Fmpreport appendix

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Design for Energy Awareness Final Master Report

Charlotte van der Sommen January 2018

Coach Caroline Hummels Approver Carl Megens

Final Master Project Report

Project Report Final Master Project

C.J.D. van der Sommen, BSc s109229 - 0743683 M2.2 Student Eindhoven University of Technology Department of Industrial Design Laplace 32 5612 AA Eindhoven The Netherlands Coach Assessor

Caroline Hummels Carl Megens

All rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording, photocopying or otherwise without the expressed written permission of Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). Copyright, 2018

“There’s one issue that will define the contours of this century more dramatically than any other, and that is the urgent threat of climate change” Barack Obama As human beings, we are vulnerable to confusing the unprecedented with the improbable. In our everyday experience, if something has never happened before, we are generally safe in assuming it is not going to happen in the future, but the exceptions can kill you and climate change is one of those exceptions. Al Gore “Wanneer we geen actie ondernemen zullen onze kinderen geroosterd, getoast, gefrituurd en gegrild worden” Mark Rutte Can design be used to ease the first steps in our battle against climate change?


Index Pre-phase




Chapter 1 - Introduction


Chapter 2 - Design Challenge


Chapter 3 - Design Process


Chapter 4 - Final Concept


Chapter 5 - Future








Background Connection with Vision Energy Transition Report Structure

Design Objectives Context Partners & Stakeholders Approach & Goals

Methods Bit of Energy Iteration 1 Iteration 2 Iteration 3 Iteration 4

Concept Customer Journey Design Behavioural Change Application Building Technology Field test Business Benchmark Business Proposition Business Model Canvas Expert Involvement & Evaluation Conclusions Discussion Remaining Questions Recommendations Future Plans

6 7 8 9

12 13 14 15

18 19 23 25 27 32

38 39 41 45 47 50 51 53 57 57 61 63 65 67 68 70 71 72

Pre-phase In this paragraph a background in the energy problem is sketched.

Energy Problems

Climate Profits By working towards a less CO2 emitting global society, we can lower the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere, which will decrease the greenhouse effect, and therefore will have a smaller impact of global warming and less rise in PH-levels of the ocean. By lowering the CO2 emissions, humanity will cause less problems for many animal and plant species and plants sorts.

Human need for energy creates many environmental and social challenges, like unmet energy demand in developing countries due to commercially traded energy, overuse of primary energy sources [1], and our increasing energy demand make our future very insecure [1]. Additionally, the extensive emission of carbon dioxide results in the greenhouse effect that causes climate change [1]. It is a big challenge to handle these problems in a sustainable way. Although there are many alternatives, over 85% of the energy use in the world is generated by fossil fuels [2]. Even though Donald Trump doesn’t believe in the human share in causing climate change, over 95% or all scientist have proven that the climate change issues are caused by humans [3]. Climate Issue The extensive use of fossil energy has a lot of influence on climate change, for example: - Solar activity and temperature show opposite trends in recent decades, the past 30 years is likely the warmest in eight centuries, this causes droughts that will be fatal for a lot of animal species. [4][5] - Humans have added 2,000 Giga tons of CO2 to atmosphere since 1870, and 40% has stayed there. And the Levels of CO2 haven’t been this high (>400 ppm) since before humans existed. The sort of isotopes of CO2 that are found in the atmosphere, show that they are caused by humans and not by natural phenomena. [23][24][25]. - Oceans absorb 90% of Earth’s heat. During the summer, the sea ice levels have decreased 40% since 1978. Melting sea ice increases heat absorbed by oceans, which causes a feed-forward cycle. Also due to the high CO2 levels in the air, the CO2 level rises in the ocean as well. This makes the water more acidic and as the PH-value rises, it


Pre -phase

becomes more dangerous for many species to live in the ocean [26][27][28].

Societal Issues As you can read under the title “Climate Issue”, the extensive use of coal, oil and gas releases extreme amounts of CO2 in the air which causes Climate Change [1]. This climate change can have huge consequences for instance floods and droughts, like the one happening in Africa right now. The consequences of climate change can create big social issues, like climate refugees, scarcity of food and the increase of sickness [19]. These societal issues bring with them a lot of health and economical issues.

Current Movement Since the climate change conference in Paris of November 2015, the energy problem became a more spread problem that was adopted by 195 countries around the world [20]. The three main goals agreed upon are: “Holding the increase in the global average temperature to well below 2°C”, “Increasing the ability to adapt to the adverse impacts of climate change” and “Making finance flows consistent with a path way towards low greenhouse gas emissions and climate- resilient development” [21]. This agreement is the first step in the right direction, but the goals still are very vague and general. Since November 2015, many countries rewrote their climate policies and so did the Netherlands [22]. Unfortunately, still many people don’t believe in climate change, for example: Donald Trump (the president of the United States), who withdrew the US from the Paris Agreement [20]. Luckily a lot of other powerful people are lobbying

for climate change [30]. Climate change is an extremely complex problem that needs to be understood, in order to create change in a positive direction. Even though it might go faster with help of the political and business world, they are in their own ways busy with dealing with the energy transition.

What Design can do According to the Dutch Central Bureau for statistics, there are currently about 7.8 million household in the Netherlands [55]. From these household about 880.000 households have a smart thermostat, in other words an interface for the smart energy meter, which is about 11.3% [56]. That leaves about 89% of the households without a rich insight in their energy consumption. How can you expect people to understand what they can change in their behaviour if they can’t even understand fully what they are doing wrong. Here design can step in, and can create the bridge between the complex data, the business aspect of the energy transition, the politics and the end user. In this report you can read about one solution for this societal problem which is Juul.

Energy Awareness Being energy aware means that you know how much energy you consume and what you can do about that. Once you are aware is that you feel in control over your own energy consumption. In order to create the right depth of awareness in order to feel in control, it is necessary to have insight in your consumption data as detailed as possible. Also it is important that you understand what actions you can take to transform your behaviour, in order to be in control. This way design for energy awareness will be used as a tool to create behavioural change. In this report you can read all about the development of Juul. A product that aims to create the right depth of energy awareness.

Design for Energy Awareness FMP - Charlotte van der Sommen



Abstract Author Keywords

Energy transition design; Interaction design; Environmental design; Energy awareness; Energy use; Households; Trigger Tool; Juul.

Abstract Energy consumption increases every year while the primary energy sources decrease rapidly, which results in many social and cultural issues [2]. Something has to be done to accelerate the transition towards sustainable energy. Increasing the energy efficiency within households is a great way to start [8]. The design of Juul (see picture 1), a tool to trigger energy efficiency, is the result of the Final Master Project at the Eindhoven University of Technology department of Industrial Design. The graduation project was titled: ‘ Design for Energy Awareness’. This report describes the design process of the Juul tool. Juul is developed to create awareness about the personal energy consumption of households, and to motivate behavioural change concerning energy consumption. The end goal is to make households more energy efficient.

Juul is a small object that can be placed between a socket and a power plug which provides insight in the energy consumption of the household at a glance. By the help of an LED interface the user will be able to learn about the energy consumption of the attached device, the household itself and the consumption of the device compared to the household at that moment in time. Juul is connected to an application that provides more detailed insight in the energy consumption of the device and the household, and supports the building of an personal energy profile for the household. The application is able to provide feedback on the sustainability level of the homeappliances and can provide tips and suggestions to become more sustainable. Juul is designed for unaware energy users and will be effective for only a few weeks. Therefore Juul is a circular product that will be handed out for free by different possible stakeholders and handed back in after she has been used.

Design for Energy Awareness FMP - Charlotte van der Sommen


Chapter 1 Introduction Page 6 to 9 This document describes the final design and the process of my Final Master Project at the faculty of Industrial Design, Eindhoven University of Technology, titled “Design for Energy Awareness�. The project has run from February 2017 until January 2018.

BeB (Buurt en Besparen)

Background This document describes my Final Master Project (FMP), that is executed at the faculty of Industrial Design in Eindhoven, and is titled: “Design for Energy Awareness”. Why this FMP For me it is very important to feel passionate about the things I do. During my Final Bachelor Project, I did my first energy project which was called BeB (Buurt en Besparen) [29]. BeB is a two-week tool for children and their parents to learn about their energy consumption and to get encouraged to start saving energy. BeB compares the consumption data of different households in the neighbourhood, and therefore makes the project a competitive game for the users. BeB also was also my first experience with a real client, and has shown me what gives me passion within a design project. It is important to me that my designs can have societal impact. And within the big societal challenge of the energy transition, a lot of impact can be made by the help of design. BeB also it gave me insight in the fact that I is very important to me, to work together with a client or experts from the field since it makes a project so much more relevant.

So BeB indicated to me what is important within my designs: working in a real context, building prototypes, design for behavioural change, design to create awareness and designing for a societal problem. Since BeB I did two more projects within the energy and awareness field: “Techtonia” [29] and “Bit of Energy” (see page 19). These projects only made me more convinced about my interest for designing for energy awareness. All these previous projects had a focus on children. Therefore I decided to put my focus on adults for my FMP. Tracks and expertise areas The track I following during this FMP is the “Design Leadership and Entrepreneurship” (DLE) track. I chose this track because of my passion for developing a market ready project, my adventurous character, and my strive for creating products that will be used by real people, and not just as a research tool. The two expertise areas that will have a focus during this project are: “Business & Entrepreneurship” and “User & Society”. This first semester the main focus of the project was on “User & Society” by creating a clear researched context for the project. During the second semester the focus was more on “Business & Entrepreneurship” since a business model was developed in collaboration with many experts from the energy and business field.


Interaction with a smart thermostat

Connection with Vision In the previous paragraph “Background� (page 6), you can read how my passion for designing for the societal challenge of the energy transition arose from previous projects. The knowledge I gained from those projects together constructed the following vision.

Vision I design to make the complex societal problem of the energy transition easier to grasp by the bigger public. I do this by creating awareness about personal energy consumption, and by motivating a shift in perspective by empowering energy users. By engaging with my designs I want to offer the user a playful and insightful experience that empowers them to make the right choices for them and for society, concerning the transition towards an energy neutral society.


Chapter 1


This vision has been the cornerstone of the project and has been the motivation for many choices that have been made during the process. You can read more about these specific choices in Chapter 3 - Design Process and Chapter 4 - Final Concept.

Energy Transition

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. sociis natoque HumanAenean need formassa. energy Cum creates many envipenatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, ronmental and societal challenges, like unmet nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam due felis,to energy demand in developing countries ultricies nec, traded pellentesque eu, pretium quis, commercially energy, overuse of primary energy sources [1], and our increasing energy sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. demand makejusto, our future veryvel, insecure [1].nec, Donec pede fringilla aliquet Additionally, the extensive emission of carbon vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus dioxide results a, in venenatis the greenhouse ut, imperdiet vitae,effect justo.that Nulcauses climate change [1]. It is a big challenge lam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium.

to handle these problems in a sustainable way. Although there are many alternatives, over 85% Etiam rhoncus. tempus, tellusby of the energy useMaecenas in the world is generated eget rhoncus, semand quam fossil condimentum fuels [2]. According to Pacala Socolow semper libero, sit amet adipiscing [15], increasing energy efficiency and sem decreasneque sed ipsum. Nam quam nunc, ing activities that consume energy may blanbe the dit vel, luctus hendrerit id, lorem. cheapest optionpulvinar, to stabilize the climate problem. Another possibility to transfer ourtemconMaecenas nec odio et isante tincidunt sumption pattern from fossil fuels to sustainable pus. Donec vitae sapien ut libero venenatis energy sources. In short: an energy faucibus. Nullam quis ante. Etiamtransition sit ametis necessary. orci eget eros faucibus tincidunt. Duis leo.

Sed fringilla mauris sit amet nibh. Donec Our society is currently taking its first steps sodales sagittis magna. Sed consequat, leo into an energy transition. This transition is eget bibendum cursus the fourth energysodales, transitionaugue in thevelit history of nunc, quis gravida magna mi a libero. Fusce energy use by humanity. It started thousands vulputate Vestibulum of years agoeleifend with thesapien. discovery of fire, andpurus the quam, scelerisque ut,wood mollis nonummy application of fire and to sed, transfer heat. id, metus. Nullam accumsan lorem inis dui. This basic form of energy consumption still used in many third world countries. About three Cras ultricies mi eu turpis hendrerit fringilla. thousand years agoipsum the application coal as Vestibulum ante primis in of faucibus energy fuel was discovered, but itcubilia took until the orci luctus et ultrices posuere Curae; seventeenth before society was ready In ac dui quiscentury mi consectetuer lacinia.

to transition to coal, since wood was getting scarce. This transition actuated the industrial Nam pretium turpis et arcu. Duis arcu tortor, revolution [17]. At the end of the 19th century suscipit eget, imperdietgrew nec,which imperdiet the energy consumption gave oil iaculis, ipsum. aliquam ultrices mauris. as energy fuel a Sed chance to grow in the market. Integer anteitarcu, accumsan consectetuer Even though was much more a, expensive than eget, posuere ut, mauris. Praesent adipicoal, the liquid form of oil made it easier and scing. Phasellus ullamcorper ipsum rutrumof cheaper to transport. By the rising popularity

nunc. Nunc nonummy metus. Vestibulum volutpat pretium libero. Cras id dui. Aenean ut eros et nisl sagittis vestibulum. Nullam

oil many different applications were discovered, like plastics and asphalt. Natural gas emerged twenty years later after the oil consumption rise. Around the 1950’s nuclear power was discovered and seen as a more efficient and cleannulla ultricies amet, nonummy id, er wayeros, to gain energysit [17]. Nuclear power and natural gas feugiat, only filledpede. the gap growing energy imperdiet Sedoflectus. Donec demand. Around the 1990’s our current and in mollis hendrerit risus. Phasellus nec sem fourthpellentesque energy transition arose.Etiam It wasimperdiet actuated justo facilisis. by the discovery of the greenhouse effect, the imperdiet orci. Nunc nec neque. Phasellus exhaustion of fossil non, fuels and the et, invention of leo dolor, tempus auctor hendrerit sustainable energy solutions, like wind turbines quis, nisi. and solar panels.

Sed ipsum, egestas Thereaugue are a lot of factors thatnec, playvestibulum a role in such et, malesuada adipiscing, dui. Vestibulum an energy transition. And since our current globfacilisis, purus nec pulvinar iaculis, ligula mi al energy consumption has big consequences for congue nunc, euismod ligula urnatransiin our planet, it is vitae important that our fourth tion willMauris flow more fluently fermentum and faster than the dolor. sollicitudin libeprevious ones. The biggest factors that influence ro. Praesent nonummy mi in odio. Nunc the energylacus transition are: Technological innovainterdum sit amet orci. Vestibulum tions that create new possibilities in the rutrum, mi nec elementum vehicula, field eros of energy consumption, Politics with their rules, quam gravida nisl, id fringilla neque ante vel regulations, rewards and punishments, (carrot mi. Morbi mollis tellus ac sapien. Phasellus and stick approaches [14]), Geopolitics and our volutpat, metus eget egestas mollis, lacus reliance on other countries for energy, Economy lacus blandit id egestas quam mauris and the prices dui, of consumption possibilities for ut lacus.Media, Fuscepapers, vel Sed and in libero nibh energy, socialut media placerat faucibus arcu quis in the wayaccumsan. they informProin society about current ante. consectetuer turpis velit. trendsIn and innovations and theut way theyNulla influ-sit ence the in their opinions, in the amet est.society Praesent metus tellus,Schools elementum waysemper they educate society about sustainable eu, a, adipiscing nec, purus. Crasenrisergy and finally Society itself, and how they deal us ipsum, faucibus ut, ullamcorper id, varius withleo. theSuspendisse information that is provide by all these ac, feugiat. Suspendisse factors named before. Our very energy dependenim turpis, dictum sed, iaculis a, condied societies puts a lot of power in the hands of mentum nec, nisi. Praesent nec nisl a purus the countries that own fossil fuel sources. blandit viverra. Praesent ac massa at ligula laoreet nequetransition dolor, sagittis In order iaculis. to makeNulla this energy more flueget, iaculis molestieofnon, velit.concernent and faster,quis, the mind-set civilians ing the energy consumption needs to change. To

Cras risus ipsum, faucibus ullamcorpdo this, all the factors namedut, above need to be taken to account when coming upfeugiat. with possier id, in varius ac, leo. Suspendisse ble solutions to create this shift. Design play Suspendisse enim turpis, dictum sed,can iaculis aa,role in this energy transition by using innovacondimentum nec, nisi. Praesent nec nisl and attractive ways toPraesent make thisac complex ative purus blandit viverra. massa at ligula laoreet iaculis. Nulla neque dolor, sagittis eget, iaculis quis, molestie non, velit.

Design for Energy Awareness FMP - Charlotte van der Sommen


Report Structure In this report,the motivation for starting this project is first explained, followed by the meaning and magnitude of the energy transition, and the vision on using design to ease this transition in Chapter 1 - Introduction. In Chapter 2 - Design Challenge, describes the challenge that was set at the beginning of the project, and the objectives, context, stakeholders, partners and approach that arose around this challenge. Then you can read about the design methods and design activities that have leaded to the final product in Chapter 3 - Design process. In Chapter 4 - Final Concept, you find all the information on the final product of Juul, including the business perspective of the concept. Finally you can read about the remaining questions, recommendations and future steps in Chapter 5 - Future. In Chapter 2 - Context and Chapter - 3 Iteration 4, you can read about the context shift that place halfway the project. The report is written from a scientific, third person perspective. However, the project has been executed by one design student in a collaboration with various energy, business and design experts. When referring to the user’s perspective directly, the male forms ‘he, his and himself’ will be used in this report. This does not imply that the user can only be male, it is used to make the text more comprehensible.


Chapter 1


Design for Energy Awareness FMP - Charlotte van der Sommen


Chapter 2 Design Challenge Page 12 to 16 In this chapter the Design Questions, Objectives, Design Context, Partners and Stakeholders are explained, who together shaped the scope of this Final Master Project. Also we will elaborate on the approach that was taken in this design process and the goals that were set to frame the process. You can find information about the benchmark of the project in Chapter 4 - Business - Benchmark (page 57).

Design Objectives Proposal For this FMP, a communication tool will be designed that fits the requirements listed in figure 1. The tool is going to support the communication around energy policy from the points of view of different stakeholders within the energy field. At the same time, it will teach the different stakeholders, such as: farmers, residents, factories, government, energy companies etc., what they can do for a more sustainable energy future and how they should change their attitude towards become more sustainable. The “Theory of Planned Behaviour� [10] and the design principle of Oinas-Kukkonen [11] are going to be used as a framework to make the concept steer towards a behavioural change. The communication tool should be built around three themes. These themes indicate in a broad, the sense different perspective of the energy problem. You can read more about the design proposal for this project in Appendix B. Policy determination The users of the communication tool will use the tool to come in accordance about their shared energy policy. They will use the tool to determine what they think is important. For example, whether they prefer to exhaust a primary energy source before starting to invest in sustainable energy sources, or whether

they would choose to close a primary energy plant as soon as possible and start investing in sustainable energy right away. Economic aspect Saving energy can have big economical consequences. Most of them are positive since sustainable energy sources are, on the long run, often cheaper than primary energy sources, and becoming more energy efficient will (eventually) save you money. The communication tool will support discussion about the economical aspect of saving energy. For example, whether the user prefers to invest money in long-term solution or in short-term solutions, and what effects that will have of society and nature. Social aspects The extensive use of coal, oil and gas releases extreme amount of CO2 in the air, which causes Climate Change [1]. The consequences of climate change can create big social issues, that have to be taken into account within the communication tool. Also the communication tool should be focusing on providing social pleasant and challenging discussions and conversations in which every person feels room to participate. You can read more about the proposal in Appendix B. Eventually The scope of this proposal turned out to be to broad, and a more specific direction was chosen still based on the same design objectives. You can read more detailed about this decision to change the focus in Chapter 3 Design Process - Iteration 4 (page 32).

Figure 1. The design objectives


Context How can design be used to help win the battle against climate change? This broad question is the motivation for this project. During the first half of the project, the context for answering this question has been very broad as well. The focus has been on the mid-point of the conversation between politics, economics and society, with the goal to make this conversation easier and more insightful, in order to empower all three parties in their decision making process concerning the energy transition. In this scenario, the context would be created by the designer herself by bringing these three parties together. In the second half of the project, a shift in perspective and context took place. Instead of focussing on a top-down visionary opinion construction process with three stakeholders, the decision was made to put the focus just on society and approach people in a more bottomup way. From here onwards, the context of the concept became the households of unaware energy users. In Chapter 3 - Design Process Iteration 4 (page 32) you can read more about the shift in perspective within this project.

Figure 2. Halfway shift in perspective, context and approach.



Tool Economics




Chapter 2

Design Challenge

Society (households) Economics Politics Bottom-Up

Partners & Stakeholders Within the first half of the project there was a partnership with various people within the politics of Provincie Noord Brabant (see figure 7 on page 27). John van Zuijlen from Regio Noord Oost Brabant was the client and therefore a stakeholder during the first half of the project. During a switch in the project about which you can read more in Chapter 3 - Design Process - Iteration 4 (page 32), it was decided to focus more on society, and more specifically households, instead of on politics. Therefore, the stakeholders for this project changed, as well as the partnerships.

The named stakeholders apart from the households are based on the different possible business approaches. You can read more about the value of these stakeholders in Chapter 4 Final Concept - Business Model Canvas (page 61). During the second half of this project partnerships have been started with the following companies (see Expert evaluation page 65): Enpuls Eneco Media Markt Buurkracht

Frank van Rossum (Explorer) Michael van Hulst (Manager) Jeroen Hol (Innovation Manager) Djoera Eerland (Research Marketer)

With all four of these parties an introduction meeting has taken place in which the Juul concept has been evaluated. You can read more about these meetings in Chapter 4 - Final Concept - Expert Involvement & Evaluation (page 57).

From this point, the main stakeholders of the project are households of unaware energy users, who are also the targeted users for this project. Other stakeholders can be found in: - Energy companies (for example Eneco) Juul could be distributed for free together with an energy contract. - Companies who focus on sustainable energy (for example Enpuls and Buurkracht) Juul could be used within social sustainability projects and could handed out temporarily to the users within these projects. - Technology suppliers (for example the Media Markt) Juul could be a binding tool to hand out to potential customers. - Corporations that have an interest in the energy transition (for example Woonbedrijf) Juul could be used within social sustainability projects and could handed out temporarily to the renters in provide them with insight about their personal energy profile. - Companies who want to convey their vision on sustainability Juul could be a business or christmas present to hand out to business relations and employees.

Design for Energy Awareness FMP - Charlotte van der Sommen


Approach & Goals The energy transition and climate problem is very complex. The majority of the first semester has been used to get a grip on what exactly influences climate change hand why an energy transition is necessary. Also a lot of time has been spent on finding a context in which design can mean something for this big societal issue. And the current position of the Dutch politics within this energy transition has been researched. So the top-down perspective of the energy transition has become clear.

The product should be relevant in a way that it fits to a current societal problem and possible trend. Which is the energy transition. Over the scope of the past year this project has only become more relevant.

Create a realistic product The product should be a complete story including the business aspect in order to make it a realistic product with market potential.

Create a product for which Charlotte can be passionate See “Introduction background”.

Create a product that provided possible future job opportunities

The second semester started with bottom-up designing for the residents that will have to deal with this energy transition. The main activities during the second semester were building, field testing and validating.

By using this project to create a network in the field of Charlotte’s interest “Design for Energy Awareness” I becomes much easier to find a job in this direction after graduating. It might also be possible to use this final master project to start a company.

At the beginning of the project 8 goals were constructed, see figure 4 page 23.

After the first half year, two extra goals were constructed:

Goals: Design for Energy Awareness See “vision” (page 7)

Design for Behavioural Change It is very difficult to create behavioural change and even more difficult to prove that you caused change with your product. Though the end goals is that the awareness people gain by using the product results in a behavioural change.

Create a playful product from experience in previous projects Charlotte learned that playfulness is a great tool to motivate people to get out of their comfort zone.

Create impact with the product Creating change in the attitude of people concerning their energy use is the first step in creating impact concerning the energy problem. The amount of impact depends on the scale of adaptation of the product.


Create a relevant product

Chapter 2

Design Challenge

Do a field test, based on the Hidden-Design principles [31]: This field test has happened, although a different approach and method were chosen , see Chapter 4 - Final Concept - Field test (page 53). Evaluate the social relevance and business potential of the concept with experts from the field. see Chapter 4 - Final Concept - Expert Involvement & Evaluation (page 65).

Design for Energy Awareness FMP - Charlotte van der Sommen


Chapter 3 Design Process Page 18 to 36 This chapter demonstrates the different steps, phases and iterations of the iterative design process. In each sub-chapter, you will find a brief introduction of the design phase or activities, followed by an explanation of the activity supported with evidence and findings. At the end of each sub-chapter, there is a short conclusion on what was gained from that phase. These conclusions have formed the starting point for the next design phase and eventually the final concept.

Methods Within the design process various methods are used to create and develop the concept. For the process the “Reflective Transformative Design Process” [32] has been used. After every step within the design process, these has been reflected and evaluated on the further course of the concept development. You can read about the considerations that have shaped the concept of Juul in chapter 3 and 4.

Idea Generation: Brainstorming Simple brainstorm techniques like creating mind-maps on big sheets of paper and using post-its to make sense of complex structures are used for brainstorming within the four iterations (page 23, 25. 27, 32). Sketching Very basic sketching is used to visualise and further develop concepts within the four iterations (page 23, 25. 27, 32). 3D Modeling 3D modeling is a great skill to visualize a concept in a more realistic way then sketching and develop the shape and interaction shaping this 3D model. This tool has been mainly used within iteration 4 (page 32) and building (page 50)

interaction, business strategy, future steps etc. (see expert evaluation page 65)

Behavioural Change: The following model and framework have been used to elaborate on the designed change within the final concept of Juul (see page 45). - Trans-Theoretical Model - Persuasive principles framework by R. Cialdini

Testing/Validation: The following methods are used to test assumptions and to creating founding for next steps in the development process. - Usability test - AttrackDiff (see iteration 4 page 32) - Online questionnaire (see iteration 4 page 32) - Field testing (see page 53) - Expert analysis (see page 65)

Idea Documentation: Business model Canvas The business model canvas is used to document the business strategy of Juul (see page 61). Customer’s JourneyA customers’ journey is used to document the steps and considerations the customer goes through, when interacting with Juul (see page 39).

