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Booklet DG000 Introducing Competency-Centered Learning

Charlotte van der Sommen

Charlotte van der Sommen


Industrial Design B1.1



Competency areas




Self Directed & Continuous learning


Ideas & Concepts


Integrating Technology


Business Process Design


User Focus & Perspective


Social Cultural Awareness


Form & Senses


Descriptive Mathematical Modeling


Design & Research Processes


Teamwork & Communication


Final reflection Charlotte van der Sommen




Table of content:

Introduction Each Tuesday and Wednesday we had the DG000 assignment, and every week we treat one or two new competency areas in this assignment. The days started with a reading about the competency area we would treat that day. Competency areas are the subjects we are going to improve at Industrial Design. After the reading we started with doing a project that had to do something with the competency area of that day. We did in teams. And at the end of the day we had presentations of the things we made that day.



In this booklet I show and explain what we have done and make during all the competency areas and what I’ve learned from it. And last but not least what I’m going to improve for next time.

Charlotte van der Sommen

Self-directed & continuous learning Take responsibility for and give direction to your own personal development, based on a continuous process of self-reflection and out of curiosity for future developments in technology and society.

Learning styles Leaning style of Kolb It is (theoretically) possible that a score which you both da ae_wo axis as the axis ab_c value scores 0. In this case, no red line is shown. You have no strong learning style. Your learning style: Doer

Charlotte van der Sommen


1. The bezinner watching how others deal with a problem and thinks first before he does anything. He sees many solutions, because he has a problem from many different positions to view. Thus he takes decisions sometimes slow. 2. The thinker is good at logical thinking and reasoning. He attempts to discover general rules and prefer to learn from books. It is important that ideas make sense, and then they are practicable. 3. The decision maker plans and executes a task. He is not interested in theories. He is doing well in conventional intelligence tests. Will be more


The Kolb learning styles that distinguish its quadrants in this learning circle. The circle is both the different phases in a learning process, as the different types a person can be.

concerned with technical issues than with people. 4. The doer likes to experiment and solve problems by trying something out. It adapts well to new situations. Sometimes a doer pushy happened in his thirst for action

I was very surprised to see that I was a doer, in the test I have never chosen the answers that were saying: ‘I learn the best from doing thinks’; in my opinion I’m more a Bezinner. I’m not the kind of person that has to do things to learn, in that way I’m probably more a thinker because I think a lot about a problem and then I come to a solution. The reason I think I’m more a bezinner is that because I have the idea that when I’m working in a project, I exactly act like a bezinner. I’m more the one that looks from a little distance and watch the problem from many different positions and that show my ideas to others. Leaning style of Felder Results for: ACT

X 1 1 <-- -->

















1 1 <-- -->



X 7




X 9




1 1 <-- -->










X 3

1 1 <-- -->






If your score on a scale is 1-3, you are fairly well balanced on the two dimensions of that scale.






Charlotte van der Sommen




 

If your score on a scale is 5-7, you have a moderate preference for one dimension of the scale and will learn more easily in a teaching environment which favors that dimension. If your score on a scale is 9-11, you have a very strong preference for one dimension of the scale. You may have real difficulty learning in an environment which does not support that preference.

Active and Reflective Learners

  

Active learners tend to retain and understand information best by doing something active with it--discussing or applying it or explaining it to others. Reflective learners prefer to think about it quietly first. Active learners tend to like group work more than reflective learners, who prefer working alone. Sitting through lectures without getting to do anything physical but take notes is hard for both learning types, but particularly hard for active learners.

I think this one is very right I have the working in a group thing but also the thinking for myself first. In my opinion the X is at exactly the right place because I think the Reflective site is a little bit more my style than the Active side.

   

Sensing learners tend to like learning facts, intuitive learners often prefer discovering possibilities and relationships. Sensors often like solving problems by well-established methods and dislike complications and surprises; intuitors like innovation and dislike repetition. Sensors are more likely than intuitors to resent being tested on material that has not been explicitly covered in class. Sensors tend to be patient with details and good at memorizing facts and doing hands-on (laboratory) work; intuitors may be better at grasping new concepts and are often more comfortable than sensors with abstractions and mathematical formulations. Sensors tend to be more practical and careful than intuitors; intuitors tend to work faster and to be more innovative than sensors. Sensors don't like courses that have no apparent connection to the real world; intuitors don't like "plug-andchug" courses that involve a lot of memorization and routine calculations.



