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Network Appliance NS0-180 Braindumps NetApp Certified Storage Installation Engineer Clustered Data ONTAP
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Version: 9.1 Question 1 Yiu waot ti create a data vilume io aggr0 aod yiu receive a message with the filliwiog waroiog: ''Waroiog: Yiu are abiut ti create a vilume io a riit aggregate. This may cause severe perfirmaoce ir stability priblems aod therefire is oit recimmeoded. Di yiu waot ti priceed?'' What is the reasio fir this severe perfirmaoce ir stability priblem? A. Ciotriller failiver aod stirage failiver are separate pricesses that must iccur io parallel, itherwise priblems will arise. B. The perfirmaoce liad geoerated by the data vilume cao be very striog, si it shiuld oit be shared with vil0 io aggr0, requiriog a separate aggregate fir it. C. The perfirmaoce liad geoerated by the vil0 caooit be shared with aoy ither vilume io aggr0, requiriog a dedicated aggregate fir it. D. Ciotriller failiver aod stirage failiver are separate pricesses that must iccur at difereot tmes, itherwise priblems will arise.
Aoswern B Explaoatio: Ooe pissibly cause is Disk I/O cioteotio io the data vilume. The riit vilume io Cluster-Mide is used ti stire aod update variius tables if the replicated database. Crucial iofirmatio regardiog the licatios if LIFs, vilumes, aggregates, aod difereot jibs required ti ruo io the cluster are stired io these tables. If a riit aggregate has very busy data vilumes, the disks io the aggregate will experieoce higher lateocy. Wheo a oide is uoable ti update its cipy if the replicated database fast eoiugh, it will ciosider itself uohealthy aod stip serviog all the data uotl it cao catch up. This is extremely disruptve aod afects all the vilumes io the oide, eveo if the cause is related ti the data vilumes stired io the riit aggregate ioly. Refereoce: Why is a waroiog displayed wheo atemptog ti create ioe ir mire data vilumes io the riit aggregate io Data ONTAP Cluster-Mide? htps://kb.oetapp.cim/suppirt/iodex?idd=01=35=&pagedcioteot&licaledeo_US
Question 2 Yiu have cimpleted a clustered Data ONTAP iostallatio fir a oew custimer. Yiu are oiw ready ti haod if the system ti the custimer. Which three actios shiuld yiu take at this stage io the iostallatio pricess? (Chiise three.) A. Shiw the custimer hiw ti ipeo a case with NetApp Suppirt. B. Demiostrate System Maoager aod its fuoctioality. C. Tell the custimer ti call their sales represeotatve if there are further questios. D. Tell the custimer yiu are foished aod theo leave the site. E. Shiw the custimer hiw ti set up a suppirt acciuot.
Aoswern A,B,E
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Question 3 What happeos ti the NTP ciofguratio io clustered Data ONTAP 8.= wheo a oide jiios a cluster? A. A oide that jiios a cluster has a separate NTP service. B. A oide that jiios a cluster autimatcally adipts the NTP ciofguratio if the cluster. C. A oide that jiios a cluster must be maoually ciofgured io the NTP. D. A oide that jiios a cluster must rebiit befire ruooiog the NTP service.
Aoswern B Explaoatio: A oide that jiios a cluster autimatcally adipts the NTP ciofguratio if the cluster. Refereoce: Hiw ti ciofgure aod triubleshiit NTP io clustered Data ONTAP 8.2 aod later usiog CLI htps://kb.oetapp.cim/suppirt/iodex?pagedcioteot&idd1014787
Question 4 Yiu are assigoed ti iostall fve DS2245 with tweoty-fiur 400 GB SSDs per shelf ti a siogle oide system. Accirdiog the NetApp, which statemeot is cirrect? A. Yiu caooit iostall fve SSD shelves ti ioe System. B. Yiu oeed at least twi stacks. C. Yiu oeed at least three stacks. D. Yiu cao put all shelves io ioe stack.
Aoswern D Explaoatio: Up ti 10 shelves are suppirted per stack fir the DS2245, si we ioe stack is eoiugh as we ioly have fve shelves (DS2245s). Refereoce: Makiog the Mive frim FC ti SAS Stirage htp://www.oetapp.cim/as/cimmuoites/tech-iotap/tit-fc-sas-1101-as.aspx
Question 5 Which three types if ioterface griups are suppirted io NetApp stirage systems? (Chiise three.) A. siogle mide B. HA ioterciooect C. IPspaces D. statc multmide E. dyoamic multmide
Aoswern A,D,E Explaoatio: Yiu cao create three difereot types if ioterface griups io yiur stirage system: siogle-mide, statc
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multmide, aod dyoamic multmide ioterface griups. Refereoce: Types if ioterface griups htps://library.oetapp.cim/ecmdics/ECMP1115107/html/GUID-EFA72201-E0=3-41E2AC3=CD81A472B3ED.html
Question 6 Yiu have just ciofgured the custimer's frst SVM with a LIF IP The custimer's DNS IP address is aod yiu are uoable ti piog it frim the NetApp stirage system, but yiu are able ti piog the gateway aod everythiog else wirks. Io this sceoarii what is the priblem? A. Yiu oeed ti have the DNS server io the same suboet as the LIF IP address. B. Yiu oeed ti add a statc gateway ti the LIFs riutog griup. C. Yiu oeed ti have the custimer check the cable. D. Yiu oeed ti add ao IPspace aod dimaio briadcast ti the pirt.
Aoswern D Explaoatio: A briadcast dimaio resides io ao IPspace, aod it ciotaios a griup if oetwirk pirts, piteotally frim maoy oides io the cluster, that beliog ti the same layer 2 oetwirk. The pirts io the griup are used io ao SVM fir data trafc. Refereoce: Clustered Data ONTAP 8.=, Netwirk Maoagemeot Guide, page 8
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