The Treasurer Chest Volume 1 Issue 4

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VOLUME 1 // ISSUE 4 //March 15, 2017

THE TREASURER CHEST updates for club treasurers

MEGAN'S MAILBOX a friendly advice column

Q: How do I get the Membership and Motivation award for my club? Most of our members have already paid dues? A: It’s understandable to have trouble getting new members and supplemental dues so far into the term. What I would do is advertise advertise advertise! At my school we have a daily news show and the club puts up advertisements for upcoming meetings and events. Just from those few seconds of fame, new members come to every meeting and from there we talk about the benefits of be a paid member like going to DCON, getting a pin, and other cool perks!

Q: How can I make the price for DCON less intimidating for members? How can I advertise for it? A: As we all know, DCON is coming up soon and the registration season has already started. And more often than never, there are members who are intimidated by the price and end up not going. What you can do is show them that DCON is really worth the price paid. Show them videos from last year! Show them talent show videos and spirit battles or even the cool workshops available!

THE ROLE OF THE CLUB TREASURER in the closing of our term

Fundraise for dcon!!! Help club board with dcon registration process and help arrange transportation Keep submitting dues

VOLUME 1 // ISSUE 4 //March 15, 2017

THE TREASURER CHEST updates for club treasurers

Awake-A-Thon Recap On February 24, 2017 clubs from the southern divisions of CNH KIWIN’S attended the annual Awake-A-Thon. Members came to the Town Center Hall in Santa Fe to try to stay awake from 7 PM - 7 AM, and you would be charged $1 for every hour you'd fall asleep. Therefore, the event consisted of icebreakers and fun activities to keep members awake during the time spent at Awake-A-Thon. Over 200 people attended the event where we were able to raise more than $3,500! The money raised also came from the food that was sold at the event, where we offered pizza, macaroni and cheese, ice cream, popcorn, cereal, cup noodles, and donuts for $1. Overall the event offered great opportunities for people to meet other members from different divisions and have an amazing time with our ohana!

How to register for

DISTRICT CONVENTION 2017 Early Registration ($179): March 10. Yay DCON Registration is over for everyone that did early registration! Late Registration ($229): March 24 (Check must be received by this date!) To register for Late Registration, go to Hotel Registration Download and fill out the “Housing List With Instructions” Excel Sheet on>Events>DCON Email the DCON Housing List to by March 24. Mail a check and a copy of your housing sheet to 2600 Bishop Road San Ramon, CA 94583 by April 10! The cost of one hotel room is $296.74 INCLUDING tax. Don't forget to account for adult chaperones. For more information on DCON Housing, chaperones, and registration, check out the DCON Manual on *Note: let members pick their own rooms. Set a deadline to when the members can choose their room

VOLUME 1 // ISSUE 4 //March 15, 2017

THE TREASURER CHEST updates for club treasurers

DCON Program Advertisements $20 for full-page ad $12 for half-page ad $8 for quarter-page ad Give money to your LTG, and fill out the form on Send your advertisement to Bulletin Editor Nhung Tran at Your money must be given to your LTG, the Google form must be filled, and your advertisement must be emailed by MARCH 24!

District & International Dues Collection To continue our global and local service, each member is expected to pay his or her annual membership dues. The Key Club district and international dues provide resources and support to continue developing leaders through the service. As a mentor and advisor, it is your responsibility to ensure club members understand their financial expectations and the benefits of paying their annual membership fees. If you don't pay dues, your club status will become suspended or inactive, requiring a reactivation fee to return to good standing, and will become ineligible for any awards or honors. Eventually, the club will lose its charter and have to start the long process of chartering once again. The members will not be considered “in good standing� by Key Club International, and cannot attend District Conference (DCON) or the International Convention.

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