ICOF Solidarity with Kentucky Attorney General April 2020

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Jesus in the heart of every man, woman and child… International Presbytery

Bishop Ron Allen Marcus Benson, PhD Bishop Dilshad Bhatti Florence Brooks, PhD Cindye Coates, PhD Stan Coates, PhD Bishop Joseph Freeson Bishop Herbert Gadian Bishop David Ngwa, PhD Barney P. Phillips, PhD Pastor Riaz Sadiq, PhD Apostle Stephen Strader Missionary David Tait Tembi Alfred Tembi, PhD Apostle Phillip Torboe Daniel J. Ubonabasi, PhD Bernie L. Wade, PhD Daisy R. Wade, PhD

Attorney General Daniel Cameron Thank you for your time. The more than 40,000 ministers that make up the International Circle of Faith (ICOF) stand in solidarity with you regarding the actions of Governor Beshear in targeting Churches. We are appalled that the members or leadership of any Church, would be subjected to the draconian abuses that church members in Kentucky have been subjected. As American citizens we expect the Civil and Religious liberties afforded by the Constitution of the United States would be upheld in Kentucky. As people of God we are staunch defenders of civil and religious liberties. We often see Christian liberties violated by countries that persecute Christ followers. To witness such a blatant display by officials in the State of Kentucky is intolerable. We have called on Christians around the world to stand in solidarity with you. We are praying for you and know that God will bring you through victoriously.

In His Grace,

Bernie Bernie L. Wade Presiding Bishop – ICOF

Cc: File International Presbytery International Circle of Faith 1 9 0 1 Pr e s t wic k Dr iv e L a G r a n g e , KY 4 0 0 3 1 www. ic o f . n e t 502.655.8554

1932 – 2020

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