The Voice of Apostolic Reformation
Volume 81
Issue 5
MAY 2013
RELIGITICS Hobby Lobby – We May Close David Green
International Circle of Faith (ICOF) The Next Wave - Contributing Editors David Tait, Lea Bates, Derrick Day, Bernie Wade, Robert Straube, Barney Philips, John Rogers, Doc Burkhart and others.
Foundations of Following Jesus Robert Straube
Relationship and Religion Bishop Derrick Day
From Revival to Habitation David Tait
Advertizing Inquiries For more information about advertising email administration@icof.net or call 502.410.4263
Editorial Submissions We welcome submissions and editorials. We assume no responsibility for the return of unsolicited submissions. Please send photos, articles, and documents to P.O. Box 72, Sulphur, KY 40070 Electronic submissions to: nextwave@icof.net
Foundational Discipling Principles Robert Straube
COVERING Bishop Derrick Day
THE NEXT WAVE MAGAZINE P.O. Box 72 Sulphur, KY 40070
World Missions Dr. Barney Phillips
502.410.4263 Annual Subscription: $36 US.
When we speak of Apostolic reformation we are not referencing any of a plethora of groups or movements that have used (or use) those words as a wall to keep others at arm’s length. What we are speaking about is the restoration of all those things Apostolic. In other words, those things that were believed and taught by the Apostles of Jesus Christ and practiced by the New Testament Church during its initial 100 years. A time before the loss of the key tenets of doctrine were replaced by the edicts of men.
An open letter to those entrusted with leadership in the New
Apostolic Reformation
Testament Church in 2013
The concept of Apostolic reformation has been the rally cry of a plethora of historic reformation efforts. The most notable of these restorations was aptly named the Apostolic Faith. This movement began as a Bible college and was organized by Charles F. Parham. Parham is credited with being the father of not only the Apostolic Faith movement but also subsequent movements including the Pentecostal movement and the Charismatic movement. It was Parham’s call for the restoration of the Apostle’s doctrine that was the catalyst for all of these movements and reformation efforts.
by Dr. Bernie L. Wade
After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and tribes, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands;
Praise the Lord! For some time now we have been discussing with key leaders how we might work together to bring Apostolic reformation to America and beyond.
Those who were drawn to these movements primarily came from denominational backgrounds. These often found themselves outcast from 3
their denomination because of the manifestations that were associated with these reformation movements. To counteract the void these adherents organized their own denominations (sometimes referred to as fellowships or ministerial groups). They used the systems that they were most familiar with in organizing these movements. Those who are beneficiaries of these movements have inherited this same denominational model (ministerial organizations, ministries and other organisms) that those who participated in these early movements created. Good, bad or indifferent these organizations have left us with no mechanism or method to bring us together. Rather, they have left us divided by man-made walls of separation. This has left the posterity of these movements segregated into a plethora of factions.
Borrowing from the idea of King Arthur and his Roundtable, we visualize a method to bring the various ministries and ministerial groups together to work toward our mutual goal of spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
What we propose is a collaborative effort to develop an Apostolic leadership roundtable. This would be comprised of key leaders in the Apostolic Church (Apostolic used here in reference to those who preach/teach and live the Apostles doctrine) regardless of their affiliation or organization; no titles at the table. We want to unite men and women of God who are hungry for a genuine move of God in our nation and world. These will work together so that we might usher in the greatest move of God that America has ever known.
The Challenge The problem of bringing those divided together is not a new one. This is the situation that King Arthur found himself when trying to bring the powerful men of his kingdom together. Realizing that they all needed each other he sought a resolution. His solution was the legendary Roundtable. As its name suggests it has no head implying that everyone who sits there has equal status.
Please note: We are not railing against your doctrine, dogma or creed. Unlike previous efforts of this type; this is not nor will it ever be another ministerial organization. Rather, those who need 4
licensure and the like can consult with one of the organizations participating in this roundtable effort. We have no interest in duplicating or replacing their effort.
earth, accomplishing His will and His way!
WE NEED YOU! I hope something we have written has captured your attention. No one of us has all the answers to the challenges that face America and our World. We need your help. The task of bringing us together is enormous. With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible. It will take all of us to accomplish. What we initially envision is bringing together leaders of a plethora of ministries, ministerial organizations and others to form a national Apostolic leadership roundtable. We hope that this humble body will work together to cast vision, eliminate unnecessary duplication and help us all to better reach a lost and dying world. At the same time we expect to organize an effort at the grassroots level to accomplish the vision of bringing Apostolic leaders together in every locale; first in North America and then the uttermost parts of the World.
Vision We have pledged our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor in the valiant fight against Spiritual starvation, poverty of the Word Incarnate, and the chaos of division. For too long now we have been divided by unseen walls that are more formidable than the Great Wall of China. We implore you to join hearts and hands with us in this effort. We ask you to pray for this effort.
The purpose of this group is to draw on each other’s strengths to creating a collaborative effort that enhancing the work already being made. Our expectation is to create a groundswell using like minded men and women of God fuel by prayer and fasting and encouraged by the mutual fellowship. In the end we expect that together we can
Your participation in this effort is needed. We do not proffer the polemic platform of debate, nor do we desire to shed innocent blood in controversies, we just want to come together in one common goal and purpose and that is to be the Church of Jesus Christ in the 5
make it difficult for people in your locale to go to hell! To God be the Glory!
What we expect is that this leadership roundtable will help us bring us into dialogue with each other in an unprecedented manner. I look forward to joining with you in this effort! I look forward to meeting you at the Apostolic leadership roundtable.
I would love to chat with you more about this. Please contact me now! Feel free to respond via email bw@icof.net, call my office: 502.410.4263 or mail me directly at Bernie L. Wade PO. Box 72, Sulphur, KY 40070.
Dr. Bernie L. Wade is the Chancellor of ICOF CSU (International Circle of Faith Colleges, Seminaries and Universities). He is an author and church historian. He serves on the Executive Board of Apostolic Archives and is a member of the Apostolic Historians Association. He is the International Advisor for Global Evangelical Christian College (GECC).
This is simply not a task that can be accomplished without you! Pray about how God would like you to participate in this effort. There are no dues to pay, not fees or licenses, etc. This is simply a collaborative effort to bring us together. Have you ever felt alone or isolated? Have you ever wondered who else God is speaking to and what they are saying? I know I have. We read in the Word of God that Elijah (the great prophet) felt like he was the only one who was hearing from God. Yet, the Lord chides him that there were at least 7000 others who were like-minded!
As the Presiding Bishop of the International Circle of Faith Ministerial Association and President of ICOF Global he helps lead a global body of fivefold ministers.
Like you, I am sure there are many who are hearing from God; unfortunately, I don’t know all of them! However, I would love to know them, be encouraged by their labor and love and draw on their experience, expertise, knowledge and friendship to help address the challenges I face in bringing the Gospel to those who are un-churched and in ministering to the Body of Christ in general. 6
Foundations of Following Jesus
In this series you will learn about the fundamentals of the Christian faith. When finished, you will be able to clearly and simply explain the building blocks of your experience. Nothing is more important to your future growth and service than knowing what and why you believe.