Sensing and Intuitive learners

Charlotte van der Sommen

I think this X is also on the right place, it also could have been on the 5 next to the 7 it’s now but it is right that the X is more on the Intuitor side than on the Sensing side. For the most parts I am an intuitor, but for the fourth point I’m more a sensor one and I can also work very theoretical. So that makes that the X is not on the 11. Visual and Verbal leaner’s Visual learners remember best what they see--pictures, diagrams, flow charts, time lines, films, and demonstrations. Verbal learners get more out of words--written and spoken explanations. Everyone learns more when information is presented both visually and verbally. In most college classes very little visual information is presented: students mainly listen to lectures and read material written on chalkboards and in textbooks and handouts. Unfortunately, most people are visual learners, which mean that most students do not get nearly as much as they would if more visual presentation were used in class. Good learners are capable of processing information presented either visually or verbally.

I think this X is again exactly at the right place. I’m not good at learning when I just hear thinks, most of the time I can’t concentrate enough to really learn something. The reason that The X is not at 11 is that when I’ve slept very well or when the subject interest me very much than I will learn from only verbal presentation. Sequential and Global leaner’s Sequential learners tend to gain understanding in linear steps, with each step following logically from the previous one. Global learners tend to learn in large jumps, absorbing material almost randomly without seeing connections, and then suddenly "getting it."



Sequential learners tend to follow logical stepwise paths in finding solutions; global learners may be able to solve complex problems quickly or put things together in novel ways once they have grasped the big picture, but they may have difficulty explaining how they did it.

Charlotte van der Sommen

I think this is a little bit a vague one, I think I’m a little bit of both. When the X could have been exactly in the middle it would stand there. Because for me my learning stile can be different for all kinds of subjects.

What I’ve done That day we first got a presentation about learning styles. We all had to make two learning style testes, my results are seen above. Later we needed to work together in a group and make something or think of a solution for presentation fear. We started making a word web with words that come in our minds when we thought about presentation fear. Then we thought about a necklace that gives some sense that makes you calm. We searched for some senses and we found: vanilla, lavender, finger, lemon, sandalwood and some others. We thought to let it react on the heartbeat of the person that is wearing it, because when you nerve you heartbeat is getting higher, than there will be a relaxing sense and your heartbeat is getting lower.

Charlotte van der Sommen


We worked as a team together, we all didn’t know each other’s and were very different types, but we worked together and in my opinion it worked very well, so I can say I learned


What I’ve learned

by working with different kind of persons how to react to each other and how you can use each other’s strong points to come to a great solution.

What am I going to change and improve? We worked very long on the brainstorming part, I think it could have been shorter, so next time I think it will be smart to make immediately one group leader so he or she can let the brainstorm part going fluently so it won’t take so long.



Maybe we can improve the presentation the next time because we didn’t practice it and it wasn’t that good, but that just that we need to chose someone who is going to talk, make a PowerPoint presentation and maybe practice one time.

Charlotte van der Sommen

Ideas and concepts Develop visions, innovative ideas and concepts through creativity techniques, experimentations and the translation of research.

What I’ve done We had to work in the yellow space, so I went there and met my group. We got the assignment to make a concept that can wake some kind of people. We got the sneaky sleeper to focus on. We all brought some stuff with us to make our concept, so we firstly looked at all the stuff we got. Than we started to make a word-spin about a sneaky sleeper, with all ways to see a sneaky sleeper. Than we looked in magazines and took all kind of pictures out the remind us of a sneaky sleeper, and we made a moodboard together. Than we start to think about some ways to awake someone, and with all that information we went to think

Charlotte van der Sommen


We came to the conclusion that we were making something for someone that sneaky sleeps at his desk at his office, and he is at bottom of the corporate ladder. So everyone is the enemy.


about concepts. Pictures made by: Dorothe Smit

Eventually we came to the concept of a back pillow you can hang on your chair with at the back little cameras that detect movement. When there’s movement detected the pillow start to vibrate like a massage, so no one else will notice what happens. Than the boss comes in and ask the employer something, but the employer doesn’t know what he asked because he just woke up. He can press a button on under his chair so the phone will ring and the last 10 seconds about what happened will be repeated through the telephone. So the employer will excuse to his boss and take the phone, he hears what has said the last 10 seconds and he can answer his boss without being got for sneaky sleeping.

What I’ve learned We made a word-spin and a moodboard. I’m not used to do that but it worked very well for me, this way I was very creative in thinking about concepts. And because we made it with the whole group everyone thought in the same direction so we came to the same kind of concepts and that together worked very well.


We brought all kinds of materials with us and we made little concepts we had in mind, so it was clear for everyone what the idea was. It worked very well for imaging to the other group members.


