The Next Wave - December 2011

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Global Apostolic Reformation

The voice of global Apostolic restoration 2


INTERNATIONAL CIRCLE OF FAITH 路 路 IC0F Volume 79 Issue 12 PUBLISHER International Circle of Faith Global (ICOF) The Next Wave - Contributing Editors

War On Christians Dr. Bernie Wade


David Tait, Lee Bates, Bernie Wade, Dallas Carter, Robert Straube, Ray Young, Barney Philips, Chellee Roberts-Barber, John Rogers, Jack Wellman, Sanford Wade

Inside Cover Bishop-elect Davis baptismal service.

Accountability of the Fivefold Lea Bates

THE NEXT WAVE is a monthly publication of the

When Becoming Nothing is an improvement

International Circle of Faith (ICOF) Global Network and is distributed globally by Churches, ministries and Christian organizations.

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Is Water Baptism Necessary?

Editorial Submissions We welcome submissions and editorials but assume no responsibility for the return of unsolicited submissions. Please send photos, articles, and documents to P.O. Box 72, Sulphur, KY 40070

THE NEXT WAVE MAGAZINE P.O. Box 72 Sulphur, KY 40070

Restoration of the Charismata


Annual Subscription: $36 US. 3

I Have a Dream

Opponents of ecumenicalism Attempts to update, alter or remove religious traditions, icons, creeds or other works of men accepted by many as „orthodox‟. Those who are not Politically correct Those who believe the bible is literally the word of God. Those who believe in creation, sanctity of life, abstinence and general morality based on the Bible.


Since the passage of time left the followers of Jesus Christ without the original Apostles there has been a concerted effort to reproduce the Church without the tenets of doctrine of the Apostles. Throughout history there have been waves of the Holy Spirit that resulted in attempts at restoration or reformation of the Church to return it to the original doctrine of the Apostles of Jesus Christ. We refer to this as Apostolic Reformation. Movements of Apostolic Reformation have happened repeatedly since the time of John Wycliffe. In the last Century there was an Apostolic Reformation that birthed the Pentecostal Movement.

Like Balaam, the Prophets (profits) of Baal will continue to take rewards to soothsay against The Next Wave, posture to control the free flow of the spirit of God with systems, structures, groups, titles and clergy that seek the approval of the laity or the imprimatur of the papacy. In spite of the opposition, The Next Wave will move away from the traditions of men and focus on the Revelation of Jesus Christ and the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the teaching of the New Testament church and the Apostles of Jesus Christ. The next wave will have little interest in superficial events and pseudo „outpourings‟ opting for a real and sustaining manifestation of the power of God. Many mega churches and movements will

It is our expectation that we are on the verge of yet another wave of the Spirit. We refer to this as The Next Wave. Following is what we expect to see from this wave of the Holy Spirit.

The Next Wave will be as radically different as the last Dr. Daniel Joseph, Bishop Joseph Rankin and Dr. Bernie move further into alignment with wave. The opposition will come L. Wade, President of International Circle of Faith Global the Catholic system. The with other ministers Nigeria West Africa Roman Catholic Church will from the recipients of the last continue to promote reunification with Protestant wave. Among the things the proponents of the last groups in a manner that will surprise perhaps even wave will radically oppose: shock the uninitiated. Anyone not part of their group. The Catholic Church will make 'concessions' that Attempts toward restoration of the tenets of have seemed to be immovable objects in the past, the original Apostles and the New Testament moving the ecumenical movement full cycle and Church especially fivefold ministry, the achieving the goal set for it by Vatican II framers, operation of the gift of the Spirit and baptism uniting former Protestant groups with the 'Mother' in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of church. speaking in other tongues. 2

standards of holding prophets accountable for their predictions. This will leave most of the so called prophets on the outside of The Next Wave.

Globally, a billion or more people will have a real and genuine encounter with Jesus Christ. This will be a great time for pastors, evangelists and teachers. There will be an unfathomable growth in the house church and small church environment giving teachers an even larger task and role as there will be even more need.

The opposition to the Next Wave will make the opposition against previous restoration movements seem frail. There will be a level of demonstration and power coming from the Apostolic that will genuinely compare to the New Testament Apostles but will seem even more powerful because of the stark difference between the New Testament church and what professes to be the Church today. The 29th Chapter of the Book of Acts will be written.

The Next Wave will put less emphasis on titles, attire and bling choosing to focus their energies on relationship. Denominations will continue to become less relevant which will create great opportunity to those who are Kingdom minded. However, at the same time it will create terrible vulnerability to the body from pretenders. This will make the role of true Apostles and the true Prophets even more important.

Many of the leading fivefold ministers will come from Asia, Africa and Oceana. There will be a level of anointed come to music that will produce a host of Spirit filled musicians and singers like has not been seen since David assembled his great choir. These musicians and singers will renew a focus on true worship rather than offering entertainment.

The next wave will be a true restoration of fivefold and restore the proper place of the Apostle and Prophet. The earmark of this wave is going to be humility and genuine love. This humility will be brought through prayer and fasting.

There will be a holy boldness come over the church that will impact every segment of society. The Bride will wake up, get up, cleanse herself and prepare for the coming of her Groom. Will this be the last wave? Only God knows. WELCOME TO THE NEXT WAVE!

Global calamity is going to drive the Bride of Christ to her knees, literally. This will birth both global revival at unprecedented levels and global persecution of Christians such as we have not seen since the days of the old Roman Empire at the time of the original Apostles. This persecution is going to cause the Church to cry out for God to come and get His Bride.

Dr. Bernie Wade is the President of the International Circle of Faith (ICOF) Global Network. A Global body of believers served by more than 40,000 ministers representing more than 11 million constituents. This is considered the largest Apostolic body of believers in the world.

The Next Wave will seek true prophetic vision and move away the ministry of Jannes and Jambres who opposed Moses. This will turn the Church from spiritualism and soothsayers who have invaded the Bride in hordes under the guise of 'prophets' and self proclaimed apostles. The Next Wave will expect the Biblical requirement of all of the fivefold which will include the Biblical



Romans 10:14 it says "How will they hear without a preacher? We need all of the fivefold: Apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers, evangelists. We also need bishops, overseers, and ministers to not only HEAR the call but respond to the call. ICOF is calling YOU! 2.Those that will HEED the call. God is still calling men and women to service maybe it's you that God is calling to help us. We have many areas of service. With our Missions emphasis, we have opportunities in the United States, North America, Africa, Asia, South America, Oceania, and Europe. We have need for educators, church planters, evangelism and outreach coordinators, to not only HEED the call but respond to the call. ICOF IS calling YOU!


In Acts 16:5-9 A call for help went out. At times we all need help... sometimes we might find it hard to ask for help, but International Circle of Faith (ICOF) is asking for your help. Some of you God is asking to help work in His kingdom.

3.Those that will HELP the crying. Matt.13:38 Tells us that the whole world is crying out. People are crying because they have no hope. ICOF offers the hope of Apostolic Reformation. Will YOU help us minister to those crying throughout the world?

There's no harm in needing help or asking for help however there are three kinds of people that we at the International Circle of Faith are specifically asking for help.

We desire to hear from Jesus saved, blood washed, God called five-fold ministers to HELP the crying will you respond to our cry? ICOF is calling YOU.

1. Those that will HEAR the call. In a vision the Apostle Paul heard a man from Macedonia asking him to come and help them. In like manner we at the International Circle of Faith (ICOF) are looking for five-fold ministers men and women of God that will hear the call of the Lord to serve in this Apostolic Reformation.

Bishop Leonard D. Barber is the Presiding Bishop of I.C.O.F. North America. He is a powerful communicator, experienced church planter, collegiate teacher and veteran overseer.

Our nation is filled with people who are crying out asking for help. Are you hearing the cries of those around you? Un-churched people are all around us; that may have never heard the Gospel of Christ. They don't know His love they may know His name but not know Him.


that are also able to communicate with the world and be respected for their positions and concerns for their nations and families and friends. This means working within their countries, spreading goodwill to the rest of the world while enhancing the well-being of all they contact. International Circle of Faith Global Union is committed to helping our members and partners. Realizing that most churches and ministries need additional resources to accomplish their mission and at the same time lack the wherewithal to have their own development team, ICOF has committed, time, talent and resources to assist in the area of general development. This commitment includes but is not limited to:

International Circle of Faith Business & Development

A. Developing qualified and sustainable business proposals B. Attracting qualified investors to these projects. C. Advice and direction for churches and ministries. D. Unique and innovative solutions for missions and missionaries.

There is a need for all people of this world to be as self-sufficient as possible and it is toward this goal that ICOF is headed through use of its “Development Division”. One of the major difficulties facing individual and governmental development is that, even though all people are created equal, our societal set-up‟s have been already shaped by our predecessors and “change” becomes the challenge to many.

John Rogers, PhD., brings to his role as Senior Vice President of Development with ICOF Global a plethora of knowledge and experience. From working as an engineer on the Apollo program to working in the medical field as a research and development engineer to inventing products to help all of humanity he has had a storied career. Dr. John Rogers is a very successful senior executive, inventor and entrepreneur.

For ICOF to bring direction to all, a start must be made to bring all to belief in Jesus Christ and what He foresaw as future needs of societies, including enrichment of each other in all things. This enrichment can take on many forms and ICOF has taken a gigantic step to meet the challenge through its “Development Division”. This Development Division includes support to assist in establishing new businesses of all kinds throughout the world that must be keyed to local environments, products, skills and business acumen. This in turn means improving local education of all those wishing to have a business as well as being supported by an educated local staff


American General that the only good Indian was a dead Indian. Many Muslims feel this way about Christians. “THE ONLY GOOD CHRISTIAN IS A DEAD CHRISTIAN”. One of the common defenses for this activity is that all Muslims are not like these extremists. That may be true. Yet, in a crime, all participants are held accountable. For example, the driver of the get away car is a bank robber just the same as the one who pulls the gun and takes the money. Muslims who are truly unhappy with these extremists views should be speaking out. Why don’t they speak out? They are either afraid of becoming a target or they agree with the extremists.


What should Christians do? First we should pray. Pray for our brothers and sisters that face this intense persecution. Second speak out! Let your elected officials, friends, family and anyone who will listen know that Islam is not as the Western media has protrayed.

By: Dr. Bernie L. Wade

Americans and others around the world are constantly berated by leftists and their allies when it comes to discussing the extremities of Islam. However, the reality is that we are way past time to call attention to the continued affront to humanity presented by followers of Islam. It is evident that blowing up Americans Twin Towers by flying air planes into them was not the end of the extremist agenda of Islam.

A new report from the Roman Catholic aid agency Aid to the Church in Need supports the fact that persecution of Christians worldwide has worsened exponentially in the past few years. According to the report, Christians face increased suffering in 22 countries around the world, with Iraq, Egypt, Lebanon, Pakistan, and Nigeria being among the worst countries to be a Christian in today.

All around the world, from Pakistan to Nigeria, to France to the United States, followers of Islam continue to force their religion on all they can. In many places, those who are unwilling to convert are forced toward conversion under torture or threat of death. The threats are real. Every day a Chirstian is murdered by adherents of Islam. It is hard for American’s who live in a culture of religious tolerance to understand that for many Christians around the world, just to be associated with Jesus Christ is cause enough for Muslims to want them dead. The terror tactics of Islam are unlimited and include rape, murder, multilation and torture. Muslim leaders have made it no secret that they are at war with Christians.

The persecution has gotten markedly worse over the past two years according to the organization. “The proportion of countries with a worsening trackrecord of anti-Christian violence and intimidation would be higher were it not for the fact that in many cases the situation could scarcely have been worse in the first place” the report’s authors wrote. More than 75 percent of religious persecution in the world is currently being carried out against Christians, the report concludes. When asked if President Barack Obama was doing enough to protect Christians at home and abroad, Franklin Graham (President of Samaritan’s Purse) says, “No. If anything it’s the opposite.”

Decadea ago, in one of the worst autorsities in the history of the United States, it was ok to kill Indians (native Americans). It was once said about Indians by an

“Muslims are protected more in this country than 6

Christians,” Graham says. “The president has made ` many statements but he doesn’t back them up. We have to do more to protect the Christians in the Muslim world. Their lives are in danger.”

The persecution or elimination of non-Muslims has been a cornerstone of Islamic conquests and rule for centuries. The Koran provides ample evidence that Islam encourages violence in order to win converts and to reach the ultimate goal of an Islamic world. Conversions from Islam to any other faith are often punishable by death.

