King Charles Patrick Gibbs Hebrew Israelites Descendent Tribe of Judah Line of King David The Blood Redemption Inheritances Declaration As far back as I can remember. The words of the Bible were always echoing in my ears. My Grand Mother never stopped talking about the word of God and his expectations. Viola Brown my Grandmother, Daughter of Felix & Flossy Brown from Bridgeville to Wilmington Delaware. Viola Smith Brown is mother of my mother Patricia Gibbs Smith Brown. My Mothers Father is Wilson Smith. My Father is Charles Randall Gibbs. My Fathers mother is Flamer. All of this is significant because. All of these surnames are among the oldest Native Americans in our country. The surnames of my family on every side is documented to link to the oldest of Native American. I’ve come to realize that Grand mom Vi’s echo’s of the word were relevant. Not in the Christian sense but in a natural way. I had the pleasure as a child to experience all sides of my family. It is the spirituality, the dignity the peace and strength that each leading member displayed. Resembled the scriptures concerning the tribal living in its content. The bonds, the love, the respect, the order, the support, the unspoken laws, the family.
I was taught as a child this was number one. FAMILY! The period of time I talking about is between 1959 and the 70’s. This was a time of turmoil for our country and it’s so called black citizens. This was a time of division, war, protest, and struggle for human and civil rights. It makes you wonder how is it that our family continued to thrive on Peace, Respect, Dignity, Family order and value. It is only now that I have an understanding of the character relativity in the Hebrew Israelites and my family. The standards and customs of living are truly relative. This resemblance has always sparked my Late Brother Randall Gibbs and my curiosity. We both began to study deeply the spiritual and literal history of the bible and it’s relativity to our lives. My family was raise don the King James Version of the bible. This was passed down from our great grandparents. I have since then discovered from many historical studies. There are other motives on how the Bible was written and translates. It has been confirmed that the truth took many detours. My studies led me back to my name Charles Patrick Gibbs. I started finding historical studies on my surname Gibbs. There is also Gibbs of Scotland who owned Slaves who were given the sir name Gibbs. Who were these victims of human rights violations? Who is it that you named Gibbs? Who are these people? We are the people that Gibbs of Scotland’s conscious told him to try and repair ate this family of people he had once viewed and owned as slaves. The research I have read about Gibbs and the slaves, was that he had a special relationship with the so called Gibbs Slaves because of the kind of people we were, Our nature. The history report figure disclosed that Gibbs purchased land and emancipated his so called slaves. We then dispersed east to Maryland, Philadelphia, New York, Delaware and many points east. There were also many that traveled west. Historical studies have found through records, DNA testing and family origin and historical research that the Gibbs natives are one of the oldest know Native Americans in the country. The world of DNA testing has unlocked doors to mysteries that have baffled society for generations. Now
you can place names with heritage and link generations. You can also see what degree of that heritage you are. The surprise has been that those who have been called Indians or Native Americans have had the lowest degree of Quantum Blood than the newly discovered Native Americans such as my family ancestry surname Gibbs. This has caused a stir and elite buzz in society. The who are you? The who am I? This has also exposed many who claimed to be of heritage and decent but are not. This brings me back to the name Gibbs, Before Gibbs we were Natives of the Americas. Not only are we natives of the Americas we are direct descendents of Hebrew Israelites. The fact that we are a large family of people who have been stripped of our name, Nationality, & Land. Again this is relative to the scriptural history and prophecy of The Tribe of Judah in the bible. The Bible also speaks of a waking up. A day when the children of Israel would realize & discover who they are and recover all that they had lost and much more through repentance and redemption. I personally have discovered who I am, where I’m from and what I should be doing. Whom I refer to as God has punished our people for disobedience of his Law. I understand that God allowed the personality and nature suitable to be the delivers of wrath upon our people. I also realize why it was so unconsciously accomplished. The United States Constitution, Laws and Customs began to design and enforce acts and Laws with no legal jurisdiction to manipulate the lives of my people so called Gibbs Slaves based on the true knowledge of our people. The United States, Great Brittan, Africa & Europe all are aware of who they were manipulating’ they were also aware according to scripture there was nothing we could do until our time was finished. These countries and leader were allowed to fulfill the task. Now that it is done. No one can bind us again. We have been forgiven and are awake again. Our only focus is to rebuild the kingdom and ourselves. We