By making a moodboard and a word-spin we used a lot of post-its it was really effective in the process I see now that post-its are very handy to use in moodboards. We came to a lot of concepts, and this way we could search as a group for the best concept. It worked very well and I think we had a great concept eventually.

Charlotte van der Sommen

What am I going to change and improve? I have noticed that making a moodboard and a word-spin worked very well with developing a process or concept. In the future I’m going to use more plastic ways to put down my ideas, so I and my group members will understand everything much better, and it is much easier to come on new ideas. I’m also going to use more postits because it worked very well in making the process. And it’s handy to take a lot of materials with me to make little prototypes for the understanding.



Pictures made by: Dorothe Smit

Charlotte van der Sommen

Integrating Technology Being competent in integrating technology means being able to explore, visualize, create and demonstrate innovative concepts and experiences using technology, as well as analyzing the technical and economic feasibility of complex designs in which technology is integrated. Moreover, one needs to understand scientific writings and be able to communicate with engineers and researchers of another discipline.

What I’ve done We had to make a delay out of cardboard, elastics, rope and little stuff we took with us. I worked together with Jim Steenbakkers, we went to Vertigo to start making our delay. When we got the explanation I immediately got an idea to use gears, and I explained to Jim what we could do with it, and how it works in making a delay. We start to sketch and figure out in which proportions we needed to make out desirable delay. And when we finished the sketching we started to make the delay itself. When we finished it we tested our delay en we came to the conclusion that it worked.



Picture made by me Picture made my: Jim Steenbakkers

Charlotte van der Sommen

What I’ve learned Over all I learned how to make a delay with gears, and also with elastic. Like how you can manage the proportions the way you get the right delay. When we got our idea we just start to make it, but we clashed into a few problems. At first the whole delay was not stable enough, so we got some tips and we decided to cross rope at the sides of the product, and we figured out that is worked very well in making the delay stable. Also the gears weren’t going fluently so we saw that the cardboard and the wooden sticks gave to much resistance together so we put plastic tape around the sticks and they went a lot more fluent. These are the things that we have learned of making the delay. The working together went in my eyes very well, I think I didn’t learn anything new from it.

What am I going to change and improve?



Next time I think I’m going to sketch more and think more about what we need en how we can make the delay, so I don’t stand for a lot of surprises when I make the concept. There are always failing that you can only discover by making a prototype, but in my way of addressing in the delay project I could have prevent a lot of problems.

Charlotte van der Sommen

Business Process Design Bringing new products to users in a global market of a dynamic international industrial context requires knowledge of industrial business processes.

What I’ve done We started with a presentation about the how the computer has been evaluate in the last years, and about how you can design a computer for a certain target. Later we could choose out of 3 assignments:  Add a sensor to the iPhone and define new applications including new business/markets  Investigate US patent database


We choose to do the third one, at first we came to the idea of integrating options in the iPhone that would be nice in the nightlife. We had the idea to integrate a Polaroid camera in an iPhone. But eventually we came to the conclusion to integrate the iPhone in a car, so let BMW and Apple marry. Eventually you needed to do almost everything in the car with the iPhone like starting the car, but also arranging the air-conditioning. Finally we made a label and a PowerPoint presentation and we gave our presentation.


 Marriage with another brand & define the “children”

Charlotte van der Sommen

Pictures out my dummy made by: me

What I’ve learned The working in the group went very well. We did a lot in a very short time so the cooperation was very well. Now I know how it can work good so I’m able to use it in my new projects. I have searched for a lot of information about Polaroid so I know a lot more about that kind of cameras. About the business part I’m afraid I learned not much already.


I wrote and draw every little part down, it was very handy in the brainstorming and also when you have to look back, so I’m going write and especially draw everything down. I also like to improve my business side, I haven’t leaned much about it in this competency area but I really like to know a lot more about it.


What am I going to change and improve?

Charlotte van der Sommen

17 Page

Logo made by me

Charlotte van der Sommen

User Focus & perspective Understand human characteristics, goals and needs, the context of use, and create empathy with users throughout the design process. Design user-system interaction for user experiences. What I’ve done

Than we saw a washing machine that had a plastic lock, it Charlotte van der Sommen


Then we walked further and came to the bicycle parking, the roads are very long and there are no openings halfway the road. So you have to go back to the opening of the parking to go to another road and that can take a lot of time. Later we went to the BCC, there we watched washing machines. The problem with the first one is that the water reservoir is at the bottom of the washing machine, but mostly it is at the top so it’s very confusing. The other one had the opening at the top, so you can’t put a dryer on it, and when you put the washing machine on the dryer it is too high to get your stuff out.