Part 1: The Bible
First, Let's Have a Talk Have you ever had questions about what Christians believe? Have your friends asked you why you believe the way you do and you haven't been able to answer them? If so, this course is especially for you. Even after you have studied it, you will want to keep it on hand for a quick reference any time a question arises. This course is about the main teachings of the Bible. We call them the fundamental doctrines. You should study them not only to have answers to questions but because knowing what God says about different things can be a matter of life or death to you and the people you influence.
A Study by Apostle Robert Straube
My Gift to You First, Let's Have a Talk The Bible The Origin and Structure of the Bible The Purpose of the Bible
My Gift to You Have you ever been challenged with the task of explaining your Christian faith to someone else? Perhaps you have been confused about what Christians believe. What are the "basics" of Christianity, the essentials that God's Word declares are important to true faith? If you have asked any of these questions, then this study will give you a foundation upon which to build your relationship to Jesus.
The Bible verses that you study and memorize will help you grow spiritually. You will find them valuable in your own times of private devotion, as well as in personal evangelism and teaching the Bible to others. And, as the Bible itself says, knowledge of the Word builds faith.
The Bible
heard our questions and He has already given us a Book to guide our lives. Before searching for the answers, let's look together at the great Book. We will see how it was written and how it was given to us. In this lesson you will study... The Origin and Structure of the Bible The Purpose of the Bible
The sailors were frightened. There had been a terrible storm and some of their friends had drowned. They were lost and many unanswered questions troubled them. Where were they going? How long would this trip last? Would they ever find their way home?
This lesson will help you ... Describe the origin and structure of the Bible. Understand how and why the Bible was given.
It was 1492 and the captain of these men, Christopher Columbus, could not answer their questions. He had taken them on an uncharted course across the Atlantic Ocean. They were looking for India. Instead, he found an island in the Americas. There he and his sailors found fresh water and their lives were saved. A similar story would not likely be repeated today. With accurate charts and maps to direct their course, ship captains need not lose their way.
The Origin and Structure of the Bible Objective 1. Describe the origin and basic structure of the Bible. The Holy Bible, made up of 66 books, is like a small library that God has given us. The first part of the Bible-the Old Testament-contains 39 books. The second part-the New Testamentcontains 27 books.
Though still on land, many people feel as if they are lost on a storm-tossed ocean. They are asking themselves questions. Where am I going? Am I lost? Will I ever find the right way? God has
Over a period of 1600 years approximately 40 men were involved in writing these books. The Bible tells us that these men were holy men of God. 9
They were kings and peasants, poets and merchants, military and religious leaders. They were from different back grounds, different cities, and of different interests.
c There are ___________ books in the first part called the _____ Testament and _________ books in the second part called the ________Testament. Check your answers with those at the end of this lesson.
The books of the Bible cover many different subjects, like history, prophecy, and poetry. It has songs and wise sayings called proverbs. It contains stories to interest the young and the old. Yet it all fits together because it has one central theme-the relationship between God and man.
The Purpose of the Bible Objective 2. Recognize aspects of divine inspiration. Perhaps you noticed what may seem to be a contradiction in the first part of this lesson. It says that God gave us the Bible, but it also says that men wrote it. How can this be? The forty men who wrote the Bible were divinely inspired. This means that the Holy Spirit put in the authors' minds the thoughts that God wanted them to write. 2 Timothy 3:16 says, "All Scripture is inspired by God.�
For You to Do
This verse also tells why the Bible was given for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and giving instruction.
In each one of these For You to Do sections, the questions or exercises will help you review or apply what you have studied.
God has given us instructions for right living because He desires our highest good. He knows that when we do not live according to His principles we hurt ourselves. Our minds, our bodies, and especially our spirits suffer. The best way to avoid hurting ourselves is to follow His Word closely.
1 Fill in the missing terms in the following sentences. a The Bible consists of __________ books written by _________ men of different backgrounds. b The Bible was written over a period of ________________years. 10
Through it we get to know Him personally; we understand that His ways are best for us.
Check Your Answers
Like a chart or a guide book, His Word was written for us to turn to for help and strength. How wonderful that we can have His personal instructions to us always at our side! For You to Do In the next two exercises, circle the letter in front of the words that best complete the sentence.
The answers to your study exercises are not given in the usual order. They have been mixed up so that you will not see the answer to your next question ahead of time. Try not to look ahead. 1 a 66; 40 b 1600 c 39 Old 27 New 3 a) God was the real author and they wrote the thoughts He gave them. 2 God gave the authors the thoughts they should write. 4 a) He wants our highest good. b) He wanted to give instructions for right living. d) He wants to establish His relationship with us and tell us what He is like.
2 When we say that the Bible is divinely inspired we emphasize that a) It tells us about God. b) God gave the authors the thoughts they should write. c) It contains valuable religious history. 3. The authors wrote on the same theme and did not contradict each other because a) God was the real author and they wrote the thoughts He gave them. b) Each one left instructions for the following writers. 4. Circle the letter in front of the TRUE reasons why God has given us the Bible. a He wants our highest good. b He wanted to give instructions for right living. c He wanted us to realize that He is too great for us to know Him. d He wants to establish His relationship with us
This is part of much larger study for more on this write to Dr. Robert Straube at ICOF – chancellor@icof.net
A couple of months later, Wesley was 'born again' and the Methodist movement began. The Monrovians had a huge affect on history in so many ways.
Throughout history, the reality though is that revivals come and revivals go. In the past century, this has been particularly evident. But why is this? I would suggest that the primary reason is people working out how the Holy Spirit is works and mimicking Him. Man takes over. The Spirit, saddened, departs. This process is not new! We can go right back to the Jews wandering in the desert, and view the experience of Moses, regarded as the Old Testament picture of Jesus. But Moses was very human, and his humanness cost him the chance to lead the Jews into the Promised Land. All because he preempted God. On two occasions, God told Moses to hit a rock with his staff and water poured out to slake the thirsts of the people. On the third occasion however, God gave a different instruction.....
Over the past century + now, since the Azusa Street and Welsh Revivals which saw the birth of the Pentecostal streams of churches, there has been a desire for revival in the church. And not only in Spirit filled churches. I knew a conservative Baptist Church pastor, who was a missionary/Bible teacher in Bangladesh for many years. A godly man, extremely well versed in the Bible. He, and others there, desired and prayed for revival. Revival came. He didn't like it! He continued to minister, but no longer prayed for revival! And the Spirit died in him.
7 The LORD said to Moses, 8 "Take the staff, and you and your brother Aaron gather the assembly together. Speak to that rock before their eyes and it will pour out its water. You will bring water out of the rock for the community so they and their livestock can drink." (Numbers 20:7-8)
History is littered with revivals that have come and gone. The world's longest revival started in Monrovia in Eastern Europe on August 13th, 1727, bringing with it a continuous 24/7 prayer meeting that lasted 110 years! Many amazing things happened, including the birth of John Wesley's ministry in a storm battered ship in the Atlantic Ocean, when the Monrovian's faith showed this diligent but disappointed Anglican minister that he needed more.
