SFHT Spring newsletter

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r e t t e l s w Ne TH E STA B LE S

Spring 2014

•Read about all the latest developments at the SFHT •Join us for one of our events over the coming months •Sign up for the Horse, Cycle or Walk sponsored event •Read all the latest news about our services •Find out what our service users have been doing

Supporting people with a learning disability to lead ordinary lives with some extraordinary moments


Jan Mills, CEO

WELCOME to THE STABLES Newsletter Spring 2014 At last we are heading into Spring, with longer days and, hopefully, more sunshine and much less of the wet stuff! Luckily we have not been too hard hit by the rain and although some staff have had a longer journey to work, we have mostly remained unaffected by floods. However, people are longing for dryer days to get out and enjoy our wonderful gardens. Stables Flat had a 36 hour power cut one weekend and put into action their Contingency Plan. This resulted in an overnight stay at a B&B in Burley – the good supper and big breakfast were enjoyed by all who, I think, are looking forward to the next power cut! It remains a challenging time in the care sector with Local Authorities having to manage big cuts in their budgets and this, of course, has a knock-on effect to service providers such as us. However, we continue to grow and develop our services. We have new people interested in the Day Services as there is not much provision like ours around anymore.

You will see from the article about the Skills Base that we are planning to provide a range of different opportunities for people to help them develop their life skills and become more independent. We are excited to be able to have a real presence in Ringwood as it is our local community and we want to play a bigger part in it. People are beginning to make their plans for the year – days out, weekends away and holidays. We are expecting to have another very hectic year. You will see from the Fundraising pages that Marion has been very busy, planning lots of fundraising events – we hope these will be fun as well as fruitful. We look forward to meeting many of you at some of our events during the year. Thank you so much for your ongoing support.

Jan Mills, CEO

d r i a u r o y y r o f s e Dat

What’s On Spring 2014

15th April Family Members Meeting 6.00 - 8.00pm

The Stables, Bisterne. Light refreshments will be served from 5.30pm.

17th May

New Forest Rotary Club Horse, Cycle & Walk sponsored Event Join us for this great event and raise funds for the SFHT.

24th/25th May The Stables Garden Open in conjunction with NGS 2.00-5.30pm.

Beautiful gardens to explore, delicious cream teas, plants, pottery and craft sales. Entry £3.50, children free.

27th May

Love in the War – 7.30pm at Greyfriars Community Centre, Ringwood. This specially written production commemorating the 100th anniversary of World War 1 will be performed by our service users. Tickets £3. Contact 01425 478043 for further details.

26th July

The Stables Summer Fayre at The Stables, Bisterne World War 1 Theme - 12 noon – 4.00pm. Huge variety of stalls, great entertainment, delicious lunches, teas, cakes. An event not to be missed! Other events are being planned so do check regularly on our website www.sfht.org.uk for the latest updates on all that is happening at The Stable Family Home Trust.


THE STABLES Newsletter

Spring 2014

t: 01425 478043 www.sfht.org.uk

Horse, Cycle Ride or Walk 17th May

The Stables Garden Open 24th/25th May

with the

National Garden Schem


Once again The Stables garden will be open in conjunction with The National Garden Sche me on Saturday 24th May and Sunday 25th May at The Stable Family Ho me Trust, Bisterne, Nr. Ringwood.

The New Forest Rotary Club are again organising their Horse, Cycle Ride or Walk sponsored charity event on Saturday 17th May. The Stable Family Home Trust is one of their chosen charities for the year and we will benefit from funds raised from this event. We need lots of people to enter the event and raise funds for our charity and join in the fun on the day. It is easy to register online at: www.horseorcycle.co.uk and you will then receive a reply email with all the information you need to take part, including a sponsorship form. Registration is £10 payable on the day and walkers are very much welcomed with their own special 6 mile route. Please do support us by registering for this event and join us on the day for a fun day of fundraising for The Stable Family Home Trust. Please contact me if you have any queries about the event and I will do my best to answer them.

Thank you!

