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How to Save the Earth

Background Photo by Gabriel Jimenez|Unsplash By Julia


As the climate increases day-by-day, more environments are being negatively affected.

With a current estimated population of humans at eight billion in the year 2022, there is more waste thrown into the environment and greenhouse gas emissions released into the atmosphere.

The Earth is the only planet known to support life. When Earth is destroyed by human causes through global warming, climate change and pollution, what will hold life next?

Moving through future years at a ruthless rate of polluting the Earth, there will be no Earth for future generations if actions are not taken immediately. In other words, now.

As researchers are finding alternative planets that could source life when hitting a worst-case scenario of environmental damage for Earth, everybody could help turn the ' when ' into an 'if' .

Even if a small action is made against pollution, it can make the largest impact.

All humans live on Earth and use the main sources, water, air and sunlight.

These sources are used to process photosynthesis and plant growth, which help increase the oxygen on our planet and decrease carbon dioxide, the second most abundant greenhouse gas on Earth, from the atmosphere.

Growing a tree can bring numerous beneficial factors, such as saving energy and using renewable resources, cleaning the air, combating climate change and providing food.

Saving the Earth is not only limited to planting trees. Small actions and gestures of conserving water and natural resources or even turning off the lights after leaving a room can save energy ultimately. However, it does not stop there.

We can help the Earth through simple efforts of biking instead of driving, volunteering to help clean polluted areas nearby and most importantly, reducing, reusing and recycling correctly.

If these actions were made by people all around the world, we could save the habitats of animals, the atmosphere we breathe and the environment we all live in.

How often the topic of protecting the Earth is brought up shows how important it is and how often it is overlooked. The world will only notice when we lack time, not when there's enough time.

The future is in our hands, and it is up to us to choose the right path for all eight billion people living on this very planet.

How will you save the Earth?

The Climate Clock in Union Square, New York, displays how much time we have left to save the Earth until the climate rises to more than 1.5 degrees Celsius, one of the deadliest consequences of climate change.

P h o t o b y C l i m a t e C l o c k | T w i t t e r

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