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The Voice of Apostolic Reformation

Volume 81

Issue 1


GIVE US A KING Bernie Wade


THE NEXT WAVE Death to Self : Doc Burkhart

PUBLISHER International Circle of Faith (ICOF)

Guest Editorial Honey Riaz

The Next Wave - Contributing Editors David Tait, Lee Bates, Bernie Wade, Dallas Carter, Robert Straube, Barney Philips, John Rogers, Doc Burkhart Advertizing Inquiries

RELIGITICS The Collision of Two Trains By Michael Youssef

Why I Don't Believe in Christian Accountability By Mike Foster

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Editorial Submissions We welcome submissions and editorials but assume no responsibility for the


He Didn’t Know Anything About Sin By Martyn Ballestero

return of unsolicited submissions. Please send photos, articles, and documents to P.O. Box 72, Sulphur, KY 40070 Electronic submissions to:


God is a Good God Derrick Day

P.O. Box 72 Sulphur, KY 40070 502.410.4263 Annual Subscription: $36 US.



should be the people of God is troubling making us wonder if the very elect will indeed be deceived.


For there shall arise false Christ's, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect (Matthew 24:24).

The spirit of CONTROL is foreign to the Spirit of the God. The dictionary says that control is "to exercise authority or dominating influence."1 Control was born in rebellion to God and manifested in the administration of Nimrod; the father of false religion and human government. It is difficult from our vantage point to understand that very idea of human government was never part of the plan of God. The dominance of men who would exalt themselves to rule over others is the very history of humankind.

These miss the point that God has a government. God's government has ALWAYS been superior to human government. Human government is merely a counterfeit of God's government. No doubt that Satan brought his knowledge of the eternals with him when he came to earth. This became the pattern of Nimrod's alternative plan to the plan of God. Abraham was unwilling to compromise with the administration of Nimrod choosing rather the righteousness of the one eternal god over the pleasures that Nimrod's government could offer. This challenge was one that Nimrod boasted that he could overcome but the God of Abraham (as always) prevailed.

Religion (and religious systems) were formed from this same concept by men who sought, like Simon Magnus (Simeon the Sorcerer), to control the Spirit of God and thought something as base as money could buy him favor. Those who are part of these religious systems or human 'governments' often think they have arrived at some self-created Spiritual utopia where they alone (or a few of their friends and themselves) are the lone voice (s) of God. Like Satan, these set their throne to the 'north' and expect all to fall in goose step to pay homage to them. History is full of example of such but from our vantage point the resurgence of such men in what 1

The uniqueness of the covenant God made with Abraham was in that this chosen people was committed to the worship of Almighty God. Unlike the heathen who had all adopted some version of the unholy triad made up of Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz, the people of God were monotheistic. This commitment to one God


as opposed to a group of gods or a triumvirate of gods and goddesses gave the people of God a special place in the mind and heart of God and in the history of the world. If they had only never strayed from their commitment history would have been much different.

allowed the money changers to make profit out of the house of God; prostituting the Gospel for a paycheck. We have men and women who claim to be ministers of the one True God who are in open adultery, homosexuality and other sins of the flesh. Like the fertility cults that God hated and drove out of the Land of Canaan we, we are seeing that which is unthinkable and certainly unspeakable manifest in the lives of those to whom others look for leadership. We have seen the attempt to morph the things of the world with the things of God.

Likewise, the plan for the New Testament Church was to be this unique people, set aside for the worship of Jesus Christ. A holy people dedicated to one God. God gave the fivefold ministry to His Royal Priesthood (body of Christ) to counteract human government with Spirit led administration.

This call is the challenge to the fivefold ministry in this hour and the Royal Priesthood whom they serve. The mantra of International Circle of Faith; Jesus in the Heart of Every Man, Woman and Child has never been more important, but to achieve this we must have a vibrant, humble, God fearing fivefold ministry working with a committed faithful, meek and Holy Body of Christ (Royal Priesthood). This cannot be an option.

It has always been God's messengers that have delivered the message of His superior plan. This was true when Nimrod rebelled against God, when Pharaoh stood up to God, when the various Canaanite factions thought they could stand up to God's people and it remains true today. For the plethora of counterfeit ministers and ministries God has at least one genuine prophet, apostle, pastor teacher or evangelist or member of His Royal Priesthood (Body of Christ) who is willing to heed the call.

The ministers of 60 years ago were an entirely different kind of people. These were humble men and women of God, who fasted, prayer, and sought the face of God for a Rhema Word for His people. The earmark of ministers of God is that they are were compassionate, approachable and committed to the cause of Jesus Christ first and foremost; whatever the personal cost.

However, if we are honest, the current overall condition of those we generally favor as part of the Bride of Christ or call 'the Church' is deplorable. The ministers of God have been unfaithful to our true calling. We have abandoned our posts and 4

Presently, in the place of the humble minister we have a brazen modern ministry that is more worried about things than people, focused on luxury more than sacrifice and has generally forgotten how to fast, is lax in commitment to prayer and in short is cold and indifferent. Like Jacob of old it is past time for us to return to Bethel. We must go back to that place of prayer where we all started, back to that place where we made that commitment to serve God, "Whatever it takes!"

like the priest in the Old Testament that would weep between the porch and the altar. Let the priests, the LORD'S ministers, Weep between the porch and the altar, And let them say, "Spare Your people, O LORD, And do not make Your inheritance a reproach, A byword among the nations. Why should they among the peoples say, 'Where is their God?"3 Third: We must call the Royal Priesthood (the Body of Christ) to join us in this REPENTANCE. Like the wicked city of Sodom we need to realize that judgment is coming swiftly if we do not repent.

As the people of a Holy God we can no longer (if we ever could) take a pass or back seat to those who would offer the world or the religious systems of the world as an answer to the challenges that face us all.

Woe to the Unrepentant Then began he (Jesus Christ) to upbraid the cities wherein most of his mighty works were done, because they repented not: Woe to you, Chorazin! woe to you, Bethsaida! for if the mighty works, which were done in you, had been done in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes. But I say to you, It shall be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon at the day of judgment, than for you. And you, Capernaum, which are exalted to heaven, shall be brought down to hell: for if the mighty works, which have been done in you, had been done in Sodom, it would have remained until this day. But I say to you, That it shall be

First: We must fall on our faces and REPENT to God. Like King David our prayer needs to be "We have sinned against you God and against you alone". Against Thee, Thee only, I have sinned, And done the evil thing in Thine eyes, So that Thou art righteous in Thy words, Thou art pure in Thy judging.2 Second: As servants to the Royal Priesthood (Body of Christ, His church) those called to fivefold ministry must call on our fellow ministers in the fivefold ministry to join us 2



more tolerable for the land of Sodom in the day of judgment, than for you.4

The men of Nineveh shall rise in judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: because they repented at the preaching of Jonas; and, behold, a greater than Jonas is here.5

Fourth: We must renew the cry for the Gospel of Jesus Christ to take preeminence. We cannot stand for partisan religious politics fostered by the walls of a plethora of organizations, ministries and ministers. We must demand a return to the unadulterated Gospel of Jesus Christ. We cannot be soft on sin, unwilling to call the homosexual as well as the white collar criminal to repentance.

Seventh: We must see the resurgence of the teaching priest and the true prophet. Like in Scripture, our people perish because of lack of knowledge. We must give the teacher the rightful place to teach doctrine. Doctrine is truth lifted from Scripture and dedicated to purpose. This dedication to teaching needs to be our passion. We must see the restoration of the true prophet. Because we have allowed counterfeit and pseudo prophets to operate for profit in our midst the people of God are confused, lack true direction and are left following a plethora of false leaders in a counterfeit revival which is much more about the manifestation of the flesh than it is the demonstration and power of the Holy Spirit.