Graham has been one of the most outspoken Christian leaders challenging Muslims leaders to denounce this violence. However, for the most part, Muslim leaders are silent. Whether they like it or not, silence is sign of approval. In an article titled, My View of Islam, Franklin Graham said this: “Jesus also taught his followers to love others. It is this central teaching of Christianity that motivates my life and work, as a relief worker as well as a minister. While as Christians we disagree with Islamic teachings, if we obey the teachings of Jesus we will love all Muslims.”

One example is the treatment of non-Muslims by the Islamic government of Sudan. Two million Christians killed, and thousands more enslaved by the regime in recent year.

In most countries where Islamic law dominates there is no freedom of religion (not to mention freedom of speech or the press). In most Islamic countries, including so-called moderate Islamic states such as Saudi Arabia, it is a crime to build a Christian church, Jewish synagogue, Hindu temple or any other non-Muslim house of worship. In contrast, there are about 3,000 mosques in the U.S., with new ones being built Some of the hundreds of Christians burned alive by Sunni Muslims every week.

Graham continued, “My concern is evidenced by the thousands of Muslims to whom our relief organization provides food, clothing, housing, supplies and medical care. In recent years we have provided more relief to Muslim people in Nigeria, West Africa. While Western media does all that it can to than to any other group in promote Islam as a ‘great religion’ and one of peace and tolerance the world--support valued at the body count continues to pile up (literally) all around the world. Muslims are free to worship While there are a multiplicity of accounts from almost every nation Allah in the U.S., but Christians tens of millions of dollars in in the world of Islam infringing on the civil and religious rights of places like Bosnia, Kosovo, are not free to worship Jesus in others the death count rises. Sudan, Afghanistan, Turkey most Muslim countries. There and Iraq. I do not believe Muslims are evil people has not been a single church in Afghanistan since the because of their faith. I personally have many Muslim exiled king, Mohammed Zahir Shah, destroyed the first friends. But I decry the evil that has been done in the and only one in the history of the country in 1973.” name of Islam, or any other faith--including Christianity. We are at war with terrorists, not with Islam. But as a minister, not a politician, it is my responsibility to speak out against the terrible deeds that are committed as a result of Islamic teaching. The brutal, dehumanizing treatment of women by the Taliban has been welldocumented and internationally condemned.

Mr. Graham is president of the international relief organization Samaritan's Purse and CEO of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. This commentary was first published in the Wall Street Journal. 7



PAKISTAN Wyndle Bates III graduates from Army (AIT) Advance Individual Training. He is the son of ICOF Membership Director, Pastor Lea Bates. Congratulations!

“How we have prayed for a Revival - we did not care whether it was old-fashioned or not - what we asked for was that it should be such that would cleanse and revive His children and set them on fire to win others.” - Mary Warburton Booth

Bishop Dilshad Bhatti and the ICOF Pakistan Leadership team recently met with a representative of Pakistan’s Prime Minister. Here is a photo of the team with Mr. Dr. Paul Bhatti.


From Bishop Dilshad Bhatti, ICOF Bishop of Pakistan “I am really thankful to our Presiding Bishop Wade he provide the relief to our flood victim people in 2010. Unfortunately this year again many Christian family are affected their whole propriety has gone they are just under open sky I humble appeal to help my people to provide them food, shelters, tents, cloths, medicines etc.” Bishop Dilshad Bhatti ICOF Pakistan 9

Schools Hundreds of schools, mostly primary institutes located in villages either have been destroyed completely or damaged partially. Special thanks to those of you who helped with the Flood Relief for Pakistan in 2010. Please help our brothers and sisters in Pakistan. 100% of your funds will be used for this cause. To help please send check or money order to ICOF

The INGOs and local NGOs covered not more than 15 percent residential shelters building in the last year flood-affected areas. Definitely the schools rehabilitation was not on priority. Complete union councils, comprising more than 100 villages could not get a single shelter built in the area. It is the responsibility of the government, which had announced to build 50,000 shelters for the flood-affected families.

Pakistan Fund PO. Box 72, Sulphur, KY 40070.

In Pakistan government figures show the 80 percent loss to standing crops, like cotton, sugar cane, chili and vegetables. It is feared that the displaced people may face food shortage, as they have almost lost the sources of livelihoods and food.

Health There are government‟s basic health unites in major towns and larger villages, which after rains are no more functional. Those are not affected do not have proper medicines and staff. Hence, the people living in the open or in ordinary shelters cannot get benefit of these health facilities. All the roads have disconnected and there is no transport facility in many affected areas. To help, send your donation earmarked “PAKISTAN FLOOD” c/o ICOF PO.Box 72, Sulphur, KY 40070.

Government Figures Rains were recorded up to 550mm in some areas Rains affected 27 talukas and 155 union councils, destroyed 9367 villages and damaged 2.4 million acres lands Over two million people adversely affected Over five lake houses have been destroyed 1000 relief camps are announced by PPP MNA Faryal Talpur to be setup in Nawabshah district 10

voyage. When Bishop Wade made the voyage from Cameroon to Nigeria he prayed with the entire crew and passengers in the morning.

ICOFCC International Circle of Faith Chaplaincy Corp

Evangelist IMMACULATA EFFIONG and Evangelist EMMEN LINCON UKO Chaplains with the CHAPLAINCY CORPS & THEOLOGICAL ACADEMY serve in the Cameroon Command. TESTIMONY: We thank God for given us this privilege to share his love with those who travel using the ship as their own means of traveling. Each day God adds to His kingdom scores of souls (bringing salvation to their lives and families). We see God healing the sick, bringing deliverance, providing for the needs of His people. On the 9th & 19th of May God proved Himself strong. The pirates attacked the ship named ENDURANCE of Fakoshipping and transport Company BueaCameroon shooting guns nobody was hurt, the captain cabin was damage. We saw the hand of God. What a wonderful God we serve. It is good to put trust in God & Him alone.


Rev. Natibe Sampson

International Circle of Faith Chaplaincy Corp has chapters in nations throughout the world. Those who serve in the ICOF Chaplaincy Corps are working every day to bring the gospel to all people in every walk of life- but the way they are accomplishing this might surprise you.

Our chaplains minister to the lost and hurting in hospitals, prisons, military barracks, corporations, and even at places such as bike rallies, rodeos, racetracks and disaster sites. When ministering in such places, the shade of a tree or the table in a break room suddenly becomes a pulpit or a place of healing to a hurting soul. Sometimes pastoral counseling takes place on a bike or in the belly of any vehicle.

Email: NEEDS: If you can provide us with some Bibles, tracts, Christian Films Christian Books, a projector, musical equipments, and whatsoever you want to give. God will bless you as you give for His work.

Cameroon Command Chaplain NATIBE ETUBE SAMPSON, serves in Fako Shipping and Transport company Cameroon He ministers to thousands of passengers on the Ship Line, there is a service in the mornings before the passenger boards, prayer to start the voyage, gospel music and video presentations of the Gospel during the


really blesses us was the amazing fact that we met those children fasting, you cannot imagine that children as small as three years were fasting and praying for the nation, Africa and the world at large and for themselves. We presented some clothing and some bread that we took along to the orphanage. We also had a good time there in the orphanage in the presence of God as we together sang praises and worshiped God. Before we left the orphanage those children prayed for us earnestly and we were blessed. These orphans have taken upon themselves to be fasting every 1st Saturday of the month. In fact it is so fascinating to see what God is doing in the life that Orphanage.

On the 3rd of September 2011 Chaplain NATIBE ETUBE SAMPSON with twelve members of the Christian Missionary Assembly (C.M.A) visited the Buea central prison.

We arrived the Prison premises at 11.25 a.m. God in His infinite mercy worked in a wonderful way, because before our arrival the prisoners were out of their various cells which under normal circumstances to bring them back to the cell while it is not yet time for them to do so is difficult but through Divine intervention as they were asked to do so by the prison Warden they did not hesitate.

CHAPLAIN NATIBE WITH ORPHANS We thank God for according us journey mercies as he took us to and fro without any difficulties and we also bless Him for all those who helped.

We took along with us the word of God, some clothingâ€&#x;s and shoes for male and female and some bread, salt, soap that we shared to the inmates. The Prison has 8 cells and we were divided in twos, so we can minister to the cells. Before ministering the Word of God the whole prison was filled with praises as the prisoners sang to praise God by so doing the presence of God was real all over the prison premises. So we shared the word of God and the goods we had with us. The presence of God was too much that even for us to leave the prison premises was as if we should not leave.

VISIT TO THE ORPHANAGE From the prison we moved to the HOTPEC ORPHANAGE where we were highly blessed. What


So it seems that people had a tendency to disregard, or even dishonor, authority because of their sin nature. God established a hierarchal structure from the beginning. He created the Heavens and the earth and then created man. He then gave man authority over the earth. Since the fall of Adam and Eve in Genesis 3 Satan claimed the authority over the earth from man. Jesus came and redeemed us from the sin of Adam and gave us back our authority over ourselves, the earth, and the enemy, Satan. So we regained our hierarchal structure of being the head and not the tail; above and not beneath. For those that believe in the work of Christ at the Cross and His resurrection now has authority over the enemy.


If the role of the Apostle and Prophets were in place today and operating functionally with the rest of the five-fold ministry then the evangelists, teachers and preachers would have had accountability when they began to „soften‟ their teaching to tickle the ears of the saints. Or better yet, the Prophets would have sounded a warning when the people shouted „we want revival‟, and while distracted with their „feel good‟ ministries, allowed their government to be overtaken by humanists and atheist. Now I‟m not saying we don‟t need revival here, or that the revivalist of times past didn‟t stir up a many a saint to confront truths and bring repentance.

Unfortunately Satan is still at work and always has tried to deceive man into giving back that authority to him. He has gone so far as to twist the scripture and the mind of man. He has whispered into mans ear many things that has caused them to rethink the purpose of God‟s Word and how it should be executed. After the death of the Apostles in the New Testament Satan set his plan of deceit into action. His whispers into the ears of his listeners set out to tear down the authority structure of God; which was Jesus‟ gift to His Bride, the Church. His intent was to destroy the vision of the five-fold ministry and the execution of the Gifts of the Spirit from the people of God. Why? Because without the building up of the saints, and without the accountability of the overseers of the church, without the prophets to give the church direction and sounding the warning of impending plans of the enemy; and without the Apostles and Evangelists to go forth with a message from God to spread the good News and establish God‟s Kingdom here on

My point is the distraction a movement can cause even when the intentions are good. Instead of taking heed to the Word of God and honoring God‟s wishes to establish His Kingdom here on earth, it appeared that a movement of „feel good‟ religion soon was birthed instead of preaching the factual principles of the Word of God. Tradition soon replaced conviction. A lack of understanding, honor and respect for all the five-fold ministry of leadership arose as the people demanded a more selfgratifying religion and ministers in positions of leadership sought to build their own kingdoms instead of Gods.


earth; just what is the church? Without all the functioning offices of the five-fold ministry working in conjunction with the 9 gifts of the Spirit there is no church. There is a body of Christ, yes, but their leadership structure is limping along unable to fully support itself. How can the body be properly nourished when their only fed the crumbs from the table? How can there be unity when man defies God‟s perfect Word? How can the gifts of the Holy Spirit operate if man cannot trust Him or refuses to believe He even exists today?

come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; The words “falling away” are from the Greek word “apostasia” which means “defection from truth, apostasy, forsake.” How much closer do we need to go than to forsake the foundation on which the church was built? The enemy thinks when he takes over he will rule and reign. A defection from truth is a turning away from the desires of His Word.

