A historical Review of the Grand priory of the Maltese Is. - 2nd edition

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The Grand Priory of the Maltese Islands of the Military & Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem -A Historical Review

Chev. Charles Savona-Ventura


Š Grand Priory of the Maltese Islands Military & Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem Malta

1st edition, 2009 2nd edition, 2013


The Grand Priory of the Maltese Islands of the Military & Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem -A Historical Review by Chev. Charles Savona-Ventura

Contents 1.

Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 4


Establishment of the jurisdiction .............................................................................................. 7


Subsequent development of the jurisdiction ............................................................................ 14


Establishment of the Gozo jurisdiction................................................................................... 35


Involvement with the International Organization of the Order ............................................... 40


Grand Commandey of the Castello ......................................................................................... 41


Castello Lanzun ...................................................................................................................... 46


1. Introduction

The Maltese Jurisdiction of the Military and Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem has a relatively recent history. There are no direct references to any links between the Order of Saint Lazarus and the Islands during the Medieval period, though regulations relating to the Order in Sicily would have applied to the Islands as well. During 1268-1272, Charles I of Anjou adopted Pope Clement IV’s bull of August 1265 and ordered that all the leprosaria in his domains were to be placed under the protection and government of the Order of St Lazarus. He further proposed the confinement, by force if necessary, of all lepers in the Lazarite houses, and the donation of all their property to the Order – the latter suggestion was violently resisted by the sufferers’ families. This edict would have extended to the Maltese Islands so that had any lazarettos or land holdings been extant there, these would have fallen under the governance of the Order.

Charles I with Pope Clement IV


During the Hospitaller period, a number of 16th century Grand Masters of the Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem had probably spent time on the Maltese Islands having been first professed as knights of the Order of Saint John in Malta. These include: Jean de Lévis [professed Knight OSJ: 1532; elected GM OSL: 1557]; Michel de Seure de Lumigny [professed Knight OSJ: 1539; elected GM OSL: 1564/1586]; François Salviati [professed Knight OSJ: 1544; elected GM OSL: 1578]; Armand de Clermont de Chastes [professed Knight OSJ: 1566; elected GM OSL: 1593]; and JeanCharles de Gayand de Monterolles [elected GM OSL: 1599]. Their sojourn on Malta however would probably have predated their appointment to the post of Grand Master of the Order of Saint Lazarus.1 The inter-relationship between the Orders of Saint John and of Saint Lazarus was determined by the legal machinations that arose in the wake of the Papal Bull entitled Cum solerti meditatione pensamus promulgated by Pope Innocent VIII in 1489. 2 Relations between the Orders of St Lazarus and Our Lady of Mount Carmel with the Order of St John were normalized in 1776 when a concordat was signed wherein the Order of St John formally recognized the validity of the former joint Order and abandoned all claims it entertained to the Lazarite properties. 3 Similarly members of the Order of St John were admitted to the fused Order of St Lazarus and Mount Carmel during the 17th and 18th century usually after obtaining a dispensation to get married. Examples of such individuals include Louis de Bethune (admitted 1675); Claude Pottier de Novion (ad. 1681); Jacques de Rostaing de Mesangeres (ad. 1682); Annibal de Bethune (ad. 1683); Alexandre Vaultier (ad. 1684 – Commander of the Order of St John); François-Antoine Comte de Bercheny (ad. 1769); Hugues de Bar de La Garde et de Croizat (ad. 1784); and Pons-Simon de Pierre de Bernis (ad. 1788 – Grand Cross of Honour of the Order of St John). 4 Other members of the Order of St John exiled from Malta were in 1800 admitted members of the Order of St. Lazarus. These included Baille de Flashlander, Grand Bailli baron Jean Baptiste de Pfirdt-Blumberg Karspach, General Lamb, and Comte Theodore Rostopchine. 5

C. Savona-Ventura. The Hospitaller Knights of Saint Lazarus. Grand Priory of the Maltese Islands – MHOSLJ, Malta, 2006 2 C. Savona-Ventura. The Papal Bull Cum solerti meditatione pensamus of 1489. Journal of the Monastic Militant Orders. 2009, 2 :21-38 3 Volume sorrispondenza sull’ incorporazione dell’ Ordine di S. Antonio a quello di San Giovanni di Gerusaleme: 1774. Archives of the Order of St John No. 1375. Manuscripts, National Library of Malta. 4 H.M. Langle, J.L. Tréourret de Kerstrat: Les Ordres de Saint Lazare de Jerusalem et de Notre Dame du Mont-Carmel aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siecles. Publications LTK, Paris, 1992. p.128, 132, 148, 152, 154, 279, 337, 346 5 J.J. Algrant, J. Beaugourdon: Armorial of the Military and Hospitaller Order of St Lazarus of Jerusalem. van den Akker, Delft, 1983, p.234 1


After the departure of the Order of Saint John from the Maltese Islands in 1798, the political and cultural history of the Islands became interlinked with that of the British Isles. The origins of the present Maltese jurisdiction are therefore linked to the development of the English Tongue historically based upon Scotland, England and Ireland. The Order of Saint Lazarus originally had been suppressed in the British Isles by King Henry VIII in 1544.6 The establishment of a British jurisdiction was followed by the setting up of the English Tongue within the Order formally declared the subsequent year on the 25th November 1961, under the Presidency of the Commissioner General and Grand Bailiff for the English Tongue, Lt. Colonel Robert Gayre of Gayre and Nigg, Laird of Lochore. Bailiwicks were soon established in the English-speaking world – not only in Scotland, England, Ireland and Wales; but also in the United States of America, Canada, New Zealand, India, South Africa, Thailand, Uganda, Germany and Scandinavia.7 Original members of the Scottish Grand Bailiwick were the Maltese Sir Hannibal Publius Scicluna MBE KStJ GCM KCMM KCSG KLJ and his spouse Lady M.H. Scicluna DLJ.8 In 1964, Colonel Joseph Vincent Abela MBE OBE KCStJ KLJ was also admitted a knight of the Order.9

Chev. Sir Hannibal Scicluna

Bust at The Mall Gardens, Floriana, Malta

D. Marcombe. Leper Knights. The Order of St Lazarus of Jerusalem in England. 1150-1544. Boydell Press, Woodbrige (U.K.), 2003 7 The Green Cross. June 1962, 1(1):21-22. The post of Commission General & Grand Baliffship General of the English Tongue was abolished with effect from the 22nd January 1969. LtCol Gayre was then appointed Grand Referendary of the Order. The Military and Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem – Constitutional Decrees. Delft, Netherlands, 1969, p.28 8 The Green Cross. June 1962, 1(1):21-22 9 Malta Who’s Who 1965. Progress Press, Malta, 1965, p.8-9 6


2. Establishment of the jurisdiction

The initiative to establish a national jurisdiction in Malta, a member of the British Commonwealth, was taken on the 2nd December 1964 through the efforts of LtCol Gayre and Sir Hannibal Scicluna who approached Col. J.V. Abela with the suggestion to found the Independent Commandery of

Malta. The first exploratory meeting was followed by moves to establish a Maltese jurisdiction with the foundation meeting being held on the 30th September 1966. This meeting addressed to by LtCol. Gayre was attended by Col. J.V. Abela, J. Abela, Dr. J. Agius, J. Amato Gauci, Elias Zammit and Prof. Joseph Zammit Maempel.10 This meeting was followed by the formal setup of the jurisdiction with newly admitted members including: 11         

Elias Zammit KLJ [ad.1967] Anthony Zammit CLJ [d.2009; ad.1967 – GC No. 3] Anthony Miceli-Farrugia KLJ [b.1914; d.2002; ad.1967] – Referendary Robert Biasini dei Conti Stagno Navarra KLJ [b.1904; d.1995; ad.1967 – GC No.55] – Chancellor Prof. Canon Carmelo Muscat KLJ [b.1926; ad.1967] – Chaplain Prof. J.V. Zammit-Maempel KLJ [b.1912; d.2001; ad.1967] Ms. Evelyn Abela OLJ [ad.1967] Major Albert Edward Abela OLJ [b.1932; d.2007; ad.1967]. Joseph Amato Gauci KLJ [d.1995; ad.1967 – GC No. 150]

Col. J.V. Abela admitted to the Order in 1964 was appointed as Delegate to manage the local jurisdiction. The membership continued to increase gradually throughout the subsequent years. By 1969, a roll of members in the jurisdiction amounted to 17 individuals.


On the 15th April 1969, the Independent

Commandery of Malta was raised to the status of a Priory of Malta. The Priory of Malta hosted the Grand Magistral Council meeting held in Malta on the 3rd-5th October 1969 during which its members participated actively. The delegations attending the Council were received by His Grace

The Prior’s Speech: St. Lazarus Day Celebration Dinner – 2nd December 1972. St Lazarus News-Letter Malta, April 1973, 1(6):3-4; Green Cross Booklets, April 1965, 6:p.44 11 Algrant, J. Beaugourdon: Armorial of the Military and Hospitaller Order of St Lazarus of Jerusalem. van den Akker, Delft, 1983, p.408-410, 430; T.C. Cutajar: L-Ordni ta’ San Lazzru ta’ Gerusalem – The Order of St. Lazarus of Jerusalem. Grand Priory of Malta – MHOSLJ, Malta, 2003, p.35. 12 Roll of the Order. Names and members and affiliates of the Order by Grandmaster. Report of the Grand Magistral Council held in Malta 3rd to 5th October 1969. MHOSLJ, Malta, 1969, p.12, 30-44. 10


the Archbishop Sir Michael Gonzi and His Coadjutor Bishop Emmanuel Gerada at the Curia. 13 The Maltese members and officials of the Priory of Malta listed in the 1969 “Roll of Members” included14:                

Sir Hannibal P. Scicluna KCLJ [b.1880; d.1981; ad.1962]15 serving as Bailiff LtCol J.V. Abela KLJ [b.1903; d.1975; ad.1964 – GC No.20] – Prior Elias Zammit KLJ [ad.1967] Anthony Zammit CLJ [d.2009; ad.1967 – GC No. 3] Anthony Miceli-Farrugia KLJ [b.1914; d.2002; ad.1967] – Referendary Robert Biasini dei Conti Stagno Navarra KLJ [b.1904; d.1995; ad.1967 – GC No.55] – Chancellor Prof. Canon Carmelo Muscat KLJ [b.1926; ad.1967] – Chaplain Prof. J.V. Zammit-Maempel KLJ [b.1912; d.2001; ad.1967] Ms. Evelyn Abela OLJ [ad.1967] Major Albert Edward Abela OLJ [b.1932; d.2007; ad.1967]. Joseph Amato Gauci KLJ [d.1995; ad.1967 – GC No. 150] Prof. Arthur P. Camilleri KLJ [b.1927; d.1995; ad.1969] – Hospitaller Judge H. Gouder KLJ [ad.1969] – Chairman: Admissions Commission Joseph Tabone CLJ [ad.1969 – GC No.196] – Secretary Christopher A. Marich CLJ [ad.1969 – GC No.306] – Receiver Maurice Captur CLJ [ad.1969] Dr. Victor Captur KLJ [b.1920; d.1991; ad.1969]

