Urgent and Emergency Response Procedures 2024–2026

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Urgent and Emergency Response Procedures

The first priority of Charlotte Latin School is the safety and welfare of all students and employees of the school. Our objective is to deal appropriately with any threats to the security of the students, faculty, staff, and physical campus, and to maintain a safe environment.

The Urgent and Emergency Response Procedures manual for Charlotte Latin School is provided as a tool and guide that focuses on the school’s vulnerabilities and exposure to certain types of threats that could reasonably be encountered. Its purpose is to provide guidance in crisis management, specifically for the administration, faculty, and staff members involved in executing a response to a crisis event. These responsive measures have been implemented to ensure that the school is not only able to plan, but to execute a logical, coordinated, and integrated crisis response. This document addresses the many potential events and threats that Charlotte Latin might face during day-to-day operations to prepare us better for a variety of circumstances.

Our collaborative efforts have resulted in a “living” document that remains an ongoing work-in-progress; it will continue to be tested, updated, amended, and improved based on the school’s experiences, as well as by adopting the best practices from others in the field of education. Only in this way can Charlotte Latin School continue its mission of seeking to maximize the safety and security of the Latin community and campus — in an orderly way and to the best of the school’s collective ability while minimizing, if not eradicating, the effect of any threat that may be encountered.

Administrative Information

● A school-wide Crisis Response and Safety Team (CRST) is composed of administrators and designated staff. It is convened every other month, beginning in August of each school year, and is chaired by the Director of Security. (See CRST Roster and Key Emergency Contacts). Each member has a defined role and responsibility, and the interaction among the other members is depicted within the Incident Command structure (see p. 5 for details).

● If a crisis occurs, Mr Baldecchi or his designee will convene the CRST as soon as possible for documentation and implementation of an appropriate plan of action. Each member of the CRST has a defined role as delineated by the National Incident Management System (NIMS) for a major crisis event.

● Mr Baldecchi or his designee has the authority and autonomy to determine what is an urgent or emergency situation, and at what level CLS will respond, in order to adequately handle a particular incident.

● All media inquiries will be channeled through the Head of School’s office. Only he or his designee will serve as spokesperson for the school; only verified

information will be released to the media and/or community representatives. “One voice” will be the protocol used during these incidents.

● Anyone can call for a lockdown when there is an active threat to the campus. (See p. 17.)

● Media interviews of staff and students will not be permitted in school buildings and grounds during school hours without prior approval of the Administration.

● Appropriate CLS counseling and support services will be made available to students and parents during and immediately following any incident within the school community.

● An after-action report will be completed by the CRST, filed with the Head of School’s office within 30 days following a crisis event; it will consist of review by the appropriate division personnel and the CRST The Urgent and Emergency Response Procedures will be reevaluated and adjusted accordingly, if necessary.


Response and Safety Team

Name Title

Chuck Baldecchi Head of School 859-492-3235

Sonja Taylor Assistant Head for Academic Affairs 803-600-3846

Joanne Beam Dir of Philanthropy 704-562-0375

Kristin Paxton-Shaw Director of Marketing and Communications 704-846-7252

Robert McArthur CFOO 443-562-2746

Lawrence Wall Head of US 980-613-3751 704-752-6362

Todd Ballaban Head of MS 805-551-3832

Mark Tayloe Head of LS 704-763-0227 704-321-5038

Michael Bocian Dir of Facilities 704-534-9239 706-814-1909

Stephen Starner Dir of Maintenance 704-662-6397

Beth Lucas Dir. of Human Resources 336-671-6202

David Gatoux Athletic Director 704-517-6820 919-260-0695

Jean Asinger US Health 704-231-8369 704-334-5279

Jenny Greathouse MS Health 925-285-8760

Dawn Hull LS Health 704-241-3691

Jim Huffaker Chief Technology Officer 484-588-8983

Michelle Godfrey Executive Assistant 864-710-2578

Dale Greene Dir. of Safety and Security 704-621-0313

Nights, Weekend, and Holiday Security


Major Greene

Officer Bowers

704-578-0013 Tailormade Protective Services

704-621-0313 CLS Security Director

704-517-7946 CLS Security

NIMS Compliance

Charlotte Latin School recognizes that emergency preparedness is very much a part of our daily operations. We strive to be National Incident Management System (NIMS)–compliant in our all-hazard approach to safety and security.


Incident Commander (IC)

Public Information Officer (PIO)


Chuck Baldecchi, Sonja Taylor (secondary), or Rob McArthur (in their absence)

Joanne Beam, Kristin Paxton-Shaw, or Nikki Williams

Liaison Officer Major Greene or Stephen Starner

Safety Officer Police, Fire, Officer Bowers

Operations Chief

Rob McArthur or Michael Bocian

Division Supervisors Lawrence Wall, Todd Ballaban, and Mark Tayloe

Planning Section Michelle Godfrey or Ashley Merritt


Michael Bocian or Stephen Starner

Finance / Admin. Section

Tanya Kellar or Beth Lucas


Command and manage the overall incident or scene; assess priorities and needs while coordinating with outside agencies.

Interface with the public and media, along with any other agencies that require incident-related information.

Point of contact for all responding agencies and organizations. (In a unified command, communication is critical.)

Monitor incident operations and advise the IC on all matters relating to safety and health.

Manage immediate or daily activities; reduce immediate hazards, focusing on life and property; situational control, with restoration to normal operations being the goal.

Report to the Operations Chief; execute the plans and directions outlined.The physical workload is handled by this position.

Think in eight- or twelve-hour operational periods. Develop overall Incident Action Plan, with direction from the IC. Documentation is imperative. Develop alternate strategies while predicting the potential course of events.

Provide facilities, service, and materials in support of all workers. This will start with equipment to do the job, plus food and water; continued operational needs will be a priority, including housing and sanitation.

Track all financial matters while coordinating purchases and deliveries. FEMA will need documentation on all costs, including salary and overtime.

Key Service Contact Numbers

Ambulance / Medic 911

Fire 911

Police 911

City / County Information 311

Ambulance (Non-emergency) 704-943-6000

Animal Control 311

Arboretum Urgent Care 704-355-6636

Carolinas Medical Center 704-355-2000

NC / National Poison Control 800-222-1222

Fire Marshall 704-336-2154

CMC Pineville 704-667-1000

Meck. County Child Abuse and Neglect 704-336-2273

Meck. County Rape Crisis 704-375-9900

Meck. County Social Services 704-336-3000

Meck. Domestic Violence 704-336-3210

Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms 704-716-1800

Federal Bureau of Investigations 704-672-6100

National Center for Toxic / Chemical Spills 800-424-8802

HAZMAT / CHEMTREC 800-424-9300

Utilities and Infrastructure

TYCO / Simplex Grinnell (Alarm company) 888-746-7539

Char-Meck Utility Department 704-336-7600

Duke Energy (Power) 800-653-5307

Piedmont Natural Gas 704-525-3882

Spectrum (Telephone and internet) 800-892-2253


Charlotte Latin has a robust camera system that provides coverage of the campus. This additional layer of security is designed to provide valuable information to our faculty and staff. It is specifically a deterrent to potential threats (e.g., those intruders looking to harm the students, faculty and staff, and those wishing to commit criminal acts on the campus such as theft or vandalism).

Location Type

Nest Entrance Fixed

Nest Lobby Fixed

Nest Playground

Lower School Playground

Library / Lot P1

Senior Lot / Lot P4

Junior Lot / Lot P4

Sophomore Lot / Lot P5&P6

SAC Tennis / West Side

SAC Field / East Side

Panoramic / 4 Fixed

Panoramic / 4 Fixed

PTZ 360

PTZ 360

PTZ 360

PTZ 360

PTZ 360

PTZ 360

Fox Drive Fixed


PTZ 360

Fox / South Fixed Quad Panoramic

South / SwimMAC / Lot P7

SAT / Middle School / Lot P3

Middle School / Back Lot P3

Shelton Hall / Nest / Lot P2


Panoramic / 4 Fixed

PTZ 360

PTZ 360

Tag Reader Fixed

Extended Day (Hawks Club) Front Door Fixed

Extended Day Hallway Fixed

Bus Entrance Panoramic

Additional cameras are available in order to get a better view of the overall campus. Video can be retrieved for up to one month. Note: “PTZ 360” means “pan, tilt, zoom; capable of 360 degrees.”

