequences for both of them. Winning awards at Sundance Film Festival, this astonishing film features Peter Mullan in the tense and tragic lead role, which some viewers may find hard to watch.
We Need To Talk About Kevin Fri 28 Oct — Thu 17 Nov • Gwe 28 Hyd — Iau 17 Tach UK/2011/112mins/15. Dir: Lynne Ramsay. With Tilda Swinton, John C Reilly, Ezra Miller.
This adaptation of Lionel Shriver’s best-selling novel has received widespread critical acclaim at festivals around the world. The film recounts the story of a mother desperately haunted by the horrific actions of her teenage son, who engineers a high-school killing spree which shakes their community and leaves him in prison. Now ostracised, Eva tries to deal with her grief and feelings of responsibility by looking back over her son’s upbringing to understand how this could have happened; how she went from being a smart progressive career woman to the helpless mother of a mass murderer. Producer and star, Tilda Swinton is astounding in this intimate and nihilistic character study of a woman in torment who can do nothing but wonder if her child was born evil or is the product of her own care. + sciSCREEN event on Thu 3 Nov. www.cardiffsciscreen.blogspot.com www.twitter.com/sciSCREEN
“thought-provoking, confident and fearless” — Time Out
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The Debt
The Yellow Sea
Fri 28 — Thu 3 Nov • Gwe 28 Hyd — Iau 3 Tach
Fri 28 Oct — Thu 3 Nov • Gwe 28 Hyd — Iau 3 Tach
USA/2010/114mins/subtitled/15. Dir: John Madden. With Helen Mirren, Tom Wilkinson, Sam Worthington.
Korea/2010/140mins/18. Dir: Na Hong-jin. With Kim Yun-Seok, Hajung-Woo, Cho Seong-Ha.
In 1965, three young Mossad agents were assigned a secret mission to capture and kill a notorious Nazi war criminal. It’s something they imagine has been left in the past, but when one of the agent’s daughters writes a book about the famous exploit thirty years later, cracks start to appear in the trio’s version of events. At the same time, a man in Ukraine surfaces who claims to be the target of their original mission, still alive and ready to talk. Though they’re no longer together, the three agents are compelled to try to complete the mission. Directed by John Madden (Shakespeare in Love), The Debt is a very satisfying thriller that moves back and forth in time with a subtlety and believability that makes it feel like it’s based on a true story. The film is backed up by excellent performances from Jessica Chastain, Sam Worthington and Marton Csokas as the agents in the 1960s; and Helen Mirren, Ciaran Hinds and Tom Wilkinson as their older selves, drawn to re-examine the past.
This high action crime thriller follows Gu-nam, an ethnic Korean living in China, who is crushed by debts incurred by his young wife before she fled the country for a better life. His life becomes more complicated and desperate as he gambles to raise funds. One day he meets a hitman and reluctantly agrees to cross the Yellow Sea to kill a businessman living in Seoul in return for repayment of his debt and in the hope he may find his wife. When his target is killed in front of him, making him a witness to the crime, Gu-nam goes on the run for a murder he did not commit and can trust no-one as he’s chased by those responsible for the mess.
“a breathtakingly brutal man-on-the-run thriller with a trenchant basis in gutterlevel reality” — Variety
“A Nazi-hunting thriller deepens into a meditation on conscience… The Debt holds you in its grip.” — Rolling Stone
Double CL1C card points
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Happy Halloween Sat 29 Oct • Sad 29 Hyd Tread into a world of vile and troubled souls as SciSCREEN join us to explore politics in horror movies. British director Faye Jackson’s journey into the depths of Romanian folklore is followed by a late night screening of cult director Kevin Smith’s new off-road slasher. www.cardiffsciscreen.blogspot.com www.twitter.com/sciSCREEN Make a scary night of it. Buy tickets for two of our Halloween events and get the third free!
Red State
Sat 29 Oct • Sad 29 Hyd
Fri 28 — Mon 31 Oct • Gwe 28 — Llun 31 Hyd
UK/Romania/2009/101mins/15. Dir: Faye Jackson. With Catalin Paraschiv, Constantin Barbulescu.