Fifth: We cannot allow the concepts ideas and writings of men whether in private or in church counsels to take equal part with the Word of God. We must take the Word of God first and foremost. Let God be true and all men be liars. Sixth: We cannot pretend that the manipulations of men in long robes and tall mitre's are somehow part of the work of the Holy Ghost when we know that this is merely the work of men at best and more directly a return to the worship of the Priests of Dagon (Nimrod). Like Nineveh (one of the cities Nimrod built) we must sanctify the fast. It is past time to push aside our plates, find a place of prayer and implore out God to intervene on our behalf. 4

The LORD is with you, while ye be with him; and if ye seek him, he will be found of you; but if ye forsake him, he will forsake you. 3Now for a long season Israel hath been without the true God, and



without a teaching priest, and without law.

Dr. Bernie Wade is the President of the International Circle of Faith (ICOF) A Global body of believers served by more than 50,000 ministers representing more than 25 million constituents. This is considered the largest Apostolic body of believers in the history of the world.

4But when they in their trouble did turn unto the LORD God of Israel, and sought him, he was found of them. 5And in those times there was no peace to him that went out, nor to him that came in, but great vexations were upon all the inhabitants of the countries. 6And nation was destroyed of nation, and city of city: for God did vex them with all adversity.


7Be ye strong therefore, and let not your hands be weak: for your work shall be rewarded.6

This article is an excerpt from Dr. Wade's new book, GIVE US A KING published by TLFP (Truth, Liberty and Freedom Press). All Rights Reserved. For more information visit our online library:



ICOF members have united over 50,000 ministers representing more than 25 Million constituents, several hundred colleges, universities and other Christian schools, orphanages & feeding programs, humanitarian aid organizations, chaplains and other charities.




take responsibility for our lives: "No one appreciates me." "No one understands me." "I had a rough childhood." "They took advantage of me." By way of contrast, consider St. Paul's response to his severe victimization: "We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed… As servants of God... [we are] known, yet regarded as unknown; dying, and yet we live on; beaten, and yet not killed; sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; poor, yet making many rich; having nothing, and yet possessing everything."(2 Corinthians 4:8, 9; 6:4b, 9,10) (See 1 Kings 19:10; Job 10:1)

DEATH TO SELF By Doc Burkhart

We live in a society where the powerful, the beautiful, and the bright usually get the recognition, the accolades and the promotions. It is a pride-driven world of self that takes on at least five forms of expression:

3. SELF-SUFFICIENCY — "Hey… with enough guts, brains and raw hard work I will make it happen!" While God affirms a can-do spirit, He despises self-sufficiency that is rooted in pride:

1. SELF-PROMOTION — In our effort to command center stage, we have become masters at crafting just the right image, and uncommonly adept at manipulating people and circumstances. Thus, we artfully namedrop, apply pressure at strategic moments, flatter, pout, and intimidate. The Scriptures, however, do not allow us the luxury: "Should you then seek great things for yourself ? Seek them not… " (Jeremiah 45:5a) (See Genesis 13; Romans 12:16)

"In his pride the wicked does not seek him; in all his thoughts there is no room for God." (Psalm 10:4) (See Genesis 6:5, 6; Psalm 138:8; Proverbs 3:34; 11:2; 16:18; Isaiah 2:11, 12, 17; 14:1115; 65:2; Romans 1:21, 28; James 4:6)

2. SELF-PITY — As a people, we have nurtured a "victim mentality" by refusing to 10

4. SELF-RIGHTEOUSNESS — "There are a lot of people out there doing a lot worse stuff than I." "I'm doing the best I can." "I lead a clean, moral life." "There is no one righteous, not even one; there is no one who understands, no one who seeks God. All have turned away, they have together become worthless; there is no one who does good, not even one." (Romans 3:10, 11) (See Isaiah 64:6; Luke 18:9-12; Romans 3:10-17; 10:1-4; Philippians 3:9) 5. SELF-WORSHIP — "Hey, if ya got it, flaunt it! Right? 'Cause if you don't toot your own horn, who will?" "Herod…delivered a public address to the people. They shouted, 'This is the voice of a god, not of a man' Immediately, because Herod did not give praise to God, an angel of the Lord struck him down, and he was eaten by worms and died." (Acts 12:21b, 23) (See 2 Chronicles 26:16-21; Daniel 6:69; James 4:5, 6; 1 Peter 5:6) The only hope – the only focus – the only option for the sincere follower of Christ is to climb up on the cross with Him and die. And then allow His life, moment by moment to live through ours See Galatians 2:20.

Doc and Mia Burkhart Missionaries to Korea 11

and JudeoChristian ethics. They demand that the West embrace a world of homosexual marriages, nature worship, environmental extremism, and godlessness.


I am currently on an around-the-globe trip, going from the West Coast, to Down Under, Singapore, London, and then home again. From the vantage point of this journey, the one striking and overwhelming image I get is of two runaway trains moving in opposite directions. And yet, in some strange way, they are about to cause a global collision.

Although I am a trained social anthropologist who is supposed to make sense of such things, I must confess that I am baffled on this front. How can two extreme movements, heading in opposite directions, be so perilously close to an unprecedented

Let me explain. On one train, Islamists are violently demanding that the West bow to them as they seek to take the world back to the Arabian dark ages of the 7th century. On the other, humanists, atheists, greens, and extreme liberals are pushing the West to abandon its historic morals

collision? 12

The one thing that both runaway trains have in common, however, is their hatred of Christians. To both, Christians represent a threat-although different types of threats.

Thankfully, where social anthropology fails me, the Bible never does! It is only biblical knowledge that can make sense of the apparently senseless. The Bible tells us that when sin increases, grace also abounds. Although I can't promise Christians an easy time in life, based on Scripture, I can certainly assure them that God's grace and light will shine brighter through them as the darkness increases. Many of my friends would explain the current events in the world as the great "falling away" that will occur before the return of Christ. Certainly they have every reason to believe that. But I am in the business of reminding them that, regardless of this turmoil, our call is to lift up Jesus to all. And through lifting Him up, some may come to believe and be redeemed.

To Islamists, the threat is theological. Christians believe that God became man, died on a cross to redeem the world, and rose again to justify everyone who would believe in Him. Every day, Muslims are turning their back on Islam and embracing the redemption that only Jesus offers. Through those conversions, the biggest fear of Islamists has come upon them.

Not only is our God in control of history, He is the author and finisher of history. Therefore, He will have the last word. So, my friends, get busy lifting up Jesus. Take courage and look up. For the day of your redemption draws nigh.

To atheists, humanists, and environmental zealots, the threat is to their own consciences. They were created in God's own image, and Christians represent a "photograph" of the life they were meant to lead. The liberal extremists cannot escape that image, and it burdens their inner guilt. 13


enclosing a copy of Daius' Carnegus book on "How to Win Jews and Influence Greeks." [Ga 1:10, 1Th 2:4-6]

To: Rev. Saul/Paul First Christian Church Antioch, Syria

You have conflicted with mature Jewish brethren in nearly every city you have visited who simply want to encourage the converted Pagans to be properly circumcised. Mr. Paul, you must know that these men are our most learned sages with a deep sense of the roots and history of our faith. As well, and more importantly, these men control the synagogues you could be ministering in if you would simply tone down your dialog into a more friendly and respectful exchange. [Gal 5:2-12]

Dear Mr. Paul: I have your application for missionary appointment before me, and will be as frank as possible concerning your qualifications as a foreign missionary. We have to be very careful in choosing our missionaries, and our Missions Board has reviewed your case thoroughly. We have decided that it would be unwise to send you to the foreign field for the following reasons:

In checking back, we discovered your Christian education consisted of a three year course in Arabia. [Ga 1:15-20] We find that the Arabian school has not been approved by our accreditation board.

It has come to our attention that you are doing secular work on the side. We do not feel that making tents and full time ministry go together very well. [1Th 2:9] It seems that you do not have enough experience in trusting the Lord for your income. You should make up your mind whether you want to preach or continue your profession.

