{-106, -33, 0}
{Attractor Point Location}
{Attractor Point Location}
{Attractor Curve Location}
{Attractor Curve Location}
mid Scale Exploration
& Attractor Point
{-95, -33, 164} {93, -32, 61}
{Scale NU; 0.98, 1.22, 0.94}
{Scale NU; 1.37, 0.99, 09.94}
Digital Design - Module 02 Semester 1, 2018 Charensia Pricilla Rompis 860209 Daniel Parker - 6
{Scale NU; 0.79, 0.86, 1.05}
{Scale NU; 1.05, 0.98, 2.4}
Week Three
Reading: Kolerevic B. 2003. Architecture in the Digital Age
Kolerevic described three fundamental type of fabrication techniques in the reading. Outline the three techniques and discuss the potential of Computer Numeric Controlled fabrication with parametric modelling.
The fabrication technique by Kolerevic was from the Three Dimension Digital Fabrication. The three fundamental type of fabrication techniques are Substractive Fabrication,Additive Fabrication, and Formative Fabrication. Substractive Fabrication is about the removal of a certain volume from a solid. The milling can differ from axially, surface, or volume constrained. On the other side, Additive Fabrication is about a formation that is created by adding material from layers within the process of milling, The beauty of this process is about the principle of slicing through the three dimensional form to create a two dimensional layers. The formation of the layers then will be transferred to the manufacturing machine. The last one is Formative Fabrication where heat or stream are usually used in conjucntion with other material to achieve a desired form through reshaping and deformation that could possibly be axially or surface constrained.
Week Three
Surface Creation
Image 2. First Surface Iterations.
Image 3. Second Surface Iterations.
Image 1. Grasshopper Script for Surface Creation. Image 4. Third
The process started from constructing points to create a boundary for the 150 x 150 x 150 box with rectangular command on Grasshopper, Rhinoceros. The process can be seen from the image on the left. The surfaces iteration that I used for my final model was done from adjusting the number slider of the curves from the box. After adjusting the number slider for each curves of the surfaces, the surface will be lofted together to form a surface created by the 150x150x150 bounding box. Lastly, the surfaces can be baked out from grasshopper and the surface is ready to be manipulated. To create a complex surfaces, I used the command “pointson� on rhinoceros to be able to see the points on the surface, and I can just drag the point around and see how the surfaces change. I tried making a complex surfaces, however, I ended up with a simple surface as I prefer to have a simple flow from the surface for the final project, as in using attractor points to create a complex formation of brep. Lastly, the brep was added to the script and developed using surfaces domain number, offset grid to adjust the heights, and morph3D. After arranging everything together, the panelled surfaces were baked out from Grasshopper. 3
Surface Iterations.
Image 5.. Final Surface Iterations.
Week Four Panels & Waffle
Image 6. Isometric View of Panelled Surface.
Image 7. Isometric View of Waffle Structure.
The Panelled Surface above was created to show a simple flow from both surfaces by using curve attractors. The curve attractor was pointed from both edge of each surfaces, therefore, creating a smooth flow of a changins panels in a simple way.
The Waffle Structure above was created following the two surfaces on Image 6. It was simply a form of construction to support both panelling, therefore, the panel can be raised following the waffle structure. The design thinking of the waffle was to create an opening from above, allowing light to penetrate through inside both panelled surfaces. The flow from the waffle started from above with a smaller opening, and it becomes larger at the bottom for efficiency purpose when the design is to be used on different aspects.
The polysurfaces that I used were only two shapes, designed to meet the same theme of triangular within the square form. One of the panel was solid, while the other panel has a little opening for different purposes.. 4
Week Four
Laser Cutting
7 7
6 13
5 5
3 9
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Sheet 01 of 01 1 2
The process of sending file to the fablab was not hard as I have used laser cut machine before. At first, I was a bit confused whether I have to flip the objects to have a smooth finish or not. Therefore, I tried sending two file of the waffle and the panel structure. After getting the job done, the waffle worked fine without flipping, however, in case for the panelling 3D, it is better to flip the objects so that while making it, the etch or cut marks will be hidden at the back of the panels. After finishing folding and sticking the panels together, I came to realize that there are burnt marks created from the laser cut machine, therefore, it looks dirty. After taking a careful considerations, I decided to unroll the panel again with a more simplified and combined panel to create a smooth finishing later. After getting everything unrolled, I decided to print it at home and cut it by hand. As a result, it looks much more better than the one cut from laser cut machine. For the final model, I decided to use half laser-cut, half hand-cut
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Image 8. Laser Cut File for Panelled Surfaces and Waffle Structure - Not to Scale.