USA/2011/88mins/18. Dir: Kevin Smith. With John Goodman, Melissa Leo, Michael Parks.
Set in a post-communist Romanian village, this intelligent vampire film defies categorisation. When Vlad Cozm returns to his grandfather’s village, he is drawn into investigating a mysterious death which has raised questions about land ownership in the community. The trail points to ex-communist bully Constantin Tirescu, but when Vlad confronts him, he discovers that the richest landowners in the village have become real bloodsuckers. Faye Jackson weaves a witty and, at times, darkly nihilistic tale of political exploitation around the Romanian folklore of the Strigoi — the souls that rise again after death to seek justice. + Full SciScreen event
From cult writer/director Kevin Smith (Clerks, Dogma) comes this intense horror which is a real departure for the director and his fans. In middle America, three teenagers travel to Cooper’s Dell after responding to an older woman’s online invitation for sex. However, their schoolboy fantasy turns sinister as Christian extremists hold them captive and force the boys to witness executions before being prepared for their own death. Their only hope is rescue but when the Federal Agent and his team arrive, fully armed and dangerous, their chances seem slim. + SciScreen introduction on Sat 29 Oct
Club Foot Foot Arghhhhhhhhhh!!!!! Make It Go Away!!! Sat 29 Oct • Sad 29 Hyd Get ready for the cream of cinematic art, trash, fantastic crap, forgotten gems, curios and bagpipes for the eyes. Join filmmaker/ cartoonist/ magpie Casey Raymond for a sacrificial offering of spooky treats and pure celluloid evil. A cavity inducing collection of short films, video and found footage destined to rot your teeth and your brain. May God have mercy on your goose-bumped soul!
“I f***ing love this movIe” — Quentin Tarantino If you like these, you might like the Norwegian Troll Hunter (p39), expressionistic classic Nosferatu (p33) and look out for Chris Crow’s Panic Button in our November programme.
Halloween for kids See p47 for details of our Children’s Workshop and Young Persons’ Film Academy.
www.clubfootfoot.com www.caseyraymond.com
Club Foot Foot
Red State
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Family Features Every Saturday. Please book in advance to avoid disappointment. Children under 12 years old must be accompanied by an adult.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 Sat 1 Oct • Sad 1 Hyd UK/2011/130mins/12A. Dir: David Yates. With Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Emma Watson.
In this epic series finale, the battle between the good and evil forces of the wizarding world escalates into an all-out war. The stakes have never been higher and no one is safe. But it is Harry Potter who may be called upon to make the ultimate sacrifice as he draws closer to the climactic showdown with Lord Voldemort. It all ends here!
Cowboys & Aliens Fri 7 + Sat 8 Oct • Gwe 7 + Sad 8 Hyd USA/2011/118mins/12A. Dir: Jon Favreau. With: Daniel Craig, Harrison Ford, Olivia Wilde.
A spaceship arrives in Arizona in 1873 to take over the World, and a posse of cowboys and natives are all that stand in their way. This film is not suitable for very young children.
Mr Popper’s Penguins Sat 15 Oct • Sad 15 Hyd USA/2011/94mins/PG. Dir: Mark Waters. With Jim Carrey, Carla Gugino, Angela Lansbury.
The life of a businessman begins to change after he inherits six penguins. As he transforms his apartment into a winter wonderland, his professional life starts to unravel.
Super 8 Fri 21 — Thu 27 Oct • Gwe 21 — Iau 27 Hyd USA/2011/111mins/12A. Dir: J J Abrams. With Joel Courtney, Elle Fanning, Kyle Chandler.
In a small town in the late 1970s, some kids making a horror movie accidentally film a huge train crash. Director J.J. Abrams and producer Steven Spielberg collaborate on this wonderful ode to childhood adventure, filmmaking and giant monsters. This film is not suitable for very young children.
