September 2010 No.8 NEWSLETTER OF FEMS
Defining the microbial terrain
When we consult science in matters of evolution, it points to a common ancestor branching out to different organisms which eventually leads to us, man. Charles Darwin proposed this in his “Origin of the Species”, saying, “There is grandeur in this view of life, with its several powers, having been originally breathed into a few forms or into one”. To add expert views on this subject and the consequences for microbial phylogeny and systematics, FEMS Focus interviewed two authorities in the field, Prof Karl Heinz Schleifer and Prof Milton da Costa. Schleifer has focused on the identification and classification of bacteria since the beginning of his scientific career. He received the FEMSLwoff Award at the 3rd FEMS Congress in Gothenburg, Sweden 2009. Da
Costa, on the other hand, is studying biodiversity in specialized niches such as deep sea brine and is the outgoing President of FEMS. Because of their work, it is possible today to detect and identify bacteria in waste water, food, clinical specimens and environmental samples without first cultivating them in a laboratory – thereby acquiring a whole new insight into the microbial world.
From the Editorial Team With the launch of the first synthetic genome in May this year, it makes one realize how far and even farther science can reach. Indeed, in this discipline, one’s imagination is the only possible limitation. Faced with all this, the innate sentimentality of man suggests looking back and contemplating on how life on Earth arose and how evolution has developed, also generating the current plethora of microbial species. With this in mind, FEMS Focus decided to take a step back and trace the scientific Tree of Life, also known as the Phylogenetic Tree or Evolutionary Tree. This concept relies on the notion that all life on Earth is connected and could have come from a single origin. More than a century ago, it was Charles Darwin himself who claimed that all modern species evolved from a limited set of ancestors, which existed from forefathers of a lesser number. The consequent implications for microbial evolution, phylogeny and systematics are facts that FEMS Focus would like to elucidate. We hope that you will not only join us in this issue, but enjoy it as well. For what’s more interesting than knowing the frontiers of science, but understanding the origin of it all? Tone Tønjum & Chared Verschuur Editors
Haloplasma contractile from a brine-filled deep of the Red Sea. Credits: André Antunes, Fred Rainey, Robert Huber and Milton da Costa.
Here’s what they have to say about the Phylogenetic Tree of Life: What is the nature of the molecular clock used as a basis for 16S rRNA gene-based phylogeny of bacteria and shaping the Tree of life? Karl Heinz Schleifer (KHS): Small subunit (SSU; 16S/18S) rRNA genes fulfill
all properties of a useful phylogenetic marker. They are present in all living organisms, functionally constant, sufficiently conserved and orthologous markers from acommon ancestor. rRNA genes are rather easy to sequence and align. SSU rRNAs are stable in character, are less subjected to lateral gene transfer than other genes and can be employed for comparative sequence analysis and
subsequent phylogenetic analysis. There is also good agreement between the topology of phylogenetic trees derived from conserved, mostly informational genes (involved in translation or transcription). Moreover, trees inferred from whole genome data are largely consistent with rRNA-derived trees. Milton da Costa (MDC): SSU change slowly over time, with distinct conserved sequences, ena-
bling their use as a molecular clock and basis for phylogeny. How fast/slowly species evolve, and how useful SSU rRNA genes are as a molecular clock, depend on the phylum of the organism. How has this revolutionalised classification, taxonomy and identification of bacteria? KHS: Bacterial and archaeal taxonomy at the higher ranks are based on SSU rRNA sequence data1. The road map of Bergey’s Manual of Systematic Bacteriology is also based on SSU rRNA. However, we have to be aware that the conserved status of SSU rRNA is usually not sufficient to distinguish bacteria at the species level. It is now also possible to identify bacteria prior to their cultivation by applying rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probes2. MDC: The SSU-based phylogeny represents a gold-mine for systematic taxonomy for defining novel species and entities that are discovered in various niches.
How stable and variable is this target? Are there alternative or new targets coming up that you would recommend? KHS: SSU rRNA is a rather stable and conserved marker. Large sub-unit (LSU) rRNA may even be better because it contains more and longer stretches of informative positions. However, the LSU database is by far not as large as that of SSU rRNA. There are some protein-coding genes (RNA polymerases, initiation and elongation factors in protein synthesis, DNA gyrases, some heat shock proteins) but none of them is as well-studied (rather small datasets) as rRNAs3,4. MDC: Although the redundancy of SSU sequences in some phyla/genera such as Actinobacteria/Mycobacteria and Thermus are a limiting factor, the opportunities for resolution of other entities are enormous. One way to combat this problem is to use multi-locus sequence analysis (MLSA)
of multiple relevant house-keeping genes (HKG). However, bacterial systematics must be based on a combination of sequence comparisons with metabolic reactions of HKG products, lipids/fatty acids and bacterial morphology and physiology.
coveries. Among the highlights of my work, the discovery of Haloplasma species and delineating of the MDAC genes in Legionella pneumophila are the most recent11.