We first had a presentation about designs and bad design. After the presentation we went into the city to search for bad designed thinks. For instance the stairs at Vertigo, the steps are too long lot put one foot on it, but too short to walk with two feet each step.

can break very fast if you pull too hard or when the plastic is getting a little bit old. Another washing machine had a rubber band at the opening so when you get your stuff out it will get stuck behind the rubber and eventually the rubber will break. The last washing machine had bottoms with signs that are totally not logic. What means 1400/600 Ram? So bad design

Pictures made by: David Verweij

What I’ve learned We went to the city to watch all kinds of designs and the usable part of it. Normally when I go to the city I do watch to the way thinks looks, but to look at the functionality of objects I never did. I learned to watch more to the functional en logical site of objects. Now I know for myself as a designer what I must and must not do, in my designs.

Charlotte van der Sommen


I plan to make a nice PowerPoint presentation next time because that can really be improved. Also do I plan to make a lot more pictures and notes about our thinking process and our final outcome.


What am I going to change and improve?



My goal is to develop my vision about designed products and the functionality and quality of it a bit more than I already have learned. Because in the future I really like to become a designer that makes high quality products.

Charlotte van der Sommen

Social Cultural Awareness The focus of our education at ID is on designing intelligent systems, products and related services for social and societal transformation. Therefore, you need to learn to drive the design process from an awareness and understanding of developments in society, envision your designs in society, place the development of systems in a broader perspective, and take position in and evaluate the impact and mediating role of a system, product of service on society.

What I’ve done We first had a presentation about designing with the consciousness of the society, system service by taking in account, sustainability, and the environment. Than the presentation was going about the world expo. After the presentation we had to think about organizing the world expo ourselves in an African country.

It is the second fastest growing economy in the world

Gaborone is close to three other big cities’s so when there are for instance more employees necessary the can easily can get from the other cities.

Gaborone has an easily accessible international airport. Pictures of the Dummy of: Bram Smis

Charlotte van der Sommen



We came to the conclusion that we would organize our world expo in Gaborone the main city of Botswana. The reasons we had to do it in Botswana where:

Gaborone is the capital city so they want to show off.

Botswana has a stable economic growth for several decades.

Near Gaborone are many natural resources.

Than we thought about a theme for the world expo, we came to the theme: Cultural Merging and Equality, we wanted to show the Equality by the stairs of Escher and make this in our pavilion. Finally we have made a concept for the Dutch exhibit. We made a house that looks very Dutch from the outside, and at the inside you have the stairs from Escher, to symbolize the equality. Then in the middle of the house there’s an empty space with all kinds of screens with all kind of information you like to show.

Charlotte van der Sommen


The presentation was very instructive. I learned a lot about the world expo, and I thought it was very interesting to listen to. The presentation was also about the part that you take in


What I’ve learned

account the people you design for and all the other parts you need to take in account wile you design a product ore concept. It was very instructive for me because I normally don’t think about that part while I’m designing.

What am I going to change and improve? I plan to in the future focus more on the cultural part of the thing I’m designing and of the people I’m designing for. I’m convinced that to do this I will become a much better and convincing designer.



Moodboard about the Dutch made by me

Charlotte van der Sommen

Form and Senses Experience and develop through doing and abstraction, aesthetical (physical) languages that connect thought and interactive form, in order to communicate specific properties of the design concept.

What I’ve done That day we had to make a lamp that was inspired by an artificial movement. The artificial movement we got to design a lamp in was Art Deco. We started to search for the features of that movement, and we found: elegant, glamorous, functional, modern, used in daily life products dynamics, and there were used mathematical geometrical shapes. Than we decided to use only a few features that addressed to us and they were mathematical and geometrical shapes, functional,

Charlotte van der Sommen


modern and used in daily life. We made a lot of sketches, they were also all very different, but at the end we took the parts we liked of every concept we already had and put it together to one. That was our lamp you can see on the next page.


Picture made by: me

What I’ve learned I made the shape on the top of the lamp, that was not easy and I really learned to make it. I also learned to account with an already excising art style while I’m designing. I also learned that you can’t just put all kind of shapes together, so you really need to look every time that it is still nice and the way you want it.

What am I going to change and improve?



We made all kind of sketches and at the end we put them together, but it doesn’t look that good all together so next time we need to watch out that the shapes are still very nice together. So I can be proud on your design.

Charlotte van der Sommen

Descriptive Mathematical Modeling Being able to create and apply descriptive and mathematical models by using formal and mathematical tools, in order to justify design decisions and support the design of complex, highly dynamic and intelligent systems.

