WiFi – Resolved
In some situations, your Canon printer not connecting to Wi-Fi. So your printer may not print (or scan) anything. You will find it to be annoying or frustrating. And we totally understand this. When you are trying to print some crucial documents for your o ce, or attempting to scan some important emails for your boss, it will be all the more irritating. But we have some quick tips and techniques in store for you!Using our troubleshooting techniques and methods, you can rectify your current problem. As a result, you’ll be able to connect your Canon printer to Wi-Fi successfully and get your printer up and running!Prior to looking at the solutions to your problem, let us take a glance at the reasons behind the issue. Shall we?

Reason: Canon Pixma Not Connecting To Wifi
What can be the primary reason behind your Canon printer not connecting to Wi-Fi? It could be a single factor or a combination of a number of factors. Let’s take all of them into account.
● Your Canon printer might be switched o .
● There may be a fault with your Wi-Fi network.
● Your Canon printer and your router may be placed at a long distance from each other.
● The printer might be in sleep mode or o ine.
● The printer driver may be outdated or corrupted.
Address The Causes & Resolve The Issue
When you address each of the above causes, you’ll be able to rectify the problem pretty quickly. So let’s do it right now!
Turn On The Printer
● Have you checked if your printer is ON?
● If not, switch it ON immediately.
● In case the printer is OFF, it will not be able to connect to your Wi-Fi network.
Fix The Wi-Fi Network If It’s Faulty

● To fix the issue where your Canon printer is not connecting to Wi-Fi, see if there’s any fault with your network. Is it stable? If yes, well and good.

● If not, solve the problem with your network in the first place and then check whether the printer can connect to it.
Bring The Printer Closer To The Router
Are your Canon printer and the wireless router/access point placed far from each other? Then, there are chances for the wireless signal between these devices to become weak.
Therefore, if the printer and router are kept apart, place them closer.
Get Your Printer Online Or Wake It Up

● Have you inspected your Canon printer? Is it in sleep mode, or has it gone o ine?
● Suppose the printer is in sleep mode, make sure you wake it up! If it’s gone o ine, get it back online so that it’s alive and kicking.

Update Printer Driver
● In certain scenarios, your driver might be outdated. Here, you need to update the driver to the latest version in order to solve the issue where the Canon printer is not connecting to Wi-Fi.
● You can obtain the latest or most recent version of your driver from your printer’s o cial website.
● Also, ensure that this driver is compatible with the OS (Operating System) you are currently using on your computer.
● Next, check whether the issue is resolved.
Bonus Tip: Try using the Canon IJ Network Tool. You might wonder what exactly this tool does. It permits you to change or modify the network settings of your Canon printer. Simply put, if you have to alter your printer’s network settings to fix the connection problem, go ahead and utilize this tool.

Are You Successful In Connecting Your Printer?
We have discussed all you need to know to rectify the problem where your Canon Printer Not Connecting To WiFi. Hope you are successful in accomplishing the task at hand. Once that’s done, you can start printing happily!
In case you require more clarifications or have some queries that need answers, don’t hesitate to contact our technical experts. You can do this easily by utilizing the call option we have provided on this page.