The succeeding prior of the Maltese jurisdiction in 1970 was Chev. R. Basini dei Conti Stagno Navarra.16 Chev. Basini embarked on further organising the jurisdiction setting out in 1973 the statutes for the Priory of Malta drafted with the help of Chev. Judge Gouder, Chev. Col. J. Abela, Chev. J. Amato Gauci, Chev. Antoine Zammit, and Richard Flores Martin.17 The Priory had continued to increase in numbers with an augmentation in membership to a total of 28. 18

Report of the Grand Magistral Council held in Malta 3rd to 5th October 1969. MHOSLJ, Malta, 1969, p.3; Order of Chivalry Council Meeting in Malta. Times of Malta, 2nd October 1969, p.13 14 Roll of the Order. Names and members and affiliates of the Order by Grandmaster. Report of the Grand Magistral Council held in Malta 3rd to 5th October 1969. MHOSLJ, Malta, 1969, p.12, 30-44. 15 b. Born; d. Died; ad. Admission year 16 St. Lazarus News-letter, Malta, June 1971, 1(1):p.1 17 St. Lazarus News-letter, Malta, April 1973, 1(6):p.4; The Militay and ospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusaem – Malta Priory 1973: Statute. Malta Priory, MHOSLJ, Malta, 1973, +.24p. 18 Continuation of list of Members, Amendments, Recognitions of Meritorious Service. MHOSLJ, Malta, 1971, p.5-10,12; Inauguration of the Grand Chancery, Malta; Report on Chapter General held on 11th and 12th May 1973. MHOSLJ, Malta, p.7 13


The Maltese members and officials of the Priory of Malta listed in the 1971 “Roll of Members” included 19:                        

Sir Hannibal P. Sciluna KGCLJ CMLJ [2nd class] [ad.1962] – Grand Capitular LtCol J.V. Abela KCLJ CMLJ [2nd class] [ad.1964] – Chancellor Elias Zammit KLJ [ad.1967] Anthony Zammit CLJ CMLJ [3rd class] [ad.1967] - Secretary General Anthony Miceli-Farrugia KLJ [ad.1967] Robert Biasini dei Conti Stagno Navarra KLJ CMLJ [2nd class][ad.1967] – Prior Prof. Canon Carmelo Muscat KLJ CMLJ [2nd class][ad.1967] – Late Senior Chaplain Prof. J.V. Zammit-Maempel KLJ CMLJ [2nd class][ad.1967] – Deputy Hospitaller Major Albert Abela MBE, OSt.J, OLJ [ad.1967] Ms. Evelyn Abela OLJ [ad.1967] J. Amato Gauci KLJ CMLJ [2nd class] [ad.1967] – Vice-Chancellor & Secretary General Prof. Arthur P. Camilleri KLJ [ad.1969] Judge H. Gouder KLJ [ad.1969] Joseph Tabone CLJ [ad.1969] – Secretary Christopher A. Marich CLJ GMLJ [3rd class] [ad.1969] – Receiver General Maurice Captur KLJ [ad.1969] Dr. Victor Captur KLJ [ad.1969] A. Vella-Gera Esq. OLJ [ad.1970] Dr. Leslie Grech CLJ [ad.1971] The Noble Giovanni Maria dei Conti Sant Manduca CLJ [ad.1971] Rev. Mons. Ignazio Sciberras Psaila SCLJ [ad.1971] Mr. J.M. Caruana CLJ [ad.1971] Dr. Joseph R. Pace CLJ [ad.1971] Dr. William Grima CLJ [ad.1971] Mr. Austin Camilleri CLJ [ad.1971]

On the 11-15th May 1973, the Priory of Malta hosted a Chapter General and the official visit of the 47th Grandmaster Prince Francesco Enrique de Borbón who inaugurated Torri ta’ Lanzun as the Grand Cancellery of the Order establishing Malta as the Administrative seat of the Malta Obedience fraction of the Order. The original purchase of Torri ta’ Lanzun was made possible through the generosity of LtCol Robert Gayre.20 The legal transfer and restoration of Torri ta’ Lanzun was carried out under the professional expertise of notary Dr. J.R. Grech LLD BA CLJ and architect Chev Maurice Captur BE&A ArCE KLJ. The restoration was made possible through donation made by Continuation of List of Members, Amendments, recognitions of Meritorious Service. MHOSLJ, Malta, 1971, p.3, 8-12 Inauguration of the Grand Chancery, Malta; Report on Chapter General held on 11th and 12th May 1973. MHOSLJ, Malta, p.7; Order of St Lazarus headquarters to be inaugurated. Times of Malta, 12th May 1973, p.20 19 20


various members of the Order, overseas and from Malta.21 During the inauguration, LtCol Gayre unveiled the commemorative plaque which read “In appreciation of the generosity of His Excellency Lieutenant-Colonel the Laird of Gayre and Nigg, Baron of Lochoreshire, who has made it possible for the Military and Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem to have these buildings as permanent headquarters, this tablet is gratefully dedicated. 12th May 1973”.22 A limited edition of 300 commemorative bronze 33 mm diameter medals was also struck. The obverse side shows Castelo Lanzun in semi relief in the center with the word “MALTA” above and below “12 V 1973”. The reverse depicts the eight-pointed cross in the center surrounded by a scroll reading “ORDO MILIT ET HOSPIT SANCTI LAZARI HIEROSOLYMITANI”. This was hung on a 33 mm wide ribbon of purple edged with green.23

Unveiling of Commemorative plaque At St. Catherine’s Hospital on the 13th May 1973 by the 47th Grandmaster Prince Francesco Enrique de Borbón and Chev A. Zammit, then Secretary General of the Priory of Malta, onlooking.

Commemorative plaque

During this visit, on the 13th May 1973, the Priory donated an ambulance to the Hospital of St Catherine of Siena at Attard, Malta. This ambulance had been obtained from the Commandery of Lochore, Scotland through the agency of Messrs. Chalmers and Hardie. The Grandmaster made the Inauguration of the Grand Chancery, Malta; Report on Chapter General held on 11th and 12th May 1973. MHOSLJ, Malta, p.3, 10-11 22 Ibid, p.5. 23 Stuart G. Morris of Balgonie, The Insignia and Decorations of the Military and Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem. MHOSLJ: Perthshire, Scotland, 1986; International Lazarite 1975, 1(3):79-80 21

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formal presentation and further invested the Rev. Mothers Columba Camilleri and Celia Bye as officer and member of the Companionate of Merit respectively. A plaque to commemorate the event was unveiled; while the hospital undertook to fly the Flag of St Lazarus on St Lazarus Day (17th December) and name a new wing of the hospital after the patron saint of the Order. 24

Š Chev. Klaus-Peter Pokolm Inauguration of Castello Lanzun, 12th May 1973

Inauguration of the Grand Chancery, Malta; Report on Chapter General held on 11th and 12th May 1973. MHOSLJ, Malta, p.8; Order of St Lazarus headquarters to be inaugurated. Times of Malta, 12th May 1973, p.20 24

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In association with the inauguration of Torri ta’ Lanzun, or Castello Lanzun as it became known, as the Grand Chancellary of the Order, LtCol Gayre established a Malta branch of the Hereditary Commandery of Lochore originally established by Lt. Colonel Robert Gayre of Gayre and Nigg [b.1907; d.1996] in 1967. The Malta branch was named the Hereditary Commandery of Lochore

in Malta. Its headquarters were established in Castello Lanzun.25 In 1975, the Priory of Malta was elevated to the status of Grand Priory of the Maltese Islands


with Judge William D. Harding being appointed Grand Prior; assisted by Robert Biasini dei Conti Stagno Navarra as Prior. A Grand Magistral Council was held in Malta on the 23rd – 24th September 1977. The Grand Priory hosted a Gala Dinner at the Casino Maltese in Valletta. This was attended by H.R.H. the Prince Grand Master and his spouse, the Members of the Supreme Council and Members of the Order. Investiture ceremonies officiated by the Grand Master were held at Castello Lanzun and in the Chapel of the Immaculate Conception at Mensija, San Gwann.27 In 1983, the Grand Priory of Malta was represented by 55 members. Besides Judge W.D. Harding serving as Grand Prior, the officers included Robert Biasini dei Conti Stagno Navarra as Prior, Major F.E. Critien – Vice Chancellor; R.S. Attard – Receiver General; A. Miceli-Farrugia – Convener Admissions Ceremony; Prof. J.V. Zammit-Maempel – Hospitaller. Senior Chaplains included Rev. Mons. I. Sciberras-Psaila, Rev. Canon E. Ghigo, and Rev. Canon F. Perici; while Rev. Canon E. Galea served as Chaplain. A further five Maltese individuals were registered as “in gremio religionis” members of the Order. 28 The Maltese members and officials of the Grand Priory of Malta listed in the 1983 “Roll of Members” included 29:    

H.E. the Chevalier Sir Hannibal P. Scicluna GCMM, KStJ, MBE, MALLD, GCLJ [ad.1962] Major Albert Abela MBE, OSt.J, OLJ [ad.1967] Chevalier Biasini dei Conti Stagno Navarra KCLJ, KMLJ, Prior [ad.1967] Chevalier Anthony Miceli-Farrugia KM, KLJ, Convener Admissions Commission [ad.1967] Chevalier Antoine Zammit CStJ, KCLJ, KMLJ [ad.1967]

Vide infra Report of the Grand Magstral Council held in Malta 23rd – 24th September 1977. MHOSLJ, Netherlands, 1977, p.5; Hand-written amended Statute of the Grand Priory dated 1975 in the Grand Priory’s Archives. 27 Report of the Grand Magstral Council held in Malta 23rd – 24th September 1977. MHOSLJ, Netherlands, 1977, p.20 28 J.J. Algrant, J. Beaugourdon, 1983: op. cit., p.408-410, 430 25 26