Opposite page clockwise from top: Mr Popper’s Penguins, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2, Super 8, Cowboys & Aliens
E.T: The Extra-Terrestrial Fri 28 + Sat 29 Oct • Gwe 28 + Sad 29 Hyd USA/1982/115mins/U. Dir: Steven Spielberg. With: Henry Thomas, Drew Barrymore, Peter Coyote.
A meek and alienated little boy finds a stranded extra-terrestrial and must find the courage to defy the authorities to help the alien return to its home planet.
Halloween Young Persons’ Film Academy Wed 26 Oct • 1.30-4pm • Mer 26 Hyd The YPFA is delving into the dressing up box and getting out the greasepaint to help you create a truly grisly outfit for your Halloween party! Working with tutor Claire Vaughan we’ll take our lead from the film ET and look at its place in the monster movie genre and then do a practical workshop demonstrating how to achieve professional make up effects to explore the gore. Suitable for ages 9 – 14. £6 (places are limited so please book quickly)
Halloween kids’ workshop Sat 29 Oct • 12.30-3pm • Sad 29 Hyd Come and get crafty with our spooky Halloween team! Get into the spirit of things with some fun activities suitable for ages 5-9. Under guidance from the Film Academy team there will be a chance to digitally record your creepy creations. At just £3 per child, places are limited, so please book quickly.
Carry on screaming! Check out the calendar for details of our special screenings aimed at people with babies under one year old, every Friday at 11.00 am. Carry on Screaming allows parents or carers to see a film at Chapter without having to worry about their baby causing a disturbance. Free entry for babies.
cinema 1 • sinema 1
cinema 2 • sinema 2
theatre • theatr
Experimentica 1.1, p10
gallery • oriel
Harry Potter: Deathly Hallows 2 (12A) p47 11.00+3.00 Post Mortem (15) p30 6.15 playARK p18 10.00 The WITH 6.00 Mademoiselle Chambon (adv15) p30 8.30 Fernhill p19 8.00 Senna (12A) p29 Collective Jane Eyre (PG) p29 8.15 Resident, pp4+5 sun • sul 2 Mademoiselle Chambon (adv15) p30 2.30 Robocop (18) p32 5.00 Cardiff Storytelling Circle p25 8.00 Jane Eyre (PG) p29 5.30 Bad Film Club: Deep Blue Sea (15) p29 8.15 Post Mortem (15) p30 8.00 mon • llun 3 Senna (12A) p29 6.15 Chapter MovieMaker p29 6.00 Gallery closed Mondays Jane Eyre (PG) p29 8.30 Mademoiselle Chambon (adv15) p30 8.30 tue • maw 4 Robocop (18) p32 2.30 Mademoiselle Chambon (adv15) p30 6.15 Senna (12A) + Intro p29 6.00 Post Mortem (15) p30 8.30 Jane Eyre (PG) p29 8.30 wed • mer 5 Iris: Spork (ctba) p35 12.30 Post Mortem (15) p30 6.00 Social Media Surgery p25 5.00 Jane Eyre (PG) p29 2.30 Mademoiselle Chambon (adv15) p30 8.15 Iris: Boys Village (ctba) + Event p35 7.00 8.30 Iris: August (ctba) p35 thu • iau 6 Jane Eyre (PG) p29 2.30+6.00 Mademoiselle Chambon (adv15) p30 6.15 Diary of a Madman p20 8.00 Senna (12A) p29 8.30 Post Mortem (15) p30 8.30 Patrick Jones p22 8.00 fri • gwe 7 Carry On Screaming: Jane Eyre (PG) p29 11.00 Villain (15) p30 5.45 Diary of a Madman p20 8.00 Cowboys And Aliens (12A) p47 2.30 Troll Hunter (15) p39 8.40 Drones Comedy Club p25 8.30 Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (15) p31 6.00 Melancholia (15) p38 8.40 sat • sad 8 Iris: LGBT on Film p35 10.30 Cowboys And Aliens (12A) p47 11.00+3.00 Diary of a Madman p20 2.00+8.00 Iris: Magnus Mork p35 12.00 Troll Hunter (15) p39 6.00 Iris: So Hard To Forget (ctba) p36 2.00 Melancholia (15) p38 8.15 Iris: My Last Round (ctba) p36 4.00 6.00 Iris: Harvest (ctba) p36 Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (15) p31 8.30 sun • sul 9 Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (15) p31 