2 Thessalonians 2:3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there

The words „uttermost part‟ is translated as “eschatos” in the Greek language and is defined as

The five-fold ministry is Christ‟s gift to the Church. It was not set in place to rule and reign over the We cannot go back and change the course of time. people, but to establish order and unite the people We cannot physically change the minds of those of God in love (Ephesians 4:12-13). All Kingdoms whose hearts have become hardened. We can only must have an order, and in that order is a change our own hearts by allowing the Holy Spirit to hierarchical means of functioning. The Apostle, convict us of our own fallen and Prophet, Evangelist, Teacher and Preacher misguided ways and repent. We all all have their place in order to maintain can obtain a teachable spirit to government within the church (the learn of God‟s plan to establish body of Christ). These are taught Act 1:8 But ye shall receive His Kingdom here on earth; to us by Paul in the Book of power, after that the Holy to fulfill the Great Ephesians. Ghost is come upon you: Commission and this will be and ye shall be witnesses done according to His Word. In 1 Timothy 3:1-12 and Titus unto me both in Jerusalem, 1:3-9, Paul sets the stage of and in all Judaea, and in The Five-fold ministry wasn‟t the requirements for a steward Samaria, and unto the only for the times of the New of God, namely a uttermost part of the earth. Testament to establish the Bishop/Apostle, who is the (Emphasis mine) early church. If that is the case overseer of the church and of a then it would have been printed region. They exercise God given thusly in His Word! He is God and He authority to provide direction to the body of changes NOT! He is the same yesterday, today and Christ. Why would Paul take the careful time to give forever…since when did man take it upon himself to instruction and care for the establishing of this redefine scripture to suit his desires. This is clearly a authority structure if he didn‟t believe it was to be trick of the enemy. He understands that hierarchical carried out after his death? Certainly Jesus intended structure brings power. If Satan can disrupt the plan this before his death and ascension into heaven God desires to be in place then, through his (Mark 16:15). One point that clearly states our deception, he can deceive man and diminish mandate to carry on with the Power of the Holy authority in the church. Spirit is found in Acts 1:8:


“farthest, final (of place or time): - ends of, later end, lowest, uttermost.” Jesus commanded these Apostles of the early church to 1. Tarry in Jerusalem until they received the power of the Holy Spirit. 2. To go out and be witnesses unto Him throughout all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth. The uttermost part, based on the translation given in Strong‟s dictionary, indicates an infinite place or time. It‟s not final until He says it‟s final! So, point being, that if we know that they were commissioned then to carry out the Gospel of Jesus Christ and we still today carry out this message, because it was commissioned by Christ to do so, then how can we justify that the establishment of the five-fold ministry isn‟t valid also?

one who is sent on a mission. It is not a role to be used to elevate ones position in the organized church, or to consider themselves „above‟ all others. The members of the five-fold ministry worked together to achieve the perfecting of the saints in order to lead all into the unity of one faith, one God and one Baptism (Ephesians 4:5). The one who exalts himself with pride over their position is discrediting the true role of the five-fold ministry. As the Reverend Albert Kang once stated “It is a privilege to be used by the Lord in this way and never shall it be used as a position of elevation and honor.” “The people who know their God will be strong and do great exploits.” Daniel 11:32

The purpose of the fivefold ministry is for the perfecting of the Saints (Eph 4:12). How can one go out and „Preach the Gospel of Christ‟ without first being taught. How can one lead a flock without first being led himself? How can one hear about this same gospel without someone bringing the Word to them? A church without a prophet has no watchman at the gate to give them direction from the Lord; and how can the government of the church have any order or accountability without overseers (Bishops and Apostles).

The role of the Prophet is designed to be one who hears from God and is inspired by the Holy Spirit to deliver a message relative to a specific purpose. Some believe this role no longer exists and others have abused it by giving false prophetic messages of their own and not God‟s. The Prophet is still necessary today as the gifts and abilities enable the people to be warned of God‟s wrath, of the works of the enemy, and to bring those whose hearts have hardened to repentance. In the Old Testament a prophet was also known as a seer (1 Samuel 9:9). In the New Testament Prophecy was still mentioned numerous times by Paul, as well as identifying the gifting to be a role among the five-fold

Also worthy of note is the fact that the role of an Apostle, according to the dictionary, is defined as


individuals train up others for God‟s calling on their lives. The role of the Pastor is under the headship of Jesus Christ and shares the office of the five-fold ministry with the Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist and Teacher. The role of the Pastor is not an office that is all inclusive of the five-fold ministry.

ministry and one of the nine spiritual gifts (1 Corinthians 12:31). It is a shame today that the role of the Prophetic has been either misused or ignored. Whoa to him who seeks to operate in the gifting of a Prophet without the establishment of a five-fold ministry, or to those who speak prophetically for their own gain (1 Cor 14:37). Surely they will answer to the Lord on their day of judgment. God‟s Word tells us to test the spirits and see if they are of Him (1 John 4:1). A Prophets Words should line up with the Word of God. Line upon Line, Precept upon Precept (Isa 28:10). Again, the work of the false prophet is the enemy‟s plot to distract man from operating in the authority God intended to continue after the New Testament Church.

It should be pointed out that one man cannot hold all these offices and claim to be „anointed‟ or „called‟ into all these positions. In Ephesians, verse 11, it states “And He gave some to be Apostles, and some Prophets; and some Evangelists; and some pastors and teachers” (Emphasis mine). He did not say „ALL in one.‟ The only man that was given all positions of the five-fold office was Jesus Christ. When a single man lays claim to being called to all 5 positions he must remember this was a dangerous mistake of pride made by Satan himself (Isaiah 14:12-15). Satan thought he was just as mighty as God and his prideful ways got him exonerated from heaven. It is dangerous to allow a „one man show‟ in the church and invites in authoritarianism and legalism. The flock can easily be led astray with only one leader; but with the proper Biblical structure in place there is accountability and a church can grow and mature leading others to rise up to their own calling and abilities thus bringing the body of Christ to full maturity and unity.

God bless the Evangelist. It appears, like the Apostle and Prophet, that this too is becoming a long forgotten position. They are encouragers, preachers of God‟s Word, a revivalist, and all around traveler that brings the Good News everywhere he or she goes. It is unfortunate that the Evangelist is sometimes considered a Pastor and their roles become combined. An Evangelist is not called to continually guide and lead the flock; that is the role of the Pastor. Someone told me one time that it was the role of the Evangelist to preach a word of salvation and show people how to be set free from sin, and the role of the church to build them up in the Lord; to train and equip them. This is called the ministry of reconciliation (2 Cor. 5:17-18). The Evangelist works together with the five-fold ministry to equip the saints.

The work of the teacher in the five-fold ministry is one that seems to be considered that of the Pastors role. It is unfortunate when the gift of wisdom is laid claim by one man and the abilities and gifting of others are overlooked. A pastor should be willing to encourage and train another to take over or assist him in the role of teaching. A person who teaches stirs up hunger from within the body because of their gift of Wisdom. They reveal hidden truths within the word of God which drives the Body of Christ to learn more. The more the Body learns about God the more their desire to serve Him.

It seems we all understand the purpose of the Pastor, which is to spiritually guide and lead the flock (congregation). A Pastors job within the church is to identify and train up gifted individuals (lay people) for the work of the ministry. These people are recognized by their gifting and are used in areas of ministry within the church. These same gifted 16


In my own experience I have learned that there is a shortage of true „called‟ Teachers that desire to disciple the body of Christ in the truth of the Word. Having spent the last 11 years in the Charismatic sect I have found that there has been more emphasis on Spiritual Gifts that there has on the biblical truths.

body is to be present with the Lord (2 Corinthians 5:8). While we wait for the one who tarries, the gifts of the Spirit allows us to recognize the presence of God and operate with the same life changing power as Jesus while in our fleshly bodies here on earth. The nine gifts of the Spirit are listed in 1 Corinthians 12. Supernatural occurrences have occurred long after the death of the Apostles. Cessasionists have claimed that the workings of the early church have ceased. This, my friend, is the lie of the enemy who came in and whispered into the ear of the listener that there was no more need for these powers. Why? For the same reason he lied to Eve in the Garden of Eden…to steal the authority that was given to us. “The son of perdition is revealed when the one holding him back is gone… unless a great falling away happens” (1 Thes. 5:19-20). .

Don‟t get me wrong truth was taught, but it appeared to be lacking in the impartation of Wisdom and Knowledge to others. Eventually you end up with a congregation that is „stuck‟ in a belief that has no depth, no full understanding of why they believe what they do. It is a passion within me since I have stepped away and looked at other religions, through visiting their churches and inquiring of their beliefs, the strong need for Biblically sound; Spirit led teachers within the body of Christ. Thusly Teachers, who are equipped and „brought up‟ within the body of Christ, who is led by the five-fold ministry, will truly find their place and excel in their calling. This allows others to learn and grow giving them a desire to find their place within the body of Christ.


These gifts of the Spirit are for everyone. They are not limited to the five-fold ministers. However, the manifestations of the gifts working though these ministers have proven, through God‟s Word, to be given to them to perform their official duties. Even Paul indicated that the authority in which he operated was a „demonstration of the Spirit and power‟ (1 Corinthians 2:4). Signs and wonders still follow the Spirit filled church today just as Jesus commissioned his followers in Mark 16:17-20. The Holy Spirit was activated within God‟s people at Pentecost (Acts 2) and is still active today. He is part of the Holy Trinity and is necessary in our lives. God‟s Spirit was sent forth into our hearts (Gal 4:6). He is known as „the Spirit of Truth‟ who speaks not of His own authority, but of the authority of God, and tells us of things to come (John 16:13).

According to Ephesians 2:20 the roles of the Apostle and Prophet are foundational to the church with Jesus Christ being the chief cornerstone. The fivefold ministry was a gift to the body of Christ to raise them up and establish them, so they may grow in unity and in their roles of ministry (Eph 4:11-12). Although the enemy, through man, has tried to cease this from becoming a reality; we are all aware that God‟s Word is true and every man is a liar (Romans 3:4). God‟s Word is perfect, yes, but the Perfect has yet to come. The best He has to offer us awaits us still in eternity. For to be absent in the


arrival. The end times that await us will not be easy and these spiritual gifts need the power of the Holy Spirit to empower us to endure and maintain the watchmen at the gates. The installation of the fivefold ministry will rise up the lay persons needed in the church to stand strong, disciple others, and build the Kingdom of God through the world making disciples of others. We must complete our work here before the anti-Christ is revealed.

We must base our faith on the power of God and His Word, not the wisdom of man (1 Corinthians 2:5). Words are easily translated into contexts different than the writer or speaker intended. The Holy Spirit has the power to convict and rightly divide the truth. In these last days His Spirit is to be poured out on all flesh. So let all prophecy so others may discern as to whether the words spoken are truly from God. Faith comes by hearing the Word of God (Romans 10:17), not by persuasive words, but by the manifestation of signs and wonders that follow.

Minister Bates is the Membership Director for ICOF and has done an incredible job of helping to organize and document ICOF's ever growing membership. She an accomplished writer and prophetic poetess. She is the founder and president of Heartfelt Ministry, reaching out to women across the globe.

If the Lord is waiting on the church to get it together then we have work to do. The Western World is falling behind as they bicker and squawk over who is right and who isn‟t. Other countries have begun to take the reins and seek God for the greatest move of the Holy Spirit that man has ever known. Their willingness to suffer for the cause of Christ is apparent as they press in for more of Him. It is not the works of man that will usher in this great move…it‟s the faith of the people as they cry out “Abba Father.” What a shame it is when man is exalted and takes the credit for what God has done through the Holy Spirit. Has your faith changed that you cannot see the truth? Has God‟s Word changed to cause you to believe that it is no longer true? I certainly hope not. The flesh will always be the flesh and there will be doubt and unbelief in one area or another. The establishing of the five-fold ministry would not lay claim to a perfect world; but perhaps as it becomes incorporated into the Church, it would expedite the coming of Christ as His Bride prepares for His


The Next Wave Calendar of Events April 2012

December 2011

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina For More information CLICK HERE

MAY 2012 11th-17th ICOF Gathering of Eagles – Uyo Nigeria. ICOF African Bishop – Dr. Joseph Rankin. Host: Dr. Daniel Joseph. Speakers: Dr. Bernie L. Wade, Apostle Leonard Barber, Dr. Daisy R. Wade, Bishop Herbert Gadian, Apostle Chellee Barber, Dr. Daniel Stanley, Dr. Robert Straube and others. MORE INFORMATION EMAIL:

Bishop Daniel Joseph


Send information about your conference or special meeting to:


JULY 2012

Pastor Rebecca Goins of the ICOF US Synod leads a weekly prayer meeting via Skype. This meeting is held live every Tuesday morning at 10 AM EST. For more information: Email: PASTOR REBECCA GOINS

August 2012

John us on Skype: Rebecca_goins22

1. Global Repentance for the Church 2. Dr. Ekije’s Family – death of daughter 3. Gathering of Eagles Conference - Nigeria 4. ICOF LEADERSHIP 5. ICOF Missions 6. Flooding in Pakistan 7. Persecution of Christians 8. Immigration for a sister from India 9. Cities of Refuge 10. ICOF Colleges and Seminaries 11. International Day of Prayer November 13th 12. Healing for Apostle Barber 13. Healing for Pastor Beverly Young 14. Intercessory Prayer 15. A sister in Louisville KY 16. Elder Bernie Tucker – healing 17. Terry Nicholson Family – death of daughter] 18. Harlan (Sonny) Boyce –Healing 19. Bobby Vernon Family 20. Bishop Freeson - Ghana

We are extending to you a cordial invitation to come and worship with us in Birmingham, Alabama August 2, 3 & 4 2012 for the ICOF US SYNOD 2012 HOLY CONVOCATION.