But Moses, in a fit of anger with his rebellious people, became a rebel himself....
9 So Moses took the staff from the LORD's presence, just as he commanded him. 10 He and Aaron gathered the assembly together in front of the rock and Moses said to them, "Listen, you rebels, must we bring you water out of this rock?" 11 Then Moses raised his arm and struck the rock twice with his staff. Water gushed out, and the community and their livestock drank. (Numbers 20:9-11)
14 "You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. 16 In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven. (Matthew 5:14-16)
And suffered the consequences.....
19 Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body. (1 Corinthians 6:19-20)
Paul put it this way.....
12 But the LORD said to Moses and Aaron, "Because you did not trust in me enough to honor me as holy in the sight of the Israelites, you will not bring this community into the land I give them." (Numbers 20:9-11)
Ever the pragmatist, James, the brother of Jesus, said the same thing differently. While speaking about the 'word' it applies equally to the 'Spirit' for the Word and the Spirit are one.....
Can you imagine how devastated Moses would have been? The culmination of 40 years work and hardship was denied to him and granted to Joshua instead.
22 Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. 23 Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like a man who looks at his face in a mirror 24 and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. 25 But the man who looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues to do this, not forgetting what he has heard, but doing it-he will be blessed in what he does. (James 1:22-5)
While revival is great and exciting, it is not the final aim of God. For God wants something more of us. His ultimate desire is to inhabit you, and inhabit me, with His presence, each and every day of our lives. The Spirit is not simply to shine from the outside in, as is the case in revival, but is to shine from the inside out - out of us, that is! Jesus told us this.....
I knew another minister, who went all the way from New Zealand to Toronto in 14
Canada, a distance of 13,000km (8,200 miles) to experience the revival there. While he was there, the Lord clearly spoke to him about his behavior towards his wife. He came back and told the church. We were amazed, for we knew he treated his wife badly. Sadly, he didn't change, and his ministry declined. He experienced revival, but didn't let the Lord's instruction in it and through it, change his life.
priests of God and of Christ and will reign with him for a thousand years. (Revelation 20:4-6)
The choice is ours.
David Tait is Editorin-Chief of ICOF Publications. He and his wife Cathy direct Walking with Jesus Ministries http://www.wwj.org.nz/ . David is the Editor of the weekly publications, Praise God It’s Monday, Tuesday Teachings and TGIF. He is a teacher with a commitment to using his gifting to benefit the Body of Christ.
If we desire to become overcomers and rule and reign with Christ in His millennial kingdom of 100 years, we have to submit 100% to the Lord's will for our life and reflect His glory in all our actions, to allow Him to inhabit our lives..... 4 I saw thrones on which were seated those who had been given authority to judge. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony for Jesus and because of the word of God. They had not worshiped the beast or his image and had not received his mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned with Christ a thousand years. 5 (The rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousand years were ended.) This is the first resurrection. 6 Blessed and holy are those who have part in the first resurrection. The second death has no power over them, but they will be
"If the Lord tarries, there may yet be a grassroots awakening that will overflow all sectarian barriers. There are a host of good people... who long for a visitation from heaven in old-time power. The kindling wood is scattered all round in all the churches. May God help us to rake off the ashes, uncover the live coals and may He blow upon us with the breath of His Spirit!"
-Vance Havner
Ephesians 4:11-14 "And He Himself gave some [to be] apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ"
Dr. Teddy Dones has launched an amazing new network! Fivefold Connection. FIVEFOLD CONNECTION is like Facebook without the distraction of unwanted content allowed on Facebook. Dr. Dones is an alumnus of International Circle of Faith Colleges, Seminaries and Universities (ICOF CSU). Looking at the success of social media, he has had a burden to create a place where those who enjoy social media can interact without the rudiments of the world dominating the conversation. Dr. Dones and his wife Janet are the leaders of Messengers of Fire a powerful ministry located in the Ohio valley (USA) but doing ministry all over the world. Join Fivefold Connection for FREE! http://fivefoldconnection.co
purpose of accomplishing God’s will for their lives,” the author says. “Like a drop of water spilled into a pool and rippling outward, it is my expectation that these teachings will ripple out into the world and change many lives.”
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Dr. Robert Straube jackiewritesfast@earthlink.net Author’s Instructional Tool Will Firm up Believer’s Heart and Mind Teachings contained within new Xulon release will change many lives
Apostle Robert Straube, who holds four doctorates, says that while teaching and studying at different institutions, he continually sought for spiritual truth within various religions and philosophies. Finally, through God’s grace, he received Jesus Christ as his personal Savior in 1981 and became a born-again Christian. From then on, the Bible became his one and only source of truth, and he—along with his wife, Jackie—sought to fulfill his call and commitment by helping the church raise up disciples and train them to fulfill their own ministry callings in Jesus Christ.
LOUISVILLE, KY—After 32 years of prayer, study, ministry observation, and seeking God’s will through it all, the burden in Apostle Robert Straube’s heart to teach disciples and raise up church leaders who are grounded in solid foundational principles escalated into a powerful fervor. He began penning Foundational Discipling Principles: Teachings for Raising Up Disciples ($24.99, paperback, 978-1-61579-935-0) as a result of this—in order to edify other believers about the glory of the Lord and further His kingdom. This book, which has just been released, contains principles and wisdom from some great men of God under whom the author studied.
Retailers may order Foundational Discipling Principles through Ingram Book Company and/or Spring Arbor Book Distributors. Foundational Discipling Principles is available online through xulonpress.com/bookstore, amazon.com, and barnesandnoble.com. Blessings and Greetings to You,
“It has been my longing to put this to an organized, instructional tool that will firm up the believer’s heart and mind and establish a solid foundation for disciples to build their calling upon, thereby launching the disciple’s ministry for the
After years of hard work, Foundational Discipling Principles is finally in print and on the market! The enemy sure tried hard to prevent it from happening, 17
but with a lot of prayer and persistence, we claim victory in the name of Jesus Christ! The enemy's been defeated!
Foundational Discipling Principles is now on sale on Amazon.com www.amazon.com/FoundationalDiscipling-Principles-RobertStraube/dp/1615799354/ref=sr_1_1?ie= UTF8&s=books&qid=1273604574&sr=1 -1
Over time, many of these things have been taught to true disciples in various forms and/or pieces. It has been my longing to put all of this into an organized, instructional tool that will firm up the believer’s heart and mind, establish a solid foundation for disciples to build their calling upon, thereby launching the disciples’ ministry for the purpose of accomplishing God’s will for their lives. Like a drop of water spilled into a pool and rippling outward, it is my expectation that these teachings will ripple out into the world and change many lives.