The herbaceous borde rs will be bursting with colour and the fruit an d vegetable gardens wi ll be romping away. We will have lots of pottery for sale including planters and ornaments for your garden and craft will be selling mirrors and oth er items decorated with mo saic tiles plus many more useful and beau tiful pieces. We will be serving our delicious cream teas an d Barry, our gardener, wi th the help of our servi ce users, will be selling a wide variety of plants. The garden is open fro m 2 - 5.30pm on both Saturday and Sunday. Admission •£3.50 for adults •Children free Do try to join us on on e of these days. The garden is beautif ul and the cream teas are really delicious, yo u won’t be disappoint ed.

at events, please contact: for more details on these gre 425 485090 or

Marion Davies on 01


email: mariondav

Supporting people with a learning disability to lead ordinary lives with some extraordinary moments


Day Service Activities Another busy day in the life of our Day Services here at the Stables

Owen & Charlaine enjoy dancing Louise, Katie & Anjuli, talent show winners

John & Chris working in the Peach House

Volunteer We had an opportunity to say “Thank You” to our Volunteer team at the end of last year with our Volunteer Recognition Lunch in December. The Volunteers always appreciate being invited to a special Christmas lunch. The service users then performed a song and dance routine especially for the event – looking around the room and seeing the fun and laughter this generates amongst the Volunteer team is quite incredible.

and decorated such a huge array of beautiful cakes of every shape and size. Rose Lavender helped with Craft Stall and supported the signing group who used Makaton during their performance. Pam Pitman and Sam Saintey helped with the catering. They supported Dave in the kitchen and also help served refreshments. As always, our culinary delights were very popular and there was a constant stream of hungry customers. Pete Thompson supported the Pottery stall and helped to transport residential clients home after the event. Martyn Wells, as always, supported his wife Wendy with the Craft stall and with setting up and clearing away.

Many thanks to all our Volunteers, Staff, family members and friends and everyone who helped us with such a successful Christmas Fayre. Teresa Hunt Volunteer & Staffing Resource Manager

We had fantastic support from our volunteers at our Christmas Fayre in December. This was a really successful event and enjoyed much by all. Libby Bellhouse supported a dance & drama performance, having worked with Sam and the group over the past few months to prepare their Christmas Show. June Buxton supported Wendy on the Craft stall. Lynda Gillies had put in a lot of work beforehand, planning and organising the Raffle and she sold many more tickets on the night. Liz Holmes helped Marion and Val on the cake stall. This was a great success and we were very grateful to the many people who had made


THE STABLES Newsletter

Spring 2014

t: 01425 478043 www.sfht.org.uk

Anna working in the Training Kitchen

Singing at a care home for the elderly James visiting the horses

New Service in Ringwood... The Stable Family Home Trust has leased some property in the centre of Ringwood. This will be used to house the domiciliary care office and we plan to develop a new Skills Base centre. We are in the process of applying for a licence for it to be a training centre. The space is light and airy and would lend itself to be divided into a few rooms, including a meeting room and computer suite. There is also a kitchen area that can be adapted to be a fully fitted kitchen which would be useful when we look at supporting people to prepare meals. We have a good sized car park with the ground floor accommodation, so the centre will be able to meet the needs of people with mobility support needs. The rooms look bare at the moment but we are looking to furnish this as economically as possible.

We plan to offer the following learning opportunities for people: managing my money, home safety, diet and nutrition, social responsibilities, maintaining my home, work & education, empowerment and self-awareness, health & fitness, relationships, planning my support, my rights and responsibilities as a citizen, numeracy and literacy, planning social and leisure activities.

We are really excited by this new venture and look forward to being a part of the local and business community in Ringwood.

Supporting people with a learning disability to lead ordinary lives with some extraordinary moments


News from

News from

We all had a great Christmas and New Year with lots of parties and presents. Now we are all looking forward to planning our summer holidays. Abbotsford has managed to stand up against the winter storms. The only damage was the little wooden arch in the garden which was blown down. We had a group of volunteers from Bournemouth University who came to the house and they painted the lower half of the walls in hallway and the first and second landings; it all looks a lot brighter now.

We all enjoyed the run up to Christmas and all the festivities and parties. Everyone made a hamper to take home with them and those who went home had a lovely time with their families. Justin spent Christmas Day and Boxing Day visiting his friends at Abbotsford and Harleith and he said he had a lovely time.




Yummy cupcakes for tea – thank you David!