How did you enter this field of science?
KHS: Current bacterial taxonomy is based on type strains only, but these are not always the most representative strains. The All-Species Living tree project deals with reconstruction of a single SSU rRNA tree comprising all type strains of Bacteria and Archaea 12. It is based on the following prerequisites: a) Curated SSU rRNA database of all type strains will be generated b) ARB and SILVA databases and programmes are applied c) Maximum likelihood are used for tree re- construction
What is the newest cutting edge finding in this field?
KHS: I started my career by designing a simple method to determine the primary structure of peptidoglycan. Using this method it could be s h ow n that grampositive bacteria contain different peptidoglycan types and represent a valuable chemotaxon o m i c m a rk e r. Together with my
Another important contribution to the field is bacterial characterization and identification by Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/ Ionization Time-Of-Flight Mass Spectroscopy (MALDI-TOF), a rapid high-throughput method for measuring peptides and other components. MDC: Current discoveries on the biodiversity of microorganisms from extreme environments and various niches include findings on the anaerobic/aerobic interphase in deep sea brine, bore-holes for fresh water and detecting contaminants in stem cells from umbilical cords. Problems with 16S rRNA based classification
Prof. Dr. Karl-Heinz Schleifer was Professor of microbiology and Head of Department of Microbiology at Technische Universität München (TUM), Germany and now TUM Emeritus of Excellence. He has focused on the identification and classification of bacteria since the beginning of his career and was, after his postdoctoral work at Rockefeller University, New York 1969-70, the first academic in Germany to develop the foundation of microbial hybridisation probe analysis. From the US, he was recruited as Assistant Professor (1971) and in 1974 as professor and Head of Microbiology, TUM. His ideas and visions have heavily influenced not only the results of numerous German Research Foundation Collaborative Research Centres and EU research projects, but also the work of his students. Schleifer has made seminal contributions to the field of biology with his exceptional research in microbiology, molecular biology and microbial ecology. He received the Körber European Science Award in 1995 for his scientific achievements. In 2001, he is a frequently-cited scientist and was designated a “highly-cited researcher” by the renowned Institute for Scientific Information (ISI). From 1986 to 1994, he was the Secretary General of FEMS. From 2005 to 2008, he was president of the International Union of Microbiological Societies (IUMS).
Prof. Milton S. da Costa is Professor of Microbiology and Head of the Dept. of Biochemistry, the Faculty of Sciences and Technology, University of Coimbra, Portugal. He obtained a bachelor and master in Zoology including snake phylogeny (1966-68) at the University of Michigan and the University of Arizona in the USA. From 1971, he studied at the University of Indiana, USA pursuing his graduate studies on bacterial taxonomy employing multi-locus enzyme electrophoretic (MLEE) and was awarded his Ph.D. from University of Indiana in 1978. He was recruited as a young professor at the University of Coimbra in Portugal, from where he originated. Professor Milton S. da Costa’s scientific interests are in the areas of the taxonomy, phylogeny, physiology and biochemistry of microorganisms from extreme environments. He pursued his discovery and characterization of new bacterial entities, including anarobes, in environmental sources including fresh waters and deep sea brine. Da Costa has a most productive career with a publication record of more than 150 published works. He is the President of FEMS from 2008 to 2010.
former PhD advisor Otto Kandler, I published a review on this topic in 19725, which is one of the most cited article in the field of microbiology. After my appointment as head of the department of microbiology at the TUM in 1974, I set up a research group on the taxonomy of gram-positive bacteria applying chemotaxonomic, biochemical, immunological and genotypic methods (DNA-DNA hybridization, rRNA-DNA hybridization). In 1979, Erko Stackebrandt joined our research group and together with Wolfgang Ludwig as PhDstudent, 16S rRNA cataloging and sequencing was launched. Later on, our group concentrated on molecular microbial ecology by applying labeled rRNA-targeted oligonucleotides to detect and identify in situ bacteria prior to their cultivation1, 6-10.