With God's Blessings, Dr. Robert Straube docrob77@earthlink.net
Editor’s note: In over 30 years of ministry I have found that the common thread missing in most ministers, ministries and the Body of Christ in general is basic foundational teaching. For some reason we seem to be attracted to what we think is the important things, but this generally is manifested in a plethora of pop Christianity themes.
A number of pastors, leaders and friends have found this book (even while it was yet in its Beta form) to help individuals, churches, schools and ministries equip their new converts, youth, home groups, schools and congregations to truly learn and understand the basic principles of what it means to be a disciple, serving Jesus Christ, and walking in the fullness of God's will for their lives.
Robert Straube has addressed most of these foundational needs in his amazing book. This book is simply a must read. The content of this book would supersede most of what is considered academic criteria for an associate of ministry degree from most major Christian universities.
My hope is that you will add this as one of your tools to disciple and equip the saints in your care. To check it out, click on the links below.
If you teach in any capacity in the Body of Christ this book is a tremendous asset.
day. • Mid Day - Before or after lunch take time to pray wherever you are. Encourage those around you to pray with you (co-workers, peers, clients, etc.) • Evening - pray with you family, your friends, neighbors, etc. Encourage places of business, church buildings, malls, etc. to designate a place for daily prayer. Pray for God to give us space for REPENTACE! Pray for your family, friends and others who are not committed to Jesus Christ. Pray for healing, renewal, deliverance and more. Prayer is communication. The key thing is to STOP what you are doing. Take time to find a quiet place where you can communicate with God. We are not directing you how long to pray. Rather we are leaving that up to the individual or the group, but by all means - PRAY!
In a recent weekly Executive Session we discussed how the enemies of the cross seem more committed to prayer to their false deities than followers of Jesus Christ demonstrate. In discussing the challenges, understanding that there has been some 2000 years since the advent of Jesus Christ's earthly ministry, we concluded that there is no organized effort to call the people of God to daily prayer. Granted, there have been and remain efforts to such as the national day of prayer but this is only to direct us to prayer one day per year. Thus, it is our expectation to see a global 'Call to Prayer' where Biblical Christians (followers of Jesus Christ) would commit to pray on a daily basis.
Posture - in Scripture we find people praying in a variety of postures kneeling, standing, laying prostrate, etc. All of these are acceptable. IF you would like to connect with others who are praying in like manner please feel free to email: JOIN THE CALL TO PRAYER administration@icof.net
Here is our challenge: Prayer - 3 times a day. We are asking every follower of Jesus Christ to commit to prayer three times each day. This is a commitment to daily prayer for the rest of our lives. This prayer time can be anytime during the day but we are suggesting the following: • Morning - Pray by yourself, with your family or those where you work or go to school. This will help set the tone for the 19
now grown, to not even want to go to church. Where we live now, we are currently looking for a place to worship and almost all churches here only have church on Sunday Morning. No service Sunday Night or Wednesday night. We need fellowship with true believers.
-Andrew Strom --------If it's one thing I hear over and over from people, it is this. They literally look everywhere they can think of in their town, and cannot find a fellowship that seems in any way "right". Many will heap blame on these people. But I am not one of them.
We have been in churches that seem like CIRCUSES (apostle movement) where the Pastor insisted he was my "father" and I was his "spiritual daughter" - weird. We left and he threatened we would not be blessed or doors would not open because we left "his covering"! We've been at churches where the pastor was blind and followed the flesh instead of the Spirit. Putting demon possessed people over prayer teams, etc.. We have had enough. Been hurt because of our stand for righteousness... To the point we are fearful of even connecting with a church ??
What are you supposed to do when you go right around a town and cannot find good, sound, anointed teaching anywhere? What if you are left with a choice of hyper-grace, prosperity, dead formalism or anti-Charismatic "King James only"? Which one do you settle for? For years I have been hearing this cry and it is only getting worse. There simply seems to be a "famine" of the true word of the Lord in many places. This is the overwhelming reason behind a lot of the "Out-of-church" Christian phenomenon - no doubt about it.
I know these are the last days but I am so disheartened. Will you please pray for us? Offer any advice of wisdom you may have. America and our churches are backslidden and it is seriously so sad... Where are his true people?"
Below is a message that somebody sent me just this week on this very subjectTracy wrote: "Hi Mr. Strom, I live in America.. Our churches (most of them are in apostasy). My family & I always get hurt, persecuted because of the calling on our lives and our stand for the truth... Each time it hurts worse and worse, and we feel like we don't even fit in anywhere. It has caused our kids, who are
ANDREW AGAIN: As I said, it would be easy to blame the people and call them "uncommitted" or 'church hoppers', etc. But the simple lack of GOD in so many fellowships today seems to be what is driving a lot of true believers away. How can they be blamed for leaving? 21
ICOF members have united over 50,000 ministers representing more than 25 Million constituents, several hundred colleges, universities and other Christian schools, orphanages & feeding programs, humanitarian aid organizations, chaplains and other charities.
together, as a family. We're Christians, and we run our business on Christian principles. I've always said that the first two goals of our business are
Hobby Lobby, We may close
(1) To run our business in harmony with God's laws, and
By David Green, the founder and CEO of Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc.
(2) To focus on people more than money. And that's what we've tried to do. We close early so our employees can see their families at night. We keep our stores closed on Sundays, one of the week's biggest shopping days, so that our workers and their families can enjoy a day of rest. We believe that it is by God's grace that Hobby Lobby has endured, and he has blessed us and our employees. We've not only added jobs in a weak economy, we've raised wages for the past four years in a row. Our full-time employees start at 80% above minimum wage.
When my family and I started our company 40 years ago, we were working out of a garage on a $600 bank loan, assembling miniature picture frames. Our first retail store wasn't much bigger than most people's living rooms, but we had faith that we would succeed if we lived and worked according to God's word.
But now, our government threatens to change all of that. A new government healthcare mandate says that our family business MUST provide what I believe are abortioncausing drugs as part of our health insurance. Being Christians, we don't pay for drugs that might cause abortions, which means that we don't cover emergency contraception, the morning-after pill or the week-after pill. We believe doing so might end a life after the moment of conception, something that
From there, Hobby Lobby has become one of the nation's largest arts and crafts retailers, with more than 500 locations in 41 states. Our children grew up into fine business leaders, and today we run Hobby Lobby 24
is contrary to our most important beliefs. It goes against the Biblical principles on which we have run this company since day one.
The government is forcing us to choose between following our faith and following the law. I say that's a choice no American and no American business should have to make.
If we refuse to comply, we could face $1.3 million PER DAY in government fines. Our government threatens to fine job creators in a bad economy. Our government threatens to fine a company that's raised wages four years running. Our government threatens to fine a family for running its business according to its beliefs. It's not right. I know people will say we ought to follow the rules; that it's the same for everybody.