Further, you admit to being an unskilled public speaker. [2Co 10:10, 11:6] Paul, surely you must know that people expect fine elocution from men of God, and that as a denomination we stand for the highest levels of excellence in the pulpit. Yet instead of going to much-needed oratory classes you spend your time making tents instead. From your correspondence, you also appear to be spending a considerable amount of time writing letters to insignificant little "churches" that meet in homes. [Ac 28:3-6] Honestly now; do you really think that such misguided activities are what will lead to your success in the world of religion? We strongly suggest that you put down your tools and set aside your pen, and

Your previous actions have been very rash and unseemly for a minister. We learned that in a public meeting you opposed Dr. Simon Peter, an esteemed minister with a high reputation. [Ga 2:11-14] We also hear that you refused to compromise with other ministers such that a special council meeting had to be called in Jerusalem to prevent a serious split in the churches. [Ac 15:1-30] We frown on putting ideology before people. For your own good, I am 14

instead practice hand gestures, facial expressions, and voice modulation in front of a mirror for several hours a day until you come up to par.

severe loss of business to them and stirred up a mob protest. You must learn to cultivate the friendship and influence of men and groups such as these. [Ac 16:16-22]

It has come to our attention that you often emphasize "the power of God" and "the gifts of the Spirit." [1Co 2:3-5, 12:1-7] Also that you speak in tongues a great deal. [1Co 14:18] Surely you realize that such as this only drives off the better class of people, and attracts only the riff-raff. It would be better to tone down those more sensational forms of worship. You sound as though you are "off the deep end." [1Co 3:18]

We also have some details of a shameful "over the wall in a basket" episode at Damascus, [2Co 11:30-33] plus a stoning at Lystra, and several other violent actions taken against your ministry. [2Ti 3:11] Haven't you ever suspected that conciliatory behavior and gentler words might gain you more friends? We have learned through channels that following some trouble with a preacher on the island of Cyprus, you began to allow yourself to be known by the Gentile pronunciation of your name rather than the proper Hebrew. [Ac 13:4-11] Yet another conflict, and then a name change. This does not seem to us to be conduct becoming to the ministry.

It has been proven to our satisfaction that you had hands laid on you at Antioch with prophecy going forth, [Ac 13:1-3] with none of the Apostles or Headquarters brethren present to conduct this ordination service in the prescribed manner. We see here that you have a jail record in several places. [2Co 11:23-27] If this is true, it puts you in a bad light, for our denomination has always stood for a high standard of civic responsibility. I fear it would damage our reputation to have someone representing us that had served time in jails and prisons. Frankly, Mr. Paul, we seriously doubt you could have been innocent and the judge wrong in so many cases. It just doesn't look right.

You admitted in your application that in the past you neglected such needy fields as Bithynia, just because "the Spirit didn't lead that way," and that you undertook a hazardous journey on the strength of a dream you had at Troas. [Ac 16:6-10] Mr. Paul, surely you don't expect us to go along with such flimsy and fantastic excuses for your seemingly purposeless wanderings.

It seems that you are a troublemaker, Mr. Paul. Several business men of Ephesus have written us that you were the cause of

Many times you did not stay long enough, in our opinion, to get a church properly established. You left your converts many 15

times without even a pastor to guide them, and without setting the church in order in some good hierarchical denomination. [Ts 1:5]

From what we hear, you seem to think that you have some direct sanction from onhigh, boasting about your revelations and that God has chosen you to reveal some "Mystery". [Ep 3:3-4] Can't you realize that any truth that is to be revealed would come through Headquarters to the recognized, established brethren, and that after it had been checked by our Procedure and Doctrine Committee that we would distribute it on to the field workers?

We hear also from Troas that you preach too long, one sermon lasting so long that a young man fell asleep and was seriously injured. [Ac 20:7-12] We understand that you claim to have restored his life and raised him from the dead by falling on him and embracing him. What nonsense! We need practical men in the ministry, Mr. Paul, not high strung emotional radicals. Our advice is for you to shorten your sermons considerably. We find that about twenty minutes is the longest a minister can hold the attention of his audience these days. Our motto is "Stand up, speak up, and shut up."

Finally, we hear that you claim to be an Apostle. We know nothing of this being passed upon by the proper authoritative channels and wonder how you could back that claim up, when the last Apostle was voted into office right here in Jerusalem. [Ac 1:26] Now that our denomination is firmly established, why do you imagine there would be any need for God to continue the Apostolic gifting?

It is reported from your home church that you could not get along with your fellow ministers; that John Mark--a commendable young man and nephew of one of our highest leaders--had to leave your party in the middle of a journey; and that you had a sharp quarrel with gentle, good natured Barnabas. [Ac 15:36-40] Now these men are well thought of in Jerusalem and we wonder why you are always having trouble with your fellow workers?

As you see, Mr. Paul, we feel definitely after close scrutiny of your case, that you are undoubtedly the most unqualified applicant we have ever seen, and my advice for you is to find a church where you can work in harmony, and use your past education as perhaps a Sunday School teacher. I hope I have prevented you from making a terrible mistake in your life.

We have notarized affidavits from four very popular and influential preachers: Diotrephes, Demas, Hymenaeus, and Alexander; to the effect that it is impossible for them to cooperate with either you or your program. [1Ti 1:20]

Most sincerely yours, J. Flavios Fluphehead, SECY



These events will serve as a vehicle for getting to know prospective members and allowing them to get to know ICOF.


We are working to establish and empower what we call “Five-Fold Roundtables.” The premise behind the Five-Fold Roundtable is simple: establish local and state-level roundtable groups, consisting of (at minimum) at least one individual from each ministry gift outlined in Ephesians 4:11-13 (Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, and Teacher).

Bishop Derrick Day CHAIRMAN ICOF FIVEFOLD ROUNDTABLE for North America

The roundtable approach ensures no one individual sits at the “head of the table,” rather, each individual is regarded as a peer, as were the Apostles in the Book of Acts. The establishment of these roundtable groups will ensure that all participating ministries and ministers have access to all ministry gifts, for the edification and maturing of the Body of Christ.

I have been working with the Global ICOF leadership to help expand the Five-Fold leadership vision of the Presiding Bishop, Dr. Bernie Wade. This, at first blush, appears to be a daunting task. However, we are blessed with extraordinary leadership possessed with a singular vision. The Chairman's office has taken the responsibility to expand the membership of ICOF in North America. The approach to growth will be aggressive in terms of marketing, but conservative regarding vetting and confirmation. While we realize growth is key to sustainability, we must ensure we know who labors among us (1 Thessalonians 5:12).

Our leaders are reaching out to members across North America, canvassing them to find out if any are interested in serving as state- or provincial-level coordinators – or if they know anyone who is. State coordinators will be carefully screened

One means of accomplishing this will be the use of prayer breakfasts and luncheons. 18

before being nominated. Once confirmed and installed they will be given limited autonomy to carry out their duties within the framework of the Global vision. The state coordinators are responsible for scheduling and facilitating state-level FiveFold roundtable meetings and membership drives.


I am both humbled and honored to serve the Kingdom of God in this capacity. I look forward to seeing strong growth and assisting ICOF in becoming a key organization in – and attaining significant impact for – the Kingdom of God.

Dr. Teddy Dones launched an amazing new network! Fivefold Connection. FIVEFOLD CONNECTION is like Facebook without the distraction of unwanted content allowed on Facebook. Dr. Dones is an alumni of International Circle of Faith Colleges, Seminaries and Universities (ICOF CSU). Looking at the success of social media, he has had a burden to create a place where those who enjoy social media can interact without the rudiments of the world dominating the conversation.

Dr. Barney Phillips and Bishop Derrick Day in a business session in Nigeria

For more information on working with the ICOF FIVEFOLD ROUNDTABLE contact Bishop Derrick Day:

Dr. Dones and his wife Janet are the leaders of Messengers of Fire a powerful ministry located in the Ohio valley (USA) but doing ministry all over the world. Join Fivefold Connection for FREE! Phone: 502.410.ICOF (4263)


marijuana, profiting while destroying the futures of too many young people.