Host: Apostle Chellee F. Roberts-Barber Restoration Assembly 1238 Center Point Pkwy For more information concerning the convocation please call 205-356-1883 or 205422-0384 or send an email to Apostle C. F. Roberts-Barber or write: International Circle of Faith US Synod PO. Box 611380 Birmingham, Alabama 35261 21


Christian to perform his or her task in the Church. The Roman Catholic Church counsels determined that all of the operation of the gifts of the spirit were held in their apostolate3 and were no longer available to the laity. Instead of challenging this hierarchical approach to the gifts of the spirit, the operation of the gifts and the fivefold ministry, the Protestant reformers had rejected the Catholic apostolate and its claims of Apostolic Succession4 and with it went interest in or acceptance of the manifestation of the Holy Spirit, the operation of Spiritual gifts and fivefold ministry.


Bishop Bernie L. Wade is the President of International Circle of Faith Global Network.

During the late 1800‟s and early 1900‟s a religious euphoria began to affect certain adherents of the evangelical portion of the Protestant movement. This group began to experience and to encourage others to experience manifestations of God that were taught by the main line Protestant church to be extinct or no longer available. These manifestations began with

When the Azusa Street Revival (and other similar revivals) began to experience the restoration of these charismatic gifts (that were given to the original New Testament Church) the established „mainline‟ denominations were opposed. When the subsequent movement began to openly encourage others to have these experiences the mainline denominations decided to denounce, ignore or explain away these manifestations.

persons receiving the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues, and were soon followed by miracles, signs, and wonders. Some said this was similar to manifestations explained in the Bible at such important events as the Day of Pentecost and at the conversion of the first recorded Gentiles (Acts Chapter 10). These events were most evident in what would be called the Wales Revival and the Azusa Street Revival.

Over the last 100 years these mainline denominations have largely continued as they were. When members of these groups experience these modern manifestations of the Charismata, they are either discouraged, made persona no grata or excommunicated. Some Protestant groups have taken a hard stance against anyone who 3 The doctrine of apostolic succession is the belief that the 12 apostles passed on their authority to successors, who then passed the apostolic authority on to their successors, continuing throughout the centuries, even unto today. The Roman Catholic Church sees Peter as the leader of the apostles, with the greatest authority, and therefore his successors carry on the greatest authority. The Roman Catholic Church combines this belief with the concept that Peter later became the first bishop of Rome, and that the Roman bishops that followed Peter were accepted by the early church as the central authority among all of the churches. Apostolic succession, combined with Peter‟s supremacy among the apostles, results in the Roman bishop being the supreme authority of the Catholic Church – the Pope. 4

The organized church, both Catholic and Protestant had long ignored or disregarded manifestations 1or the Charismata2 (Charisma) and deemed them to be discontinued or not relevant to the modern church. Charismata is a theological term that refers to the spiritual graces and qualifications granted to every Wilhelm, Joseph (1908). "Charismata". The Catholic Encyclopedia. III. Robert Appleton Company. 2 Wilhelm, Joseph (1908). "Charismata". The Catholic Encyclopedia. III. Robert Appleton Company. Retrieved 6 July 2010.


On January 1st, 1901 a prayer meeting at the Bethel Bible School began a new Era in the Christian world. In 1904 the Welsh Revival united more than 100,000 believers. In 1905 the Azusa Street revival ignited global interest in Pentecostalism. It has been more than 100 years since the outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Azusa Street launched the greatest revival in the history of the world (See the map above to note the impact). It is our expectation that what God has done in the past He will do again. Jesus told us, “Greater things that these you WILL do!” It is evident that we are destined to see the glory of the latter house be greater than the glory of the former house. At this writing there are 75 million people added to the earth‟s population every year. Every three years, world population grows by the number who lives in the United States. Every six years, a new Europe is added. Asia alone is adding a new Japan every two years. We will need to triple food production in the next 25 years. Mexico City grows by 80,000 monthly. It will be the largest city in the world by the year 2020 with 31 million. By the year 2030 no city in the United States will be in the top 10 in population, seven will be in Asia, three in Latin America. Most of these will be in Hindu, Buddhist and Muslim worlds.

believes in the charismata. Others have taken a harsh stance only to have to soften the stance because of the backlash from their membership. In the last hundred years, no Christian denomination has escaped from having to take an official or unofficial position on the subject of the charismata in their members or assemblies. It has been the source of many disagreements, arguments, divisions, etc. It is perhaps the most misunderstood and misused portion of the Christian Church. Today, this group that began with this open embrace of the charismata in the early 1900‟s is generally categorized as the Pentecostal movement.5 One of the most striking developments in twentieth century church history has been the growth of Pentecostalism. This movement appeared as a few small sects in the 1910s and 1920s, but by the 1950s, it had grown to become the “third force” in Christianity.6 From its unpretentious beginnings this Pentecostal or charismatic, movement has emerged as the largest branch of Protestantism, even perhaps the largest active branch of Christianity with estimates of more than 700 million adherents world-wide. The advent of the Pentecostal experience brought a plethora of “spirit-filled” ministers who began a disjointed effort to revisit their understanding of a variety of Scriptural interpretations.i

The above article is an excerpt from the Introduction of Dr. Bernie Wade‟s book, “The Next Wave, Restoring the Charismata”. This book is currently available in electronic format only for $10 US. Send check or money order to Bishop Wade at PO. Box 72, Sulphur KY 40070 or email ICOF. Follow Bishop Wade on Twitter.


Some of the best known accounts of these beginnings include: N. Bloch-Hoell, The Pentecostal Movement: Its Origin, Development, and Distinctive Character (Oslo: Universitets forlaget, 1964). 6 A well known phrase coined by H. P. Van Dusen, in his article, “The Third Force in Christendom,” Life 44 (9 June 1958), p. 13.


New Offering:

ICOF CSU Newsletter

A new forum I would like to highlight and introduce is the newly formed Presidents‟ Roundtable; a group of Christian leaders involved in higher educational leadership. The Presidents‟ Roundtable is a monthly get-together of men and women who collaborate to further advance Biblical education systems and structures, endeavor to find solutions to the challenges they are facing, and offer cutting edge, innovative ideas to better serve their students, staff and community.

(International Circle of Faith Colleges, Seminaries and Universities)

Many people ask, “What does the ICOFCSU do?” So, I thought I‟d start with the Mission Statement from the Board of Regents.

You‟ve heard the old adage “Can‟t see the forest for the trees?” This is the forum where educational leaders can help one another rise above the obstacles they may be encountering and offer a different perspective, or a new twist.

Mission of the BOARD OF REGENTS of ICOFCSU: The mission of the ICOF Board of Regents is to ensure fulfillment of the commission of the System of Higher Education through policy determination, governance, collaboration, and coordination. Well defined and differentiated institutional missions are established by the Regents to: 1. Focus the colleges‟, seminaries‟ and universities‟ efforts on excellence, to avoid unwise duplication of programs and effort, and accredit Higher Learning Institutions as approved by the Board. 2. Serve both traditional and nontraditional people around the world, and to promote efficiency and accountability through education. 3. Coordinate with non-profit institutions, education, business, and government, and administer student financial aid and other programs involving worldwide participation.

Sign-up is now in progress for the Presidents‟ Roundtable, hosted by Dr. Robert Straube at Once we register those professionals who desire to participate, we will announce the date, time and on-line location for the forum. Until then, God be with you and bless you in spiritual abundance.

From the desk of Dr. Robert Straube, PhD, President ICOFCSU. Dr. Straube also serves as President of Christian Multiversity, Fivefold Apostle and Chief of Staff for ICOF President Bernie L. Wade.

So, simply put, that is our Board of Regents‟ mission and operational vision for the future of ICOFCSU.


word and be in agreement with our brethren. We need to pass on to our children that which we have received. Then, we need to pass it on to all that are afar off.

WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE? By Sanford L. Wade, THd.

When I speak of all that are afar off, I am not speaking of great distances on our planet. I am speaking of those who are far from our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. They either do not know him or have known him and grown cold in the Lord. The book of Revelation speaks of those who are neither cold nor hot. This state of existence is known as lukewarm. I am afraid that too many have fallen into this state with the Lord. These are in danger of being cast out from the presence of God. God said, because you are lukewarm, I will spew you out of my mouth.

The Apostle Paul said we should press onward and upward to the mark of perfection which is in Christ Jesus. Today, we have too many that are waiting to have their cup filled by someone who is willing to sacrifice and do the pressing. No fellowship, organization or group of people can grow without someone or several people that are willing to sacrifice to see growth. In the book of Acts, we read, for the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call. We then read that 3000 souls were added unto them. This did not result from waiting to have their cup filled. Rather this came about due to their being in one accord, sharing God‟s word from house to house and having a singleness of heart. They put God first and foremost in their lives. God will honor sacrifice and obedience where he finds it.

How can we suppose to speak for God when we have grown lukewarm in Him? We cannot be God‟s mouthpiece when we have become lukewarm. God is speaking to His people. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith to the Church. I sincerely hope that this will help God‟s children when they read or hear these words. In Christian Love, Bishop Sanford L. Wade

If we wish to see growth in God‟s community, we must be in one accord; share God‟s word daily and have a singleness of heart. We must strive for the same goal. We are not building kingdoms for men, we are working in the Kingdom for Christ Jesus!

Dr. Sanford Wade is the Bishop to the Bishops for the International Circle of Faith. He has served in a variety of roles in the body of Christ and is the founding Pastor of Apostolic Temple in Columbia Station, Ohio. He is a spiritual father to ministers all over the world.

Today there is a concern that we leave our children natural resources, a green earth, less financial debt, better education and so on. The focus is not on where their soul will spend eternity. We can get wrapped up in building buildings, drilling wells, supplying bicycles or cars or whatever. However our focus should be on keeping a close walk with God so we can do His will. We need to share His


Measuring Relationship

The Ministry of the church Requires Relationship

The kingdom of God is manifested in three levels or measures of relationship. The Kingdom cannot be overcome but is itself a mechanism that brings forth change and order. Like leaven, it rises to saturate all spiritual manna (spiritual bread or the Word by which we live). As kingdom consciousness rises in our minds, it influences and becomes part of every thought. It is hidden from the natural eye but will take dominion in every level of our spiritual relationship.

Dr. Barney Phillips

The ultimate purpose of ministry is the fostering of relationships among the saints, to the world and with God. The ministry of the Body (the saints) is a ministry that seeks to bring those in the world into relationship with the church and with God. As His Body, at times we see dimly, and at other times, not at all. As in gospel times, we often look for a kingdom that speaks more of earthly power, personal achievement, and material acquisition than one of relationship with the father, godly knowledge, wisdom and understanding.

Abraham was seeking this full measure of relationship in all levels, when he instructed Sarah to take three measures of meal and make cakes (bread) in response to the visitation of the Lord in the plains of Mamre. Likewise, the apostle Paul speaks of a measure in the fullness of Christ to which we are to attain. One becomes increasingly aware of the fact that our ability to find relationship is in large part dependent upon our ability to see and respond to the Jesus in others.

That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him: The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints, And what is the exceeding greatness of his power to usward who believe, according to the working of his mighty power (Eph 1:17-19).

Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again. (Luke 6:38) There is a longing on the part of most to experience the supernatural, to see tangible manifestations of heavenly power via great miracles and demonstrations of spiritual power. These desires were likewise present in the masses that followed after Jesus. In large part, they followed Him to receive bread, to see miracles, and to witness a demonstration of God’s power. Jesus warned of an evil and adulterous generation who sought after signs. All true signs point us to greater relationship with and love for Jesus.

And Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord: And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment. And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these (Mark 12:29-3).

Sign-seeking will never produce relationship because it is the result of people desiring the gift rather than the Giver. There is an adulterous generation--- a generation who is willing to enter relationships amiss and change loyalties for personal benefit. There is also a generation being birthed who seeks the Father, not out of personal benefit, but out of desire for order, obedience, and relationship.

We need the spiritual enlightenment that can come only through a love relationship with the father and with each other. The fulfillment of the Old Testaments is found in these two commandments. We will never receive or walk in his love without seeking relationship. There is no greater commandment of God than for us to seek relationship by love.