The government cannot force you to follow laws that go against your fundamental religious belief. They have exempted thousands of companies but will not exempt Christian organizations including the Catholic Church. Since you will not see this in the liberal media, please pass this on to all your contacts. Sincerely, David Green
But that's not true. The government has exempted thousands of companies from this mandate, for reasons of convenience or cost. But it won't exempt them for reasons of religious belief. So, Hobby Lobby and my family are forced to make a choice. With great reluctance, we filed a lawsuit today, represented by the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, asking a federal court to stop this mandate before it hurts our business. We don't like to go running into court, but we no longer have a choice. We believe people are more important than the bottom line and that honoring God is more important than turning a profit.
CEO and Founder of Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc. Editor’s note: For those who don’t know the Green Family is not only devout followers of Jesus Christ but they are actively involved personally and financially in preserving and enhancing ministries and meaningful Christian history in the United States and the World. America’s war on Christians continues.
My family has lived the American dream. We want to continue growing our company and providing great jobs for thousands of employees, but the government is going to make that much more difficult.
Dear Dr. Wade,
Three other ICOF CSU Alumni in Cameroon were also in attendance!
Praise the Lord Jesus!
Photo Explanation:
2 with Robes - they are Bishop Tembi
Bishop Tembi Alfred and myself had a very Grand Award Ceremony – an extension of the June 2012 Award in Douala, Cameroon on March 10, 201 as I shared with you on Skype.
Alfred (with hand lifted up), introducing the new Graduate, Dr. André Kueto. Standing alone in Robe is Dr. André Kueto. Sitting and using mobile phone is Dr. David Okposin
Dr. David Ngwa - Secretary General ICOF Africa www.icof.net
International Circle of Faith Colleges, Seminaries and Universities is available to serve your Christian education needs. ICOF CSU is a network of Christian Education professionals, bible colleges, Christian seminaries, Christian universities, and other Christian education institutions. for more information visit us online. http://www.icofcsu.yolasite.com or http://www.icof
The happy recipient was Apostle Dr. Andre Kueto - one of the leading Apostles in the Apostolic Church Cameroon. Our joy was even multiplied the more because we had the opportunity to sensitize the huge population in attendance (over 2000) about the ministry of ICOF Global. In fact, Invitees came from almost all the 10 Regions of Cameroon!
Relationship…and Religion
Now I can go real deep on this but I will keep it simple as this is material for an upcoming book (shameless plug). Suffice it to say, religion is not your system of belief – rather, correctly applied, it comprises the steps by which individuals or groups express their belief. The problem is that man has permitted the steps by which faith is expressed to become a belief system in and of itself.
Bishop Derrick Day
I have frequently taken the position that God hates religion. I studied this in great detail. I concluded that since there was no religion (or, at least, the conventionally accepted manifestation of it) in the Garden of Eden, it had to be something devised by man and, therefore, rejected by God.
True Christianity, then, is not a religion; it is a lifestyle or state of being. It is the overarching principles by which we experience relationship with our Heavenly Father through Christ Jesus.
I was totally right. And totally wrong. The Word of God says, “Let God be true and every man a liar” (Romans 3:4). For the sake of this discussion, I’d like to modify this to say, “Let God be true and ME be a liar!”
Expressed another way, you have a relationship with your spouse. The love you share is the overarching principle of your marriage. However, this relationship must be maintained. You have to have “date-nights,” purchase gifts, perform acts of service, be complementary, be kind, listen, etc. Another analogy would be ownership of a car. The car, itself, is the overarching principle. But in the glove box, there is an owner’s manual, which contains a service schedule. If you don’t follow the service schedule, the car will not perform as designed and may fall apart well before its designed service-life. In both cases, the maintenance is critical to the survival of the relationship.
I’ve searched multiple translations of scripture and every translation renders the word, “religion,” the same. Now, I know that James was written to Hebrew Christians and that the term “religion” was used as a frame of reference, thus making the passage contextual. However, that word, “religion,” persists. Therefore, there must be something God is trying to communicate to us here. Whenever you read a “therefore” in scripture – or use “therefore” when rendering a conclusion, you need to find out what the “therefore” is there, for!
weakest ones – to be destitute or in lack. You will go out of your way not to offend them. You will stand up for and defend them. The will, culture, and intent of the Kingdom of God is grounded and rooted in love and when you operate according to Kingdom principles you demonstrate the kind of religion defined in James 1:27.
With that in mind, pure religion (James 1:27) is what we do to maintain relationship with the Father through Jesus. Mind you, God’s part was finished on the Cross at Calvary. However, we have to walk our part out. Let’s make it clear, though, this doesn’t render Christianity works-based; indeed, that would reduce it to mere religion and defile it.
That’s love. That’s religion…that proves whom you are in relationship with. © 2012 – Derrick Day (www.derrickday.com)
Pure religion undefiled means operating and walking in love. When you walk in love, you will not allow your brothers and sisters in Christ – especially the
your Sunday School classes, pews, choirs, and pulpits. You choose not to see us out of ignorance or because it might upset your congregation. We ARE your congregation. We enter your doors weekly seeking guidance and some glimmer of hope that we can change. Like you, we have invited Jesus into our hearts. Like you, we want to be all that Christ wants us to be. Like you, we pray daily for guidance. Like you, we often fail.
An Astonishing Message from a Gay Sister in Christ Posted on March 18, 2013 by Hunter Baker
(You must make it to the third paragraph in order to understand.)
When the word “homosexual� is mentioned in the church, we hold our breaths and sit in fear. Most often this word is followed with condemnation, laughter, hatred, or jokes. Rarely do we hear any words of hope. At least we recognize our sin. Does the church as a whole see theirs? Do you see the sin of pride, that you are better than or more acceptable to Jesus than we are? Have you been Christ-like in your relationships with us? Would you meet us at the well, or restaurant, for a cup of water, or coffee? Would you touch us even if we showed signs of leprosy, or aids? Would you call us down from our trees, as Christ did
To the churches concerning homosexuals and lesbians: Many of you believe that we do not exist within your walls, your schools, your neighborhoods. You believe that we are few and easily recognized. I tell you we are many. We are your teachers, doctors, accountants, high school athletes. We are all colors, shapes, sizes. We are single, married, mothers, fathers. We are your sons, your daughters, your nieces, your nephews, your grandchildren. We are in
Zacchaeus, and invite yourself to be our guest? Would you allow us to sit at your table and break bread? Can you love us unconditionally and support us as Christ works in our lives, as He works in yours, to help us all to overcome? To those of you who would change the church to accept the gay community and its lifestyle: you give us no hope at all. To those of us who know God’s word and will not dilute it to fit our desires, we ask you to read John’s letter to the church in Pergamum.
You are willing to compromise the word of God to be politically correct.
“I have a few things against you: You have people there who hold to the teaching of Balaam, who taught Balak to entice the Israelites to sin by eating food sacrificed to idols and by committing sexual immorality. Likewise, you also have those who hold to the teaching of the Nicolaitans. Repent therefore!”