3.00+5.45 High Noon (U) p32 5.00 Boardgaming Sunday p25 5.30 Melancholia (15) p38 8.30 7.00 Fabler Shakespeare Readers p25 6.30 Villain (15) p30 mon • llun 10 Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (15) + Adaptations p31 6.00 Troll Hunter (15) p39 6.15 Gallery closed Mondays Melancholia (15) p38 8.40 Villain (15) p30 8.30 tue • maw 11 High Noon (U) p32 2.30 Melancholia (15) p38 5.45 Pecha Kucha p26 6.30 8.30 Troll Hunter (15) p39 Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (15) p31 8.30 Troll Hunter (15) p39 2.30 BAFTA Cymru Screening 6.15 wed • mer 12 Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (15) p31 6.00 Villain (15) p30 8.30 Melancholia (15) p38 8.40 SWDFAS Lecture p25 2.00 Villain (15) p30 2.30+5.40 thu • iau 13 Melancholia (15) p38 6.00 Troll Hunter (15) p39 8.30 Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (15) p31 8.15 fri • gwe 14 Drive (18) p40 2.30+6.15 Carry On Screaming: The Hedgehog (12A) p39 11.00 Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (15) p31 8.30 The Hedgehog (12A) p39 6.00 Melancholia (15) p38 8.15 sat • sad 15 Mr Popper’s Penguins (PG) p47 11.00+3.00 Music Geek Monthly p25 3.30
sat• sad 1
Calendar • Calendr OCTOBER • HYDREF 2011
48 Assembly: Art in the Bar: Elizabeth McDonald , pp6+7
Please note: the stated film times represent the start of the adverts and trailers.
Subtitled Screenings. Check website for details.
AUDIO DESCRIPTION. Check website for details.
Drive (18) p40 6.15 Melancholia (15) p38 5.45 Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (15) p31 8.30 The Hedgehog (12A) p39 8.30 sun • sul 16 Cutter’s Way (15) p33 5.00 The Hedgehog (12A) p39 3.00 Sunday Jazz p25 9.00 Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (15) p31 7.30 Drive (18) p40 5.30 Melancholia (15) p38 7.45 mon • llun 17 Drive (18) p40 6.00 The Hedgehog (12A) p39 6.15 Gallery closed Mondays Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (15) p31 8.15 Melancholia (15) p38 8.30 tue • maw 18 Cutter’s Way (15) p33 2.30 Melancholia (15) p38 5.40 Seren Books Event p22 7.00 Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (15) p31 5.45 The Hedgehog (12A) p39 8.30 Drive (18) p40 8.20 wed • mer 19 The Hedgehog (12A) p39 2.30 Melancholia (15) p38 5.45 A Cold Spread p21 7.30 Drive (18) p40 6.15 8.30 Self Made (adv15) p39 Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (15) p31 8.15 Melancholia (15) p38 2.30 Self Made (adv15) + Intro p39 6.00 Edward Aczel p19 8.00 thu • iau 20 Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (15) p31 5.45 Melancholia (15) p38 8.15 Drive (18) p40 8.30 fri • gwe 21 Drive (18) p40 2.30+6.00 Carry On Screaming: Super 8 (12A) p47 11.00 A Cold Spread p21 7.30 Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (15) p31 8.15 Tyrannosaur (18) p41 6.15 Anushiye Yarnell p20 8.00 The Black Power Mix Tape (ctba) p41 8.20 Drones Comedy Club p25 8.30 sat • sad 22 Super 8 (12A) p47 11.00 Super 8 (12A) p47 3.00 Sŵn Festival p19 all day Sŵn: Dots Film Band (12A) p41 3.00 The Black Power Mix Tape (ctba) p41 6.15 A Cold Spread p21 7.30 Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (15) p31 6.00 Tyrannosaur (18) p41 8.30 Anushiye Yarnell p20 8.00 Drive (18) p40 8.40 sun • sul 23 The Black Power Mix Tape (ctba) p41 3.30 Crimes and Misdemeanours (15) p33 5.00 A Cold Spread p21 2.00+7.30 Drive (18) p40 5.45 Tyrannosaur (18) p41 7.30 Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (15) p31 8.00 mon • llun 24 Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (15) p31 5.45 The Black Power Mix Tape (ctba) p41 6.00 Gallery closed Mondays Drive (18) p40 8.20 Tyrannosaur (18) p41 8.15 tue • maw 25 Super 8 (12A) p47 11.00 Tyrannosaur (18) p41 6.15 The Politics of Fiction p22 8.00 Crimes and Misdemeanours (15) p33 2.30 The Black Power Mix Tape (ctba) p41 8.20 Drive (18) p40 6.00 Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (15) p31 8.15 wed • mer 26 Super 8 (12A) p47 11.00 The Black Power Mix Tape (ctba) p41 6.15 A Cold Spread p21 7.30 Tyrannosaur (18) p41 2.30 Tyrannosaur (18) p41 8.30 Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (15) p31 6.00 Drive (18) p40 8.40 thu • iau 27 Super 8 (12A) p47 11.00 Tyrannosaur (18) p41 6.15 Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (15) p31 2.30+8.15 The Black Power Mix Tape (ctba) p41 8.20 Drive (18) p40 6.00 Carry On Screaming: ET (U) p47 11.00 Red State (18) p45 6.15 A Cold Spread p21 7.30 fri • gwe 28 We Need To Talk About Kevin (15) p42 2.30+8.30 8.15 The Yellow Sea (18) p43 The Debt (15) p43 6.00 ET: The Extra-Terrestrial (U) p47 11.00+3.00 Strigoi (15) + SciScreen p45 6.00 A Cold Spread p21 7.30 sat • sad 29 We Need To Talk About Kevin (15) p42 6.00 Club Foot Foot p45 8.15 Dream Hunter p23 7.30 The Debt (15) p43 8.30 Red State (18) + SciScreen p45 10.30 sun • sul 30 Nosferatu (PG) + Live Music p33 5.00 The Yellow Sea (18) p43 2.30+7.30 A Cold Spread p21 2.00+7.30 We Need To Talk About Kevin (15) p42 8.15 Red State (18) p45 5.30 mon • llun 31 We Need To Talk About Kevin (15) p42 6.00 The Yellow Sea (18) p43 5.40 Gallery closed Mondays The Debt (15) p43 8.30 Red State (18) p45 8.30
Shop • Siopa
Shop open: Tue — Sat 10am-8pm, Sun 2-8pm. Closed Monday
As blustery autumn arrives, it’s time to keep warm and cosy with a ladybird flask and curl up with a good book – why not try one our ever popular Chronicle range, maybe bringing out your inner nerd with ‘World of Geekcraft’? We can’t wait to share our new Aviary range with you. They reinvent overlooked objects, using pre-loved, reclaimed and recycled materials that, wherever possible, have been sourced locally. Our favourites are the beautifully crafted wooden brooches made using vintage cut outs. After the success of our Summer School puppet making, we’ve flown in Furze Chan’s carefully handcrafted animal paper puppets all the way from Hong Kong - choose from rabbit, monkey, fox, bear, sheep and penguin, or collect them all and create your own animal inspired puppet show! Lauren, Visual Arts Officer
Eat • Bwyta
Café open: Mon — Sat 8.30am-9.30pm Sun 9.30am-9.30pm Breakfast: 9-11.30am (Sun 10am-12pm) Lunch: 11.30-3pm Main Menu: 12-9pm
As the summer becomes a dim and distant memory, we’ll be delighting you with a new autumn menu full of lovely dishes like rump steak with grilled mushrooms, rocket salad and fries (for a little extra you can choose something saucy to go on top — creamy peppercorn, red wine and mushroom or organic welsh blue cheese). How about tucking in to some pork loin served with green beans and sautéed potatoes with a light cider jus; or, if you’re a traditionalist, sausage and mash, back due to popular demand! We will of course have a number of veggie alternatives. If you’re in need of a quick bite before a film or show, why not try our tapas? You can choose from olives, dolmades, stuffed peppers, sunblushed tomatoes, Mediterranean meats, pickled anchovies and more. They’re £3 per portion or 4 for £10 — a great accompaniment to some Indian summer sun and a glass of Sauvignon Blanc on our terrace. Lex, Café Manager
Drink • Yfed
Bar open: Sat 12pm-12am, Sun 12-10.30pm, Mon-Thu 12-11pm, Fri 12pm-12.30am Free wireless internet is available in Caffi Bar Chapter.