When Jesus walked on the earth, most did not see any-thing more than a man posing tremendous power. Some attributed this power to god and others to the devil, yet most saw only a


man—a gifted and unique man to be sure, but yet just a man. Jesus’ purpose was to reveal the father to mankind. To those with eyes to see, it becomes glaringly apparent why Father/son order is the key to relationship in ministry.

love, may be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height” (Eph. 3:17b-18). These are only natural measurements, but more significantly spiritual measurements of the glory of the father and the family of God.

Then said they unto him, Where is thy Father? Jesus answered, Ye neither know me, nor my Father: if ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also. (John 8:19)

In another biblical reference, the word measure is used in this spiritual sense, such as, the measure of the fathers, the measure of faith, the measure of the gift, and the measure of rule. The point is that we don’t measure relationships by a ruler of inches or yards or meters but with a spiritual measure.

The Kingdom was hidden within Jesus. Only those who could see beyond the man, beyond the miracles, and beyond their own prejudices, could see into the kingdom. These were people who desired relationship. We like wise need to learn to experience the Kingdom resident within the members of the Body of Christ—to go beyond our fears, our flesh, our preconceived ideas, and to see the treasure that is hidden within each saint.

Using the above as a pattern, we can see the foolishness of measuring the value or effectiveness of ministries, saints, and churches using natural, rather than spiritual, measurements. Instead of placing the value on numbers, size, financial resources, ministerial prestige, and notoriety, which are natural measurements, perhaps the Spirit measures effectiveness and value in ways that we seldom consider. Perhaps the Lord Judges ministries more on the investment put into the lives of others than on resources put into promotions and buildings.

Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you ( Luke 17:21). A unique part of God is his hid in the soul of each member, to be revealed by those wise enough to dig it out. The Kingdom is within the Body! We are not going to find relationship by seeking after miracles, or by pursuing gifted Christian ministries and personalities, or by searching the stars for heaven’s location. If the Church is to find genuine relationship, it must begin to see and fellowship with “Jesus” within the Body. This brings new understanding to the following scripture: For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them (Matt 18:20).

Could it be that the Father Judges saints more for their faith in him than for their faith for things? Maybe doing the work of God is far more substantial in the Spirit’s eyes than doing a work for God. Is it possible that when the Lord judges a ministry, the godliness in the saints is infinitely of more importance than the number of people in the church?

Dr. Barney Phillips is a communicator, networker, missionary, and humanitarian. He teachers on Church government and foundational truths. He serves as an advisory to ministries and churches and travels internationally giving oversight and support to Leadership in the Body of Christ. He teaches on Father/Son relationships and his Spiritual Father is Dr. Bernie L Wade ICOF (USA). He is a graduate of Global Evangelical Christian Collage & Seminary and International Circle of Faith College with a doctoral degree in Theology, Master’s degree in Church administration. Dr. Phillips is the Founder of Acts International Missions, a Christian Nonprofit Ministry.

One final thought related to the measure of relationship: The Word measure is used prominently in four biblical instances, listing the dimensions of Moses’ tabernacle, Solomon’s temple, Ezekiel’s vision of the temple, and in the Apostle John’s revelation of the New Jerusalem and its temple. If we looked at references to the measurement of biblical temples for their spiritual rather than their literal dimensions, perhaps we would obtain greater understanding and revelation. The words dimension and measure, of necessity, require us to consider the object being measured in relation to its length, width, depth, and height. These measurements are spiritual, as well as literal in nature. As the apostle Paul illustrates in Ephesians chapter 3: “That ye, being rooted and grounded in


positive conversation. Throughout His life Jesus endured tremendous difficulties, including personal attacks, and yet He remained positive. He always had an uplifting comment, an encouraging word. He always gave hope to those around Him.

You Are What You Think by Joyce Meyer

Positive, faith-filled words are full of life, but negative words are full of death.

The condition of your mind should be as described by Paul in Philippians 4:8. You have the mind of Christ, so begin to use it. If He wouldn't think it, you shouldn't think it!

Many years ago I was an extremely negative person. My whole philosophy was, "Don't expect anything good to happen, and then you won't be disappointed when it doesn't." So many devastating things had happened to me through the years, I was afraid to believe something good might actually happen.

The road to freedom from negative thinking begins when we face the problem without making excuses for it. The choice is ours. Any time we don't get what we want; our minds will rise up and try to get us into self-pity and a negative attitude. Or we can choose to adjust to the situation and go ahead and enjoy what God has for us no matter what happens.

Because my thoughts were all negative, my talk—and my life— were too. Proverbs 23:7 says that as a man thinks in his heart, so is he. My life was a reflection of my thoughts and my words.

Stop and think about what you are thinking about. Satan usually deceives people into believing that the source of their misery or trouble is something other than what it is. But by continually "watching over" your thoughts you can begin to take every thought captive to the obedience of Jesus Christ (see 2 Cor. 10:5).

When I began to study the Word in earnest and to trust God to restore me, one of the first things I realized was that the negativism had to go. And the longer I serve God, the more I realize the tremendous power in being positive in my thoughts and words. Positive, faith-filled words are full of life, but negative words are full of death.

The apostle Paul tells us in Romans 8:28 that "we are assured and know that [God being a partner in their labor] all things work together and are [fitting into a plan] for good to and for those who love God and are called according to [His] design and purpose" (The Amplified Bible). Notice Paul does not say that all things are good, but he does say that all things work together for good.

Perhaps you are like I was. You are avoiding hope to protect yourself against being hurt. Unfortunately, this type of behavior sets up a negative lifestyle. Everything seems to go wrong because our thoughts are negative. But if you are thinking according to the mind of Christ, your thoughts will be positive. God is positive, and if you want to flow with Him, you must get on the same wavelength and begin to think positively.

Paul also tells us in Romans 12:16 to "readily adjust yourself to [people, things]." The idea is that we must learn to become the kind of person who plans things but who doesn't fall apart if that plan doesn't work out.

Have a positive outlook and attitude. Maintain positive thoughts and expectations. Engage in


Mail – we get letters… Bishop Wade,

Bishop Bernie L. Wade,

We are as concerned as you have expressed. How long will it be until the Lord returns. We are facing a world-wide economic collapse. Keep looking to Jesus. He is our King and Lord and Savior. Dr. Ken Phillips

Praise the Lord! It is good to hear from you. I appreciate your kind remarks and encouragement. I have begun reading the article [Bishop Wade’s book The Next Wave – Restoration of the Charismata] that you forwarded to me. It is outstanding. Keep up the good work. We must rally the Apostolic Church worldwide to fulfill our destiny. It is His will that our Destiny exceeds our History. In Christ,

Dearest Brother,

Bishop Samuel Smith Apostolic World Christian Fellowship (AWCF

Truly, it would take more than just a few lines to share what the HS is saying to me. However, I will try to condense it all down to a sound-bit.

From Bishop Joseph Freeson – Ghana, West Africa

The coming of the latter rain outpouring of the Holy Spirit at the beginning of the last century was indeed what the fathers of that revival thought it was: i.e. to prepare for the coming of Christ. However, He did not come "as they expected." He has come, but not to the expectations of many. The same circumstances were present at His first coming. The Jews were looking for Him -- but not the way He came.


I pray that we, unlike the Jews, do not miss Him. We are at a turning of the age. The Lord's church is to step forward as the present body of Christ and dominate the earth. While most prepare for evacuation, the Bride of Christ must prepare for occupation. Sadly, a fly away theology sells more books. Apostolically Yours Jerry Lynn Hayes


honour... for God did not call us to uncleanness, but in holiness. He who rejects this does not reject man, but God, who has also given us His Holy Spirit.” Just because you are saved does not mean that your mind is controlled by the Holy Spirit. And to “ ...know how or to learn” as mentioned here is important. Once a person gets saved they still have to learn self control; spirit, soul and body with the Help of the Holy Spirit.

Main Stream Christians vs. Disciples! By Dr. Alan Pateman

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations...” (Matthew 28:19) Since before the time of Constantine the world in general has defined and identified believers of the “Way” as “Christians” whereas the Lord identifies true believers as His “disciples.” Usually people, who just want to be considered “Christians” (really just converts) don’t set out to learn much! Disciples on the other hand are “teachable” and different entirely, which means that you can “teach” disciples but have to “preach” at Christians (converts!)

In Luke 9:23 Jesus said, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow Me.” Converts are only concerned with being “blessed” and want to remain in control (where disciples “give up” control before they gain it!) As a result main Churches are then forced to provide entertainment with “show after show” to keep the converts entertained and from going somewhere else! They generally look for the church where they can receive what they “want” (blessings) rather than what they “need” (teaching and discipleship!)

Look at the 12 disciples with Jesus – who were willing to learn the Word of God and then to apply it and how He “taught” His disciples but could only “minister” to the masses. There is a difference! He even spoke differently with the disciples in private once the masses had gone. He unfolded mysteries to them, which he wouldn’t to the masses.

Scripture tells us not to forsake the fellowship of the brethren. Therefore spiritual “seclusion” or “superiority” is really “delusion” and the only thing achieved from this is “exclusion!” No one is “above” fellowship! Therefore being a part of the Body means just that; being a “part or a member” of the BODY and not just of oneself! (Most people don’t know where they belong and as a result are easily confused!)

In fact if a church grows it’s generally because it’s full of Christians not necessarily disciples! So what is a disciple? The word “disciple” is mentioned 269 times in the four gospels and the book of Acts alone! A disciple is someone who is willing to go through the process called “sanctification.” Which means that they are willing to be “taught” and then “set apart...” for an entire “life-time” in Christ; not just for occasions or events!

Whereas “sanctification” helps make the disciple “available” to God and literally “sets them apart.” Taking up our cross “daily” refers to a life style of being “set apart” and not just of nurturing our emotions! For any of us who are serious about being disciples, we must “live our entire lives set apart for God” this is called living the “resurrected life!” This Christ made available for us. You can’t live this life without first coming “through” the cross! Anyone trying to minister without having a real “death and resurrection” experience with Christ, will

The process of sanctification and grace is mentioned here in 1 Thessalonians 4:3-7 “For this is the will of God, our sanctification... that each of you should know how (learn) to possess his own vessel in sanctification and 31

with God and must live a life that reveals that fact. For those who limit themselves so much in this way, they must ask themselves a real question, “do I really have the Holy Spirit and does He really have me?” On the other hand there are those who have the anointing but dangerously underestimate the Holy Spirit. The story of the ten virgins refers to this well; five of whom failed to keep their lamps stocked with oil. What a sober warning for any of us. The Bible foretells a great “falling away” and some predict that as much as 50% of all born again even „spirit filled‟ believers will be caught amongst them and will ultimately “miss” the Lord‟s return. To this I can only add that before we met, my wife and I were sports people in our youth. We both trained seriously for various events and at times competed on national and international levels. This taught us both a valuable lesson firsthand; “it’s not how one starts that matters most, but how one finishes!”

only speak from their own vain imaginations and not from the Holy Spirit. WE MUST BE DISCIPLES IF WE WANT TO BE USED BY GOD. Disciples don‟t sit at home all day reading their bibles either; copping out of “real life” by claiming to be too spiritual to do anything else! There are times for prayer. That must be set aside. And for some this time “set aside” can be a few years. Paul was set aside for 2 years under house arrest, and spent much of it studying and preaching to those who came to him. But prayer in itself never negates responsibility (or reality!) And most importantly we must LIVE OUT our commitment to Christ “publically” and not just declare it “privately!” (Disciples are not spiritual hermits with double lives! Christ did not die publically so that we could be His disciples privately!) “Consecration;” mere converts do not like to consecrate but a disciple “must.” In fact for the disciple it is a “24-7” walk with the Holy Spirit. In other words, it never stops; there is no day off from being a disciple! Most folks miss it completely because they focus so much on “getting into” the Holy Spirit when we should already be in Him and should never have left Him!!! He should be with us all the time. We don‟t have to “come to” or “get into” God when we already have Him! Only religion convinces people that they constantly have to “get to God.” In fact they are always “striving to come to God” instead of “resting in God!” As disciples we are filled

Missing the grace of God like that – provokes holy fear in the heart. There is no room to be filled once then imagine “I‟m alright Jack!” In fact scripture makes it quite clear that “even” the elect will be deceived and the love of many will wax cold; therefore being “filled” on occasion is not quite as important as “staying filled daily!” And the purpose of the anointing (oil) is so that we can be “spilled” regularly for the sake of others, just like the alabaster jar was broken to minister to Jesus! Even He needed the oil. But in order to be “spilled” regularly for others, we have to be “filled” regularly and for this we must stay close with the One who can replenish us!