At-a-Glance Notifications

Urgent Situations

School cancellations and delayed start days are called by the Designated Inclement Weather Head of School of the CAIS Schools, in consultation with the other heads. (See pp. 12-14 for details.) All school cancellations, delayed start days, and early dismissals will be activated by Baldecchi or Taylor, or in their absence, the Division Heads. The initial notifications after such an activation are Communications, Security, Plant Operations, Transportation, and Administration.

Contacts List


Communications Kristin Paxton-Shaw 980-318-8628 (C) Nikki Williams 980-348-8788 (C)

Plant Operations Michael Bocian

Security Major Dale Greene

704-534-9239 (C) Stephen Starner 704-622-6397 (C)

704-621-0313 (C) Curtis Bowers 704-517-7946 (C)

Transportation Michael Bocian 704-534-9239 (C) Brandon Nichols 704-292-4625

Technology Jim Huffaker 484-588-8983 (C) Andre Elam 704-492-8034 (C)


Sonja Taylor 803-600-3846 (C) Michelle Godfrey 864-710-2578 (C)

Mark Tayloe 704-763-0227 (C) Andria Quinterro 917-731-0277 (C)

Todd Ballaban 805-551-3832 (C) Matt Morrow 704-578-7940 (C)

Lawrence Wall 980-613-3751 (C) Tracey Vanneste 704-491-4635 (C)

David Gatoux 704-517-6820 (C)

Tim Kelly 704-299-8071

Situation Activated By

Campus Lockdown; Active Threat / Active Shooter; Bomb Threats Anyone calling 704-8461100

Fire Fire Systems / Detectors; Anyone using Pull Station

Emergency Situations

911 Head of School Communications Security

Plant Operations Transportation Administration

911 Head of School Communications Security

Plant Operations Transportation Administration



Plant Operations

Transportation Administration

Power Outage; Evacuation; Shelter in Place; Earthquake; Tornado Baldecchi (Taylor) Communications Security

Pandemic Baldecchi (Taylor) Communications Security

Plant Operations

Transportation Administration

Health Services

Suicidal Subject Baldecchi

A suicidal situation poses issues to be addressed specifically by the Head of School or his designee. All factors will be weighed and an action plan developed. Only if the threat is immediate will immediate notifications be made. In that case, Security, law enforcement, and first responders would be the initial groups notified.

Operational Procedures

Access Control Plan

The following procedures shall be followed for access to Charlotte Latin’s campus. Access Control has been installed at the Lower School, Middle School, Fennebresque, IO, Strength Center, McIntosh Leadership Center, and several SAC doors. The goal is to expand the Access Control system to all buildings on campus.

Definition of a Visitor

A visitor is anyone not specifically assigned to work or enrolled as a student at Charlotte Latin School. Exceptions include members of the Board of Trustees and any contractor conducting work on campus. Each contractor must be identifiable with a company identification or contractor identification obtained at the Business Office.

Charlotte Latin School Photo Identification

Employees must wear their CLS photo identification badges at all times.

Visitor Check-In (with photo identification)

1. All visitors must sign in via the visitor management system located in the Inlustrate Orbem Building.

2. A photo identification must be obtained for any unknown visitor who is 18 years of age or older.

3. The visitor’s photo identification will be scanned and a record of the visitor will be generated by the Raptor / Lobbyguard software.

4. Should the scanner / software package not be operating, Mrs. Murphy or her designee shall make sure that the visitor signs in on a print log, which will contain the following information:

a. Visitor’s full name

b. Individual or classroom being visited (person of contact)

c. Reason for the visit

Visitor Check-In (without photo identification)

Visitors without photo identification will not be able to access other areas of the campus unless accompanied by a faculty or staff member.

Lower School Access

● Exterior doors should be locked during the school day The doors that lead directly to a parent volunteer / welcome desk attendant will be unlocked when the doorbell is pressed and the visitor identified.

● All CLS visitors are required to enter the campus via the main reception area in the Inlustrate Orbem Building. All vendors, deliveries, etc. must go to the Maintenance Office.

Middle School Access

● The majority of the MS doors should be locked during the school day The right door, which leads directly to the foyer and office, will be unlocked once the doorbell is pressed and the visitor identified.

● All non-assigned personnel of CLS and visitors are required to enter the campus via the main reception area in the Inlustrate Orbem Building. All vendors, deliveries, etc., are required to enter the campus via the Maintenance Office.

● As we move toward the use of a card reader Access Control system, more controls and limited access will be established and maintained.

Upper School Access

● The majority of the US doors should be locked during the school day The right door, which leads directly into IO, will be unlocked by the front desk attendant once the doorbell is pressed and the visitor identified. The main desk is managed from 8:00 a.m. to 04:30 p.m.

● All non-assigned personnel of CLS and visitors are required to enter the campus via this main reception area. All vendors, deliveries, etc., are required to enter the campus via the Maintenance Office.

● As we move toward the use of a card reader Access Control system, more controls and limited access will be established and maintained.


● Most doors are locked and secured during hours of occupancy by students, staff, or members of the Charlotte Latin School community

● A staff member (Major Greene or Officer Bowers) monitors and secures areas that may be unsecured throughout the academic day Major Greene and Officer Bowers routinely walk through all the buildings, grounds, and parking lots of Charlotte Latin School and inspect external access.

● The IO entrance is the access point for parents, other members of the Charlotte Latin community, and visitors.

Student Pick-Up and Drop-Off Information

Traffic flow is a concern and an important safety issue at Charlotte Latin School. The school has designated drop-off areas, accessed off of Raintree Lane and Providence Road, that are designed to alleviate congestion. The following guidelines are intended to make morning and afternoon traffic flow as smoothly as possible:

● Parents picking up a child during operating hours should report to the specific Division Office and its Administrative Assistant to sign the child out of school.

● Upper School students who drive onto campus will park in their designated lots. For safety reasons, Lower School students are not allowed to walk through the student parking lots alone. In the mornings, an older student giving a ride to a younger student (e.g., a sibling) should walk the younger student to the Torsionsphere sculpture, located just outside the Head of School’s office at Fennebresque Hall. In the afternoons, those students should meet at the sculpture before proceeding to the student parking lot.

Inclement Weather Procedures:

Decision to Cancel School / Delay the Start of School

The following procedures should be used to determine whether the weather conditions are sufficiently severe to warrant the cancellation of school or a delayed start on any given day Such a decision must be made before 6:00 a.m.

