Greetings to all the International Circle of Faith (ICOF) Family!
Marcus Benson
Lesley Bertrand
Joseph Freeson, PhD
Enoch Grant, PhD
Ian Hanna
Rosalie Mitchell
David Ngwa, PhD
D B. Paul
Anibal Peralta
Barney Phillips, PhD
Luonne Abram Rouse
Riaz Sadiq
Kanwal Sohail
Stephen Strader, PhD
Alfred Tembi, PhD
Beatrice Tembi, PhD
Daisy R. Wade, PhD
Antonio Wells
Obidozie Williams, PhD
What a marvelous journey God has granted to each of us! It has been and adventurous path since our founders trusted God to give them a Spiritual harvest. Their faith and vision are our inheritance. As I look upon the landscape of the many diversities of ministries connected to ICOF I am humbled. I expect that we have been granted favor beyond the expectation of our forefathers. I can only imagine what those who follow us will accomplish! To God be the Glory! As we look to the future, I pray for the greatest revival of souls that the Kingdom of Jesus Christ has ever witnessed. The whole earth is groaning for you to manifest the destiny for which you were created. We are here to help! God has a Divine purpose for you! You can reach your full potential.
We are currently restructuring our International Mission’s Department to reflect our vision and current conditions. Our vision is to organize and redefine how missions are done. We have observed over the years that the way missions have been done has not addressed the overall quality of life in developing countries. Such as food, clean water, housing, education, medical care etc. Preaching is important however crusades is not enough.
We are working this year to build a coalition consisting of other likeminded individuals in business, government, education, and media as well as other mission organizations working together sharing resources and personnel to fulfill the overall objective of what we feel missions is about and that is to fulfill the Great Commission. Therefore, resulting in the improvement of the quality of life. Meaning “When our souls prosper our lives should prosper.”

I will be working with our existing international ministries to expand our missions bases in every country. This will be done through our missionary ambassador program. We will appoint a missionary ambassador to every country. God is going to do great things! We are very excited and humbled to be an instrument and the hands of the Master and creator of the universe Jesus Christ. Blessings!
Barney Phillips, PhD Barney P. Phillips International Missions