Oktoberfest Beer Festival Thu 27 — Sat 29 Oct • Iau 27 — Sad 29 Hud Oktoberfest is back with a bang and better than ever! Always one of the highlights of the year in the Chapter bar, our annual beer festival celebrates the great art of German brewing. Over the weekend, Dave, our lovely Bar Manager (who will also be celebrating his birthday that weekend, but don’t let on that we told you!), will be providing a selection of over 30 beers. Alongside some that you may recognise from previous years, new additions will include Pfungstadter 1831, a full-bodied, spicy black beer from Hessen, and Rothaus Pils, from the State Brewery in Baden. Thu 27 + Fri 28 Oct from 5pm Sat 29 Oct from 1pm Louise, Bar Supervisor
Sut i archebu tocynnau
How to Book
Ar y ffôn galwch ar 029 2030 4400. Rydym yn derbyn y prif gardiau credyd. Galwch heibio mae’n Swyddfa Docynnau ar agor Llun-Sad 11.00am — 8.30pm; Sul 3.00 — 8.30pm Drwy’r post Chapter Rhadbost, RLYX-RTEBKYAL, Caerdydd CF5 1ZZ Danfonwch siec yn daladwy i Chapter gan ddweud pa docynnau rydych eu heisiau. Ar-lein: www.chapter.org Consesiynau: Fyfyrwyr, pobl dros 60 oed, plant, pobl ddi‑waith, pobl anabl, Aelodau a deiliaid Cardiau Chapter. Bydd angen prawf eich bod yn gymwys. Archebion grŵp: prynwch 8 tocyn a chael y 9fed am ddim. Noder • dim ond un gostyngiad a ganiateir ar yr un achlysur • rydym yn croesawu archebu o flaen llaw ond ni allwn gadw tocynnau • mae’n bosib y gwrthodir mynediad i hwyrddyfodiaid
By phone call us on 029 2030 4400. We accept all major credit cards. In person our Box Office is open Mon-Sat 11.00am — 8.30pm; Sun 3.00 — 8.30pm. By post to Chapter Freepost, RLYX-RTEBKYAL, Cardiff CF5 1ZZ. Send us a cheque made payable to Chapter with details of the tickets you require. Online: 24/7 booking at www.chapter.org Concessions: The concessionary rate applies to students, over 60s, children, unemployed, disabled people, MAX card, Chapter Members and Card holders. Proof of concession will be required. Group bookings: Buy 8 tickets and get the 9th free. Please Note • only one discount will be given at any one time • we are happy to take advance bookings but cannot reserve tickets • latecomers may be refused entry
Cinema • Sinema Full • Llawn Concs • Cons Card + Conc • Cerdyn + Cons
Before 5pm • Cyn 5pm £4.00 (£3.50) £3.00 (£2.50) £2.50 (£2.00)
From 5pm • O 5pm ymlaen £7.30 (£6.60) £5.50 (£4.80) £4.50 (£4.00)
Advanced/online prices in brackets. Prisiau ymlaen llaw/ar-lein mewn cromfachau. NB: Advanced = any time before the day of the screening.