We are not deceived. If we accept your willingness to compromise, then we must also compromise. We must therefore accept your lying, your adultery, your lust, your idolatry, your addictions, YOUR sins. “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.” We do not ask for your acceptance of our sins any more than we accept yours. We simply ask for the same support, love, guidance, and most of all hope that is given to the rest of your congregation. We are your brothers and sisters in Christ. We are not what we shall be, but thank God, we are not what we were. Let us work together to see that we all arrive safely home. A Sister in Christ
disbelief," said Rep. Jim Boyd. "If a baby is born on a table as a result of a botched abortion, what would Planned Parenthood want to have happen to that child who is struggling for life?" Without even blinking, Snow replied, "We believe that any decision that's made should be left up to the woman, her family, and the physician." "What happens," Boyd fired back, "in a situation where a baby is alive, breathing on a table, moving. What do your physicians do at that point?" "I do not have that information," Snow said. "I am not a physician. I am not an abortion provider."
PRO CHOICE There's Snow Excuse for Planned Parenthood Location, location, location. It's not just the mantra of real estate agents but of the proabortion movement. As far as Planned Parenthood is concerned, where you're born ought to determine if you live. In a sickening testimony before the Florida legislature, a representative of Cecile Richards's group actually argued that a baby born alive on an abortion clinic table doesn't have the same rights as a baby born in a delivery room. Medical care is only for wanted children, Planned Parenthood lobbyist Alisa LaPolt Snow argued to leaders. Helping a newborn who's survived a botched abortion "inserts politics where it doesn't belong," Snow insisted, before suggesting that infanticide is part of "a woman's ability to make her own personal medical decisions." (See the video for yourself, starting at the 39-minute mark, here.)
When Rep. Jose Oliva asked her to restate Planned Parenthood's position, Snow repeated, "The decision should be between the patient and the health care provider." "I think at that point," Oliva pushed, "the patient would be the child struggling on the table, wouldn't you agree?" Snow did not. Instead, she mumbled, "Uh, that's a very good question. I really don't know how to answer that."
Snow's jaw-dropping statements were part of a Florida House debate over a state Infants Born Alive Act, which was introduced by a doctor specializing in emergency medicine. Snow, who is a lobbyist for the Florida Alliance of Planned Parenthood Affiliates, stunned state leaders when she argued for a right to "post-birth abortion."
State Rep. Mike Clelland, a Democrat, was astonished. "I've been pro-choice my whole life, and I can't think of a more sensible bill in this regard." "Does Planned Parenthood have an objection," he asked, "to a doctor being obligated to provide advanced life support in an abortion clinic setting to a child born alive? I
"So, um, it is just really hard for me to even ask you this question because I'm almost in 32
state senate. Barack Obama (who once referred to babies as "punishment") voted three times against a similar bill to save children who survived abortions. Unfortunately, this "they're only alive when we say they are" philosophy is not new for Planned Parenthood--and they're well compensated by taxpayers for their radicalism. According to Planned Parenthood's most recent IRS report, its President Cecile Richards rakes in a taxpayer-
mean, I guess you do or you wouldn't be here, right?" Rep. Ross Spano, who said Planned Parenthood's policy "makes me sick to my stomach, frankly," just shook his head. "...[I]f we can't take a stand to protect the most vulnerable, God forbid who we are and where we're headed." Where we're headed, warns bioethicist Wesley Smith, is a world where "If a baby born during a botched abortion can be killed, why not also an unwanted baby...?" subsidized salary of over a half-million dollars per year. Keep that in mind the next time you hear Planned Parenthood advocating against parental involvement laws, opposing statutory rape reporting, begging for more government funding, or testifying that a baby born alive is still a "choice" women deserve to make.
Meanwhile, if you're wondering who could possibly oppose something like born-alive protections, try our current President. In the greatest of ironies, the man known for the largest expansion of health care fought to deny it from tiny children as a member of the Illinois
The devil does not want you to see God´s ocean of mercy; he wants you to see only a trickle! Because of our ignorance of the forgiving, restoring power of Christ´s love, we are destroyed. We run out of mercy for ourselves because we are horribly bound by a limited vision. Our eyes have not yet been opened to the endless mercies of our tender Father! We are so bound by a false, limited view of His mercies, we find it almost impossible to believe or accept what James said: "[We] have seen the end of the Lord; that the Lord is very pitiful (full of compassion), and of tender mercy" (James 5:11).
by David Wilkerson Recently the Holy Spirit gave me an unusual word, one that I did not want to hear! He said, "You are bound to a very limited vision of the Lord´s ocean of tender, loving mercies. You have endured much guilt, condemnation and fear because you have not allowed the Holy Spirit to reveal the vastness of My forgiving, healing, reconciling mercies. You do not know Me for My tenderness!" God showed me that this is a root cause for many giving up and falling away. When sin strikes-when Satan comes in like a flood, when you fall into some old habit or sin-the devil creates a bondage. First, the guilt comes flooding in, then fear fills your heart. A sense of total failure and helplessness overwhelms your soul. At this point, most believers run out of gracebecause their view of God´s mercy is so limited.
This verse means, "God is easily crushed by our troubles and hurts. He feels our pain and our failures, and He is kind and compassionate to us. He loved us even when we were His enemy. Even when we offend Him, He is quick to help, restore and forgive us." The word mercy means "kind and compassionate treatment of an offender under one's power." God has the power to damn us to hell every time we sin; He has us under His control and can do with us as He pleases. And it pleases His tender heart to be compassionate, loving and kind toward those who have failed Him the most.
Satan comes to you and says, "You´ve reached your limit. You´ve confessed your sin time after time. There is no way God will forgive you now, because you´ve sinned against the light. If you return and confess once more, you´ll turn around and sin all over again. So quit now!" 35
cleansed! Likewise, He sees us as holy and righteous. He sees us, and He loves what He sees!"
by Michael Brown
Really? Always? 24-7? God always loves what he sees when he looks at his people? Yes, he loves us, but does he always love what he sees?
The biblical message of grace is wonderful, glorious and life-transforming. We can´t live without it for one second of our lives. But there is a message being preached today in the name of a new grace reformation, mixing powerful truth with dangerous error. I call it hyper-grace.
Did Jesus love what he saw when he rebuked five out of seven congregations in Asia Minor in Revelation 2-3? Did Paul, writing on behalf of the Lord, love what he saw when he warned the Galatians that they had fallen from grace and become trapped in legalism? Did James, also writing as a servant of the Lord, love what he saw when he rebuked his readers for being "friends of the world" and "adulterers and adulteresses"?
One of the foundational doctrines of the hyper-grace message is that God does not see the sins of his children, since we have already been made righteous by the blood of Jesus and since all of our sins, past, present and future, have already been forgiven.
And if the Lord doesn´t see our sins, why did James write that if a believer who was sick had also sinned, God would forgive him when he healed him (see James 5:14-15)? And if he doesn´t see our sins, why did the Lord discipline believers in Corinth because of their sins (see 1 Cor. 11:27-32)? (And pay careful attention to 1 Corinthians 11:32, "When we are judged by the Lord, we are being disciplined so that we will not be condemned with the world.")