Marijuana is the second leading cause of traffic fatalities and sends over 200,000 Americans to the emergency room every Earlier this month, Colorado and year. 40% of individuals arrested for Washington put the futures of youth crimes test positive for across America in jeopardy marijuana and most of us with misguided decisions We stand united in have seen first-hand the to legalize marijuana for opposition to physical and mental health recreational use. marijuana effects marijuana takes on friends and family. Marijuana remains legalization When marijuana designated a Schedule 1 legalization was proposed controlled substance under in California, the respected nonpartisan Federal law – a designation imposed for RAND corporation estimated its high potential for abuse and absence consumption would rise by up to 50% if of any beneficial properties. legalization passed, further The underserved community has been particularly hard hit by drug dealers pedaling


compounding the devastating effects of marijuana on our communities. The International Faith Based Coalition will not be silent in the face of this disturbing development in Colorado and Washington. We are currently working with our collaborative partners to call on President Obama to enforce Federal drug laws and put a stop to marijuana legalization plans.

than drugs. Friend, thank you for your support of the International Faith Based Coalition. Together we can stand against the devastating harm drugs have on our communities. Yours truly, Bishop Dr. Ron Allen President and CEO ICOF Vice President of Substance Abuse International Faith Based Coalition

Powerful pro-drug forces have already presented the President with 25,000 petitions in support of marijuana legalization. We will soon be joining with our partners in asking all people who care about drug free communities to sign a petition to the President urging him to enforce the law. We will be asking you both to sign this petition and to share it with your friends and family so we can overcome EDITORS NOTE: ICOF works hand in hand with Bishop Ron Allen and the IFBC. In our ongoing pledge to bring unity to the body of Christ we also want to eliminate unnecessary duplication of effort and resources. When it comes to the subject of substance abuse and its effect on our culture we could find no one more qualified that Bishop Ron Allen and his capable team. They are a voice for all of us.

the legalizers and show massive opposition to drugs and support for the idea that young people deserve better 21

Word above His name (Psalm 138:2) – therefore He will not violate His Word Genesis 1:26-28 God said, Let Us [Father, Son, and Holy Spirit] make mankind in Our image, after Our likeness, and let them have complete authority over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, the [tame] beasts, and over all of the earth, and over everything that creeps upon the earth. 27 So God created man in His own image, in the image and likeness of God He created him; male and female He created them. 28 And God blessed them and said to them, Be fruitful, multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it [using all its vast resources in the service of God and man]; and have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and over every living creature that moves upon the earth.

God is a Good God (Or Why Bad Things Happen to Good People) by Bishop Derrick Day

The tragic deaths that took place in Connecticut and China this week remind us of the how fragile life truly is. In Connecticut, parents sent their children off to school fully expecting to see them at the end of the day. Many of them purchased, wrapped, and placed gifts under CHRISTmas trees that will go unopened. These tragedies raise the questions: why do bad things happen to good people? And, why does God allow evil things like these to happen.

Part of the reason these tragedies happen is because we are unaware of the authority we possess in Christ.

The answers are “because we deal with fallen people in a fallen world,” and “He doesn’t.”

Man relinquished his POSITION Now, the Bible is clear that the earth and all its fullness belongs to the Lord (Psalm 24:1), but the rulership of it was given to man. Through deception, the devil usurped the authority of man and gained control over the world’s system but did not obtain the title deed to the earth itself. Because man is out of position, the devil had access to mankind – and he retains access to all who remain outside Christ. This is why salvation is so important!

God gave man DOMINION We need to understand that it was never God’s plan to control all the events in the world. We see this in the creation account (Genesis Chapter 1), which could be termed, “God’s Mission Statement.” Understand, God is allknowing and all-powerful and he could control everything in the world but God esteems His 22

Canaan], for they are stronger than we are. 32 So they brought the Israelites an evil report of the land which they had scouted out, saying, The land through which we went to spy it out is a land that devours its inhabitants. And all the people that we saw in it are men of great stature. 33 There we saw the Nephilim [or giants], the sons of Anak, who come from the giants; and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight.

Genesis 3:17-19 And to Adam He said, Because you have listened and given heed to the voice of your wife and have eaten of the tree of which I commanded you, saying, You shall not eat of it, the ground is under a curse because of you; in sorrow and toil shall you eat [of the fruits] of it all the days of your life. 18 Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth for you, and you shall eat the plants of the field. 19 In the sweat of your face shall you eat bread until you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you shall return.

One of the things we must avoid is the trapping of religion. Religion suggests that God is either behind bad things – that tragic or calamitous events are the result of His wrath or judgment – or permits them – in the case of Job:

Man begins to operate in APPREHENSION I’ve taught before that FAITH is the currency of the Kingdom of God (Hebrews 11:1) but FEAR is the currency of the principality of darkness. We must remember that, as citizens of the Kingdom of God, we must trade in the currency of our native land – just as US citizens must trade in dollars and not foreign currencies!

Job 3:25 For the thing which I greatly fear comes upon me, and that of which I am afraid befalls me. Do you see that: Job was operating in fear! Furthermore, going back to my earlier point, sin gave the devil access to mankind. So if you study the book of Job carefully, you’ll see God does not give access to Job!

Numbers 13:30-33 Caleb quieted the people before Moses, and said, Let us go up at once and possess it; we are well able to conquer it. 31 But his fellow scouts said, We are not able to go up against the people [of

In this world you’ll have TRIBULATION


Even though you’re saved and in Christ, you should never delude yourself into thinking that you are free from tribulation and persecution. Once the devil knows your heart is after serving God and seeking His Kingdom, you can expect opposition. In fact, if you don’t encounter the devil in opposition, you and he may be going in the same direction

Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us. Galatians 4:4-5 But when the proper time had fully come, God sent His Son, born of a woman, born subject to [the regulations of] the Law, 5 To purchase the freedom of (to ransom, to redeem, to atone for) those who were subject to the Law, that we might be adopted and have sonship conferred upon us [and be recognized as Gods sons].

Psalm 34:19 Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all. Mark 10:29-30 29 Jesus said, Truly I tell you, there is no one who has given up and left house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or lands for My sake and for the Gospels 30 Who will not receive a hundred times as much now in this time—houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and lands, with persecutions—and in the age to come, eternal life.

Jesus brings REVELATION Here's a (hopefully) simple illustration - the CEO of a company is paid to be aware of everything that goes on in his company. And he probably could do every job in the company. However, in the interests of both efficiency and the professional growth of his charge, he delegates responsibility to them. Now God is higher than any CEO and certainly more aware of what's going on, yet he delegates much of the work to his children.

God sends a SOLUTION John 10:10 The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows).

God, knowing all outcomes, prescribed the cure for sin in the form of His only Begotten Son. And because sin is the source of all of man’s problems, Jesus – as the cure for sin – is the solution to all man’s problems!

We are to take authority in the name of Jesus! Matthew 1:23


was always but a prayer away! Isaiah wrote in the Book he composed in Chapter 53, verse 5 that the chastisement (punishment or correction intended for us) of our peace was upon him (Jesus). Isaiah correctly prophesied that Jesus would become sin for us (2 Corinthians 5:21), effectively reconciling us to God. Luke 12:32 Do not be seized with alarm and struck with fear, little flock, for it is your Fathers good pleasure to give you the kingdom!

John 10:19 Behold! I have given you authority and power to trample upon serpents and scorpions, and [physical and mental strength and ability] over all the power that the enemy [possesses]; and nothing shall in any way harm you. All of creation remains in rebellion until the true Saints are revealed and take authority: Romans 8:19 For [even the whole] creation (all nature) waits expectantly and longs earnestly for Gods sons to be made known [waits for the revealing, the disclosing of their sonship].

