Next Wave Magazine - October 2022

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2 3 NEXT WAVE InternationalPUBLISHERCircle of Faith C/O Life Church 1901 Prestwick Drive LaGrange, KY 40031 Contributing Editors Bernie Wade, Cindye Coates, Melissa Kody, Phillips.Barney Inquiries For more information call 502.655.8554 Editorial Submissions We welcome submissions and editorials. We assume no responsibility for the return of unsolicited submissions. Please send photos, articles, and documents to Life Church 1901 Prestwick Drive LaGrange KY 40031 Electronic submissions to: NEXT WAVE MAGAZINE Annual Subscription: $36 US 5 Can You See Beyond Tomorrow Bernie L. Wade The Kingdom of Christ Obidozie Williams 13 24 Health & MelissaWellnessKody 31 35 RELIGITICS “The Beast” 11 Signs You are a Functional Atheist Joseph Mattera 17 Unity Bernie L. Wade

the people of God. The call to prayer around the world has rallied the people of God to pray and fast. God has once again prevailed. Revival has come to the hungry!



Next Wave! We are excited to bring to you this new issue of Next Wave Magazine. Our focus remains on dealing with issues that are relevant to ministering to the Body of Christ at this crucial time in the spiritual maturation process. What is painfully obvious is that the Church (at least what we generally identify as the Church) is not ready to manifest in the earth. Just the tiniest bit of persecution and people are make excuses for why they don’t really need to be at church, railing on those who go to church and a myriad of other challenges that make it clear the Church needs to find its way back to Jesus


year we participate in the sponsorship of Life Fest. Let me encourage you to come to Life Fest 2023. I will promise you that Life Fest is life changing Those who know their God will be strong and do exploits. Earlier this year I wrote, “2022 is going to be a tremendous year for the Body of Christ. We have focused for several years on this Next Wave of the Spirit of God. The Next Wave is here!”

Our message has not changed because of the hysteria that currently dominates the news cycle. For several years we have been expectant of a NEXT WAVE of the Holy Spirit! I am more convinced than ever that 2023 is our year! I see a great awakening of people who are learning that without God we are in real trouble. There is a renewed focus on prayer for

Those who are anti Christ refuse to admit that God is in control. In His place, they proffer that they have all the answers. The showdown is in full view of the world. Once again, we have Elijah on the mountain challenging the prophets of Baal. Some are confused because they see so many who claim Christ caught in the crossfire of this battle for the mind. This is not a new phenomenon. It was the same in the days of the great Prophets like Elijah. The people were fickle and would follow the trend of the day. Fortunately, God gave the final answer! In response to the righteous prayer of the Prophet Elijah, fire from God fell and gave a rare and unparalleled fireworks Indemonstration.theUnitedStates,

so many have been looking for a Revival and thanks to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ that Revival has come. However, Revival does not look like many thought it should. As a result, some are missing this day of the visitation of the Lord. Now is the day of salvation. Please prepare your heart. Focus all your attention on Him.

This year at Life Fest 2022 we are saw many new faces! We are excited by those who have contacted us to say they are coming. By the time you read this, Life Fest 2022 will be a wonderful memory, but plan to join us in 2023! To God be the glory!


Can You See Tomorrow?Beyond

Occasionally, he gives some of insight into His foreknowledge. This is true prophecy. It is His Plan that matters. Daniel 11:32 is ringing in my head, “the people who know their God shall be strong and do exploits.” Another translation puts it this way, “the people who know their God shall stand firm and take action.”

I have prayed and thought about direction so that I might be helpful at this crucial time in our World. Of interest is the status of the World in general and of note my home country, the United States of America. It is evident that the enemies of God and those who are anti-Christ have been busy and apparently see this time as the time to press their vision for global utopia forward in any way possible. The result has been pandemonium even among those who call themselves followers of Jesus Christ! There have been few times in the last 2000 years where Christ followers have been so divided on issues that threaten us all.

As we look forward, I am prompted to ask some pertinent questions. Do we see beyond tomorrow? Do we even see beyond today? Do we see beyond the last post that triggered your emotional response? Is God speaking through the plethora of those who are having dreams and authoring prophecies?

One thing is for certain, there is something happening that is bigger than all of us. I have sharpened my focus so that I might hear a relevant Word. I have witnessed as people have ‘prophesied’ all manner of ideas. I have listened to some recite their dreams and visions. I have wondered what voices are hearing from God, what voices are just reciting their take on current events and what voices are just making it up. Motive is important. Is the motivation attention, control, or fear? Realizing that this is a challenge far beyond my ‘pay grade’, I have asked God to help me understand. I know that He alone is in control of tomorrow. God alone has foresight.

I hear clearly that God is in control even during the storm or we might say especially in the storm! A pastor friend reminded me that ‘All things work together for Good to them that Love God and are the called according to his purpose’. God is never caught ‘off guard’ by current events. God is not waiting for some politically motivated person to decide. God has been in control long before creation and He will remain in control. We used to sing the refrain, “Beyond Tomorrow, my skies will all be blue! Beyond Tomorrow, where dreams come true!”

There is a place beyond the din of the current trauma, beyond all the trials and test of life, where God reigns supreme! This is not a time to walk in fear, but to walk in freedom and direction that comes only from the power of the Holy Spirit. It is not by human strength that we will overcome the World but by the Spirit of the Living God!

Since the dawn of the ages, long before Star Trek began its five year mission to seek out intelligent life, people have sought to see the future and to reach the vast portals of outer space. Many have been confused by the plethora of voices, media, etc. that seems to barrage us on of daily basis. I have witnessed people confused by dreams and visions. It is not a new thing for men to seek personal gain or attention from making predictions, sharing dreams and visions, and predicting the future. Most of these have ended in utter derision.

Let me speak as succinctly as I can about Godly direction in general. I am persuaded that the current situation is not something that God is confused about. The Word of God has not


(does not) change because of the will of politicians, the direction of society or the rising tide of personal opinions. God does not rule by committee, popular opinion, permission, or majority vote. He is never waiting to see how the wind blows to decide how He should respond. He is simply God. No committee of preachers voted Him in, and no church denominations governing body can vote Him


(all of us) are reactionary, conditional, short sighted, and much more. When I survey the condition of those that call themselves part of the Church, I have to say that I am more than concerned. I ask myself and aloud, “what can we do to improve?” Now, to be clear, I am speaking of those who claim Christ and as such claim to be part of the Church. As the Church is the Body of Christ, no one of us is the Church by ourselves. To claim to be the Church, to speak for the Church, etc., is a little spurious. Only God speaks for His Church. When members of the Body of Christ claim to speak for God they must be very succinct in what we say and be certain that God has spoken. Moses gave us the test of a ‘True’ Prophet. Those who claim to be a prophet should be rejected if they do not meet the test.

True and False Prophets

Moses continued, “The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among your fellow Israelites. You must listen to him. For this is what you yourselves requested of the Lord your God when you were assembled at Mount Sinai. You said, ‘Don’t let us hear the voice of the Lord our God anymore or see this blazing fire, for we will die.’“Then the Lord said to me, ‘What they have said is right. I will raise up a prophet like you from among their fellow Israelites. I will put my words in his mouth, and he will tell the people everything I commend him. I will personally deal with anyone who will not listen to the messages the prophet proclaims on my behalf. But any prophet who falsely claims to speak in my name or who speaks in the name of another god must die.’