Warwick had a great Christmas and stayed in an hotel with his Mum Matthew says “I had a great time going to the horse of the year show and look forward to going again”. “I have recently been to Covent Garden on my 1-1 day. We went on the underground and visited the market”.


We are starting to collect items for our Summer Fayre so please have a rummage for us. If you have any unwanted toiletries or other gifts these would be ideal for tombola prizes, no matter how large or small. We are always on the look-out for bottles for the bottle tombola and any other new or unused items for our stalls: toys, books, good quality bric-a-brac, jewellery and any ‘vintage’ items. Just bring your goodies along to Reception at The Stables, Bisterne and these will be gratefully received.

Thank you! This year the Summer Fayre will be held on Saturday 26th July at The Stables, Bisterne. We hope to see you there!


THE STABLES Newsletter

Spring 2014

Most of our service users returned in time for our New Year’s Eve party. They had a pizza making workshop, in which everyone crafted their own pizza, and then went on to see in the New Year with Karaoke and dancing. All are looking forward to planning holidays and trips out for the forthcoming year. Ben continues with his badminton training in preparation for this year’s tournaments and has said that he wants to do even better this year. He has received a certificate from Oxfam celebrating his 5 years of working for them. This is a great achievement, so well done Ben! Mark went to his first Bournemouth Away match with his key worker and it was hard to tell who was more excited! His photograph has also appeared in the supporters section of one of the match programmes. He was referred to as BFC Wednesday legend and number One supporter!

t: 01425 478043 www.sfht.org.uk

Harleith Katie

Spring Update


Anjulie and

There have not been many changes at Harleith since the start of the New Year. With the terrible weather, all plans for outings and outdoor pursuits have been put on hold. We have used this opportunity to review and update all service user information including risk assessments, care plans, and finances. The residents at Harleith continue to enjoy accessing the community and local college courses. We have been able to offer intensive staff support to help people engage in activities that they would otherwise not be confident in accessing.


With spring rapidly approaching we are starting to look at Holiday options. This year the management team will be working together to coordinate service user holidays. The aim is to provide breaks of people’s choice whilst maintaining cost efficiency. Sue went on a mini cruise in October on the Royal Caribbean Independence of the Sea, visiting Paris and Belgium with her support worker Mary Kelly. Sue said “The ship was beautiful and there was lots to do and see. Every evening we dressed up posh for dinner and enjoyed meeting lots of new people, everyone was very friendly.� Sue is keen to go on another cruise and we will be supporting her to look into ships that offer dialysis and good medical back up. Others have put forward their wishes of the ever popular destination of Butlins, as well as activity holidays.


Following the terrible weather we have some repairs that need to be carried out on the fence posts as they took a battering in the recent storms. Unfortunately most of those that took the brunt of the damage were those which we had painted by the volunteer team back in the summer of 2013.

We anticipate the coming of the spring to bring new concepts and opportunities for all at Harleith. Supporting people with a learning disability to lead ordinary lives with some extraordinary moments


The Launch of The Friends of The Stable Family Home Trust The Friends of The Stable Family Home Trust was launched on Thursday 13th March here at The Stables. We had a very good evening with over 60 people attending and representing a good cross-section of the community – Chairman, of New Forest District Council, The Mayor of Ringwood and his Escort, family members, people from the local community, Trustees and senior staff.

Andrew Buckingham

Jan Mills


Everyone enjoyed a light buffet with a glass of wine and Andrew Buckingham, a resident in The Stables Flat, helped to serve the refreshments. Many thanks to Andrew, staff members Barbara White, Cliff Warne, volunteers Liz Holmes and Carolyne Chapman and other members of staff who helped behind the scenes to ensure that the evening was a success. This was followed by the formal part of the evening, which lasted just 30 minutes. Jan Mills, our CEO, spoke about the history of The Stable Family Home Trust and how it has developed over the years. Sue Pepper, Trustee and family member, spoke about how she established the Friends and Families group and how they raised funds for our charity. The Group made a final donation of beautiful wooden garden furniture for us to use at The Stables and they also provided a wooden bench for each of our homes. The Friends and Families group will be a hard act to follow but I will try to build on all their hard work and that was the theme of my short talk. I hope to develop a Friends


THE STABLES Newsletter

Spring 2014

Sue Pepper

group that will attract people from the wider community, Rotary Clubs, other community organisations, local business, churches, schools and of course those families whose people we support.