Decision making: Co-reflection Within the third and the fourth iterations, coreflection session were used to decide what next steps to take (pages 27, 32). Feedback sessions When the project wasn’t flowing fluently feedback sessions were used to decide what the next step should be, this is used during iteration 4 (page 24) Expert analysis: The final development step for Juul has been after four expert evaluation meetings took place, where experts gave feedback on the


Bit of Energy During the development of Juul, Charlotte has been working simultaneously on the development of Bit of Energy. Bit of Energy is a start-up that she started during the summer of 2016 together with two fellow students: Veerle Wijshoff and Jochem Franse.

Bit of Energy Bit of Energy is an interactive educational game for children and families. It uses augmented reality between a tangible energy measuring device and a game of the world of crocky. In this game the children go on an adventure to discover what energy is and how to reduce energy consumption while they are learning about the effects of too much energy consumption. Crocky Crocky is an energy clamp in the shape of a crocodile head. The jaw of the crocodile head can open to clamp the mouth of the crocodile around a power cable. On top of the jaw a led


Chapter 3

Design Process

interface provides insight in the amount of energy that flows through the cable. For the Dutch Design week, the team created a MVP (Minimum Viable Product) of Crocky in order to test the interaction. This MVP is a minimum viable product because it looks like a finalised product, but the technological part is simulated with the help of an wizard of oz [1] setup. By making this MVP, the team was able to test the interaction with the bigger public. Crocky was a success little children and adults that were visiting the Dutch Design Week. The main reason we have to simulate the technology, is because the technology needed for Crocky isn’t available yet. Therefore we had to work around the issue. It isn’t possible yet to measure current over an normal cable, but if you split the plus and minus cable it is possible. For the Dutch Design week a setting was made in which people could use crocky to measure over a single cable instead of a normal cable. See figure 3. For the MVP also a prototype of the game was designed, in order to test the complete interaction with the Bit of Energy concept. This game was developed together with our partner HULAN, who is a game developer. The game showed a possible first level in which Crocky

is introduced and a first challenge is provided. You can read more about the game in the next paragraph. In order to further develop the prototype it is now important to develop the technology needed to measure the current. The first step will be to team up with two partners: Van Mierlo Ingenieursbureau B.V. and Vention, in order to create a working sensor. Game interactive, narrative game: the game mechanics The goal of the game is twofold; On the first place the game should be educational and on the second place the game should be ‘fun’. To have a complementary balance between the two, an interactional narrative mechanics for the game is used. This means that the game is structured along a rather linear storyline, and the ‘speed’ of the narrative is driven by the interactive challenges that are build into the game. This also means that the quality of the game is heavily supported by the quality of the story. The mechanics of the game and the story are explained in this chapter. Crocky: empathic anchor The main character in the game is Crocky. Crocky functions as the empathic anchor for the children. Crocky is an highly active, positive and explorative character in that takes the form of an crocodile. This is shown in both is character, his aesthetics and his hero’s journey. These are all in line with the brand of bit of energy as a whole. Crocky is also at the core of the journey because he has the power to measure the current that flows through a cable. This is where the link with the challenges and with the physical Crocky lies.

The machine: solvable problem The main character is exploring his world, by doing this he encounters a broken machine. Fixing this machine is at the core of the challenge of the game. By fixing the machine the world of crocky can be saved, how this can be done is explained in narrative guides. At the start of the game the machine is displaying an error, and the children cannot gather a lot of insights from the display of the machine. As the game evolves, and the machine gets fixed bit by bit, the display is sharing more and more information about the energy use in the house of the children. Cables and Islands: narration guides The machine is linked to a multitude of cables. By following these the children find out that the world of Crocky exists of different islands, all inhabited by different animals that deal with different appliances in the home environment and different educational lessons. This way both the narrative and the challenges are structured. The cables also present the core of the challenges. These cables seem to be broken, so Crocky (the child) is challenged with measuring the ‘real world’ appliances to fix the cable in the specific island for the specific animal on that island. Loe the owl: reward system To help the children in the flow of the narrative, there is a reward system when doing the challenges, next to the reward of fixing the cables on the island. This reward system is also at the start of the educational part of the game. After the introductory chapters of the game, Croky is guided by the cables to the first island. Here he finds Loe. Loe is an owl, who vlogs about how current works. But he has a problem, his television broke down, and now he

Figure 3. Technology Simulation

Design for Energy Awareness FMP - Charlotte van der Sommen


cannot do this anymore. Here the first challenge is introduced; children need to measure the current used by their own television to fix the television. When this is done, the children are rewarded with an educational video, presented by Loe. This way they are introduced to the structure of challenge-reward that will be used throughout the game. The accomplishments of these rewards are collected on the display of the machine, as the machine will be fixed bit by bit when challenges are done. Schaduw: reward push To make sure that the game is picked up every now and then, a secret villain is introduced. This character is scarily absent throughout the game. His name is ‘Schaduw’, Dutch for shadow, and this is also how he is visually represented throughout the game. He leaves a trail of trash and used batteries, and he seems to break the fixed cables. This way there is some sense of urgency created in the gameplay. depth in challenges: The animal kingdom In every chapter Crocky explores a new island, which means he is exploring a new topic in household power consumption and there is a


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new challenge for a new household appliance. To create some depth in both storyline and educational value, every island contains a new ecosystem. This ecosystem exist of a specific animal that is thematically linked to the educational part of the story and the challenge that is part of that chapter. This is also how the novice level of the educational videos is structured. atmospheric improvements Besides the in depth challenges and measurements there are atmospheric measurements. These are challenges that are done at the machine. These challenges show the overall effects of the earlier chapters and show the progress throughout the game.

Concept development The concept of Bit of Energy started off as an educational toolkit for schools. After conversations with various business experts that were spoken with during the Smart Design to Market program, there was decided to focus on the consumers market. The market for school education would be very difficult to reach and not very profitable. The concept was changed

from a board game with Crocky’s to a game application with one Crocky.

Value Proposition Bit of Energy makes its own market, which is a combination of the market for family games, educational games for at home, for the sustainable energy products and for IoT products. What makes Bit of Energy special is that we combine these four markets. Bit of Energy makes a family game, educational. It makes households more sustainable and not only involve children in this process, but let them lead it. Bit of energy persuades families into action concerning their energy consumption, it teaches children about energy in a playful and engaging way in order to make them the energy experts. And last but not least, it transforms energy into a rateable value. For a more elaborate look into the business proposal of Bit of Energy see Appendix W.

Influence of Bit of Energy on Juul Due to the parallel development of both projects, Bit of Energy has had some influence on the development of Juul. Dutch Design Week During the Dutch Design Week Bit of Energy was presented for the bigger public. During conversations with visitors, Charlotte learned that also adults would like to have a similar tool to Crocky, and that such a tool would be the perfect relation gift for companies. This was one of the triggers to start designing a consumers product aimed at adults. These insights also leaver that trail on the business strategy. Technological building - For the Dutch Design Week, a MVP (Minimum Viable Product had to be build. The 50% of the technology that has been used for the MVP, is also used for Juul. Network contacts - Because the development of Bit of Energy is a little further than the development of Juul, Charlotte already gained a lot of contacts within the energy world. This helped her a lot in arranging the expert meetings.

Business insights During the past year Charlotte has been participating in a trajectory to launch your smart product to the market, with Bit of Energy. Within this trajectory, Charlotte was able to talk with experts in many different parts of the project to market process. Here she gained a lot of insights that helped her within the business development of Juul, like in how to contact and talk to partners, how to select the information you communicate based on the partner, how to pivot your project to improve the business model etc. Design skills For Crocky, detailed 3D models, technology and mechanics had to be developed. Also the 3D models had to fit the technology and mechanics. Within the Bit of Energy team, Charlotte is in charge of the building process. She developed a lot of skills in building electronics, building mechanisms, and building detailed 3D models for the 3D printer. This helped her in a lot in her prototyping phase for Juul. Product-line extension Bit of Energy is a company that develops a product for young families with the goal of making these young families energy aware. This same goal applies on Juul, except for the fact that Juul is aimed at adults. After this graduation, these two concepts could possible be parallel developed underneath the same company name, with the idea of creating two product lines (see future steps page 72).

Design for Energy Awareness FMP - Charlotte van der Sommen


Iteration 1

Figure 4. Project goals


Orientation The United Nations has three interesting Sustainable Development goals:
7- Affordable & Clean Energy,
9- Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure and 13- Climate Change. All the energy focused points comes to: Affordable energy, Renewable energy, Clean energy and Accessible energy [22].

Additionally, the provice of Noord-Brabant has a clear energy goal which is: 14% sustainable energy in 2020 and 100% sustainable energy in 2050. They will do this by innovating the following sectors: smart mobility, buildings, energy neutral industry, energetic landscapes and energy farming[ 8].

The important energy focus points for the European Union are: International Climate Policies, Emission Trading, Renewable Energy, Adaptation, Energy Efficiency and EU Climate Policies [6].

These energy policies will be used within the further development of the FMP.

The focus points of The Netherlands are: Only +1.5 C global warming, Increase resistance energy problems worldwide, More Forests and Increase access to Renewable Energy. Actions will be assigned do the following sectors: public sector, private sector and others, for instance scientific developers, lobby groups and opinion leaders [7]


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Three directions where constructed after doing the orientation and looking at my personal interests and inspiration. Eventually the third direction was chosen based on the fact that it was the most realistic direction and I felt most passionate about it. Though the direction has changed a little bit. You can read about the final direction when you go to ‘Project’.

Product Footprint Create a design that helps customers to get insight in the footprint of the products they buy from big companies like Unilever, Hema, Albert Heijn, Ikea, etc. It should give insight into the water consumption, the energy consumption, transportation, the use of toxic or rare materials and the impact created by recycling the product etc. This will make it easier for consumers to choose the right products. The main challenge is: How can I make this interesting for a company, how can I make this interesting for a customer, over a longer period of time and in what way could it be a tangible product?

Design for Energy-Poor People Energy-poor people are people that are forced to use primary energy sources to heating because they are not connected to the electricity net or can’t pay their electricity [9]. Can I create a small electrical infra-structure, and can I create a social happening around that? The main challenges are: Were to start? Where can I find these people and how do I get in touch with them? And what then? I already searched for projects that do similar things so I could use that to get in, but it is very difficult to find something concrete.

Communication Tool for Energy Strategies (figure 5) Create a game that teaches policymakers but also residents, farmers, people from energy companies etc. about sustainable energy consumption. Help them build their own sustainable municipality and to understand different perspectives of this complex problem. The goal of the game would be to create the most balanced municipality with the least pollution and most profit. So the people will have to consider economical, political and social aspects of the problem and come to a solution together.

Evaluation The first three ideas that were produced during the first iterations are still very superficial. They describe more an overall direction to go in for the project. Eventually the third concept “Communication tool for energy strategy� is chosen to work further on, with the side note that the concept will eventually not be a game, it will just might have some playful elements. In order to become more concrete choices need to be made concerning the context, the client and the design constraints, this will be a challenging step for the second iteration. The direction of a communication tool for energy strategy will be the starting point for the second iteration.

Figure 5. First iteration of the game tools




Government Industry Public buildings Households etc.

Windmills Solar pannels coalplants gasplants oil plants etc.

Money + Polution -

With timelines Bank - Provider of the tools Board - Landscape (municipalities) Cards - Assignments for the players

Design for Energy Awareness FMP - Charlotte van der Sommen


Iteration 2 This iteration happened directly after the proposal approval. At this point in time it wasn’t clear yet who the client would be, although the goal was to work together with the municipality of Altena. This municipality is a merge of the three municipalities of Aalburg, Werkendam and Woudrichem, and they were looking for an experiment and experience in a living- Lab setting that is about renewable energy, learning by doing, exchanging knowledge and facilitating networking by also involving the residents. For this iteration it was important to make concrete choices concerning the client, the context of the project and the design constraints. The municipality was chosen as client for this iteration even though no clear communication had taken place. You can find the design constraints that were formulated during this iteration on the last page of Appendix B. Finally as contact was chosen the take the neighbourhoods.

Ideas Various fast ideas where generated during a brainstorm session of which you can find the drawings in figure 6. As said above, the context for the ideas is the neighbourhoods of these three merging municipalities. Here are short descriptions of the different generated ideas: - Visualise the energy consumptions of the different houses on the street in front of their house. - Create icons around lamp posts that give insights in the energy consumption of a street. - Make all the neighbourhoods into a sustainable energy area, using paint on the streets and sign boards. Create a central spot for the residents to come together and learn together about


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energy. - Sustainability token-board in the middle of the neighbourhood where you can scan yourself with your token/phone and learn more about the energy consumption of your personal household, learn together with more tokens. And compare yourself with your neighbourhood. Link this also to a online platform. - Make Energy use (KWh), sustainable energy (KWh) and waste quantity a relatable value. Compare these values with neighbours and the neighbourhood, or with people in developing countries. Make use of imaginable values: light bulbs, hours solar light etc. - Energy tree – shows the future of energy in the neighbourhood. A game setting in which residents create their own energy tree. This could be done by using your phone as pion, and could be played together with other residents in a central place in the neighbourhood. It shows that the choices you make now have effect on what happens in the future concerning energy use and climate change. Keep coming back to check in, are you doing better?, and you will receiveParticipation credits.

Evaluation These ideas were generated during a bright moment, and although they are still very superficial, they have a lot of interesting aspects in them. After the generation of these ideas, another client was found, and these ideas were set aside for a while. The interesting facets of the generated ideas were partly re-used in later iterations.

Figure 6. Drawings of the idea generation of iteration 2

Design for Energy Awareness FMP - Charlotte van der Sommen


Iteration 3 After iteration 2, a conversation with Anneth van Bruchem from the province of Noord Brabant, took place and it became clear that the municipality of Altena would not be the client. From here on, the process became a little vaguer due to the lack of clarity about the eventual client. In order to keep on track with the project various activities where executed: a few small idea generation sessions, possible client conversation, an online user-test and a co-reflection session. Additionally, knowledge was gained during an energy symposium which is called EnergyNow.

Client meetings In Appendix C you can find the minutes of all the different client conversations that took place. After the first contact was made with the municipality of Altena, the email address of Jan-Willem van Herpen was provided in order to communicate about the possible collaboration. Unfortunately, Jan-Willem wasn’t able to help the project further. But he was able Figure 7. Network created for this project


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to connect this project to someone who might be interested, namely: Anneth van Bruchem from the Province of Noord-Brabant. Anneth connected the project to three possible clients: Martijn Messing from the A16 project, Frits Raaphorst from Atelierstad Breda and John van Zuilen from the energy transition project of Regio Noord-Oost. John turned out to be very interested and after one phone conversation and a meeting, it was decided that the project would be done in collaboration with Regio Noord-Oost. Eventually, there was a third meeting with John, during which the project was invited to attend a meeting with policy makers of all the different regions of Brabant concerning energy transitions. You can see the overview of meetings in figure 7. The contacts from the A16 project and Atelierstad Breda will be contacted when the project is in a further stage, and external validation on the direction of the project is needed, for example by testing or by talking to an expert.

Provinciehuis s'Hertogenbosch After the first two conversations with John, it was concluded that the current policy making process was going alight, while the implementation of the sustainable energy solutions was a struggle [18]. See Appendix I for some examples of the struggles that exist. At this point, it was decided to focus on the policy implementation phase of the energy transition in Regio Noord-Oost Brabant, with a focus on the residents. During the third meeting together with the policy makers from other regions of Brabant it was concluded that the policy making process isn’t going as fluently as thought before. The main obstruction is the adoption of implementation plans on administrative level, as well as on residential level. It lacks an overall awareness of the energy problem and the willingness act on it, on all levels of society. This is important finding to keep in mind, when doing tests during the next step within this project.

Online User-test In order to get a feeling of the overall engagement with the energy transition of the regular citizen, a small online user-test was done. You can find the questions and results of the user-test in Appendix D and E. At first, a lot of general questions about demographic data asked to get a general idea of what kind of person answered the questionnaire. The survey also covered whether this person is involved in their energy contract, what kind of energy they have at home and if they can explain what sustainability means in their eyes. These questions were asked to get an understanding of the interest for his/ her personal energy consumption of the participant and to see whether the participant understands the principle of sustainable energy and energy transitions. After more of these kind of questions, the participant is shown a movie that explains the effects of climate change and

Design for Energy Awareness FMP - Charlotte van der Sommen


what is needed to create an energy transition. Before and after the movie, the participants are asked whether they are interested in spending time and money in making their house and neighbourhood more sustainable. These questions were asked to check whether the movie had effect on their willingness to invest money or time. The questionnaire is not scientifically based, but purely used to get an understanding of the energy involvement of the average person. At the same time most of the participants are young female students or working people. It should therefore be noted that it tells more about the energy involvement of high educated young women.

Figure 8. Co-Reflection Sessions


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The most interesting data gained from the test was that the participants where overall a little bit more willing to invest time than to invest money in making their house or neighbourhood more sustainable. And another interesting finding was that the movie had no demonstrable effect on the willingness of the participants to spend time or money on making their house or neighbourhood more sustainable.

Co-reflection sessions (Figure 8) During a moment in which the project wasn’t going very fluently, a Co-reflection session [12] was organised with two different students in order to look at the project from a different point of view. You can find the set-up and documentation of the Co-reflection session in Appendix F.

The session started with watching a movie that was specifically made to give more insight in the context of the project. You can find the text of the movie in appendix G. After the participants watched the movie, they were asked if they understood everything and they could ask all the questions they had. Then, four questions were asked, and the participants were given markers and a big sheet of paper to illustrate their stories. These are the questions that were asked: How would you start with this problem? What do you think is the best way to approach your target group? What medium would you use to communicate within the residents? and What kind of tool would you have in mind in order to help the process become more fluent? After elaborate ideation and discussion a road-map (Appendix J) was shown to the participants, which reflected a possible direction the project could go in. Many interesting feedback was gained during these Co-reflection sessions that influenced the ideas that were eventually generated.

EnergyNow During one of the last weeks of the semester knowledge was gained during the energy symposium “EnergyNow� which was organised at the University. The main gain from attending this symposium was a lot of inspiration and an overall idea of the position of energy transition in society. One very interesting speaker was Remco de Boer, an expert in the field of energy transitions, that explained what society should focus on, in order to make the energy transition more fluent. Business-cards were exchanged with Remco and he was willing have contact about this project. He will be asked for the project validation reflection at the and of the semester.

opportunities for them to save energy, sustainability projects in their neighbourhoods and possibilities to invest in big scale sustainable projects. The interest of the resident is drawn to the platform by sign-boards that hang in the street and that show real time energy data of the neighbourhood. With the use of a QR-code the residents can scan the board and go the the application (Appendix K) and visit the platform.

EnergyGeneration Energy generation is a similar concept to EnergyStreet. The difference is that EnergyGeneration attacts attention showing the sustainability goals for the upcoming years, in solar energy, wind energy, biomass energy and geothermal energy. By scanning the board the residents can see the current state and they can find out, how they can participate in reaching these goals.

Idea Generation Within the third iteration phase many different ideas were generated. Overall they are still superficial, but they describe the different directions the project could go in.

EnergyStreet This concept describes a platform within neighbourhoods that give the residents insights in their personal energy consumption,

APennyForTheFuture A plan arose to create a website with a life feed of a plant. Every time someone donates a dollar to Greenpeace the plant reflects that in its state of health. When no-one donates the plant will dy. On this website you can also find information about climate change and the energy transition. Very simple explained, and what more you can

Design for Energy Awareness FMP - Charlotte van der Sommen


do to participate in creating a better future for plants but also for men.

ReflectingStreetlights Another idea was to reflect the amount of energy use of a couple of house, or maybe just one house, in the streetlight in front of the houses. Then test how these house owners and by-passers respond on this information.

Toolbox to support Neighbourhood meetings An idea that arose during the co-reflection sessions was to address this project in a very different way, by creating a tool that would support neighbourhood conversations about energy transition. The tool would support the conversation and let every point of view come forward.

Wind Turbine 2.0 A final idea was to focus on making a nicer wind turbines, since there are lots of remarks on the appearance of current wind turbines. This direction would be more a graphic design challenge than an industrial design challenge. But it could be interesting to check what was

Figure 9. Demo-Day Exhibition


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needed for people to see the wind turbine more as a piece of art that would enrich the environment instead of an ugly object that is just there for its purpose of energy generation.

Demo-Day M2.1 At the end of the semester, the Demo-Day took place (see figure 9). You can read all the feedback that was given during the Demo-Day in Appendix H. This feedback was very constructive and helpful to create a clear and realistic planning for next semester.

Evaluation This iteration session entailed a lot of different variables. A lot of information was gained by executing the online test, the co-reflection session and by attending the EnergyNow symposium and the Demo-Day. But most valuable information came from the client meetings. The concepts that came out, are a reflection of possible next directions. For next semester all these ideas and information should be a base for testing concrete directions. For all other next steps you can read the chapter “Next Steps�.

Iteration 4 Iteration 4 took place during the first half of the second semester of this project. Within iteration 4, the final concept of Juul came together (see chapter 4 - Final Concept).

Project switch Within it the first half of the second semester, a big switch took place within the project. There was decided to focus more on society, and more specifically on households, instead of on politics. The main reason for the shift was because the conclusion of the first half of the semester. The conclusion from the expert meetings was that many people are very willing to participate within the energy transition, but when it comes to it, they don’t want an sustainable energy plant in their neighborhood (not in my backyard). Therefore it was clear that the focus need to go to these households. But

still the focus on the households was from a political point of view. The decision to change this point of view and make it a more business focused project, was made because the project got stuck. It became difficult for Charlotte to find the motivation and inspiration to go further, until she had a very valuable meeting with Philemonne Jaasma (“Expert Evaluation� page 65). Philemonne highlighted the pros and cons of working in the political field and in that way, helped Charlotte to decided to stay closer to her passion and design a business product.

Idea Generation Within iterations 4, a lot of brainstorming tool place. Simple brainstorm techniques like creating mind-maps on big sheets of paper and using post-its to make sense of complex structures were used to create and develop the concept of Juul. Also a lot of brainstorming was done on the data visualisation in the Juul tool (see Appendix Q), and on the interaction possibilities of Juul.

Design for Energy Awareness FMP - Charlotte van der Sommen


Exploration Method Let the participant understand the context of the energy consumption within households.

Application About 10 questions will be asked the participants about their personal situation, starting with a question (What was the last time‌)

Goal To get the participant imagine the context of subject in their own situation and from their own point of view.

Ideation Method Creating new ideas

Application My giving the participant the design challenge: I you could design something to make the information on your energy consumption more rich and insightful, what would it be?

Goal To get an understanding how other designers would tack and see this challenge, and to get possible new insights. To put the participant in my shoes and let them understand my context. In order to get good feedback during the confrontation phase.

Confrontation - A Method Showing the participant a sheet with different possible data visualisations based on a realistic data-set

Application Ask the participant to explain what the data tells him/her. Ask the participant what they like and not like about the visualisations and why.

Goal To get qualitative feedback on my visualisations, in order to make a decision on which one to choose.

Confrontation - B Method



Acting out with physical tool.

Give the participant a physical tool and act out using the tool in two different scenarios’, living room setting and kitchen setting. Show different varieties and interactions for the tool What do they like about the tool and what not, and why? Which tool do they like most, and what not and why?

To get qualitative feedback on my tool and the interaction of my tool, in order to make a decision on which one to choose.

Figure 10. Co-Reflection session


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Input Dutch Design Week During the Dutch Design Week, Charlotte presented the concept of Bit of Energy (see “Bit of Energy” page 19). While talking to visitors, the idea for Juul was confirmed. Many adult visitors commented that they would like to have a tool like Bit of Energy for themselves.

Pilot studies Two pilot studies have been executed to test how to do the usability tests. You can find the tools that were used in this pilot in appendix X. In the pilots, the phone interaction, data visualisation, shape of Juul, and the value proposition of Juul where tested. After this pilot study, Charlotte meeted up with a PhD student, Carlijn Valk to evaluate the test and conclude on how to change it for the final test. The pilot was way to extensive and too long, too many questions were tested. So the research question needed to be more specific and there was decided not to research the phone interaction in the next test.

Feedback Session After the two pilots a feedback session has taken place with two fellow students, to get more insight in how to deal with the interaction and the data visualisation of the Juul tool: - Turning Juul around is not persee the most logical interaction. - You could make use of icons, for the household consumption data and the product consumption data - The color white is so basic and ordinary look into what other color the tool could have (see recommendations page 70). - It would be fun to make it a game (see “Discussion” page 68). - The balance of information is very important, what do you communicate in the tool, and what do you communicate in the application. - Do you need the application? What is the added value of the application? (see “Application” page 47). - How does the learning curve flows? Start as low as possible. - Maybe electronic stores would like to hand out this tool see “Business

- -

Proposition” page 61). It might also be valuable to show how much money you can save. Adapt the shape of Juul to the overview you show.

Co-reflection session Appendix O In order to get more insight in the value of Juul as a concept, and the possibilities data visualisation within the Juul tool, a Co-reflection [12] session has been organised with three different participants. See figure 10 for the setup of the Co-reflection session. Questions: - When did you last check your energy bill? - How often do you check your energy bill? - Can you explain what happens when you checked your energy bill? - Did you understand everything? - Did the bill reflect your expectations on how much you had consumed? - Does your energy bill provide valuable information about your energy consumption for you? - Do you know what sustainable energy is? - Is it important for you to be as sustainable as you can be? - If you want to become more sustainable do you have any idea what to change in your behaviour? - Do you think that the information provided on your energy bill could support or motivate you in saving energy? Do you think, that understanding more about your personal energy consumption would influence your interest in being sustainable? Conclusions Co-reflection session: Juul as concept: - An application to give more detailed insight is necessary. - If you want complete and rich feedback, you need to leave the tool for a long period of time liked to a certain device. This asks for more small devices. - An educative program could be liked to

Design for Energy Awareness FMP - Charlotte van der Sommen


the Juul tool. (for instance use it for a few weeks and return it, during those weeks provide a program with messages on phone) - The tool could be a circular product. - The value of Juul is the link with the energy profile, and the possibility to build a saving Plan and get help/ suggestions to do that. - Juul could be seen as a give away tool for energy companies, to spark interest in the energy field and to help companies convey their sustainable message As an extension on the informative tool, Juul could have (little sisters) smaller versions, that could be bought in order to get more detailed information for the people whose interest is sparked. - The tool should communicate: - Your device is doing well, or not doing well - How much you use compared to the sustainable alternative. - A combination between Tool 2 and 6 is ideal (flat top, but with the sliding interaction of tool 6) - Only talking about this product made these three very different people in the field of energy consumption all very enthusiastic about testing their personal consumption, and getting insight in how they are doing. - The majority of the participants thought the interaction with the Juul tool was an added value to the concept. Data visualisation: - Just values do not provide enough information, definitely not for an at the glance visualisation. - It is not possible to provide the complex information about your energy profile in only the tool. - A different interface is needed for the tool and for the application/platform - There is a lot of interest in comparing your usage to that of your neighbours, but also to other users of the product, your own data, or a goal value. Values are still important to communicate together with costs, but not on the tool itself.