“But you may wonder, ‘How will we know whether or not a prophecy is from the Lord?’ If the prophet speaks in the Lord’s name but his prediction does not happen or come true, you will know that the Lord did not give that message. That prophet has spoken without my authority and need not be feared.

Today’s prophetic community often tries to explain it away when their favorite ‘prophet’ offers something that does not meet the test, but Moses gave a clear answer so that we would not be confused. Prophecy is serious business. IF God said it it happens. If it doesn’t happen God did not say it! Don’t fall for the false prophets.

Dreams and Prophecy

I remember when William Branham’s followers went to the mountain 1975 to waiting for the Lord’s Return. About the same time, Hal Lindsey’s book, “The Late Great Planet Earth” was a Bestseller. In 1988, there was the guy who wrote 88 Reasons Why the Lord is Coming in 1988. Then we had the whole Y2K scam with many of the same clown show as part of the millennial year 2000 circus. Unfortunately, many who should know better followed these schemes. It is sad that many who claim Christ still believe much of this


contacted in recent weeks about videos and other media from those who claim they have seen the future. Let me honestly say that I am perhaps too much of a critic when it


comes to prophecy. Yet, to my defense I only offer that I am careful so that I and those for whom I am responsible are not deceived, led astray, or confused by those claiming to be


most part those who are offering their prophetic utterances are saying that ALL IS WELL. These generally see the world through the Western mind set. They say that all is well. Pointedly, in the last United States Presidential Election these said “Donald J. Trump” will be re-elected and all will be well. For the record, I certainly hoped they were correct. However, I must say that I felt like Micaiah. While all the prophets were proclaiming “Go up and prosper”, I was feeling like there is ‘more to the story’.

Scripture tells us that the messenger who had gone to summon Micaiah said to him, “Look, the other prophets without exception are predicting success for the king. Let your word agree with theirs, and speak favorably.” 14 But Micaiah said, “As surely as the Lord lives, I can tell him only what the Lord tells me.” 15 When he arrived, the king asked him, “Micaiah, shall we go to war against Ramoth Gilead, or not?” “Attack and be victorious,” he answered, “for the Lord will give it into the king’s hand.”

16 The king said to him, “How many times must I make you swear to tell me nothing but the truth in the name of the Lord?” 17 Then Micaiah answered, “I saw all Israel scattered on the

hills like sheep without a shepherd, and the Lord said, ‘These people have no master. Let each one go home in peace.’”

18 The king of Israel said to Jehoshaphat, “Didn’t I tell you that he never prophesies anything good about me, but only bad?”

19 Micaiah continued, “Therefore hear the word of the Lord: I saw the Lord sitting on his throne with all the multitudes of heaven standing around him on his right and on his left. 20 And the Lord said, ‘Who will entice Ahab into attacking Ramoth Gilead and going to his death there?’ “One suggested this, and another that. 21 Finally, a spirit came forward, stood before the Lord and said, ‘I will entice him.’22 “‘By what means?’ the Lord asked. “‘I will go out and be a deceiving spirit in the mouths of all his prophets,’ he said. “‘You will succeed in enticing him,’ said the Lord. ‘Go and do it.’ 23 “So now the Lord has put a deceiving spirit in the mouths of all these prophets of yours. The Lord has decreed disaster for you.”

24 Then Zedekiah son of Kenaanah went up and slapped Micaiah in the face. “Which way did the spirit from the Lord go when he went from me to speak to you?” he asked.25 Micaiah replied, “You will find out on the day you go to hide in an inner room.” 26 The king of Israel then ordered, “Take Micaiah and send him back to Amon the ruler of the city and to Joash the king’s son 27 and say, ‘This is what the king says: Put this fellow in prison and give him nothing but bread and water until I return safely.’” 28 Micaiah declared, “If you ever return safely, the Lord has not spoken through me.” Then he added, “Mark my words, all you people!”

There are also several dreamers who have postulated that this is the end of the United States. These offer that ‘the Russians or the Chinese are coming’. This sense of impending doom is generally born from fear and insecurity. The idea of the unknown or the


uncertain is frightening. We must be careful to know when the Lord has spoken.

While pondering my general feeling, I hear the clear calm of the Holy Spirit directing me. I feel the prompting that “Yes, indeed, everything is going to be all right.” The reason for this calm assurance is not based on election predictions, good vibrations, or reading a preponderance of world news magazines. I know assuredly that whatever happens in the election cycles of the United States, no matter who is elected President, etc., God remains in control.

It is like the song, “I’ve God a Feeling that Everything is going to be all right!” This is not a declaration of what men will do, but rather confidence that no matter what men do, God is still in control. It is in Him that we live, move, and have our very being! As the people of God, we cannot be swayed by random dreams and wild prophecies from unqualified prophets. We must have our anchor in the proven Word of God.

Current Events

It is easy for some and even more easy for others to get caught up in current currentBibleInterpretingevents.thebasedoneventsis

risky at best. If we are not careful, we can let our emotions run wild and cause irreparable damage. I have watched in horror as men and women (all claiming to be people of God) take sides and become enemies based on the current political rhetoric. Rhetoric that will be old and tired before this year of 2022 ends. Sadly, these have lost focus. They have turned their attention to earthly things and given them higher priority that those things which are eternal.

Politics, primaryhaveChurchthingsenmitydefinition,byiswiththethattheshouldasitsfocus.We should care about people. Politics is the activities associated with the governance of a country or other area, especially the debate or conflict among individuals or parties having or hoping to achieve power. In short, politics is a struggle for power. We must remember that as the Body of Christ our warfare is NOT carnal but is mighty to the pulling down of strongholds. Our expectation should not be in carnal solutions or earthly answers but rather those that are eternal.

Let me ask you some questions. Are you involved in an earthly struggle? Do you hope that you can solve eternal problems with temporary solutions? Do you believe that is it in men to direct their own paths? Do you believe the answer is in a man, a political party, or some other group?

Generational Curses

There is a common idea today that you or your family or your ancestor’s infractions, sins or misdeeds are somehow your responsibility. There is widespread belief that you should pay for such both in some sort of attrition and with monetary considerations. This false dogma drives many people’s interpretation of current events. Some people have been convinced that they are entitled for compensation based on their skin color or the idea that their ancestors may have been enslaved. These often blur the lines between racism and slavery, missing the fact that people of all colors and likely all ethnicities have been enslaved at some point in history. Ironically, these same people often support what they call Pro Choice positions. These conveniently ignore the truth that the supposed “choice” was


propaganda began primarily to sterilize black women in the United States.

At the same time white people are being taught to feel guilt for the sins of others. Perhaps these were their ancestors or more likely just persons who happen to have the same skin color or nationality. This is also error. No one is required to make restitution for another man’s sins. It is totally unscriptural! If you have sinned against someone else, then you are responsible, and you do need to make that right through repentance.

Do not be confused by rhetoric. Black Lives Matters is not an organization hoping to make the lives of others better. It is a Marxist organization focused on power and rife with avarice. Many in the US Government and the business community have already drank the purple Kool Aid. They are 100% committed to the hateful rhetoric.