That means that the Holy Spirit never convicts believers of sin, that believers never need to confess their sins to God, and that believers never need to repent of their sins, since God sees them as perfect in his sight. It is easy to see how such teaching can be dangerous, especially to a believer being tempted to compromise. One hyper-grace teacher wrote this: "When God looks at me, He doesn´t see me through the blood of Christ, He sees me-
If Jesus doesn´t see our sins, why did he say to the church in Ephesus, "Yet I hold this 37
against you: You have forsaken your first love" (Rev. 2:4, NIV)? And why did he says this to the church in Sardis? "I know your deeds; you have a reputation of being alive, but you are dead. Wake up! Strengthen what remains and is about to die, for I have not found your deeds complete in the sight of my God. Remember, therefore, what you have received and heard; obey it, and repent. But if you do not wake up, I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what time I will come to you." (Rev. 3:1-3)
3:19 (translated there as "rebuke"; and note Rev. 3:22: this is the Spirit speaking!). It is because God loves us that he rebukes us (not condemns us) and it is because sin is so destructive that he calls us to turn from it. This is the goodness of God, and this is what grace does, as Paul wrote in Titus 2:11-12, "For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men. It teaches us to say `No´ to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age."
Does it sound like the Lord was thrilled with what he saw in Ephesus and Sardis? If the Lord always "sees us as holy and righteous" and always "loves what He sees," why did he rebuke the believers in Laodicea, telling them that they were "wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked" (Rev. 3:17)? Why didn´t he say, "I see you as beautifully clothed, healthy, and rich?"
How tragic it is today when God´s people mistake the voice of His correcting love for the condemning voice of Satan, and how sad it is when they resist the purifying work of the Spirit, claiming that there´s nothing to purify since God no longer sees their sins. Has He justified us by the blood of Jesus? Absolutely. Has He has set apart as holy to Himself? Without a doubt. Has He called us to be His sons and daughters, all by His love and grace? Yes He has. And it is because of these things that Paul wrote, "Since we have these promises, dear friends, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God" (2 Cor. 7:1). What a beautiful, lofty calling. Don´t let anyone steal it from you.
If he was so happy with what he saw in Laodicea, why did he threaten to spit the congregation out of his mouth (see Rev. 3:16)? And if believers never need to repent of their sins, why did Jesus say, "Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest, and repent" (Rev. 3:19)? And how interesting it is that the same Greek word used in John 16:8-where Jesus says that the Holy Spirit will convict the world of its sinsis the word used by the Lord in Revelation 38
39 Bishop Daniel Joseph Ubonabasi, Dr. Barney Phillips and others at the ICOF Nigeria Chaplaincy Meeting 2013
We believe that by assisting those in need– physically, mentally, and spiritually – and helping them to reach their full potential, our communities become stronger, and the lives of each member become ready to empower their world with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Help us and be a part of our efforts in doing our part to improve our ever increasing poverty rate, degeneration of values and overall quality of Life; by focusing on the needs and solutions for all these areas including the neglect of our Nation's children. We are purposed to impact the preservation and restoration of the family. We hold that the Church was patterned after the family.
India In partnership with ICOF CSU we have started the Patrick Song Academy English School, to help young Indian children to speak English, so they can function in elementary and secondary education.
We are a mission’s resource network; partnering with churches, organizations, agencies and nonprofits and faith based communities to achieve our mission to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to every man woman and child.
ICOF Medical missions in conjunction with Project Eye Openers, reaches the poorest, most vulnerable patients, who may not be aware about eye care and free medical camps services. While Project Eye Openers current outreach teams provide free medical services and eye examinations to approximately 400 plus patients in each Village per Medical Camp outing, their ultimate goal is to eliminate obstacles by providing pre-screenings through our Mobile Medical Camps.
Africa Our past and present missions include: Drilling water wells, free medical services and in current development of Agriculture &Housing.
swelling tide of concern for the many that will need support and assistance is evident by the many senior citizen charity groups that continue to organize throughout the country. ICOF Home Missions division offers opportunities for any person to donate time and important resources to this growing challenge.
Pakistan Evangelism: We have a program called “Project Logos “The program consists of sending bibles to Pakistan translated into their native language. Medical Missions: Through ICOF Medical Missions “Physicians with a cause” provide free medical camps and sharing of the gospel, throughout remote villages in Pakistan.
Holistic Family Restoration. A long term priority is to under-served communities. The goal is to lead individuals and families in need towards a better life, improved happiness and inner peace in addition to rebuilding their material lives or improving their living and an educational condition with the power of the whole Gospel of Jesus Christ ….body, soul & Spirit.
USA We also are focused on Church Home Missions in the USA. Through Community Enhancement that acts as a safety net for individuals and families in need, ICOF Global Missions works to strengthen and enhance communities by working with varies other agencies, churches, non profits within the Faith Based communities already in existence. We are committed to our Senior citizens community including information and referral, food distribution and collaborations with the faith community.
A hundred years from now it will not matter how much money you have, what kind of car you drive or what kind of House you live in, but the world will be a better place because you made a difference in the lives of others”.
Dr. Barney Phillips Senior Citizens
ICOF VP of Missions
ICOF Home Missions offers personal interactions for the elderly. Providing a much-needed ministry for older people to receive care and human concern. With the baby boomer generation fast approaching their senior years, a
discipleship setting with over 70 students a week? As if THAT wasn’t enough, I have preached twice in area churches in the past month, and have launched our weekly Catalyst 316 Bible study for adult seekers. This coming weekend I will be involved in teacher training leading up to our Chungoong English Ministry (CEM) winter retreat later in the month.
Doc and Mia Burkhart
Mia is still in the Philippines, and we are still working out her visa issues to get her back to Korea as soon as possible. She has been keeping busy as only Mia can; she is not one to be idle. She has been assisting those others who want to come to Korea to work or to visit, and she has also been managing her family’s affairs there in Angono Rizal. She wants to be back in Korea so bad (I want her here, too)!
KOREA FEBRUARY 2013 As we enter February, I am given pause to reflect on the first month of 2013. It has been a busy month! Upon returning to Korea, I am back into a full schedule again, with some extra duties. In the school, we finished up our three week winter camp for English‘seekers’, and I preached in chapel twice to the students, and made some great new friends.
For me, ministry is a joy, and I am exactly where God wants me to be. I consider it a privilege to serve the King of Kings, and to stand in your place in ministry. So many of you want to go to serve on the foreign field, but can’t because of a variety of reasons. I am here in Korea, standing in your place for you! There are so many ministry opportunities; it has become difficult to prioritize those ones that the Spirit has been leading. Please know that God is multiplying your prayers and your support for HIS Kingdom!