J.J. Algrant, J. Beaugourdon, 1983: op. cit., p.408-409

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 Professor the Chevalier J.V. Zammit-Maempel MD, FRCP (Lond), KCLJ, KMLJ, Hospitaller [ad.1967]  Professor the Chevalier A.P. Camilleri MD, FRCOG, KLJ [ad.1969]  Chevalier M. Captur BE&A, ArCE, KLJ [ad.1969]  Dr. the Chevalier V. Captur MD, BSc, FACC, KLJ [ad.1969]  A. Vella-Gera Esq. OLJ [ad.1970]  The Rev. Mons Ignazio Sciberras-Psaila JUD, KLJ, Senior Chaplain [ad.1971]  Dr. the Chevalier Joseph R. Pace LLD, KLJ, Editor St. Lazarus Newsletter [ad.1971]  Chevalier Austin Camilleri KLJ [ad.1971]  Dr. William Grima BSc, MD, CLJ [ad.1971]  E. Barbara Esq. CLJ [ad.1971]  V.S. Bianchi Esq. CLJ [ad.1971]  D.P. Cremona Esq. MA (Oxon) MLJ [ad.1971]  J.P. Dimech Esq. BARCH, AECE, CLJ [ad.1971]  Rev. Canon E. Galea CLJ, Chaplain [ad.1971]  Rev. Canon E. Ghigo KLJ, Senior Chaplain [ad.1971]  Dame B. Zammit DLJ, MMLJ [ad.1971]  Mrs. R. Agius OLJ [ad.1971]  Mrs. B. Bianchi MLJ [ad.1971]  Mrs. E. Biasini MLJ [ad.1971]  A. Farrugia Esq. CPA, OLJ [ad.1972]  Mrs. A. Grech MLJ [ad.1972]  Mrs. L. Miceli-Farrugia MLJ [ad.1972]  Dr. the Chevalier J. Rizzo-Naudi MD, FRCP, KLJ [ad.1972]  Chevalier G. Ransley KN, FCIS, KLJ [ad.1972]  Mrs. J.M. Zammit MLJ [ad.1972]  Mrs. V. Zammit-Maempel MLJ [ad.1972]  Chevalier Reginald S. Attard CPA, KCLJ, OMLJ, Receiver General [b.1925; d.2007; ad.1973]  Major the Chevalier F.E. Critien ED, CStJ, KCLJ, Vice Chancellor [ad.1973]  J. Critien Esq. BA, OLJ [ad.1973]  Chevalier L. Dato FEAA, KCLJ, OMLJ [ad.1973]  Mrs. E. Dato MLJ [ad.1973]  Chevalier R.M. Demajo MLJ [ad.1973]  Mrs. M. Demajo MLJ [ad.1973]  Mrs. M. Tabone MLJ [ad.1973]  Dr. J.R. Grech LLD, BA, CLJ [ad.1973]  H.E. Judge the Chevalier W.D. Harding, CBE, KM, KGG, OST.J, GCLJ, KMLJ, BMLJ, Grand Prior [ad.1975]  J. Saydon Esq. OLJ [ad.1975]  Mrs. M. Hughes CLJ, CMLJ, BMLJ [ad.1976]  Judge the Chevalier E. Magri KGG, LLD, KCLJ [ad.1976]  P. Amato-Gauci Esq. OLJ [ad.1977]  Chevalier S.C. Mifsud KM, KCLJ [ad.1977]  Rev. Canon F. Perici KLJ, Senior Chaplain [ad.1978] 13 | P a g e

 Major G. Amato-Gauci MC, ATAI, OLJ [ad.1980]  W. Castillo Esq. OLJ [ad.1980]  O.P. Caruana-Montaldo Esq. OLJ [ad.1980]

The Maltese members of the Order "In Gremio Religionis" listed in the 1983 “Roll of Members” included 30:  H.E. Chevalier Joseph Amato-Gauci, GCLJ, KMLJ, KCN, KSS, CL, Grand Chancellor of the Order [ad.1967]  H.E. Chevalier Richard Flores-Martin, GCLJ, KMLJ, CL, Vice-Chancellor [ad.1970]  Chevalier John Sant Manduca, KLJ [ad.1970]  Dame the Noble Beatrice Amato-Gauci, GCLJ [ad.1971]  Dame Adelina Flores-Martin, GCLJ, CMLJ [ad.1981]

3. Subsequent development of the jurisdiction

Judge Harding died in 1985, and the Grand Priory was managed by the then serving Prior H.A. Consul Chev Antoine Zammit, Marquis of Tiana. In 1993, Chev. Dr. Jaime H. Cremona GCLJ was appointed Grand Prior [GM decree 07/93], with Chev A. Zammit being re-appointed Prior. 31 In his first council meeting held on the 5th August 1993, the new Grand Prior set up a commission to update and revise the Grand Priory’s statute to bring it in line with the new decrees promulgated by the Order. The commission included the Grand Prior Chev. Dr. J.H. Cremona, Chev. Dr. Joseph Pace, and Dr. A.J. Perici Calascione. The revision was completed by the September 1994 and approved by the members in the Annual General Meeting held in April 1995.32 The members of the Grand Priory in 1993-94 included a total of 59 members, including 33:-


J.J. Algrant, J. Beaugourdon, 1983: op. cit., p. 430

Chev. Dr. Jamie Cremona had previously served as Vice-Chancellor, Secretary to Supreme Council and Vice-Custodian. He was appointed Grand Prior of the Maltese Islands and Grand Hospitaller in 1993. St. Lazarus Newsletter, Malta, Jan 1994, 1:p8 32 Letter dated November 1993 from the Grand Prior addressed to the Chevaliers of the Order and subsequent correspondence. Archives: Grand Priory of the Maltese Islands - MHOSLJ 33 Grand Priory of Malta: List of Members 1993-1994. Archives: Grand Priory of the Maltese Islands – MHOSLJ, 1994 31

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 Chev. Dr. Jaime H. Cremona MD, FICS, FACS, FRCOG, GCLJ, KMLJ, SCrLJ [GC3511] – Grand Prior  Chev. Anthony Zammit KCLJ, KMLJ [GC3] – Prior  Dame Bibiana Zammit DCLJ, CMLJ [GC667] – Chancellor  Prof. Alfred Cuschieri MD, PhD, CLJ [GC4399] – Hospitaller  Mr. Rinald Micallef CLJ [GC4181] – Receiver General  Chev. Dr. Joseph Pace LLD, MIM, CSA, MMInst, MITD, KCLJ [GC652] – Conveyor  Chev. Anthony Miceli Farrugia MOM, KM, KLJ [GC54]  Chev. Austin Camilleri KLJ [GC663]  Chev. Silvio C. Mifsud KM, KSS, KCLJ [GC654]  Mrs. Rose Agius MLJ [GC665]  Dame Lilian Miceli Farrugia DM, MLJ [GC753]  Chev. Ronald M. Demajo KLJ [GC845]  Mrs. Edwidge Data MLJ [GC931]  Mrs. Margo Demajo MLJ [GC950]  Chev. Anthony, The marquis Cassar de Sain KLJ(J) [GC1365]  Mrs. May Hughes OLJ, CMLJ, BrMLJ [GC1529]  Mrs. Yvonne Mangion MLJ [GC3070]  Dr. Anthony Cuschieri MD, FRSH, CLJ [GC3509]  Mr. Marco J. Spiteri Binett OLJ [GC3524]  Major Peter Manduca CLJ [GC3531]  Mrs. Helen Meli Attard CPAA, CLJ [GC3933]  Mr. Joseph M. Meli CLJ [GC3934]  Mr. George Muscat CPA, CLJ [GC3935]  Rev. Fr. Thomas Moore OFM Conv, BA(Ed), CMLJ [GC3936]  Mrs. Rosanne Fenech OLJ [GC3937]  Mr. Alfred Paul Fenech CLJ [GC3966]  Mr. John N. Vassallo CLJ, MMLJ [GC4025]  Dr. Victor Muscat MD, DMRT, CLJ [GC4063]  Mr. Alfred Pisani Bonavia OLJ [GC4087]  Count Eric Alfred Cumbo OLJ [GC4088]  Dr. Herbert Messina Ferrante BChD, LDSRCS, FICDS, CLJ [GC4089]  Mr. David Michael Grech OLJ [GC4104]  Mr. Anthony Barbara Sapienza CLJ [GC4113]  Prof. Joseph Attard BSc, MD, FRCS, FRCS(E), CLJ [GC4118]  Mrs. Maria Arlette Grech OLJ [GC4122]  Prof. Lino Cutajar MD, FRCS(Eng), FRCS(Ed), FICA, CLJ [GC4147]  Mrs. Irene Cutajar OLJ [GC4148]  Prof. Alfred A. Gatt MD, FRCOG, CLJ [GC4182]  Dr. Alexander Perici Calascione LLD, CLJ [GC4183]  Dr. Godfrey J. Sant MD, FRCR, DMRD, DRCOG, FFR, CLJ [GC4271]  Mrs. Claudette Sant OLJ [GC4272]  Mr. Cyril Joseph Smith MLJ [GC4466]  Mrs. Sarah Maria Smith MLJ [GC4467] 15 | P a g e

               

Mrs. Yvonne Maria Whitlock MLJ [GC4468] Mr. Henry Smith MLJ [GC4486] Mrs. Gloria Smith MLJ [GC4487] Major Eric Henry Griscti MLJ [GC4488] Mrs. Marion Calleja OLJ [GC4489] Mr. Charles V. Mallia MLJ [GC4490] Mrs. Jane Mallia MLJ [GC4491] Miss Joan E. Galea Naudi MLJ [GC4507] Chev. Francis J. Vassallo BA(hons)ECON, KLJ [GC4644] Chev. Anthony, The Marquis Buttigieg de Piro KLJ(J) [GC4645] Mr. Herbert C. Mifsud CCLJ [GC4646] Mr. Anthony Grech Sant OLJ [GC4647] Mr. Albert V. Castillo OLJ [GC4648] Mr. John F. Galea OLJ [GC4649] Mrs. Monica Galea MLJ [GC4650] Mr. Anthony Perry MLJ [GC4651]

Chev. J.H. Cremona resigned his post in 1997. He was replaced as Grand Prior by Chev. the Marquis Antoine Zammit de Tiana [GM Decree 18/1997]. He was assisted by Chev J.R. Pace as Prior who had been promoted to Knight Grand Cross of Grace. 34 In 14-16th September 2001, the Grand Priory of the Maltese Islands co-hosted together with the Commandery of the Castello a visit by the 48th Grandmaster-elect, H.R.H. the Duke of Seville who had taken over the leadership of the latter Jurisdiction. During the visit, the Grandmaster-elect visited St Catherine of Siena Home for the Elderly (previously a general private hospital where his father had unveiled a plaque during his visit in May 1973) and made a courtesy visit to the H.E. Guido de Marco President of the Republic of Malta. 35 In 2003, the Grand Master Don Francesco de Paula de Borbón y Escasany set out to re-organize the Order’s administration and introduce accountability. This led to the expulsion of the long-serving Grand Chancellor Chev. Reginald S. Attard occupying the post since 1986. Chev. Attard, supported by a number of members from various jurisdictions broke off from the Order, set up his own schismic group, and assumed the post of Vicar-General. The Maltese jurisdiction, out of loyalty, became embroiled in the turbulence generated by this administrative turmoil. This led to a division of the jurisdiction into two fractions under the direction of Chev. Antione Zammit on one side loyal 34 35

Saint Lazarus Newsletter, April 1999, 14:p.2 Saint Lazarus Newsletter. November 2001, p.3-4,5-6

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to the Grand Master and Chev. Joseph R. Pace on the other side loyal to Chev. Attard. Both groups immediately tried to regroup and to increase their membership.36 However, the shismic group was better organised. In November 2005, the splinter group of the Grand Priory of the Maltese Islands hosted the Grand Magisterial Meeting presided by the Grand Vicar H.E. Chev Count R.S.R. Attard. A commemorative medal was struck to commemorate the occasion.37

Commemorative Medal - 2005 The Badge: Obverse. A bronze medal 33 mm in diameter. In the centre is the arms of the Grand priory of the Maltese Islands and on the surrounding scroll “GRAND MAGISTERIAL COUNCIL MEETING” and below “MALTA 2005”. Reverse. In the centre is an eight-pointed cross and on the surrounding scroll is “ORDO MILIT ET HOSPIT SANCTI LAZARI HIEROSOLYMITANI”. The Ribbon: 33 mm wide ribbon of depicting the Maltese colours – white and red; edges with green.