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Usability Test Appendix P & R In order to choose between, the ‘Pattern’, ‘Value’ and ‘Battery’ data visualisations for the final field test (see “Data visualisation page 42), an online usability test was designed. With the help of the AttrackDiff usability test [64], there was aimed to get an insight in the pros and cons of the different data visualisations. The test was sent to a very broad public, concerning age and energy awareness. Unfortunately, the majority of the test executors where elderly people who couldn’t see the pictures well and who indicated that they didn’t really understand the questions. Therefore no hard conclusions can be drawn from this test. At the end of the test the question was asked, which interface the participant liked the most, and it was answered very divided. Because no real conclusions could be drawn, the intermediate interface (the Battery) was chosen to go further with. Also the battery scored the most positive overall. In order to get a good insight in the values of the different data visualisations it is necessary to do further research on this (see recommendations page 70).

Final Demo Day During the final Demo Day, some valuable feedback was provided: Concerning the market approach, look at how to make a moment out of it (see “Business Proposition” page 61). The current shape of Juul is not ideal, it could create a lever effect, which could be very dangerous (see recommendations page 71). It would be interesting to see when you have earned back the power that Juul is using to measure devices, by saving energy. The branding of Juul is a little childish, be very careful with this. You want the brand to communicate the right message. Be very careful with involving advertisement within the application, look at the ethical side of it. (See “Application” page 47 and “Discussion” page 68).

Juul tool

Design for Energy Awareness FMP - Charlotte van der Sommen


Chapter 4 Final Concept Page 38 to 68 In this chapter the result of this final master project: Juul will be discussed. A tool that triggers unaware energy users to create a personal energy profile which empowers them to make considered choices about their personal energy consumption. You can read about the designs specifications, the building process, the executed tests, the business value of Juul and it concludes with how the design question was answered and whether the design objectives were met in a discussion.

Concept Within Iteration 4 all the pre-work has been done for the concept Juul. Juul is a tool to trigger energy efficiency and it is the final concept of the Final Master Project at the Eindhoven University of Technology, Department of Industrial Design. Juul is designed to trigger households that are unaware about their energy consumption, in making the first steps in the battle towards a 100% sustainable society in 2050. Juul takes you on an expedition through you own house. By putting Juul between a socket and the cable of your devices, she will communicate the energy consumption of the device, and your household on location of the consumption. Juul will support you in collecting all your consumption data and provide you with your personal energy profile that helps you to become more sustainable in your own way.


The end goal of Juul is to empower unaware energy users to make deliberate decisions concerning their personal energy consumption. Juul is a small object that can be placed between a socket and a power plug which provides insight at a glance in the energy consumption of the household at a glance. With the help of a LED interface, the user will be able to learn about the energy consumption of the attached device, the household itself and the consumption of the device compared to the household at that moment in time. Juul is connected to an application that provides more detailed insight in the energy consumption of the device and the household and supports the building of an personal energy profile for the household. The application is able to provide feedback on the sustainability level of the home-appliances and can provide tips


and suggestions to become more sustainable. Juul is designed for unaware energy users, which means she will be effective for only a few weeks. Therefore Juul is a circulair product that will be handed out for free by different possible stakeholders. Read more about the “Application” on page 47. If you want to know more about the user scenario go to “Customer Journey” page 39. Main User Motivations Because the aimed target group are unaware energy users, they need to be motivated to make the first step in interacting with Juul.

Insight (at a glance): Juul will be branded as a tool to create your person energy profile, that gives detailed insight in your energy consumptions and the easy steps you can take to to become more sustainable in a very easy way. Finance: Unaware energy users are not the target group that will be willing to invest in a product like Juul. This means that Juul needs to be free for the users. You can read about the various business strategies that are worked out to make this possible in Business - Business Model Canvas (page 57). The application will provide information about how much money you can save if you follow the provided tips, or buy a replacing device. In case Juul is distributed by the Media Markt a nice discount after using Juul can help in the motivation to interact with Juul. Temporary: When Juul will be distributed by Housing corporations, Enpuls, Buurkracht or a similar party, Juul will have to return to the distributor eventually. This means that the users will only have 1 to 2 weeks to interact with Juul. This clear timeframe can help to motivate users to interact with Juul.

The name Juul The name Juul has two foundations. It originated from the word “Joule”, which is an international energy unit. It is also a Dutch female name with two vowels and two consonants, which is the perfect companion for “Toon” [44]. Toon is an existing, related product in the energy awareness market, that many people have heard of or are familiar with. By combining the two products, Juul could add a lot of insightful information to the Toon interface.


Chapter 4

Final Concept

Customer Journey On the right you can see the journey the customers with go though within different strategy scenarios. This customer journey is mainly based on assumptions. But it is constructed by the help of ideation, the input that was gained during the field test, see page 53, and the advice that was given during the expert validation meetings see page 65. The customers are not aware and involved in the sustainable energy world yet, so we can’t expect them from them to invest money in Juul, since the added value of the tool isn’t clear to them yet. A great way to make this added value clear, is to let them interact with Juul. Therefore Juul is distributed for free or for a small deposit. This way it becomes attractive for the customer to interact with Juul, and also the goal of the project will be reached. To read more about the added value for the different stakeholders, go to Business Page 57. Juul is plug and play, but in order to really get an insight, it is important for the customer to link Juul to a personal profile on the application. The willingness for people to install such a new application hasn’t been researched yet, see “Recommendations” page 71.

Corporation Sustainable projects


As company gift

Gain with energy contract

New customer Free try-out tool

Relation or Christmas gift

Handed out in neighbourhood


Small Deposit

? Read Instructions

Placing Juul between Socket and Device

Good? Not Good?

Add Devices to Energy Profile

Suggestions on what you can do to improve

Invest in more sustainable devices

Follow tips to safe energy

Saving Energy and Money

The system might give you an update when for instance your laptop is charged

System can remain giving you an overview of your devices’ energy consumption

Juul is returned

Juul is returned





Connect Juul to Phone

Discount on new Product

Possible involvement in bigger energy projects

Design for Energy Awareness FMP - Charlotte van der Sommen


Design In Chapter 3, the many design iterations in the process towards Juul have been described. Within Iteration 4, some test have been executed to make choices concerning the interaction, data visualisation and looks of Juul, which is described below.

Interaction Sketches and shapes have been constructed to test the interaction with Juul, and have resulted in the prototype presented in this chapter. For the interaction a few objectives were set based on the Frogger Framework [33], previous experience of the designer and personal preference: Intuitive, Tangible, on Location, Simple. In order to make the interaction as intuitive as possible there has been tried to create a natural coupling between the action and the function. In order to engage the user within the interaction a focus has been put on making the interaction tangible and on location.


Chapter 4

Final Concept

And in order to make it possible for any user regardless of their background to interact with Juul, the designer tried to make the interaction as simple and logical as possible. The interaction: 1 Time - Juul is Plug and Play, when she is placed between a socket and a power cable Juul needs 2 seconds to give feedback, this is also the case for the slider and the phone notifications. 2 Location - The action of measuring and the reaction of the product are in the same location when we talk about Juul. The feedback on the phone can be seen anywhere you are. The aim is though that the user uses both Juul and the application on location to make the interaction as rich as possible. 3 Direction - The direction of the movement of the slider is based on the direction of the power you want to have information on. When you slide towards the product, you will have feedback on the energy consumption of the product and when you slide towards the wall

the will receive feedback on the energy consumption of the full network. 4 Dynamics - Juul should be handled with care, by using too much speed, force or acceleration, there is a possibility of breaking her. By looking at the weight and size there is tried to make Juul feel a little expensive which probably results in handling the product carefully. 5 Modality - By placing Juul in a socket it doesn’t feel very different from placing a power plug in a socket, apart from the size of the tool in your hand. This is also the case when putting a power-plug in Juul. The slider is very smooth and has no specific resisting parts on its track. It will stop when in bumps into either side of the prototype. 6 Expression - It is possible for the user to express himself in the handling of the slider, he can adapt the speed. Apart from this, it is not possible for the user to express himself by the help of Juul. According to the terms of the Frogger Framework [33], the interaction with Juul would be described as: Functional Feed-forward: The tool has two obvious connection parts to connect with a socket and a power cable. This automatically invites the user to place it between a socket and a cable. Inherent Feed-Forward: The slider on Juul invites an action. By sliding toward the device, you will receive information about the energy consumption of the device, and by sliding towards the wall, you will receive information about the energy consumption of the entire household. Augmented Feed-forward: The user will receive the value that is being measured by the tool, on the App on their phone, through written words and numbers. Inherent Feedback: By using the slider the user will see a LED interface changing based on the position of the slide meter and the measured data. Also the side-lights give insight whether the Juul is plugged in a socket, and whether a device is connected to Juul. Augmented Feed-forward: The user will be able to view their personal energy profile and the suggestions on the application on their phone in written words and numbers.

Data visualisation During iteration 4 page 32, a brainstorm and a study have been done to assess different possibilities for the data visualisation. Eventually three different possibilities were chosen, see figure 11: a very abstract visualisation (Pattern): different sizes of lightning bolts shapes, that light up according to the amount of energy used, it is not just the amount but also the side of the lighted up lightning bolts that provide insight in the energy consumption.

a very straightforward visualisation (Value): The actual consumption value in Watt is communicated on the device.

13.67 kWh

0.24 kWh a semi-abstract visualisation (Battery): The amount of energy that is being consumed is indicated by the help of a LED matrix of 4 x 10 LED’s that communicate in rows of four. So technically it is 10-point scale that visualizes the consumed energy.

Design for Energy Awareness FMP - Charlotte van der Sommen


These three visualisations are tested for Juul and for the application, and it turned out that the visualisation on Juul and the application don’t necessarily have to be the same. The visualisation on Juul can be abstract, but the application should provide more insight, and therefore people want to have the actual value in Watt communicated in the application. On the front and back side of Juul two moving half LED rings indicate whether Juul is connected to the socket and whether she is connected to a device. During the Field test (page 53) and the expert evaluation meetings (page 65), a lot of feedback has been given on this interface of the side lights. With the message that these light interfaces are annoying when you leave Juul between a socket and the power cable. Since these Juul also uses energy and it is not necessary to leave her in a socket, the point is to let people remove her after the measurement. So these lights serve their purpose well. The way the data is visualised is still a point of discussion. The battery variant, in general, appeals to the imagination of the users, but the fact that the rows are made out of four separate LEDs is confusing for some users (see Field test page 53). A more elaborate test should be executed in order to get more insight in the most logical and simple data visualisation (see “Future Recommendations� page 71).

Looks The looks of Juul originated from a very basic cylinder model. A small not very elaborated shape study has been done, see iteration 4 page

32. In this study a few basic shapes have been tried out with possible interactions. Eventually the simplest, yet most logical shape has been chosen, based on the interaction. Namely the original round shape with a flattering for the feedback part. Another motivation for this shape is the fact that it is very easy shape to put electronics in, and very neutral to test with. There are still many remarks on the looks of Juul. For instance she is too bulky, too big, a little boring, the size could create a lever effect with the socket that could result in very dangerous situations. So a re-design is definitely of the shape of Juul if definitely recommended (see Recommendations Page 71).

The scale The energy consumption range of home appliances lays between the 0 and 2500 Watts. Many of the small home appliances consume in the range of 0 to 30 Watts, for instance a phone charger or an energy saving lamp. You also have some big consumers like: washing machines or an oven, an many devices in between like the television or the coffee machine see Appendix U- Field Test Tools for the consumption overview. In order to make the scale for this insightful it had to be exponential. Within this first prototype the scale is based on a variation of 10 different steps, with a scope of 0 to 2500 Watts. The following formula is used to calculate the steps that determine the consumption values that are linked to each row of lights. By calculating log10(2500) the exponential growing factor is stated, which is 3,3979. The formula that belong to the exponential graph is y=x^3.4, see figure 12.

Figure 11. Tool Interaction Energy consumption Device


Chapter 4

Final Concept

Energy consumption Household

Figure 12. Overview of the LED scale

Design for Energy Awareness FMP - Charlotte van der Sommen


0 Watt

1250 Watt

2500 Watt

1 Led

0-3 Watt

3 - 11 Watt

Scale Overview

11 - 42 Watt

42 - 111 Watt

237 - 440 Watt

5 Leds

111 - 237 Watt

440 - 744 Watt

744 - 1171 Watt

1171 - 1747 Watt

10 Leds

1747 - 2500 Watt


Behavioural Change The end goal of Juul is to create behavioural change by empowering unaware energy users to make well deliberate decisions concerning their personal energy consumption. By gaining awareness about their energy consumption, and by learning how to become more sustainable, the users will create a change in behaviour. Many models and theories exist that support designers in creating persuasive designs with the goal of causing behavioural change. For this project two different theories have been chosen to work with. The “Transtheoretical Model� [35], and the framework of the six key persuasive principles by R. Cialdini [36]. The Transtheoretical Model has been chosen because it is very easy to work with and provides a simple overview of the behaviour and the change you aim to create. Also the framework of Cialdini has been chosen because it is simple to work with and give a great insight in the complexity of the change that is designed to happen. The transtheoretical model is mainly based on stages of the timeline of the change by the help of stages of change, where the persuasive principles go into depth into different domains of change.

Transtheoretical Model [35]


Preparation: The user has constructed his opinion on what he is willing to change in his household. Will he follow just some tips? or will he invest in more sustainable appliances? Action: The user has decided for themselves whether to do nothing, follow some tips, invest in new appliances or maybe even invest in bigger changes like solar panels or wall isolation. In this stage the user will start executing his intends. This can happen quite quickly after the preparation stage, mainly with the small tips, but in can also take a few weeks to months. For instance, once the user gained insight in the high energy consumption of his old fridge, he might not immediately feel the urge to buy a new fridge. But once he knows that his fridge is the reason of his high energy bills, eventually it might cause him to replace it. Maintenance: The maintenance of the change is reminding people about the tips and about the possible appliance replacement they can do to become more sustainable. This can happen by the help of notifications from the application. The application will remind the user so now and then, where they can save energy. Since Juul is designed for the first awareness step, the main part of the design of Juul stops here. Off course it is very important to create maintenance in the energy awareness process. If you start step one it would be terrible not to make stept 2. This step 2 can be made by the help of other products like, Toon [44], and Smart Sockets [45][47].

See figure 13. Precontemplation: Juul is aimed at unaware energy users, so these users don’t intent on engaging with their house appliances with the goal of becoming more aware of their consumption. Also they are not taking any action in becoming more sustainable.

Framework by Cialdini [36]

Contemplation: By interacting with Juul, the users get insight in their energy consumption, but more importantly, what they can do to save energy and money. In this phase the user will construct their opinion on the personal energy profile. They will evaluate the pros of taking action to save energy, against the cons of investing time, and maybe money.

Scarcity: For Juul scarcity is not a persuasive principle that is used for the concept.

Chapter 4

Final Concept

Reciprocation: The user will receive Juul for free. Therefore there is a big likelihood that the user feels obligated to do something back, in the case of Juul, by investing time in interacting with Juul.

Authority: By receiving the Juul tool from an energy company (energy expert), the Media Markt (energy and technology expert), an employee of Buurkracht (energy and sustainability expert), the users will be more likely to adopt Juul as a good tool for doing an energy check on your home appliances. Commitment & Consistency: By staring the interaction with Juul, which is being motivated by the Reciprocation, the user will be persuaded to remain committed with saving energy though Juul. For instance when Juul suggest to follow some tips in order to become more sustainable, the user will be more likely to follow those tips since they already said yes to using Juul. Liking: In order to use a new tool, it is very important for the user to like the tool, in order for them to interact with it. Therefore a personal, user-

product relationship needs to be built, based on compliments and mutual understanding. The appearance of Juul is designed to appeal to the user. Also the interaction is designed in a clean and intuitive way, so it will be well understood by the user. Since the Juul responds on actions of the user (when the user places Juul in a socket, Juul gives feedback) a mutual understanding takes place. By the help of the application Juul is able to motivate the user buy giving compliments and constructive feedback so now and then. Social Proof: Juul compares the energy consumption value of the home appliance of the user to the average consumption value. Buy comparing with the average the user will be persuaded not to deviate too much from the average. However the is no external feedback on the user’s behaviour. It could for instance be interesting to compare with your friends, family or neighbors.

Figure 13. Transtheoretical Model (

Design for Energy Awareness FMP - Charlotte van der Sommen


Application When measuring the energy consumption of a device with Juul, the application can be used to get a deeper insight in the actual value of the consumption. Also the app is used to collect all the measured data and construct an energy profile for the user.

The design On the right you can see the screens of the application. These is chosen to make the design, happy, inviting and clear. A combination of two fonts is used to communicate the written text. For the titles the font: “Verlag Bold” is used, and for the written text the font: “Calibri” is used. A color palette is composed to give the application a clean and fresh appearance. There is chosen to make use of many icons in order to make the application inviting and structured. During the field test (page 53) and the expert evaluation (page 71), the feedback on the design was very positive.

The Wireframe On the right you can see the wireframe of the application. Not all the screens are finished yet. For now the main focus has been on the clean design and the most common actions the user goes through when interacting with the app. Of cause introduction screens have to be designed in which the users can create their personal profile, and get an introduction in the tool see recommendations page 71. In the previous version of the wireframe the advertisement for alternative appliances from for instance the MediaMarkt or Coolblue was show on the suggestions page together with the tips. After feedback during the Final Demo-Day (see iteration 4 page 32), and input from the expert evaluation (page 71), there was chosen to create an extra step between the suggestions frame and the alternative frame. This way the advertisement is much less intrusive.

Notifications Once the user starts adding devices to there energy profile within the application, the possibility arises to start sending notifications. Notifications can work very well in remaining


Chapter 4

Final Concept

interest from the user and can therefore take care of the maintenance phase concerning the behavioural change. A few examples of the notifications can be: A notification when you are using a lot of energy. Example: Today you have used a lot of energy, look in the app what caused it. A notification when you are doing very well. Example: Well done! Today you have saved …. kWh of energy! Look in the app what this means for you. A notification every 5 to 7 days about what you can still do to save energy. Example: You can save up to 5 euros a month, look in the app how to do that. A notification about a specific appliance. Example: Your laptop is finished charging, disconnect the power-plug to save energy. These examples have not yet been tested, so there is no insight in whether these kind of notification might be too imposing to the user. There is proposed that users can indicate in the application whether they like to receive notifications and what kind of notification they would like to receive. The details for this communication are very important since it can make or break the maintenance phase of the behaviour change process. So a research should be done in order to find out what dynamics in providing notifications works well for the target group (see recommendations page 71).


Introduction screens

.... ....

To websites

Graphical Overview

Overview Page Design for Energy Awareness FMP - Charlotte van der Sommen



Chapter 4

Final Concept

Building The first shapes of Juul have been created by the help of sketches, and then foam board and cardboard (see the pictures on the right and iteration 4 page 32). With the foam versions of Juul, some interactions on the interaction have been tested in order to come to the final shape of Juul, for now. The final prototype of Juul is created in the 3D building software and printed in hard white plastic, existing out of six different parts. In order to make sure that the LED light game through in the right way and due to a lack of time to test this, there has been decided not to paint the prototype for the field test. After finetuning the 3D model, printing and sandpapering the pieces, the technology was added to the prototype. The size of the prototype has been adjusted to the size of the technology that need be inside (read more about the technology in the next paragraph). For the connection parts with the socket and the power plug, the inside construction is used from an existing power plug and socket. The housing round this construction is modeled exactly after the housing of the original power plug and socket. The goal is to make the final prototype a lot smaller, to make it look more appealing and to make it hufterproof. In order to do this the prototype has to go through an full product development cycle again, this time supported by experts in the field of technology, material use, production (scaling) and CE certificat experts (see recommendations page 44).

Design for Energy Awareness FMP - Charlotte van der Sommen


Technology Concerning the technology, a close collaboration with and E-Lucid (the technology expertise departments of the faculty) has taken place. Since the concept is measuring 230 Volts which is the mains voltage of the Netherlands, they were very anxious for possible accidents.

Flat PCB sensor In order to create a small and very accurate device, there was decided use a small PCB (Printed Circuit Board) sensor, the MCP39F511N sensor. See Appendix M for the circuit. Unfortunately it turned out that the circuit needed many other and bigger components in order to for the sensor to work. This caused that the circuit became very complex and difficult to follow. Also the sensor was for a part directly connected to 230 Volts, which is can be very dangerous. Due to these there was chosen to work out the technology part of Juul in an alternative way.


Chapter 4

Final Concept

Non invasive current sensor For the Minimum Viable Product of Crocky (see Bit of Energy page 19), a somehow similar product was made, using a non-invasive current sensor (see figure 14). This sensor was is used to measure current around a cable. Even Though this sensor is a lot less accurate than the MCP39F511N sensor, it is much safer to work around a cable and the measured data is much easier to read for a microcontroller.

Final Circuit The final circuit exists out of three smaller circuits that are connected to a microcontroller and a power supply, see figure 15. Sensor: This is the non-invasive current sensor. This sensor is connected to a small circuit made out of a few registers that create an readable signal, a capacitors for safety and constancy and an OpAmp (Operational Amplifier) to increase the signal. LEDS: 60 Adafruit DotStar Leds [37] are used to create

indicate a HIGH or a LOW status and by using 2 ports, it is possible to distinguish four possible states of the slide potentiometer.

Figure 14. Non-invasive current sensor (

the interface of Juul. These Leds are connected to a big capacitor for safety, the microcontroller and a power source of 5 Volt in order for the LEDS to get enough energy without destroying the microcontroller. Slide Potentiometer: In order to see a difference in interface between the household stage and the device stage, it is needed to slide a panel up and down. For this interaction a slide meter is built in. The slide meter needs to be connected to an analog port on the micro controller. Unfortunately the micro controller has only one analog port that was needed for the sensor data. Therefore an analog to digital converter is build within the circuit. By using two OpAmps (Operational Amplifier) and two small potentiometers, it is possible to create two thresholds that can be linked to two digital ports on the microcontroller. The thresholds will

Microcontroller: Finally a microcontroller is needed to make sense of all the sensor data and to connect these data with LED interface. There was chosen to work with an ESP8266 Feather Huzzah [38] to make it possible to make connection with WiFi. Adapter: In order to convert the 230 mains power supply to 5 Volt and 2 Ampere for the LEDS and the microcontroller, a little adapter has been built in.

The code Once the circuit is connected, it is time to write the code, see Appendix N. In the code also division of the different little circuits is made for the overview.

Future Eventually the circuit should be made by the help of the MCP39F511N sensor. The full circuit including all the bigger components could be built on a PCB (Printed Circuit Board), in that case it is possible to make it very small. In order to build this PCB circuit, it is necessary to work together with an expert in the field of PCB building, see recommendations page 71.

Figure 15. Final Circuit

Design for Energy Awareness FMP - Charlotte van der Sommen


Field test At the end of the first half of this semester there was decided to evaluate the final concept with the help of a field test, using the Hidden Design strategy [31]. While brainstorming possible Hidden-Design strategies, the end goals and the motivation for the project was lost. After taking a little distance, a new focus was found, which leaded to the development of Juul. For Juul there has been decided to still do a field test in order to evaluate various aspects of the concept, but not in the shape of Hidden-Design. Eventually a field test has been executed with two households and four participants in total. In order to get more insight in the aimed target group, there has been chosen to test with one household that already owns a Toon and one household who don’t. Ideally this number would have been higher, but due to lack of time it wasn’t possible to test with more people. The


Chapter 4

Final Concept

test has been a qualitative user-test, with the goals of getting a feeling for: - The influence of Juul on affinity with sustainable energy. - The Feeling of ownership and control on your personal energy Profile. The richness of the data-visualisation - The quality of feedback on action - The value of the Juul tool as a (Trigger-tool)

Test set-up The test has been done over the timeline of a day. First a day was chosen, together with the participants and two evenings after each other were blocked in the agendas. The first eventing the participants received an individual questionnaire and the assignment for the upcoming day. The second eventing the participants participated in a small interview together, and they made a final questionnaire.

Results data gathered (see Appendix V): - - -

Input of the start questionnaire, day 1(30 min) Input of the interview on day 2? Input of the final questionnaire, day 2 (25 min)

First questionnaire (see Appendix T) The first questionnaire has thirty questions, first five personal questions in order to get insight in the living situation and social group of the participants. The next twenty five questions are about the current behaviour of the participant concerning his energy consumption. These questions are created to get an insight in the participants’ depth of interest in the energy transition and to what extend the participant is already participating in this transition. The assignment

will have one day to interact with Juul and measure as much home appliances as they want. In order to for the participants to construct their own energy profile, they will have a little booklet to document their measurements and a list of home-appliances with their average consumption in Watt to compare their own measurements to the average (see Appendix U). The average consumption data comes from the following links [39][40].

Interview (see Appendix T)

Assignment: This is Juul (showing Juul), Juul is a tool that you can use to check how much energy your household appliances are using. Your assignment for the upcoming day is to put Juul between the sockets of at least three household appliances in your house. You can decide for yourself which ones and when. You can always check more appliances if you want to. Juul Tool The Juul tool will be provided at the beginning of the user-test. Juul will be plug and play. The participants can use Juul to measure how much energy is used by their devices. Juul gives direct feedback with the help of a Led interface about the energy use of the device, and the energy use of the whole household. The participants

The interview exists out of twelve questions, excluding the questions whether the participants like the test so far. The twelve questions are intended to get an insight in the dynamics of the household when in comes to the interaction with Juul, and to feedback on the interaction of Juul in an open conversational way.

Second questionnaire (see Appendix T) The second and last questionnaire is used to get an insight in the way they used Juul. And to see if something in the behaviour has changed concerning their attitude towards their energy consumption and sustainability.

Presumptions - - -

Juul will start the conversation about the behaviour around energy consumption in the household The participants will measure more than three appliances. Juul is interesting for all energy users that don’t have insight in their personal energy profile.