MDC: I was introduced to science at the young age of 5 by my father during a trip to the zoo. I loved animals right away and took a bachelor and master in Zoology including snake phylogeny (1966-68) at the University of Michigan and the University of Arizona in the US. Then I wanted to develop studies on bacterial taxonomy by employing my experience in multi-locus enzyme electrophoresis (MLEE) at the University of Indiana, where I received my Ph.D. in 1978. At that time, I was recruited as a young professor to the University of Coimbra in Portugal, my native country. Since then I have pursued
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Strength of rRNA based classification
rRNAs are stable markers. They are less subjected to lateral gene transfer. Good congruence of branching pattern of phyloge netic trees derived from conserved mostly informa- tional genes involved in translation (e.g. rRNAs, EF-Tu) and transcription (rpoB, rpoC), respectively Genome based studies are consistent with the rRNA data Facilitate identification of uncultivated prokaryotes
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Tree of Life image © 2007 Tree of Life Web Project. Image of rose © 1999 Nick Kurzenko. Image of annelid worm © 2001 Greg W. Rouse.
my interests on biodiversity by systematics/ taxonomy, phylogeny, physiology and biochemistry of microorganisms from extreme environments and various niches. This has brought me to many exciting places and dis-
or low quality sequences rendering • Incomplete phylogenetic reconstructions difficult or impossible Sequences often deposited under incorrect species • names , lack of strain information or misassigned accession numbers. There are also multiple entries (sequence differences!) for a single type strain Correct alignment requires not only the primary gene sequence but also secondary structure information. Tree reconstruction should be performed by using standardized methods.
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Selected references 1. Amann, R., W. Ludwig and K.H. Schleifer. Microbiol. Rev. 59:143-169, 1995 2. Woese, C.R. Bacterial evolution. Microbiol Rev. 51: 221–271, 1987 3. Ludwig, W. and K.H. Schleifer. ASM News 65:752-757, 1999 4. Ludwig, W. and K.H. Schleifer. Microbial Phylogeny and Evolution. Concepts and Con- troversies. J. Sapp ed. Pp. 70-98, Oxford University Press 2005 5. Ludwig, W. et al. Electrophoresis 19:554-568, 1998 6. Ludwig, W. Nucl. Acids Res. 32:1363-1371, 2004 7. Richter, M. and R. Rossello-Mora. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. US 106:19126-131, 2009 8. Schleifer, K.H. Syst. Appl. Microbiol. 32: 533-542, 2009 9. Schleifer, K.H. & O. Kandler. Bacteriol. Rev. 36, 407-477, 1972 10. Schleifer, K.H. & E. Stackebrandt. Ann. Rev. Microbiol. 143-187, 1983 11. Costa J, Tiago I, da Costa MS, Veríssimo A. Environ Microbiol. PMID: 20482739, May 13, 2010 12. Yarza ,P. et al. The All-Species Living Tree Project, Syst. Appl. Microbiol. 31, 241-250, 2008
FEMS Grants board selects next FEMS-ESCMID joint fellowship awardee David P. Fewer M.Sc. Ph. D. was chosen for the next FEMS-ESCMID joint fellowship award on the side of FEMS. The 35-yearold microbiologist hails from Ireland and currently works at the Department of Ap-
plied Chemistry and Microbiology at the University of Helsinki. He has published 21 scientific papers in 16 international journals in 2002. These papers have been cited 190 times with an average citation of
Tree of Life Links and Resources
10.94 per article. Fewer’s research is titled, “Mining the Nodularia spumigena genome for new natural products and genes encoding biosynthetic pathways.” The completion of his research will involve a stay in the laboratory of Prof. Enrique Flores at the University of Seville in Spain. Prof. Flores is one of the foremost cyanobacterial molecular biologists of our time. #
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Tree of Life Bacteria “stick” (single cell; no nucleus)
Cellular organisms without cell nuclei are Prokaryotes (”before kernel”)
Archaea “old” (single cell; no nucleus)
dinoflagellates “terrible whip” [protozoa] First Life-form
ciliates [protozoa] Chromalveolates
brown algae, kelp (Phaeophyceae) diatoms “cut in two” [algae; plankton] radiolarians “small sunbeam” [protozoa]
foraminiferans “hole bearers” [plankton] green algae (Chlorophyta)
Green Plants
mosses (Bryophyta)
liverworts (Marchantiophyta) ferns (Filicophyta)