Visit Alan Pateman Ministries

The life of a believer is not just for “themselves.” Self-gratification is the way of the world. Christ “gave” Himself on the cross. Literally “spilled” Himself out like a love offering for us. Now His way must also be our way. And for those who think that we can‟t lose our anointing; just refer to Sampson

Finally disciples are accountable – God disciplines (disciples) those He loves and He uses others to do it. We must ask ourselves a question regularly, “Who is God using to disciple me today? To bring correction when I need it most?” When you were a child it wasn’t the next door neighbor who disciplined you, it was your own family. The Body of Christ then is also a family and also has divine authority! We don‟t have to skip from church to church or family to family to avoid discipline. If we did this when we were a child, we would be very weird by now! Equally we must not get weird in the Kingdom of God. We must allow true correction to be part of our lives. Without it there is only deception. But we can be certain that God only disciplines with “love and conviction” not with “anger, resentment or condemnation.” (That‟s why it‟s vital to be around folks who are filled with the Spirit and ordained by this loving God and not just by themselves!) God‟s love and blessings involve discipline; and the true disciple accepts this fact with joy!

whose “endowment” lifted and left him. “Old Testament!” some will say. Yes! but refer to the virgins in the New. There is a need to be spilled and a need to be filled. And only with the Holy Spirit can we achieve this without falling into deception and missing our Lord altogether. It must be understood then that “discipleship” is not an automatic thing that happens. In fact it is a result of a deep “relationship!” And for those who want to find out what a person “filled” with the Holy Spirit can get up to, then just read the bible; raising the dead is about the most extreme thing that can happen..! However the power of the Spirit and the Fruits of the Spirit (life style) are two different things. Still however the fruits can be valuable weapons in our arsenal against our adversary. Why? Because in Galatians 5:23 it says of the fruits that “against such there is no law” which means when we operate in such a manner... by allowing the fruits of the Spirit to operate through us, then we effectively put a great “cork-stop” in the mouth of our accuser.

Dr. Alan Pateman has a farreaching ministry throughout the world and has been used instrumentally by God to touch the nations. Today he is recognized as a University Educator, Leadership Mentor, and a Connector for Excellence, with a genuine Apostolic Office.

Our life style reveals EVERYTHING, to our enemy and to others. In fact most of the problems we have ever faced have been the result of a lack of lifestyle or character, (whether our own or others!) Consider the fact that “deliverance” is meant for the Church alone and not for the world. Why? Because only true believers (disciples) can “sustain” that deliverance and the infilling of the Holy Spirit.

Dr. Alan Pateman

He is President and Founder of Alan Pateman Ministries International (APMI). Over the last decades he has ministered extensively throughout Europe, Africa and America. Dr Alan has published many written works, numerous books, university curriculums, teaching manuals, including his popular bi-weekly articles, “Truth for the Journey” reaching a global audience. 33

Educational accreditation for your ministry's Bible College or Seminary. Women's Leadership. Anointed women of God are given flexibility to be used by the Holy Spirit in leadership. Women are not "held back" from their God given calling. ICOF sponsors conferences, breakout sessions and workshops oriented toward women and women in ministry. This continues our theme of ministering to the ministers. Women in ICOF leadership roles plan and direct these meetings. Youth Leadership. ICOF has structures for youth leadership to assist, support and involve youth ministers and ministries in all our activities, including conferences, concerts, retreats, etc. Non-church Leadership for Christians who minister in the secular world and outside of normal "church" environments. ICOF has structures for leadership to assist, support, and mentor and train persons who minister in other areas (i.e.-Business, Para-Church ministries, music ministries, house churches, nursing homes, campus ministries, etc.) Covering, Licensing, Fellowship and On-Going Support within an internationally recognized network of ministers, churches and para-church organizations that span every human endeavor. we are there for YOU, in Jesus' Mighty Name!

What are the benefits of being a member of the International Circle of Faith (ICOF)? Here are just a few:

Membership in a truly multi-cultural, multiethnic, international Christian movement. Listing of your ministry and your ministry web site inside ICOF website for all to see. If you do not have a web site for your ministry, our web design staff can build you a quality site at a significantly discounted rate. If you are a business owner we will list and certify your business in the ICOF Christian Business Association. This gives you the ability to market your products and services worldwide through our network. Networking with other businesses to bring more opportunities and to "Keep Kingdom Money in the Kingdom." Opportunity to participate in any of our accredited university classes. Certification and membership credentials for you and your ministry. Annual International and National Conferences. Membership in a worldwide network currently consisting of over 40,000 churches, ministers, ministries and Para-church organizations working together. Your ministry maintains complete local autonomy in leadership and complete local ownership of church properties and resources because we are a network, not a denomination. Access to members of our top leadership globally and also to any member of the general body for friendship, counsel and support. A member of ICOF Congress is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year! 34

ICOF US SYNOD The ICOF (International Circle of Faith) US Synod is Headquartered in historic Birmingham, Alabama. Apostle C. F. Roberts is the US Presider and her Husband, Apostle Leonard Barber the North American Presider together they pastor Restoration Assembly in Birmingham. Phone: 205.356.1883 PO. Box 611380 Birmingham, AL 35261

To Join the ICOF US Below: Apostle Chellee Roberts-Barber with ICOF US SYNOD 2nd Assistant Apostle Caldwell at the banquet following the ICOF HOLY CONVOCATION, BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA

Bishop Elect Davis, Bishop Caldwell and North American Bishop Leonard Barber

HISTORIC ICOF HOLY CONVOCATION Birmingham, Alabama 2011 – The appointment of Apostle C. F. Barber by the ICOF International Congress is historic. The ICOF with a global body of more than 11 million served by ICOF‟s more than 40,000 ministers. Apostle Barber represents the first woman in history to preside over the national jurisdiction of a truly International multicultural Apostolic body. Our Global Presider, Dr. Bernie L. Wade brought the keynote message at the Holy Convocation installation service. He spoke from the topic “Breaking the Paradymes”. He reminded us how Apostle Barber has risen above her circumstances as a black woman from a Pentecostal tradition who flows in Apostolic anointing. In spite of her circumstances and those who would despise her at these various pointes she is changing paradymes for people of color, women, Pentecostals and fivefold ministers. God has positioned her to lead the ICOF US SYNOD for such as time as this!


simplifying IT 35


Spring has its leaves almost wilting…. There goes Tunisia [Jasmin Revolution] with its citizens flooding the shores of the Italian Lampedusa Island in order to seek a European shelter…."

A Middle East Double-Dip Yoram Ettinger

While Western commentators and politicians are captivated by the delusions of the "Arab Internet Revolt" and the "Arab March of Democracy," the anti-Western Muslim Brotherhood (MB) emerges as a major beneficiary of the Arab Winter, which is toppling anti-MB regimes. Unlike the Khomeini Revolution, the MB is set on a gradual takeover of Egypt and other Arab countries, leveraging the sacrifice by other opposition groups. Focusing on their mission – the global spread of Islam and the defeat of the apostate and the infidel – the Muslim Brotherhood adheres to long-term, patient battles through political and subversive tactics. Iran has recently gained in stature, thawing the frosty relations with Egypt, meddling further in the domestic affairs of Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and other Gulf States, and securing two bridgeheads in Gaza (Hamas) and Lebanon (Hezbollah).

October 23, 2011 A Middle East double-dip is ushered-in by the lynching of Gadhafi; the violent alteration of alliances and regime in Libya; the inherent tribal, ethnic, ideological and religious fragmentation in that oil rich country; the volatile Arab Street from North Africa to the Persian Gulf; the disintegration of nepotism-based Arab regimes; the artificial boundaries of Arab countries, which exacerbates ethnic and sectarian violence; and the 1,400 years absence of Arab democracy and intra-Arab comprehensive peace and compliance with agreements. The call for Israel to assume additional risks for peace defies Middle East reality. It is a derivative of the "Arab Spring" delusion, fueling Arab radicalism and terrorism. According to the astute Arab journalist, Elias Harfoush, "[Recent developments in the Middle East are] closer to a civil war than to a popular revolution….Societies that are supposed to constitute nations are dismantling into tribes, sects and conflicting doctrines…. Libya and Yemen represent two examples of the prototype of internal dismantlement that can eliminate the dream of change. The two countries host a resident state of radicalism called Al-Qaeda. The latter represents a danger to the Western interests and to the interests of the neighboring countries….The so-called Arab

Western observers tend to ignore the significance of the 1,400 year old monopoly of Islam over the religious, educational, social and political aspects of every Arab country. Such a repressive monopoly guarantees an Islamic victory in every "democratic" process. The 1979 "freeing" of Iran from the autocracy of the Shah, produced the Khomeini Revolution, a radical, oppressive, megalomaniac Islamic regime. The 2002 election in Turkey yielded the less-radical Islamic regime of the Justice and Development Party, headed by Erdogan, who 37

aspires to head the Islamic World and reinstate the Ottoman Empire. Furthermore, a fundamental incompatibility exists between liberty-driven Western democracy and liberty-devoid Islam. Arab regimes dread freedom of religion, freedom of expression, freedom of speech, free competition, free press, free Internet and free minds. Therefore, since 2003, US attempts to democratize Iraq have been perceived, by the House of Saud and other pro-US Arab regimes, as a lethal threat. Arab regimes hijack the electoral process, advancing their own tyrannical agenda. In 2006, Condoleezza Rice's insistence upon introducing democracy to Gaza catapulted Hamas terrorists to power. In 1996, Jimmy Carter certified the "electoral" victory of Arafat, who proceeded to launch an unprecedented campaign of terrorism. In 1979, the eagerness to spread democracy led Western leaders to support the Khomeini Revolution. During 1917-1967, a sustained campaign, by the British Empire, to introduce democracy to Arab lands failed decisively. Against the backdrop of Middle East turmoil, the expected Middle East double-dip, the deepening uncertainty and escalating threat, it is incumbent upon Israel to choose experience over delusion, rejecting the lethal "Risk-for-Peace" and embracing the life saving "Less-Risk for More-Security."

In 1973, a church located on Route 46, in Netcong, New Jersey faced a mountain-like problem. Having built a sanctuary on a recently acquired eight-acre property, half of which was occupied by mountain and woods. The local authority could not grant them permanent occupancy until enough parking space was provided. What would have served as parking space was predominantly woods and mountain. The cost of clearing the woods and removing the mountain was un affordable by the church at this time. One Sunday morning, Pastor Ray Crawford exhorted the congregation on Christ's word on faith that can move mountain (Mat. 17.20). He told the congregation: if you believe this scripture come and pray with me on Wednesday night that God will remove the mountain from the back of the church. The next morning, the phone rang from a telephone company planning to erect new building and needed to fill and reclaim a large swampy site. They had information that the mountain at the back of the church had correct proportions of sand, clay and rock which was required to reclaim their swampy site. Within a month from the date of the phone call, 40,000 square yards of fill had been evacuated, and the church was paid $5400. God not only honored the faith of his servant by removing the mountain, but also provided him with funds for paving the site for the parking space. Mountains are just prayers that have not yet been prayed for‌

Ambassador (Ret) Yoram Ettinger Ambassador (ret.) Ettinger is an insider on US-Israel relations, Mideast politics and overseas investments in Israel's high tech. He is a member of the American-Israel Demographic Research Group (AIDRG), which has documented dramatic flaws behind demographic fatalism on one hand and a Jewish demographic momentum on the other hand. He is a consultant to members of Israelâ€&#x;s Cabinet and Knesset,


God, and we simultaneously recognize whatever grace He has worked in us is so we can bless others, then there is no limit to how much God can use us. Our knowing we are nothing is a great attainment in His eyes. For then our energies are no longer spent exalting or defending ourselves but in clinging to Christ and relying upon Him. You see, God is not offended by chaos. There will be times when, like the pre-creation universe, you discover your life seems "formless and void." Do not be over-concerned. When you discover there is "chaos" in the deepest part of you, do not fret. You are at a new beginning. It has taken the Lord quite a long time to help you to recognize your "nothingness."

When Becoming Nothing is an Improvement By Francis Frangipane

In the beginning, the earth was formless and void, but that did not deter the Almighty. He looked into the fathomless depth of its darkness and concluded, "All it needs is light!" Likewise, in the beginning of our spiritual lives, we also are "formless and void" and God, just as confidently, is still saying, "All they need is a little light!" Remember: it's the Lord's responsibility to create and our responsibility to submit to His creating.