Following the demise of the Vicar General Chev Attard, the same group in November 2006 hosted the Supreme Council Meeting and an International Investiture to discuss the future options for the group. For this occasion, the Grand Priory of the Maltese Islands commissioned from MaltaPost Ltd a limited edition commemorative stamp issue depicting two past personalities of the Order who had both served as Vicar Generals with grand magisterial privileges – H.E. Francois Michel le Tellier [served 1673-1691] and H.E. Count R.S.R. Attard [served 2004-2006]. Following this meeting, the Grand Priory of the Maltese Islands unilaterally decided to re-join the Order led by Grandmaster H.R.H. Don Francisco de Borbón y Escasany Duke of Seville. Reunification of the two fractions of the Grand Priory of the Maltese Islands was eventually achieved in 2007, with Chev Joseph R. Pace being appointed Grand Prior of the reunified jurisdiction while Chev. Antoine Zammit was appointed Grand Prior Emeritus. A delegation of the Grand Priory joined the rest of the Order in Manchester, U.K. on the 13th September 2008 to participate in the installation of the 49th Grandmaster H.E. Don The schismic group under Chev. Pace held their first investiture on the 19th November 2004. Order of St Lazarus investiture. Vide: The Sunday Times, 5th December 2004, p.103; The loyal group held their first investiture on the 22nd January 2005. Vide: Decorations and heraldic banners. Gallerija – The Malta Independent on Sunday, 20th February 2005, p.15 37 Order of St Lazarus grand investiture. The Sunday Times [Malta], 27th November 2005, p.104 36

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Carlos Gereda de Borbón, Marquis of Almazan. Two commemorative stamps were commissioned from MaltaPost Ltd depicting the outgoing 48th Grandmaster and the new 49th Grandmaster. During this meeting the delegation led by the Grand Prior had the opportunity to meet with the newly installed Grandmaster and present him with the historical publication entitled “The Hospitaller Knights of Saint Lazarus” authored by Chev. Charles Savona-Ventura and published by the Grand Priory in 2006.

H.E. Francois Michel le Tellier

H.E. Count R.S. Attard

Commemorative Stamps 9th November 2006 Supreme Council Meeting

Book presentation to Grandmaster Grand Prior Chev J.R. Pace presenting a copy of the book about the history of the Order to the GM Don Carlos Gereda de Borbón.. Chev. Michael Chiavola is onlooking.

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H.R.H. Don Francisco de Borbón y Escasany

H.E. Don Carlos Gereda de Borbón

Commemorative Stamps 13th September 2008 Installation of the 49th Grandmaster

Book presentation C. Savona-Ventura. The Hospitaller Knights of Saint Lazarus. Grand Priory of the Maltese Islands – MHOSLJ, Malta, 2006, +244p. ISBN: paperback 978-99932-0-460-2; hardback 998-99932-0-461-9

On the 9-10th September 2009, the Grand Priory of the Maltese Islands co-hosted, with the Grand Commandery of the Castello, the Grandmaster H.E. Don Carlos Gereda de Borbón during his visit to the Maltese Islands undertaken with the aim of assuming the leadership of the Grand Commandery. The official ceremony, attended by a representative delegation38 of the Grand Priory led by the Grand Prior Chev. J.R. Pace, took place at Torri Lanzun on the 9th September. The Grand Priory council members had the opportunity to meet with the Grandmaster during a lunch organised on the 10th September. For the occasion, the Grand Priory presented the Grandmaster with a reproduction of the 1673 Ode á la glorie des chevaliers de l'ordre de Saint-Lazare de Jérusalem by Jacques de Coras published by Sebastien Cramoisy of Paris. The reproduction also carried a historical note relating to the Ode and the author Jacques de Coras prepared by the historian of the Grand Priory Chev. Prof. Charles Savona-Ventura. In addition, the Grandmaster was presented with a set of stamps commemorating his installation as Grandmaster of the Order in September 2008.

Council delegation lunching with GM Don Carlos Gereda de Borbón 10th September 2009 (left to right) Fr. T. Moore, Mr. G. Sammut, GP Chev. J.R. Pace, Mr. J. Grixti, GM Don Carlos Gereda de Borbón, Chev. A. Cutajar, Chev. M. Ciavola, Mr. C. Cilia, Chev. J. Spiteri Audibert

Book presentation Ode á la glorie des chevaliers de l'ordre de Saint-Lazare de Jérusalem. Grand Priory of the Maltese Islands – MHOSLJ, Malta, 2009.

Grand Prior presenting gifts to GM Don Carlos Gereda de Borbón 10th September 2009 Chev. A. Cutajar onlooking

Delegation included: Chev. Dr. J.R. Pace, Chev. M. Ciavola, Chev. Prof. C. Savona-Ventura, and Mr. C. Cilia. 38

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The Grand Priory members had the opportunity to meet with the Grandmaster during a gala dinner organised jointly with the Grand Commandery of the Castello on the 10th September. For the occasion, the two jurisdictions presented the Grandmaster with a model of a Maltese fishing boat in silver.

Gala Dinner Villa Arrigo, 10th September 2009 GM Don Carlos Gereda de Borbón with Grand Prior Chev. J.R. Pace – Grand Priory members in opposite table.

Gala Dinner Villa Arrigo, 10th September 2009 GM Don Carlos Gereda de Borbón making dinner speech. Grand Prior Chev. J.R. Pace onlooking and Grand Priory members in opposite table.

Gala Dinner Villa Arrigo, 10th September 2009 Main table with GM Don Carlos Gereda de Borbón flanked by Grand Prior Chev. J.R. Pace and Deputy Grand Commander Chev. J. Fosberry

Gala Dinner Villa Arrigo, 10th September 2009 Tables hosting Grand Priory members

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On the 16-19th April 2010, the Grand Priory was happy to host the Order’s Spiritual Protector Patriarch Gregory III Laham during his stay on the Islands that coincided with Pope Benedict XVI’s weekend visit to the Islands on the occasion of the 1950th anniversary of St. Paul’s shipwreck in Malta. The three-day programme covering the visit to the Islands of Malta was a very intensive one with a mix of a true pilgrimage to the traditional Pauline sites in Malta; visits to shrines dedicated to Our Lady; visits to the Co-Cathedral of St. John in Valletta; and the celebration of the Eucharist in the Melkite rite in Our Lady of Damascus Church in Valletta and concelebrating with His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI on the Floriana Granaries. In addition the Patriarch and his entourage—the Most Reverend Archbishop Joseph Absi and Archimandrite Mtanios Haddad— had courtesy visits with His Holiness the Pope and His Excellency Archbishop Cremona. A Gala Dinner was given in the Patriarch's honour by the Grand Priory of the Maltese Islands and the Commandery of Gozo. Two commemorative stamps were prepared depicting the Patriarch Gregory III Laham and His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI. For the occasion, the Grand Priory presented the Grandmaster with a reproduction of the 17th century handbill Virtu della Pietra di San Paolo published in Messina with a note relating to the Maltese folklore associated with St. Paul’s shipwreck prepared by the historian of the Grand Priory Chev. Prof. Charles Savona-Ventura. Another gift included a fossilized shark’s tooth or St. Paul’s tongue.39

Patriarch’s visit to Malta Hotel Excelsior, 17th April 2010 Group photo of Grand Priory and Commandery of Gozo members with Patriarch Gregory III Lahan and his entourage.


Ordo Sancti Lazari. 2010, 5(2):p.2-5

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Patriarch’s visit to Malta Mellieha Marian Sanctuary, 17th April 2010 [left to right] Chev. Prof. C. Savona-Ventura, Chev. Dr. R. Gatt, and Chev. Dr. J. Debono with Patriarch Gregory III Lahan.

Patriarch’s visit to Malta Our Lady of Damascus Church, 16th April 2010 Group photo of Grand Priory members with Patriarch Gregory III Lahan and his entourage.

Patriarch’s visit to Malta St. Paul’s Islands, 17th April 2010 Group photo of Grand Priory members and Mellieha Regional Council with Patriarch Gregory III Lahan and his entourage.

Patriarch’s visit to Malta St. Paul’s Grotto, 19th April 2010 Group photo of Grand Priory and Commandery of Gozo members with Patriarch Gregory III Lahan and his entourage.

Commemorative Stamps 19th April 2010

On the footsteps of St. Paul – 1950th anniversary Patriarch’s visit to Malta

In May 2013, His Excellency Grandmaster Don Carlos Gereda de Borbón Marquis of Almazán led a high ranking delegation comprising the Grand Executive Council on a visit to Malta to commemorate the 40th Anniversary since the Order acquired Castello Lanzun as its official headquarters. The anniversary activities, jointly organised by the local jurisdictions, included a reception at the Castello Lanzun hosted by the Grand Commandery of the Castello, where the Grand Master unveiled a commemorative Plaque, and an International Investiture in St. Paul’s Anglican Pro-Cathedral at Valletta. New postulants representing the Grand Priory of the Maltese Islands and its sub-jurisdiction the Commandery of Gozo, the Grand Commandery of the Castello, 22 | P a g e

the Delegation of Norway and the Priory of Belgium, were admitted to the Order. Several other members were promoted or awarded meritorious distinctions for services rendered to the Order’s charitable work. Interantional Representatives from various jurisdictions attended the formal Investituure in St. Paul’s Anglican Pro-Cathedral at Valletta. The Investiture was directed by Chev. Clive Bennington, deputy Grand Marshall of the Order. A religious Service, led by the Chancellor of the Cathedral the Rt. Rev. Simon Godfrey assisted by the Chaplains of the local jurisdictions, preceded the Investiture, and Hymns were sung by a 12-strong Choir led by Dame Marie Therese Vassallo. The homily was delivered by Rev. Fr Peter Chappell, Gozo Commandery Chaplain. The evening before the formal investiture – which was held on Sunday 12th May, - the Postulants attended a Vigil Service in the baroque Madonna tal-Pilar Church at Valletta, led by Senior Chaplain Rev. Colin Westmarland and the Chaplains of the local jurisdictions. The Investiture was followed by a very well attended and convivial Gala Dinner at the Grand Hotel Excelsior, sited just outside the fortifications of Valletta overlooking the historic Grand Harbour. Don Carlos was presented with a fine table centre of Gozo Lace containing the Maltese Cross and several motifs. During the following days, the General Executive Council held its meeting.