I have stated this before, but I want to say it again. God, in His infinite wisdom, allowed me to have the unique opportunity to be born naturally in the United States of America. As a Citizen of the United States, I think often of the parallel of being a Citizen of the Kingdom of Heaven and a Citizen of the United States. In both cases there are rights and privileges. In both cases there are also responsibilities. I pray that I shirk none of the things for which I am responsible. I pray that I never take the easy road. I pray that I never sacrifice Liberty for temporary safety!

The Founding Fathers of the United States were very well acquainted with abuse of power by Government. Their lives were controlled by a king who lived thousands of miles away. A king that they had no vote in how he ruled. The dream of a county where the citizens elected those who made the laws became their vision. One of those founders was Samuel Adams.

His cousins John and John Quincy would both one day become Presidents of the United States. Liberty was paramount to the Adams family prompting Samuel to say this:

“The liberties of our country, the freedoms of our civil Constitution are worth defending at all hazards; it is our duty to defend them against all attacks. We have received them as a fair inheritance from our worthy ancestors. They purchased them for us with toil and danger and expense of treasure and blood. It will bring a mark of everlasting infamy on the present generation enlightened as it is if we should suffer them to be wrested from us by violence without a struggle, or to be cheated out of them by the artifices of designing men.” ~Samuel Adams

These well intentioned men were not naïve. They have no illusions that the country they had helped to found was perfect. America was not just a place in their minds it was an idea based on these words:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”


The ideas were clearly outlined in the Constitution of the United States. What they had created was the platform that would set the stage to make the whole World a better place. There was no illusion that they had created perfection but rather the hope that they had created a vision for a better tomorrow.

John Adams concerns about slavery were well known. John Adams said that slavery contradicted the principles of republicanism. It was the seed of this republicanism that would give birth to a better tomorrow. But it would John Adams son, John Quincy Adams, that would lay the foundation for the abolition movement. He did not focus on the past but dreamed of a better tomorrow.

Decades after John Adams was President of the United States another President, Abraham Lincoln, building on the foundation laid by his forefathers would help establish the Republican Party with a platform to end slavery in the United States. His opponents in the Democrat Party not only went to war to oppose him, but unfortunately, they have conducted a covert war of various kinds that continues to this very day. Today, Americans are watching in real time as the leaders of the Democrat Party attempt to rewrite their own history. Like those wicked people that Solomon wrote they wipe their mouths and say they have done no


the unwillingness of the Democrat Party to abolish slavery and recognize the rights of others regardless of the color of one’s skin and at great price of human lives the United States would fight the American Civil War. The result of the American Civil War was more than 600,000 men [Free men predominately white] would shed their blood during that War. I only reference their color because it is a trigger for those who currently seek to divide us.

White Americans died by the hundreds of thousands to end the scourge of slavery in the

United States. Ironically, 150 years later more than 94 countries in the world still have no laws keeping one person from enslaving another

Thankfully, slavery in the United States was over. Hundreds of thousands of men died to give freedom to those who were denied the opportunities promised by the Constitution of the United States. What we all gained from the vision of our forefathers is there were some that could see a better world, a better tomorrow! The challenge for all of us is to also envision a better world, a better tomorrow.

Whatever, the outcome of tomorrow’s natural battle we must focus on the fact that Jesus Christ came, gave His life that we could have Abundant Eternal Life! That is the goal.

Can you see beyond tomorrow? Start a revival. Draw a circle around you and start a revival in that circle. Revival starts with you! Then, reach out to others. If you will seek the direction of the Lord, He will put you on a path where BEYOND TOMORROW we will one day be in a better place, eternal in the heavens with Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior!

Bishop Bernie L. Wade, PhD is the Presiding Bishop of International Circle of Faith He and his wife, Dr. Daisy R. Wade committed to Christian Education. He serves Chancellor of Life Principalandwww.lifecollege.educationCollegeandsheservesasforHarvardHigh School



Wolves With Bloody Hands

REVIVAL Really???, do we really know what real revival and true conversion is anymore?

"Today, many come into our churches because they desire blessing, comfort, and fellowship. They want the birthright and benefits of the church without truly assimilating into biblical identity. I am afraid that they only want to be saved from Hell but not from their sinful ways. Jesus taught us to deny ourselves and take up our cross and follow him, (see Luke 9:23).

They are not willing to 'pluck things out and cut things off,' as Jesus taught his disciples for the sake of establishing His overcoming Church with safe boundaries, disciplines, and values (see Mathew 5:29 30). They are not willing to die out to the flesh, as Paul taught, nor do they desire to put on and wear the sometimes uncomfortable 'whole armor of God' to be victorious in spiritual warfare. They are not willing to pay the price of apostolic discipleship. They want to enjoy the banquet without the battle. They want a first class ticket, without paying the price. Even worse, they bring worldly attitudes into the church; having never died to the flesh, they bring in their worldly values, lusts, agendas, and rebellion against both God's and man's authority.

It becomes a matter who is converting who? Are souls conforming to the spiritual model taught by Jesus and his apostles, or in the rush for numbers, are we accommodating the masses in order to build our membership rolls to the point that we accept their behavior and the mix becomes the standard of a compromised church to the detriment of all. The revivalist, Leonard Ravenhill, said it best, 'The Church has paid a high price for numbers.'" (This excerpt is from his book...Revival...His Way, pages 63,64).

Following the most recent national tragedy, the police massacre in Dallas, the social media lit up with commentaries. Everyone seemed to have an opinion. Indeed, the unwarranted deaths of black men is tragic; likewise, unwarranted deaths of innocent police are tragic. Everyone has a right to his own opinion. One such expression struck me as especially unfitting. It was from a nationally renowned TV preacher, whose commentary began with the longest lament, how disappointed he was, and hurt, and upset, and even bewildered, at the rise in violence and upheaval in our nation. As he continued with his narrative how personally distraught and desperate he is to find the answer to repair America, I found myself talking back to the screen, saying, "I really don't care how you feel, the problems with America, mostly lie at yours and your ministerial associates' feet." Let me justify my impression by quoting the noted 19th century clergyman, Charles Spurgeon, who had the largest church in England at the time, with over 5,000 worshippers on Sundays, a prolific preacher, Bible scholar, author, prayer warrior, and who was called by his contemporaries, "the Prince of Preachers".

I quote: "Brethren, our preaching will bear its legitimate fruits. If there is decay of conscience, the pulpit is responsible for it. If the press lacks moral discernment, the pulpit is responsible for it. If the church is degenerate and worldly, the pulpit is responsible for it. If the world loses interest in Christianity, the pulpit is responsible for it. If Satan rules in our halls of legislation, the pulpit is responsible for it. If our politics become so corrupt that the very foundations of our government are ready to fall away, the pulpit is responsible for it."


Every action has a cause and effect. The Bible says, "The curse cometh not causeless." There is a reason for the decline of America, and it is not Clinton, Bush, or Obama. It is not a Democrat or Republican issue. Nor is it Wall Street, big banks and big business, nor even Hollywood. It is a sin issue; plain and simple! The Bible records: "Righteousness exalteth a nation, but sin is a reproach to any nation" (Proverbs 14:34). According to the words of Jesus, we are living in the days, likened unto the days of Noah; Genesis 6:5 describes what those days were like. "And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually." What was the answer in Noah's day? Repentance. "Repentance" is mentioned seventy times in the Gospels. What was the message that Jesus gave in the last book in Bible, Revelation, to the churches? "Repent!"