Design for Energy Awareness FMP - Charlotte van der Sommen


- - - -

Juul can cause awareness. Juul can cause behavioural change. Juul enhances the feeling of ownership and control over the energy consumption by the user The data-visualisation on Juul is clear and understandable.

how much energy the consume in a year All four participants say they are willing to pay more for environmentally friendly products. Before using Juul two participants indicated that they felt less in control of their energy consumption after interacting with Juul, than before interacting with Juul. Both participants of household (the household without the Toon) indicated that they know better how to save energy after interacting with Juul. Both participants of household (the household without the Toon) are very willing to change their lifestyle in order to become more sustainable. In both households saving energy is a topic of conversation. Three out of the four participants have no insight in their personal energy profile, and the fourth participants doesn’t know the specifics of his energy profile. For one of the participants the energy groups weren’t clear. For the other three we can conclude that the participants of this field test can not be called unaware energy users since they are already participating in the energy transition.

Conclusions The results of the field test are analysed by the designer and conclusions are drawn based on logic and, assumptions. No concluding rules or facts can’t concluded, due to the small amount of participants and the quantitative approach of the test.

Three out of four participants tested more than three devices, but only 1 or 2 more. This might have something the do with time timespan of the field test.

Only one out of the four participants, checks his energy bill, and only once a year.

All participants thought it was fun to interact with Juul.

All the participants already checked the energy Label before buying a new device

One participant mentioned that the current shape of Juul is very blunt, and that she could be much more friendly, making use of nice colours and a friendly shape.

None of the participants has an insight in the energy consumption of their home-appliances, and three of the four participant have no clue


One participant explicitly said that he became more aware of the consumption of his appliances because of Juul.

Chapter 4

Final Concept

For all participants Juul influenced their topic of

conversation, during they test day. All participant understood what Juul was showing. Though some participants mentioned that it would be nice if the dots would be lines instead and that it would be easier to have a Watt scale on Juul. Three of the four participants think Juul will influence them when buying a new homeappliance. The fourth participant communicates that if his attention will remain to be triggered his thinks Juul will influence him when buying a new home-appliance. Three of the four participants communicate that the overview sheet (personal energy profile) they made for the test already gave them awareness about the consumption of their home appliances. Only two participants responded on the question, for long they would like to have Juul in their house. One participant answered a week, the other answered a month up to for ever, depending on the possible activities it can have linked to the app. Two out of four participant indicated that they would like to own a Juul, and one would be willing to pay 20 euros for Juul and the other 5 euros a month. The other two participants would like to interact with Juul on a temporary bases, and share her with others. The feedback on the interaction was that is was very abstract, a scale indication would be nice. One participant mentioned that he has motivation for saving energy, he just needs to be reminded so now and then, this could happen buy the help of notification on your phone, or may Juul could make a sound. The side LEDs were seen as annoying or unnecessary, until there was explained that they were built in, to make people get Juul back out the socket after it is used to measure a device. After they heard the motivation, they thought the functionality was spot on. The app should also indicate how much money you can save over a certain amount of time.

The advertisement is not seen as independent advice, which is necessary to take it serious. Let people choose to look at alternative devices. The app could also provide support in buying new appliances and give tips on what to pay attention to.

Evaluation The value of Juul as a trigger tool is mostly effective for unaware energy users and not very much for energy users who already own a Toon [52]. The first tested household already owned a Toon. For them Juul was a fun activity, but it mostly confirmed what they already knew. For household 2, who didn’t own a Toon, Juul was much more novel and insightful. The participants had only one day to interact with Juul. Both households indicated that one day was too short and that they would have liked it to use Juul for a few days. Buy introducing Juul in the households the discussion about the behaviour concerning energy consumption started immediately. It is more important to pay attention to how the discussion can remain to be triggered. This maintenance could be created by the application by the help of notifications. The participants of the test where not unaware energy users, some were even very aware energy users. It would be more interesting to how real unaware energy consumers would respond to this test (see recommendations page 71). The design of Juul should be re-designed, to become more friendly (see recommendations page 71). Also the data visualisation part of Juul should be further tested. Probably a scale next to the LED interface, would provide more valuable insight for the user, and maybe the light dots need to become lines. The advertisement doesn’t convey independent advice and therefore should be moved to a separate screen of the application (see Application page 34).

Design for Energy Awareness FMP - Charlotte van der Sommen



Benchmark All of the similar products below, aim at making people aware of their energy use and creating behavioural change by making the user behave more sustainable. None of the similar products below can be seen as a trigger tool, the way Juul is created. The don’t have the same specific market strategy and target group.

THe Crocky Clip [29]

The Crocky clip is also a tool to enhance energy awareness. It is very similar to Crocky and Juul, despite from the fact that it is a research tool, and isn’t made to work in real life.

Hyko [41] Beb (Buurt en Besparen) [29]

This concept also aims on creating energy awareness, but it focuses on families with your children instead of on adults.

Bit of Energy [34]

Bit of Energy - Crocky is in a few ways very similar to Juul (see Bit of Energy page 12). The main difference is the target group. Crocky is targeted on young families.


Chapter 4

Final Concept

Hiko also focuses on awareness around energy consumption and climate change. Hiko has put a bigger focus on climate change than Juul, and Hyko focuses on children and not on adults.

Nest [42]

Nest is a smart thermostat that gives the users insight how much energy and money they can save when they lower the temperature in their house.

Smart energy Meter [43]

The smart energy meter is being installed in all households in the Netherlands, with the aim of making people more aware of their energy consumption. On order to get insight in your consumption you still need an interface. That could for instance be Juul.

Fibaro wall plug [45]

These smart plugs can place between a socket and the power plug of a device. The major difference with Juul is the on location feedback, and the business model, therefore the price.

Toon [44]

Just like Nest Toon is also a smart thermostat, but at the same time Toon is an interface for the Smart Energy meter, and can show you your total energy consumption in graphs.

Enlighten [46]

Enlighten is a student project of design students from South Africa and is designed to create awareness about energy consumption.

Plugwise [47]

These smart plugs can place between a socket and the power plug of a device. The major difference with Juul is the on location feedback, and the business model, therefore the price.

Enexis huis [49]

The Enexis house is the energy house of the future aiming at a sustainable energy solutions and energy efficiency.

Design for Energy Awareness FMP - Charlotte van der Sommen


Energy AWARE Clock [51] Electric Car Charger [48]

This clock indicates on which moment of the day you used a lot of energy and at which moment you didn’t. It also aims at creating awareness for the energy consumption.

Power Aware Cord [50]

Virtual Energy Frame [52]

This is an interface that uses data visualisation within energy consumption. In this case for electric cars.

Just like Juul this tool aims at creating energy awareness. The interface of this product is in the cable itself instead of in another device. The cable doesn’t provide more depth into the energy consumption apart from the cable interface.


Chapter 4

Final Concept

This is the master graduation project of Xander Meijering. It is a tool that increases engagement with household energy consumption, also making the household more aware of their energy consumption.

Enervee [53]

Enervee is a platform in which you can collect your energy data, and that supports you in becoming more sustainable by for instance helping you deciding what alternative appliance you should buy. A fun thing about this Evervee is that it works based on saving money-points that you can later invest in saving more money.

Energy Use Calculator [54]

There are many energy calculating softwares that calculate how much energy you are using. Just like Juul it aims at creating energy awareness, but unlike Juul is ask for a lot of proactivity from the user.

Design for Energy Awareness FMP - Charlotte van der Sommen



Business Proposition “You can’t rely on the market to do the right thing” Elon Musk In order to create an energy neutral future we can’t rely on only the market to do the right thing. Since the market responds mainly to ask, demand and money flows. Politics and Society play a big role in this change as well. But if we have to wait for politicians worldwide to agree on change and go to action, we can wait a very long time. But society itself can’t fix this complex energy problem on its own. These three different parties (Economy, Politics and Society) need to work together in creating our sustainable future. Currently, politics is the main action taker in our energy problem. But with Juul, the power for change will also be put in the hands of the ordinary civilian, the society. By creating the right mindset in society, the demand for sustainable products will rise, and the market will adapt automatically. See the Business Model Canvas on the next page.

Value of Juul (see figure 16) Juul provides insight in detailed energy consumption data at a glance. Juul provides a clear overview of the consumption data of your household appliances. Juul will support change by providing tips and alternatives. Customer Segment Our society is currently in the first steps of an energy transition (see page 8), but most part of the world is not yet participating or involved in this transition. In order to participate in this


Chapter 4

Final Concept

transition, a change in behaviour need to take place, and change is often motivated by new insights to improve. An example of an insight provider is a smart thermostat. Currently the Netherlands counts about 7.8 million household in the [55]. From these household about 880.000 households have a smart thermostat, in other words an interface for the smart energy meter, which is about 11.3% [56]. That leaves about 89% of the households without a rich insight in their energy consumption. Of course this doesn’t mean that all this 89% of people are not involved in the energy transition. We can assume that the majority of this 89% is not aware about their detailed households’ energy consumption. There is believed that the more insight in personal data, and the way to adjust this data, the more motivation for change. So we can assume that the majority of the Dutch populations, are unaware energy users that can be helped a lot with Juul.

How will Juul make money? Since the target group of unaware energy users is not yet aware of the added value of Juu, we can’t expect them to just buy them in a shop. There is believed that a lot more profit is to gain when Juul is delivered for free to the end-users. But how to make money then? Different stakeholders are the key. Another stakeholder is necessary to get Juul to the end-user. Here are some examples of these stakeholders: Energy companies (for example Eneco): Energy companies can use Juul as an advertisement tool, to offer Juul to potential customers together with a new energy contract. Juul provides a lot of detailed consumption data, which is very valuable to energy companies in order to understand the ask and demand of energy. By having insightful consumption data, energy companies will be able to predict the ask and demand better, and this will save them a lot of money. Technology seller (for example Media Markt): Technology sellers can offer Juul to their potential customers, to try out of a few weeks. If the customer returns Juul he will get an interesting discount on his next purchase. In order to get Juul, the client will have to become

Collect Data

Data Overview

Support in Change

Figure 16 Value Proposition

part of a client platform, where his measure data will be collected. The Technology company will have insight in the consumption data of his customer and can advertise new products based on the needs of the customer. Environmental or social driven companies and corporations (for example Buurkracht, Enpuls, Housing corporations, nature organisations etc.): They will hand out Juul from a environmental or social motivation, to make the households more sustainable. At the same time, the collected consumption data is a big value proposition, that can be sold by the company or corporation or used to analyse specific questions they have.

Cost Analysis The current Juul tool costed about sixty euros to build, taking into account that this is a student project and many facilities are paid for by the university. Eventually the aim is to sell Juul for about 15 euros a piece. It is not yet clear whether this is possible. This will have to be researched in detail based on quotations of manufacturing costs, software development costs etc. (see recommendations page 71).

Market approach The market introduction of Juul should be adjusted the that specific moment of year. For example, during fall: Use Juul to do your big fall cleaning of your big energy consumers. Or during christmas: How much influence has your christmas decorations on your energy bill? Use Juul to check this.

Circulair product Since the Juul tool is only interesting for a few week, while measuring your devices, it should be a circulair product. It would be very unsustainable to leave Juul on a shelf in a closet after using it for only a few weeks. There are many ways of creating and marketing a circulair product, the best way to do this for Juul will have to be researched in more detail (see recommendations page 70).

Design for Energy Awareness FMP - Charlotte van der Sommen


Business Key Partners


Key Activities Product development, Software Development

Representing Energy Providers. They will be the bridge to the end users

The mediamarkt will be the bridge to the end users

These companies represent societal projects that don’t have to make profit out or Juul

Advertising, Distributing Juul Advertising, Informing, Distributing Juul Advertising, Informing, Distributing Juul

Key Resources Human resources - Expert support Software development team External investments Building facilities Manufacturer Office

Cost Structure Production Costs including packaging transport etc., Software Development Costs, Overhead Expenses Fixed purchase costs for Juul Fixed purchase costs for Juul Fixed purchase costs for Juul


Chapter 4

Final Concept

Value Gives clear insightful complex data Low threshold support gaining data of home Provides tips to become sustainable

Makes more s Opportunity to

Business Model Canvas


Customer Relationship

and accessible overview of consumption

The customer has a long term relationship with the Juul Application, but a short term relationship with the Juul Tool. The relationship is be based on self-service Customer will come back for their discount

tool that in consumption appliances

Customer Segment


and suggestions more

households ustainable save Money


Unaware Energy Users

Free with an Energy contract Free, if returned, you will have discount on your next purchase Free, distributed within in your neighbourhood

Revenue Streams Product Sales, Data Sales The sales will increase due to Juul, the advertisement tool (addition on Toon) - Data In the application people are suggested to buy sustainable appliances at the Media Markt, and customers have to come back for their discount, so more binding, more sales - Data Information, Behavioural Change, Data Design for Energy Awareness FMP - Charlotte van der Sommen


Expert Involvement & Evaluation Within this project many field experts are involved. Within the first half of the project energy policy makers, like Annet van Bruchem (provincie Noord Brabant), John van Zuijlen (Regio Noord Oost, Daan Arkesteijn (Enter Next Level) and Jelle Rijpma (Jelle Rijpma Advies) were involved. You can read more about that in interactions 3 and 4 (pages 27 and 32). Within the design process the a meeting with Joep Elderman has taken place for his expertise in rich interactions. He advised on opportunities for rich interactions within Juul. He helped to create some distance from the concept in order to dive in again from different perspectives concerning the interaction. Also a meeting with Carlijn Vlak has taken place for her research

expertise. She adviced on how to construct the pilot study in iteration 4 (page 32). A meeting with Philemonne Jaasma took place, initially to discuss the term “Self-governance� and how to implement this within the project. Eventually the meeting turned more into a coach meeting in which Philemonne shared her experiences on trying to create change aiming at many different stakeholders. This helped Charlotte to see the need to shift the project into another direction (see iteration 4 page 32). For business advice Charlotte met a few times with Ad van Berlo. Initially these meetings were meant to discuss the business report of Bit of Energy, but while talking about business design, Juul was mentioned a few times as well. Ad van Berlo advised to talk with Michael van Hulst, manager at Eneco. As a final step of the concept development for this Final Master Project, there was decided to arrange meetings with potential stakeholders in order to receive feedback on the concept and the value proposition of Juul, and to see if they were interested in a possible future collaboration.

Frank van Rossum Explorer at Enpuls [59]

The first expert evaluation meeting was with Frank van Rossum from Enpuls. Enpuls is the company within the Enexis group that has societal end goals. The five main activities of Enpuls are: Sustainable environment development, Energy flexibility, Sustainable Mobility, Energy Saving, Nieuw developments. You can find the minutes of the conversation in Appendix S. During the meeting, Frank made a lot of very valuable remarks on Juul. First he thought the pitch had to be much catchier in order to sell Juul to possible clients. Instead of starting of with explaining the process, the pitch should start with a problem statement for which Juul is the perfect solution. Also he stated that the goal of Juul had to be formulated much more clear and supported by sources. What he thought would be interesting is to work out the game element of the concept (see recommendations page 71). Finally Frank gave two very interesting insights in possible directions for the concept. One is that he would like it if Juul could already communicate buy the help of color use, whether your device is being a sustainable or unsustainable device. This has been incorporated in the field test (page 53), but will have to be worked out to more detailed, in order to see if that would be possible (see future recommendations page 71). The other possible direction would be in the way of getting Juul to the end-user. Frank suggested that Juul would be a great product for a company like Buurkracht or a housing corporation to distribute it to their community (see business model page 63).


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Final Concept

Jeroen Hol Innovation Manager at Media Markt [60]

The Media Markt is a big technology company that sells all kind of different home appliances. Media Markt is one of the market leaders in its sector. Jeroen provided insight in the importance of choosing in what part of the customers journey you implement Juul as trigger tool. As a giveaway tool in orientation phase or with your fresh purchase. Maybe it is possible to link it to a customers card, and help you save loyalty points. Using Juul could also give you discount on your next purchase. Jeroen also provided the tip to put Juul in moving packages. And for him a very valuable approach of the problem is: Energy is a big part of the housekeeping book, it is very interesting to empower people to have more control over this big expense every month. For the rest of the conversation see Appendix S.

Djoera Eerland Marketer at Buurkracht [13]

Buurkracht is just like Enpuls part of the Enexis group. Buurkracht is one of the organisations within Enpuls that focuses on the fourth societal goal, Saving Energy. For her Final Bachelor Project Charlotte already collaborated with Djoera. Djoera gave the tip to focus in the application on the bigger energy consumers, so a suggestion screen has been added, so the user will be reminded to measure these devices as well (see application page 47). Also he gave the tip that Juul could be interesting for homeowners associations, for the municipalities’ Energyloketen, for nature organisations or maybe even the Rabobank. During the conversation Djoere puts the focus on the value of the connection between energy use and money, and the three steps that this concept entails: Easy Measuring, Clear Overview and Advice. According to him this is a very strong value proposition within Juul. Djoera wonders if it is necessary to implement the total household consumption within the interaction with Juul. A while back a research with smart plugs has been executed by the Hanze hoogeschool. There were still some points of approvement concerning the use of the smart plugs. Djoera will put Charlotte in contact with this organisation, since a future collaboration might be possible. For the

Michael van Hulst Manager of the South of the Netherlands at Eneco Group [61]

Eneco is one of the bigger Energy providers of the Netherlands, and the company behind “Toon” [44]. The conversation with Michael van Hulst was very insightful in many ways. He evaluated Juul from a more business perspective that the other experts. For instance he explained the importance of disability of a product, definitely when it is designed for such a big target-group. The designers of Toon make sure that nothing gives the user the feeling that they can’t trust or should be scared of Toon. This very carefully designed balance of incentives, are very important when designing such a large scale product, in such a sensitive market. Eventually we talked about the future steps of Juul. He advised to look how the Fibaro plugs [45] can be so small, and how I could use that for Juul. Also he advised to search for an advisory panel for an extensive field test. And develop the product the upcoming months so, there can be tested soon. First with 10 households, than with 100 and so on. For the rest of the conversation see Appendix S.

Design for Energy Awareness FMP - Charlotte van der Sommen


Conclusions Design for Energy Awareness From the small field test (page 53), we can conclude that within the participants all gained more awareness about their energy consumption, based on the explanation of Energy awareness in the Pre-phase (page 2). For some participants the impact of the awareness was bigger that for others. For instance some participants really learned new information about their appliances, while for another participant Juul just confirmation of the knowledge that he already has about his home appliances. . Design for Behavioural Change In the paragraph “Behavioural Change” (page 45), the designed change is elaborate communicated by the help of a method and a framework. In order to conclude a behavioral change, you will have to test over a longer period of time, which has not been done for this product (see recommendations). Create a playful product During the user-test and the expert evaluation meetings, the world playful has been mentioned a few times. Due to the located action of Juul, the user is persuaded to move though his house in search of sockets and home appliances to measure. This can be seen as playful. Though there has been no specific focus on the playful aspect of the concept. It would be interesting to see the added value of Juul as a game, using frameworks for game design (see recommendations page 71). Create impact with the product It is very difficult to say whether Juul is able to create impact. Creating impact is closely linked to creating behaviour change. When users save energy on a regular bases over a longer period of time, impact can be created. Create a relevant product Currently the energy transition is a very relevant theme (see “Pre-phase” page 1 and “Energy transition” page 8). So by creating a product that supports the energy transition, you would think that this product is relevant. Thought


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Final Concept

we cannot prove that Juul causes behaviour change, which causes people to save energy. So therefore we can not yet say whether Juul is relevant. Create a product for which Charlotte can be passionate After the switch halfway the project (see Iteration 4 page 32), this has been definitely the case. Create a product that provided possible future job opportunities Due to the expert evaluation meeting the first contacts within the right field are made. With some of the experts there are already agreements to meet again in the future. So this project provided a great portfolio project within Charlotte’s’ field of interest, and it might even provide some future career opportunities. Can design be used to ease the first steps in our battle against climate change? By looking at the benchmark and by creating assumptions based on the outcome of all the user-tests executed for this project, you could say that design can play a big role in easing the first steps in the energy transition. Buy using data-visualisation to make the complex energy consumption data graspable for the user, design can help to lower the threshold of dealing with the energy transition. End-goal Juul Empower unaware energy users to make deliberate decisions concerning their personal energy consumption. Based on the outcome of the field test (page 53), it can be assumed, but not concluded that Juul can create this empowerment. Already some participants communicated that they were surprised to see how much energy some home appliances where consuming, and said to be willing to use that specific device, less in the future. In order to can concluded this, it is necessary to do a more elaborate test during a longer period of time.

Discussion Decision to make a shift in the project Halfway the project there has been decided to shift the scope of this project (see interaction 4 page 32). This has been a great choice, since the project wasn’t going anywhere, and the motivation was not there, even though this was one of the project goals (see approach & Goals page 15). Depth in awareness Even Though we can say that Juul creates energy awareness, up to a certain level, we can not say much about the depth of the created awareness. Because this project has a business approach and not a research approach there has been decided to invest the time in expert validation instead of in an extended user-test (see recommendations page 71). Depth of provided information Data visualisation is a very important value within the concept of Juul. At the same time there are thousands of possibilities for creating a clean and insightful interface, as well for the tool as for the application. Unfortunately within this project there wasn’t enough time to investigate and test the possibilities into depth, and many assumptions were made in order to continue the design process (see recommendations page 71). Juul as a circular product Within the customers’ journey (page 39), for two possible business strategies Juul is described as circular product. When making product circular, many new challenges arise it keep in mind. For instance, the product needs a long lifespan, it needs to be very hufterproof, it needs to be cleaned very easily, etc. Shape of the product The current shape of Juul is very bulky, big and heavy. Many experts and test participants have commented on this fact. You can even stated that Juul can be dangerous, since it can easily cause a lever effect when placed on a lower socket. In order to make it work so fast, is was necessary to make Juul this big. But when redesigning Juul, all of these remarks need be

taken into account (see recommendations page 71). Juuls’ consumption data Juul is a tool to measure the energy consumption of household appliances, but at the same time she uses energy herself as well. In the top moments she might use up to 10 Watts, so you don’t want here hanging around in a random socket. In order to persuade the user to remove Juul from the socket after they are done measuring, annoying lights that indicate when Juul receives power, are integrated in the product. The question is whether this is enough information about the consumption data of Juul, and maybe the application should provide more insight about this. Connection to first semester The final goal and the sub-goals have stayed the same during the whole project, but apart from that most of the project changed. The approach, target-group and market approach have been totally different the second half of the semester. Though the first semester has provided very valuable research concerning the energy problem, and interesting insights in the political way of dealing with this problem. Resulting in the conclusion that the change has to start at the households. Game element There has been decided not to focus on the game element of the concept, even though this might be a very interesting and valuable point of view (see recommendations page 71). Advertisement Within the application advertisement is made for sustainable alternatives for household appliances. It is an ethical question whether you want to influence people in such a way, at the same time it is the question whether will let them be influenced. It might also cause suspicion since the message doesn’t convey a independent advice. It is very important that this feedback part of the application is dealt with very carefully. Business Model Canvas This canvas is based on input from field experts and assumptions, and should be worked out more elaborate.

Design for Energy Awareness FMP - Charlotte van der Sommen


Chapter 5 Future Page 70 to 72 In this chapter the recommendations for the future and all the remaining questions concerning the design are discussed. It also goes into the possible implementations of the design, and the steps that need to follow in order to develop Juul into a market ready product.

Remaining Questions & Recommendations What happens when Juul is returned? Juul has value to the user for only a few weeks, after which Juul will return to the distributor. But what will happen when Juul is returned? What specific action for maintaining sustainable energy behaviour? The customer journey should be further developed, specifically on what happens when Juul is returned. Juul tool Since the current shape of Juul is not yet what it should be, it needs to be redesigned. The goal is to make the final prototype a lot smaller, to make it look more appealing and to make it hufterproof. In order to do this the prototype has to go through an full product development cycle again, this time supported by experts in the field of technology, material use, production (scaling) and CE certificat experts (see recommendations page 71). Future software building Software is being build to recognise when certain devices are using energy by the help of reading peaks in the total consumption overview, in order to make this software reliable, a big database with specific user data for each device is necessary. Juul could be a tool to build this database and make it possible to use this software much sooner. Juul could also implement this software after the tool is returned by providing smart overviews of the energy consumption of the user. Calculations Based on the analog current (AC) that is measured by Juul, it might be possible to conclude which appliance is being measured. With this knowledge it is possible to indicate directly while measuring whether your device is sustainable or not. It has to be researched whether this can be reliable. Behaviour change test Within this current status of the process it is not possible to state that Juul creates behavioural

change. A test over a the timespan of a few months maybe even longer, should be done, in order to research to what extend Juul can cause behavioural change. Testing with real unaware energy users The small field test that has been executed (page 53), has been done with no real unaware energy users. It would be interesting to test with a group of unaware energy users to see what impact Juul could have on this group of people. Testing time frame for Juul During the field test (page 53), the users were asked for how long they would like to test Juul. The answers varied enormously. In a possible pilot test, the timeframe for how long Juul remains interesting for the household, should be tested. Data visualisation into depth Data visualisation is a very important value within the concept of Juul. Within this project there wasn’t enough time to investigate into depth what possibilities for data visualisation could be used within this context. An elaborate test should be executed in order to get more insight in the right data visualisation for Juul. Work out game element Juul has a playful element, but this hasn’t been worked within the timespan of the project. It would be interesting to check the added value of Juul as a game, using frameworks for game design. Internet of Things Juul is an example of an IoT (Internet of Things) product. It would be interesting to research the domain of IoT products and to see how Juul could improve. Contact with other possible Partners Four field experts have been involved within this project. These experts represented different possible market strategies. Another possible


strategy is to market Juul through housing corporations. Therefore in might be interesting to meet with an housing corporation, for instance “Woonbedrijf� in Eindhoven. Application dynamics A research should be done in order to find out what dynamics in providing notifications works well for the target group of unaware energy users. Also, what is their willingness to download a new application for a tool like Juul. Comparing consumption It could be interesting to see if comparing consumption data with friend, family or neighbors would be good way of maintaining the awareness process. Color research There should be looked into what colors to use within the LED interface of Juul, and also for the redesigned model of Juul. Technology development Eventually the circuit should be made by the help of the MCP39F511N sensor. The full circuit including all the bigger components could be built on a PCB (Printed Circuit Board), in that case it is possible to make it very small. In order to build this PCB circuit, it is necessary to work together with an expert in the field of PCB building, see recommendations page 71. Production costs The costs to make a Juul tool will have to be researched in detail. Based on the amount of Juuls that a future customer needs, the price can be stated.