STEP 1: Monitor local weather reports; determine conditions of highways, side roads, subdivisions, streets, and parking areas. Suggested sources for local weather conditions:

1. Call WBTV (recording) 704-570-1000

2. National Weather Service www.weather.gov or 864-848-3859

3. CHAR-MECK 311 (County Street Dept.) 311 (then follow prompt)

4. North Carolina DOT 511(then follow prompt)

5. WSOC-TV weather website http://www.wsoctv.com or http://www.accuweather.com

STEP 2: Contact CAIS Heads:

1) Charlotte Christian School

Barry Giller, Head of School School: 704-366-5657 Cell: 704-315-9366

Alternate: Lee Allen School: 704-366-5657 Cell: 704-962-5534

2) Charlotte Country Day School

Dave Mancos, Interim Head of School/CFO Office: 704-943-4551 Cell: 704-301-7889

Alternate: Scott Waybright, Asst HOS Office: 704-943-4524 Cell: 704-621-0328

3) Charlotte Latin School

Chuck Baldecchi, Head of School Office: 704-846-7229 Cell: 859-492-3235

Alternate: Rob McArthur Cell: 443-562-2746 School: 704-815-2445

4) Providence Day School

Dr. Glyn Cowlishaw, Head of School Home: 980-224-7452 Office: 704-887-6021 Cell: 843-670-0325

Alternate 1: John Tegeler Office: 704-887-6007 Cell: 704-904-4015

Alternate 2: Todd Swartz Office: 704-887-7592 Cell: 704-604.2483

4) Covenant Day School

Mark Helmer, Head of School Office: 704-814-1001 Cell: 704-351-1313

Jason Klohr, Associate Head of School Office: 704-708-6113 Cell: 704-962-0609

Coordinator/Liaison: Marian Lambert Office: 704-814-1002 Cell: 704-425-0014

5) Charlotte Prep School

Chris Marblo, Head of School Office: 704-366-5994, ext. 1112 Cell: 646-852-1005

Alternate: Scott Wilson Office: 704-366-5994, ext. 1130 Cell: 850-661-9954

6) The Fletcher School

Tara Terry, Head of School Office: 704-365-4658 Cell: 770-355-7775

Alternate 1: Ari Hausman Office: 704-365-4658 Cell: 978-660-0736

Alternate 2: John Nussbaumer Office: 704-365-4658 Cell: 704-904-5058

*STEP 3: Make a decision and internally communicate the plans to cancel or delay the start of school.


2024-25: Mr. David Mancos, Interim Head/CFO, Charlotte Country Day School

2025-26: Mr Chuck Baldecchi, Charlotte Latin School

2026-27: Mr. Barry Giller, Charlotte Christian School

2027-28: Dr Glyn Cowlishaw, Providence Day School

2028-29: Mr. Mark Helmer, Head of School, Covenant Day School

After contacting each individual Head of School, the decision to cancel school or delay the start of school will be the responsibility of the Designated Inclement Weather Head. That Head’s decision will be uniform across all six CAIS schools. The Head’s alternate will notify their peer schools’ leadership and each school will be responsible for communicating the decision within their own emergency alert systems and school websites.

If inclement weather impacts operations, the decision to have midday dismissals will be made by each individual school, and will not necessarily be uniform across the six CAIS schools.

Early Dismissal

● To know if and when an early dismissal has been called and the school is closing, families should check www.charlottelatin.org. In order to coordinate early dismissal procedures on campus, parents are asked to refrain from calling the school for updates.

● Once a decision is made to dismiss students, the school will immediately post details via MyLatin. Additionally, the Bright Arrow emergency notification system will disseminate text/phone and email messages to those families who have updated their profiles and provided current contact information.

Upper School Drivers and Their Passengers

● On days when inclement weather may alter school dismissal times and/or travel plans, parents should discuss alternatives with their children before they leave for school, so a family’s personal travel plans can be easily and quickly executed depending on changing road conditions.

● When an early dismissal is announced, parents are asked to text or leave a voicemail directly on their Upper School children’s cell phones advising them of any changes in transportation plans. Once an early dismissal is announced, Upper School students will be given permission to check their cell phones for messages.

● Families involved in carpools are responsible for conveying any changes in plans to the parents of any riders affected. Parents of Lower School and Middle School riders must notify the appropriate division office if plans need to be adjusted. Upper School drivers must also be alerted if they will not be expected to drive other passengers home.

● An Upper School student who drives Lower School and/or Middle School students must meet those passengers in the lobby area of the appropriate division and make sure that the faculty member overseeing the dismissal of the younger students is aware that the younger child is leaving under his or her care. Younger children are not allowed to meet older siblings or drivers anywhere other than in these two designated lobby areas.

● Students who are driving should leave campus immediately upon their dismissal from school to avoid additional bus and car traffic, as well as deteriorating road conditions.

● Parents who wish for student drivers to be dismissed prior to the official dismissal time must call the Upper School Office for permission, and these students must sign out in the office before leaving campus.

Carpool Riders

● Students will go to their normal carpool pick-up location.

● Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten students who have an older sibling will be picked up at the older child’s carpool location.

● Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten students who do not have older siblings will be picked up at the Library location (off Providence Road). Parents who pick up their children prior to dismissal of school must sign them out in the appropriate Division Office(s).

Bus Riders

● The afternoon bus routes and student assignments will be used when an early dismissal is announced. Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten students who typically ride the 1:30 p.m. bus and who have an older sibling will ride the sibling’s afternoon bus.

● Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten students who do not have an older sibling who is a bus rider will ride their usual afternoon bus.

● Buses will leave campus ten minutes after the designated dismissal time. Arrival times at bus stops will be based on current road conditions and cannot be accurately predicted due to safety concerns for Latin’s student riders.

● A parent who picks up his or her child at a bus stop should notify the teacher assigned to that bus before leaving the bus stop. Any student not picked up at a designated bus stop will be brought back to the campus.

Extended Day Program

● The Extended Day Program is canceled when an early dismissal is announced. Students who participate in the Extended Day Program who do not ride the bus should be picked up at the Library carpool (off Providence Road).

The Nest

● The Nest will close 30 minutes after the announced early dismissal time.

Early Dismissal Communication

The text on this page is a boilerplate version of the information that would be sent to families to inform them of an early dismissal.

Charlotte Latin School will close early today due to inclement weather. Grades TK-12 will be dismissed at _____.

Bus Riders

● All buses will leave campus 10 minutes after dismissal. Afternoon bus routes will be used.

● Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten students who have an older sibling who is a bus rider will ride the older student’s bus.

● Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten students who do not have an older sibling who is a bus rider will ride their usual bus.

Student Drivers

Upper School student drivers will be dismissed 15 minutes prior to dismissal. Student drivers who drive younger students home will be instructed to pick up their student passenger(s) in the Lower School lobby and /or Middle School foyer Student drivers also will be instructed to use their personal cell phones to contact parents regarding travel plans and estimated time of arrival home.


● Carpool students will go to their normal place of pickup.

● TK and K students will go to their older siblings’ carpool.

● TK and K students without older siblings will go to the Library carpool.

The Nest and Extended Day

● The Nest will close 30 minutes after dismissal

● Extended Day Program – CANCELED

All other afternoon and evening activities for today are canceled. Please check the CLS website frequently for up-to-date information regarding possible delays and / or school closings for tomorrow.

Emergency Situations / All Hazards

Power Outage Emergency Plan

1. Teachers and students should remain in their classrooms; teachers should keep students calm.

2. All faculty and staff not occupied with classroom management or instruction should report to the Division Head for an assignment and instructions.

3. No students should be sent to the division office.

4. No students should leave their classrooms; any students participating in a physical education class or in an elective period should report to the Beck Student Activities Center

5. A decision regarding possible dismissal will be made after consulting with Duke Energy.

Campus Lockdown

In the case of an active threat (e.g., intruder, shooter, disgruntled employee) on or in close proximity to Charlotte Latin’s campus, a lockdown will be declared.

1. The first person to see the active threat will notify Security (Major Greene at 704-621-0313), immediately followed by the Head of School (Chuck Baldecchi at 704-846-7229) and 911. Remember that you must dial 9 for an outside line: (9) 911. It may take up to 30 seconds to connect. The use of personal cellular devices to contact 911 is encouraged.

2. To initiate a lockdown, call the switchboard operator at 704-846-1100; the operator will access the PA / Intercom.

3. The switchboard operator should call 804 (wait for a tone), and then dial 50 for “all call” (listen for a doorbell sound). Speak clearly and concisely into the phone. This call can be made from any phone.

4. Announce “This is a LOCKDOWN. This is a LOCKDOWN,” and then hang up the phone.

5. Michele Godfrey and the administrative staff of each division must activate the Lockdown Card readers for those buildings having Access Control.

