January 2011
The official newsletter for FEMS Affiliates
H a p p y
N e w
Y e a r ,
a f f i l i a t e s !
It’s 2011 and every time a new year comes, we cannot help but offer you something new. In this issue of the FEMS Affiliates Letter, you will notice not only a new design but also new pages and many new stories. This first page caters to the most important story around FEMS these days. In the inside pages, you will see more of what FEMS is offering and about to offer.
June 26-30, 2011 Geneva, Switzerland
From the Publications Department, we are providing you with the new journal covers (images enhanced by our Editorial Administrators and Coordinator) and the story on the new journal editors.
From the Administration side, we are providing you a list of ALL FEMS-sponsored meetings for this year, ALL Grants Deadlines to take note of. So do not hesitate to look around because this issue is full-packed with information and ideas. We hope you like our new design. This is also available in flash and ePub versions so you may save and read it in your e-Reader. If you have better ideas, you may have your say in the survey that we are preparing for next month’s issue.
T a k e
A Closer look Journal covers New editors for the FEMS Journals A full list of FEMS-sponsored
DEADLINES Microbiology
a t
t h e
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The FEMS Journals possess new images annually. The images accompanied by the legend are used for all issues of the FEMS journals for the whole calendar year, although thematic issues use different covers.
at the new
FEMS is social!
l o o k
It is that time of year again when we present the new covers of the FEMS Journals. This is a result of the call for covers announced in August of last year (2010).
meetings, 2011
They also appear in miniatures on the websites of FEMS and Wiley-Blackwell, the publisher of the journals. In addition, the covers are used for promotional purposes.
J o u r n a l
C o v e r s
If you have or your group has interesting images of microorganisms which you want to be considered for the next round of images, send them in! The Publications Department accepts images all year round. We are grateful to all those who sent their images over, whether it was chosen for the covers or not.
These images are mostly modified versions of the originals sent to the Publications Department. Visit the inner pages to see the covers in larger version with the accompanying description.
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COVER IMAGE: Bacillus anthracis generates toxic secreted products in static cultures: Formation of membrane blebs in HSAECs incubated with Sterne 34F2 culture supernatant. A typical bleb contains a part of the cell cytoplasm (green) surrounded by the cytoplasmic membrane (red). CREDITS: Taissia G. Popova, Bryan Millis, Myung-Chul Chung, Charles Bailey & Serguei G. Popov (National Center for Biodefense and Infectious Diseases, George Mason University, Manassas, VA, USA) FEMS Immunology & Medical Microbiology 61 (2011), 15-27.
COVER IMAGE: Ultrastructural alterations induced by ∆24 (25)-Sterol methyltransferase inhibitors on Trichomonas vaginalis. CREDITS: Ivone de Andrade Rosa, DĂŠbora Afonso Silva Rocha, Wanderley de Souza, Julio A Urbina, Marlene Benchimol. FEMS Microbiology Letters 315 (2011), 72-78
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January 2011
COVER IMAGE: Photograph of a biofilm of Bacillus subtilis at 72 h of growth in the biofilm-inducing medium minimal salt glycerol glutamate medium. CREDITS: Daniel Lopez & Roberto Kolter of Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA FEMS Microbiol Rev 34 (2010), 134-149
COVER IMAGE: Characterization of growth phenotypes of Candida albicans strains grown overnight in liquid culture and then spotted on minimal medium (upper row) or on minimal medium supplemented with 10% serum (middle row) and then incubated for 3 days at 30 or 37째C, respectively, before photography. Hyphal induction in liquid medium containing 10% serum was carried out for 3 h before microscopy. CREDITS: Pierre Reijnst, Andrea Walther, J체rgen Wendland FEMS Yeast Res 10 (2010), 452-461
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COVER IMAGE: Pisolithus albus from New Caledonia. A cross-section of P. albus MD07-166 from Pindjen waterfall. Image taken by Marc Ducousso (co-author). CREDITS: Philippe Jourand, Marc Ducousso, Clarisse Loulergue-Majorel, Laure Hannibal, Sylvain Santoni, Yves Prin and Michel Lebrun FEMS Microbiol Ecol 72 (2010), 238-249
W e l c o m e s
The combined Online Subscription to ALL FEMS Journals costs only â‚Ź185. Subscribe now.
N e w
C h i e f
E d i t o r s
The Publications Department held the Handover Meetings for journals FEMS Yeast Research and FEMS Microbiology Ecology in December last year (2010). The meeting took place at the FEMS Central Office in Delft to introduce incoming Chief Editors to their new tasks and responsibilities and to properly say goodbye to outgoing Chief Editors. Publications Manager-elect Dr Jim Prosser participated in the meetings as preparation to his new position. Mrs Vicky Johnson attended to represent Wiley-Blackwell, the publisher of the journals. Editorial Coordinator Dr Goda Sporn represented the FEMS Central Office in Delft.
The Publications Department held handover meetings for two journals on 2-3 Dec. 2010.
On Thursday, 2 December, Dr Jens Nielsen was welcomed as incoming Chief Editor for
FEMS Yeast Research. He replaced Dr Teun Boekhout.
Dr Jens Nielsen replaced Dr Teun Boekhout as Chief Editor of FEMS Yeast.
