Your Guide to Giving Back
Charlotte Latin School

Tuition alone does not cover the cost of a Latin education. Your philanthropy is a critical part of our school’s financial model. Every year, the Latin Fund provides essential dollars for our operating budget to support our students, faculty, staff, and campus.
The Latin Fund aims to raise $2.5 million in the 2024–25 school year.
The Latin Fund invests in the areas of greatest need while focusing on what makes Latin such a special place. From the classroom to the athletic fields, your impact will be felt across our 128 wooded acres.
• New badge readers in the PAC and SAT buildings keep our campus secure so students can focus on learning.
• Strategic investments in our technology infrastructure prepare our students to learn in the 21st century.
• Annual upgrades to our facilities, from furniture in classrooms to turf on our playgrounds, maintain our beloved campus.
• An annual Gratitude Bonus, made possible by the Latin Fund, honors and acknowledges our incredible faculty and staff before the holiday season.
The students of Charlotte Latin School are curious about the world around them and eager to conquer it. Charlotte Latin illuminates their minds and moves their bodies in myriad locations: the classrooms, the courts, the covered walkways.
At Latin, an engineering prodigy can be a varsity team captain, while a scholar of literature can star in a stage musical: our students shine in a multitude of ways. Surrounded by peers who embrace our Core Values and illuminated by mentors who encourage their strengths, Latin students are ready for the complex world of the 21st century.
Those multidimensional achievements happen because of you.
Your annual gift to the Latin Fund helps us illuminate the world for our students and ensures that every day at the school can be exceptional. Every year, the Latin community joins together to support the Latin Fund: we carefully use those unrestricted gifts to support programs, resources, and opportunities that foster an eclectic generation of confident, striving leaders.
I hope you will join Latin’s commitment to excellence with a gift to the 2024-25 Latin Fund. Your gift will make a meaningful difference to a wide array of students; your participation will show your commitment to enlightening young minds across the entire spectrum of achievement.
Together, we soar.
Chuck Baldecchi Head of School
As part of the Latin community, you play an important role in our school’s continued success. In this spirit, we ask every Latin family to consider a meaningful annual gift to the Latin Fund. 94% of Employees 144 Grandparents 1oo% of Trustees
The 2023-24 Latin Fund raised $2,407,520 thanks to:
of Parents 2o% of Alumni 332
Parents of Alumni Join us and lift the 2024–25 Latin Fund to new heights.
Donors who choose to make Latin a philanthropic priority with an annual Latin Fund gift of $2,500+ become part of the Latin Society. We celebrate these philanthropic leaders at annual events in recognition of their outstanding support.
Invitation to the Latin Society Leadership Evening
Invitation to the Latin Society Leadership Evening Invitation to the 1970 Circle Celebration
New families at this level also join the New Family Leadership Circle
Invitation to the Latin Society Leadership Evening Invitation to the Soar Circle Dinner with the Head of School
New families at this level also join the New Family Leadership Circle
No matter where you are in your Latin journey, The Schuster Family Hawk Challenge aims to inspire our community to give back to the school that has given us so much.
This year, every new or increased Latin Society gift will be matched, dollar-for-dollar, up to $200,000.
Make a first-time Latin Society gift of $2,500+ OR Increase the level of your current Latin Society support
Latin was built on a strong foundation of philanthropy. We are grateful for the countless families who have invested their time, talent, and treasure in our school.
The Latin Fund is our top fundraising priority. It affects every student and every teacher, so it is the first and most important gift we ask of our community each year. The 2024-25 Latin Fund aims to raise $2.5 million.
Every May, we invite our entire community to fly high for Latin on our annual giving day. FLY DAY gifts support the Latin Fund and honor beloved teachers, coaches, and staff.
The annual draw from Latin’s $53M endowment provides financial aid assistance, recognition awards for employees, and operating support. Focused campaigns drive Latin’s strategic and physical growth. Endowment and capital campaign gifts can be combined with your Latin Fund support.
Booster Club, Latin Arts Association, and Parents’ Council provide opportunities for fellowship and volunteerism that serve, support, and enhance specific areas and programs. The Latin Fund provides the budget for Booster Club and Latin Arts Association. Parents’ Council funds its own budget through a signature biennial event.
Questions about philanthropy at Latin?
Contact Katie Sutton, Latin Fund Director, at or 704-841-7464. Visit to learn more.