Week Five Boolean Form
Image 9. First Step.- Box Boundary.
Image 10. Second Step - Geomtery Shape.
Image 9. Grasshopper Script for Boolean Form. Image 11. Stan-
The boolean was first learned from the workshop, in which the first thing to do was creating a boundary of the 150x150x150 box. The step by step was easy to understand compared to the waffle structure, After creating the rectangular box, the next step was to create geometry where later on it will be differenciate with the box. The script was a bit similar to the panelling, especially when using point or curve attractor to adjust the geometric shapes. The attractor was used to manipulate the grid from the rectangular box. Same system with the panelling 3D, I used simple curve attractor to create a little difference to the geometries. Also, I used a Dipyramid geometry, following the theme of my panelling 3D. I used Dipyramid geometry instead of Pyramid geomtry to create a form of 360 Degree without limiting the design with a base. Next, to create an interesting form, I used the command “Scale NU. The command sums up my design as I used it to create my final Boolean Form. The Scale NU is a command on Grasshopper that enables the geometry to be extruded in forms of X, Y, and Z. The final design of my boolean used this command to create an abstract form. 6
dard Scaling with Attractor.
Image 12.. Fourth Step Scale NU.
Week Five
Isometric View of Boolean Form. The isometric view on the left was chosen as it best describes the cut form from the original rectangular box. This view explains how the geometric form was still formed although the boolean was done by repetitive of Dipyramid Shapes. Compared to the shape of Pyramid, this shape allows no limitation of a base, therefore, making it as a full form instead of a half-form that was bounded by a rectangular base. This view shows a number of opening at both ends, as well as a cantilever area at the top of the boolean form. The cantilever area was formed from the boolean difference. Although the shape from Dypiramid geometry shows a triangular form, eventually, when being differentiate, from other forms, it will still look like a rectangular geometry. Also, There is a small opening a the top, allowing light , air, shadows, and liquid to penetrate inside the form. The theme of this Boolean form was adapted slowly from the first assignment of panelling 3D, where I created a triangular form into the rigid rectangular form. It shows clearly how two different forms can be combined together and create an interesting juxtaposition. The form at the corner shows the idea of inviting people in, where there is a left-over form from the box after the boolean process that creates a form of gathering people inside.
Image 13. Isometric View of Boolean Form.
Week Six Task 01 Lofts
{-130, 44, 150}
{-92, -68, 150} {-150, 94, 120}
{-140, -87, 150}
Attractor / Control Points (X,Y,Z) Attractor / Control Curves
{-141, -76, 150}
Grid Points
{-130 ,-56, 150} {-106, -30, 150} {-130, -74, 0}
{-140, -36, 80}
{-147, -83, 0}
{-91, -38, 0} {-140, -36, 0}
{-132, -84, 0}
{-128, -87, 0}
{-147, -36, 0}
{-106, -39, 0}
Paneling Grid & Attractor Point
{Index Selection}
{Index Selection}
{Index Selection}
{Index Selection}
2.4 {-92,- 31, 150}
{-105,-32,150} {-95, -33, 164} {93, -32, 61}
{-106, -33, 0}
{Attractor Point Location}
{Attractor Point Location}
{Attractor Curve Location}
{Attractor Curve Location}
Image 15.1. Task 01 - Open Panel
Image 14. Task 01 Matrix - Not to Scale.
The theme of my panelling 3D was about using triangles within the form of a rectangular. After trying a number of iterations, I finally decided to use the last panelling with one solid form, and one with a little opening. Both form create a juxtaposition in terms of function. The solid form create a strong and definite boundary of the form, meanwhile, the open form creates an effect of light and shadows. Both forms were created using a similar form of curve attractor where it shows a direction towards the axis. The final model on the right was done by laser-cut on mountboard and hand-cut on ivory card.
Image 15.2.. Task 01 - Solid Panel
Week Six Task 02
Grid Manipulation
{-58, 150, 150}
Attractor / Control Points (X,Y,Z) Attractor / Control Curves
{--20, 150,150}
{-72, -23, 0}
Grid Points
{-35, 0, 0}
{-43, 150, 0}
{-35, 181, 0}
{-60, -61, 0}
{-81, 28, 0}
Geometric Exploration Dipyramid Scale Exploration
{Curve Attractor}
{Curve Attractor}
{Curve Attractor}
{Curve Attractor}
{Truncated Pyramid}
{DiTruncated Pyramid}
{Scale NU; 0.98, 1.22, 0.94}
{Scale NU; 1.37, 0.99, 09.94}
{Scale NU; 0.79, 0.86, 1.05}
{Scale NU; 1.05, 0.98, 2.4}
Image 17.1. Task 01
Image 16. Task 21 Matrix - Not to Scale.