On Friday, 3 December, Dr Max Häggblom was welcomed as Dr Max Haggblom replaced Dr Jim Prosser new Chief as Chief Editor of FEMS Ecology. Editor for FEMS Microbiology Ecology replacing Publications Manager-elect Dr Jim Prosser. Editorial Administrators Dr Frederique Belliard (FEMS Yeast Research) and Mrs Lotte Nielsen (FEMS Microbiology Ecology) also attended said events to ensure the smooth handover and adjust the workflow according to new requirements.
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January 2011
F E M S - S P O N S O R E D
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January 31
Biofilms in Nasocomial Fungal Infections
February 3
The Human Microbiome in the Context of Anaerobic Infection
United Kingdom
February 16
6th Conference on Recombinant Protein Production
April 12
Emerging Topics in Microbial Pathogenesis: a FEMS-Leopoldina symposium
April 18
Centenary Symposium NVvM & Scientific Spring Meeting NVvM & NVMM
The Netherlands
April 27
Ecology of Soil Microorganisms
Czech Republic
May 11
7th European Workshop on Bacterial Respiratory Chains: Biochemistry, Genetics,
Assembly and their Regulation May 13
HFP2011: Molecular Mechanisms of Host-Pathogen Interactions and Virulence in
Human Fungal Pathogens May 14
13th International Cytomegalovirus/BetaHerpesvirus Workshop
May 26
Fighting Infections: Challenges and Recent Progress. A British-Scandinavian
Meeting in Microbiology June 12
Multi-drug Efflux Systems: From Molecular Mechanisms to Pharmacological
Modulation June 15
7th ISAM: International Symposium of Anaerobic Microbiology
July 17
Enzymes in the Environment: Activity, Ecology and Applications
August 28
10th Lactic Acid Bacteria Symposium
The Netherlands
September 4
The 4th International Conference on Polar and Alpine Microbiology
September 4
XVIII Lancefield International Symposium
September 11
Non-conventional Yeasts in the Post-genomic Era, NCY 2011
September 11
ISSM 2011: 8th International Symposium of Subsurface Microbiology
September 19
IBBS 15: International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation Symposium
October 7
The Second International Fungal Cell Wall Meeting
October 15
Comparative Genomics if Eukaryotic Microorganisms
October 19
Power of Fungi and Mycotoxins in Health and Disease
The above-mentioned meetings are recipients of the FEMS Meeting Grants. For more information on these events, please consult the FEMS Events Calendar. w w w . f e m s - m i c r o b i o l o g y . o r g
i s
FEMS joined social network Twitter in February last year (2010) . FEMS’ first tweet was:
March 1, 2010 FEMS Meeting Grants
“is exploring Twitter. Follow us for the latest in European #microbiology!”
April 1, 2010 September 1, 2010
Much has been achieved after that first tweet. @FEMSTweets now has over 100 followers.
FEMS Meeting Attendance Grants June 1, 2010 December 15, 2010 FEMS National & Regional Congresses Grants
Before year 2010 ended too, we activated our Facebook Fan page.
October 1, 2010
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s o c i a l !
FEMS Advanced Fellowships June 15, 2010
So if you are not yet a follower of FEMS on Twitter or not yet a friend on Facebook, just click the respective icons found on this page. Stay updated about the latest news and events in this field. Be informed about the latest promotions. Be on the watch for the latest and newest grants we are giving out to deserving microbiologists. Moreover, learn as to what we’re up to the next. And if you’re up to it, converse with us on Twitter and/or Facebook. Ask us a question or send a suggestion. FEMS is everywhere! We hang out where you are!
December 1, 2010 FEMS Research Fellowships FEMS Visiting Scientist Grants M i c r o b i o l o g y
t i d b i t s . . .
Household bugs -- a risk to human health? Superbugs are not just a problem in hospitals but could be also coming from our animal farms… (source: Physorg) Biologists' Favorite Worm Gets Viruses: Finding Means C. Elegans May Aid Studies of Human Infections A workhorse of modern biology is sick and scientists couldn't be happier. The discovery means C. elegans is likely to help scientists study the way viruses and their hosts interact… (source: Science Daily) Crops of Bacteria, Farmed by Amoebas Humans are not the only farmers. Other animals, like ants and termites, grow food, and now a new study reports that a species of amoeba, one of the simplest of organisms, also farms… (source: NY Times)
The FEMS Affiliates Letter is a production of the FEMS Central Office
Why join the wide world of social networking, you might ask? Well, technology is very fast and since we are in this ever-changing world of science, we reckon that we should not be left behind. Through Twitter and Facebook, FEMS reaches and updates microbiologists not only in Europe but around the world about the latest in microbiology (whether or not it comes directly from FEMS), Grants deadlines and upcoming events.
We are happy to connect with you, our dear affiliates, microbiologists and microbiology-enthusiasts from all over the world via this easy short messaging system. We hope you are too! Hand in hand, we will spread the word about microbiology.
While this information is also shared through the monthly FEMS Affiliates Letter, with these two media, the deadlines are more actual. Think of it as your personal RSS feed of the latest FEMS news.
Keverling Buismanweg 4, 2628 CL Delft, The Netherlands T: +31-15-269-3920 / F: +31-15-269-3921 / E-mail: fems@fems-microbiology.org
The voice of microbiology in Europe. We advance and unify microbiology knowledge. w w w . f e m s - m i c r o b i o l o g y . o r g