H.E. the Grand Master making his address regarding the 40th anniversary celebration of the acquisition of Castello Lanzun [Chev. J. Maidens and Chev. J.R. Pace flanking]

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Grand Master unveiling the commemorative plaque in Castello Lanzun

Vigil Service Our Lady of Pillar Church, Valletta

The Investiture Service St. Paul’s Anglican Cathedral, Valletta

Grand Master investing a knight of the Grand Priory [Chev. Dr. J. Debono]

Grand Master addressing the Gala Dinner Grand Hotel Excelsior, Floriana

In July 2013, Chev. J.R.Pace retired as Grand Prior having served at the helm for ten years, and was appointed Grand Prior Emeritus. Chev. Prof. Charles Savona-Ventura was appointed in his stead, assisted by Chev. Michael Ciavola serving as Prior and Chancellor.40


GM Decree 21/13 dated 8th June 2013

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Chev. Judge William D. Harding 1975-1985

Chev. Dr. Jamie H. Cremona 1993-1997

Chev. the Marquis Antoine Zammit de Tiana 1985-1993 [acting as Prior] 1997-2007 Emeritus 2007

Assisted by: Chev. R. Biasini dei Conti Stagno Navarra as Prior, 1975-1985 & Chev. the Marquis Antoine Zammit de Tiana as Prior, 1985-1993

Assisted by: Chev. the Marquis Antoine Zammit de Tiana as Prior, 1993-1997

Assisted by: Chev. Dr. Joseph R. Pace as Prior, 1997-2004 & Chev. Dr. Herbert Messina Ferrante as acting Prior, 2004-2006

Chev. Dr. Joseph Pace 2004-2007 [schismic group] 2007-2013 [re-united Grand Priory] Emeritus 2013

Chev. Pr. Charles Savona-Ventura 2013 et sec

Assisted by: Chev. George A. Said Zammit as Prior, 2004-2006 & Chev. Michael Ciavola as Prior, 2006-2007

Assisted by: Chev. Michael Ciavola as Prior, 2013--

Heads of the Maltese Jurisdiction – Grand Priory of the Maltese Islands

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The Arms of the Grand Priory of the Maltese Islands are represented as: argent a Cross vert; in the dexter chief quarter a cross of eight points gules, surmounting a Cross of eight Beatitudes, encircled by The Grand Collar, the whole on a mantle sable, with tarsils and ornaments or, on the sinister side bearing the Cross of eight Beatitudes vert, over all the green Eastern Crown of the Order lined sable on which is borne a Cross and Orb or; beneath the arms is the motto „Atavis et Armis“. The Grand Priory of the Maltese Islands was legally registered as “The Military and Hospitaller Order of St. Lazarus of Jerusalem – Obedience of Malta – Grand Priory of the Maltese Islands” in the name of the then Grand Prior in the “Industrial Property Registrations Directorate” in February 2006 – Trade Mark No: 42988 registering the arms of the Order in accordance to article 37(4) of The Trademarks Act 2000.41 The Maltese jurisdiction has long striven to work towards the charitable aims of the Order working to relieve the suffering of the victims of Hansen’s disease (leprosy), the elderly, the sick, and all those in need. After 2004, the scismic group of the Grand Priory of the Maltese Islands acquired links with the St.

Lazarus Corps – Special Rescue Group which functions as a voluntary relief movement whose purpose is to protect human life and health and to ensure respect for the human being thus developing the Body, the Mind and the Spirit. The Grand Priory supported the SRG-SLC by purchasing a new ambulance for use during the public activities of the group. In addition it has financially supported the group to upgrade its training programme and its first aid support equipment. The Grand Priory was instrumental in organising a day Trauma – BLS Seminar “Dealing with an emergency situation” for the group’s volunteer members and other suitable members of the Grand Priory. The seminar, run by the Emergency Response Team [Malta], was based on a series of talks and hands-on practical experience.42 The agreement of association with the SRG-SLC was terminated in August 2011 after the management of the SRG-SLC opted to join the schismic group known as the United Grand Priories of the Hospitaller Order of St. Lazarus of Jerusalem led by Maximilian Ellul. The actions of the SRG-SLC led to the issuing of a GM decree No. 64/11 Registration of Trademarks: Industrial Property Registration Directorate. Malta Government Gazette, 8th February 2006, 17877:p.1150-1154 42 Ordo Sancti Lazari. 2008, 3(3):p.2 41

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whereby any members who associate themselves with bodies or associations that use the name, green cross, badge or other emblem representing the Order will no longer be treated as members in good standing and be placed in the inactive list.43


Group Photo of Officials – SRG-SLC 15 years commemoration event – 16th June 2006 (right to left) Chev. Col. Joseph M. Spiteri Audibert Marshall & Operations Officer SRG-SLC; Chev. Dr Joseph R. Pace - Grand Prior of the Maltese Islands; Chev. Paul Banavage - Commander of Gozo Commandery; Chev. Field Marshal David John Zammit - Commander SRG-SLC; Major Carmel Mangion – Unit Officer SRG-SLC

Saluting the Flags – Investiture Ceremony – 12th November 2005

SRG-SLC volunteers on public event duty

SRG-SLC volunteers on public event duty

Grand Magistral decree No.64/11 dated 30th June 2011

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Donation of Ambulance by Grand Priory and Commandery of Gozo to SRG-SLC – Gala Dinner, Hotel Hilton – 24th November 2006

SRG-SLC Ambulance on public event duty

During its years of existence, the Maltese Jurisdiction has striven to assist those suffering from leprosy [Hansen’s disease] both in Malta and overseas. In Malta, support was given to the resident inmate lepers of the local leprosarium at Hal Ferha Estate at Gharghur until its closure in 2004. Besides regular visits to these individuals, the jurisdiction helped organise an annual Christmas Party when gifts and monetary donations were made to the inmates. Hansen’s disease is now considered extinct on the islands, though cured old cases still live in the community. In 2012, two old lepers living in the community were brought to the attention of the Grand Priory. These have been “adopted” by the Grand Priory which became cognisant of their needs to deal with the medical problems they face, solve their administrative hurdles, and also supplement their non-contributory leprosy pension by a monetary grant. In addition, the Maltese jurisdiction has regularly supported various philanthropic organisations working with sufferers of Hansen Disease. Together with the Commandery of the Castello, the Maltese jurisdiction set up a Leprosy Fund in 1994. This was used to support the lepers at the Abu Zabaal Leprosy Mission run by Caritas in Egypt and the St. Lazarus Leprosy Mission in Pumwani, Kenja. The Maltese jurisdiction, throghout the years, has also donated funds to the Order of Charity, the Malta branch of the Raoul Follereau Foundation, particularly to assist lepers in Ethiopia and Madras.44 In recent years, the jurisdiction has also supported the Missionary Movement “Gesu filProxmu” to build a school for children affected by leprosy in Ethiopia. It has also supported the work of Dr. Donald Sammut, a Malta-born hand-plastic surgeon, with his annual philanthropic work Saint Lazarus Newsletter, May 1997, 10:p.14; Leprosy fund donates money to Caritas Egypt. Gallarija - The Malta Independent, 14th January 1996, p.20 44

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with lepers in India and Nepal under the auspices of the group “Working Hands�.45 Working Hands is a UK Registered Charity that raises funds for a surgical programme, currently based at a leprosy hospital in Nepal, supporting a team of Hand Surgeons who travel there to operate and to teach the local surgeons. Working Hands is independent, not linked to any major organization, and all donated funds find their way directly to the front line of treatment, purchasing equipment and consumables for each trip.46

Fr. Cassar at the St. Lazarus Leprosy Mission set up by the Grand Priory of the Maltese Islands in Kenya, 1996

On the international front, the jurisdiction continued with the fund-raising efforts of U.K.-based agency Lepra and in the documentation efforts of the Oxford-based International Leprosy Association's Global Project on the History of Leprosy funded by the Nippon Foundation.47

Ordo Sancti Lazari. 2008, 3(3):p.2 http://www.donaldsammut.com/working-hands/ 47 C. Savona-Ventura: Leprosy Archives - The Maltese Islands. Grand Priory of the Maltese Islands - MHOSLJ, Malta, 2006, +16p. [updated 2007] This e-publication details the history of leprosy in the Maltese Islands and includes an annotated bibliography, a biographical profile of a prominent leprologist, a short history of the various leprosaria, a history of the Order of St. Lazarus in Malta, statistical tables about leprosy in Malta, and finally the legal code that pertains to leprosy. Available at http://www.stlazarusmalta.org/publications.html 45 46

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In 2009, the Maltese jurisdiction was asked to take over the management of the Order of Charity, thus assuming a more national role in fundraising for the benefit of lepers worldwide. The appointed principal administrator of the Order of Charity was Chev. Tony Cutajar assisted by Dr. Joseph Galea OLJ as treasurer. The serving Grand Prior is the president ex-officio of the affiliate. Grand Prior Emeritus Chev. Jaime H. Cremona serves as the Honorary Chairman.

Presentation of Cheque to Fr. G. Grima founder of the Moviment Missjunarju “Gesu fil-Proxxmu” in support of his work with lepers in Ethiopia - 16th December 2007

World Leprosy Day Lecture Dolmen Resort Hotel – 19th February 2005

Presentation of Cheque to Order of Charity Catholic Institute - 12th September 2008 during talk delivered by UK-based Consultant Hand surgeon Mr Donald Sammut describing his work among lepers in India and Nepal. (right to left) Mr. Donald Sammut, Chev Michael Chiavola, Chev. Tony Cutajar

World Leprosy Day Lecture Coastline Hotel – 19th February 2006

In addition the jurisdiction attempts to arouse awareness for the disease by commemorating World Leprosy Day with a public historical lecture. These lectures have become an annual feature since

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2006 often being combined with the Grand Priory’s Annual General meeting. 48 Other socio-cultural events aimed at promoting fund-raising to assist victims of leprosy have also been regularly organised in the last years. Examples of these socio-literary fund-raising activities include:     

World Leprosy Day Lecture: “The Origins of the Military & Hospitaller Order of St. Lazarus of Jerusalem” Dolmen Resort Hotel – 19th February 2006 World Leprosy Day Lecture: “Kings, Knights and Lepers” Coastline Hotel – 19th February 2007 World Leprosy Day Lecture: “History of Leprosy in the Maltese Islands” Topax Hotel – 27th January 2008 World Leprosy Day Lecture: “The Maltese ‘Welfare State’ during the Hospitaller Period” Topax Hotel – January 2009 Musical-Literary Soiree with an illustrated lecture entitled "The Order of St. Lazarus in the Holy Land" by Chev. Prof. C. Savona-Ventura, followed by a selection of hit-songs "Evergreens from the fifties & sixties" sung by Mrs MarieTherese Vassallo OLJ and artistes from Voice Studio held at Torri Lanzun on the 7th June 2007.49

Film-showing entitled “Molokai – The Story of Fr. Damien” held as part of a social gathering in Gozo on the 20th April 2008. This film by Paul Cox depicts the story of Fr. Damien who relentlessly gave of himself and served the lepers who had been exiled to the barred island, at the cost of his life.50

The Maltese jurisdiction has also in the 1990s supported youth institutions such as the St. Joseph Orphanage at Zabbar, and the St Francis Ravelin Youth Institution.51 It has also supported cancer victims by monetary donations to the Hospice Movement. In 2005, though the help of the Canadian jurisdiction, the Grand Priory distributed to relevant institutions and libraries a number of copies of the publication “A Caregiver’s Guide – A handbook about end-of-life care” published by the Canadian jurisdiction. During the 1990s, the Grand Priory also was in the forefront for offering support to HIV-AIDS care initiatives supporting the National Advisory Committee for AIDS and the Caritas initiative for these individuals.52 Support was also made available in 2008 to aid children orphaned HIV-AIDS in Tanzania.53