So, let all who know they are nothings rejoice: you are miles ahead of those who think they are something! The proud, who consider themselves something special, do not deal with the lightless regions of chaos in their souls; they simply hide them. But if we are transparent with our need, the Spirit and Word can work in us to bring life and order. All we need do is to open up and confess our nothingness to the Holy Spirit.

The Lord only needs three things to fashion life. First, He needs a "nothing." The Almighty always begins His great, creative works with a "nothing" (this is very important because this is where we come in!). Then, His Spirit needs to be hovering over the "nothing." And, finally, He needs His Word, which is the "something" He's going to put in the "nothing's" place.

"For God, who said, 'Light shall shine out of darkness,' is the One who has shown in our hearts to give the Light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ" (2 Cor. 4:6).

God has no difficulty at all creating something out of nothing. The only obstacle He faces is when the nothing doesn't know it is nothing but instead thinks it's something. At that point God has to break it back down to nothing before it is good for anything. (Are you still following me?) Paul said this better than I when he wrote,

This is the very way our great Creator creates. He causes light to shine out of darkness! The only thing He requires of us is to be honest about the darkness --to confess it instead of hiding it.

"If anyone thinks he is something when he is nothing, he deceives himself" (Gal. 6:3). Even as Christians, if we think we are "something" so that we look down on others or we are wise in our own eyes, we deceive ourselves! The only something there truly is, is God.

"Do not participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but instead even expose them . . . But all things become visible when they are exposed by the light, for everything that becomes visible is light" (Eph. 5:11,13). When darkness is exposed to the light, it becomes light. In fact, the very reason our darkness becomes

If we categorically know we are nothing without 39

visible is because God shines His light upon it. If you persevere --if you continually thrust your darkness into the light of God's grace and power-that light will ultimately shine out from within you. Your darkness will actually become light.


Three issues have popped up in other areas within the public arena and it is important to address them before they become defacto doctrine. In the first century some of the Jewish Christians sought to impose these behaviors on Gentile Christians and they were addressed in several places in the New Testament (most notably in Acts 15). They are view that all Christians should worship on Saturday, should abstain from non-kosher foods, and that the Jewish holidays and festivals should still be observed. Adherence to these behaviors was explicitly commanded by God of the Hebrews in the Old Testament and most were from the book of Leviticus.

Beloved, if you know you are nothing in yourself, you're a prime candidate to become something in God! Consider again Paul‟s view of himself: "If anyone else has a mind to put confidence in the flesh, I far more: circumcised the eighth day, of the nation of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of Hebrews; as to the Law, a Pharisee; as to zeal, a persecutor of the church; as to the righteousness which is in the Law, found blameless. But whatever things were gain to me, those things I have counted as loss for the sake of Christ" (Phil. 3:4-7). Paul said whatever things were "gain" to him (things that made him a "something" before men); he gave up as "loss for the sake of Christ." To become nothing in ourselves, to be excavated of pride and of being consumed by our attainments and pedigree, is part of the path to sonship. Paul actually saw all his human, religious attainments as obstacles. Certainly, in time the Lord used all of the elements of Paul's life, but not before Paul gave them up to the Lord. John the Baptist said, "He must increase, but I must decrease" (John 3:30). You see, though self-confidence dies, God-confidence comes to life! So, do not fret. You can admit that you have areas within that are dead and dark. Romans 4:17 says, "God . . . gives life to the dead and calls into being that which does not exist." God gives LIFE to the dead. Do you sometimes feel dead? Good. You're qualified to get God's life! Look to God. Trust Him as your Creator. Do not fear when you discover you are nothing. There is a time when becoming nothing is an improvement.

However, when Christ came He fulfilled the law (Matthew 5:17-20) and “things which were a mere shadow of what was to come” were no longer applicable. Here are verses which specifically address the Sabbath and Jewish holidays and festivals: Colossians 2:16,17 & Romans 14:5 & John 9:16 &. Mark 2:27 Here, Jesus said to them, "The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath.” If you read these verses without preconception you understand it‟s wrong to consider someone as sinning because they don‟t keep the Old Testament Sabbath. The Sabbath is made for man. If you want to consider every day holy then that‟s fine. If you want to pick one day or a series of days as above others to worship God, then that‟s fine, too. You won‟t find any verses in the New Testament which contradict this.

Francis Frangipane serves as the senior minister of River of Life Ministries in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Francis has been instrumental in uniting thousands of pastors in prayer. 40

Mark 7:18-20 And He said to them, "Are you so lacking in understanding also? Do you not understand that whatever goes into the man from outside cannot defile him, because it does not go into his heart, but into his stomach, and is eliminated?" (Thus He declared all foods clean.) And He was saying, "That which proceeds out of the man, that is what defiles the man.”

having them observe Jewish customs and the Apostles (including Paul); they only advised them to keep a minimal set of rules. There was no mention of having them observe the Sabbath, restricting their diet to kosher foods, or observing Jewish holidays. In addition, in all of Paul‟s epistles to the Gentiles, there is no mention of it. In fact, I can find no indication in the New Testament or in historical records of the early church of any time where Christian Gentiles were instructed to do so. If it is not mentioned much less commanded in the New Testament, why is it important for us to reinstitute it now?

1 Timothy 4:3-5 men who forbid marriage and advocate abstaining from foods which God has created to be gratefully shared in by those who believe and know the truth. For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with gratitude; for it is sanctified by means of the word of God and prayer.

Looking at these three issues brings to mind Galatians 2 where some Jews had secretly infiltrated the Gentile Christians in order to “spy out our liberty which we have in Christ Jesus, in order to bring us into bondage.” When Paul met with the Apostles, Peter began to refuse to sit or speak with the Gentiles (which he would normally and which was against Jewish tradition) because he was trying to keep from offending the Jewish Christians who were present. But Paul wouldn‟t let it slide:

Romans 14:14 I know and am convinced in the Lord Jesus that nothing is unclean in itself… Colossians 2:20-23 If you have died with Christ to the elementary principles of the world, why, as if you were living in the world, do you submit yourself to decrees, such as, "Do not handle, do not taste, do not touch!" (which all refer to things destined to perish with use) -- In accordance with the commandments and teachings of men? These are matters which have, to be sure, the appearance of wisdom in self-made religion and self-abasement and severe treatment of the body, but are of no value against fleshly indulgence.

Galatians 2:13-16 The rest of the Jews joined him in hypocrisy, with the result that even Barnabas was carried away by their hypocrisy. But when I saw that they were not straightforward about the truth of the gospel, I said to Cephas in the presence of all, “If you, being a Jew, live like the Gentiles and not like the Jews, how is it that you compel the Gentiles to live like Jews? We are Jews by nature and not sinners from among the Gentiles; nevertheless knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the Law but through faith in Christ Jesus, even we have believed in Christ Jesus, so that we may be justified by faith in Christ and not by the works of the Law; since by the works of the Law no flesh will be justified.”

1 Corinthians 8:8 But food will not commend us to God; we are neither the worse if we do not eat, nor the better if we do eat. How Is It That You Compel The Gentiles To Live like Jews? In Acts 15, Jewish Christians tried to get the Gentiles to follow their traditions. However, after a heated discussion between those who advocated 41

Causing A Brother To Stumble However, there is clear guidance concerning not offending someone by what you eat or by what days you worship in Romans 14:

goes for religious observances on certain days. If they feel God leading them to pray, or study the Bible, or worship on a certain day or days then we should respect that.

Romans 14:2-4 One person has faith that he may eat all things, but he who is weak eats vegetables only. The one who eats is not to regard with contempt the one who does not eat, and the one who does not eat is not to judge the one who eats, for God has accepted him. Who are you to judge the servant of another?

However, it is entirely another matter when someone begins to teach their fellow brethren that God has commanded these behaviors and to do otherwise is to disobey God. It then is no longer a matter of respecting personal choice but a matter of legalism and the “leaven of the Pharisees” creeping in to restrict our liberty in Christ and begin to put us back into the bondage of the law. Although its initial effects may be innocuous, such thinking inevitably leads to further restrictions until at last we find ourselves back trying to earn God‟s favor through works.

Romans 14:5, 6 One person regards one day above another, another regards every day alike. Personal Choice versus Doctrine How should we interpret Romans 14 in light of the other scriptures we find in the New Testament concerning food? Should we allow doctrines such as we are discussing to be taught and promoted without challenging them? If so, where does the deviation from sound doctrine end? Hasn‟t history taught us that error uncorrected only increases in magnitude over time?

All Things To All Men One reason put forth as justification for such restrictions is that our liberty gives offense to Jews and Muslims who still adhere to these sorts of doctrines. Granted, it is entirely scriptural to avoid giving offense to those of another culture or religion where it is possible without disobeying God when trying to minister to that group:

I think the key is in the phrase “one person.” Romans 14 is talking about how to interact with a Christian brother who has made a personal choice concerning diet or observance of one day over another. If someone chooses to eat only vegetables or restrict their diet in some other way because they believe it is better for them, or God leading them to do so for a time, or any other personal reason then we should respect that. To try and get them to eat something which they don‟t want to (for whatever reason) would be to try and cause your brother to stumble or sin because they would be doing something that they believe is wrong. The same

1 Corinthians 9:20-22 To the Jews I became as a Jew, so that I might win Jews; to those who are under the Law, as under the Law though not being myself under the Law, so that I might win those who are under the Law; to those who are without law, as without law, though not being without the law of God but under the law of Christ, so that I might win those who are without law. To the weak I became weak, that I might win the weak; I have become all things to all men, so that I may by all means save some.


But to say that such restrictions are to be observed at all times as a way of life in order to avoid offending anyone is to misrepresent the meaning of the passage. Paul didn‟t stay “weak” in order to avoid offending those who were weak but only when he was trying to reach them.

someone in their immediate family or of the same sex will be put to death (Leviticus 20:9-13) * If you‟re in fulltime ministry, then you can‟t shave your head or trim your beard (Leviticus 21:5) * If you have a garden or are a farmer, then every seventh year you are forbidden from sowing any seed, gathering any crops, or weeding and trimming (Leviticus 25:4,5)

What Does Christ-Like Mean? Another rationalization given for these doctrines is that they make you more “Christlike” since these were behaviors that we believe Jesus observed since he was, after all, Jewish. However, if that is the reason for doing these things then where does it end? There are many rituals and customs which were commanded by God in the Old Testament and which were observed by the Jews of Jesus‟ time. Are we now to say that God commands all Christians to observe the following:

These are just a handful of the restrictions found. If the commandments concerning observing the Sabbath only on a certain day, eating only kosher foods, and observing Jewish festivals are still in effect then it stands to reason that all the others are also still in effect. Isn‟t it hypocrisy to pick out one or two and choose to just obey them? Isn‟t that part of the “leaven of the Pharisees” that Jesus spoke against? Of course, we should be led by the Spirit but the Holy Spirit will never lead you to ignore the Word of God. And we should seek sanctification as we continue in the process of repentance and maturity but that doesn‟t mean seeking to revive restrictions from the Old Testament which the New Testament has removed. Doing so may have the “appearance of wisdom” (Colossians 2:23) but is actually just a step towards putting yourself back into the bondage of the Law.

Christians are to be considered unclean and untouchable for period of time after having had contact with a dead non-kosher animal (for instance, touching bacon), during menstruation, after giving birth, and after a seminal emission (Leviticus 11, 12 and 15) * Women can‟t wear men‟s clothing and viceversa (Deuteronomy 22:5) * It is forbidden to wear a garment where wool and linen are mixed (Deuteronomy 22:11) * You can‟t eat the fruit of a tree for the first three years after you plant it (Leviticus 19:23) * Anyone who works on the Sabbath shall be put to death (Exodus 35:2) * Anyone who curses their mother or father, commits adultery, or has sexual relations with

Conclusion 1 John 4:1 Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. We need to respect the choices of our fellow Christians.


The Apostles knew the name of the son was “Jesus” (St. Matthew 1:21). They knew that the Son came in the Father‟s name (St. John 5:43). They also knew that the Holy Ghost was the Spirit of Christ, and would come in “Jesus” name (St. John 14:26).


The facts confirm that the early Christians clearly understood the doctrine of water baptism relative to the name of “Jesus”! BRITANNICA ENCYCLOPEDIA volume 3, page 82 – “Everywhere in the oldest sources it states that baptism took place in the name of Jesus Christ.”

