How Can I Start a Blog for My Business {Full Report}
Have you asked yourself “how can I start a blog for my business?”
Perhaps you’ve been hearing all the buzz about having a real blog for your business…you know, one that builds your business brand, reaches more of your target audience to get in front of people who are looking for you while positioning you as an authority in your niche. Well pay attention to the end as I am going to share how you can begin the best blog for your business that will help you do all of the above fast…even if you’re just starting.
Why Every Business Needs a Blog You see, your blog is like your home on the Internet. It is the place where your prospects, leads, and customers can go to gain value, find solutions to their problems, stay in the know to what’s going on in your industry, get the true scoop, and build rapport with you! Also, as with any marketing platform, it is the BEST tool to use to generate leads for your business! (I would rank video marketing second ;-)
Even Forbes agrees that blogging plays a much larger role in your overall marketing strategy than previously thought possible. Without a blog, you are missing out on a substantial segment of your target market that is using the search engines (i.e. Google, Yahoo/Bing,, etc.) to find solutions to their problems.
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Before we move on, let this sink in…if you do not have a blog, your business is pretty much homeless on the Internet.
Alright already, so how can I start a blog, Charlene?!? Now that we’ve got that out the way and you understand the true essence of owning your blog, starting one is not complicated at all. There are actually 3 types of blogs…I am briefly going to explain them, sharing which one is good, which one is better, and which one is the BEST for your business!
#1,…the FREE Blog If you desire to achieve your biggest goals this year in your business, then immediately skip this section and move onto #2. These blogging platforms are NOT for business owners and were created for beginner bloggers who desire to have their own online journal. The good part is that it takes seconds to create a blog with services such as…yet the downside is, it lacks training to teach you the blogging strategies that will get you in front of your audience. Also, the content you post is technically not yours and actually belongs to them. Meaning, if they do not like what you are posting, they can take it down at their discretion. Believe me, I’ve had this happen to me a couple of times when I first started!
#2, the BETTER Blog Now, we’re talking (lol). Totally different than (the free one), this platform is self-hosted meaning you pay a small fee each month (about $10), choose a theme that represents your niche (you have a choice amongst thousands) , AND you own your content.
With this BETTER blog platform, you’re able to create your own blog with all the customizations, plug ins, widgets, ads, banners that’s conducive to your mission. It positions you greatly to earn an income by you having webforms on your blog to capture your market’s info (i.e. name, email, phone number), using that to converted by
build your list! The two disadvantages are: You have to build it from the ground up! Meaning you’ll need to know a little coding and things to get you set up It does not come with a training program that teaches you blogging strategies to get in front of your market
But what if you could have everything the BETTER blog offers plus the benefits of having your blog set up without being concerned with all the coding and its already positioned you to be found in the search engines i.e. Google, Yahoo, and Bing…
#3, the BEST Blog A bold and beautiful platform system, the Kalatu blog is for the savvy business owner, energetic entrepreneur, aspiring author, fashionista diva…anyone or company wanting to build a business online…this blog IS IT!!!
For only $25/month, you get the benefits of the free blog where the set up is super easy…no worries on the coding and building it from the ground up like, it’s already done for you. The customizations, theme options, plugins…all there. The focus for you is to start creating your content so you can get it in front of your audience. Speaking of, you are able to leverage the domain name that is already ranked high in the search engines, getting your posts to the top of Google faster.
Finally, Kalatu bloggers are a part of a community where all the secrets and strategies that’s working NOW are shared…a place where millionaire leaders teach the tips and tricks on how they built their business using our blogging platform! No need to figure everything out on your own. converted by
Convinced Kalatu is for you?!? Click here to get your blog today!
So, to answer the question “How can I start a blog for my business?”…there are several options …but for branding, authority, lead generation, and simplicity, the answer is Kalatu!
To your utmost business success, ~Charlene “Girl on fire…” 678-568-3130
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Charlene Baker Christian, wife, and mom of two toddlers (yes, life is busy :-D ...Blogger, Online Marketer, Entrepreneur, & Mentor!!!
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How Can I Start a Blog for My Business {Full Report} 5 Steps to Achieving Your Biggest Goals This Year {TGIMonday} 4 Promises YOU Should Make to Your Mentor Walk Like a Boss with These 6 Confidence Boosters Quit Focusing On Your Weaknesses… {TGIMonday}
Tyree Thomas Jr
{ Auh Snap!!! This is definitely a bookmark post! } – Jan 13, 1:45 AM
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Cheryl Samantha Janet
{ Valuable info. thx. } – Jan 12, 8:53 PM
{ Thanks for sharing sis this spoke to me . THANK GOD ITS MONDAY!!!! } – Jan 12, 7:20 PM
{ Another powerful blog packed with great value Charlene. Thanks for sharing. Get Past the Past! Amen! } – Jan 12, 1:00 AM Cheryl
{ These are so on point!! } – Jan 08, 2:00 PM
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