Ordo Sancti Lazari. 2006-2009, 1(1);p.2, 2(2):p.2, 2(3):p.2, 3(1):p.2, 3(3):p.2 Ordo Sancti Lazari. 2007, 2(2):p.2 50 Ordo Sancti Lazari. 2008, 3(2):p.2 51 Saint Lazarus Newsletter, September 1994, 3:p.2 52 J. Calvert: Maltese youths have no 'special protections against AIDS'. The Sunday Times [of Malta], 30th December 1994, p.2 53 Ordo Sancti Lazari. 2008, 3(3):p.2 48 49

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The Grand Priory also responds to appeals for philanthropic support from various organisations in need. In 2007-08, it responded to the general appeals by the Mission Fund as part of the project Projett TAMA which was set up to equip a school for orphan children in Guatamala.54 Support in the form of clothes and goods were regularly made in 2007 to the refugees and irregular immigrants housed at the Hal Far Centre.55 It also has supported institutions that service persons with special needs such as the Dar tal-Providenza at Siggiewi, and the Razzett tal-Hiberija at Marsascala. The Maltese jurisdiction has also supported other philanthropic causes. On a number of occasions it helped support the care of the elderly by financial support to purchase necessary equipment in religious-managed “old people” homes such as support to the institutions run by the Little Sisters of the Poor at Hamrun [1994: assistance and provision of equipment 56] and the Dominican Sisters’ St. Catherine Home for the Elderly at Attard. The latter institution was on the 13 th May 1973 donated an ambulance that had been obtained from the Commandery of Lochore, Scotland. The hospital undertook to fly the Flag of St Lazarus on St Lazarus Day (17th December) and name a new wing of the hospital after the patron saint of the Order. 57

To better organise its fund-raising activities and obtain official recognition as a Non-Governmental Organization, the grand Priory in 2013 set out to establish and formally register a new affiliate named Ordo

Sancti Lazari Melitensis Fundatio –Maltese Foundation of the Order of Saint Lazarus [NGO Number: VO/0835]. The Ordo Sancti Lazari Melitensis Fundatio in a voluntary charitable organization managed under the supervision and guidance of the Grand Priory of the Maltese Islands. The serving Grand Prior acts as the President ex-officio, while the Grand Prior Emeritus serves as Honorary President. The Executive chairman is the serving almoner of the Grand Priory. The main missions of the Foundation are: 

to raise funds for distribution and donation to Maltese or overseas charities, philanthropic bodies and also any approved deserving individuals;

Ordo Sancti Lazari. 2007, 2(2):p.2; Ordo Sancti Lazari. 2008, 3(2):p.2 Ordo Sancti Lazari. 2007, 2(2):p.2 56 Saint Lazarus Newsletter, May 1994, 2:p.5 57 Inauguration of the Grand Chancery, Malta; Report on Chapter General held on 11th and 12th May 1973. MHOSLJ, Malta, p.8; Order of St Lazarus headquarters to be inaugurated. Times of Malta, 12th May 1973, p.20 54 55

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to participate in activities and projects to generate assets for charitable and philanthropic purposes;

to practice and support the principles and values of Christian charity protecting and assisting the weak, helping the poor, the aged, the very young, the handicapped and the sick in society.

Besides philanthropic work with the needy, the Grand Priory has also supported cultural and social philanthropy. The ethos of these activities is to upgrade the profile of the jurisdiction and thus enable it in its fund-raising endeavours. On the 3rd July 2005, a delegation of the Grand Priory, led by H.E. Chevalier Dr. Joseph R. Pace, GCLJ, Grand Prior, and Chevalier Paul P. Banavage, KCLJ, Commander of Gozo, participated in the traditional feast of "The Visitation" in Gharb, Gozo at the invitation of the Gharb Local Council attending the solemn High Mass at the Gharb basilica church. The Bishop of Gozo, H.E. Mons. Nikol Joseph Cauchi, officiated mass with the help of another 14 members which included Archpriests and other important clergy members. On the 23rd June 2007, the Grand Priory commissioned the restoration of the 17th century painting of the Raising of St. Lazarus held at the Basilica of St George Martyr, Victoria, Gozo. The restoration had been commissioned by the Priory and carried out by the Gozitan art restorer Mr. Godwin Cutajar. The presentation was preceded by the Celebration of Holy Mass with accompanying hymns by members of the Laudate Pueri Choir. The Event was held under the distinguished patronage of H.E. Mons. Mario Grech – Bishop of Gozo and the Hon. Giovanna Debono – Minister for Gozo. On that occasion, a copy of the Grand Priory’s publication about the history of the Order was presented to the Bishop and the Honorary Minister.58

The painting "Raising of Lazarus" held at the Basilica of St. George Martyr in Victoria, Gozo. On the occasion of the formal presentation and blessing of the restored painting commissioned by the Priory of the Maltese Islands of the Military & Hospitaller Order of St. Lazarus of Jerusalem on the 23rd June 2007. Priory of the Maltese Islands - MHOSLJ, Malta, 2007, +12p.; Ordo Sancti Lazari. 2007, 2(2):p.2 58

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Participation during the feast at Gharb, Gozo 3rd July 2005

Blessing of the restored 16th century painting of St. Lazarus – 23rd June 2007 (right to left) Mgr. Joseph Farrugia, H.E. Mons. M. Gauci, Chev. J. Pace

Donation of paintings to adorn Addolorata Cemetery Chapel – March 2009 (right to left) Chev. J. Grixti, Chev P. Banavage, Fr. Lucian, Chev. J. Pace, Chev. M. Chiavola

Seminar: "Confidence Building Strategies" (right to left) Rev. Dr. Joe Inguanez, Prof. Richard Rubenstein chairing a session at Torri Lanzun

In 2007, the Grand Priory served as a go-between between DISCERN: Institute for Research on the Signs of the Times and the Commandery of the Castello to help arrange for the Seminar "Confidence Building Strategies" to be held at Torri Lanzun. The seminar run by Prof. Richard Rubenstein with introductory talks by Rev. Dr. Rene Camilleri and Rev. Dr. Joe Inguanez was attended by H.E. Mons. Mario Grech – Bishop of Gozo besides a number of parish priests. In March 2009, on the initiative of the Commandery of Gozo, a set of three paintings were donated to the Addolorata Cemetery Chapel to adorn parts of the chapel and sacristy.59


Ordo Sancti Lazari. 2009, 4(3):p.2

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To also increase its public profile, the Grand Priory has encouraged its members to submit articles in the local media


and has repeatedly participated in radio/television programmes discussing the

Order and the work of the Grand Priory.61 A number of videos relating to the history of the Order and the work of the Grand Priory were prepared and uploaded on YouTube. In addition, the Grand Priory set up its dedicated webpage in 2005 [http://www.stlazarusmalta.org]. On the occasion of the Grand Magisterial Meeting held in November 2005, the splinter Grand Priory of the Maltese Islands organised a public exhibition about the origins of the Monastic Military Orders in the Holy Land at the Topax Hotel at Bugibba. This exhibition was kindly hosted throughout the subsequent year. Throughout the years, the Grand Priory has felt the need to keep in touch with its local members, updating on the various activities occurring in the local jurisdiction and also to events overseas. There have been a number of attempts at disseminating this information through the use of newsletters supplementing regular circular letters – St. Lazarus News-letter Malta [editor: J.M. de Conti Sant-Manduca, 1974; A. Zammit, 1991]; The Lazarite [editor: A. Barbara, 1999; J. Pace, 2000-2001]; and Ordo Sancti Lazari - Newsletter of the Grand Priory of the Maltese Islands and the Commandery of Gozo [editor: C. Savona-Ventura, 2006-2013; F. Brincat, 2013 et sec]. It further established a social presence by establishing a facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/LazarusMalta.

4. Establishment of the Gozo jurisdiction

In 1971, a Gozo Delegation of the Priory of Malta was set up in the sister island with Dr. Joseph R. Pace serving as the delegate.62 This coincided with the award of the Grand Cross of Merit to the Bishop of Gozo Giuseppe Pace [b.1890; d.1972; con.1944]. In 1971, the Delegation of Gozo headed by Dr. Joseph R. Pace donated a statue of Saint Lazarus for the chapel at Castello Lanzun, then

T.C. Cutajar: Knights caring for lepers. The Sunday Times [Malta], 5th November 2006, p.35; T.C. Cutajar: St. Lazarus - who was he? The Sunday Times (Malta), 18 June 2006, p.68-69; C. Savona-Ventura: L-Ordni Militari u Hospitaljer ta' San Lazzru ta' Gerusalem vs Torri Lanzun. Il-Huggiega ta' San Gwann, June-August 2006, 1(12):p9; C. Savona-Ventura: Medieval Dermatological Hospitaler Orders. Synapse: The Medical Professionals’ Network, 2006, January:p.8-9 61 31st July 2005 – Bay Radio Interview; 7th October 2005 – Super one Television; 15th October 2005 – Smash Television; June-July 2006 – series of programmes about the Order and the SRG-SLC on Channel Education 22 Television 62 Report of the Grand Magisterial Council held in Liege 3rd to 4th June 1972. MHOSLJ, Malta, 1972, p.8; J.R. Pace: personal correspondence in e-mail dated 12th January 2006 60

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being set up as the Administrative Headquarters—the Grand Chancery of the Order. 63 The Gozo delegation however was disbanded and amalgamated within the mother Priory of Malta after Dr. Pace moved residence to Malta.

Investitutre of His Lordship Mons. Joseph Pace

Group photograph – 1971 Investiture

with the Ecclesiastical Grand Cross of Merit at his Palace by Chev. Lt. Col. Robert Gayre asssisted by Chev. Joseph Amato Gauci and Rev. Edward Bondi

(left to right) Dr. J.R. Pace CLJ; Chev. Col. J.V. Abela; Chev Robert Biasini dei Conti Stagno Navarra [Prior]; Austin Camilleri CLJ [Member Gozo Delegation]; Rev. Emmanuel Galea [Delegation Chaplain]; Antoine Zammit CLJ; Chev. Lt.Col. Robert Gayre [Grand Referendary]; His Lordship Mons Joseph Pace GCMLJ; Rev. Edward Bondi` [Bishop Chaplain]; Chev. Joseph Amato Gauci [Grand Chancellor]; Dr. William Grima MD, CLJ [Member Gozo Delegation]; Joseph P. Dimech B Eng, A&CE, CLJ [Member Gozo Delegation]

Another attempt to re-establish a sub-jurisdiction in the sister island was made in 2005 by the schismic group supporting the Vicar General Chev. R. Attard. The Commandery, initially named the Commandery of Gharb, but later named the Commandery of Gozo was established by Grand

St. Lazarus News-Letter, Malta, April 1973, 1(6):p.4; The Lazarite, Nov 2000, p.1; The Lazarite, Jan-Mar 2001, p.2 63

36 | P a g e

Magistral decree No. 02/05 dated 9th March 2005. The first appointed commander for this subjurisdiction was Chev. Paul Peter Banavage. 64

Chev. Banavage receiving the decree setting up the Commandery of Gozo from Grand Chancellor Chev. Freidrich Schuberth dated 9th April 2005 [Chev. J.R. Pace and Mrs. Pace onlooking]

The sub-jurisdiction was formally recognised by the Grand Master Don Carlos Gereda de Borb贸n, Marquis de Almaz谩n, on the 2nd July 2011 by Grand Magistral Decrees No. 52/11 and No. 53/11 which officially recognised the Commandery of Gozo, and confirmed Chev. Paul Banavage as its first Commander.65 Chev. Banavage resigned his post in May 2013 to be appointed Commander Emeritus; Commander Dr. Renald Blundell was appointed in his stead. Chev. Banavage resigned from the Commandery of Gozo and transferred his allegiance to the Grand Commandery of the Castello.