Pictures made by me

Charlotte van der Sommen


We started the day with a presentation and at the end we needed to do two projects. With my first project we made a system for the taxis at the Design week. We make the a list with instructions for the taxi drivers so they would help as much people as possible and also not


What I’ve done

driving too much so they wouldn’t spill any fuel. In the next project we had to discuss with our group and such out the different between mathematical and practical calculating.

What I’ve learned For the first project I learned how to establish rules for for instance a taxi driver so he can funiculate the best, it wasn’t easy and it wasn’t good in the first time so we wrote it a few times down, but eventually is really worked. About the second project I learned what the difference is between practical and mathematical calculating. What am I going to change and improve?



I plan to practice the decentralized systems more in the future, because it stays a difficult subject. I also like to keep practice the mathematical way to see thinks and think out systems.

Charlotte van der Sommen

Design & Research Processes Master the design process and the research process, and adjust these processes to the demands of the task at hand.

What I’ve done To be honest we haven’t done that much that day, the assignment wasn’t that clear to us. We thought we had to find thinks in the daily life that were designed in a way, and we had to find a different way to see it en use it. So eventually we thought about all kind of daily life object with wish we could kill someone and we came to these results.



Pictures made by: Gabi Ras

Charlotte van der Sommen

So that was: hanging by scarf, stabbed by pen, strangled by duct tape, slapped by chair, electrocuted by outlet, drowned by toilet, slapped by battery and drowned by sink.

What I’ve learned I’m afraid I haven’t really learned something that day. But I used this competency area also in other days, I think I can even say almost every day, for instance when we did the Social Cultural Awareness competency area. Than we did a lot of research before we decided we would like to have our world expo in Botswana, and I learned to search that and especially

What am I going to change and improve?



In the future I like to learn a little more about this competency area, because in my opinion I don’t know already enough about this competency area.

Charlotte van der Sommen

Teamwork & communication Work together towards a common goal using all strengths within a team and communicate opinions, ideas, information and results clearly and convincingly.

What I’ve done The day we had this competency area, we as a team evaluate how it was going until now and what everyone’s place was in the group, but that wasn’t new for us because we already do that a lot while we are working on our project. Actually we are doing this competency area all the time at Industrial Design, even when you’re just working at your booklet you can ask someone for help and like this everyone helps each other en work as a team.

What I’ve learned



Every day we work as a team I learn from it. It is very hard to tell what I exactly learned but in big lines, I’m am more communicating about every little work I do for our project so we know from each other what we are doing. I’m also a lot better in minute what we have discussed in our meetings.

Charlotte van der Sommen

What am I going to change and improve? I’m still learning about working in a team every minute I’m doing it, and I will always in the future. But the things I really like to improve in het future are to divide the jobs well and still how to minute the thinks well.

Pictures made by me about my team



Pictures made by: David Verweij

Charlotte van der Sommen

Final reflection In the whole DG000 assignment we have done each day a competency area, so you would think that we did all competency area separately, but that’s not the truth. Actually we did al lot more competency area’s each day, for instance Teamwork & Communication, we had to do every project in a team so we did al lot of teamwork & communication every day. Also Form & Senses we wanted to let every project look very good so you we are also using Form & Senses every day. And that is the same for almost all the others. Only Integrating Technology, Designing Business Processes and Descriptive Mathematical Modeling these are more competency areas you use when you focus on it.


This shows how I think I developed in the competency areas. The dark blue stands for what al already new and could about that competency. The light blue is what I learned during the DG000 assignment.


I’m convinced that I’ve learned a lot during the DG000 assignment. The most important thing I learned is that I am conscious doing thinks by constantly reflecting everything I’ve done, so I really know what I’m doing and learning and not just being somewhere to just doing something.

Charlotte van der Sommen

The reason that I made the background of my booklet like this is that, is like the color light sunny yellow, it is exactly the color of my room and it gives me a very free and relaxing feeling so I thought this is exactly the color I have to use for my background. Then I really liked to make some sign, and at the first grade of high school I made a sign for myself that I really like and al already use it in everything I make, so I decided to integrate it in my booklet. I decided to make the sign red because I really like that color, and together with the yellow it provides a very nice atmosphere. The booklet is in the shape of a square, I wanted to do it like this because I think it’s boring to do it just in the shape of a book. I’m someone that likes to not being or doing to difficult, just keep it simple. So I thought I just make the height and the breadth the same length. Because I liked to keep it simple I decided to now doing to difficult with all kinds of text blocks, and just type it the normal simple way.



I tried to put the pictures al that way that it wouldn’t look like a chaos. So I put them all or on the left side ore in a horizontal line over the page. And I also tried to make them a little yellow so they would fit better in the whole picture, I hope that I succeeded.

Charlotte van der Sommen

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