6. The front desk / switchboard operator will roll all incoming calls to the Admissions office.

7. All exterior doors will be locked, following the location assignments of the Division Plans. Faculty assigned to exterior doors activated by the Lockdown Card Readers will confirm the doors are shut and secure.

8. Faculty and staff should close all blinds and windows.

9. Faculty and staff should lock all classroom doors and turn off all lights.

10.Faculty should maintain class rosters and prepare a list of any students not in class.This information will be provided to the reunification team, should it be activated.

11.Individuals inside each building will remain in their classrooms or offices until further directions from Mr. Baldecchi, Dr. Taylor, or Major Greene.

12.Any student locked out of a building will report to the SwimMAC, unless the active threat prohibits that movement. Those that are able may seek shelter at one of four

safe havens: Raintree Country Club, United Faith Christian School, Providence Presbyterian Church, and Providence Springs Elementary School. Reunification will likely be along Providence Road.

13.The Crisis Response and Safety Team will be briefed via the radio. Each team member will deploy across campus to determine the size and scope of the incident and will report their findings so that Mr. Baldecchi or his designee can make an informed decision regarding a de-escalation of the incident.

14.Everyone will remain in lockdown until the situation is resolved, either by Mr. Baldecchi or his designee announcing, “Charlotte Latin, we are clear,” or by Police arriving at each classroom or office door in order to evacuate students, faculty, and staff to a safe area.

15.Team members should report back to their normal assignments; if warranted, other specific directions may be given. The goal is to resume normal activities as soon as it is safe and secure.

Valcom Paging System Instructions

1. Get a dial tone

2. Dial ext. 804

3. Wait for tone

4. Dial zone extension (see list below)

5. Proceed with message

6. Hang up upon completion

School Carpool Lane

School Playground

Lower School Cafeteria / Carol Hall

Lower School Classrooms

The Nest

All Call – All buildings and all zones

Lower School Areas – LS Classrooms, Grade 5 hall, Carol Hall, Carpool

Carpool Lanes – Library, LS & MS

Middle School Areas – Middle School, Gazebo, and McIntosh Leadership Center

Upper School Areas – PAC, SAT, 500/Math, Gazebo, Leadership, Fennebresque, Strength Center, SAC & I.O.

Lockdown Radio Information

Make sure the radio is on Channel 1 with the volume turned up; should we lose power (radio repeater) go to Channel 2, which is radio-to-radio communications. Mrs. Godfrey will call periodically for updates from each radio controller Major Greene will work with first responders; note that while any person can call for a lockdown, only Mr Baldecchi or his designee can declare, “Charlotte Latin, we are clear.”

Responsible Party/Backup


Anne Fisher/Betsy Simerville Nest, Ext. Day, 5th

Andria Quintero/Doreen Fitzpatrick Lower School, Shelton Hall

Dawn Collier / Chef Founders’ Hall

David-Aaron Roth MLC

Ashley Merritt/Virginia Ellison Fennebresque

Matt Morrow/Jillian Caskey Middle School

Jeff Knull 500

Matt Cosper Thies Upstairs

Emily Long/Carolyn Richardson Library

Stephen Starner Shop

Ryan Maloney PAC

David Taylor 600 SAT

Tim Kelly/Laura Thomsen SAC / Belk

Michelle Godfrey Command Post

Rob McArthur Roaming

Dale Greene Roaming

Stephen Starner Roaming

Michael Bocian Roaming

David Gatoux Roaming

Curtis Bowers Roaming

There are additional banks of radios located in the maintenance shop and the SAC trainers’ room. School nurses, Admissions, IT, Internal Communications, and maintenance staff have radios.

Lockdown Procedures for the Classroom The classroom lockdown procedure begins when teachers hear the PA broadcast announcing, “This is a lockdown; this is a lockdown."

● Quickly check for children still in the hallways, then lock the classroom door

● Cover the window so that nobody can look in from the hallway.

● Turn off lights and close exterior or interior blinds. Instruct students to move to a location in the classroom that is not visible from the hallway windows or doors. Remain calm and quiet.

● Turn all cell phone devices off.

● Take attendance.

● Stay in the classroom until further instructions are given.

o Take phone off "Call Forward" by hitting the call forward button once.

o If a student has sought shelter in a classroom other than his or her own, his or her teacher should be called (by the staff member with whom the child is with) to report that the child is safe and under adult supervision.

o Call extension 100 to report an injured student.

o If you use your school / classroom phone to dial 911, remember to dial 9 for an outside line, then 911. It will take a short period of time to connect.

o Remain in lockdown status until the announcement to end Lockdown / All Clear is made or police arrive at the door.

Use the Red Card system if anyone is suffering from life-threatening injuries or wounds during a lockdown:

● A Red Card signals to first responders that assistance is needed with a critical injury or a problem.

● Red Cards are clipped to each teacher’s critical response flip chart within each classroom.

● As soon as possible, place one card in the exterior classroom window or door and a second card under the door that connects the classroom with the interior school hallway.

If you are in large common areas like the cafeteria, library, gym, or PAC, you will take your instruction from leadership within that building.

Reminder: All bathrooms with doors are considered safe havens. Students and faculty can enter bathrooms and lock the door for protection from armed or threatening subject(s).

Barricading behind locked doors is still the best practice and has been proven to save lives. However, should you find yourself outside a building during lockdown and cannot reenter immediately, the doors will likely soon be locked. Move away from the threat by the tactics of RUN, EVADE, DEFEND. Safe locations where you can seek shelter: SwimMAC, the Raintree Country Club, Providence Presbyterian Church, Providence Spring Elementary, and United Faith Academy.

Evacuation of the Buildings Plan

The Incident Commander will evaluate the situation; he may call for an evacuation of a specific building(s). In this case, the following buildings may be designated as on-campus evacuation sites:

1. Lower School reports to Library or Thies

2. Middle School reports to Belk Gym

3. Upper School reports to the SAC

4. SwimMAC reports to the Hub, or Coaches Pavilion

All teachers will report to these sites with their attendance information and will remain with their students. Staff will report to any one of these sites.

The following procedures may be activated in the event of a full-scale evacuation of Charlotte Latin’s buildings and property:

7. All teachers will report to these sites with their attendance information, etc., and will remain with their students. Staff also will report to one of these sites. Mr. Baldecchi or his designee will give directions over the PA system with regard to the designated site.

Site 1: Along Providence Road

Site 2: Patten Stadium (the football field)

Site 3: SwimMAC and South practice fields

8. A reunification plan may be implemented, based on the size, scope, and potential danger of the incident. If so, parents will be informed where to pick up their child; an Incident Mobile Command Post will be created at the site to assist in the pick-up of students.

Teachers, staff, and students will be evacuated to the above sites in the event of:

● Fire Evacuation for long term (CFD will request)

● Bomb threat

● Gas leak

● Flood damage

● Fire system malfunction

● Building/Structural issues of CLS

Teachers will escort their students to Providence Road, Patten Stadium, or SwimMAC. They will take their attendance books and take attendance.

Teachers will be responsible for their students until the school advises that the dismissal procedure has been executed and completed for all CLS students.

Staff will assist in the evacuation procedures of CLS; the Head of School’s office will become the Incident Command Post to coordinate the evacuation. A mobile command may be set up if the HCR is within the critical incident area.

Safe Haven Locations

The following are four locations that can be used as “safe haven” locations where we can evacuate our faculty, staff and students until dismissal can be arranged or the

buildings open back up for use. These sites provide shelter and warmth, especially during inclement weather:

● Raintree Country Club, 8600 Raintree Lane, 704-542-8150

● Unified Faith Christian Academy, 8617 Providence Road, 704-541-1742

● Providence Spring Elementary School, 10045 Providence Church Lane, 980-343-6935

● Providence Presbyterian Church, 10140 Providence Church Lane, 704-846-1079

CLS Incident Command Post

1. Head of School’s Conference Room

2. Off-site Command may be set up at the CFD Station (Providence Road)

Intruder in the Building Plan

1. Refer to p. 17 for lockdown instructions. Always assume that the intruder is armed or potentially dangerous

2. Mr. Baldecchi or his designee will announce via the public address / intercom system, “This is a lockdown. This is a lockdown.”