Against that backdrop, I quote from one of the greatest revivalist of our time; author, pastor, evangelist, David Wilkerson: "Show me a preacher who never exposes sin --- who doesn't show people the difference between the holy and the profane, who doesn't mention repentance or judgment, but instead says God wants to make you rich and prosperous and I'll call such a man what he is. He is a wolf. And he has substituted the Cross for cash." Our Lord Jesus said, "Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves" (Matthew


preacher whom I reference in this article and his contemporaries, all millionaires, are all about prosperity, "a better me," bigger and better houses, successful businesses, and feeling good about one's self. They preach a gospel that majors on money and numbers. They are loved and adored by politicians, Hollywood, and the world as a whole. Politicians, movie celebrities, and rock-stars, laud and praise them. Thus, we have a generation of citizenry, politicians, and youth,

who have no spiritual anchors, no fear of God, little or no awareness of the consequences of sin, not sensitive to eternal values; they seek the treasures of this world rather than laying up treasures for the next world. I quote C. S. Lewis; "If you read history you will find that the Christians who did most for the present world were precisely those who thought most of the next. It is since Christians have largely ceased to think of the other world that they have become so ineffective in this world."

Surely, by now, the American clergy and most of their congregations have enough money, leisure, and pleasure to make their lives reasonably comfortable. I have been around the world twice, by comparison, there are few really poor people in America. More than anything, this country needs God! The Christian ministry, equipped with the Gospel of Christ, and the apostles' doctrine, are the chosen ones entrusted with the same keys that Jesus gave Peter to set mankind free from the prison of sin, and change their hearts. Only the message of our Lord Jesus Christ, can stop the cycle of violence and wickedness and the consequences thereof throughout America.

My answer to the famed TV preacher's Facebook commentary; stop looking for some mysterious silver bullet, some catchy slogan; "Let us become one, ---can't we just get along-let's have a detailed national debate." No, you will not find the answer there; Apostle Paul had the only answer; "For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth" (Romans


my commentary with a suggestion to those who are under the sway and influence today of superstar preachers and their mega churches, by once again quoting Charles Spurgeon; "We are not called to proclaim philosophy (the philosophies of men), but the simple Gospel. Man's fall, his need of a new birth, forgiveness through atonement, and


salvation as the result of faith, these are our battle axe and weapons of war."

Americans need to hear from every pulpit, that we are the creations of an Almighty God and ultimately must give an account how we have lived. Americans must hear that every soul will spend eternity somewhere, that there is a day of judgment coming; that there is a Heaven prepared for the born again; but the wages of sin is eternal separation from God, and that the wicked will be turned into Hell. I know, it is called old school and legalism, but it is the truth anyhow, "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom." It will be a terrible thing to hear our Lord say one day, "Depart from me, for I know you not!" Eternity to the saved is day with no sunset; to the lost it is night with no "Butsunrise.ifthe

watchman see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the people be not warned; if the sword come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at the watchman's hand" (Ezekiel 33:6).

Preachers stop looking for answers in all the wrong places; just preach the Gospel! Otherwise, no matter how prestigious you become, what level of success or fame and riches you attain; in reality, you're a Wolf with bloody hands.

Bishop Samuel Smith is the Chairman Emeritus of the Apostolic World Christian Fellowship (AWCF). He is a prolific writer and has ministered a relevant message to the Body of Christ in a plethora of APOSTOLICnations.WORLD CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP

Focused on the prayer that Jesus prayed for His Church (John 17:21), International Circle of Faith™ is a Christian World Network™ representing some 40,000 ministers with an estimated 25 million constituents. These lead tens of thousands of churches, ministries, colleges, universities, orphanages & feeding programs, humanitarian aid organizations, chaplains, and other charities. This global network represents a plethora of Christ centered companies and business interests.

The Kingdom of Christ

Obidozie Williams

The kingdom itself is a combination of two words, (king’s domain). The world in itself is full of kingdoms but the kingdom of Christ is a separate kingdom which encompasses the supremacy over every other kingdoms and the rules every other kingdoms and that was why Jesus came and preached it as a message when he came down from the weirdness of fasting and prayer he preached to Kingdom in the book of Matthew chapter 23 chapter 4 verse 23 Jesus made it very clear when he preached and say he walked from the valley the land of Zebulon and naphthalene and he began to preach the Bible say, R repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.

Also when Jesus resurrected from the grave he was going from place to place speaking about‘s deep things and the mysteries of the kingdom in acts of apostles chapter 1 verse number three he reminded his disciples about the kingdom one more time and the message of the church should go back to the kingdom of Christ in revelation chapter 11 verse 15 the Bible said that the kingdoms of this world has become the kingdoms of our god of love is Christ and he shall reign forever showed the message Jesus preached was not twisted it was the kingdom and miracles were his demonstrations and not his message topic.

The church today has to get this together and correctly so that we will build a people that is minded of the kingdom and that is

matured in the faith and will be able to stand the test of time before Jesus comes to rapture us home. My prayers is that the Lord will give the church a sound mind and the quick understanding of the mystery of the kingdom so that the church will partake of the maximum benefit of this kingdom inheritance while we are still on earth kingdom; blessings and shalom to everyone amen.

Apostle Williams Obidozie represents International Circle of Faith as Ambassador to Nigeria. ICOF Nigeria comprises of four regional offices in Nigeria with the committedState.AwkaheadquartersNigerianinAnambraHeistobringing

unity to the Body of HeChristisahonors

graduate of Life College He is the servant leader of Rhema prophetic Revival Church International with its headquarters in Louisville Kentucky and Awka Anambra State Nigeria. He is married to Pastor Favor Obidozie Williams and they are blessed with four children. They reside in Nigeria doing the work of the ministry and traveling around the world for outreach ministries and revival.




honor towards one another where the flow of the Holy spirit was not interrupted.

From ministerial feedback of the weekend, expectations were met and much more, leaving an air of excitement for Life Fest 2023.

Mature ministers met, many for the first time, some coming from afar, including international. Ministers imparted what God had for them to say, they encouraged one another, ministered to each other and formed new friendships.

Each keynote and workshop speaker contributed well to the smorgasbord of teaching, helps, and testimonies of personal God encounters/experiences.

Life Fest 2022 was situated on the beautiful campus of Camp Crestwood. The Camp is was nestled in amongst tall leafy trees, lawned grounds in a peaceful setting in Crestwood, TheKentucky.premise

of Life Fest is for ministers to minister to one another, which this year, Life Fest 2022 was met. Each keynote and workshop speaker came prepared to impart knowledge, ministry tips and encouragement.

There was a freedom and liberty for each minister to deliver, and it was demonstrated orderly, of high standard and with respect and

Each minister displayed a heart of wanting to spur others along in their calling, including

Dr. Chunksik Yong is presented an honorary Doctor of Humane Letters by Life College Chancellor Bishop Bernie L. Wade, Sr. PhD during the festivities at Life Fest 2022.

receiving for themselves as they participated freely in using their ministerial gifts to those at the altar and on the prayer line.