Matthew 28:18-19 18 Jesus approached and, breaking the silence, said to them, All authority (all power of rule) in heaven and on earth has been given to Me. 19 Go then and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,

Jesus said upon His entry to Jerusalem that if His disciples ceased praising Him, the very stones would cry out. Here, because of the absence of awareness of the authority of the saints, the earth and all creation cries out for the righteousness-conscious sons and daughters of God to show up.

Romans 5:9-10 9 Therefore, since we are now justified (acquitted, made righteous, and brought into right relationship with God) by Christ's blood, how much more [certain is it that] we shall be saved by Him from the indignation and wrath of God.

We are brought to RESTORATION Because of sin, we were separated from God’s intent. Notice, here, I say “intent” because God never left mankind to his own devices. God didn’t simply wash his hands of mankind – He


10 For if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, it is much more [certain], now that we are reconciled, that we shall be saved (daily delivered from sins dominion) through His [ resurrection] life. I pray everyone catches that – we are restored and reconciled unto God! We are in Christ and, therefore, partakers of His power! Once we have the revelation of the solution of Jesus, we’ll understand how to overcome tribulation, how to live without apprehension, step into our rightful position, and how to operate in the dominion God gave us from the beginning of time. When we are fully versed in what God has vested in us, we will pray with power and pray beyond our own needs. Ask God to put the burden of a stranger on your heart – and then pray fervently for whomever it is God has placed on your heart!

Bishop Derrick Day CHAIRMAN ICOF FIVEFOLD ROUNDTABLE for North America


from those who are ICOF members. We pledge to maintain a current list of ideas that are benefiting the membership. Qualifications:


"For they that have used the office of a deacon well purchase to themselves a good degree, and great boldness in the faith which is in Christ Jesus." -- I Timothy 3:13

ICOF North American US State Director’s Guidelines

Below are God's standards for state overseers("bishops") of the Body of Christ:                                

By Dr. Robert Straube, Apostle Assistant Presiding Bishop

Dear State Director Candidate,

An Invitation: ICOF North America hopes that the material presented on these pages will help develop plans for their state members and ministries. These guidelines may also prove helpful for leaders of other ICOF programs that serve the organization with training for other ICOF ministry members. The ICOF Executive Committee desires to serve the North American synod by being a resource for offering a list of specific programs that are being used, and in helping to address the needs of ICOF members according to the “qualification guidelines” that have been specified. Toward that end, we welcome questions, suggestions and evaluations 27

Children are Faithful - Titus 1:6 Children are Obedient - I Tim. 3:4-5 Has Faithful Wife - I Tim. 3:10 Has Pure Conscience - I Tim. 3:9 Holds Sound Doctrine - Titus 1:9 Honest, No Hypocrite - I Tim. 3:8 Hospitable - Titus 1:8 Humble, Not Arrogant - Titus 1:7 Husband of One Wife - I Tim. 3:2,12 Keeps Faithful Word - Titus 1:9 Lover of Good - Titus 1:8 Character - I Tim. 3:8 integrity - I Tim. 3:2 Not a New Convert - I Tim. 3:6 Not Covetous - I Tim. 3:3 Not Given to Wine - I Tim. 3:12 Not Greedy - Titus 1:7 Not Quarrelsome - I Tim. 3:3 Not Quick-Tempered - Titus 1:7 Not Violent - I Tim. 3:3 Of a Sound Mind - Titus 1:8 Of Good Behavior - I Tim. 3:2 Of Good Reputation - I Tim. 3:7 Patient - I Tim. 3:3 Refutes Gainsayers - Titus 1:9 Righteous in Christ - Titus 1:8 Rules House Well - I Tim. 3:12 Self-Controlled - Titus 1:8 Skillful in Teaching - I Tim. 3:2 Sober, Vigilant - Titus 1:8 Steadfast in Faith - I Tim. 3:9 Student of the Word - II Tim. 2:15

Like the apostles of the New Testament, I am a diligent student of the Word and have an intimate and personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Each day I am learning more what Paul meant when he said,

Our Kingdom Building Values: The Holy Spirit's work will involve and necessitate the following paradigm changes: A change in allegiance — Jesus Christ is the King of His Kingdom (John 18:37), so He becomes our Lord and Master when we are transferred under His kingly rule. In ICOF we no longer serve ourselves and live after the desires of our flesh. As our King, Jesus now receives our loyalty, honor, and obedience. The Bible says that the Father "hath delivered us from the power of darkness [Satan], and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son" (Colossians 1:13).

"No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier" (II Timothy 2:4). I have nothing to gain from sharing these precious truths with you; in fact, even after preaching the Word with boldness and sincerity I sometimes receive ridicule in return from those who hold fast the traditions of men and do not have ears to hear. My and ICOF’s aim is not to repackage dead theological traditions and head knowledge but to present pure, life-giving truths from God's Word that have literally changed our lives.

A change in priorities — As citizens of God’s Kingdom, we do not need to be anxious about our lives; even basic necessities are secondary to seeking first the priorities of the Kingdom.

Remember: Matthew 6:33 says, "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." Paul told Timothy,

"For they that have used the office of a deacon well purchase to themselves a good degree, and great boldness in the faith which is in Christ Jesus" (I Timothy 3:13).

"Godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. And having food and raiment let us be therewith content" (I Timothy 6:6-8).

According to Jesus and Paul, this is what qualifies us to teach and preach the Word. Remember, God doesn't call somebody because they are qualified; but He qualifies those He calls!


pleasures but rather seeking a heavenly inheritance with Christ in God's eternal Kingdom.

Policies and Procedures: GENERAL RESPONSIBILITIES In the capacity as state director, you are responsible for: • fulfilling the purpose of ICOF of North America • executing and accomplishing the plans and objectives of the ICOF Executive Board • overseeing all ICOF ministry, charities, and objectives within the state

A change in values — The standards and principles of God's Kingdom are very different from those of the kingdom of darkness (see Matthew 23:1-12). Instead of esteeming worldly prosperity, self-image, education, success, and independence, we now value what matters to the King: heavenly treasures, a pure heart, the wisdom of God, servant hood, and total dependence upon the Holy Spirit. "As obedient children, not fashioning yourselves according to the former lusts in your ignorance: but as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation; because it is written, 'Be ye holy; for I am holy'" (I Peter 1:14-16).

SPIRITUAL RESPONSIBILITIES The state director should demonstrate a balanced approach to Christian living in: • a daily walk with God • family • local church • ministry

A change in purpose — Some people are driven to achieve their own goals while others live aimlessly with no direction. But Jesus' disciples are to live with divine purpose and make decisions based upon God's direction. Our prayer should be, "Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven" (Matthew 6:10). We are called to live as strangers and pilgrims in this present world (I Peter 2:11), not living for temporal, momentary 29


3. Recruits qualified people to do the work of the ministry. 4. Makes regular visits to local ministries to meet with local directors, staff members and committees to provide encouragement, counsel and direction. 5. Aids the local membership in developing their strategic plans for organizing and carrying out their ministry. 6. Develops a state training program that will equip local members with the skills to perform their duties. 7. Works with the board to raise sufficient funds to accomplish the plans and objectives laid out by the ICOF Executive Board. 8. Provides assistance and training to local members as they seek to raise sufficient funds for their ministry. 9. Follows the policies and procedures of the national and state ICOF organizations and sees that all members and volunteers are adhering to the policies. 10. Does routine territorial appraisals and develops steps to help to perform your mission proficiently. 11. Works with local ministers, local members and committees helping them to develop leadership skills.