3. His designee will call 911.

4. The IC will determine if a Bright Arrow emergency message will be sent to faculty / staff and parents.

Response to Active Threat

Teachers will begin lockdown procedures:

● Direct any students in a hall into a classroom.

● Line all students against the interior wall and direct them to be quiet.

● Turn out all lights and close all blinds.

● Check to make sure that all students are present and that they are not injured.

Teachers and students who are on the campus grounds should move away from the threat and leave the campus if absolutely necessary Students on the playground areas at the Lower School or Middle School will move to the closest classroom. Buildings that are not occupied by students at the time of the lockdown may grant access to those children, parents, or staff who may be outside only if they are not accompanied by an unknown individual Uniformed CMPD, SWAT, CFD, and EMS should be given access once they have been identified as law enforcement officers or first responders. Those entry/rescue teams will generally be given keys by staff.

High-Occupancy Locations / Common Areas (e.g., Library, Founders’ Hall, Shelton Hall)

History has shown that intruders will move toward high-occupancy areas or common areas where students congregate. If an intruder is carrying a weapon or is firing a weapon, students should take immediate cover under or behind any barriers of protection. Everyone should adapt and improvise as needed these are dynamic and continuously changing event(s). Persons in vulnerable situations should move or RUN away from the threat. Designated law enforcement, security, and staff will move toward and engage the threat. History has shown that these immediate responses will often end the event.

Shelter in Place Community Disaster Plan

In the event of a neighborhood situation or man-made emergency that could cause illness or harm to Charlotte Latin’s students in a building, Mecklenburg County Emergency Management, CMPD, or CFD may notify the Head of School’s Office that there is a potential for evacuation of a building on the campus. In that situation, use the following guidelines:

● The air conditioning/heat will be shut off by designated administrators or staff if the situation warrants: for example, in the event of a chemical spill or release such as a tanker truck wreck on Providence Road or a chlorine gas leak at SwimMAC.

● The announcement will be made twice over the PA system: “Teachers, refer to your shelter-in-place plan. We are now implementing our inclement weather plan.”

● Teachers and staff members should move their classes quickly and quietly to the gym to be seated in rows on the floor by class. Teachers should always carry a class roster and be prepared to provide the names of students who are missing to the Emergency Response Team.

● If an evacuation becomes necessary, then Latin’s Early Dismissal Plan will be followed; however, if dismissal could contribute to the problem or be unfeasible, then a site such as the SAC or PAC may be designated as a safe haven.

Earthquake Plan

If an earthquake occurs, please follow the following guidelines:

1. Students should seek cover under desk and shelter in place if they are able.

2. Remain in the classroom to hear further announcements from the Crisis Response Team.

3. After a quick assessment of each building, students and staff will be advised to initiate a Fire Drill Plan to empty that building.

4. Emergency services will be notified to assess any structural damage.

5. If necessary, a mobile command post will be used to assist in the dismissal of students.

Tornado Watch/Severe Weather Warning Plan

Teachers should assemble their students according to the posted plan for their classroom. Students should kneel and cover their heads in a protective sitting position to limit injury. Note: Teachers must know beforehand the area in the building to report to for a Tornado Watch/Warning Plan.


● Tornado Warning: tornadoes have been indicated on radar or seen by spotters. Initiate tornado preparations using the public address announcement.

● Tornado Watch: conditions under which a tornado is more likely to occur. No action is necessary

Good Places to Assemble

Interior hallways and rooms

Bathrooms and closets

Rooms with exterior walls

Bad Places to Assemble

Rooms / hallways with glass

Open areas

Upper levels of buildings

Electrical and mechanical rooms

In front of classroom doors

Recommended Locations in School Buildings

Lower School

● Inside restrooms

● Learning Resources offices

● Hallways for Grades 2 and 4, across from Spanish office

Middle School

● Grades 6 and 7 Hallways

100/200 Buildings

● Interior stairwell

Science, Art, and Technology Building

● Room 602

● Bathrooms

● Belk & SAC locker rooms if time permits

Thies Auditorium

● Storage rooms in Band classrooms

● Interior offices

● Bathrooms


● Bathrooms

● A/V Room

Dickson Classrooms (500 Building)

● Teacher offices

Fennebresque Hall (300 Building)

● Interior offices

● Bathrooms

● Main hallway

Inlustrate Orbem Building

● Admissions

● MarCom

● Interior stairwells

● Bathrooms

McIntosh Leadership Center

● Bathrooms

● Interior stairwell

● 100 hallway

Founders’ Hall

● Bathrooms

StrikeGuard Early-Warning Lightning Detection System

The Charlotte Latin campus uses an early-warning lightning detection system that detects lightning strikes within a 5- to 10-mile radius.

1. Lightning Detection: An alert siren will sound once lightning is detected. The siren mimics an English police siren and lasts a few seconds. Teachers should instruct all children to leave playgrounds or any other outdoor area and go inside a building.

2. All Clear: After 30 minutes of no strikes, an “all clear” alarm will sound. The sound mimics a ship’s foghorn with several short blasts. Normal outside activities may resume.

3. Don’t depend on an alert system use “sight and sound.” If you hear thunder or see lightning, proceed indoors.

Suicidal Subject

This situation could take several forms, including drugs being ingested, a potential jumper from the SAC or PAC rooftop, to somebody carrying a lethal weapon. Call Major Greene or Mr. Baldecchi, giving information on the situation. First responders will take command of the situation upon arrival on the campus, but Mr Baldecchi and the specific Division Head related to that student or staff member should be notified as quickly as possible. Note: If it becomes obvious that a specific person’s presence agitates the suicidal subject, that individual should leave the area. If weapons are involved, maintain proper distance and cover

Suicidal Threat by a Student or Staff

Anyone encountering a student or staff member who verbally threatens suicide or has spoken in a manner that causes concern about possible self-destructive behavior should contact one of the Counselors or Mrs. Lucas immediately. The person making the report should refrain from conversation with anyone else about the matter in order to preserve confidentiality. The primary concern is for the safety of the student or employee. The person should be located and escorted to a safe and private location for a meeting with the appropriate Counselor or Division Head. It is imperative that the person knows that this meeting will be held in strict confidence, except for referral purposes to an outside care provider with parental involvement.

If the situation involves a student, the parent(s) must be informed of the situation as soon as possible. They should be part of the decision-making process regarding outside professional care. The Counselor will monitor the situation once the student is connected with the parent(s) and will act as a liaison between the family and the school regarding re-entry into the regular school program. Typically, if professional care is engaged, the caregiver and the CLS Counselor will talk before the student resumes his or her daily schedule at CLS. The Counselor will keep the Head of School and Division Heads informed about the developing situation until it is resolved; however, he or she will ensure that HIPAA laws are not violated by any employee.

Fire Plan

Fire Marshals will coordinate all evacuations and contact Major Greene or Officer Bowers immediately after the building has been evacuated. Teachers should escort students out of the building quickly and quietly to a designated area. The designated area outside of the building is posted on the fire plan in each classroom. Teachers are required to carry an attendance sheet or roster of students to ensure the safety of all students. Teachers should follow the evacuation routes posted in each classroom and throughout the building.

Should a building be damaged by smoke or fire, an assessment will be made in conjunction with the Charlotte Fire Department as to when (or if) the building can be reoccupied. In a situation where structures are on fire, a command post will be established in the lower parking lot closest to SwimMAC. Preparation for dismissal will be initiated if the fire is “fully engulfed” and the safety of students and faculty is in question. The PAC and SAC will serve as temporary sites for students; directions will be provided by Command.