We need people who can: •Support us •Encourage others to join The Friends •Join us for some fundraising events during the year •Be our ambassadors in the community We then had a cheque presentation to Jan Mills of £1,800 from the New Forest Rotary Club President, Edward Latimer-Sayer. The New Forest Rotary Club have chosen The Stable Family Home Trust as one of their charities of the year and they are working very hard to raise funds for us. Our guests had an opportunity to visit The Stables Flat, kindly arranged by Kevin Forward, Residential Manager, The Stable Flat and his Senior Support Worker, Diana Shearer. The residents were waiting to show our guests around their home and enjoyed the opportunity to meet the people who had supported the Launch event.

t: 01425 478043 www.sfht.org.uk

from left to right: The Mayor of Ringwood, Cllr. Steve Rippon-Swaine, Jan Mills, Cllr. Barbara Woodifield, Cllr. Christine Ford, Chairman, New Forest District Council and Mayor’s Escort, Mrs. Anne Rippon-Swaine

We hope that you will join The Friends of The Stable Family Home Trust... •Single annual membership £10 •Joint annual membership £15 •corporate annual membership £25 You will find a Friends leaflet enclosed with this newsletter so please complete the membership form and return to me Marion Davies, The Stable Family Home Trust, The Stables, Bisterne, Ringwood, Hampshire BH24 3BN or contact me for more information on 01425 485090 or email: mariondavies@sfht.org.uk Jan Mills with Edward Latimer-Sayer

The Stables Flat

Marion Davie


Here are more photos of our Launch event and we look forward to many future fun fundraising evenings both here at The Stables and other venues. I look forward to meeting you. w Buckingham

dre Kevin Forward & An

above: Guests and staff listening to the presentations. left: Jan Mills receives the “real” cheque from Edward Latimer-Sayer, President, New Forest Rotary Club.

We hope that you will join us!

below: Guests emjoying the buffet.

Supporting people with a learning disability to lead ordinary lives with some extraordinary moments


as Party tm s ri h C l a u n n A rs e s U Service ge Sports Club.

rn Brid Party was held at the Hu Last year’s Christmas g with over 100 people in en ev d le fil nfu , nt ia ill d As always this was a br keeps getting bigger an st ju it d an t ye d ha ve ha attending, the most we better each year.

going to be could wear? Was there what fancy dress they important st mo o to be a Disco? Als a raffle? Is there going answer to the e urs a buffet? – Of co was there going to be s YES! all of the questions wa when from ng has been a success You know when somethi great time a at wh one is saying ery ev y da xt ne ry ve we the this again next year as just amazing! d and asking can we do ha y the rty Pa as tm time. ed about having a Chris ow had such a great Everyone was very excit d all very keen to kn an t en ev the to or very grateful for. for weeks pri ent which we were all rtm pa De ng isi ra nd d by our Fu funded by money raise Last year’s Party was

mething red ss theme was ‘wear so This year the fancy dre at success y dress is always a gre or Christmassy’. Fanc , making as lots of fun gathering ide with everyone having ily and fam d with support from costumes in craft an s were me ff the effort and costu friends and support sta

Diana Shearer


Includes bead restringing, clasp/hook replacement, earring hook replacement etc. By arrangement. £2 per item plus cost of replacement beads and parts.

Family Members’ Meeting We will be holding a meeting for Family Members on Tuesday 15th April from 6.00-8.00pm at The Stables. The Management team and Trustees will be giving an update on our services, including our latest audited management accounts to March 2013 and an overview of our current financial situation. Light refreshments will be available from 5.30pm.


THE STABLES Newsletter

Spring 2014

Please contact:

Wendy Wells at The Stables 01425 478043 Please note: This applies to costume jewellery only as we cannot be responsible for more expensive items.

The Restored Peach House In the Autumn/Winter Newsletter 2013 I wrote about the restoration of the Peach House which sits in our Gravel Garden. I promised to show you some before and after photographs so here they are.