cycads (Cycadophyta) [seeds] conifers (Coniferae) [cones]
Vascular Plants (xylem)
rosids asterids [most flowers] Seeds (Spermatophytes)
cacti (Cactaceae)
poppies (Papaveraceae)
Cell Nucleus and Mitochondria (Eukarya) “good kernel”
laurels (Lauraceae) magnolias (Magnolia) Enclosed Seeds Angiosperms “receptacle-seed”
lilies (Lilium) orchids, irises (Asparagales) Monocots
palms (Palmae) grasses (Graminae) red algae (Rhodophyta) [some seaweeds] amoeba (Amoebazoa) slime molds (Mycetozoa)
fungi [yeasts, molds, mushrooms] comb jellies (Ctenophora “comb bearer”) sponges (Hexactinellid, Calcarea)
corals, anenomes (Anthozoa) Cnidaria(radial symmetry) Animalia (Metazoa ”beyond animals”) Eat other organisms
jellyfish (Scyphozoa) spiders (Araneae)
Arachnids (8 legs)
mites, ticks (Acarina) scorpions (Scorpiones) horseshoe crabs (Xiphosura)
Trilobites (extinct) “three lobed” External Skeleton
barnacles (Cirripedia “curl footed”) copepods, krill
crabs, lobster, shrimp (Decapods “ten footed”) millipedes, centipedes (Myriapoda “many feet”) dragonflies (Odonata) cockroaches (Blattodea)
Insects (6 legs)
Arthropods (”joint-foot”)
termites (Isoptera “equal wing”) grasshoppers (Orthoptera “straight wing”) true bugs, cicada, aphid (Hemiptera “half wing”)
Organs (Eumetazoa “good animals”)
beetles (Coleoptera “sheath wing”) ants, bees, wasps (Hymenoptera “membrane wing”) First opening in cell cluster becomes mouth (Protostomes)
fleas (Siphonaptera) flies (Diptera “two wing”) butterflies, moths (Lepidoptera “scale wing”) roundworms (Nematoda “thread like”) flatworms (Platyhelminthies ”flat-worm”) earthworms, leeches (Annelids “little ring”) clams (Bivalvia “two door”)
Bilateral symetry (not radial)
squid, octopus (Cephalopods “head foot”) snails (Gastropods “stomach foot”) sea cucumbers (Holothurians) sea urchins (Echinoids “spiny”)
Echinoderms “spiny skin”
starfish (Asteroidea “star-like”)
Second opening in cell cluster becomes mouth (Deuterostomes)
sea squirts; tunicates (Urochordates) lancelets (Cephalochordata) hagfish ( Myxinoids)
Gill slits and notochord (Chordata)
lampreys (Petromyzontids)
sharks, rays (Chondrichthyes “cartilage fish”)
salmon, smelts (Protacanthopterygii) Jaws (Gnathostomes)
minnows, catfish (Ostariophysans)
Ray-Finned Fish (Actinopterygii)
perches, silversides (Percomorphs)
eels, morays (Elopomorphs) coelacanths
Bony Skeleton
lungfish (Dipnoi “two breath”) frogs (Anura ”no tail”)
salamanders, newts (Urodela ”tail visible”)
turtles, tortises (Testudines)
lizards (Lacertilia) Sauria
iguanas, chameleons (Iguania) crocodiles, alligators (Crocodilia) chickens, ducks (Galloanserae)
Amniotic Egg
Reptiles and Birds
snakes (Serpentes)
Reptilia Four-legged (Tetrapods)
birds, penguins platypus, echidna (Monotremata “single hole”) kangaroos, opossums (Marsupials “pouch”)
rats, mice, hamsters (Rodentia)
Synapsida Mammalia
humans, apes, gorillas (Primates “first”) bats (Chiroptera “hand wing”)
whales, dolphins (Cetacea “whale”) Eutheria (Placenta)
pigs, cows, goats, sheep (even-toed Ungulates)
4.6 BYA
3.8 BYA
2.5 BYA
542 MYA
488 MYA
443 416 359 299 MYA MYA MYA MYA
251 MYA
199 MYA
145 MYA
dogs, cats, seals (Carnivora “flesh devour”) Permian
horses, rhinoceros, tapirs (odd-toed Ungulates)
65 MYA
This diagram is a cladogram, a tree-like picture showing how organisms are related. Each sub-tree in a cladogram is called a clade, such as mammals, animals, amphibians. Most branches in a cladogram should split into two sub-trees, but for simplicity this picture has some branches that split into three. Extinct species are represented as dead-end branches. This cladogram is a high-level overview and does not show individual species. Each clade is defined by a distinguishing characteristic that sets it apart from neighboring clades. For example, tetrapods have 4 legs. Sometimes that characteristic disappears in later organisms, for example: snakes are in the tetrapod clade, but no longer have legs. Some well-known groups of organisms are not clades - including reptiles, protists, fish, invertebrates, sponges, and prokaryotes - because they do not include all descendents of the most recent common ancestor.
V3.8 copyright Neal Olander
The Phylogenetic Tree of Life: Small subunit rRNA genes fulfill all properties of a useful phylogenetic marker. They are present in all living organisms, functionally constant, sufficiently conserved orthologous markers from a common ancestor.