Business model Canvas The Business Model Canvas in this report is based on input from field experts and assumptions. It would be very valuable to evaluate this business model with business experts.


Chapter 5 Future

Future Plans After graduation, the first plans are to rest a few weeks, and then to start further developing “Bit of Energy� page 19. The development of Juul will discussed with the Bit of Energy team since it is in conflict with the collaboration contract between the three founders of Bit of Energy. Together with the other founders of Bit of Energy Charlotte will evaluate whether it is possible to run a concept development process parallel to that of Bit of Energy.

As soon as Charlotte has time, and money to work on Juul, she will start working on the list of recommendations. One of the first steps will be to get in contact with other possible partners like Woonbedrijf, to ask whether it is possible to organise a user-test with them. Another first step will be to find partners that can help with the technological and production realisation of Juul.

During the expert evaluation meetings, there is promised to stay in though with all four experts. With Djoera from Buurkracht a follow-up meeting with a potential future partner (Carina Wiekens) is already planned. This potential partner is the project leader of the 10 000 households project in Drenthe, and the meeting will be about whether we can work together to organize a pilot there.

Design for Energy Awareness FMP - Charlotte van der Sommen




Acknowledgement This project has been supported by a lot of different people. First I would like to give a special thanks to Caroline Hummels for her coaching and support, and Carl Megens for his constructive feedback. Then I would like to thank Anneth van Bruchem from the Provincie Noord-Brabant and John van Zuijlen from Regio Noord-Oost Brabant, for their first interest in this project and sharing their knowledge and network connections. Also I would like to thank Daan Arkesteijn and Jelle Rijpma for their time and valuable feedback. For his very valuable Business advice and for sharing his network I would like to thank Ad van Berlo. For the very valuable expert evaluations I would like to thank Frank van Rossum from Enpuls, Jeroen Hol from the Media Markt, Djoera Eerland from Buurkracht and Michael van Hulst from Eneco. During the project a few friends have always been there for me when I needed some help or feedback. I would like to thank, Marleen van Bergeijk, DorothĂŠ Smit, Joep Elderman, Carlijn Valk, Philemonne Jaasma, Rachel van Berlo, Dennis Rietveld, Nina Crox, Suzan Paulussen, Ashley van Wijnen, Anne Horvers and Claire Smulders for being there and for their valuable feedback. For participating in a Co-reflection session I would like to thank Joch Jansz, Manon Jungeburth, Caroline Overgoor, Leontine Voerman and Stijn van Erp. For participating in the Field test I would very much like to thank Jacques van der Sommen, Maria van Ewijk, Nina Crox and Pim Kersemaekers. Finally I would like to thank all the anonymous participants of the online user-tests.

Without all of the named people above, this project wouldn’t be what it is now.

Design for Energy Awareness FMP - Charlotte van der Sommen


References 1. Boyle, G., Evere , R., & Ramage, J. (2003). Energy systems and sustainability. Oxford University Press. 2. World energy council (2016). World Energy Resources 2016, 4. 3. California, S. O. (n.d.). List of Worldwide Scientific Organizations. Retrieved June 14, 2017, from (List of scientific organisations that researched that climate change is coused by humans) 4. Lockwood, M., & Fröhlich, C. (2007, October). Recent oppositely directed trends in solar climate forcings and the global mean surface air temperature. In Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences (Vol. 463, No. 2086, pp. 24472460). The Royal Society. 5. (n.d.). Retrieved June 14, 2017, from 6. Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development .:. Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform. (n.d.). Retrieved March 27, 2017, from 7. Theory of Change voor Klimaatverandering. (april 2016). Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken, Directie Inclusieve Groene Groei, 1-6. 8. Uitvoeringsprogramma Energie. (februari 2016). Provincie Noord Branbant, 1-46. 9. Chevalier, J. M., & Ouédraogo, N. S. (2009). Energy poverty and economic development. In The New Energy Crisis (pp. 115-144). Palgrave Macmillan UK. 10. Ajzen, I. (1985). From intentions to actions: A theory of planned behavior. In Action control (pp. 11-39). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. 11. Oinas-Kukkonen, H., & Harjumaa, M. (2009). Persuasive systems design: Key issues, process model, and system features. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 24(1), 28. 12. Tomico, O., Frens, J. W., & Overbeeke, C. J. (2009, April). Co­reflection: user involvement for highly dynamic design processes. In CHI’09 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in 13. Buurkracht. (n.d.). Retrieved June 15, 2017, from 14. MacGregor, D. (1960). The human side of enterprise (Vol. 21, No. 166-171). New York. 15. Pacala,S.,&Socolow,R.(2004).Stabilization wedges: solving the climate problem for the next 50 years with current technologies. science, 305(5686), 968­972. 16. Gaver, B., Dunne, T., & Pacenti, E. (1999). Design: cultural probes. interactions, 6(1), 21-29. 17. Rhodes, R. (2007). Energy transitions: a curious history. Center for International Security and Cooperation. 18. R. (2015, March 16). Retrieved June 14, 2017, from (Voorbeeld van een video die laat zien wat er voor acties tegen energy interventies is) 19. Retrieved June 14, 17, from 20. A. (2017, February 16). Paris Agreement. Retrieved March 27, 2017, from h ps:// clima/policies/interna onal/nego a ons/paris_en#tab-0-1 21. Paris agreement. (2015). United Na ons, 1-27. 22. Sustainable development goals. (n.d.). Retrieved March 27, 2017, from h p:// sustainabledevelopment/sustainable-development-goals/ 23. IPCC. in Climate Change 2013: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (eds Stocker, T. F. et al.) 1535 (Cambridge Univ. Press, 2013) 24. The Last Time CO2 Was This High, Humans Didn’t Exist. (2013, May 03). Retrieved June 14, 2017, from exist-15938


References Appendix

25. Team, E. W. (2005, October 01). ESRL Global Monitoring Division - Education and Outreach. Retrieved June 14, 2017, from 26. Pistone, K., Eisenman, I., & Ramanathan, V. (2014). Observational determination of albedo decrease caused by vanishing Arctic sea ice. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111(9), 3322-3326. 27. What ocean heating reveals about global warming. (n.d.). Retrieved June 14, 2017, from http:// warming/ 28. Ocean Acidification. (n.d.). Retrieved June 14, 2017, from ocean-acidification 29. Charlotte van der Sommen. (n.d.). Retrieved January 18, 2018, from http://www. 30. Cava, M. D., & Swartz, J. (2017, June 02). Elon Musk makes good on threat as he, Iger quit Trump council after Paris pullout. Retrieved June 14, 2017, from news/2017/06/01/musk-departs-trump-biz-council-over-paris-exit/102398528/ 31. Home. (n.d.). Retrieved January 09, 2018, from 32 Hummels, C., & Frens, J. (2009, April). The reflective transformative design process. In CHI’09 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 2655-2658). ACM. 33. Wensveen, S. A., Djajadiningrat, J. P., & Overbeeke, C. J. (2004, August). Interaction frogger: a design framework to couple action and function through feedback and feedforward. In Proceedings of the 5th conference on Designing interactive systems: processes, practices, methods, and techniques (pp. 177-184). ACM. 34. Bit of Energy. (n.d.). Retrieved January 09, 2018, from 35. Prochaska, J. O., & Velicer, W. F. (1997). The transtheoretical model of health behavior change. American journal of health promotion, 12(1), 38-48. 36. Cialdini, R. B. (1987). Influence (Vol. 3). Port Harcourt: A. Michel. 37. Industries, A. (n.d.). Adafruit DotStar Digital LED Strip - Black 144 LED/m - One Meter. Retrieved January 11, 2018, from 38. Industries, A. (n.d.). Adafruit Feather HUZZAH with ESP8266 WiFi. Retrieved January 11, 2018, from 39. (n.d.). Retrieved January 11, 2018, from nl/energieverbruik/elektriciteitsverbruik 40. Energyanswers appliance guide (pp. 1-7, Rep.). (n.d.). Essential energy. http://www. 41. Teaching kids to turn off the lights...with Hyko smart lamp! (n.d.). Retrieved January 11, 2018, from 42. Maak van je huis een verbonden huis. (n.d.). Retrieved January 11, 2018, from nl/ 43. Wilt, P. V. (2017, November 07). Slimme meter. Retrieved January 11, 2018, from https://www. 44. T. (2017, November 29). Maak kennis met Toon. Retrieved January 11, 2018, from https://www.toon. nl/thermostaat/ontdek-toon/ 45. Slimme stekker. (n.d.). Retrieved January 11, 2018, from uitbreiden/slimme-stekker/ 46. Enlighten. (n.d.). Retrieved January 11, 2018, from Student-Project-that-Reacts-to-South-Africas-Energy-Crisis 47. Meet je energieverbruik met Plugwise. (n.d.). Retrieved January 11, 2018, from https://www. 48. Paal maakt laadproces elektrische auto zichtbaar. (n.d.). Retrieved January 11, 2018, from https:// twitter

Design for Energy Awareness FMP - Charlotte van der Sommen


49. Enexis Huis Limburg - nieuwe energie voor thuis. (n.d.). Retrieved January 11, 2018, from https:// 50. (n.d.). Retrieved January 11, 2018, from 51. Loove Broms, Karin Ehrnberger The Energy AWARE Clock (Backlund et al., 2007; Broms et al., 2010), 52. Meijering, X. (2017). The Virtual Energy Frame (pp. 1-48, Rep.). Eindhoven: University of Technolgy Eindhoven. 53. Enervee. (n.d.). Retrieved January 11, 2018, from 54. Estimating Appliance and Home Electronic Energy Use. (n.d.). Retrieved January 11, 2018, from 55. (n.d.). Retrieved January 11, 2018, from &dm=slnl&pa=71486ned&d1=0-2%2C23-26&d2=0&d3=0%2C5-16&d4=%28l-1%29-l&hd=090402- 0910&hdr=t%2Cg3&stb=g1%2Cg2 56. (n.d.). Retrieved January 11, 2018, from slimme-thermostaten-in-nederland-groeit-met-38-procent.html 57. Hanington, Bruce, and Bella Martin. Universal methods of design: 100 ways to research complex problems, develop innovative ideas, and design effective solutions. Rockport Publishers, 2012. 58. Introducing JUUL - A Real Alternative to Cigarettes. (n.d.). Retrieved January 11, 2018, from https:// 59. Enpuls | Frisse kijk op energie. (n.d.). Retrieved January 11, 2018, from 61. MediaMarkt. (n.d.). Retrieved January 12, 2018, from 62. Maak je huis van nu. (n.d.). Retrieved January 12, 2018, from 63. Business Model Generation. (2011). S.l.: Campus. 64. Hassenzahl, M., Burmester, M., & Koller, F. (2003). AttrakDiff: Ein Fragebogen zur Messung wahrgenommener hedonischer und pragmatischer Qualität. In Mensch & Computer 2003 (pp. from 187­196). Vieweg+ Teubner Verlag.


References Appendix

Appendix A - Personal Reflection B - Proposal Report C - Client Meetings D - Online Usertest E - Results Online Usertest F - Co-reflection Sessions G - Text Video H - Feedback Demo-Day I - Examples of Energy Opposition J - Concept Road-map K - EnergyStreet App L - 3D models Juul M - Technology Circuits N - Final Arduino Code O - Co-Reflection Sessions M 2.2 P - Online usability test Q - Data visualisations R - Results Online usability test S - Expert Evaluation Meetings T - Field Test Questionnaires U - Field Test Tools V - Results Field test W - Business Proposal Bit of Energy X - Pilot Materials

(drive) (drive) (report) (report) (report) (report) (report + drive) (report) (report) (report) (report) (drive) (drive) (report + drive) (drive) (report) (drive) (report) (drive) (report) (report) (report + drive) (drive) (drive)

Most Appendixes are available on the Drive:

Design for Energy Awareness FMP - Charlotte van der Sommen


Design for Energy Awareness - M2.2 Charlotte van der Sommen January 2018

Appendix A - Personal Reflection B - Proposal Report C - Client Meetings D - Online Usertest E - Results Online Usertest F - Co-reflection Sessions G - Text Video H - Feedback Demo-Day I - Examples of Energy Opposition J - Concept Road-map K - EnergyStreet App L - 3D models Juul M - Technology Circuits N - Final Arduino Code O - Co-Reflection Sessions M 2.2 P - Online usability test Q - Data visualisations R - Results Online usability test S - Expert Evaluation Meetings T - Field Test Questionnaires U - Field Test Tools V - Results Field test W - Business Proposal Bit of Energy X - Pilot Materials

(drive) (drive) (report) (report) (report) (report) (report + drive) (report) (report) (report) (report) (drive) (drive) (report + drive) (drive) (drive) (drive) (drive) (drive) (report) (report) (report + drive) (drive) (drive)

Design for Energy Awareness FMP - Charlotte van der Sommen

Appendix A - Personal Reflection See the Appendix Drive:

Appendix B - Proposal Report others it was difficult for me to keep them. Also See the Appendix Drive:

need for it yet. I will finish the portfolio during I planned to work on “Bit of Energy” only one the first half of next semester. This way I can use day a week, but this tended to become more it when I want to apply for a job and I don’t have some weeks. Because a struggled a lot with to invest too much time in building it at the end my FMP and “Bit of Energy” gave me a lot of of the semester. energy, it was appealing or me to invest more Approach time in “Bit of Energy”. For next semester it will be a challenge to keep up my calm planning Overall the project was difficult for me this attitude and to make even more to the point semester. I underestimated the complexity week planning’s with deadlines that effect other of the energy problem. During my meeting people as well. This way I will probably manage with the policy makers of the Provincie Noord to get more energy out of my project and to Brabant, I realised I’m not the only one keep to the planning. struggling with the complexity of the energy problem. By starting building from the fist week Overall Style on, I plan to make the project more concrete next semester. Instead of trying to grasp the The fourth goal I set for myself was to create an overall style for the project in order to project context and researching the subject, I’m going to be the designer next semester. I communicate everything in a professional way. I’m happy about the outcome of the style, plan to get more into depth in what kind of interaction or system will work to get people which I used for all official communication I did involved in the energy transition. I’m going to do (reports and the Demo-Day). For next semester, this by building and testing instead of reading I plan to refine the style together with a graphic and analysing. The reason I mostly stayed design expert and to apply the style on even in the analysing and researching phase was more communication tools, like my portfolio, my because I was overwhelmed by the complexity email signature etc. of the project and thought it would help me to just research a lot about it. Looking back Partnership at it, building would have helped me more to For my final master project, I wanted to work get an understanding of the complexity. For together with a partner, in order to make my next semester I plan to have regular reflection project fit to a real context and to make it more relevant. I managed to find a partner and there meetings with Caroline Hummels (my project coach), on my process in order to make me is a lot of potential to make my project very more aware of it, which will help me to make relevant, since I get involved in real provincial the right decisions as well. policy meetings concerning my topic. Though I have to stay clear to my client about my abilities as designer and have to make fast important decisions for myself and my project, even though my client might steer me in another direction, or might slow me down. Portfolio The final goal I set for myself was to make a portfolio in order to present myself well to external parties. I made a start on my portfolio, but unfortunately I couldn’t find the time to finish it this semester. Lucky there wasn’t a real

Appendix A - Personal Reflection At the beginning of the semester I had six clear goals for my development during this first half year of my Final Master Project (FMP). Presenting The first goal was to practice with presenting. Since last year I became extremely stressed out whenever I had to give a presentation, this slowed me down in many different opportunities which is a shame. My goal was to plan in small presentation session within a safe context to practice with my nerves. During the semester I realised that the nerves didn’t apply only in giving presentations but also during meetings with official people or when I had to explain to people who I was and what I did. Actually every time I felt, something was expected from me. It felt much more logical for me to start practicing in conversational contexts. I started with the networking events for “Bit of Energy” and went on to the business meetings for “Bit of Energy”. These meetings helped me a lot, because I wasn’t alone, and there where many of them to practice. Right now I’m no longer bothered by nerves during these meetings. After that I started telling people about my project and my vision on design. It might sound like a small step, but for me this was a very big step, even in my private life. At first every time I had to explain to people what I did, I started panicking, but after a few times it became easier, also because of many nice responses. Eventually I had to go to client meetings for my project, and I’m still very nervous every time I meet new people, but it gets easier every time as well. I feel much more like my old self and I feel ready to start practicing with small presentation sessions next semester. With the goal of giving my final master presentation for a group of people including my friends and family. Research Implementation Another goal I set for myself was to practice with implementing research in my project, in a way that fits most to me as designer. I wanted

to do this by executing 4 co-reflection/testing sessions. Eventually I did only two co-reflection sessions and 1 test. I realised that I really like to do these kind of small test in order to bring my project further, though I’m always a little hesitant to start such a test. I shouldn’t doubt too much and just do a lot of them, since they give me a lot of inspiration and knowledge about my subject. I plan to do more field test upcoming semester by using simple prototypes. The Hidden-Design methodology by Afdeling Buitegewone Zaken, interests me a lot, I plan to implement hidden-design in these field-tests. Even though I have a lot of objections against research at our faculty, and I never thought it would be something for me, I enjoy the academic and research part of this project more than I thought I would. I’m fascinated by the climate change and the energy transition issue and I can research for hours what effect it will have on our future. In this process I found some academically based movies on YouTube. For a dyslexic who despises reading, this is the perfect solution. I will definitely make use of this in future research. Planning My third goal was to find a way of planning that works for me. I wanted to do this by: planning my activities in full days instead of small timeslots, to give myself some time to do nothing so now and then, to say more “no” to new opportunities and carefully select the really interesting opportunities and finally by making to the point plans for every week. I have to say that I’m proud of my development on planning during this semester. I used my past experiences in assessing what new opportunities where worth it and what not, and I managed to keep it to a controllable amount. Also I was able to plan most of my activities for full or half days which resulted in a much calmer and controllable life. This helped me in enjoying my free evenings and having less stress. One thing I still struggled with was to keep to my week planning every week. Because I my deadlines did not effect

others it was difficult for me to keep them. Also I planned to work on “Bit of Energy” only one day a week, but this tended to become more some weeks. Because a struggled a lot with my FMP and “Bit of Energy” gave me a lot of energy, it was appealing or me to invest more time in “Bit of Energy”. For next semester it will be a challenge to keep up my calm planning attitude and to make even more to the point week planning’s with deadlines that effect other people as well. This way I will probably manage to get more energy out of my project and to keep to the planning. Overall Style The fourth goal I set for myself was to create an overall style for the project in order to communicate everything in a professional way. I’m happy about the outcome of the style, which I used for all official communication I did (reports and the Demo-Day). For next semester, I plan to refine the style together with a graphic design expert and to apply the style on even more communication tools, like my portfolio, my email signature etc. Partnership For my final master project, I wanted to work together with a partner, in order to make my project fit to a real context and to make it more relevant. I managed to find a partner and there is a lot of potential to make my project very relevant, since I get involved in real provincial policy meetings concerning my topic. Though I have to stay clear to my client about my abilities as designer and have to make fast important decisions for myself and my project, even though my client might steer me in another direction, or might slow me down. Portfolio The final goal I set for myself was to make a portfolio in order to present myself well to external parties. I made a start on my portfolio, but unfortunately I couldn’t find the time to finish it this semester. Lucky there wasn’t a real

need for it yet. I will finish the portfolio during the first half of next semester. This way I can use it when I want to apply for a job and I don’t have to invest too much time in building it at the end of the semester. Approach Overall the project was difficult for me this semester. I underestimated the complexity of the energy problem. During my meeting with the policy makers of the Provincie Noord Brabant, I realised I’m not the only one struggling with the complexity of the energy problem. By starting building from the fist week on, I plan to make the project more concrete next semester. Instead of trying to grasp the project context and researching the subject, I’m going to be the designer next semester. I plan to get more into depth in what kind of interaction or system will work to get people involved in the energy transition. I’m going to do this by building and testing instead of reading and analysing. The reason I mostly stayed in the analysing and researching phase was because I was overwhelmed by the complexity of the project and thought it would help me to just research a lot about it. Looking back at it, building would have helped me more to get an understanding of the complexity. For next semester I plan to have regular reflection meetings with Caroline Hummels (my project coach), on my process in order to make me more aware of it, which will help me to make the right decisions as well.

Appendix A - Personal Reflection At the beginning of the semester I had six clear goals for my development during this first half year of my Final Master Project (FMP). Presenting The first goal was to practice with presenting. Since last year I became extremely stressed out whenever I had to give a presentation, this slowed me down in many different opportunities which is a shame. My goal was to plan in small presentation session within a safe context to practice with my nerves. During the semester I realised that the nerves didn’t apply only in giving presentations but also during meetings with official people or when I had to explain to people who I was and what I did. Actually every time I felt, something was expected from me. It felt much more logical for me to start practicing in conversational contexts. I started with the networking events for “Bit of Energy” and went on to the business meetings for “Bit of Energy”. These meetings helped me a lot, because I wasn’t alone, and there where many of them to practice. Right now I’m no longer bothered by nerves during these meetings. After that I started telling people about my project and my vision on design. It might sound like a small step, but for me this was a very big step, even in my private life. At first every time I had to explain to people what I did, I started panicking, but after a few times it became easier, also because of many nice responses. Eventually I had to go to client meetings for my project, and I’m still very nervous every time I meet new people, but it gets easier every time as well. I feel much more like my old self and I feel ready to start practicing with small presentation sessions next semester. With the goal of giving my final master presentation for a group of people including my friends and family. Research Implementation Another goal I set for myself was to practice with implementing research in my project, in a way that fits most to me as designer. I wanted

to do this by executing 4 co-reflection/testing sessions. Eventually I did only two co-reflection sessions and 1 test. I realised that I really like to do these kind of small test in order to bring my project further, though I’m always a little hesitant to start such a test. I shouldn’t doubt too much and just do a lot of them, since they give me a lot of inspiration and knowledge about my subject. I plan to do more field test upcoming semester by using simple prototypes. The Hidden-Design methodology by Afdeling Buitegewone Zaken, interests me a lot, I plan to implement hidden-design in these field-tests. Even though I have a lot of objections against research at our faculty, and I never thought it would be something for me, I enjoy the academic and research part of this project more than I thought I would. I’m fascinated by the climate change and the energy transition issue and I can research for hours what effect it will have on our future. In this process I found some academically based movies on YouTube. For a dyslexic who despises reading, this is the perfect solution. I will definitely make use of this in future research. Planning My third goal was to find a way of planning that works for me. I wanted to do this by: planning my activities in full days instead of small timeslots, to give myself some time to do nothing so now and then, to say more “no” to new opportunities and carefully select the really interesting opportunities and finally by making to the point plans for every week. I have to say that I’m proud of my development on planning during this semester. I used my past experiences in assessing what new opportunities where worth it and what not, and I managed to keep it to a controllable amount. Also I was able to plan most of my activities for full or half days which resulted in a much calmer and controllable life. This helped me in enjoying my free evenings and having less stress. One thing I still struggled with was to keep to my week planning every week. Because I my deadlines did not effect

others it was difficult for me to keep them. Also I planned to work on “Bit of Energy” only one day a week, but this tended to become more some weeks. Because a struggled a lot with my FMP and “Bit of Energy” gave me a lot of energy, it was appealing or me to invest more time in “Bit of Energy”. For next semester it will be a challenge to keep up my calm planning attitude and to make even more to the point week planning’s with deadlines that effect other people as well. This way I will probably manage to get more energy out of my project and to keep to the planning. Overall Style The fourth goal I set for myself was to create an overall style for the project in order to communicate everything in a professional way. I’m happy about the outcome of the style, which I used for all official communication I did (reports and the Demo-Day). For next semester, I plan to refine the style together with a graphic design expert and to apply the style on even more communication tools, like my portfolio, my email signature etc. Partnership For my final master project, I wanted to work together with a partner, in order to make my project fit to a real context and to make it more relevant. I managed to find a partner and there is a lot of potential to make my project very relevant, since I get involved in real provincial policy meetings concerning my topic. Though I have to stay clear to my client about my abilities as designer and have to make fast important decisions for myself and my project, even though my client might steer me in another direction, or might slow me down. Portfolio The final goal I set for myself was to make a portfolio in order to present myself well to external parties. I made a start on my portfolio, but unfortunately I couldn’t find the time to finish it this semester. Lucky there wasn’t a real

need for it yet. I will finish the portfolio during the first half of next semester. This way I can use it when I want to apply for a job and I don’t have to invest too much time in building it at the end of the semester. Approach Overall the project was difficult for me this semester. I underestimated the complexity of the energy problem. During my meeting with the policy makers of the Provincie Noord Brabant, I realised I’m not the only one struggling with the complexity of the energy problem. By starting building from the fist week on, I plan to make the project more concrete next semester. Instead of trying to grasp the project context and researching the subject, I’m going to be the designer next semester. I plan to get more into depth in what kind of interaction or system will work to get people involved in the energy transition. I’m going to do this by building and testing instead of reading and analysing. The reason I mostly stayed in the analysing and researching phase was because I was overwhelmed by the complexity of the project and thought it would help me to just research a lot about it. Looking back at it, building would have helped me more to get an understanding of the complexity. For next semester I plan to have regular reflection meetings with Caroline Hummels (my project coach), on my process in order to make me more aware of it, which will help me to make the right decisions as well.