Then, the last week of January, we started our Spring term at Lighthouse International School. It was good to see some familiar faces, and to meet new students in the semester. This term I am not only teaching high school Chemistry and Physics, but also Bible (FIVE different grade levels *whew!*- but I am LOVING IT)! How many other people get to share the Word of God on a weekly basis in a
Majid said Christians have fled the area for fear of being killed. If convicted, Masih faces the death penalty. He denies the allegations made by the two men who filed the blasphemy complaint against him with police on Friday, Majid said. Masih says the three got into an argument while drinking and that the other two men threatened publicly. "The attack is yet another shameful incident against a vulnerable community and further confirmation of the slide toward extremism in society on the one hand and, on the other hand, the apathy and inaction that has become the norm among the police," the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan said in a statement.
The arrest of a Christian man falsely accused of making remarks against the Muslim prophet Mohammed wasn't enough to appease an angry mob in Pakistan this weekend. More than 100 homes of Christians were set on fire by outraged Muslims in the Badami Bagh community in Lahore on Saturday after police arrested innocent Sawan Masih, a Christian in his mid-20s accused of speaking against Mohammad, officials said. "Mob wanted police to hand them over the alleged blasphemer," said Hafiz Majid, the senior police official in Badami Bagh. The mob also looted some shops run by Christians, he said.
The group accused police of arresting Christians in the incident "while those who went on a rampage and can easily be identified from television footage have gone scot-free." Pakistan's blasphemy laws were first instituted to keep peace between religions. But they have been criticized by human rights advocates who say the laws enable legal discrimination against religious minorities. At time, the laws have been misused to settle personal differences between Muslims and Christians.
Dear brother and sister in Christ. Greetings and blessings from Pakistan. By the grace of God we reached Khanewal city safely10th March 2013 evening and came back from 14th March 2013in the Night. Thank you for all your prayers. There have been about 1,400 blasphemy cases since the laws were first enacted in 1986, according to U.S.based Human Rights Watch. There are more than 15 cases of people on death row for blasphemy in Pakistan, and more than 50 people have been killed while facing trial for the charge, according to the organization. The mob first looted their shops & houses & then burnt rest of the things present in houses. The only clothes they wore are left with them.
All the GCI participants blessed by this Training. GCI Training Khanewal, Pakistan (11th to 14th March 2013) This is the report of 4th GCI training in Khanewal city. There were 38 participants in this GCI Training. Subjects Taught
They also burnt the books & bags & uniform of the hundreds of students. The total losses of Christians were 175,000,000.Pak. rupees. Please pray for their rehabilitation & particularly for students.
We taught in this GCI Training 4 subjects these are the subjects 1-Basic Doctrine; 2-The Life and Teaching of Jesus Christ, 3-Pastoral Ministry and 4Victorious Christian Living;
Teachers We were 2 teachers these are the names of the teachers. 1-Ps Emmanuel Sadiq 2- Ps Simon Shahbaz Ministry Team 46
There were 3 people in our ministry team these are the names of team members.1. Ps. Emmanuel Sadiq, Ps.Simon Shahbaz and Lamuel Sadiq
Community Projects There are running 2 sewing centers in Khanewal City, 26 girls are getting training in two sewing centers and many of them have accepted to Jesus Christ as their personal savior. Cell Group/House Church Thanks God that there are 3 Cell Groups and 1house church in this area .I asked to the local pastor to look after them. Certificates Distribution. We have completed the 4th GCI training in District Khanewal and after completion the training we distribute the certificates of level 2 and 28 participants have got the certificates of level 2. Water Baptism
Home Visitation First day we visited to the 14 homes in Tiba Colony and God used us for mighty power and relieved one young girl from demons power. All Glory to Heavenly Father. 2nd day we visited 21 homes father colony Farm 83-85. We prayed for the sick people and invited them to come for the Night Rally. We have one Night Rally during the 4th GCI training. 1-Pastor Emmanuel preached in a village 113. 12 people have accepted to Jesus Christ as their personal Savior, and 6 people healed and 8 people are ready to get water baptism.
8 people have got the water baptism in Village 72-10R Pastor Barmuel James church. Testimonies
2 participants from the GCI class are sharing their testimonies. Sabir Masih. I am elder in my church. My age is 42 year. I did not have bible training from any school. Pastor Emmanuel Sadiq is my friend. I knew him from last 10 years when he was adult education teacher. I am happy that I attended the GCI training. We learnt many new things from the lessons. First time we knew that there are 25 gifts of the Holy Spirit. It was very useful training and the teachers who taught us were very practical and easy to understand.
I attended this training with my two friends. My friends are also blessed by these lessons. Now I can say that I have got the bible training. Prayer Request Again the pastors requested for the bicycles. Please pray for the pastors may God provide them bicycles The girls of the pastor Asif church and Pastor Samson Masih church requested for starting adult education centers and sewing centers in their churches. Please pray for the Pakistan law 295 C, may God finish this law because always Muslims people used this law against the Christians that he or she talked against the Muhammad or Quran. Yours in Him. Emmanuel Sadiq
Praveen Jacob By the grace of God I am a deacon in my church. Thanks God that I have attended all 4 GCI Trainings. I got 2 certificates of GCI level 1 and 2 GCI Trainings. These lessons are very useful for me to grow more in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Heads up! Marijuana wokshop comimg to Sacramento soon. EVERYONE IS WELCOME!
Don't miss the 42th Annual AWCF World Congress, May 15-17, 2013, in Louisville, Kentucky. "Respecting Apostolic History, Expecting Apostolic Destiny."
May 17, 18: CHOSEN 2013, Our annual leadership conference, designed to impart into and empower God’s leaders to serve in their respective capacities. A night of music and ministry for the youth followed by the College of Leadership and Ministry the next day. Special gathering for pastors.
Jehovah Jireh Music Ministry. Therefore, come expecting to praise, worship, receive a Rama word and celebrate with our students. For additional information you may contact Dr. Hurdis Bozeman at: 334-221-6115, Email: hurdisb@aol.com In His Service,
P. O. Box 230805 Montgomery, Alabama 36123 Frank T. Bozeman, Ph.D., Bishop
Dr. Hurdis Bozeman “Empowered to Equip the World through the Word� www.globaleac.org
March 20, 2013 Greetings in the name of Jesus, The Global Word Fellowship, Inc. would like to invite you to the 2013 Global Evangelical Christian College and Seminary (GECCS) Graduation and Ordination Ceremony.
Apostolic World Christian Fellowship Youth Conference June 19-21, 2013 Apostolic Temple Church
Moreover, this event will be held on May 26, 2013 at 3:00 PM. The Host Church is, Pleasant Hill Missionary Baptist Church 1794 Firetower Road, Wetumpka, Alabama 36093, Rev. Kenneth Lewis, Pastor.
2221 S Ironwood Dr South Bend, IN 46613 Pastor Luke Smith 812.760.1725 or lukesmith78@yahoo.com AWCF Headquarters 11 W. Iowa St. Evansville, IN 47710
The Guest Speaker is Dr. Roderick Williams, Jehovah Jireh Ministries, Alexander City, Alabama. The music will be rendered by
To have your event published here send the information to administration@icof.net Please send submissions at least 60 days in advance.