The Peach House before restoration

The Peach House after restoration

It really did need some urgent work to make it weatherproof, especially with all the rain we have been experiencing over the last two months. We have also been able to provide some individual small tables and chairs for those service users who are unable to stand for long periods of time and have also installed some heating.

Young plants in the restored Peach House

Barry and his team of service users have been busy propagating plants in readiness for our NGS Open Gardens event and the Peach House is now full of healthy, young plants. After all the dreadful weather we have been experiencing it is good to see that these plants are thriving and Spring is not too far away.

Thank you to those of you who have made a donation so that we could complete this work, we really appreciate your support.

Marion Davies Head of Fundraising 01425 485090 or email mariondavies@sfht.org.uk

Update from our Job Coach Mary Hindmarch, as our Job Coach, supports some of our people to find both paid and voluntary roles in the local community. Here she talks about two success stories...

Herbie does voluntary work in the Penn café in West Moors and now has a uniform top just like the other members of Staff. Herbie is a valued member of the café team clearing tables and sorting cutlery, replenishing condiments and folding serviettes. He also keeps the area tidy and has built up a good relationship with members of the Health Walking Group who meet up at the café on a Thursday.

Laura Thomas, who recently moved to Dom Care Supported Living from The Stables Flat, has started a voluntary role at the British Liver Trust Head Office based in Ringwood. Laura works alongside Carol the Office Manager and she carries out shredding documents, making and laminating posters and also the very important job of scanning donation documents and then entering them on the computer.


nn Café, West Mo

Herbie Cox at Pe

Laura Tho


Carol has been very pleased with Laura’s work and progress stating how impressed she was with Laura’s skills. Although it is still early days I can see Laura progressing further in the future. Currently I am supporting Laura with travel training to enable her to walk to her work from her flat in Ringwood. I will be working with Laura to explore more employment opportunities. (You can read more about Laura in her interview with Marion on page 13).

Mary Hindmarch

Supporting people with a learning disability to lead ordinary lives with some extraordinary moments


News from the Stables Flat Our latest news and most recent success story is that the Stables Flat staff have worked with Laura over the last year on her domestic, emotional and social skills, working towards building confidence. Liaising and working with Laura’s Social Worker, Person Centred Coordinator, family members and with staff from the Supported Living department, Laura recently moved into a flat share in Ringwood. Her dreams and aspirations have finally come true!! Before departing she chose to have a celebration meal with all at the people from the Flat before we bid her farewell with our best wishes. A gift of a Pink counter top refrigerator from monies collected by residents and staff followed once Laura had settled into her new home. Simon took part in a show put on by Spiral Blue on 25 January, a show of dance and acts around Music from famous films and Jonathan, Lucy, Joanne and Paul went along to watch and support.

This now leaves a room vacancy within the Stables Flat and the relevant Care Managers and funding Authorities have been notified of this exciting opportunity. The vacancy would be ideal for someone who is looking to be supported to improve their social, domestic and emotional skills, enhancing their quality of life and self-worth, with the view to eventually moving on into Supported living. The room is currently being redecorated and refurnished. Other planned projects for the coming year include having the rear patio area levelled off and planted with shrubs and to bring out the table and chairs ready for the summer BBQ’s. The staff bedroom window requires replacing and will be made to order.

Andrew proudly presented bottle tops that he collected for Janie who supports a small charity in Southampton for people with physical disabilities.

Other people here have been very busy with various activities and outings. Lucy and Nick celebrated their birthdays on 8 January having a birthday take-away meal and Lucy went out for dinner with her family and boyfriend Richard. Valentine’s Day was celebrated with Simon and his fiancée Natalie going out for dinner. A visit to the pantomime at the Hub in Verwood to see ‘Pinocchio’ has also taken place and a great evening was had by all.


THE STABLES Newsletter

Spring 2014

t: 01425 478043 www.sfht.org.uk

an exciting time for Laura Thomas as she relocates to her own flat... Marion Davies spent some time with Laura after she recently moved into independent supported living, having spent 3 years as a resident at The Stables Flat. Marion was keen to find out how the transition from residential to independent supported living was working out for Laura. Marion Can you tell me a bit about your life as a resident of The Stables Flat? Laura

I lived at The Stables Flat for 3 years and really enjoyed the experience. I had my own lovely room where I could enjoy music and television and it was my responsibility to keep it clean and tidy. I was able to use the washing machine and wash my own clothes. Delicious meals were prepared for all the residents to enjoy together as well as sharing news and talking to staff. I enjoyed the social activities including Snap Club, celebrating birthdays, visiting places of interest and shopping.