have the word of God in our hearts minds and spirits. We have been trained to obey the word of God without being governed. Our chastisements has prepared us for a new life of freedom, Peace, Joy, Love, & prosperity un imaginable. The eye’s of the world are seeking the original Hebrew Israelites. The true Inheritors of the Kingdom for the sake of fulfillments of prophecy. I personally am making an effort to come forward in representation of our inheritance as promised in scripture and historical writings deeds and treaties. KING CHARLES PATRICK GIBBS ALI DNA 68% SUB SAHARAN HEBREW ISRAELITE. It has come to light that the current state of Israel is in turmoil because of a revelation that the so called Jewish heritage that is claimed is false. The bloodshed that it´s very existence is founded upon some was the true Jews of Israel. There still now remains no Israel for us the children of God Original tribe of Judah. The promise is to us and our children. I T IS OUR RESPONSIBILITY TO ESTABLISH A STATE. The world is waiting for us to come forward. CHARLES PATRICK GIBBS
Genetics Analysis of Jews Confirms Genesis by Brian Thomas, M.S. *
Evidence for Creation › Evidence from Scripture › Accurate Data › Historical Accuracy › Genesis Is Historically True
A team of geneticists recently analyzed 6,529 individual genomes, representing 107 different human populations.1 They found genetic traces of African ancestry in various people groups and estimated the timing of the ancient African/non-African intermarriages. The results of their analysis of Jewish populations will come as no surprise to those who believe in the literal history of Genesis. Despite their extensive statistical analyses of reams of genetic data, the researchers relied on traditional historical sources to anchor their results to actual time. And along the way, what the authors termed a "striking finding" would actually have been anticipated by a more biblically literate investigation. The team, led by researchers from Harvard Medical School, compared differences in DNA sequences between the individuals and processed the data with several focused analyses. For example, one algorithm called the 3 Population Test compared three populations at a time to detect whether or not one of them was ancestral to the other two. The study results published in the online journal PLoS Genetics included the virtual absence of evidence for African genetic mixing among Northern Europeans. This makes sense, given their geographic distance. However, Southern Europeans appeared to have experienced a measure of mixing with Africans 55 generations ago, equivalent to approximately 1,600 years, assuming a generation time of 29 years and a constant mutation rate.2 But for all their ingenuity and labor, the authors still required written historical sources to anchor their results in real history. They even wrote that this result "needs to be placed in historical context." 1 They then recounted a "period of Roman occupation of North Africa that lasted until the early 5th century AD, and indeed tomb inscriptions and literary references suggest that trade relations continued even after that time."1 So-called "molecular clock" data are always calibrated with secondary historical sources where possible, and the time-related results from this analysis are no exception. This is why molecular clocks, which were promising when first introduced, were soon recognized for their unreliability and are most often correlated with evolutionary "dates" given to fossils.3 The genetic analysis also discovered that all eight Jewish populations in the PLoS study contained three to five percent African DNA sequence patterns. This was "striking" because the individual Jewish populations were known, through secular historical records, to have been separated from each other for hundreds of years. African DNA was even found in modern descendants of Ashkenazi Jews, who have inhabited Northern Europe since the 1100s A.D. The study authors said:
A parsimonious explanation for these observations is that they reflect a history in which many of the Jewish groups descend from a common ancestral population which was itself admixed with Africans, prior to the beginning of the Jewish diaspora that occurred in 8th to 6th century BC.1
But unlike their other results, the authors did not correlate this explanation with historical records, being evidently content to let the reader speculate about possible associated events. Did they do so because those records are not secular but biblical? Was the Bible ignored because it is considered taboo as a subject of serious historical study? Genesis records that Joseph, one of the 12 sons of Jacob (Israel), married an African from Egypt.4 Numbers chapter one records that Joseph's descendants, including those of both Ephraim and Manasseh, together outnumbered those of the other tribes.5 And elsewhere, Numbers tells that the proportion of land area that Joseph's descendants inherited was larger than other tribes. Together, these records show that the African DNA of Joseph's wife had a high likelihood of spreading through subsequent generations of Jews. And later relatives could also have married Africans. In fact, a few generations after Joseph, Moses married a woman who was African. Numbers 12:1 states:
And Miriam and Aaron spake against Moses because of the Ethiopian woman whom he had married: for he had married an Ethiopian woman. Though the PLoS study specifically looked for DNA similarities with peoples of sub-Saharan Africa, the fact that any Jewish/African marriages are specifically recounted in biblical records opens the possibility that sub-Saharan Africans would also have intermarried with Jews. The ancient Hebrews considered all of Africa's inhabitants as either Egyptian if they inhabited the Nile River region, or Ethiopian if they came from any place south of Egypt—including sub-Saharan Africa. And perhaps others, during the time from roughly 1706 B.C. when the Israelites entered Egypt all the way until they were taken captive by Assyria in 721 B.C. and even later, also intermarried. 6 In line with this date range, the genetic study provided a wide time range for African admixture with Jewish ancestors, "between 1,600–3,400 years ago."1 When it comes to history, genetic analyses can provide clues at best, whereas ancient records provide more reliable information. This analysis of Jewish genes certainly corroborates what the Old Testament tells about the history of the Jewish nation, and this not surprising since "O LORD God, thou art that God, and thy words be true."7 References Moorjani, P. et al. 2011. The History of African Gene Flow into Southern Europeans, Levantines, and Jews. PLoS Genetics. 7 (4): e1001373. More specifically, the team measured single nucleotide polymorphisms, which may be the result of random mutation or non-random cellular DNA alterations. See, for example, Thomas, B. New Study Contradicts Flower Fossil Dates. ICR News. Posted on April 9, 2010, accessed May 25, 2011. And Thomas, B. Frozen Penguin DNA Casts Doubt on DNA-Based Dates. ICR News. Posted on November 25, 2009, accessed May 25, 2011. Genesis 41:45. Because these sons of Joseph were each blessed with "tribe" status on par with their uncles, their populations were counted separately. According to Numbers 1, Ephraim and Manasseh totaled 72,700 people at the time of the exodus from Egypt, and the next largest tribe was Zebulon, at 57,400. Also, each one inherited a separate land area within what is today known as Israel. Dates based on Ussher's Chronology, a charted summary of which can be found at 2 Samuel 7:28. * Mr. Thomas is Science Writer at the Institute for Creation Research. Article posted on June 2, 2011.
THE BANNER WAVES I´ve looked over mountains. I´ve seen the Promised Land. I´ve seen the faces of our children holding hands. This is our country and still the banner waves. Our hands have turned every inch of the fruited plains. The Banner Waves for you. The Banner Waves for me. The Banner Waves for everyone who died. For us to be free. The Banner Waves for love. In God we can trust. So when you see the Banner Wave. It´s Waving for us. Father have mercy. Down on our knees we pray. We’re drowning in sorrow crying for yesterday. Were all here together and we need to understand. For things to get better we need each and every man. The Banner Waves for you. The Banner Waves for me. The Banner Waves for everyone who died. For us to be free. The Banner Waves for love. In God we can trust. So when you see the Banner Wave. It´s Waving for us.
With all we have. Still isn’t enough. Without our Lord. In God we can trust. The Banner Waves for you. The Banner Waves for me. The Banner Waves for everyone who died. For us to be free. The Banner Waves for love. In God we can trust. So when you see the Banner Wave. It´s Waving for us. Written by CHARLES PATRICK GIBBS TRIBE OF JUDAH- SUB SHARAN
Our Mission is to identify with who we truly are by heritage not color. The children of Israel have been spoken of for generations. Our goal is to identify with history and our true place in life’s society today. Deuteronomy 28:43 In an effort to reclaim the land and place that was promised to the children of Israel. We have come together to organize our gifts talent. And treasure. Our unification is to establish in our hearts spirits and minds the placement of the children of Israel. Although the land would be given, We believe it is vitally necessary to prepare ourselves to inhabit the true kingdom of God. This process will help us to asset ourselves and fine tune anything we believe not permissible in the new kingdom. This is also an opportunity for those who have discerned the truth but never encountered like minded or like spirited individuals. This is your opportunity to eat and mature into redness to inhabit the kingdom. Everyone can and must bring something to the table that will help to develop and build the kingdom. Those of you who would just like to contribute to the cause we welcome your contributions to the Kingdom. In the course of rebuilding and inhabiting the kingdom there are those of you who will be welcomed because of your faith and contributions. The kingdom of Israel is currently being re prepared for the inhabitants of the true Children of God the blood line of Hebrew Israelites. It is our responsibility to clean and fine tune ourselves for the reception. CHARLES PATRICK GIBBS MINISTRIES 2015 12/07/2015 New addition to this story. The State of Wilmington Delaware just announced.
Announcing Resolution Apologizing for Slavery
Governor Markell speaks at Bethel AME Chruch in Wilmington to issue proclamation for 150th Anniversary of 13th Amendment ratif and to announce resolution to be considered by the General Assembly to officially apologize for slavery