Ministries Supervision 1. Is responsible for the development and implementation of an effective prayer ministry throughout the state 2. Aggressively pursues the primary ministries of ICOF (ministerial, charitable, and community assistance) through continual promotion within the sphere of your influence 3. Has direct ministry contact with members through ICOF sponsored programs 4. Is responsible for promoting ICOF Colleges, Seminaries and Universities educational programs 5. Oversees all ICOF related ministries 6. Promotes Missions, church planting, membership growth and other ICOF ministries

Leadership Development 1. Develops leadership within the state and effectively communicates the vision and strategic plan for ICOF within the state and oversees the implementation of that plan. 2. Continually develops and establishes local ICOF ministries 30

Qualifications 1. Is a team player and functions well in a group. 2. Has good written, verbal and public speaking skills. 3. Has basic computer skills (Microsoft Office Suite recommended). 4. Is self-motivated, organized and able to motivate people. 5. Demonstrates leadership ability. 6. Must pass a criminal background check as required by the USA Child Protection Policy. 7. Meets the specific qualifications necessary to perform the requirements of the job description. 8. Is willing to raise support. 9. Is born again, has the assurance of salvation and is willing to give a testimony of his salvation before the other members. 10. Has a good testimony at home, on the job and in his neighborhood and local church as reflected by both speech and conduct. 11. Is actively involved in a local church. 12. Is doctrinally sound, agreeing with the Statement of Faith and Doctrinal Protection Policy and annually signing the Workers Compliance Agreement. 13. Is interdenominational in spirit, i.e., willing to work with other believers in accordance with the Workers Compliance Agreement. 14. Believes both in the possibility and necessity for children to be saved from sin by coming to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. 15. Feels called to serve in this ministry. 16. Has learned to trust the Lord for victory, wisdom and guidance.

Administrative Responsibilities 1. Actively promotes the ministry of ICOF within the state. 2. Presents the Articles of Affiliation to the state board for approval. 3. Works with the budget committee to develop an annual budget at the beginning of the fiscal year for approval by the state board. 4. Presents all local directors and staff (except secretarial) to the state board for approval. 5. Submits the budgets of the local chapters to the state board for approval. 6. Ensures that all reports, minutes, communications and moneys are forwarded to the proper offices in a timely manner. 7. Communicates accurately and in a timely manner with USA Ministries, state board and local ministries. 8. Attends all state director meetings sponsored by USA Ministries.



Matthew 10:32-33 reminds us that denying Him before men will result in Jesus doing the same to us. The Word without the Spirit of God is a formula for dead religion.

Unapologetically Spiritual

Without faith, it is impossible to please Him. What is faith if it is controllable? Faith requires humility and humility recognizes the smallness of man. We cannot control God. Now is the time to embrace the power and giftings of His Spirit, therefore producing the fruit he longs to see in us.

Mark 17:17-18 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover. Some Christians purposely refrain from inviting friends or loved ones to their church from fear that the Spirit of God might show up and something uncontrollable happen. Many churches have operated so long without the Spirit of God that it’s become the acceptable way to do church. However, gathering in His name without His Holy Spirit is not gathering for Him at all. The passage of scripture above should not be a part of the Word of God that we overlook, ignore or feel ashamed of. The Spirit of God that allows us to do these things is the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead and is the power of God within us. He (the Holy Spirit) is our seal and guarantee of Jesus’ return.



I am doing exactly what the Father has commanded me to do. (John 14:31) What I teach doesn’t come from me but from the one who sent me. (John 7:16) What I teach is from God. (John 7:17) I gave them the message that You gave me. (John 17:8)

I am not a writer, never wrote a blog, not my gift! I am just a servant of God and wanted to share with y'all about what God has been speaking to me. So I have been meditating on the life of Christ in the Gospel of John.

I always do what pleases Him. (John 8:29). All things which You have given Me are from You. (John 17:7 NKJV) I glorified You on earth by completing down to the last detail what You assigned me to do. (John 17:4)

Jesus only spoke, taught, and did what He saw His father speak, teach and do. His life on earth was all about doing His Father's will. He was on a mission to make His Father known through His life. He was a true ambassador of God. I have come down from heaven to do not my own will but the will of Him who sent me. (John 6:38)

Life of Jesus always encourages, inspires me to continue to know my Father deeply just like Jesus knew His Father when He was on the earth. Jesus' life challenges me to be an ambassador of my Heavenly Father just like my Jesus. We are God's ambassadors. (2 Corinthians 5:20) 2012 is almost finishing. I am pretty sure that all of us had made some kind of goals to be closer to God in the beginning of 2012. Some of us tried to read the whole Bible in 2012. Some of us probably made a goal of early morning prayer, another level in our giving, serving/volunteering etc. While some of us finished our goals, some of us failed to finish the goals. Let me tell you, today is a new day.

My nourishment comes from doing the will of God, who sent me, and from finishing his work. (John 4:34) The Son cannot do anything on his own. He can do only what he sees the Father doing. Indeed, the Son does exactly what the Father does. (John 5:19) I can’t do anything on my own. I don’t try to do what I want but what the one who sent me wants. (John 5:30). I say only what the Father has instructed me to say. (John 8:28). I don’t speak on my own authority. The Father who sent me has commanded me what to say and how to say it. (John 12:49)

Let's make a goal for doing our Father's business today! Lets choose to hear God voice today! Love like Jesus today! Serve like Jesus today! Live like Jesus today!

Let us finish 2012 strong. Merry Christmas!

Whatever I say is what the Father told me to say. (John 12:50) 34

happen around maintaining our integrity.

Why I Don't Believe in Christian Accountability

1. Lack of Grace

By Mike Foster

The primary reason Christian accountability doesn't work is because we are more interested in justice and fixing a problem. I've seen too many times great men and women get chewed up by this process. When we fail, what we need most is grace and a second chance, not a lecture.

I am deeply committed to all of us living a life of radical integrity and grace. Through People of the Second Chance, I get to work with leaders on personal sustainability and living a life with no regrets. And though I champion the ideas of transparency, authenticity, and brutal honesty, I don't believe in Christian accountability.

Don't Miss 

5 Basics for Accountability

Coaching and Accountability Questions: What's the Difference?

8 Principles in Seeking Spiritual Accountability

Accountability Groups: The Tyranny of Do More, Try Harder

We have all probably experienced or seen a harsh response to our struggles or failures. But there is a big problem when we respond with justice and not grace. You see, human beings are wired up for self-protection and survival. When we see others being hurt, rejected, or punished for their sin, we correctly conclude that it is better to hide, conceal, and fake it in the future. It basically comes down to this: I don't want to get hurt, so I'm not telling. When we lack grace, accountability breaks down.

The whole concept makes me cringe, and I don't think I'm alone in this assessment. It's horribly broken, ineffective, and doing a lot of people a disservice. In many ways, Christian accountability is facilitating a pathway to our lives being chopped up by character assassins. So here are a few reasons why I don't believe in Christian accountability and why a new discussion needs to 35

2. Bad Environments

narcissistic behavior, sexual misconduct, and the bending of every rule we come across are simply signs of a failed system. Last week, I read a post from a pastor who had received e-mails from 33 other pastors who confessed to him of being involved in an affair.

Let me be frank. If I were having an illicit affair with a woman, I'm not going to confess it to 4 guys at a Denny's breakfast. And yet, too often, Christian accountability is carried out in these types of environments. We meet in small groups in a weekly environment with a few of our friends. Ultimately, there is a lid on how transparent these conversations can be, and too often, we believe that if we are meeting weekly then we are "accountable."

4. We Game the System If I wanted to, I could spend the next decade of my life convincing you how wonderful I am and how I have it all together. (Luckily, I have no desire to do that.) It bothers me that I'm clever enough to package Mike Foster in such a way that I could make you all believe what a swell guy I am and how I have it all together.

My best conversations about my brokenness and struggles have come in non-typical environments. Places where I am completely relaxed, at ease, and feel removed from my daily life. I have seen leaders every year go away for a week and meet with a coach or therapist and have this time be very effective. They dump a ton of junk, begin working strategies in their life, and start dealing with significant character issues. To be frank, I would rather have us have one week of brutal honesty than 52 weeks of semi-honesty at Denny's.