Appendix A - Personal Reflection At the beginning of the semester I had six clear goals for my development during this first half year of my Final Master Project (FMP). Presenting The first goal was to practice with presenting. Since last year I became extremely stressed out whenever I had to give a presentation, this slowed me down in many different opportunities which is a shame. My goal was to plan in small presentation session within a safe context to practice with my nerves. During the semester I realised that the nerves didn’t apply only in giving presentations but also during meetings with official people or when I had to explain to people who I was and what I did. Actually every time I felt, something was expected from me. It felt much more logical for me to start practicing in conversational contexts. I started with the networking events for “Bit of Energy” and went on to the business meetings for “Bit of Energy”. These meetings helped me a lot, because I wasn’t alone, and there where many of them to practice. Right now I’m no longer bothered by nerves during these meetings. After that I started telling people about my project and my vision on design. It might sound like a small step, but for me this was a very big step, even in my private life. At first every time I had to explain to people what I did, I started panicking, but after a few times it became easier, also because of many nice responses. Eventually I had to go to client meetings for my project, and I’m still very nervous every time I meet new people, but it gets easier every time as well. I feel much more like my old self and I feel ready to start practicing with small presentation sessions next semester. With the goal of giving my final master presentation for a group of people including my friends and family. Research Implementation Another goal I set for myself was to practice with implementing research in my project, in a way that fits most to me as designer. I wanted

to do this by executing 4 co-reflection/testing sessions. Eventually I did only two co-reflection sessions and 1 test. I realised that I really like to do these kind of small test in order to bring my project further, though I’m always a little hesitant to start such a test. I shouldn’t doubt too much and just do a lot of them, since they give me a lot of inspiration and knowledge about my subject. I plan to do more field test upcoming semester by using simple prototypes. The Hidden-Design methodology by Afdeling Buitegewone Zaken, interests me a lot, I plan to implement hidden-design in these field-tests. Even though I have a lot of objections against research at our faculty, and I never thought it would be something for me, I enjoy the academic and research part of this project more than I thought I would. I’m fascinated by the climate change and the energy transition issue and I can research for hours what effect it will have on our future. In this process I found some academically based movies on YouTube. For a dyslexic who despises reading, this is the perfect solution. I will definitely make use of this in future research. Planning My third goal was to find a way of planning that works for me. I wanted to do this by: planning my activities in full days instead of small timeslots, to give myself some time to do nothing so now and then, to say more “no” to new opportunities and carefully select the really interesting opportunities and finally by making to the point plans for every week. I have to say that I’m proud of my development on planning during this semester. I used my past experiences in assessing what new opportunities where worth it and what not, and I managed to keep it to a controllable amount. Also I was able to plan most of my activities for full or half days which resulted in a much calmer and controllable life. This helped me in enjoying my free evenings and having less stress. One thing I still struggled with was to keep to my week planning every week. Because I my deadlines did not effect

others it was difficult for me to keep them. Also I planned to work on “Bit of Energy” only one day a week, but this tended to become more some weeks. Because a struggled a lot with my FMP and “Bit of Energy” gave me a lot of energy, it was appealing or me to invest more time in “Bit of Energy”. For next semester it will be a challenge to keep up my calm planning attitude and to make even more to the point week planning’s with deadlines that effect other people as well. This way I will probably manage to get more energy out of my project and to keep to the planning. Overall Style The fourth goal I set for myself was to create an overall style for the project in order to communicate everything in a professional way. I’m happy about the outcome of the style, which I used for all official communication I did (reports and the Demo-Day). For next semester, I plan to refine the style together with a graphic design expert and to apply the style on even more communication tools, like my portfolio, my email signature etc. Partnership For my final master project, I wanted to work together with a partner, in order to make my project fit to a real context and to make it more relevant. I managed to find a partner and there is a lot of potential to make my project very relevant, since I get involved in real provincial policy meetings concerning my topic. Though I have to stay clear to my client about my abilities as designer and have to make fast important decisions for myself and my project, even though my client might steer me in another direction, or might slow me down. Portfolio The final goal I set for myself was to make a portfolio in order to present myself well to external parties. I made a start on my portfolio, but unfortunately I couldn’t find the time to finish it this semester. Lucky there wasn’t a real

need for it yet. I will finish the portfolio during the first half of next semester. This way I can use it when I want to apply for a job and I don’t have to invest too much time in building it at the end of the semester. Approach Overall the project was difficult for me this semester. I underestimated the complexity of the energy problem. During my meeting with the policy makers of the Provincie Noord Brabant, I realised I’m not the only one struggling with the complexity of the energy problem. By starting building from the fist week on, I plan to make the project more concrete next semester. Instead of trying to grasp the project context and researching the subject, I’m going to be the designer next semester. I plan to get more into depth in what kind of interaction or system will work to get people involved in the energy transition. I’m going to do this by building and testing instead of reading and analysing. The reason I mostly stayed in the analysing and researching phase was because I was overwhelmed by the complexity of the project and thought it would help me to just research a lot about it. Looking back at it, building would have helped me more to get an understanding of the complexity. For next semester I plan to have regular reflection meetings with Caroline Hummels (my project coach), on my process in order to make me more aware of it, which will help me to make the right decisions as well.

Appendix A - Personal Reflection At the beginning of the semester I had six clear goals for my development during this first half year of my Final Master Project (FMP). Presenting The first goal was to practice with presenting. Since last year I became extremely stressed out whenever I had to give a presentation, this slowed me down in many different opportunities which is a shame. My goal was to plan in small presentation session within a safe context to practice with my nerves. During the semester I realised that the nerves didn’t apply only in giving presentations but also during meetings with official people or when I had to explain to people who I was and what I did. Actually every time I felt, something was expected from me. It felt much more logical for me to start practicing in conversational contexts. I started with the networking events for “Bit of Energy” and went on to the business meetings for “Bit of Energy”. These meetings helped me a lot, because I wasn’t alone, and there where many of them to practice. Right now I’m no longer bothered by nerves during these meetings. After that I started telling people about my project and my vision on design. It might sound like a small step, but for me this was a very big step, even in my private life. At first every time I had to explain to people what I did, I started panicking, but after a few times it became easier, also because of many nice responses. Eventually I had to go to client meetings for my project, and I’m still very nervous every time I meet new people, but it gets easier every time as well. I feel much more like my old self and I feel ready to start practicing with small presentation sessions next semester. With the goal of giving my final master presentation for a group of people including my friends and family. Research Implementation Another goal I set for myself was to practice with implementing research in my project, in a way that fits most to me as designer. I wanted

to do this by executing 4 co-reflection/testing sessions. Eventually I did only two co-reflection sessions and 1 test. I realised that I really like to do these kind of small test in order to bring my project further, though I’m always a little hesitant to start such a test. I shouldn’t doubt too much and just do a lot of them, since they give me a lot of inspiration and knowledge about my subject. I plan to do more field test upcoming semester by using simple prototypes. The Hidden-Design methodology by Afdeling Buitegewone Zaken, interests me a lot, I plan to implement hidden-design in these field-tests. Even though I have a lot of objections against research at our faculty, and I never thought it would be something for me, I enjoy the academic and research part of this project more than I thought I would. I’m fascinated by the climate change and the energy transition issue and I can research for hours what effect it will have on our future. In this process I found some academically based movies on YouTube. For a dyslexic who despises reading, this is the perfect solution. I will definitely make use of this in future research. Planning My third goal was to find a way of planning that works for me. I wanted to do this by: planning my activities in full days instead of small timeslots, to give myself some time to do nothing so now and then, to say more “no” to new opportunities and carefully select the really interesting opportunities and finally by making to the point plans for every week. I have to say that I’m proud of my development on planning during this semester. I used my past experiences in assessing what new opportunities where worth it and what not, and I managed to keep it to a controllable amount. Also I was able to plan most of my activities for full or half days which resulted in a much calmer and controllable life. This helped me in enjoying my free evenings and having less stress. One thing I still struggled with was to keep to my week planning every week. Because I my deadlines did not effect

others it was difficult for me to keep them. Also I planned to work on “Bit of Energy” only one day a week, but this tended to become more some weeks. Because a struggled a lot with my FMP and “Bit of Energy” gave me a lot of energy, it was appealing or me to invest more time in “Bit of Energy”. For next semester it will be a challenge to keep up my calm planning attitude and to make even more to the point week planning’s with deadlines that effect other people as well. This way I will probably manage to get more energy out of my project and to keep to the planning. Overall Style The fourth goal I set for myself was to create an overall style for the project in order to communicate everything in a professional way. I’m happy about the outcome of the style, which I used for all official communication I did (reports and the Demo-Day). For next semester, I plan to refine the style together with a graphic design expert and to apply the style on even more communication tools, like my portfolio, my email signature etc. Partnership For my final master project, I wanted to work together with a partner, in order to make my project fit to a real context and to make it more relevant. I managed to find a partner and there is a lot of potential to make my project very relevant, since I get involved in real provincial policy meetings concerning my topic. Though I have to stay clear to my client about my abilities as designer and have to make fast important decisions for myself and my project, even though my client might steer me in another direction, or might slow me down. Portfolio The final goal I set for myself was to make a portfolio in order to present myself well to external parties. I made a start on my portfolio, but unfortunately I couldn’t find the time to finish it this semester. Lucky there wasn’t a real

need for it yet. I will finish the portfolio during the first half of next semester. This way I can use it when I want to apply for a job and I don’t have to invest too much time in building it at the end of the semester. Approach Overall the project was difficult for me this semester. I underestimated the complexity of the energy problem. During my meeting with the policy makers of the Provincie Noord Brabant, I realised I’m not the only one struggling with the complexity of the energy problem. By starting building from the fist week on, I plan to make the project more concrete next semester. Instead of trying to grasp the project context and researching the subject, I’m going to be the designer next semester. I plan to get more into depth in what kind of interaction or system will work to get people involved in the energy transition. I’m going to do this by building and testing instead of reading and analysing. The reason I mostly stayed in the analysing and researching phase was because I was overwhelmed by the complexity of the project and thought it would help me to just research a lot about it. Looking back at it, building would have helped me more to get an understanding of the complexity. For next semester I plan to have regular reflection meetings with Caroline Hummels (my project coach), on my process in order to make me more aware of it, which will help me to make the right decisions as well.

Appendix A - Personal Reflection At the beginning of the semester I had six clear goals for my development during this first half year of my Final Master Project (FMP). Presenting The first goal was to practice with presenting. Since last year I became extremely stressed out whenever I had to give a presentation, this slowed me down in many different opportunities which is a shame. My goal was to plan in small presentation session within a safe context to practice with my nerves. During the semester I realised that the nerves didn’t apply only in giving presentations but also during meetings with official people or when I had to explain to people who I was and what I did. Actually every time I felt, something was expected from me. It felt much more logical for me to start practicing in conversational contexts. I started with the networking events for “Bit of Energy” and went on to the business meetings for “Bit of Energy”. These meetings helped me a lot, because I wasn’t alone, and there where many of them to practice. Right now I’m no longer bothered by nerves during these meetings. After that I started telling people about my project and my vision on design. It might sound like a small step, but for me this was a very big step, even in my private life. At first every time I had to explain to people what I did, I started panicking, but after a few times it became easier, also because of many nice responses. Eventually I had to go to client meetings for my project, and I’m still very nervous every time I meet new people, but it gets easier every time as well. I feel much more like my old self and I feel ready to start practicing with small presentation sessions next semester. With the goal of giving my final master presentation for a group of people including my friends and family. Research Implementation Another goal I set for myself was to practice with implementing research in my project, in a way that fits most to me as designer. I wanted

to do this by executing 4 co-reflection/testing sessions. Eventually I did only two co-reflection sessions and 1 test. I realised that I really like to do these kind of small test in order to bring my project further, though I’m always a little hesitant to start such a test. I shouldn’t doubt too much and just do a lot of them, since they give me a lot of inspiration and knowledge about my subject. I plan to do more field test upcoming semester by using simple prototypes. The Hidden-Design methodology by Afdeling Buitegewone Zaken, interests me a lot, I plan to implement hidden-design in these field-tests. Even though I have a lot of objections against research at our faculty, and I never thought it would be something for me, I enjoy the academic and research part of this project more than I thought I would. I’m fascinated by the climate change and the energy transition issue and I can research for hours what effect it will have on our future. In this process I found some academically based movies on YouTube. For a dyslexic who despises reading, this is the perfect solution. I will definitely make use of this in future research. Planning My third goal was to find a way of planning that works for me. I wanted to do this by: planning my activities in full days instead of small timeslots, to give myself some time to do nothing so now and then, to say more “no” to new opportunities and carefully select the really interesting opportunities and finally by making to the point plans for every week. I have to say that I’m proud of my development on planning during this semester. I used my past experiences in assessing what new opportunities where worth it and what not, and I managed to keep it to a controllable amount. Also I was able to plan most of my activities for full or half days which resulted in a much calmer and controllable life. This helped me in enjoying my free evenings and having less stress. One thing I still struggled with was to keep to my week planning every week. Because I my deadlines did not effect

others it was difficult for me to keep them. Also I planned to work on “Bit of Energy” only one day a week, but this tended to become more some weeks. Because a struggled a lot with my FMP and “Bit of Energy” gave me a lot of energy, it was appealing or me to invest more time in “Bit of Energy”. For next semester it will be a challenge to keep up my calm planning attitude and to make even more to the point week planning’s with deadlines that effect other people as well. This way I will probably manage to get more energy out of my project and to keep to the planning. Overall Style The fourth goal I set for myself was to create an overall style for the project in order to communicate everything in a professional way. I’m happy about the outcome of the style, which I used for all official communication I did (reports and the Demo-Day). For next semester, I plan to refine the style together with a graphic design expert and to apply the style on even more communication tools, like my portfolio, my email signature etc. Partnership For my final master project, I wanted to work together with a partner, in order to make my project fit to a real context and to make it more relevant. I managed to find a partner and there is a lot of potential to make my project very relevant, since I get involved in real provincial policy meetings concerning my topic. Though I have to stay clear to my client about my abilities as designer and have to make fast important decisions for myself and my project, even though my client might steer me in another direction, or might slow me down. Portfolio The final goal I set for myself was to make a portfolio in order to present myself well to external parties. I made a start on my portfolio, but unfortunately I couldn’t find the time to finish it this semester. Lucky there wasn’t a real

need for it yet. I will finish the portfolio during the first half of next semester. This way I can use it when I want to apply for a job and I don’t have to invest too much time in building it at the end of the semester. Approach Overall the project was difficult for me this semester. I underestimated the complexity of the energy problem. During my meeting with the policy makers of the Provincie Noord Brabant, I realised I’m not the only one struggling with the complexity of the energy problem. By starting building from the fist week on, I plan to make the project more concrete next semester. Instead of trying to grasp the project context and researching the subject, I’m going to be the designer next semester. I plan to get more into depth in what kind of interaction or system will work to get people involved in the energy transition. I’m going to do this by building and testing instead of reading and analysing. The reason I mostly stayed in the analysing and researching phase was because I was overwhelmed by the complexity of the project and thought it would help me to just research a lot about it. Looking back at it, building would have helped me more to get an understanding of the complexity. For next semester I plan to have regular reflection meetings with Caroline Hummels (my project coach), on my process in order to make me more aware of it, which will help me to make the right decisions as well.

Appendix A - Personal Reflection At the beginning of the semester I had six clear goals for my development during this first half year of my Final Master Project (FMP). Presenting The first goal was to practice with presenting. Since last year I became extremely stressed out whenever I had to give a presentation, this slowed me down in many different opportunities which is a shame. My goal was to plan in small presentation session within a safe context to practice with my nerves. During the semester I realised that the nerves didn’t apply only in giving presentations but also during meetings with official people or when I had to explain to people who I was and what I did. Actually every time I felt, something was expected from me. It felt much more logical for me to start practicing in conversational contexts. I started with the networking events for “Bit of Energy” and went on to the business meetings for “Bit of Energy”. These meetings helped me a lot, because I wasn’t alone, and there where many of them to practice. Right now I’m no longer bothered by nerves during these meetings. After that I started telling people about my project and my vision on design. It might sound like a small step, but for me this was a very big step, even in my private life. At first every time I had to explain to people what I did, I started panicking, but after a few times it became easier, also because of many nice responses. Eventually I had to go to client meetings for my project, and I’m still very nervous every time I meet new people, but it gets easier every time as well. I feel much more like my old self and I feel ready to start practicing with small presentation sessions next semester. With the goal of giving my final master presentation for a group of people including my friends and family. Research Implementation Another goal I set for myself was to practice with implementing research in my project, in a way that fits most to me as designer. I wanted

to do this by executing 4 co-reflection/testing sessions. Eventually I did only two co-reflection sessions and 1 test. I realised that I really like to do these kind of small test in order to bring my project further, though I’m always a little hesitant to start such a test. I shouldn’t doubt too much and just do a lot of them, since they give me a lot of inspiration and knowledge about my subject. I plan to do more field test upcoming semester by using simple prototypes. The Hidden-Design methodology by Afdeling Buitegewone Zaken, interests me a lot, I plan to implement hidden-design in these field-tests. Even though I have a lot of objections against research at our faculty, and I never thought it would be something for me, I enjoy the academic and research part of this project more than I thought I would. I’m fascinated by the climate change and the energy transition issue and I can research for hours what effect it will have on our future. In this process I found some academically based movies on YouTube. For a dyslexic who despises reading, this is the perfect solution. I will definitely make use of this in future research. Planning My third goal was to find a way of planning that works for me. I wanted to do this by: planning my activities in full days instead of small timeslots, to give myself some time to do nothing so now and then, to say more “no” to new opportunities and carefully select the really interesting opportunities and finally by making to the point plans for every week. I have to say that I’m proud of my development on planning during this semester. I used my past experiences in assessing what new opportunities where worth it and what not, and I managed to keep it to a controllable amount. Also I was able to plan most of my activities for full or half days which resulted in a much calmer and controllable life. This helped me in enjoying my free evenings and having less stress. One thing I still struggled with was to keep to my week planning every week. Because I my deadlines did not effect

others it was difficult for me to keep them. Also I planned to work on “Bit of Energy” only one day a week, but this tended to become more some weeks. Because a struggled a lot with my FMP and “Bit of Energy” gave me a lot of energy, it was appealing or me to invest more time in “Bit of Energy”. For next semester it will be a challenge to keep up my calm planning attitude and to make even more to the point week planning’s with deadlines that effect other people as well. This way I will probably manage to get more energy out of my project and to keep to the planning. Overall Style The fourth goal I set for myself was to create an overall style for the project in order to communicate everything in a professional way. I’m happy about the outcome of the style, which I used for all official communication I did (reports and the Demo-Day). For next semester, I plan to refine the style together with a graphic design expert and to apply the style on even more communication tools, like my portfolio, my email signature etc. Partnership For my final master project, I wanted to work together with a partner, in order to make my project fit to a real context and to make it more relevant. I managed to find a partner and there is a lot of potential to make my project very relevant, since I get involved in real provincial policy meetings concerning my topic. Though I have to stay clear to my client about my abilities as designer and have to make fast important decisions for myself and my project, even though my client might steer me in another direction, or might slow me down. Portfolio The final goal I set for myself was to make a portfolio in order to present myself well to external parties. I made a start on my portfolio, but unfortunately I couldn’t find the time to finish it this semester. Lucky there wasn’t a real

need for it yet. I will finish the portfolio during the first half of next semester. This way I can use it when I want to apply for a job and I don’t have to invest too much time in building it at the end of the semester. Approach Overall the project was difficult for me this semester. I underestimated the complexity of the energy problem. During my meeting with the policy makers of the Provincie Noord Brabant, I realised I’m not the only one struggling with the complexity of the energy problem. By starting building from the fist week on, I plan to make the project more concrete next semester. Instead of trying to grasp the project context and researching the subject, I’m going to be the designer next semester. I plan to get more into depth in what kind of interaction or system will work to get people involved in the energy transition. I’m going to do this by building and testing instead of reading and analysing. The reason I mostly stayed in the analysing and researching phase was because I was overwhelmed by the complexity of the project and thought it would help me to just research a lot about it. Looking back at it, building would have helped me more to get an understanding of the complexity. For next semester I plan to have regular reflection meetings with Caroline Hummels (my project coach), on my process in order to make me more aware of it, which will help me to make the right decisions as well.

Appendix A - Personal Reflection At the beginning of the semester I had six clear goals for my development during this first half year of my Final Master Project (FMP). Presenting The first goal was to practice with presenting. Since last year I became extremely stressed out whenever I had to give a presentation, this slowed me down in many different opportunities which is a shame. My goal was to plan in small presentation session within a safe context to practice with my nerves. During the semester I realised that the nerves didn’t apply only in giving presentations but also during meetings with official people or when I had to explain to people who I was and what I did. Actually every time I felt, something was expected from me. It felt much more logical for me to start practicing in conversational contexts. I started with the networking events for “Bit of Energy” and went on to the business meetings for “Bit of Energy”. These meetings helped me a lot, because I wasn’t alone, and there where many of them to practice. Right now I’m no longer bothered by nerves during these meetings. After that I started telling people about my project and my vision on design. It might sound like a small step, but for me this was a very big step, even in my private life. At first every time I had to explain to people what I did, I started panicking, but after a few times it became easier, also because of many nice responses. Eventually I had to go to client meetings for my project, and I’m still very nervous every time I meet new people, but it gets easier every time as well. I feel much more like my old self and I feel ready to start practicing with small presentation sessions next semester. With the goal of giving my final master presentation for a group of people including my friends and family. Research Implementation Another goal I set for myself was to practice with implementing research in my project, in a way that fits most to me as designer. I wanted

to do this by executing 4 co-reflection/testing sessions. Eventually I did only two co-reflection sessions and 1 test. I realised that I really like to do these kind of small test in order to bring my project further, though I’m always a little hesitant to start such a test. I shouldn’t doubt too much and just do a lot of them, since they give me a lot of inspiration and knowledge about my subject. I plan to do more field test upcoming semester by using simple prototypes. The Hidden-Design methodology by Afdeling Buitegewone Zaken, interests me a lot, I plan to implement hidden-design in these field-tests. Even though I have a lot of objections against research at our faculty, and I never thought it would be something for me, I enjoy the academic and research part of this project more than I thought I would. I’m fascinated by the climate change and the energy transition issue and I can research for hours what effect it will have on our future. In this process I found some academically based movies on YouTube. For a dyslexic who despises reading, this is the perfect solution. I will definitely make use of this in future research. Planning My third goal was to find a way of planning that works for me. I wanted to do this by: planning my activities in full days instead of small timeslots, to give myself some time to do nothing so now and then, to say more “no” to new opportunities and carefully select the really interesting opportunities and finally by making to the point plans for every week. I have to say that I’m proud of my development on planning during this semester. I used my past experiences in assessing what new opportunities where worth it and what not, and I managed to keep it to a controllable amount. Also I was able to plan most of my activities for full or half days which resulted in a much calmer and controllable life. This helped me in enjoying my free evenings and having less stress. One thing I still struggled with was to keep to my week planning every week. Because I my deadlines did not effect

others it was difficult for me to keep them. Also I planned to work on “Bit of Energy” only one day a week, but this tended to become more some weeks. Because a struggled a lot with my FMP and “Bit of Energy” gave me a lot of energy, it was appealing or me to invest more time in “Bit of Energy”. For next semester it will be a challenge to keep up my calm planning attitude and to make even more to the point week planning’s with deadlines that effect other people as well. This way I will probably manage to get more energy out of my project and to keep to the planning. Overall Style The fourth goal I set for myself was to create an overall style for the project in order to communicate everything in a professional way. I’m happy about the outcome of the style, which I used for all official communication I did (reports and the Demo-Day). For next semester, I plan to refine the style together with a graphic design expert and to apply the style on even more communication tools, like my portfolio, my email signature etc. Partnership For my final master project, I wanted to work together with a partner, in order to make my project fit to a real context and to make it more relevant. I managed to find a partner and there is a lot of potential to make my project very relevant, since I get involved in real provincial policy meetings concerning my topic. Though I have to stay clear to my client about my abilities as designer and have to make fast important decisions for myself and my project, even though my client might steer me in another direction, or might slow me down. Portfolio The final goal I set for myself was to make a portfolio in order to present myself well to external parties. I made a start on my portfolio, but unfortunately I couldn’t find the time to finish it this semester. Lucky there wasn’t a real

need for it yet. I will finish the portfolio during the first half of next semester. This way I can use it when I want to apply for a job and I don’t have to invest too much time in building it at the end of the semester. Approach Overall the project was difficult for me this semester. I underestimated the complexity of the energy problem. During my meeting with the policy makers of the Provincie Noord Brabant, I realised I’m not the only one struggling with the complexity of the energy problem. By starting building from the fist week on, I plan to make the project more concrete next semester. Instead of trying to grasp the project context and researching the subject, I’m going to be the designer next semester. I plan to get more into depth in what kind of interaction or system will work to get people involved in the energy transition. I’m going to do this by building and testing instead of reading and analysing. The reason I mostly stayed in the analysing and researching phase was because I was overwhelmed by the complexity of the project and thought it would help me to just research a lot about it. Looking back at it, building would have helped me more to get an understanding of the complexity. For next semester I plan to have regular reflection meetings with Caroline Hummels (my project coach), on my process in order to make me more aware of it, which will help me to make the right decisions as well.