Establishment of the Commandery of Gozo within the Grand Priory of the Maltese Islands and appointment of Chevalier Paul Peter Banavage to its first Commander. Grand Magistral Decree no. 02/05 dated 9th March 2005 65 GM decrees No.52/11 & No.53/11 dated 2nd July 2011 64

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The adopted arms for the Commandery of Gozo were argent a Cross vert; in the dexter chief quarter a cross of eight points gules; in the right chief quarter the three hills depicting Gozo, surmounting a Cross of eight Beatitudes, encircled by The Grand Collar, the whole on a mantle sable, with tarsals and ornaments or, on the sinister side bearing the Cross of eight Beatitudes vert, over all the green Eastern Crown of the Order lined sable on which is borne a Cross and Orb or; beneath the arms is the motto „Atavis et Armis“.

Dr. Joseph R. Pace 1971-1975

Chev. Paul P. Banavage 2005-2013

Dr. Renald Blundell 2013 et sec

Heads of the Gozo sub-jurisdiction

Since 2004, the Commandery of Gozo has affiliated the Step-by-Step

Foundation which is a non-profit organisation, with the goal of assisting brain injured children to reach their full potential. The Commandery of Gozo supported the activities of the Step-by-Step Foundation, assisting the Foundation to obtain and refurbish premises with clinic facilities at Hamrun in Malta [named Centru Kavallier Vincent J. Bugeja opened officially by Hon. Minister Dolores Cristina on the 16th December 2005] and at Gharb in Gozo [named Centru Nikolai Nappa opened officially by

38 | P a g e

Hon. Minister Giovanna Debono on the 10th September 2005].66 On the 4th December 2005, a delegation of the Grand Priory led by H.E. Chev. Joseph Pace Grand Prior and Confr. Kenneth Cremona Caruana for the Step-by-Step Foundation participated in the Commemorative Mass for the occasion of the "International Day for the Disabled" organised by the Health & Special Needs Subcommittee of the Mosta Local Council.

Presentation of financial support 10th September 2005 from the Chev. Banavage – Commandery of Gozo to Ms. Marisa Xwereb Step-by-Step

Launching of training courses by Step-by-Step at Centru Nikolai Nappa at Gharb, Gozo – 4th March 2006

Opening of the Step-by-Step Clinic – Centru Nikolai Nappa at Gharb, Gozo – 10th September 2005 Opening address by Chev. Paul Banavage Commandery of Gozo with Hon. Minister of Gozo Ms Giovanna Debono and Major of Gharb onlooking

Step-by-Step activity at Splash & Fun Park 2nd July 2005

Kenneth Cremona Caruana with Chev Banavage onlooking

Brain injured children's centre launched in Gozo. Galleria - The Malta Independant on Sunday, 25th September 2005, p.4 66

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The change in administration engendered in 2013 followed by the transfer of Chev Banavage to the Grand Commandery of the Castello and the resignation of Confrere Kenneth Cremona Caruana from the Order brought about problems between the administrators of the Step-by-Step Foundation who were no longer members of the Maltese jurisdiction and the Grand Priory’s administration which was demanding a greater degree of accountability. For this reason it was deemed better to end the affiliation. An affiliate – the St. Lazarus Co-operative Society – being planned by Chev. Banavage and Kenneth Cremona Caruana to deal with issues related to persons with special needs was similarly shelved.67

5. Involvement with the International Organization of the Order

In 1969, the Maltese Sir Hannibal Publius Scicluna was appointed Grand Chancellor and the seat of the Chancery and administration of the Order was transferred from Paris to Malta [Decree No.3/1969]. He was assisted by Elias Zammit as Secretary General and Anthony Zammit as Secretary. 68 This brought the Order’s central management closer to the members of the Maltese jurisdiction. This inter-relationship becoming further strengthened after May 1973 when Torri ta’ Lanzun, purchased in 1971 by LtCol Gayre, was inaugurated by the 47th Grand Master H.H. Francesco Enrique de Borbón as the Grand Cancellery of the Order, thus physically establishing Malta as the Administrative seat of the Malta Obedience fraction of the Order.


In 1972, Sir H.P.

Scicluna was occupying the post of Grand Capitulator. In 1973, Chev. Joseph Amato Gauci was occupying the post of Chancellor & Secretary General and acted as Grand Custodian. He also served as Keeper of the Seal. Chev. Amato Gauci held these posts until 1986 after which he served as Grand Commander & Grand Inquisitor until his demise. 70 Other Maltese high dignitaries of the Kenneth Cremona Caruana eventually joined the Max Ellul’s group calling themselves the United Grand Priories of the Hospitaller Order of St. Lazarus and set up this society within that group. 68 Constitution Decrees issued by Order of the Grandmaster by the Grand Referendary 15th April 1969. MHOSLJ, Malta, 1969, p.3,30,32-36 69 Ibid, p.5. 70Report of the Grand Magistral Council held in Leige 3rd and 4th June 1972. MHOSLJ, Malta, 1972, p.6-7; Inauguration of the Grand Chancery, Malta; Report on Chapter General held on 11th and 12th May 1973. MHOSLJ, Malta, p.6-7 67

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Order in 1994 included: Chev. R.S. Attard (Grand Chancellor); Chev. Dr. Jaime H. Cremona (Grand Hospitaller and Vice-Chancellor & Secretary General) and Chev. R. Flores Martin (Grand Cross Bearer, subsequently served as Vice-Grand Chancellor). Anthony Buttigieg de Piro also previously served as a Member of the Supreme Council. Even after the 2004 split, Maltese members continued to contribute towards the central administration of the splinter faction. H.E. Reginald Saviour Attard occupied the post of President of the Supreme Council & Grand Vicar; while H.E. Helen Meli Attard occupied the post of Grand Custodian, Administrator & Advisor to Grand Chancellor.71

6. Grand Commandey of the Castello

In 1972, Lt. Colonel Robert Gayre of Gayre and Nigg established a Malta branch of the Hereditary Commandery of Lochore originally established in 1967. The Malta branch was named the

Hereditary Commandery of Lochore in Malta. Its headquarters were established in Castello Lanzun. By 1983, the Hereditary Commandery of Lochore, still led by LtCol Chev Robert the Gayre, had a total of 137 members, of whom only nine members appertained to the Hereditary Commandery of Lochore in Malta. The Commander in Malta was Chev George Merredew.72 The first members of the Hereditary Commandery of Lochore resident in the Maltese Islands listed in the 1983 “Roll of Members” included:       


Dr. the Chevalier Kenneth Biddis, KLJ [ad.1973] Chevalier H.F. John Lloyd, KCLJ, CMLJ [ad.1973] Dame Pamela Lloyd, DLJ [ad.1973] Commander the Chevalier George Merredew, KLJ [ad.D/U] Chevalier Robert Bauld, KLJ [ad.1976] Dame Rosilla Vernon-Lawrence, DLJ [ad.1976] Mrs. Janatha Srubbs, OLJ [ad.1979] Patrick Stubbs, Esq. CLJ [ad.1979, born Croydon, U.K. 1935; died Tarxien, Malta 1998 ]73

Malta Year Book. De La Salle Brothers Publ., Malta, 1994, p.379-380; http://www.oslj-international.org/ (accessed 7th December 2005). 72 J.J. Algrant, J. Beaugourdon: Armorial of the Military and Hospitaller Order of St Lazarus of Jerusalem. van den Akker, Delft, 1983, p.405 73 Saint Lazarus Newsletter, May 1998, 12:p.15 41 | P a g e

Rev. Colin Westmarland, Chaplain [ad.1980, still serving as Senior Chaplain in 2013]

In 1986, the jurisdiction was renamed Commandery of the Castello with Chev George Merredew maintaining his leadership. The leadership was subsequently assumed by Chev Joseph Amato-Gauci in the 1990s, helped by the Deputy Commander Chev. Reginald Attard – then serving also as Grand Chancellor to the Order. The membership list in the Commandery remained poor so that the Annual General Meeting held on the 13th March 1995 was attended by 20 members, with the Commander being excused because of ill-health.74 Chev. Amato-Gauci died in 1995, and the role of Commander of the jurisdiction was assumed by Major Chev. Stuart Hamilton who had previously served as Secretary-General to the Commandery. 75 In May 2001, it was reported that membership in the Commandery stood some thirty relatively elderly members who because of their age could not take on much active work. The Commandery was then devoting at least half of the funds raised towards the battle against leprosy, the rest being targeted to other charities, mostly around Malta.76 Commander H.E. Major Chev. Stuart Hamilton GCLJ retired in 2001 being appointed Commander Emeritus.77 His retirement was followed in September 2001 by the assumption of the leadership of the Commandery by the Grand Master H.R.H. Don Francisco de Borbón y Escasany Duke of Seville [GM Decrees 3/2000 & 12/2001]; with the Deputy Commander being Chev. Reginald Attard [GM Decree 13/2001] to be in command and act on behalf of the Grand Master in the latter’s absence from Malta.78

Saint Lazarus Newsletter. September 1995,6:p.8-13 Saint Lazarus Newsletter. May 2001,18: p.9. Chev. Joseph Amato-Gauci [b. Attard, Malta 27/09/1909; died 09/12/1995. By profession a Civil Servant, assuming eventually the office of Assistant Director of Agriculture. Was awarded the Defence and Coronation Medals for his war contribution. He was admitted to the Order in 1967, and eventually served as Grand Chancellor, Custodian and Keeper of the Seal [1973-1986], and Grand Commander and Grand Inquisitor [1986-1995]. He was described as “an honourable, good and pious man and a perfect gentleman”. See: Malta Who’s Who 1965. Progress Press, 1965, p.9; Saint Lazarus Newsletter. May 1996, 8: p.4 76 Saint Lazarus Newsletter. May 2001, 18: p.9 77 Stuart Hamilton [born Bermuda 1916; died Vittoriosa, Malta 25/06/2002]. Joined Royal Marines serving throughout the Second World War attaining rank of major and awarded the sword of honour. In 1951, left the Royal Marines and joined a trading company in Mombasa, Kenya and eventually moved to Nairobi as the east African managing director for the company. Joined the Order and gave sterling service being appointed Commander and Grand Knight in the Supreme council. Invested with the Collar of the Order in 1998. Saint Lazarus Newsletter. November 2002, 21:p.13 78 Saint Lazarus Newsletter. November 2001, 19:p.3-4,5-6. Reginald Saviour Richard Attard: b. Birzebbugia, Malta 12/01/1925; died Gharghur 15/06/2006. Education: Malta Lyceum 1935-42, Corresponding Courses 74 75