The problem with Christian accountability is that you and I can game the system. I know how to beat it, and if you stick around the church long enough, you will figure it out, too. And that's a problem. We're the alcoholic that knows where the hidden key to the liquor cabinet is.

My point is simple. Find an environment that is going to allow you to open up and examine your current process. 3. The Results

Gaming the system is not hard. We know the right words. We know the right things to talk about. We know how to frame things up to effectively keep everyone off course on who we truly are. I can do it, and so can you. And that's a big problem.

Unfortunately, the results speak for themselves. If Christian accountability were a company, it would need a serious bailout. It's simply inadequate, and the results are sub par, at best.

So that's why I'm not a fan of Christian accountability and truly believe it is busted. But please don't lose hope. I

The breaking down of our marriages, financial impropriety, egomaniacal and 36

have something I want to offer up as a replacement to this flawed system of maintaining our integrity.

confession, and reminding each other that we are in this for the long haul, we implement radical grace.

I truly believe it is time to reinvent and rethink this very important component of our lives. Over the years, Christian accountability has deformed into a very ugly, uninspiring, and broken system.

Focus on the Yes, Not the No Advocacy focuses on the “yes,” not the “no.” Too often, typical Christian accountability revolves around long lists of what NOT to do. We spend way too much time discussing and managing the sin. Often, we lock onto the most minor unhealthy behaviors and think that’s going to prepare us for success in life. Unfortunately, we operate on the faulty assumption that working on the symptoms will address the core problem. Bad idea!!!

First off, I want to change the word from “accountability” to “advocacy.” If we are going to redefine a process and introduce a new concept, I think it needs a new word. The word I use in this context with fellow friends and leaders is advocacy. The term can be described as active support, intercession, or pleading and arguing in favor of someone.

Advocacy spurs us on to the “yes.” It revolves around the crazy good things that we should be engaging in. It pushes us to live a life of positive risks, creativity, adventure, and significance. We rally around each other in this and focus our relationships around this theme.

So let’s take a look at what advocacy means. Radical Grace Is the Foundation Radical grace is the core engine for any healthy relationship. You cannot have true transparency or confession without it. I encourage people to make verbal commitments to each other and clearly state that they will stand by one another through the best AND the worst.

I truly believe a large amount of moral blowouts flow from boredom and dissatisfaction. We become depressed and unsatisfied with our life, career, and marriage, and then we enter into dangerous territory. Why? Because we are not focusing on the “Yes!”

Most people live with the fear of rejection and allow this fear to dictate how honest they will be with others. In advocacy, we are constantly demonstrating that this relationship is a safe place. Through our response to one another’s failures, our own deep

I know that in my own life I become vulnerable when I have lost a sense of mission and purpose. Having an 37

advocate in our life is important in reminding us of our calling.

Multi Group Approach Christian accountability often is accomplished in small groups that are too general or with just one person leading, which puts too much responsibility on one individual.

Priority on People, Not Organizations

Advocacy embraces having multiple layers of transparency and connection. I have about 10 people who are involved in spurring me on to a life of integrity. They can actively speak into my life, and I will listen and make the necessary tweaks. However, I have about 4 people who I have a deeper connection with and discuss harder things. I also have more structure with this group. This is what I consider to be the core. But even beyond the core, I have one friend that has full access. We take complete responsibility for each others' integrity, purity, and sustainability. I refer to this person as my “first call.” When the crap hits the fan, I call him first.

When people fail or become involved in some scandal, too often we immediately consider the ramifications on the organization or company. I’ve talked to many Christians who are very concerned about when a pastor falls of how this impacts the cause of Christ. Unfortunately, we place more concern on the damage to the brand of Christianity or the church instead of the fallen individual. I’ve seen horrific and hurtful things happen to people in the name of protecting the organization instead of the fallen person. Quite frankly, that sucks!!!

Each layer moves into a greater level of commitment and advocacy, and each layer has an important role. Mike Foster leads an organization called People of the Second Chance which provides innovative strategies on failure and crisis. Mike also serves as the Creative Principal at PlainJoe Studios in Southern California. He blogs daily at and is @MikeFoster on Twitter.

If you haven’t figured it out by now, Christianity’s brand is failures and wrecked lives. Churches are places with messy people who do stupid things. I’ve certainly made my contribution to this effort with my mistakes. In advocacy, the importance is placed on the individual. It is about people, especially those who are most broken. The organization, church, or company should take a back seat.


-He didn’t know about lying or deception. -He knew nothing about not honoring his father or mother. -He didn’t know about idols or graven images. -He knew nothing of coveting or lust. -He didn’t know about jealousy or strife. -He knew nothing about sin. He watched as their eyes focused on him. Soon, the older one reached down and held him while the younger began to examine him. The lamb stood silently still as a hand rubbed down his backbone. “Perfect,” the younger man said.

He Didn’t Know Anything About Sin By Martyn Ballestero

The little lamb watched as the two men approached. He continued to graze as they slowly walked among the flock and took a long time looking at each lamb with a critical eye. He hadn’t been around humans very much. He knew little of them. He had no understanding of their nature. They were different from him. They were bold, loud, and they made him uneasy. He was a just a lamb. As a lamb, all he had ever known was the peace of the morning sun, and the gentle breeze of the afternoon as he napped. He enjoyed the lush green grass of the pasture and the cool still waters of the little brook. He even liked the evening dew on his back. But, he knew nothing of anything else.

The hand ran down his front leg as the man continued his commentary. “He’s not bow-legged, or knock-kneed. He’s not splayed or pigeon-toed. He’s perfect!” The younger man said again. Then firm hands held him still as the men critically examined his head. “Perfect,” the old man said. They looked at his ears, and their placement on his head. They looked into his eyes, to see if he was walleyed, bug-eyed, crosseyed, blind, or injured. They also examined his eyelids to see if they worked properly. “Every thing looks perfect on his head too,” the old man said.

-He knew nothing of shame or condemnation. -He didn’t know the meaning of stealing or robbing -He knew nothing about hatred, or bitterness. -He didn’t know about addictions or substance abuse. -He knew nothing of impurity or immorality.

Then, the hands rubbed down his nose, checking for bumps, lumps or dips, before pulling his lips apart to look into his mouth. They looked at his teeth placement and checked for any abnormality. “Check him for a over bite or under bite,” the old man said. The lamb felt the hands turn his head sideways as the two examined his jaw. 39

“He’s Perfect,” the younger man said. “Let’s check him for scars, or scratches.” The young man suggested. Hands slowly examined his back, sides and legs through the wool. “He perfect!” the younger man said again. “Does he have scabies, or eczema? Oh, and check his conformation again, and look once again for any other deformity.” The older man ordered.

NEW TESTAMENT – The Only Way To Remit Sin Was By The Blood Of The Lamb. John 1:29 The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world. Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold, from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers; But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot: 1 Peter 1:18-19

When the examination was finished, the older man turned to his son and became serious. “When you go to the priest today seeking forgiveness for your sins, it will not be you, that the priest examines. He will only examine the lamb. As much as I love you son, you can’t pass inspection. Neither can I. If the lamb is perfect, then we are forgiven! Only the blood of a perfect lamb will cover our sins. Just like in the Garden when a perfect lamb was slain for the sins of Adam and Eve. Now, this lamb is perfect, so take it to the priest and your sins will be forgiven. You have found the perfect lamb.”

Heb 9:22 And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission. TODAY – The Only Way To Remit Sin Is By The Blood Of The Lamb. How Does This Story Apply To My Life Today? Only the blood of the Lamb of God can cover our sins. -----------------------------------------------------

The young man picked up the lamb, held it carefully in his arms as he walked towards the Tabernacle to present it to the priest.

Just as that innocent and sinless little lamb died in the story above so that a human’s sins could be remitted or forgiven, Jesus, the innocent and sinless Lamb of God died on a cross so that our sins could be forgiven. The Apostle Peter preached in Acts 10:43 that whoever believes in Jesus receives forgiveness of sin. The Apostle Paul wrote in Romans 10:9-13 that whoever confesses Jesus Christ as Lord and believes in His death, burial, and resurrection and calls upon Him will be saved.