Appendix A - Personal Reflection At the beginning of the semester I had six clear goals for my development during this first half year of my Final Master Project (FMP). Presenting The first goal was to practice with presenting. Since last year I became extremely stressed out whenever I had to give a presentation, this slowed me down in many different opportunities which is a shame. My goal was to plan in small presentation session within a safe context to practice with my nerves. During the semester I realised that the nerves didn’t apply only in giving presentations but also during meetings with official people or when I had to explain to people who I was and what I did. Actually every time I felt, something was expected from me. It felt much more logical for me to start practicing in conversational contexts. I started with the networking events for “Bit of Energy” and went on to the business meetings for “Bit of Energy”. These meetings helped me a lot, because I wasn’t alone, and there where many of them to practice. Right now I’m no longer bothered by nerves during these meetings. After that I started telling people about my project and my vision on design. It might sound like a small step, but for me this was a very big step, even in my private life. At first every time I had to explain to people what I did, I started panicking, but after a few times it became easier, also because of many nice responses. Eventually I had to go to client meetings for my project, and I’m still very nervous every time I meet new people, but it gets easier every time as well. I feel much more like my old self and I feel ready to start practicing with small presentation sessions next semester. With the goal of giving my final master presentation for a group of people including my friends and family. Research Implementation Another goal I set for myself was to practice with implementing research in my project, in a way that fits most to me as designer. I wanted

to do this by executing 4 co-reflection/testing sessions. Eventually I did only two co-reflection sessions and 1 test. I realised that I really like to do these kind of small test in order to bring my project further, though I’m always a little hesitant to start such a test. I shouldn’t doubt too much and just do a lot of them, since they give me a lot of inspiration and knowledge about my subject. I plan to do more field test upcoming semester by using simple prototypes. The Hidden-Design methodology by Afdeling Buitegewone Zaken, interests me a lot, I plan to implement hidden-design in these field-tests. Even though I have a lot of objections against research at our faculty, and I never thought it would be something for me, I enjoy the academic and research part of this project more than I thought I would. I’m fascinated by the climate change and the energy transition issue and I can research for hours what effect it will have on our future. In this process I found some academically based movies on YouTube. For a dyslexic who despises reading, this is the perfect solution. I will definitely make use of this in future research. Planning My third goal was to find a way of planning that works for me. I wanted to do this by: planning my activities in full days instead of small timeslots, to give myself some time to do nothing so now and then, to say more “no” to new opportunities and carefully select the really interesting opportunities and finally by making to the point plans for every week. I have to say that I’m proud of my development on planning during this semester. I used my past experiences in assessing what new opportunities where worth it and what not, and I managed to keep it to a controllable amount. Also I was able to plan most of my activities for full or half days which resulted in a much calmer and controllable life. This helped me in enjoying my free evenings and having less stress. One thing I still struggled with was to keep to my week planning every week. Because I my deadlines did not effect

others it was difficult for me to keep them. Also I planned to work on “Bit of Energy” only one day a week, but this tended to become more some weeks. Because a struggled a lot with my FMP and “Bit of Energy” gave me a lot of energy, it was appealing or me to invest more time in “Bit of Energy”. For next semester it will be a challenge to keep up my calm planning attitude and to make even more to the point week planning’s with deadlines that effect other people as well. This way I will probably manage to get more energy out of my project and to keep to the planning. Overall Style The fourth goal I set for myself was to create an overall style for the project in order to communicate everything in a professional way. I’m happy about the outcome of the style, which I used for all official communication I did (reports and the Demo-Day). For next semester, I plan to refine the style together with a graphic design expert and to apply the style on even more communication tools, like my portfolio, my email signature etc. Partnership For my final master project, I wanted to work together with a partner, in order to make my project fit to a real context and to make it more relevant. I managed to find a partner and there is a lot of potential to make my project very relevant, since I get involved in real provincial policy meetings concerning my topic. Though I have to stay clear to my client about my abilities as designer and have to make fast important decisions for myself and my project, even though my client might steer me in another direction, or might slow me down. Portfolio The final goal I set for myself was to make a portfolio in order to present myself well to external parties. I made a start on my portfolio, but unfortunately I couldn’t find the time to finish it this semester. Lucky there wasn’t a real

need for it yet. I will finish the portfolio during the first half of next semester. This way I can use it when I want to apply for a job and I don’t have to invest too much time in building it at the end of the semester. Approach Overall the project was difficult for me this semester. I underestimated the complexity of the energy problem. During my meeting with the policy makers of the Provincie Noord Brabant, I realised I’m not the only one struggling with the complexity of the energy problem. By starting building from the fist week on, I plan to make the project more concrete next semester. Instead of trying to grasp the project context and researching the subject, I’m going to be the designer next semester. I plan to get more into depth in what kind of interaction or system will work to get people involved in the energy transition. I’m going to do this by building and testing instead of reading and analysing. The reason I mostly stayed in the analysing and researching phase was because I was overwhelmed by the complexity of the project and thought it would help me to just research a lot about it. Looking back at it, building would have helped me more to get an understanding of the complexity. For next semester I plan to have regular reflection meetings with Caroline Hummels (my project coach), on my process in order to make me more aware of it, which will help me to make the right decisions as well.

Appendix A - Personal Reflection At the beginning of the semester I had six clear goals for my development during this first half year of my Final Master Project (FMP). Presenting The first goal was to practice with presenting. Since last year I became extremely stressed out whenever I had to give a presentation, this slowed me down in many different opportunities which is a shame. My goal was to plan in small presentation session within a safe context to practice with my nerves. During the semester I realised that the nerves didn’t apply only in giving presentations but also during meetings with official people or when I had to explain to people who I was and what I did. Actually every time I felt, something was expected from me. It felt much more logical for me to start practicing in conversational contexts. I started with the networking events for “Bit of Energy” and went on to the business meetings for “Bit of Energy”. These meetings helped me a lot, because I wasn’t alone, and there where many of them to practice. Right now I’m no longer bothered by nerves during these meetings. After that I started telling people about my project and my vision on design. It might sound like a small step, but for me this was a very big step, even in my private life. At first every time I had to explain to people what I did, I started panicking, but after a few times it became easier, also because of many nice responses. Eventually I had to go to client meetings for my project, and I’m still very nervous every time I meet new people, but it gets easier every time as well. I feel much more like my old self and I feel ready to start practicing with small presentation sessions next semester. With the goal of giving my final master presentation for a group of people including my friends and family. Research Implementation Another goal I set for myself was to practice with implementing research in my project, in a way that fits most to me as designer. I wanted

to do this by executing 4 co-reflection/testing sessions. Eventually I did only two co-reflection sessions and 1 test. I realised that I really like to do these kind of small test in order to bring my project further, though I’m always a little hesitant to start such a test. I shouldn’t doubt too much and just do a lot of them, since they give me a lot of inspiration and knowledge about my subject. I plan to do more field test upcoming semester by using simple prototypes. The Hidden-Design methodology by Afdeling Buitegewone Zaken, interests me a lot, I plan to implement hidden-design in these field-tests. Even though I have a lot of objections against research at our faculty, and I never thought it would be something for me, I enjoy the academic and research part of this project more than I thought I would. I’m fascinated by the climate change and the energy transition issue and I can research for hours what effect it will have on our future. In this process I found some academically based movies on YouTube. For a dyslexic who despises reading, this is the perfect solution. I will definitely make use of this in future research. Planning My third goal was to find a way of planning that works for me. I wanted to do this by: planning my activities in full days instead of small timeslots, to give myself some time to do nothing so now and then, to say more “no” to new opportunities and carefully select the really interesting opportunities and finally by making to the point plans for every week. I have to say that I’m proud of my development on planning during this semester. I used my past experiences in assessing what new opportunities where worth it and what not, and I managed to keep it to a controllable amount. Also I was able to plan most of my activities for full or half days which resulted in a much calmer and controllable life. This helped me in enjoying my free evenings and having less stress. One thing I still struggled with was to keep to my week planning every week. Because I my deadlines did not effect

others it was difficult for me to keep them. Also I planned to work on “Bit of Energy” only one day a week, but this tended to become more some weeks. Because a struggled a lot with my FMP and “Bit of Energy” gave me a lot of energy, it was appealing or me to invest more time in “Bit of Energy”. For next semester it will be a challenge to keep up my calm planning attitude and to make even more to the point week planning’s with deadlines that effect other people as well. This way I will probably manage to get more energy out of my project and to keep to the planning. Overall Style The fourth goal I set for myself was to create an overall style for the project in order to communicate everything in a professional way. I’m happy about the outcome of the style, which I used for all official communication I did (reports and the Demo-Day). For next semester, I plan to refine the style together with a graphic design expert and to apply the style on even more communication tools, like my portfolio, my email signature etc. Partnership For my final master project, I wanted to work together with a partner, in order to make my project fit to a real context and to make it more relevant. I managed to find a partner and there is a lot of potential to make my project very relevant, since I get involved in real provincial policy meetings concerning my topic. Though I have to stay clear to my client about my abilities as designer and have to make fast important decisions for myself and my project, even though my client might steer me in another direction, or might slow me down. Portfolio The final goal I set for myself was to make a portfolio in order to present myself well to external parties. I made a start on my portfolio, but unfortunately I couldn’t find the time to finish it this semester. Lucky there wasn’t a real

need for it yet. I will finish the portfolio during the first half of next semester. This way I can use it when I want to apply for a job and I don’t have to invest too much time in building it at the end of the semester. Approach Overall the project was difficult for me this semester. I underestimated the complexity of the energy problem. During my meeting with the policy makers of the Provincie Noord Brabant, I realised I’m not the only one struggling with the complexity of the energy problem. By starting building from the fist week on, I plan to make the project more concrete next semester. Instead of trying to grasp the project context and researching the subject, I’m going to be the designer next semester. I plan to get more into depth in what kind of interaction or system will work to get people involved in the energy transition. I’m going to do this by building and testing instead of reading and analysing. The reason I mostly stayed in the analysing and researching phase was because I was overwhelmed by the complexity of the project and thought it would help me to just research a lot about it. Looking back at it, building would have helped me more to get an understanding of the complexity. For next semester I plan to have regular reflection meetings with Caroline Hummels (my project coach), on my process in order to make me more aware of it, which will help me to make the right decisions as well.

Appendix A - Personal Reflection At the beginning of the semester I had six clear goals for my development during this first half year of my Final Master Project (FMP). Presenting The first goal was to practice with presenting. Since last year I became extremely stressed out whenever I had to give a presentation, this slowed me down in many different opportunities which is a shame. My goal was to plan in small presentation session within a safe context to practice with my nerves. During the semester I realised that the nerves didn’t apply only in giving presentations but also during meetings with official people or when I had to explain to people who I was and what I did. Actually every time I felt, something was expected from me. It felt much more logical for me to start practicing in conversational contexts. I started with the networking events for “Bit of Energy” and went on to the business meetings for “Bit of Energy”. These meetings helped me a lot, because I wasn’t alone, and there where many of them to practice. Right now I’m no longer bothered by nerves during these meetings. After that I started telling people about my project and my vision on design. It might sound like a small step, but for me this was a very big step, even in my private life. At first every time I had to explain to people what I did, I started panicking, but after a few times it became easier, also because of many nice responses. Eventually I had to go to client meetings for my project, and I’m still very nervous every time I meet new people, but it gets easier every time as well. I feel much more like my old self and I feel ready to start practicing with small presentation sessions next semester. With the goal of giving my final master presentation for a group of people including my friends and family. Research Implementation Another goal I set for myself was to practice with implementing research in my project, in a way that fits most to me as designer. I wanted

to do this by executing 4 co-reflection/testing sessions. Eventually I did only two co-reflection sessions and 1 test. I realised that I really like to do these kind of small test in order to bring my project further, though I’m always a little hesitant to start such a test. I shouldn’t doubt too much and just do a lot of them, since they give me a lot of inspiration and knowledge about my subject. I plan to do more field test upcoming semester by using simple prototypes. The Hidden-Design methodology by Afdeling Buitegewone Zaken, interests me a lot, I plan to implement hidden-design in these field-tests. Even though I have a lot of objections against research at our faculty, and I never thought it would be something for me, I enjoy the academic and research part of this project more than I thought I would. I’m fascinated by the climate change and the energy transition issue and I can research for hours what effect it will have on our future. In this process I found some academically based movies on YouTube. For a dyslexic who despises reading, this is the perfect solution. I will definitely make use of this in future research. Planning My third goal was to find a way of planning that works for me. I wanted to do this by: planning my activities in full days instead of small timeslots, to give myself some time to do nothing so now and then, to say more “no” to new opportunities and carefully select the really interesting opportunities and finally by making to the point plans for every week. I have to say that I’m proud of my development on planning during this semester. I used my past experiences in assessing what new opportunities where worth it and what not, and I managed to keep it to a controllable amount. Also I was able to plan most of my activities for full or half days which resulted in a much calmer and controllable life. This helped me in enjoying my free evenings and having less stress. One thing I still struggled with was to keep to my week planning every week. Because I my deadlines did not effect

others it was difficult for me to keep them. Also I planned to work on “Bit of Energy” only one day a week, but this tended to become more some weeks. Because a struggled a lot with my FMP and “Bit of Energy” gave me a lot of energy, it was appealing or me to invest more time in “Bit of Energy”. For next semester it will be a challenge to keep up my calm planning attitude and to make even more to the point week planning’s with deadlines that effect other people as well. This way I will probably manage to get more energy out of my project and to keep to the planning. Overall Style The fourth goal I set for myself was to create an overall style for the project in order to communicate everything in a professional way. I’m happy about the outcome of the style, which I used for all official communication I did (reports and the Demo-Day). For next semester, I plan to refine the style together with a graphic design expert and to apply the style on even more communication tools, like my portfolio, my email signature etc. Partnership For my final master project, I wanted to work together with a partner, in order to make my project fit to a real context and to make it more relevant. I managed to find a partner and there is a lot of potential to make my project very relevant, since I get involved in real provincial policy meetings concerning my topic. Though I have to stay clear to my client about my abilities as designer and have to make fast important decisions for myself and my project, even though my client might steer me in another direction, or might slow me down. Portfolio The final goal I set for myself was to make a portfolio in order to present myself well to external parties. I made a start on my portfolio, but unfortunately I couldn’t find the time to finish it this semester. Lucky there wasn’t a real

need for it yet. I will finish the portfolio during the first half of next semester. This way I can use it when I want to apply for a job and I don’t have to invest too much time in building it at the end of the semester. Approach Overall the project was difficult for me this semester. I underestimated the complexity of the energy problem. During my meeting with the policy makers of the Provincie Noord Brabant, I realised I’m not the only one struggling with the complexity of the energy problem. By starting building from the fist week on, I plan to make the project more concrete next semester. Instead of trying to grasp the project context and researching the subject, I’m going to be the designer next semester. I plan to get more into depth in what kind of interaction or system will work to get people involved in the energy transition. I’m going to do this by building and testing instead of reading and analysing. The reason I mostly stayed in the analysing and researching phase was because I was overwhelmed by the complexity of the project and thought it would help me to just research a lot about it. Looking back at it, building would have helped me more to get an understanding of the complexity. For next semester I plan to have regular reflection meetings with Caroline Hummels (my project coach), on my process in order to make me more aware of it, which will help me to make the right decisions as well.

Appendix A - Personal Reflection At the beginning of the semester I had six clear goals for my development during this first half year of my Final Master Project (FMP). Presenting The first goal was to practice with presenting. Since last year I became extremely stressed out whenever I had to give a presentation, this slowed me down in many different opportunities which is a shame. My goal was to plan in small presentation session within a safe context to practice with my nerves. During the semester I realised that the nerves didn’t apply only in giving presentations but also during meetings with official people or when I had to explain to people who I was and what I did. Actually every time I felt, something was expected from me. It felt much more logical for me to start practicing in conversational contexts. I started with the networking events for “Bit of Energy” and went on to the business meetings for “Bit of Energy”. These meetings helped me a lot, because I wasn’t alone, and there where many of them to practice. Right now I’m no longer bothered by nerves during these meetings. After that I started telling people about my project and my vision on design. It might sound like a small step, but for me this was a very big step, even in my private life. At first every time I had to explain to people what I did, I started panicking, but after a few times it became easier, also because of many nice responses. Eventually I had to go to client meetings for my project, and I’m still very nervous every time I meet new people, but it gets easier every time as well. I feel much more like my old self and I feel ready to start practicing with small presentation sessions next semester. With the goal of giving my final master presentation for a group of people including my friends and family. Research Implementation Another goal I set for myself was to practice with implementing research in my project, in a way that fits most to me as designer. I wanted

to do this by executing 4 co-reflection/testing sessions. Eventually I did only two co-reflection sessions and 1 test. I realised that I really like to do these kind of small test in order to bring my project further, though I’m always a little hesitant to start such a test. I shouldn’t doubt too much and just do a lot of them, since they give me a lot of inspiration and knowledge about my subject. I plan to do more field test upcoming semester by using simple prototypes. The Hidden-Design methodology by Afdeling Buitegewone Zaken, interests me a lot, I plan to implement hidden-design in these field-tests. Even though I have a lot of objections against research at our faculty, and I never thought it would be something for me, I enjoy the academic and research part of this project more than I thought I would. I’m fascinated by the climate change and the energy transition issue and I can research for hours what effect it will have on our future. In this process I found some academically based movies on YouTube. For a dyslexic who despises reading, this is the perfect solution. I will definitely make use of this in future research. Planning My third goal was to find a way of planning that works for me. I wanted to do this by: planning my activities in full days instead of small timeslots, to give myself some time to do nothing so now and then, to say more “no” to new opportunities and carefully select the really interesting opportunities and finally by making to the point plans for every week. I have to say that I’m proud of my development on planning during this semester. I used my past experiences in assessing what new opportunities where worth it and what not, and I managed to keep it to a controllable amount. Also I was able to plan most of my activities for full or half days which resulted in a much calmer and controllable life. This helped me in enjoying my free evenings and having less stress. One thing I still struggled with was to keep to my week planning every week. Because I my deadlines did not effect

others it was difficult for me to keep them. Also I planned to work on “Bit of Energy” only one day a week, but this tended to become more some weeks. Because a struggled a lot with my FMP and “Bit of Energy” gave me a lot of energy, it was appealing or me to invest more time in “Bit of Energy”. For next semester it will be a challenge to keep up my calm planning attitude and to make even more to the point week planning’s with deadlines that effect other people as well. This way I will probably manage to get more energy out of my project and to keep to the planning. Overall Style The fourth goal I set for myself was to create an overall style for the project in order to communicate everything in a professional way. I’m happy about the outcome of the style, which I used for all official communication I did (reports and the Demo-Day). For next semester, I plan to refine the style together with a graphic design expert and to apply the style on even more communication tools, like my portfolio, my email signature etc. Partnership For my final master project, I wanted to work together with a partner, in order to make my project fit to a real context and to make it more relevant. I managed to find a partner and there is a lot of potential to make my project very relevant, since I get involved in real provincial policy meetings concerning my topic. Though I have to stay clear to my client about my abilities as designer and have to make fast important decisions for myself and my project, even though my client might steer me in another direction, or might slow me down. Portfolio The final goal I set for myself was to make a portfolio in order to present myself well to external parties. I made a start on my portfolio, but unfortunately I couldn’t find the time to finish it this semester. Lucky there wasn’t a real

need for it yet. I will finish the portfolio during the first half of next semester. This way I can use it when I want to apply for a job and I don’t have to invest too much time in building it at the end of the semester. Approach Overall the project was difficult for me this semester. I underestimated the complexity of the energy problem. During my meeting with the policy makers of the Provincie Noord Brabant, I realised I’m not the only one struggling with the complexity of the energy problem. By starting building from the fist week on, I plan to make the project more concrete next semester. Instead of trying to grasp the project context and researching the subject, I’m going to be the designer next semester. I plan to get more into depth in what kind of interaction or system will work to get people involved in the energy transition. I’m going to do this by building and testing instead of reading and analysing. The reason I mostly stayed in the analysing and researching phase was because I was overwhelmed by the complexity of the project and thought it would help me to just research a lot about it. Looking back at it, building would have helped me more to get an understanding of the complexity. For next semester I plan to have regular reflection meetings with Caroline Hummels (my project coach), on my process in order to make me more aware of it, which will help me to make the right decisions as well.

Appendix A - Personal Reflection At the beginning of the semester I had six clear goals for my development during this first half year of my Final Master Project (FMP). Presenting The first goal was to practice with presenting. Since last year I became extremely stressed out whenever I had to give a presentation, this slowed me down in many different opportunities which is a shame. My goal was to plan in small presentation session within a safe context to practice with my nerves. During the semester I realised that the nerves didn’t apply only in giving presentations but also during meetings with official people or when I had to explain to people who I was and what I did. Actually every time I felt, something was expected from me. It felt much more logical for me to start practicing in conversational contexts. I started with the networking events for “Bit of Energy” and went on to the business meetings for “Bit of Energy”. These meetings helped me a lot, because I wasn’t alone, and there where many of them to practice. Right now I’m no longer bothered by nerves during these meetings. After that I started telling people about my project and my vision on design. It might sound like a small step, but for me this was a very big step, even in my private life. At first every time I had to explain to people what I did, I started panicking, but after a few times it became easier, also because of many nice responses. Eventually I had to go to client meetings for my project, and I’m still very nervous every time I meet new people, but it gets easier every time as well. I feel much more like my old self and I feel ready to start practicing with small presentation sessions next semester. With the goal of giving my final master presentation for a group of people including my friends and family. Research Implementation Another goal I set for myself was to practice with implementing research in my project, in a way that fits most to me as designer. I wanted

to do this by executing 4 co-reflection/testing sessions. Eventually I did only two co-reflection sessions and 1 test. I realised that I really like to do these kind of small test in order to bring my project further, though I’m always a little hesitant to start such a test. I shouldn’t doubt too much and just do a lot of them, since they give me a lot of inspiration and knowledge about my subject. I plan to do more field test upcoming semester by using simple prototypes. The Hidden-Design methodology by Afdeling Buitegewone Zaken, interests me a lot, I plan to implement hidden-design in these field-tests. Even though I have a lot of objections against research at our faculty, and I never thought it would be something for me, I enjoy the academic and research part of this project more than I thought I would. I’m fascinated by the climate change and the energy transition issue and I can research for hours what effect it will have on our future. In this process I found some academically based movies on YouTube. For a dyslexic who despises reading, this is the perfect solution. I will definitely make use of this in future research. Planning My third goal was to find a way of planning that works for me. I wanted to do this by: planning my activities in full days instead of small timeslots, to give myself some time to do nothing so now and then, to say more “no” to new opportunities and carefully select the really interesting opportunities and finally by making to the point plans for every week. I have to say that I’m proud of my development on planning during this semester. I used my past experiences in assessing what new opportunities where worth it and what not, and I managed to keep it to a controllable amount. Also I was able to plan most of my activities for full or half days which resulted in a much calmer and controllable life. This helped me in enjoying my free evenings and having less stress. One thing I still struggled with was to keep to my week planning every week. Because I my deadlines did not effect

others it was difficult for me to keep them. Also I planned to work on “Bit of Energy” only one day a week, but this tended to become more some weeks. Because a struggled a lot with my FMP and “Bit of Energy” gave me a lot of energy, it was appealing or me to invest more time in “Bit of Energy”. For next semester it will be a challenge to keep up my calm planning attitude and to make even more to the point week planning’s with deadlines that effect other people as well. This way I will probably manage to get more energy out of my project and to keep to the planning. Overall Style The fourth goal I set for myself was to create an overall style for the project in order to communicate everything in a professional way. I’m happy about the outcome of the style, which I used for all official communication I did (reports and the Demo-Day). For next semester, I plan to refine the style together with a graphic design expert and to apply the style on even more communication tools, like my portfolio, my email signature etc. Partnership For my final master project, I wanted to work together with a partner, in order to make my project fit to a real context and to make it more relevant. I managed to find a partner and there is a lot of potential to make my project very relevant, since I get involved in real provincial policy meetings concerning my topic. Though I have to stay clear to my client about my abilities as designer and have to make fast important decisions for myself and my project, even though my client might steer me in another direction, or might slow me down. Portfolio The final goal I set for myself was to make a portfolio in order to present myself well to external parties. I made a start on my portfolio, but unfortunately I couldn’t find the time to finish it this semester. Lucky there wasn’t a real

need for it yet. I will finish the portfolio during the first half of next semester. This way I can use it when I want to apply for a job and I don’t have to invest too much time in building it at the end of the semester. Approach Overall the project was difficult for me this semester. I underestimated the complexity of the energy problem. During my meeting with the policy makers of the Provincie Noord Brabant, I realised I’m not the only one struggling with the complexity of the energy problem. By starting building from the fist week on, I plan to make the project more concrete next semester. Instead of trying to grasp the project context and researching the subject, I’m going to be the designer next semester. I plan to get more into depth in what kind of interaction or system will work to get people involved in the energy transition. I’m going to do this by building and testing instead of reading and analysing. The reason I mostly stayed in the analysing and researching phase was because I was overwhelmed by the complexity of the project and thought it would help me to just research a lot about it. Looking back at it, building would have helped me more to get an understanding of the complexity. For next semester I plan to have regular reflection meetings with Caroline Hummels (my project coach), on my process in order to make me more aware of it, which will help me to make the right decisions as well.

Appendix A - Personal Reflection At the beginning of the semester I had six clear goals for my development during this first half year of my Final Master Project (FMP). Presenting The first goal was to practice with presenting. Since last year I became extremely stressed out whenever I had to give a presentation, this slowed me down in many different opportunities which is a shame. My goal was to plan in small presentation session within a safe context to practice with my nerves. During the semester I realised that the nerves didn’t apply only in giving presentations but also during meetings with official people or when I had to explain to people who I was and what I did. Actually every time I felt, something was expected from me. It felt much more logical for me to start practicing in conversational contexts. I started with the networking events for “Bit of Energy” and went on to the business meetings for “Bit of Energy”. These meetings helped me a lot, because I wasn’t alone, and there where many of them to practice. Right now I’m no longer bothered by nerves during these meetings. After that I started telling people about my project and my vision on design. It might sound like a small step, but for me this was a very big step, even in my private life. At first every time I had to explain to people what I did, I started panicking, but after a few times it became easier, also because of many nice responses. Eventually I had to go to client meetings for my project, and I’m still very nervous every time I meet new people, but it gets easier every time as well. I feel much more like my old self and I feel ready to start practicing with small presentation sessions next semester. With the goal of giving my final master presentation for a group of people including my friends and family. Research Implementation Another goal I set for myself was to practice with implementing research in my project, in a way that fits most to me as designer. I wanted

to do this by executing 4 co-reflection/testing sessions. Eventually I did only two co-reflection sessions and 1 test. I realised that I really like to do these kind of small test in order to bring my project further, though I’m always a little hesitant to start such a test. I shouldn’t doubt too much and just do a lot of them, since they give me a lot of inspiration and knowledge about my subject. I plan to do more field test upcoming semester by using simple prototypes. The Hidden-Design methodology by Afdeling Buitegewone Zaken, interests me a lot, I plan to implement hidden-design in these field-tests. Even though I have a lot of objections against research at our faculty, and I never thought it would be something for me, I enjoy the academic and research part of this project more than I thought I would. I’m fascinated by the climate change and the energy transition issue and I can research for hours what effect it will have on our future. In this process I found some academically based movies on YouTube. For a dyslexic who despises reading, this is the perfect solution. I will definitely make use of this in future research. Planning My third goal was to find a way of planning that works for me. I wanted to do this by: planning my activities in full days instead of small timeslots, to give myself some time to do nothing so now and then, to say more “no” to new opportunities and carefully select the really interesting opportunities and finally by making to the point plans for every week. I have to say that I’m proud of my development on planning during this semester. I used my past experiences in assessing what new opportunities where worth it and what not, and I managed to keep it to a controllable amount. Also I was able to plan most of my activities for full or half days which resulted in a much calmer and controllable life. This helped me in enjoying my free evenings and having less stress. One thing I still struggled with was to keep to my week planning every week. Because I my deadlines did not effect

others it was difficult for me to keep them. Also I planned to work on “Bit of Energy” only one day a week, but this tended to become more some weeks. Because a struggled a lot with my FMP and “Bit of Energy” gave me a lot of energy, it was appealing or me to invest more time in “Bit of Energy”. For next semester it will be a challenge to keep up my calm planning attitude and to make even more to the point week planning’s with deadlines that effect other people as well. This way I will probably manage to get more energy out of my project and to keep to the planning. Overall Style The fourth goal I set for myself was to create an overall style for the project in order to communicate everything in a professional way. I’m happy about the outcome of the style, which I used for all official communication I did (reports and the Demo-Day). For next semester, I plan to refine the style together with a graphic design expert and to apply the style on even more communication tools, like my portfolio, my email signature etc. Partnership For my final master project, I wanted to work together with a partner, in order to make my project fit to a real context and to make it more relevant. I managed to find a partner and there is a lot of potential to make my project very relevant, since I get involved in real provincial policy meetings concerning my topic. Though I have to stay clear to my client about my abilities as designer and have to make fast important decisions for myself and my project, even though my client might steer me in another direction, or might slow me down. Portfolio The final goal I set for myself was to make a portfolio in order to present myself well to external parties. I made a start on my portfolio, but unfortunately I couldn’t find the time to finish it this semester. Lucky there wasn’t a real

need for it yet. I will finish the portfolio during the first half of next semester. This way I can use it when I want to apply for a job and I don’t have to invest too much time in building it at the end of the semester. Approach Overall the project was difficult for me this semester. I underestimated the complexity of the energy problem. During my meeting with the policy makers of the Provincie Noord Brabant, I realised I’m not the only one struggling with the complexity of the energy problem. By starting building from the fist week on, I plan to make the project more concrete next semester. Instead of trying to grasp the project context and researching the subject, I’m going to be the designer next semester. I plan to get more into depth in what kind of interaction or system will work to get people involved in the energy transition. I’m going to do this by building and testing instead of reading and analysing. The reason I mostly stayed in the analysing and researching phase was because I was overwhelmed by the complexity of the project and thought it would help me to just research a lot about it. Looking back at it, building would have helped me more to get an understanding of the complexity. For next semester I plan to have regular reflection meetings with Caroline Hummels (my project coach), on my process in order to make me more aware of it, which will help me to make the right decisions as well.