Marion Why did you want to move into your own flat? Laura

I wanted to experience independent living but also to enjoy the opportunity to share a flat with a friend. I felt able to cope with the responsibility as through Day Services at the SFHT I had learnt money skills, how to cook meals and bake delicious cakes. I also wanted to be able to walk to my voluntary work at The British Liver Trust and experience being closer to the local shops and cafes.

Marion Can you tell me about your voluntary work? Laura

I have only been with The British Liver Trust for a short while but really enjoy it and have made some new friends there. I really enjoy working on the computer, scanning documents, archiving and helping out with other computer tasks where I can.

Marion What difference has the move to your flat made to you? Laura

I enjoy sharing with my friend, a girl who I have known for a number of years. I love choosing what I am going to eat and enjoy cooking it. I plan my menus in advance and sometimes include treats, perhaps a burger, pizza or garlic bread but try to include healthy options too, as I was taught at The Stables. I also have to keep the flat clean and tidy.

Marion You enjoy coming to Day Service, can you tell me something about that? Laura

Yes, I really enjoy Day Service especially when I can help Cliff to make Guest Pudding for everyone to enjoy at lunch. I also love working with Wendy in Craft and I am making a mosaic table for my flat. I still attend the Money Skills session as there is so much to learn and when I need some time on my own I can go to the quiet room and enjoy colouring.

Marion Having made this exciting move, what are your hopes and plans for the future? Laura

I would like to do more voluntary work as I do enjoy it. Later in the year I am going on a cruise with my family and I am also being a bridesmaid and am wearing a beautiful aqua coloured dress. I am really looking forward to the cruise and to being a bridesmaid.

We all wish Laura every success and happiness in her new life but look forward to welcoming her to The Stables every week where she will continue to enjoy Day Service activities.

Supporting people with a learning disability to lead ordinary lives with some extraordinary moments


b Touching Base Clu New Milton I run the Club with the assistance of various Stables Day Service staff, Bank staff and Volunteers. The Club is run on a shoe string but provides a safe and friendly venue for all socially excluded people to meet up and chat, join an activity if they wish, relax with a cup of tea or coffee or a soft drink and to, hopefully, make new friends.

Originally the Club was set up with a Hampshire County Council grant with the view to it eventually becoming self-funding. New Milton was chosen as it has a large proportion of disadvantaged people living in the area and had good transport links via the railway from some of the other New Forest Towns. Although the Club is popular - we have over 80 names on our books and average 20 people attending each week, plus any carers - it is not yet self-funding. This is one of the few social opportunities for people with a learning disability and people travel from Parkstone, Ferndown, Fordingbridge and Bournemouth to attend. I want to keep the Club going as the people who attend really enjoy coming along and it has made such a difference to their lives by increasing their confidence and enabling them to make new friends.


THE STABLES Newsletter

Spring 2014

We had a wonderful Halloween party!

Our Irish Bank Night with Finbars Hoolie (see pictures below) is always popular and the band is very supportive, only charging a nominal fee to cover their expenses. They really enjoy playing at the Club as the audience is so enthusiastic and full of joyful enthusiasm.

We provide a wide range of activities including craft evenings, prize bingo (very popular), music sing-along, painting and skittles to name a few. We also had a wonderful Halloween party when we all dressed up fancy dress for Halloween Night. Over the coming weeks we have India Jackson who does modern pop and karaoke, puppet making and biscuit icing. Lots of people who attend love to listen to music and do art or puzzles. We have been fortunate to have a benefactor who has subsidised our room rental costs for one year. However, we urgently need some equipment and supplies so that we can offer different activities to our people. I am working with Marion Davies to see if we can find some additional funding to support our Club. If you can help us by making a donation to support The Touching Base Club please contact Marion Davies on 01425 485090 or email: mariondavies@sfht.org.uk. Thank you.

t: 01425 478043 www.sfht.org.uk

Please Make a Gift and Make a Difference... The Stable Family Home Trust supports people with a learning disability to live the lifestyle they choose by working with them in a way that builds up their confidence and practical skills. We support people to form friendships and relationships, get involved in social events, find a job or a training opportunity and to take control of their lives and personal aspirations. Your donation will make a difference and enable us to continue to give this personalised support to our people.