The theme of my panelling Boolean form was the same with Panelling 3D, it is about using triangles within the form of a rectangular. After trying a number of iterations, I finally decided to use Dypiramid form to create my boolean form. I chose Dipyramid form to shows an infinite shape, rather than a shape that is bounded by a rectangular shape at its base. The main command I use for exploring the boolean form was “Scale NU�, in which it allows exploration of extruded shape from the X, Y, and Z axis. The model of this task was done by 3D Printing machine with PLA True White colour.
Image 17.2.. Task 02.
{Scale NU; 0.98, 1.22, 0.94}
{Scale NU; 1.37, 0.99, 09.94}
Week Six
Final Isometric Views +
Image 18. Task 01 Isometric View.
Image 19.. Task 02 Isometric View.
{Scale NU; 0.79, 0.86, 1.05}
{Scale NU;
Image19. Screen Capture from Rhino File for Task 01.
Image 20. Screen Capture from Rhino File for Task 02.
First Try for Task 01.
Image 21. Open Panel - Process.
Image 23. Open Panel - Process.
Image 25. Solid Panel - Process.
Image 27. Solid Panel - Process.
Combining the paper panelling from the lasercut
Tried Using a needle and striing to attach the panel
Process of sticking each row together and hold it
Interesting photograph from the back while waiting
machine and attach it to one another.
but did not work as well as wire.
with a bull dog clip.
for the glue to work.
Image 22. Open Panel - Process.
Image 24. Open Panel - Model.
Image 26. Solid Panel - Process.
Image 28. Solid Panel - Model.
Used White Spray Ink to colour the wire used to sup-
Final Model.using wire behind the panelling paper.
Two rows of the model combined together.
Final Model.
port the form as all the panels are not together.
Second Try for Task 02.
Image 29. Open Panel - Process.
Image 31. Open Panel - Process.
Image 33. Solid Panel - Process.
Image 35. Solid Panel - Process.
Combining The paper panelling after hand-cut the
Clean View from the back of the panelling paper
Process of cutting the panel and joining it together.
Clean finish even from the back.
after attaching all the panels.
Image 30. Open Panel - Process.
Image 32. Open Panel -- Process.
Image 34. Solid Panel - Process.
Image 36. Solid Panel - Model.
Used Wire to hold the panel together in a flexible
Clean finish compared to the previous try.
Three rows of the model combined together with
Clean finish compared to the first try.
The Final model is still using wire to hold the panel.
help from bulldog clip.
Photograph for Task 01.
Image 39. Shadows created from Solid Panel.
Image 41. View of the Final Model from Solid Panel.
Image 40. Shadows created from Open Panel.
Image 42. View of the Final Model from Open Panel.
Image 37. Open Panel has openings where light could penetrate through the panel.
Image 38. Waffle Structure.
Appendix Photograph for Tak 01.
Image 43. Side View of the Model.
Image 45. View of Open Panel.
Image 47. Top View of The Model.
Image 49. Shadows Created from the waffle Model.
Image 44. Center View of the Model.
Image 46. Side View of the Model.
Image 48. Side View with Shadows Created from
Image 50. View of the Model with shadows.
the Model.
Design Proposal for Task 01.
Image 52. Panelling as a Lighting Fixture.
Image 51. Panelling on a Large Scale.
Image 53. Panelling as a Small Shelter.
Photograph for Tak 02.
Image 54. Front View of the Model/
Image 56. Upside Down Model
Image 58. Overall View of the Model.
Image 60. Direct Light from the Hollow Opening.
Image 55. Top View of the Cantilever Area.
Image 57. View of the Open Ceiling.
Image 59. Shadows Created from the Model.
Image 61. Lighting from The Hollow Area.
Design Proposal for Task 02.
Image 62. Wind Path, Sun Path, and Threshold Diagram
Image 64. Boolean Form as a Medium Scale Building.
Image 63.. Plan View with Human circulation and Threshold.
CHECK THIS OUT FOR MORE AMAZING WORK https://charensia.wixsite.com/2018