The heart’s desire of Bishop Bernie and Dr. Daisy Wade for this year’s Life Fest was to see unity formed between all the ministers. From a place of not knowing each other, disconnected, to a position of understanding, belonging, unified and the forming of new connections. This intertwining of togetherness was evident throughout the worship, preaching and the fellowship sessions.

forgiveness from those representing different racial factions. Respect, honor and humility followed, which generated an atmosphere of forgiveness, acceptance, unity, oneness and validation for all, which caused an openness and for the holy spirit to flow uninterrupted throughout the rest of Life Fest.

A much needed frank talk occurred in the addressing of the Nations racial problems that has filtrated into the lives and operations of many churches. This issue was addressed in the early stages of Life Fest 2022, with the rawness of the conversation being conducted from a panel of 9 diverse ministers representing different racial backgrounds. Their contribution informed, highlighted and challenged different perspectives of the treatment and attitudes towards persons of different color, background, ethnicity, culture and Thismore.wasfollowed by leadership taking the helm and initiating repentance, asking

This atmosphere of unity/equality was evident through all of the main meetings and workshops, including on the campus grounds and in the dining room where groups of ministers enjoyed gathering together conversing and gleaning from each other.

There was a commonality expressed from ministers from Life Fest 2022, that they will be back next year, bringing others. This year’s Life Fest left a high note of excitement with great expectation for an even more God encounter and expansion of teaching, and workshop activities at next year’s Life Fest, 2023.

Rooted Worship (Father and son Stan & Tyler Coates) ministered with James Kody in Praise and Worship at Life Fest 2022 Bishop Lesly Bertrand, International Circle of Faith Ambassador to Haiti joined us at Life Fest 2022

Registrations are already coming in with official registration set to be open by October 15,

were many encouraging accounts, some being the children receiving a move of the holy spirit, interceding and weeping at the altar and experiencing His presence, many enjoying His presence so much, wanting to linger there longer. Prophesy and prayer flowed even out of children who prayed for ministers. Many children and adults were water baptized.

The breakout sessions were informative, diverse and powerful. Many were filled with the Holy Spirit! The topics of the main meetings and the workshops centered around how we can better minister to the communities about us. What sets us apart on the value of marriage and family relationships, and how to make them successful. Explanation of what is Kingdom from the Kingdom Dialogue workshop, another workshop challenged and encouraged as to why, who, what and why we have been sent to the place we are in for His purposes.

Rosalie Mitchell is an anointed pastor. Her home is in Australia. We have been blessed to have her ministry at Life Fest 2022 and at Life Church. Her message is encouraging, insightful and demonstrate a pastor’s heart. Her breakout session at Life Fest was a highlight of the Conference!


Before Life Fest 2022 there was the annual fishing trip where Rosalie Mitchell led the ladies with two prize catches!

A prize 28” stripper gave Dr. Daisy R. Wade a bit of a fight…

Pastor Pamela Jo Baker ministered in mime at Life Fest 2022

And Norkio Presley caught another prize stripper!

Dr. Cindye Coates brought in a nice catch…

My Journey: Taking Charge of My Health

with this natural defense system and when we get that sudden rush of adrenaline, we may experience tingling or a “jittery” feeling, the hair on the back of our neck may stand up or we may even start to feel (and literally hear) our heart beating rapidly inside our chest. Once the situation or danger passes, things should return to “normal”, but some people live in a constant state of fear and therefore, never return to a normal state. If not addressed, this can have serious adverse effects on a person’s physical, mental, and spiritual Beforehealth.

Melissa Kody

Healthier, Greener Living

going any further, it is important to understand I am not a doctor; I am not a medical professional and I have no formal medical training or certification. The information I present here should not be construed as medical advice. I am simply an individual who, through my own journey and research, has gained knowledge and understanding about my health. You should always seek the advice of a properly trained medical professional to deal with any of your medical conditions.

Now that we have that out of the way . . . As a child of God, you should know what the Word has to say about fear:

Fear: The Enemy of Your Health

We live in a time of uncertainty and while that uncertainty may not have a noticeable effect on some, for others, it can incite fear, panic, and terror. What is fear? The dictionary defines fear as, “a distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil, pain, etc., whether the threat is real or imagined, the feeling or condition of being afraid.”

Most of us understand fear is a natural human response. Some might call it the “fight-or-flight” response and it is something that happens to all of us when faced with uncertainty. We are designed

“For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and selfdiscipline.” 2 Timothy 1:7 (NLT)

So, don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.” Matthew 6:34 (NLT)

Have you ever thought about how fear affects your health? When we are faced with a situation and our natural bodily response kicks in, that sudden rush of adrenaline causes our bodies to shut down what it deems “non-essential”. It does this to devote more resources to the immediate danger. As mentioned earlier, once the

danger has passed, things should return to a normal state because our bodies were never designed to be in a constant state of fight or flight. It should be momentary and temporary. The problem with living in fear, long-term, is that it will eventually affect your health in a negative way.

Several health issues are associated with living in fear and the longer we allow fear to rule, the more damage it can cause. These issues include, but are not limited to, a weakened/compromised immune system and digestive issues such as ulcers and FearIBS.

can also cause fatigue, high blood pressure, headaches, difficulty breathing and memory problems. If left unaddressed, more serious conditions can develop like decreased fertility, cardiovascular damage, premature aging and even death.

In addition to the physical effects, there are some mental/psychological implications as well. These include, but are not limited to, depression, anxiety, panic-attacks and even Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Certainly, this is not the way God intended for us to live!

As bad as some of these conditions are, the greater concern should be the affect fear has on our spiritual well-being. Remember, God has not given us a spirit of fear (2 Timothy 1:7) so when you allow fear to rule your life, it affects how you see God and how you feel about Him. Fear is the enemy of faith; it steals your peace and gives room to doubt. When we are faced with stressful situations, we sometimes struggle with knowing what to do or how to respond. The Bible says, “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.” James 1:5 (NKJV). If we do not know what to do, we simply need to ask our

Heavenly Father for the answer. Are you fearful?

It is God’s intention and will for us to live a life free from fear. His promise to us is life. In fact, His Word tell us He sent His Son, Jesus, into the world so that we may have life and have it more abundantly (John 10:10). We simply need to trust in Him, and His perfect love will cast out all fear (1 John 4:18). His Word also says He will never leave us nor forsake us (Deut. 31:6; Josh. 1:5; Heb. 13:5) so even when we feel alone, we are not! Jesus is the answer.

I pray that each person reading this will seek after the peace that only comes through Jesus Christ. Trust Him and take comfort in knowing that He is in control.

In Christ’s Name, Melissa Kody

Melissa Kody lives near Cleveland with her husband, James. She works as heraorganizationChristianAssistantAdministrativeanforanon-profitandrunslifestyleBlogwithsistercalled

“Green Livin’ Girls” ( In her spare time, she enjoys decorating and design. living/

11 Signs You Are A Functional Atheist

Although the definition of an atheist is one that denies the existence of God, in this article, I use the word to depict those identified as Christians who live as though there is no God they are accountable to. Unfortunately, in my estimation, a considerable percentage of Christians live as functional atheists. The following are eleven signs that you are a functional atheist:

1. You make important decisions about your career without consulting Scripture or praying.

I can’t tell you how many Christians I know choose a career based on how much money they will make. They do not consider how God internally wired them, how it would impact their ability to mature as a believer in the context of a local church, and how it will affect their key relationships; when a person does this, they behave like a functional atheist.