CFD Building Codes; Burglar / Fire Alarm Account Numbers (Monitoring Station: 1-888-746-7539)

(Bldg. Code) (Passcodes) (Account #’s)


Dickson 500 9502 212-2573

Thies Auditorium / PAC 9502 212-2574

Library 9502 212-2575 10/10A Maintenance Shop / Modular 9502 212-2576

IO Building 9502 HO23269954

18 Soccer Pavilion No Alarm

19 Coaches Pavilion No Alarm

20 Hub No Alarm

Service Provider: Johnson Controls Simplex Grinnell 704-634-2728

Fire Alarm Drill Procedure

Drills should be conducted monthly by the Fire Marshals.

Fire Marshals Location

Andria Quintero Lower School, Shelton Hall, Nest, and Extended Day

Dawn Collier Founders’ Hall

David-Aaron Roth McIntosh Leadership Center

Major Greene Fennebresque Hall

Matt Morrow Middle School

Jeff Knull Dickson 500

Meghan Rhinehart Knight-Dickson Library

Lacy Wargo Performing Arts Center (PAC)

David Taylor Science, Art, and Technology (SAT)

Tim Kelly Student Activity Center (SAC) / Belk

Tracey Vanneste Inlustrate Orbem

Stephen Starner Maintenance Shop

● Call the switchboard Operator at Ext. 100 to indicate that a fire alarm drill will be conducted.

● Call the Central Monitoring Center at 1(888)746-7539 and alert them that a fire alarm will be conducted in your area. They will place the system on “Test Mode” and allow you to conduct the fire alarm test within a 30-minute time slot. They will ask for the fire box account number, which can be found in the red fire box in each building and is also listed below The monitoring company will ask for the security code, which is 9502.

● Fennebresque: 212-2571

● Dickson 500: 212-2573

● Leadership Center: 212-2570

● PAC: 212-2574

● SAT: 212-2578

● SAC/Belk: 212-2579

● Middle School: 212-2572

● Lower School/Nest/Shelton: 212-2568

● IO Building: HO23269954

1. To initiate the drill, randomly pick a red fire alarm pull station in the building. Pull the lever down or use the box key to open the box and toggle the switch to sound the alarm (the alarm sounds immediately, so be prepared).

2. Each Fire Marshal should evacuate the building in a timely fashion, ensuring that all restrooms are clear

3. All evacuees should gather at a predetermined location more than 100 feet from the nearest point of the building.

4. To reset the pull station, toggle the switch, close the box, and lock it with the key

5. To terminate the alarm please press 1, 2, 3, 4, then 1, which clears the alarm, and then press 1, 2, 3, 4, then 1, to reset the system.

6. After the fire alarm system has been cleared and reset, the Fire Marshal shall blow the whistle indicating that it is clear to re-enter the building.

7. Record fire drill results on the Fire Drill Form.

8. Send Major Greene an electronic copy of the completed Fire Drill Form as a PDF via email.

Bomb Threat / Suspicious Package

If a bomb threat is received on any school phone, the receiver should follow these steps:

1. STAY CALM and do not manifest fear

2. Ask for the location of the bomb and the time it is scheduled to go off.

3. Listen carefully to remember the words used and anything distinctive about the person’s voice. Try to determine the sex, age, race, and composure of the caller and listen for any background noise.

4. Take notes during the conversation and note the exact time of the call as well at the originating phone number (if it shows on the phone).

5. Keep the caller on the line as long as possible.

The receiver of the call should immediately notify the Head of School’s office and Security The school’s administrative personnel will contact the Police; the Director of Security will call for the Crisis Response Team. The receiver is not to take any action other than to notify the appropriate Charlotte Latin personnel, including alerting other members of the Latin community. Any further release of information must be issued by the Crisis Response Team in order to prevent rumors or unnecessary panic. If necessary, the Division Heads, with the assistance of other members of the Crisis Response Team, will initiate a fire alarm and the evacuation of a specific building will begin. Additional buildings may be evacuated if warranted.

If the time frame given by the caller does not permit a deliberate response: Evacuate the building by pulling a fire alarm. The assigned building Fire Marshal will need to make certain that all people have exited the building. Maintenance staff will assist faculty and students evacuating the buildings. Students should exit buildings quickly and in an orderly manner without their book bags and go to Patten Stadium.

If time permits:

1. Faculty and staff should inspect their immediate areas for anything that appears unusual, such as packages, boxes, or student bags, that should not be in the area.

2. Turn off all electrical equipment such as radios, TVs, computers, etc.

3. The maintenance and custodial staff will search all public areas, closets, boiler rooms, and corridors.

4. No outside deliveries will be accepted after a bomb threat is received.

5. Open all windows and doors to minimize primary damage from blasts and secondary damage from fragmentation.

6. Evacuate to Patten Stadium; however, the SAC may be used if it is not identified by the caller

7. Students should not carry their book bags.

8. A prepared statement will be recorded and distributed via Bright Arrow by MarCom. This information should not be released to the media. “One voice will always be critical.”

9. Students will be permitted to reenter the buildings after the facilities have been thoroughly searched. Mr. Baldecchi or Major Greene will declare approval for reentry.

Bomb Threat Search Procedure

● The Crisis Response Team will coordinate the search with first responders.

● Check specific areas mentioned by the caller.

● Lock all doors immediately Turn off gas when feasible.

● Approach all faculty and staff with a calm demeanor and request they check their areas of responsibility

● Instruct all faculty and staff to be alert for suspicious individuals on campus.

● Students, accompanied by a faculty member, should inspect their lockers. Anything unusual should be reported to the Crisis Response Team.

● Assign maintenance staff to conduct a thorough search of all public areas. Document areas that have been searched.

● Inspect all heating and electrical areas for anything unusual. Note any evidence of tampering to grills or ducts.

● Listen for unusual sounds in all areas being searched.

● An explosive device can be a solid or a liquid. It may come in a container of any shape or size. If it looks like a bomb, treat it as a bomb.

If an object that appears to be a bomb is discovered, the building should be evacuated immediately and the Charlotte Mecklenburg Police Department notified. Use the “rule of thumb”: you should be far enough away from the suspicious object to conceal the item

from the naked eye with your thumb. Use shielding, such as a brick wall or building, to place a barrier between you and the object.

Automobile Accidents / Bus Accidents

● Immediately call 911 and request Police, if injury is involved, ask for Fire and Medic.

● Contact the CLS switchboard and Major Greene.

● The priorities in a vehicular accident are life and fire safety, scene security, and traffic control.

● An assessment will be made on whether additional response by faculty and staff is warranted.

● Always document the parties involved and photograph the vehicles where they have stopped.

● Notify Mr Baldecchi any time a faculty, staff, student(s) or parent(s) from CLS is involved in the accident.

● In the case of an accident involving injury of a student, every effort should be made for an adult to ride in the ambulance or follow the ambulance to the hospital.

● Notify the Division Head after any accident involving a student.

● Reunification for the family must occur as soon as possible.

Charlotte Latin Utilities Shut–Off Locations

Main Electrical Shut Off: Only Duke Energy can shut the entire campus down at one time, by pulling two pole fuse links mounted by transformers on Providence Road.

Charlotte Latin personnel are able to shut down individual buildings with main switch gears that are inside building electrical rooms. Site power plans are located inside plastic pipes affixed to the poles. Poles are located in front of the SAC, on the lower campus near the bridge, and on Providence Road near Raintree Lane.

Main Phone Junction: In the main server room, located within the Library. The box is labeled “Unity Phone Management.”

Main Gas Junction: The campus has gas feeds from Providence Road and Raintree Lane. They feed only SAT, SAC, and PAC; each has its own gas meter. Gas to each of these buildings can be cut off at the meter There is a main cutoff for PAC on Providence Road and a main cutoff for SAT and SAC by the Raintree Lane entrance.