Twenty centuries after the birth of the Christian Church, strangely, there is confusion over the correct method of water baptism. The “last message” preached by Jesus was a command to baptize all nations (St. Matthew 28:19). The “first message” preached by the Apostles resulted in a command for everyone to be baptized (Acts 2:38). Baptism is clearly important and should be administered according to plainly stated scripture.

CANNEY ENCYCLOPEDIA OF RELIGION, page 53 – “The early church always baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.” HASTINGS ENCYCLOPEDIA OF RELIGION, volume 2, page 377 – “Christian baptism was administered using the words, “In the name of Jesus.”

JESUS TAUGHT, “That repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem” (St. Luke 24:47).

HASTINGS ENCYCLOPEDIA OF RELIGION, volume 2, page 377 on Acts 2:38 – “name was an ancient synonym for person.” Payment: was always made in the name of some person referring to ownership. Therefore, one being baptized in Jesus name became his personal property, “Ye are Christ‟s”.

At Jerusalem PETER OBEYED saying; “Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins” (Acts 2:38). The SAMARITANS; “…only they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus” (Acts 8:16).

SHAFF-HERZOG ENCYCLOPEDIA OF RELIGIOUS KNOWLEDGE, volume 1, page 435 – 1966 edition – “The New Testament knows only baptism in the name of Jesus…”

The GENTILES; “And he commanded them to be baptized in the name of the Lord” (Acts 10:48). PAUL RE-BAPTIZED THE CHRISTIAN EPHESIANS, “When they heard this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus” (Acts 19:5).

HASTINGS DICTIONARY OF BIBLE, page 88 – “It must be acknowledged that the three-fold „name‟ of Saint Matthew 28:19 does not appear to have been used by the primitive church, but rather in the „name‟ of Jesus, Jesus Christ, or Lord Jesus.”

The above scriptures are not given to refute Matthew 28:19, where Jesus told the Apostles to baptize in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost; they merely show how the command was interpreted and obeyed by them.

(continued on Page 46) 44

I have a dream that our children will see an example of life that is not based on what one may have on the outside, including race or financial status, but that what matters most is the integrity and character of what is on the inside of a person.

I Have a Dream by Robert Ricciardelli The past few days I have been waking up thinking about Dr. Martin Luther King. I kept hearing his speech as I awoke in each of the past few mornings. He is one of my heroes of the faith. A difference maker, a catalyst for good and for the generations. I asked the Lord if there was some further meaning to it. Father said, I gave him a dream, and I have given you a dream. I decided to write out my dream in honor of one of my heroes dreams. Thank you Lord for Dr. Martin Luther King, who stood for you, stood, for freedom, and gave his life for the cause of that freedom. I write this honor of Dr. Martin Luther King and the legacy he has left for all of us.

I have a dream today. I have a dream that one day, that the hierarchical deception and distortion of community through the systems of man will give way to authentic relationships and authentic communities that are not based on performance or hidden agendas. I have a dream today. I have a dream that the systems of man that have controlled and manipulated the people of God, to give way to the freedom and power of the Kingdom of God. That there is neither male nor female, Greek nor Jew, or any other caste system getting in the way of the freedom that can only be realized through Christ Jesus our Lord.

“I have a dream that one day the Kingdom nation of God will rise up and live out the true meaning of Christ’s all consuming creed that fulfills all laws and prophecies with these words, “The Lord our God is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with your entire mind and with all your strength and also to love your neighbor as yourself.”

I have a dream today. I have a dream of revolutionary authentic servant leaders all over the world who do not usurp their authority and mandates, but lead through humility while coaching and assisting others toward the way, the truth, and the life.

“I have a dream that one day the children of God will truly answer the Lord’s prayer in becoming one as He and the Father are one. That they would move as one ‘Body of Christ’ through the power of the love of God within them.”

I have a dream today. I have a dream that one day the last shall be first and the first shall be last and the day when the highest esteem is reserved for those who are humble, for those who are motivated by love, and for those who desire to serve others in their journey.

I have a dream that one day the walls of culture and preference that have divided our communities will come crashing down so that we may truly love and honor each others uniqueness and strength in our diversity. I have a dream for freedom from the grips of false religion and anything that gets in the way of the agape love of God and His perfect will for humanity.

I have a dream today. I have a dream that the manifest sons and daughters of the living God are realized upon the earth, supernaturally presenting Christ as the only answer to 45

the groaning within all of creation. I can see it now, the glory of the Lord filling the earth like the waters cover the sea. All people united as one, every knee bowing and every tongue confessing that Jesus Christ is Lord.

(Baptism, continued from Page 43)

FAUSSETS BIBLE ENCYCLOPEDIA, page 539 – The name Jesus, means “Jehovah Salvation.”

This will be the day that both the mystery and the majesty of the Most High God is fully known throughout the universe with the whole world singing, “For the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory are yours now and forever.”

The above references are in agreement with the command Apostle Peter gave on the Day of Pentecost; when asked …”what shall we do?” Peter replied, “Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost” (Acts 2:38). Peter continued, “The promise is unto you and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call” (Acts 2:39).

Robert Ricciardelli along with his wife Joyce are the founders of the Converging Zone Network (CZN). Through their blogs, newsletters, and social networking platforms, they bring collaboration to over 100,000 each week in various spheres of society. Robert and Joyce are certified Biblical Life and Life Breakthrough Coaches and trainers, and Transformational Life Coaches through Life forming Coach Training.

Historical facts make it quite apparent that people in the early church obeyed the command relative to water baptism as Apostle Peter gave it. Furthermore, the authenticity of water baptism today in the name of “Jesus Christ,” cannot be denied! “Neither is there salvation in any other, for there is none other name under heaven, given among men, whereby we must be saved” (Acts 4:12). Apostle Paul said, “And whatsoever ye do in word or in deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus...” (Colossians 3:17). Jesus said, “He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved…” (St. Mark 16:16). The Biblical and historical facts set forth in this article are worthy of the reader‟s prayerful consideration. Regardless of one‟s loyalty to tradition, we all stand before God on the solitary merit of our obedience to His Word. Bishop Samuel Smith is honored among Apostolics across the globe as a modern day Apostle. His views and insights target the contemporary Apostolic Church's most pressing needs. Bishop is the General Chairman of the Apostolic World Christian Fellowship [AWCF]. He travels the world as a vibrant crusader for Christ and the Apostolic Message

FROM THE EDITOR. THE ABOVE PHOTO WAS SUBMITTED TO US BUT WE ARE NOT CERTAIN OF THE FOUR MEN IN THE PHOTO. IF YOU CAN IDENTIFY THEM EMAIL with their identities and any other information about the photo. It appears to our staff to be Bishop G. B. Rowe, Bishop G. T. Haywood and can you tell us the identity of the other two men.


Editor: THE NEXT WAVE Reports to: Chief of Staff – Dr. Robert Straube Description: This person will be responsible for producing and managing the content of The Next Wave, as well as become a regular editorial contributor to other ICOF publications. Assist in the selection of appropriate material for inclusion on the publication, as well as writing and editing articles, interfacing with freelancers, ministry leaders and other content providers, formatting and uploading articles, and helping to collect and edit material.

LEADERS ICOF is looking for the following: Leaders who God has called. Also those who would like to be Overseers, Bishops and Coordinators. We are looking for all aspects of five-fold ministry: pastors, teachers, evangelists, prophets and apostles.

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suspicions or memories. To return to notice, use, or currency, as a subject, practice or doctrine. To become operative or valid again.

Birthing True Revival By Ray Young


W hat is TRUE revival??? The word is bandied about in religious circles and has been for years. For many people, revival consists of calling in a special speaker, two or three music groups and having the speaker make an impassioned appeal to a spiritually dead congregation to “get saved”, something most of them did roughly 30 years ago, followed by a lavish, home-cooked meal. Usually, “Just as I Am” is played at the end of the sermon, often all six verses, sometimes several times over in order to try and coax the spiritually dormant into rededicating their life to Christ for roughly the 4th or 5th time since they were 30. Not too appealing a scenario? I agree. I wouldn‟t blame you for not attending such an event. I probably wouldn‟t go either, and I‟m the preacher, for crying out loud!

With that definition in mind, we have to realize that true revival doesn‟t START as unsaved sinners coming to Christ for the first time. In fact, true revival ALWAYS involves reviving the EXISTING church FIRST and restoring the people to a spiritual vigor and fervor that they once had. THEN, those revived saints, now on fire again, go out to win NEW souls to Christ. To help you understand what we‟re talking about, let‟s look at some Scriptural examples… 5

These twelve Jesus sent out and commanded them, saying: “Do not go into the way of the Gentiles, and do not enter a city of the Samaritans. 6 But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. 7 And as you go, preach, saying, „The kingdom of heaven is at hand.‟ “ – Matthew 10:5-7 NKJV

Obviously, that must not be what God means when He talks about revivals and being revived. So we have to ask ourselves a very important question: W hat does the word revive actually mean? Well, it‟s actually TW O words, “re-“, which means “to do again” and “vive”, which means “to bring to life”. Since I wanted to be as accurate as possible, I went on the web to one of the many online dictionaries available, and this is what I found. The word “revive” has many different meanings, including:

Jesus, in sending the Twelve, knew that eventually His Command would include, in cascading order, Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and the Uttermost Parts of the Earth. But He also knew that unless it worked on the home front, it was not likely to work far, far away. In addition, He had a moral obligation to try and bring the stubborn, rebellious children of Israel back to Him one final time. And so, as a matter of principle and His great love for His People, He instructed the Disciples to go FIRST to the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel. It also didn‟t matter that He already knew that they would be confronted with widespread opposition and rejection. He had to try and revive the local group

To return to life, consciousness, vigor, strength or a flourishing condition. To recover from financial depression. To be quickened, restored, or renewed, as hope, confidence,


before He attempted to revive those on the outside. Later on in Matthew, Jesus would be even more emphatic about the matter:

since sin can best be defined as defiance of the W ill of God, either known or unknown, and, thank God, that‟s all the Father needed Him to be for our sakes.


And behold, a woman of Canaan came from that region and cried out to Him, saying, “Have mercy on me, O Lord, Son of David! My daughter is severely demon-possessed.” 23 But He answered her not a word. And His disciples came and urged Him, saying, “Send her away, for she cries out after us.” 24 But He answered and said, “I was not sent except to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” -- Matthew 15:22-24 NKJV

Shortly thereafter, He would isolate Himself on top of a mountain for an all-nighter with the Father in an effort to try and solve the problem. W hen He finally came back down the next morning, He had come to a decision. Of the core group of approximately 120 that traveled with Him, the same number that would show up for Pentecost some time later, He “tithed” a Swat Team of 12 men whom He would train intensely for several years in the hope that once He was gone, they would be able to effectively carry on His mission and then, finally, extend the scope of that mission beyond the Jews to the Gentiles and, eventually, the whole world.

Jesus‟ early ministry had been a whirlwind of rapidly escalating success, conflict and stress. After the water-to-wine incident at Cana and the jammed house full of people only a few days later to the point where He was preaching to crowds of 20,000 or more (5,000 men PLUS women PLUS children, the latter two groups not having been counted), Jesus was finding it harder and harder to find time to pray and spend time with His Father. Exhausted, He and His disciples tried to escape across the border to Tire and Sidon, but there was no rest even there. No sooner had He sat down that a woman came up to him, begging Him to heal her demonpossessed child. His immediate response, deeply human and driven by intense personal exhaustion, was to tell her to leave Him alone! People forget that Jesus, while He was here on earth prior to His Resurrection, did everything He did as a man filled with the Holy Spirit. In fact, in His mortal manifestation, it wasn‟t even required of Him that He be perfect, just that He be sinless. We don‟t have time in this book to examine that detailed theological statement, but just remember that the Book of Hebrews says that He was MADE perfect through what He suffered. That clearly implies that He WASN‟T perfect prior to that time. He WAS sinless,

This article is taken in part from Dr. Young‟s new book, “Birthing True Revival”, which will be available for purchase in January 2012.” Dr. Ray Young is an Assistant International Presiding Bishop for ICOF and President and Founder of International Circle of Faith Bible College (Indiana Campus), a distance learning institution. He has ministered extensively, both domestically and overseas, in Haiti, India and Africa. He is the published author of six major books on the End Times and is currently working on both a major book and 10session PowerPoint presentation series entitled “Birthing True Revival”, a series of intense workshops designed to help actually trigger true revival in any church or organization that implements them. He is available to minister anywhere in the world and can be reached at



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