2. You choose a church solely on emotional connections.

As a pastor since 1984, I have seen more people leave a church because their friends left them because they genuinely heard from God. Consequently, people are led by their emotions more than by the Holy Spirit when it comes to this all important matter regarding their church


said, it is normal for a person to come to Christ and attend a church because a friend invited them. However, once they mature in the faith, God expects them to go from carnal reasoning to a spiritually informed process regarding the choice of a church, among other things A mature believer will

choose a church based on the will of God, where they are growing spiritually, and who God has placed in their life to be their spiritual parent (1 Corinthians 4: 15).

3. You choose a mate solely on mutual attraction.

Based on my pastoral observation, I have seen countless numbers of Christians marry a person merely because of an emotional or physical attraction. Although God can work through any marital situation, deciding this is no different than an atheist who will also choose a mate merely on emotional and physical attraction (Romans 8:28).

I believe God uses the way He has wired us emotionally, physically, and spiritually (I would never counsel a person to marry a person they were not physically attracted to). At the end of the day, God has a specific spouse that matches your calling and destiny, which comes from being led by the Spirit and hearing from God. (To be fair, I have seen many married couples come to Christ whom God brought together even though they were not believers, but after they are saved, much more is required regarding decision making.)

4. You have no consistent communion with God.

Any believer who does not seek the Lord regularly, aiming to be in continual communion with Him, is living like a functional atheist. Moses said to the Lord, “If your presence doesn’t go with us, then don’t send us” (Exodus 33: 15). Being in communion with the Spirit and being led by Him continually is a staple of normal Christianity (Romans 8:14; Ephesians 5:15 18). Believers who constantly fill their lives with activities bereft of seeking Him, behave like functional atheists.

5. Scripture does not inform your worldview.


Every election season, it amazes me the unbiblical policies and candidates some believers support. Obviously, they are primarily informed by secular humanism and don’t understand how to integrate their personal faith with public policy. Those who are not informed by Scripture regarding their world and life view are functional atheists in this area.

6. You casually speak negatively about churches and spiritual leaders.

The Bible teaches us that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom (Proverbs 1:7). When a person casually speaks evil of other people, especially Christian leaders and churches, it demonstrates that they lack the fear of the Lord. The Lord hates discord among His people (Proverbs Ephesians6:19;4:29 31). Slanderers and gossips in the church live like atheists.functional7.

You determine how willchildrenmanyyouhave.

8. You choose to divorce your spouse for unbiblical reasons.

I have known spiritual leaders who glibly divorce their spouses merely because they do not get along. Jesus did not make divorce that easy (Matthew 5:31 32 and 19:1 10). Those whose primary plumb line for divorce is happiness, break the covenant with God and their spouse and act like functional atheists. (Of course, if a believer chooses to divorce their spouse, the other person in the marriage is not responsible or in bondage (1 Corinthians 7:15).).9.

Your walk with God is based on blessing and convenience.

Many professing Christians, for all practical purposes, live as functional atheists with little regard for God‘s sovereign rule over their daily lives.

One of God’s original commands was to bear fruit and multiply (which means to have children in Genesis 1:28). Biological children are a heritage from the Lord (Psalm 127:3 5). Having children is one of our primary callings because we partner with God to expand His eternal family. (Those who cannot have children or are called to be single should focus on having spiritual children.) With something as important as this, married couples should pray over Genesis 1:28 and ask God how many children He wants them to have. Those who determine family planning without God act like functional atheists.

Those who only serve God when it is convenient or require a minimal sacrifice live as functional atheists.

10. You Body.independentlyliveofHis

Once we come to Christ, He places us in His Body Corinthians(112:12 13).

Conversely, lone rangers who continually church hop and live without being in covenant or accountability with spiritual leadership live as functional atheists. Through studying the New Testament, I have learned that I cannot walk out my calling apart from a local church.

11.You make a geographical move without hearing from God.

I am amazed at how many Christians I have known since my conversion in 1978 who have moved away from the church God planted them in, only to waste years of their life floundering in a stagnant spiritual state. Before a geographical move impacts a life-giving


church connection, I suggest you do the following: make sure you have heard from God in conjunction with the independent witness of other mature believers. Consult with your spiritual leaders. Make sure you are not being driven merely by money or convenience. Make sure there is another church in that new community that you have visited and sense a connection to. Make sure you do not burn any bridges if you make a mistake and must return those who superficially make a huge geographical move act as a functional atheist.


Dr. Joseph Mattera is an internationally known author, consultant, and theologian whose mission is to influence leaders who influence culture. He is the founding pastor of Resurrection Church, and leads several organizations, including The U.S. Coalition of Apostolic Leaders and Christ Covenant Coalition. Dr. Mattera is the author of 13 bestselling books, including his latest “The Purpose, Power, and Process of Prophetic Ministry,” and is renown for applying Scripture to contemporary culture. To order his books or to join the many thousands who subscribe to his newsletter go to



… There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all…

And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ… Ephesians 4:113

Unity is an oft used word. Yet, we must wonder what exactly do we mean when we say unity? Simple unity is easy and happens often. Two people who agree can be referred to as in unity. Yet, that is not the expectation we have when we say unity. As Christ followers, when we speak of unity, we are referencing something more specific than simple unity. When we speak of unity, we are not merely discussing the action of coming together or joining with others.

Unity is the expectation first given by Jesus Christ that His people would be unified in such a way that they would come together in such as way that we would be as one people just as Christ said that He and the Father were one

It is evident that in the mind of God, that unity is the ultimate goal. In contrast, there are some 47,000 divisions among Christians. In the beginning, Adam and Eve were created in a pure, innocent and immortal state. It could be said they were in a state of pure unity with their God. Yet, the purity of that first time period of unity would be shattered in such a manner that we have spent more than 2000 years attempting to return to the state of those in the Garden of Eden.

That Unity is a goal is without doubt. The writer of Ephesians pointed out the way,”…until we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; that we should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting, but, speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things into Him who is the head Christ..” Ephesians 4:13-15


In Apostle John’s vision he reveals to us the time when the culmination of Jesus’ prayer would manifest. “After these things I looked, and behold, a great multitude which no one could number, of all nations, tribes, peoples, and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, with palm branches in their handsand crying out with a loud voice, saying, “Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!” This is the vision of Christ for his Church here on earth just as He prayed during the days of His flesh. Sadly, theologians have changed this vision of Christ’s church to something unattainable except in the future in heaven. These theologians have postulated that this passage written by Apostle John is a vision of heaven. While it ultimately will be a vision of heaven, we cannot discount that God manifested Himself in flesh for the purpose of bringing His Kingdom to the earth. It should be obvious that He already has a Kingdom in heaven where there is unity. Thus, he does not need a new Kingdom in heaven but rather He desires for His Kingdom from Heaven to come to the earth or more pointedly be

reestablished on the earth in the aftermath of failure of Adam and Eve to retain the role given them to hold dominion of the earth.

In Acts Chapter 2 we see what unity looks like as people from 17 nations or more come together to experience the demonstration and power of the Holy Spirit. This is the same vision Apostle John gives us in the book of Revelation. This unity by the people of God is what is practiced by truly mature believers in Jesus Christ as contrasted with those who behave immaturely (like children). These mature believers are nor fooled by tricks. They are not lukewarm. They are on fire with a zeal for their God that manifests in their speaking truth because of their deep love of the Father.