42 | P a g e

The Arms of the Commandery were in 2002 then depicted to be represented as: Argent a Cross vert; in the first quarter a Maltese cross gules, in the second quarter a fleur de lys or in a shield azure.

in Accountancy, Administration & Finance (1944-51). Initiated career as a Government School Teacher (1944-53), but later joined Simonds-Farsons-Cisk Ltd Libya Branch first as Chief Accountant, then as Acting Manager (1953-1960); subsequently served first as Comptroller and later as Acting Manager of the Rambler Automobile Assembly Ltd (1960-62); joined Mamo Bros Ltd as Comptroller (1962-63) and later Tyresoles Malta Ltd (after 1963). Is a Fellow of the English Association of Accountants and Auditors and Member of the Incorporated Association of Cost and Industrial Accountants of the Institute of Office Management. During World War II served with the Royal Malta Artillery and awarded the Africa Star War Medal. Served as Grand Chancellor (1986-2004); as President of the Supreme Council and Grand Vicar (2004-2006). 43 | P a g e

Up to this time, the main membership to the Commandery generally included expatriate retired U.K. citizens resident in Malta, primarily of an Anglican denomination. Maltese postulants were generally admitted to the National Jurisdiction. This was to change following the schism which occurred under the initiative of Chev. Attard. In 2004, Chev. Reginald Attard, then serving as Grand Chancellor of the Order, decided to break away from the Order led by Grand Master H.R.H. Don Francisco de Borb贸n y Escasany Duke of Seville, convincing the majority of the leaders and members of the Grand Priory of the Maltese Islands to support him. This schism led to the weakening of the National jurisdiction then led by the elderly Chev. Antoine Zammit [appointed Grand Prior of the Maltese Islands in 1997]. Chev. Attard was replaced as Deputy Commander of the Castello by Chev Geoffrey Fosberry GCLJ. The weakening of the National jurisdiction allowed for the increasing recruitment of Maltese members by the Commandery. The Commandery was renamed Grand Commandery of the Castello in 2009. On the 9th September 2009, the newly elected Grandmaster H.E. Don Carlos Gereda de Borb贸n, Marquis of Almazan assumed the post of Grand Commander with the serving Deputy Commander being Chev Geoffrey Fosberry GCLJ. Chev. Fosberry was replaced by Chev. Gerry Maidens in 2011.79

Assumption of leadership by GM H.E. Don Carlos Gereda de Borb贸n, September 2009


GM decree 11/51 dated 2nd June 2011

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The new heraldic arms designed in 2012 are: Argent a Cross vert; in the first quarter on a Maltese cross vert a tower sable thereon a fleur de lys or, encircled by The Grand Collar, the whole on a mantle sable, with tarsils and ornaments or, on the sinister side bearing the Cross of eight Beatitudes vert, over all the Eastern Crown vert of the Order lined sable on which is borne a Cross and Orb or; beneath the arms is the motto „Atavis et Armis“. This emphasizes the independence of the Grand Commandery from the Grand Priory of the Maltese Islands.

The Heads of the Jurisdiction 1973-2013 

1973: Lt Col. Chev Robert Gayre [b.1907; d.1996] o c.1983: Chev. George Merredew 1986-c.1993: Chev. George Merredew c.1993-1995: Chev. J. Amato Gauci [b.1909; d.1995] 1996-2001: Chev. Major Stuart Hamilton [b.1916; d.2002] 2001-2009: H.R.H. don Francisco de Borbón y Escasany, Duke of Seville [b.1943] o 2001-04: Deputy Commander: Chev. Count Reginald S.R. Attard [b.1925; d.2006] o 2004-09: Deputy Commander: Chev. Geoffrey Fosbery 2009----: H.E. Don Carlos Gereda de Borbón, Marquis of Almazan [b.1947] o 2009-11: Deputy Grand Commander: Chev. Geoffrey Fosberry o 2011----: Deputy Grand Commander: Chev. Gerry Maidens

   

Chev. R. Attard

45 | P a g e

Chev. G. Fosberry

Deputy Commanders 2011-2013

Chev. G. Maidens

7. Castello Lanzun

Torri ta’ Lanzun located in the Mensija suburb at San Gwann, Malta was inaugurated by Grandmaster H.R.H. Don Francesco de Borbón y de Borbón as the official headquarters of the Order of St. Lazarus on the 12th May 1973. Torri ta’ Lanzun was originally a 15th century farmhouse that by the 17th century had transferred ownership to Wenzu Lanzun from Cittá Vittoriousa, thus accounting for its present name. Wenzu Lanzun transferred residence to the farmhouse during the 1676 plague epidemic in an attempt towards avoiding the dreaded infection—in a way placing himself and his family in virtual isolation and quarantine. The original building included large hall on the ground floor which served as a stable for cattle. The owner and his family lived in the upper chambers approached by an external staircase, the flat roof of which being reached by a turret staircase. In time, new stables were built in the north side of the quadrangle while a courtyard was built to enclose the north side. The outside staircase now ascended within the safety of this enclosure. Another room was built adjoining the doorway into the quadrangle; while above the doorway a small chamber with a fireplace was further constructed. In 1713, structural modifications were further made to the edifice thus enlarging and strengthening to serve as a fortified building to serve as a haven for local inhabitants during pirate raids. Its situation commanding panoramic views over St George’s, Spinola and St Julian’s Bays and towards the city of Valletta ensured an early warning for raids. The building is believed to have also served as a hunting station for the Grandmaster of the Order of St. John. It subsequently passed into the hands of the Attard family. During World War II, it was used as an observation post for enemy planes, and was rather severely damaged during enemy action. After the war it had several owners until it was purchased by LtCol. Chev. Gayre.80 The San Gwann region was in the 17th century very poorly inhabited; though the locality had long housed a number of wayside chapels. Close to Torri ta’ Lanzun stands the cave-chapel dedicated to San Leonardo. Known today as the Chapel of the Annunciation [Lunziata Chapel], this cave-chapel is associated with a popular medieval legend. The locality during this period fell under the jurisdiction of the Birkirkara Parish. Other chapels recorded in the vicinity of the Gharghar [sive` Arar] region during the Medieval period included the parochial church of St. Helena, situated 80

International Lazarite, 1975, 1(2):p.43; Saint Lazarus Newsletter, May 1996, 8:p.12

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possibly close to the Ta’ Cieda Tower. Abandoned during the 14th century, the remains of this church were still extant in 1575 when the Apostolic Visitor Mgr Petrus Dusina wrote his report. Dusina wrote “Sanctae Helenae – Visitavit aliam Ecclesiam ruralem sub vocabulo Sanctae Helenae constructam in pertinentia Bircalcariae in contrata nuncupata Arar, quae alias dicitur fuisse parrochialis Ecclesia, habet altare, caret rectore, introitibus, portis ligneis, et omnibus alijs necessarijs ex devotione Michael Borgiu in eadem die festivitatis celebrare facit missam tantum, non celebretur amplius, nisi postquam fuerint factae portae ligneae.” Other churches located in the Gharghar region mentioned by Dusina were those dedicated to Santa Margarita, Sant Andrea, San Bartholomew and of course the cave-chapel of San Leonardo.81 In 1971, the building was purchased by LtCol. Robert Gayre of Gayre and Nigg, Laird of Lochore who then was serving as Grand Commander and Grand Almoner of the Order. The buildings were then passed on to the Order for use as its Administrative Headquarters—the Grand Chancery. An effort was made to restore the buildings and carry out improvements. The work was undertaken under the direct supervision of architect and civil engineer Chev. Maurice Captur, a member of the Priory of Malta. Notary Dr. J.R. Grech gratuitously gave his professional services. Then began the fitting and furnishing of the Grand Chancery carried out through the generosity of the various members of the Order including substantial monetary donations including Lt.Col Gayre [equivalent to €6900] and Chev. J. Brown Cook [equivalent to €1510]. The other members of the Order between them donated the sum equivalent to €6950. Various items were also donated with the aim of embellishing the building.82        

Chev. J. Tabone—a large carpet Chev. A. Zammit—two lanterns Mrs B. Zammit—draperies and curtains, lace altar cloths and holy water stoop, and an antique crucifix The Delegation of Gozo headed by Dr. Joseph Pace—a statue of Saint Lazarus LtCol. Chev J.V. Abela—kneeling stool with cushion for investiture Chev J. Amato Gauci—an antique piece of tapestry Mgr. Sciberras-Psaila—a Papal blessing on parchment Chev. C.N. Packett – silk banner of the Order

G. Aquilina, S. Fiorini [eds.]. Documentary Sources of Maltese History. Part IV. Documents at the Vatica. No.1 Archivio Segreto Vaticano. Congregazione Vescovi e Regolari. Mata: Vista Apostolica no.51 Mgs Petrus Dusina, 1575. University Press, Malta, 2001 82 Inauguration of the Grand Chancery, Malta; Report on Chapter General held on 11th and 12th May 1973. MHOSLJ, Malta, 1973. 81

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The Lady of Gayre – Armour Chev. R. Morris – Shield of the Order Ms. H.J. Morris OLJ – cushion for insignia Ms. Mann – cushion and chalice Delegation of Finland – pair of brass candlesticks The Grand Master and his entourage including Chev. R. Gresham – gifts of furniture.

Restoration and upgrading works were still being carried out in 1997. That year saw the relaying of the garden to assist in the retention of water, while old and unsuitable plants were replaced. The walls required annual resealing to prevent their deterioration, while the flats roofs were scheduled for re-attention. It was planned to install gates at the main entrance.83 These gates were installed the subsequent year and fencing was also installed above the street wall for about half its length. The well tank had sprung a leak and needed repair works. 84 By the beginning of 2003, all restoration work had been completed. The Torri Ta’ Lanzun is now the International Headquarters of the Military and Hospitaller Order of St Lazarus of Jerusalem and has been fully restored. The east end of the Great Hall, which is in the base of the tower, is now a small Chapel. The Chapel is active and ecumenical, as the Order is a Christian Order not solely associated with any particular religious confession. Its layout consists of the main building with small kitchen, cloakroom and toilet, ‘keep’ style store room (a recent addition), the tower with the Order's Chapel below, the offices of the world Headquarters upstairs which holds the Archives of the Order, and a flag pole with ensign correctly adorning the top of the tower. The Torri Ta’ Lanzun is available to all members of the Order and is used by the two Jurisdictions in Malta. The large inner court yard is set and adorned with abundant shrubs, flower beds, and bougainvillea. A commemorative plaque in a niche in the courtyard wall marks the official handover from Robert Gayre into the hands of the then Commandery as Custodians for the Order of St Lazarus. A second commemorative plaque records the 40th anniversary of the handover. It is in this courtyard that formal and social functions take place throughout the year. The former stables at the opposite end of the courtyard from the Chapel have been converted into a large meeting hall (now called the Knights' Hall) and all rooms are decorated with a large number of heraldic adornments, pictures and photos. 83 84

Saint Lazarus Newsletter, May 1998, 12:p.11-12 Saint Lazarus Newsletter, April 1999, 14:p.11

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Castello Lanzun

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Š Grand Commandery of Castello

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