Your details Title

First Name




Tel. No.


Set up a regular donation Please pay: Lloyds Bank, Ringwood Branch Sort Code 30-97-08 for the credit of The Stable Family Home Trust, Account No. 00515196 £ Start date of your Standing Order

each month and debit my account: day



Bank Name Address Postcode Account Name

Account No



Sort Code

Make a one-off donation I would like to make a donation of £ Please make your donation by cheque made payable to The Stable Family Home Trust and return with the completed form to Marion Davies at the address below.

You can increase your donation at no extra cost to you By using Gift Aid we can receive an extra 25p from the Government for every £1 that you donate at no extra cost to you. If you would like to do this please complete the form below: Please treat as Gift Aid donations all qualifying gifts of money made: today

in the past 4 years

in the future

I confirm I have paid or will pay an amount of Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax for each tax year (6 April to 5 April) that is at least equal to the amount of tax that all the charities or Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASCs) that I donate to will reclaim on my gifts for that tax year. I understand that other taxes such as VAT and Council Tax do not qualify.

No, I am not a U.K. taxpayer (please let us know if this changes).



Please return this completed form if you wish to make a regular or one-off donation and return to:

Marion Davies, Fundraiser, The Stable Family Home Trust, The Stables, Bisterne, Ringwood, Hampshire BH24 3BN Private company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales No. 4421606. Registered Charity No. 1093672

Supporting people with a learning disability to lead ordinary lives with some extraordinary moments


ur work...

Your donations support o

on, making a “one-off” donati ble Family Home Trust by Sta The of rk wo the ld ts cou por sup s Fayres. We Thank you to everyone who our Summer and Christma for ts gif s ate don y usl ero ng Order or gen regular donation by Standi reciated by us all. your support, which is app t hou wit do we t tha all e to ensure that not achiev of the people we support and

T to enhance the lives a regular t to achieve here at the SFH wan we t tha ch mu so l ability. If you are not already stil is There for people with a learning dis nts me mo ary donation rdin ly rao nth ext those n the smallest mo we can continue to provide can help us in this way? Eve you if er sid con ase ple to re a moment for our people. donor would you kindly spa e new services and facilities vid pro to us s ble ena and every of £2 makes a difference ents an additional 25p for RC, which at present repres HM from tax the ff” e-o laim rec “on we can also to make either a If you are a U.K. tax payer page and if you would like this of e ers rev the on form bles. re is a donation and return it to me at The Sta £1 that you donate to us. The ropriate section of the form app the te ple com t jus n donation or regular donatio your Will. If you would like rity is to make a bequest in cha our of re futu term g lon help to secure the k and I will be happy to Another way in which you can at mariondavies@sfht.org.u me ail em or 090 485 25 please contact me on 014 to discuss this with me than help you. Family Home Trust

u who so generously give to

of yo Again, so many thanks to all Marion

The Stable

Are you planning a holiday this year? After the long, wet winter the days are getting longer and warmer and soon our thoughts will be turning to our summer holidays. If you are planning a holiday this year and are booking online why not sign up to Give as You Live? Once you have signed up to Give as You Live your holiday booking can generate a donation to The Stable Family Home Trust at no extra cost to you. In fact, any purchases that you make online where you use Give as You Live can generate a donation to our charity. Please help us to provide more extraordinary moments for the people we support, perhaps a visit to the Larmer Tree Festival, a mini break at Butlins or a visit to the Horse of the Year Show. Sign up online at www.giveasyoulive.com/join/sfht

Thank you and happy holidays! The Stable Family Home Trust The Stables, Bisterne, Ringwood, Hampshire BH24 3BN tel: 01425 478043 fax: 01425 461076 email: reception@sfht.org.uk


Private company limited by guarantee. Registered in England & Wales No. 4421606 Reg. Charity No. 1093672

Supporting people with a learning disability to lead ordinary lives with some extraordinary moments

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