In 2018, 12 young boys and their coach were trapped in a cave in Thailand. This cave was filling with water and the boys were trapped and expected to drown. In an awe inspiring effort more than 5000 people from 17 countries volunteered their time, effort and resources to save these 13 people. WOW! Praise God!

In light of these extraordinary efforts of unity it is evident that people do know how to come together for a cause. Look


at the United Nations for example. Yet, the unity that Jesus Christ spoke of points to a greater cause than anything imagined in the mind of man. Jesus Christ prayed for us that we would understand there is a cause! Christ came to save that which was lost. In the Garden of Eden, mankind surrendered their God given immortality. Christ came to restore to all of us that which was lost. Christ prayed that His people (His Body) would come together in an unprecedented unity to bring to fruition His original plan of a world dominated by immortal beings working in complete and total unity to usher in a utopian world united by the implementation of the instruction of Christ by being born of the water and of the Spirit (see the Gospel of John Chapter 3).

Those born of the water and of the Spirit will come together in a cause greater than any ever accomplished by mankind! We will become united and fulfill the prayer that Jesus Christ prayed for His Church. I hope you will commit to coming together with like minded people, filled with the Holy Spirit to bring the vision of our King, Jesus Christ, to Thankreality!you!

Until we all come together in the Unity of the Spirit!

Bernie L. Wade, Sr., PhD is the Presiding Bishop of the International Circle of Faith (ICOF) As such he is committed to the simple vision of Jesus in the heart of very man, woman and child!


“The Beast”

Cindye Coates, PhD

Are you educated or indoctrinated? Maybe it's time to rethink the flawed messages coming from misguided sources. As a Theology professor, I am compelled to share accurate information concerning Scripture. The Book of Revelation did not start out as "a book". It was a letter written by the Apostle John in AD 68 to the (7) literal churches in Ancient Greece. It was concerning the coming destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70.

Rome ruled the world and the emperor was known as "The Beast". His mark was his imprint on money and on wax seals of official documents made by his ring.

Audience relevance is a key to critical reading skills. The Book of Revelation was not written to an English speaking audience. It was not written to modern day churches. It was never intended to be made into Sci Fri Dystopian books and movies. It is not about computer chips, nuclear warheads, or Apache helicopters. It was written to people who did not have electricity, no running water, not even indoor


so quick to believe such a twisted application of a book that is 2,000 years old? Do we do this to other

ancient books? The people who first read these letters witnessed its fulfillment. If this is new information for you or it goes against what you have been taught, I suggest you make an effort to unlearn and detox yourself and start to think logically respectfully.Ihaveempathy

because I too was taught dispensational eschatology from very loud, famous, influential ministers. But they were wrong, and they still are wrong! They go on tirades about "the mark of the beast" is a bar code or a microchip They have a lot to lose if they recant their rhetoric. However, if they don't let go of this, they will become irrelevant in the next 2 3 years. Stay woke!

Cindye Coates is an annointed teacher and host of Present Truth Matters
35 truth-matters-with-dr-cindye-coates-andfriends/id1612091770

These are pictures of our visit to Rev Samba Samuel to hand him financial assistance donated by members of the ICOF Cameroon SW chapter and the office of the Presiding Bishop of Cameroon.

the building is being erected. We give God all the Glory.

We were astonished by the mind blowing Testimonies of how God intervened and provided the 40x40 square meters of land on which

The ICOF Cameroon SW Regional coordinator has details of who gave what. May the Lord bless and multiply the seed of all who gave. God bless.


lovely wife Beatrice faithfully serve the people of God in their native country of Cameroon. Together they have planted churches, pioneered radio, television stations, colleges and much more.


Apostolic Hall of Fame 2022 Inductions


The 2022 Apostolic Hall of Fame ceremonies commenced at the home of the Heritage Museum, Heritage University and Apostolic Archives on Conneticut Street in Joplin, Missouri.

The 2022 inductees were the 67th, 68th and 69th into the Apostolic Hall of Fame. The 67th inductee is the incomaraprible and beloved Evangelist Wilde Aldmeda from the Phillippines who was not able to attend the ceremony. He and his wife founded the Jesus Miracle Crusade International Ministry (JMCIM Evangelist Almeda is the 1st Choir members from around the United Joplin to honor their pastor: Evangelist Wilde Al 2022 Apostolic Hall of Fame inductees. Bishop Samuel Smith, Bishop Billy McCool and Evangelist Wilde Almeda Beloved Evangelist Wilde Almeda

International minister to be recognized by the prestigious Apostolic Ministerial Hall of Fame.

form a Mass Choir to worship our God and honor their pastor’s considerable legacy.

The 68th inducttee is Bishop Billy and Dr. Betty McCool are the founders of First Apostolic Church and Apostolic Christian School in Knoxville, Tennessee. Bishop McCool was in attendance with his son, Pastor Mark McCool, Daugher in law Jamie McCool (First Apostolic Church and Bishop McCool’s wife of 66 years Dr. Betty McCool.

Pastor Mark Grisham presented Bishop McCool for his induction. Bishop McCool gave remarks that were highlighted by an annointed and impassioned presentation of “What is Wrong with Holiness?”

He was eulogised by his Son in law, Bishop Luke A. Smith and his daughter Pastor Anna Smith in a powerful recollection of the man of God and his unwavering faith in the demonstation and power of the God he serves.

Evangelist Almeda was well represented by a plethora of members of his JMCIM church who came from around the United States to

Our 69th inductee, Bishop Samuel Smith was presented for induction by Bishop Bernie L. Wade, PhD. Bishop Wade spoke of Bishop Samuel Smith’s impressive lifelong ministry including his 30 plus years as the Chairman of the Apostolic World Christian Fellowship (AWCF)

Bishop Bernie L. Wade, Bishop Samuel Smith and Bishop Luke Smith Pastor Mark, Sister Betty and Bishop Billy McCool singing at the Apostolic Hall of Fame induction ceremony.

Bishop Wade shared that Bishop Smith’s passion for the Unity of the Apostolic people around the world, his hospitality for the people of God and his desire to help God’s people everywhere is unparralleled and serves as an example to us all.

Bishop Samuel Smith gave remarks and challenged the congregation to have a passion for the lost, to be committed to supporting the Gospel fo Jesus Christ in every country in the world. To support missions like never before.

There were a plethora of other awards.

Sister Betty McCool was awarded an honorary degree from Life College by Bishop Bernie L. Wade, Dr. Daisy R. Wade, Pastor

Bishop Gary W Garrett was presented with a Doctor of Philosophy in Apostolic Studies with Emphasis in Apostolic Faith History. Bishop Samuel Smith with Bishop Luke & Pastor Anna Smith & family. Bishop Samuel Smith Dr. Deborah and Dr. Gary Garrett

Bishop Buddy Marshall received the 2022 Ministerial Leadership Award

Bishop Bob Thornton received the 2022 Lifetime Achievement Award.

Bishop Lawrence Brown received the 2022 Apostolic Apologist Award.

Bishop Phil Cook received the 2022 Lifetime Achievement Award.