Market Road, Canton, Cardiff CF5 1QE Heol y Farchnad, Treganna, Caerdydd, CF5 1QE
029 2030 4400 enquiry@chapter.org • www.chapter.org
Mae Chapter yn gwerthfawrogi’r gefnogaeth a dderbynia gan y canlynol Chapter gratefully acknowledges the support it receives from the following:
The Foundation for Sport and the Arts
The Community Foundation in Wales Y Sefydliad Cymunedol yng Nghymru
The Baring Foundation, Garfield Weston Foundation, Foyle Foundation, Trusthouse Charitable Foundation, The Welsh Broadcasting Trust, Jane Hodge Foundation, Simon Gibson Charitable Trust, Garrick Charitable Trust, The Millennium Stadium Charitable Trust, Ceredigion Community Fund ,The Steel Charitable Trust, Gibbs Charitable Trust, Oakdale Trust, Coutts Charitable Trust, Bruce Wake Charity, Finnis Scott Foundation, Follett Trust Chapter is a recipient of a Google Grant award
A’r holl unigolion hynny sydd wedi ein cefnogi’n hael drwy gydol y gwaith ailwampio a thu hwnt And all those individuals who have generously supported us through the redevelopment and beyond
Registered Charity No. 500813* Rhif Elusen 500813
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Sut i gyrraedd Chapter
How to get to Chapter
Lleolir Chapter yn Nhreganna, y tu ôl i Cowbridge Road East, rhwng Heol Llandaf a Heol y Farchnad. Mae’n hawdd ein cyrraedd o ganol y ddinas. Ar ôl 6pm mae llefydd parcio ychwanegol ar gael ym maes parcio Gwasanaethau Dysgu Cymunedol Caerdydd sydd yn ymyl maes parcio Chapter. Uchod gwelir meysydd parcio eraill cyfagos. Mae bysus rhif 17, 18 a 33 yn gadael Canol y Ddinas bob pum munud. Ar yr M4 o’r dwyrain: Dewch oddi ar y draffordd ar gyffordd 29 gan ddilyn yr A48; wedi 6 milltir cymerwch y tro bychan i’r chwith ar yr A4119/ Mill Lane; yna’r chwith ar Ffordd Caerdydd; ewch yn eich blaen ar y B4267/Ffordd Llandaf; wedi 300m trowch i’r dde ar Market Place; a’r dde nesaf ar Heol y Farchnad; mae maes parcio Chapter ar y dde. Ar yr M4 o’r gorllewin: Dewch oddi ar y draffordd ar gyffordd 33 a dilynwch yr arwyddion ar gyfer yr A4232; wedi 6.3 milltir dewch oddi ar y ffordd ar Ffordd Lecwydd, tuag at Stadiwm newydd Clwb Pêl-Droed Caerdydd; ewch yn eich blaen ac yna trowch i’r chwith ar Cowbridge Road East; mae Heol y Farchnad ar y dde; mae maes parcio Chapter ar y dde.
Chapter is situated in Canton, behind Cowbridge Road East, between Llandaff Road and Market Road. We are easily accessible from the city centre. Overflow car parking is available after 6pm at Cardiff Community Learning Services adjacent to the car park at Chapter. Alternative nearby car parks are shown above. Number 17, 18 and 33 buses leave every five minutes from the City Centre. From the east on M4: Take exit 29 onto the A48; after 6 miles turn slight left onto A4119/ Mill Lane; then left onto Cardiff Road; continue straight onto B4267/Llandaff Rd; after 300m turn right onto Market Place; take next right onto Market Road; Chapter car park is on the right. From the west on M4: Take exit 33 and follow signs onto A4232; after 6.3 miles exit onto Leckwith Rd, towards the new Cardiff City Stadium; keep straight until turning left onto Cowbridge Road E; Market Rd is on your right; Chapter car park is on the right.
Mynediad i bawb
Mae Chapter yn croesawu ymwelwyr anabl. Os oes gennych unrhyw anghenion mynediad penodol ffoniwch ein swyddfa docynnau ar 029 2030 4400, minicom 029 2031 3430.
Access for all
Chapter welcomes disabled visitors. If you have any specific access requirements or questions please contact our box office on 029 2030 4400, minicom 029 2031 3430.
Design by Nelmes Design +44 (0)29 2064 5777