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February 2011

An swe r o u


SU RVE Y a n



d join the 4th FE MS C on

g re ss for FRE E!

The official newsletter for FEMS Affiliates


M a r c h

1 ,

d e a d l i n e

f o r

It’s that time of the year again when we remind you of the annual deadline of the FEMS Meeting Grants.

M e e t i n g

Scientists and Invited Speakers in the said meetings.

FEMS Meeting Grants fast facts:


The FEMS Meeting Grants (FMG), as opposed to the FEMS Meeting Attendance Grants, are meant for organizers of microbiology-related events such as scientific conferences, laboratory workshops and training courses.

G r a n t s

 Who’s eligible? Organizers of

microbiology-related meetings.  Young Scientist Grants come from

Meeting Organizers  Young Scientists MUST apply with

So if there are scientists out there who are younger than 36 years of age and interested to get support in attending a FEMSsponsored meeting, please apply directly with the organizer of the meeting.

Meeting Organizers

If you are interested in organizing a microbiologyregulations, please click here related event and are looking for support, please read the regulations. For further questions, you The deadline for the FMG is March 1 of every may contact the FEMS Grants Administrator. year preceding the year in which the microbiol-

 For FEMS Meeting Grants

ogy-related event is to be held. The budget that FEMS allots for these grants are meant to support the attendance of Young

June 26-30, 2011

The FMG started 23 years ago with only one grant offered per year. This year, FEMS boasts of 22 FEMS-sponsored meetings.

Geneva, Switzerland

A n s w e r




ALSO IN THIS ISSUE: FEMS Meeting Grants DEADLINE on March 1 FEMS-sponsored meetings list DEADLINES Microbiology tidbits

t h e

s u r v e y

C o n g r e s s

f o r

a n d

j o i n

t h e

4 t h

F R E E !

If you feel that there is something new with the FEMS Affiliates Letter, you’re not mistaken. Since last month (January), the design and lay -out has been changed. We also started offering this newsletter not only in PDF but also in Flash and ePub versions. With the Flash version, you may view the FEMS Affiliates Letter on your computer and may flip the pages virtually. With the ePub version, you may download the newsletter on your e-reading device and read it on the go. We deem it important to send you the newsletter every month. But what we find more important is what you think about it. So we formulated a survey. With your participation, we shall have enough information to create a better, more informative newsletter.

And you shall have the opportunity to win one of the three FREE Registration Tickets to the 4th FEMS Congress in June! So answer the survey now. Don’t forget to supply your email address at the end of the survey to qualify your participation to the raffling of the tickets. Only completed surveys will qualify. Hope to see you in Geneva, Switzerland.

w w w . f e m s - m i c r o b i o l o g y . o r g

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F E M S - S P O N S O R E D M E E T I N G S ,

March 1, 2011 FEMS Meeting Grants April 1, 2011

F e b - A p r


6th Conference on Recombinant Austria


Protein Production

April 12

Emerging Topics in Microbial

September 1, 2011

Pathogenesis: a FEMS-

FEMS Meeting Attendance Grants

Leopoldina symposium

June 1, 2011

2 0 1 1

April 18

Centenary Symposium NVvM &


The Netherlands

Scientific Spring Meeting NVvM

December 15, 2011


FEMS National & Regional Congresses Grants October 1, 2011 FEMS Advanced Fellowships June 15, 2011 December 1, 2011

April 27

Ecology of Soil Microorganisms

Czech Republic

The above-mentioned meetings are recipients of the FEMS Meeting Grants. For more information on these events, please consult the FEMS Events Calendar.

M i c r o b i o l o g y

t i d b i t s . . .

FEMS Research Fellowships FEMS Visiting Scientist Grants

The combined Online Subscription to ALL FEMS Journals costs only â‚Ź185.

Seaweed may provide new drugs to fight the malaria parasite

A type of tropical seaweed may hold the key to producing the next generation of treatments for malaria, say scientists. The seaweed contains a compound that it uses to fight off fungal infections, but it has now shown promise against malaria as well‌ (source: Guardian Science) Universal flu vaccine study yields success in mice

A vaccine delivered by a simple nasal spray could provide protection against influenza. .. (source: University of Adelaide)

Subscribe today.

Scientists See How Microbes Relate in Space

Like people in cities, microbes often live in complex communities that contain many different microbial types. An swe r o u Also like us, microbes tend to gravitate to and r SU RVE Y a n "hang out" with certain other types in their comd munity, more than with the rest. And somejoin the 4th times, when opportunities arise, they move to FE MS C on g re ss more favorable locations. .. (source: The Mafor FRE E! rine Biological Laboratory) The FEMS Affiliates Letter is a production of the FEMS Central Office

Keverling Buismanweg 4, 2628 CL Delft, The Netherlands T: +31-15-269-3920 / F: +31-15-269-3921 / E-mail: fems@fems-microbiology.org

The voice of microbiology in Europe. We advance and unify microbiology knowledge. w w w . f e m s - m i c r o b i o l o g y . o r g

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