Main Water Junction: Latin’s water main feed is from the Raintree Lane side of the campus, with cut offs along the road by The Nest. There is an 8-inch fire main and a 6-inch domestic main.

Bell Override: The security system bell override is 95029.

Fire Alarm Override: This alarm can only be cut off by CLS if the system is in test mode. If the Fire Department has been called, only they can disarm it. The code is 1234.

Security System Override: This task must be done by the monitoring company (1-800-535-2478).

Cable TV/Channel One Shut Off: There is very limited access, so this task will not be needed.

After-Hours School-Related Issues

In the event of an urgent or emergency situation at an after-hours school-related event, coaches and teachers who are supervising or chaperoning that event are responsible for critical decisions concerning the safety and welfare of students, faculty, and staff. A situation occurring while school is not in session may nevertheless impact the Latin community; if necessary, the Bright Arrow system and MyLatin notifications may be activated. Examples might include the death of a student or staff member, a school bus accident, etc. If an incident has occurred that warrants this plan of action, follow these steps:

1. Immediately call Dale Greene at 704-621-0313 or Curtis Bowers at 704-517-7946.

2. Nikki Williams may activate the Bright Arrow emergency notification system with specific information if warranted.

3. Faculty and staff may be instructed to report to school the following morning for a briefing in Thies Auditorium.


During or following a critical incident or the evacuation of campus building(s), it may be necessary to dismiss our students. Normal carpool locations and bus locations will be used unless the event or incident (e.g., active threat or fire) dictates the use of an alternate site. In that case, the divisions will be notified of the alternate plan for dismissal. All faculty and staff should be prepared for a situation that may be fluid in nature.

The following plan may be executed by the Incident Commander during a critical incident following an evacuation / dismissal. In an event of this type, Police and Fire will likely assist with the reunification / dismissal process. The most likely course of action would be to close Providence Road and Raintree Lane. The event itself will likely have closed several lanes already with first responder vehicles. All car riders will be moved to Providence Road, and the east side of campus (the sidewalk area along Providence Road) will be used for carpool pickup.

● Zone 1 – All Lower School students will gather on the Providence Road sidewalk, starting at Raintree Lane and extending south for about 75 yards. Students should be lined up according to grade level in ascending order south (i.e., the higher grades will stand further south). This order will cut down on the distance that these students must walk.

● Zone 2 – All Middle School students will gather on the Providence Road sidewalk north and south from the main entrance. Students should be lined up according to grade level in ascending order south.

● Zone 3 – All Upper School students who carpool will gather on the Providence Road sidewalk near the SwimMAC/soccer fields.

NOTE: Upper School students who drive will report to their vehicles immediately and proceed to exit the campus. However, if the incident

prohibits them from leaving campus with their vehicles, then they will be directed to Zone 3 for dismissal.

● Zone 4 – All students riding buses will be escorted to Hawks View Drive, where buses will be lined up for loading and dismissal.

Information will be disseminated to all parents via Bright Arrow and the Charlotte Latin website. Accounting for all students’ whereabouts is imperative. Teachers should provide a complete classroom roster noting all students and the manner in which they were dismissed from school. Only the usual designated drivers for each child (parents, guardians, older siblings) are permitted to pick up children.


The Planning Section will start planning while the incident is still occurring. This process could cover a variety of topics and would also encompass a continuity of business plan.

Urgent and Emergency Communications System

Charlotte Latin School has internal and external communications access through Bright Arrow, the system that sends important notifications to Latin’s parents within minutes in times of urgent or emergency situations via telephone, email, and SMS/text message. Upon activation by the school, Bright Arrow immediately alerts custodial parents via their database contacts as follows:

Residential Address: Home Phone (voice message); Mother’s Cell and Father’s Cell (SMS/text message); email (email message); Mother’s and Father’s Work Addresses, Work Phone (voice message) and Work Email (email message).

Non-custodial parents receive the same voice and SMS/text alerts as custodial parents, but will not be alerted via email. It is very important that each parent’s contact information is up-to-date in the Latin Link Personal Profile on MyLatin to ensure that urgent and emergency communications are successfully transmitted.

Caller ID will display 704-846-1100 (Charlotte Latin’s main number) for voice calls placed via Bright Arrow Three attempts will be made if the number is busy Text messages will come from 23177 or 63079. Parents should be told to add a new contact to their cell phones labeled “CLS Urgent/Emergency” with both the numbers 23177 and 63079 so they can quickly recognize these as official sources of urgent or emergency Charlotte Latin School SMS/text messages. Email alerts will be sent from alert@charlottelatin.org.All of these messages are one-way communications only The school will not respond to replies.

In some cases, Bright Arrow messages will include instructions to check the school’s website for additional details and instructions. Urgent and emergency notifications also will be posted on the website as a matter of routine.

All CLS parents with eligible cell phones will receive an SMS/text test message twice a year to ensure they are receiving alerts: “CLS Bright Arrow:You are set to receive txt alerts per acct settings. For more info reply "HELP". To opt out reply "STOP9502000".

Message & data rates may apply.” No action is required once they receive the test.

The Bright Arrow emergency system is activated periodically during drills. These messages are identified as drills unless a real incident is in progress. In these cases, a message will be sent via Bright Arrow The school will use Bright Arrow only for urgent situations, including those arising from inclement weather conditions (early dismissal, school cancellation, or delayed-start days), and emergency situations such as campus lockdowns, tornado warnings, and similar situations that do not offer a reasonable amount of time for coordinated planning by the school.


Assessment – The evaluation and interpretation of measurements and other information to provide a basis for decision-making.

CAIS – An acronym for Charlotte Area Independent Schools.

Chain of Command – A series of command, control, executive, or management positions in hierarchical order of authority.

Command Staff – In an incident management organization, the special staff position of PIO, Safety Officer, Liaison Officer, and other positions required to report to the incident commander.

Evacuation – Organized, phased, and supervised withdrawal, dispersal or removal of civilians from dangerous or potentially dangerous areas. Systematic movement to safe area.

HCR – The Head Conference Room. Located in Fennebresque Hall next to the offices of the Head of School.

Incident – An occurrence or event, natural or human-caused, that requires an emergency response to protect life or property

Incident Action Plan – An oral or written plan containing general objectives reflecting the overall strategy for managing an incident.

Incident Command Post – This location will house the Incident Commander, it may be in the HCR or in the field in close proximity to where the incident is occurring but in the safe zone.

IO – The Inlustrate Orbem Building.

Joint Information Center – This will be an area set up for the press. It is the central point of contact for all news media at the scene of the incident. “One voice” will be the mandate for dissemination of information. This center will be the site for Charlotte Latin School, Police, Fire, etc. to disseminate information via the media.

National Incident Management System (NIMS) – This system is a national Homeland Security–mandated approach to all-hazards / critical incident management. This system allows Federal, State, Local, Tribal governments to work effectively and efficiently in concert with the private sector to prepare, respond and recover from a domestic incident, regardless of cause, size, or complexity. This is a clear and concise approach that provides a core set of concepts, principles, and terminology

Operational Period – The time scheduled for executing a given set of operation actions, as specified in the Incident Action Plan.The recommendation is 8 or 12 hours. Plans should reflect these operational periods.

PAC – The Horne Performing Arts Center (containing Thies Auditorium).

Preparedness – The range of deliberate, critical tasks, and activities necessary to build, sustain, and improve the operational capability to prevent, protect, respond and recover from an incident.

Red Cards – These cards, attached to the emergency flip chart within each classroom, designate a life-threatening situation that must be addressed as soon as possible. These cards should be slid under the door or posted in the exterior windows in order to notify first responders that immediate attention to this room or area is required.

