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Growing! How do plants grow?

Autumn term 2 Titch, Instructions for growing Cress and The Enormous Turnip A cross curricular project relating Literacy (reading/ writing), DT (cooking and nutrition), Science and PSHE

Igniting and inspiring Project Question: How do plants grow? Project Product: Make soup our of vegatables grown.

Blooms questions to guide of stage your project

DT cooking and nutrition



Using what I have learnt about food, can I create a healthy dinner? Can I design a healthy dinner?

Using what I have learnt about food, can I create a healthy dinner? Can I design a healthy dinner?


What could I do to improve my soup?

What would you improve to make our food more healthy?


Can I say what I could do differently/the same next time?


What went well? What could have been done better?

Can I talk about my soup in terms of nutrition?


How am I going to turn the vegatables that we grow into soup??

Can I talk about the 5 food groups? Can I say what foods fall into each category?

Can I observe closely (using a magnifying glass) and compare what is the same and what is different?

What is good food and what is bad?

Can I label the different parts of a flower/plant/tree? Can I observe changes that happen to plants? Can I plant and keep alive a flower/vegetable?

What can I eat to be healthy?

How does my body use food? How do plants grow? What do plants need to grow?



Do I understand how food gets from farms/fields to my plate? Do I understand how to cook food?

Where does food come from?

Can I say why plants die/stay alive? Can I say what happend to my plant and why?

Learning Gaps Reading ● Phonics ● Writing ●

P scale






Personalisation Who is making slow key skill progress and will need to be involved in small group teaching activities during the project Name

Focus Reading




National Curriculum Coverage


% of children achieved the statement

(Statutory) ● identify and describe the basic structure of a variety of common flowering plants, including trees. ● observe changes across the four seasons ●

(focus on Winter) observe and describe weather assosiated with the seasons and how day length varies (focus on snow, frost, cold weather, fog)

● (Non Statutory) Pupils should be taught to: ● Pupils should use the local environment throughout the year to explore and answer questions about plants growing in their habitat. ● Where possible, they should observe the growth of flowers and vegetables that they have planted. ● Pupils might work scientifically by: observing closely, perhaps using magnifying glasses, and comparing and contrasting familiar plants. ● Draw diagrams showing the parts of different plants. ● Pupils might keep records of how plants have changed over time and contrast what they have found out.

D&T Food and Nutrition.

% of children achieved the statement

● Use the basic principles of a healthy and varied diet to prepare dishes. ● Understand where food comes from.

Literacy Statutory requirements Writing: ● Listen and respond appropriately to adults and their peers ● Ask relevant questions to extend their understanding and knowledge Write sentences by: saying out loud what they are going to write about . ● Composing a sentence orally before writing it ● Sequencing sentences orally before writing it to form short narratives ( labels and captions) ● Re-reading what they have written to check that it makes sense.

% of children achieved the statement

● Discuss what they have written with the teacher or other pupils. ● Beginning to punctuate sentences using a capital letter and a full stop. ● Learning the grammar for year 1 in English Appendix 2. ● write dance ● fine motor skills Reading: ● Start teaching phase 5 ● Phonics play ● better reads

Numeracy Cross Curricular compare, describe and solve practical problems for: ● lengths and heights [for example, long/short, longer/shorter, tall/short, double/half] ● measure and begin to record the following: ● lengths and heights ● ●

PSHE Healthy and Safer Lifestyles 7- Healthy Lifestyles ● To be able to give examples of how to be healthy and to reflect on their own lifestyles and choices. ● To be able to explain why healthy eating and physical activity are both important. ● To understand the difference between being active and inactive and know how to maintain health. ● To be able to say what changes physically and emotionally when they are active. ● To be able to talk about food’s likes and dislikes and give reasons. ● To understand that food can be divided into different groups and know that for good health we need a balanced diet.

% of children achieved the statement

Brooklands entitlement

Growing reflection: What went well?

What could be improved?

What will I do differently next time?

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