OLD TESTAMENT – The Only Way To Remit Sin Was By The Blood Of The Lamb. Exodus 12:5 Your lamb shall be without blemish, a male of the first year: ye shall take it out from the sheep, or from the goats.


Dr. Wade brings attention to the open rebellion manifested by ancient pagans then natural Israel, then America and finally the modern version of the church or at least what calls itself Christianity.

About the Author Dr. Bernie L. Wade is the author of a plethora of book. Both of his parents and his grandparents were ministers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. His preaching ministry as a youth minister in Cleveland Ohio. In 1981 he was ordained as a minister in the Apostolic Ministerial Fellowship -AMF. He has served the Royal Priesthood as a youth minister, assistant pastor and as a itinerant missionary to Africa, Asia, Central and South America. He is a powerful preacher of the word and a highly sought after teacher.

GIVE US A KING Our Obsession with Rejecting God

Author takes a serious look at the nature of man to follow false religious systems. Washington, D.C. – Dr. Bernie L. Wade has taken us on a journey chronically the history of man's rebellion against God starting with Nimrod till present day. The condition of the modern church (especially) in the Western world is deplorable representing something much more like the Biblical church of Laodicea than a vibrant, effective version of the New Testament Church. Religious traditions have come to dominate what we call church in the modern era.

He holds earned PhD's in theology, divinity, non-profit management and pastoral counseling. He holds ministerial license with the International Circle of Faith ( He is father of two and has two great grand children all of whom are serving the Lord. He and his wife, Daisy have been married for nearly 30 years.

False religions from Mormonism to Islam have invaded the Western culture bringing with them what they offer as 'new light' but really what they bring is the old religion began by Nimrod and proliferated by the triad of Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz.


The Next Wave Magazine has now become a daily news source, The Next Wave Magazine Online. Every day you can read both a morning an and evening edition of the The Next Wave.

FREE BOOKS Many of our writers have contributed their writings and books. These we have made available to you in e-form at no cost! FREE! SHARE!

International Circle of Faith Colleges, Seminaries and Universities is available to serve your Christian education needs. ICOF CSU is a network of Christian Education professionals, bible colleges, Christian seminaries, Christian universities, and other Christian education institutions. for more information visit us online. or

Updated ICOF Membership Cards are now available. ICOF Members write to to receive yours. 42

There are divine combinations in the Bible; each without the other is incomplete. Old and New Testaments, Law and Grace, Father and Son, Faith and Works, Spirit and Truth; each compliments and fulfills the other, thus creating Biblical balance.

Apostolic Revival Why?

There is another divine combination; "the People and the Times!" The Church, rich in apostolic faith, attitude, behavior, and doctrine, has come to the Kingdom for an hour such as this; "...but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits" (Daniel 11:32).

by Bishop Samuel Smith

Certainly, no religious figure in our time has had a better vantage point for observing Christianity, relative to world events, than Billy Graham. He has said: "What the world needs, is an apostolic revival."

To reason that the traditional denominational church can compete with the "isms" and evil spirits of the prophesied "last days," while ignoring the lessons of its' history at the expense of Biblical revelation, is more that arrogance run amok, it is fatal! To waste the precious time that remains, and not "... work the works of Him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work" (John 9:4), is truly sinful!

Who would disagree that denominationalism and orthodoxy has failed to present Christ to mankind in His true glory and power? Graham is wrong, as well as others, who think that apostolic revival can occur without apostolic faith, attitude, behavior, and yes...apostolic doctrine!

Someone has got to get it all together! "Oh God, I pray, help us to learn from the past, maintain the faith, proceed in divine revelation, and preach the Gospel of Christ to every creature by means of the power and demonstration of the Holy Ghost!"

Revival languishes because secular Christianity ignores the glorious history of the true New Testament church, while Apostolics are so busy living in the past, that they fail to realize the glorious destiny of the end-time church. One cannot succeed in this high speed, endtime race, while focusing on the rear view mirror.

Scriptural History has prepared us... the worldwide Apostolic Church has been brought to the Kingdom for an hour such as this; now prophetic Destiny opens the 43

door, and bids us go through. "And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come" (Matthew 24:14). "Now when they heard this, they were pricked in their heart, and said unto Peter and to the rest of the apostles, Men and brethren, what shall we do? Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call. And with many other words did he testify and exhort, saying, Save yourselves from this untoward generation" ( Acts 2:37-40 ). If not us... who? If not here... where? If not now...when? If not at all...we perish!


another wants to come u can bring them. And Please Inform Me Too. This Program Will Be Held In Hetauda, Makwanpur. It Is Very Expensive Program so please pray that God Arranges Money And Every other Stuffs. Thank You God Bless You Rev. Matthew Suroya

In an effort to share the work that ICOF members around the world are doing for the Kingdom of Jesus Christ we share this overview from our members, friends and partners:


AFRICA Well, the future is very promising! International Business is helping to bring into Africa modern and quality communication gadgets - Mobiles, Ipods, etc. I see the Lord also blessing His people! It is well! Please, have a blessed day! Love you all!

ICOF HEALING CRUSADE Topic: "Jesus is coming soon". Pastor Kanwal Sohail

Dr. Ngwa - Secretary General ICOF Africa

ASIA NEPAL Dear Brother, Greetings, How are u and The Family? It Was Nice Talking to you this Morning. As you know I have sent u the Invitation this program will be of 2 days. So If anybody 45



Jesus Calls Ministries has done the great healing crusade under the supervision of Bishop Dilshad Bhatti, founder /Charmin Jesus Calls Church Ministries Pakistan, on 22 October in 2012 in Islamabad and Led by ICOF Assistant Bishop Qammer Yousaf.



Thanks Lord he bless us with lot of blessing and healed many sick people. Bishop Dilshad Bhatti ICOF /Jesus Calls Church Ministries Pakistan


Reach the Jungle Anabal Peralta 46

In a recent weekly Executive Session we discussed how the enemies of the cross seem more committed to prayer to their false deities than followers of Jesus Christ demonstrate. In discussing the challenges, understanding that there has been some 2000 years since the advent of Jesus Christ's earthly ministry, we concluded that there is no organized effort to call the people of God to daily prayer. Granted, there have been and remain efforts to such as the national day of prayer but this is only to direct us to prayer one day per year.

Encourage places of business, church buildings, malls, etc. to designate a place for daily prayer. Pray for God to give us space for REPENTACE! Pray for your family, friends and others who are not committed to Jesus Christ. Pray for healing, renewal, deliverance and more. Prayer is communication. The key thing is to STOP what you are doing. Take time to find a quiet place where you can communicate with God. We are not directing you how long to pray. Rather we are leaving that up to the individual or the group, but by all means - PRAY!

Thus, It is our expectation to see a global 'Call to Prayer' where Biblical Christians (followers of Jesus Christ) would commit to pray on a daily basis. Here is our challenge: Prayer - 3 times a day. We are asking every follower of Jesus Christ to commit to prayer three times each day. This is a commitment to daily prayer for the rest of our lives. This prayer time can be anytime during the day but we are suggesting the following: 

Evening - pray with you family, your friends, neighbors, etc.

Posture - in Scripture we find people praying in a variety of postures - kneeling, standing, laying prostrate, etc. All of these are acceptable. IF you would like to connect with others who are praying in like manner please feel free to email: JOIN THE CALL TO PRAYER

Morning - Pray by yourself, with your family or those where you work or go to school. This will help set the tone for the day. Mid Day - Before or after lunch take time to pray wherever you are. Encourage those around you to pray with you (co-workers, peers, clients, etc.)

Just tell us, "I (we) am joining the daily Call to Prayer." Also, feel free to visit the ICOF Forum and say the same thing: "We (I) are joining the daily Call to Prayer! COFGlobal/


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