Reunification Site – Locations designated by the Incident Command for the reunification of our students and parents.This could be on campus, along Providence Road, or off property.

SAC The Beck Student Activities Center.

SAT – The Science, Art, and Technology Building.

Unified Command – An application of ICS used when there is more than one agency within the incident jurisdiction.This would be a likely scenario for Charlotte Latin: we would set objectives and goals within a single Incident Action Plan, involving CMPD, CFD, Medic, and other first responders.

Unity of Command – The concept by which each person within an organization reports to one and only one designated person.

Attachment #1

Tailormade Protective Services

The first priority of Tailormade Security Officers is the safety and welfare of all students and employees of Charlotte Latin School. As such, the Tailormade objective is to deal appropriately with various issues or threats to the security of the students, faculty, staff, and the physical campus. Officers provide a safe environment during their assigned shift.

This document is provided as a tool and guide that focuses on the school’s vulnerabilities and possible exposure to certain types of issues that could reasonably be encountered by an officer during their shift. The purpose is to provide guidance, specifically for the uniformed shift officer This document will allow an officer to conduct daily operational coverage of our 128-acre campus. This document addresses potential events and threats that an officer might face during day-to-day operations.

Expectations of our security officers by CLS:

● Maintain a professional uniform appearance at all times while on campus.

● Be visible by conducting routine patrols with the CLS security golf cart. Learn the layout of the campus as soon as possible.

● Always carry the security phone and keys. The phone number is 704-578-0013. Always answer the phone, “Charlotte Latin Security, how can I help you?”

● Lock and alarm all buildings after occupants and contract cleaning have departed. The burglar alarm and fire alarm panels should be located near the main entrance of each building. The passcodes and account numbers are provided on p. 40. Activate alarm systems as soon as cleaning has been completed and the building is vacant.

● Lock gates on the front side of campus as directed by CLS administration. The South Campus gate at the bridge should be locked after dark each night and opened by 5 a.m. On the weekends, it should be locked at 6 p.m. and unlocked at 6 a.m.

● Unlock all buildings and gates prior to 6 a.m. on an operational school day Holidays and weekend procedures will be provided by Major Greene. If a building has Access Control devices on the doors, there is no need to lock or unlock them; those doors are on a computer schedule.

● Contact Major Greene (Security Director) at 704-621-0313 or Michael Bocian (Facilities Director) at 704-534-9239 if an after-hours emergency, severe weather situation, or power outage occurs during the shift.

● Any person who is not a faculty member, student, alumni, family member, or rental guest should be asked to leave the property. Always maintain a professional demeanor toward any person on campus.

● The following buildings have Access Control; however, alarms must still be turned on and off at the keypad panel:

o Lower School

o Middle School

o Inlustrate Orbem

o Fennebresque Hall


Monday – Thursday 8 p.m. – 6 a.m.

Friday 8 p.m. – 6 a.m.

Saturday 6 a.m. – 6 p.m. and 6 p.m. – 6 a.m Sunday morning

Sunday 6 a.m. – 6 p.m and 6 p.m. – 6 a.m Monday morning

Severe inclement weather requires staying until coverage arrives.

Holidays may be scheduled by Major Greene.

Fire Plan

Officers will coordinate all evacuations and contact Major Greene immediately after the building has been evacuated. Teachers should escort students out of the building quickly and quietly to a designated area. The designated area outside of the building is posted on the fire plan in the classroom. Teachers are required to carry an attendance sheet or roster of students to ensure the safety of all students. Teachers will follow the evacuation routes posted in each classroom and throughout the building.

Should a building be damaged by smoke or fire, an assessment will be made in conjunction with the Charlotte Fire Department on when (or if) the building can be reoccupied. In a situation where structures are on fire, a command post will be set up by the fire department.

Burglar and Fire Alarms

Should an alarm occur, the officer should respond and check the Burglar or Fire Panel. Check the area instructed on the white burglar alarm panel. If a break-in has occurred, contact the Charlotte Mecklenburg Police and Major Greene. Tell Johnson Control

Monitoring that you will contact police if needed, in order to avoid a response to a false alarm.

In the event of a fire alarm, check the red fire panel and respond to the area: Look for smoke or other signs of a fire. Assist the responding CFD trucks and firefighters, guiding them to the building and location in question. DO NOT cut the alarm off until authorized by a CFD member, even if it is a false alarm. CFD must respond to all fire alarms. After authorized by CFD, turn the off by entering 1, 2, 3, 4, and 1/off. Clear the panel by repeating a second time 1, 2, 3, 4, and 1/off.

CFD Building Codes; Burglar / Fire Alarm Account Numbers (Johnson Controls Monitoring Station: 1-888-746-7539)

(CFD Bldg. Code) (Passcodes) (Account #’s)

1 Lower School 9502 212-2568 2 Founders’ Hall 9502 212-2569 3 McIntosh Leadership 9502 212-2570 4 Fennebresque Hall 9502 212-2571 5 Middle School 9502 212-2572 6 No longer used 7 500 (Dickson Bldg) Math Dept. 9502 212-2573 8 Thies Auditorium / PAC 9502 212-2574 9 Library 9502 212-2575

10/10A Maintenance Shop / Modular 9502 212-2576 11 No longer used 12 Inlustrate Orbem / Upper School 9502 H023269954 13 Football Storage No Alarm 14 Science, Art and Tech. / SAT 9502 212-2578 15 Strength Center 9502 H023275827 16 Stadium Locker Rooms No Alarm 17 Belk SAC / Belk Gym 9502 212-2579

18 Soccer Pavilion No Alarm 19 Coaches Pavilion No Alarm 20 Hub No Alarm

The account numbers are located on all fire panels.


Charlotte Latin has a robust camera system that provides coverage of the campus. This additional layer of security is designed to provide valuable information to our faculty and staff. It also serves as a deterrent to potential threats (e.g., intruders looking to harm the students, faculty and staff, and those wishing to commit criminal acts, such as theft or

vandalism on the campus). For more information on the cameras and their location, consult p. 7 of this manual.

Charlotte Latin Utilities Shut–Off Locations

For more information on how to shut off utilities (electricity, phone, gas, etc.) on the Latin campus, consult p. 32 of this manual.

Attachment #2

Tailormade Security / Nightly Checklist

As soon as the cleaning crews have completed their work, start alarming and locking those buildings that need to be locked. Buildings equipped with Access Control will lock and unlock automatically

Buildings that do not have Access Control need to be locked:

● SAC / Belk Gymnasium


● Math Building / 500 (Cleaning crew should lock)

● Thies Auditorium / Horne Performing Arts Center

● Knight-Dickson Library

● Founders’ Hall

Lock all gates with the exception of Fox Drive, Stadium Drive and Hawk View Drive. However, when the school is closed for a holiday or inclement weather, all gates should be locked.

When opening the next morning, reverse the order used for closing at night. Always unalarm all buildings on days that school is in session.

Unlock all gates (Make sure the Raintree gates are both open for cafeteria staff by 5 a.m.)

● Founders’ Hall

● Knight-Dickson Library (Only turn the alarm off, staff will unlock this building)

● Thies Auditorium / Horne Performing Arts Center

● Math Building / 500 (Only turn the alarm off, teachers should unlock)

● SAT (Unlock the five front doors at the front statue / lobby and the double door leading to the Middle School)

● SAC / Belk Gymnasium (Unlock the two center front doors at the Hawk statue)

Those buildings that have Access Control will unlock on a schedule after 7:00 a.m. However, all alarms should be turned off in every building.

On weekends, Major Greene will leave details outlining what buildings should be unarmed or unlocked.

When unlocking or leaving the campus open, Security Officers should make periodic rounds on the Security golf cart and/or monitor the cameras at the IO entrance desk. At the end of a shift, always park the golf cart at the Belk Gym and make sure it is charging. Call Major Greene at 704-621-0313 if you have questions.


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