Bishop Billy McCool was kind enough to share his notes:

Rebecca Goins and Drs. Gary and Deborah Garrett. Dr. Betty Jean McCool was presented the prestigious Doctor of Christian Education. “I first want to give honor to the Lord Jesus Christ the head of this great Church of which we are members. Dr. Garrett, Dr. Wade, distinguished members of the board of this great institution I am deeply honored and humbled to be considered for this honor. Dr. Daisy R. Wade & Bishop Bernie L. Wade, PhD (L to R) Dr. Gary W. Garrett, Chancellor Bernie L. Wade, PhD, Dr. Betty McCool, Dr. Deborah Garrett, Dr. Daisy R. Wade, Rebecca Goins (Registrar for Life College) and Pastor Mark McCool Bishop Billy McCool and Dr. Betty McCool

However, I feel like My wife of sixty six years, Dr. Betty McCool who has been patient, prayerful and persevering should be the one receiving this honor. Also, my son, Pastor Mark McCool and his wife, Sister Jamie McCool should also share in this honor. I must include our Associate Pastor, Nate Whitley, who is married to my granddaughter, Ashley, who teaches in our Christian School and is also our minister of music and they are parents of our first great granddaughter Easton. Also, Anthony and Kelli McCool my grandson and his wife are Student Pastors and parents of two more great grandchildren Eleanor and Callaway. All of the above have stood by me faithfully and helped fulfill my calling my dreams and my vision and are now leading First Apostolic Church and all its ministries to its highest level. I must also include the entire congregation of First Apostolic Church who have been faithful followers for sixty six wonderful years.

populace, the popular and the powerful. His self evaluation was simple and to the point. The reason he could not acquiesce to their request was; he was called of God and not by them”. The record states in: Amos 7:14-15

Then answered Amos, and said to Amaziah, I was no prophet, neither was I a prophet's son; but I was an herdsman, and a gatherer of sycamore fruit: And the LORD took me as I followed the flock, and the LORD said unto me, Go, prophesy unto my people Israel.

Dear brothers and sisters, I do not feel like a hall of famer, I am not a preacher’s son, I have no degrees attached to my name. I am the son of a sharecropper from southeast Missouri; The cotton patch and corn field was to be my specialty until God found me and at the age of eleven and filled me with the Holy Ghost and shortly thereafter called me to preach; He said go, and I have been going for the past 74 of my 86

This event brings to mind two characters in the Bible. One who is the most like I view myself, that is Amos, who said when he was told to stop prophesying against the establishment of his day. He declared himself not to be a polished prophet aiming to please the


Bible character with whom I would like to identify would be the most unlikely of all comparisons: Solomon. Now before you judge me as egocentric or conceited, I’m certainly not

FLASH BACK: Minister Melissa Kody, Bishop Sandford L. Wade, Pastor Georgia Wade, Joy Willoughby (baby) with Bishop Billy McCool at the occasion of Joy’s baby dedication at First Apostolic Church (circa 1979).

referring to Solomon’s wisdom or wealth so let me


And when the queen of Sheba heard of the fame of Solomon concerning the name of the LORD, she came to prove him with hard questions. The queen of Sheba heard of the fame of Solomon and please note “concerning the name of the LORD”.

What’s Wrong HOLINESS?with

If this sharecropper’s son deserves any fame or recognition at all, it is concerning the name of our LORD Jesus Christ and this great Apostolic Holiness message. You heard me right I said, “Holiness message”. It was in that precious name of Jesus that I was buried in water baptism in the old floodway just east of Kenneth Missouri in 1948. This is what I started out preaching seventy four years ago and I am still preaching that exact same message today. May I leave you with this deeply imbedded belief, in the form of a question, I asked in an article I wrote some time ago entitled. What’s wrong with Holiness?

Holiness is not a privation it is a privilege, it is not a burden it is a blessing, it is not an obligation but an opportunity, it is not a loss but a liberty, holiness is not hard but a harbor. It is my protection against promiscuity and the loss of my reputation and the loss of my sensitivity. It is my shield against sin.

Holiness does not require me to puncture my body thousands of times with needles risking infection to get a tattoo; holiness does not require me to painfully pierce my body, my ears, my nose, nor my eyebrows. Holiness does not require me to wear a metal pin poked through my tongue. Holiness does not require me to pierce my navel in order to wear body jewelry. Holiness does not require me to shave my head, bleach my hair or color it in outlandish colors. Holiness does not require me to paint my face or disfigure myself in any way. Holiness has no abusive initiation in order to be a Holinessmember.requires

the least change and the least effort from a normal and natural life style than any fraternity, sorority, club, lodge or labor union. It is not expensive to be holiness it requires no uniforms, demands no degrees, and requires no pedigree. No one can prevent me from being holiness regardless of their status or political power. Holiness is not affected by the car I drive, the house or neighborhood in which I live. To be holiness I am not required to fill out forms nor pass any written, oral or aptitude test.

You do not have to have seniority or be experienced to have holiness. You do not have to be voted on or be elected to be holiness. No credit check or background investigation is required to be holiness. No monetary


investments are required to be holiness. You can be stone broke or wealthy, you can have educational degrees by the dozens or you can be unable to read or write and still be holiness.

There is no shortage, nor glut on holiness. It is the most readily available blessing God has to offer. With all it’s ready availability there is nothing so valuable. Holiness can make you the best employee in your company. It can make you the best student in your school. It can make you the best and most faithful wife or husband in the world. It can make your children the best and most obedient children in the world. It can make you the greatest parents in the world. It will absolutely eliminate child abuse. It will eliminate spousal abuse.

in lovers and lifelong losers, who are the major cause of the abuse of helpless little children.

I ask, “What’s wrong with holiness?”

Holiness would have prevented former senator John Edwards from cheating on his wife and fathering an illegitimate child. Holiness would have prevented the shameful scandal between President Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky and would have prevented Clinton from being

Holiness is a one hundred percent prevention of AIDS. Holiness will eliminate drunk driving, disorderly conduct and road-rage. Holiness will prevent Juvenile delinquency, drive by shootings and unwed unwanted pregnancies. I ask, “What’s wrong with holiness?” Holiness is the answer to mean Mothers and run away Dads. Holiness will prevent the practice of live


impeached by the House of Representatives. I ask, what’s wrong with holiness?

Holiness would have prevented Bernard Madoff from carrying out the biggest swindling scheme in history and would have saved investors $50 billion. Holiness would have prevented Madoff from receiving a 150 year sentence in prison. I ask, what’s wrong with Theholiness?BataClub

requires certain conditions to be met. Future Farmers of America have certain requirements, The Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts and the Brownies have requirements.

When planning a tee time at Most Golf Clubs you will be told you must wear collared shirts and no denims please.

Holiness is the least costly, least stringent, most easily attained, yet it is the most valuable teaching, doctrine or philosophy, yielding the greatest benefits and producing the most positive results for mankind. I ask, “What’s wrong with holiness”?

Holiness is not synonymous with ugly.

Holiness and homeliness is not one and the same.

I ask “What’s wrong with Holiness”?.

Hebrews 12:14

14 Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord.

Lord bless,

Bishop McCool JESUS MIRACLE CRUSADE INTERNATIONAL MINISTRY http://www.facknoxville.com

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