Appendix A - Personal Reflection At the beginning of the semester I had six clear goals for my development during this first half year of my Final Master Project (FMP). Presenting The first goal was to practice with presenting. Since last year I became extremely stressed out whenever I had to give a presentation, this slowed me down in many different opportunities which is a shame. My goal was to plan in small presentation session within a safe context to practice with my nerves. During the semester I realised that the nerves didn’t apply only in giving presentations but also during meetings with official people or when I had to explain to people who I was and what I did. Actually every time I felt, something was expected from me. It felt much more logical for me to start practicing in conversational contexts. I started with the networking events for “Bit of Energy” and went on to the business meetings for “Bit of Energy”. These meetings helped me a lot, because I wasn’t alone, and there where many of them to practice. Right now I’m no longer bothered by nerves during these meetings. After that I started telling people about my project and my vision on design. It might sound like a small step, but for me this was a very big step, even in my private life. At first every time I had to explain to people what I did, I started panicking, but after a few times it became easier, also because of many nice responses. Eventually I had to go to client meetings for my project, and I’m still very nervous every time I meet new people, but it gets easier every time as well. I feel much more like my old self and I feel ready to start practicing with small presentation sessions next semester. With the goal of giving my final master presentation for a group of people including my friends and family. Research Implementation Another goal I set for myself was to practice with implementing research in my project, in a way that fits most to me as designer. I wanted

to do this by executing 4 co-reflection/testing sessions. Eventually I did only two co-reflection sessions and 1 test. I realised that I really like to do these kind of small test in order to bring my project further, though I’m always a little hesitant to start such a test. I shouldn’t doubt too much and just do a lot of them, since they give me a lot of inspiration and knowledge about my subject. I plan to do more field test upcoming semester by using simple prototypes. The Hidden-Design methodology by Afdeling Buitegewone Zaken, interests me a lot, I plan to implement hidden-design in these field-tests. Even though I have a lot of objections against research at our faculty, and I never thought it would be something for me, I enjoy the academic and research part of this project more than I thought I would. I’m fascinated by the climate change and the energy transition issue and I can research for hours what effect it will have on our future. In this process I found some academically based movies on YouTube. For a dyslexic who despises reading, this is the perfect solution. I will definitely make use of this in future research. Planning My third goal was to find a way of planning that works for me. I wanted to do this by: planning my activities in full days instead of small timeslots, to give myself some time to do nothing so now and then, to say more “no” to new opportunities and carefully select the really interesting opportunities and finally by making to the point plans for every week. I have to say that I’m proud of my development on planning during this semester. I used my past experiences in assessing what new opportunities where worth it and what not, and I managed to keep it to a controllable amount. Also I was able to plan most of my activities for full or half days which resulted in a much calmer and controllable life. This helped me in enjoying my free evenings and having less stress. One thing I still struggled with was to keep to my week planning every week. Because I my deadlines did not effect

others it was difficult for me to keep them. Also I planned to work on “Bit of Energy” only one day a week, but this tended to become more some weeks. Because a struggled a lot with my FMP and “Bit of Energy” gave me a lot of energy, it was appealing or me to invest more time in “Bit of Energy”. For next semester it will be a challenge to keep up my calm planning attitude and to make even more to the point week planning’s with deadlines that effect other people as well. This way I will probably manage to get more energy out of my project and to keep to the planning. Overall Style The fourth goal I set for myself was to create an overall style for the project in order to communicate everything in a professional way. I’m happy about the outcome of the style, which I used for all official communication I did (reports and the Demo-Day). For next semester, I plan to refine the style together with a graphic design expert and to apply the style on even more communication tools, like my portfolio, my email signature etc. Partnership For my final master project, I wanted to work together with a partner, in order to make my project fit to a real context and to make it more relevant. I managed to find a partner and there is a lot of potential to make my project very relevant, since I get involved in real provincial policy meetings concerning my topic. Though I have to stay clear to my client about my abilities as designer and have to make fast important decisions for myself and my project, even though my client might steer me in another direction, or might slow me down. Portfolio The final goal I set for myself was to make a portfolio in order to present myself well to external parties. I made a start on my portfolio, but unfortunately I couldn’t find the time to finish it this semester. Lucky there wasn’t a real

need for it yet. I will finish the portfolio during the first half of next semester. This way I can use it when I want to apply for a job and I don’t have to invest too much time in building it at the end of the semester. Approach Overall the project was difficult for me this semester. I underestimated the complexity of the energy problem. During my meeting with the policy makers of the Provincie Noord Brabant, I realised I’m not the only one struggling with the complexity of the energy problem. By starting building from the fist week on, I plan to make the project more concrete next semester. Instead of trying to grasp the project context and researching the subject, I’m going to be the designer next semester. I plan to get more into depth in what kind of interaction or system will work to get people involved in the energy transition. I’m going to do this by building and testing instead of reading and analysing. The reason I mostly stayed in the analysing and researching phase was because I was overwhelmed by the complexity of the project and thought it would help me to just research a lot about it. Looking back at it, building would have helped me more to get an understanding of the complexity. For next semester I plan to have regular reflection meetings with Caroline Hummels (my project coach), on my process in order to make me more aware of it, which will help me to make the right decisions as well.

Appendix L - 3D models Juul See the Appendix Drive:

Appendix M- Technology Circuits See the Appendix Drive:

Appendix N- Final Arduino Code #include <ESP8266WiFi.h> #include <WiFiClient.h> #include <ESP8266WebServer.h> #include <ESP8266mDNS.h>

//Teller int tellen = 0; int telWaarde = 60000;

int firstLimit = 15; int secondLimit = 32; //Wifi const char* host = “juul-update”; const char* ssid = “Charlies Chocolate Factory”; const char* password = “WillyWodka”; ESP8266WebServer server(80); const char* serverIndex = “<form method=’POST’ action=’/update’ enctype=’multipart/formdata’><input type=’file’ name=’update’><input type=’submit’ value=’Update’></form>”; //CurrentSensor int sensorPin = A0; int Time = 3000; const long interval = 2; const int numReadings = 2000; int ValueAmount; int readings[numReadings]; // the readings from the analog input int readIndex = 0; // the index of the current reading int sensorValue = 0; int avarageValue = 0; int count = 0; int baseline = 500; int total = 0; // the running total int average = 0; unsigned long previousMillis = 0; long totalValueAmount; //Leds #include <Adafruit_DotStar.h> #include <SPI.h> #define NUMPIXELS 60 // Number of LEDs in strip #define DATAPIN 4 #define CLOCKPIN 5 Adafruit_DotStar strip = Adafruit_ DotStar(NUMPIXELS, DATAPIN, CLOCKPIN); //Dimming the Les int brightness = 180; int x1 = 0; int x2 = 10; int timeRings = 500; int head1 = 0, tail1 = -4; // Index of first ‘on’ and ‘off’ pixels int head2 = 14, tail2 = 10; // Index of first ‘on’ and ‘off’ pixels uint32_t color = 0x00FFFF; // ‘On’ color (starts red)

void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); //Serial.println(); //Serial.println(“Booting Sketch...”); WiFi.mode(WIFI_AP_STA); WiFi.begin(ssid, password); if(WiFi.waitForConnectResult() == WL_ CONNECTED){ MDNS.begin(host); server.on(“/”, HTTP_GET, [](){ server.sendHeader(“Connection”, “close”); server.sendHeader(“Access-Control-AllowOrigin”, “*”); server.send(200, “text/html”, serverIndex); }); server.on(“/update”, HTTP_POST, [](){ server.sendHeader(“Connection”, “close”); server.sendHeader(“Access-Control-AllowOrigin”, “*”); server.send(200, “text/plain”, (Update. hasError())?”FAIL”:”OK”); ESP.restart(); },[](){ HTTPUpload& upload = server.upload(); if(upload.status == UPLOAD_FILE_START){ Serial.setDebugOutput(true); WiFiUDP::stopAll(); Serial.printf(“Update: %s\n”, upload. filename.c_str()); uint32_t maxSketchSpace = (ESP. getFreeSketchSpace() - 0x1000) & 0xFFFFF000; if(!Update.begin(maxSketchSpace)){//start with max available size Update.printError(Serial); } } else if(upload.status == UPLOAD_FILE_WRITE){ if(Update.write(upload.buf, upload.currentSize) != upload.currentSize){ Update.printError(Serial); } } else if(upload.status == UPLOAD_FILE_END){ if(Update.end(true)){ //true to set the size to the current progress Serial.printf(“Update Success: %u\ nRebooting...\n”, upload.totalSize); } else { Update.printError(Serial); } Serial.setDebugOutput(false);

} yield(); }); server.begin(); MDNS.addService(“http”, “tcp”, 80); Serial.printf(“Ready! Open http://%s.local in your browser\n”, host); } else { // Serial.println(“WiFi Failed”); } //configure pin2 as an input and enable the internal pull-up resistor pinMode(12, INPUT); pinMode(13, INPUT); strip.begin(); // Initialize pins for output strip.setBrightness(255);; // Turn all LEDs off ASAP ValueAmount = Time / interval; for (int thisReading = 0; thisReading < numReadings; thisReading++) { readings[thisReading] = 0; } } void loop() { server.handleClient(); sensorValue = analogRead(sensorPin) - baseline; sensorValue = abs (sensorValue); unsigned long currentMillis = millis(); if (currentMillis - previousMillis >= interval) { previousMillis = currentMillis; } counting(); calculateAvarage(); //Serial.print(count); //Serial.print(“.......”); //Serial.println(sensorValue); //Serial.print(“.......”); //Serial.print(totalValueAmount); //Serial.print(“.......”); //Serial.println(avarageValue);

if (tellen < 300000 ) { if(avarageValue < firstLimit){ Out1(); if (sensorVal1 == 0 && sensorVal2 == 0) { gedrag1Start(); } if (sensorVal1 == 1 && sensorVal2 == 1) { gedrag1End(); } if (sensorVal1 == 1 && sensorVal2 == 0) { gedragOut(); } else { } } if(avarageValue > firstLimit){ Start(); if (sensorVal1 == 0 && sensorVal2 == 0) { gedrag1Start(); } if (sensorVal1 == 1 && sensorVal2 == 1) { gedrag2End(); } if (sensorVal1 == 1 && sensorVal2 == 0) { gedragOut(); } else { } } } if (tellen > 300000 ) { if(avarageValue < firstLimit){ Out1(); if (sensorVal1 == 0 && sensorVal2 == 0) { gedrag1Start(); } if (sensorVal1 == 1 && sensorVal2 == 1) { gedrag1End(); }


if (sensorVal1 == 1 && sensorVal2 == 0) { gedragOut(); } else { } }


if(avarageValue > firstLimit){

int sensorVal1 = digitalRead(12); int sensorVal2 = digitalRead(13);

Start(); if (sensorVal1 == 0 && sensorVal2 == 0) { gedrag1Start(); } if (sensorVal1 == 1 && sensorVal2 == 1) { gedrag2End(); } if (sensorVal1 == 1 && sensorVal2 == 0) { gedragOut(); } else { } } } Dim();;

void counting() { if (count < ValueAmount) { count++; } else { count = 0; } }

//Current sensor void calculateAvarage() { total = total - readings[readIndex]; readings[readIndex] = analogRead(sensorPin) baseline; readings[readIndex] = abs (sensorValue); total = total + readings[readIndex]; readIndex = readIndex + 1; if (readIndex >= numReadings) { // ...wrap around to the beginning: readIndex = 0; } // calculate the average: avarageValue = total / numReadings;

//Gedrag void gedrag1Start() { if (avarageValue < firstLimit) { OneRow (0, 0, 0); TwoRow (0, 0, 0); ThreeRow (0, 0, 0); FourRow (0, 0, 0); FiveRow (0, 0, 0); SixRow (0, 0, 0); SevenRow (0, 0, 0); EightRow (0, 0, 0); NineRow (0, 0, 0); TenRow (0, 0, 0); } if (firstLimit < avarageValue) { OneRow (0, 255, 255); TwoRow (0, 0, 0); ThreeRow (0, 0, 0); FourRow (0, 0, 0); FiveRow (0, 0, 0); SixRow (0, 0, 0); SevenRow (0, 0, 0); EightRow (0, 0, 0); NineRow (0, 0, 0); TenRow (0, 0, 0); } if (secondLimit < avarageValue) { OneRow (0, 255, 255); TwoRow (0, 255, 255); ThreeRow (0, 0, 0); FourRow (0, 0, 0); FiveRow (0, 0, 0); SixRow (0, 0, 0); SevenRow (0, 0, 0); EightRow (0, 0, 0); NineRow (0, 0, 0); TenRow (0, 0, 0); } if (45 < avarageValue) { OneRow (0, 255, 255); TwoRow (0, 255, 255); ThreeRow (0, 255, 255); FourRow (0, 0, 0); FiveRow (0, 0, 0); SixRow (0, 0, 0); SevenRow (0, 0, 0); EightRow (0, 0, 0); NineRow (0, 0, 0); TenRow (0, 0, 0); Start(); }

} if (90 < avarageValue) { OneRow (0, 255, 255); TwoRow (0, 255, 255); ThreeRow (0, 255, 255); FourRow (0, 255, 255); FiveRow (0, 0, 0); SixRow (0, 0, 0);

SixRow (0, 255, 255); SevenRow (0, 255, 255); EightRow (0, 255, 255); NineRow (0, 255, 255); TenRow (0, 0, 0);

SevenRow (0, 0, 0); EightRow (0, 0, 0); NineRow (0, 0, 0); TenRow (0, 0, 0); } } if (150 < avarageValue) { OneRow (0, 255, 255); TwoRow (0, 255, 255); ThreeRow (0, 255, 255); FourRow (0, 255, 255); FiveRow (0, 255, 255); SixRow (0, 0, 0); SevenRow (0, 0, 0); EightRow (0, 0, 0); NineRow (0, 0, 0); TenRow (0, 0, 0); } if (235 < avarageValue) { OneRow (0, 255, 255); TwoRow (0, 255, 255); ThreeRow (0, 255, 255); FourRow (0, 255, 255); FiveRow (0, 255, 255); SixRow (0, 255, 255); SevenRow (0, 0, 0); EightRow (0, 0, 0); NineRow (0, 0, 0); TenRow (0, 0, 0); } if (320 < avarageValue) { OneRow (0, 255, 255); TwoRow (0, 255, 255); ThreeRow (0, 255, 255); FourRow (0, 255, 255); FiveRow (0, 255, 255); SixRow (0, 255, 255); SevenRow (0, 255, 255); EightRow (0, 0, 0); NineRow (0, 0, 0); TenRow (0, 0, 0); } if (400 < avarageValue) { OneRow (0, 255, 255); TwoRow (0, 255, 255); ThreeRow (0, 255, 255); FourRow (0, 255, 255); FiveRow (0, 255, 255); SixRow (0, 255, 255); SevenRow (0, 255, 255); EightRow (0, 255, 255); NineRow (0, 0, 0); TenRow (0, 0, 0); } if (480 < avarageValue) { OneRow (0, 255, 255); TwoRow (0, 255, 255); ThreeRow (0, 255, 255); FourRow (0, 255, 255); FiveRow (0, 255, 255);

if (avarageValue > 550) { OneRow (0, 255, 255); TwoRow (0, 255, 255); ThreeRow (0, 255, 255); FourRow (0, 255, 255); FiveRow (0, 255, 255); SixRow (0, 255, 255); SevenRow (0, 255, 255); EightRow (0, 255, 255); NineRow (0, 255, 255); TenRow (0, 255, 255); } } void gedrag2Start() { if (avarageValue < firstLimit) { OneRow (0, 0, 0); TwoRow (0, 0, 0); ThreeRow (0, 0, 0); FourRow (0, 0, 0); FiveRow (0, 0, 0); SixRow (0, 0, 0); SevenRow (0, 0, 0); EightRow (0, 0, 0); NineRow (0, 0, 0); TenRow (0, 0, 0); } if (firstLimit < avarageValue) { OneRow (0, 0, 255); TwoRow (0, 0, 0); ThreeRow (0, 0, 0); FourRow (0, 0, 0); FiveRow (0, 0, 0); SixRow (0, 0, 0); SevenRow (0, 0, 0); EightRow (0, 0, 0); NineRow (0, 0, 0); TenRow (0, 0, 0); } if (secondLimit < avarageValue) { OneRow (0, 0, 255); TwoRow (0, 0, 255); ThreeRow (0, 0, 0); FourRow (0, 0, 0); FiveRow (0, 0, 0); SixRow (0, 0, 0); SevenRow (0, 0, 0); EightRow (0, 0, 0); NineRow (0, 0, 0); TenRow (0, 0, 0); } if (45 < avarageValue) { OneRow (0, 255, 0); TwoRow (0, 255, 0);

ThreeRow (0, 255, 0); FourRow (0, 0, 0); FiveRow (0, 0, 0); SixRow (0, 0, 0); SevenRow (0, 0, 0); EightRow (0, 0, 0); NineRow (0, 0, 0); TenRow (0, 0, 0);

TwoRow (0, 255, 0); ThreeRow (0, 255, 0); FourRow (0, 255, 0); FiveRow (0, 255, 0); SixRow (0, 255, 0); SevenRow (0, 255, 0); EightRow (0, 255, 0); NineRow (0, 0, 0); TenRow (0, 0, 0);

} } if (90 < avarageValue) { OneRow (0, 255, 0); TwoRow (0, 255, 0); ThreeRow (0, 255, 0); FourRow (0, 255, 0); FiveRow (0, 0, 0); SixRow (0, 0, 0); SevenRow (0, 0, 0); EightRow (0, 0, 0); NineRow (0, 0, 0); TenRow (0, 0, 0); }

if (480 < avarageValue) { OneRow (0, 255, 0); TwoRow (0, 255, 0); ThreeRow (0, 255, 0); FourRow (0, 255, 0); FiveRow (0, 255, 0); SixRow (0, 255, 0); SevenRow (0, 255, 0); EightRow (0, 255, 0); NineRow (0, 255, 0); TenRow (0, 0, 0); }

if (150 < avarageValue) { OneRow (0, 255, 0); TwoRow (0, 255, 0); ThreeRow (0, 255, 0); FourRow (0, 255, 0); FiveRow (0, 255, 0); SixRow (0, 0, 0); SevenRow (0, 0, 0); EightRow (0, 0, 0); NineRow (0, 0, 0); TenRow (0, 0, 0); } if (235 < avarageValue) { OneRow (0, 255, 0); TwoRow (0, 255, 0); ThreeRow (0, 255, 0); FourRow (0, 255, 0); FiveRow (0, 255, 0); SixRow (0, 255, 0); SevenRow (0, 0, 0); EightRow (0, 0, 0); NineRow (0, 0, 0); TenRow (0, 0, 0); } if (320 < avarageValue) { OneRow (0, 255, 0); TwoRow (0, 255, 0); ThreeRow (0, 255, 0); FourRow (0, 255, 0); FiveRow (0, 255, 0); SixRow (0, 255, 0); SevenRow (0, 255, 0); EightRow (0, 0, 0); NineRow (0, 0, 0); TenRow (0, 0, 0); } if (400 < avarageValue) { OneRow (0, 255, 0);

if (avarageValue > 550) { OneRow (0, 255, 0); TwoRow (0, 255, 0); ThreeRow (0, 255, 0); FourRow (0, 255, 0); FiveRow (0, 255, 0); SixRow (0, 255, 0); SevenRow (0, 255, 0); EightRow (0, 255, 0); NineRow (0, 255, 0); TenRow (0, 255, 0); } } void gedrag1End() { if (avarageValue < firstLimit) { OneRow (0, 0, 0); TwoRow (0, 0, 0); ThreeRow (0, 0, 0); FourRow (0, 0, 0); FiveRow (0, 0, 0); SixRow (0, 0, 0); SevenRow (0, 0, 0); EightRow (255, 255, 255); NineRow (255, 255, 255); TenRow (255, 255, 255); } if (avarageValue > firstLimit) { OneRow (0, 0, 0); TwoRow (0, 0, 0); ThreeRow (0, 0, 0); FourRow (0, 0, 0); FiveRow (0, 0, 0); SixRow (0, 0, 0); SevenRow (0, 0, 0); EightRow (0, 255, 255); NineRow (255, 255, 255); TenRow (255, 255, 255);


//All Leds

} void OneRow (int r, int g, int b) { void gedrag2End() { if (avarageValue < firstLimit) { OneRow (0, 0, 0); TwoRow (0, 0, 0); ThreeRow (0, 0, 0); FourRow (0, 0, 0); FiveRow (0, 0, 0); SixRow (0, 0, 0); SevenRow (0, 0, 0); EightRow (255, 255, 255); NineRow (255, 255, 255); TenRow (255, 255, 255); } if (avarageValue > firstLimit) { OneRow (0, 0, 0); TwoRow (0, 0, 0); ThreeRow (0, 0, 0); FourRow (0, 0, 0); FiveRow (0, 0, 0); SixRow (0, 0, 0); SevenRow (0, 0, 0); EightRow (0, 255, 255); NineRow (0, 255, 255); TenRow (255, 255, 255); }

strip.setPixelColor(20, r , g , b ); strip.setPixelColor(30, r , g , b ); strip.setPixelColor(40, r , g , b ); strip.setPixelColor(50, r , g , b ); } void TwoRow (int r, int g, int b) { strip.setPixelColor(21, r , g , b ); strip.setPixelColor(31, r , g , b ); strip.setPixelColor(41, r , g , b ); strip.setPixelColor(51, r , g , b ); } void ThreeRow (int r, int g, int b) { strip.setPixelColor(22, r , g , b ); strip.setPixelColor(32, r , g , b ); strip.setPixelColor(42, r , g , b ); strip.setPixelColor(52, r , g , b ); } void FourRow (int r, int g, int b) { strip.setPixelColor(23, r , g , b ); strip.setPixelColor(33, r , g , b ); strip.setPixelColor(43, r , g , b ); strip.setPixelColor(53, r , g , b );

} void gedragOut() { OneRow (0, 0, 0); TwoRow (0, 0, 0); ThreeRow (0, 0, 0); FourRow (0, 0, 0); FiveRow (0, 0, 0); SixRow (0, 0, 0); SevenRow (0, 0, 0); EightRow (0, 0, 0); NineRow (0, 0, 0); TenRow (0, 0, 0);

} void FiveRow (int r, int g, int b) { strip.setPixelColor(24, r , g , b ); strip.setPixelColor(34, r , g , b ); strip.setPixelColor(44, r , g , b ); strip.setPixelColor(54, r , g , b ); } void SixRow (int r, int g, int b) {


strip.setPixelColor(25, r , g , b ); strip.setPixelColor(35, r , g , b ); strip.setPixelColor(45, r , g , b ); strip.setPixelColor(55, r , g , b ); //Teller void teller() {

} void SevenRow (int r, int g, int b) {

if (tellen < telWaarde) { tellen++; } else { tellen = 0; }

strip.setPixelColor(26, r , g , b ); strip.setPixelColor(36, r , g , b ); strip.setPixelColor(46, r , g , b ); strip.setPixelColor(56, r , g , b ); }

} void EightRow (int r, int g, int b) { strip.setPixelColor(27, r , g , b ); strip.setPixelColor(37, r , g , b ); strip.setPixelColor(47, r , g , b );

strip.setPixelColor(57, r , g , b );

strip.setPixelColor(i, 0, 0, 0);


} }

void NineRow (int r, int g, int b) { strip.setPixelColor(28, r , g , b ); strip.setPixelColor(38, r , g , b ); strip.setPixelColor(48, r , g , b ); strip.setPixelColor(58, r , g , b );

void Out2() { for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { strip.setPixelColor(i, 0); }

} } void TenRow (int r, int g, int b) { strip.setPixelColor(29, r , g , b ); strip.setPixelColor(39, r , g , b ); strip.setPixelColor(49, r , g , b ); strip.setPixelColor(59, r , g , b );

void Dim() { for (int i = 0; i < NUMPIXELS; i++) {


if (i >= 0 && i < 20) { continue; }

void Start() {

uint32_t c = strip.getPixelColor(i); uint8_t r = (uint8_t)(c >> 16); uint8_t g = (uint8_t)(c >> 8); uint8_t b = (uint8_t)(c);

if (millis() % 30 == 0) { strip.setPixelColor(head1, 0, 75, 75); // ‘On’ pixel at head strip.setPixelColor(tail1, 0); // ‘Off’ pixel at tail if (++head1 > 9) { end of strip? head1 = 0; to start

if ( i == 54) { continue; }

// Increment head index. Off // Yes, reset head index

if ( r - brightness > 0) { r = r - brightness; } else { r = 0; }

} if (++tail1 > 9) tail1 = 0; // Increment, reset tail index }

if ( g - brightness > 0) { g = g - brightness; } else { g = 0; }

} void End() { if (millis() % 30 == 0) { strip.setPixelColor(head2, 75, 75, 75); // ‘On’ pixel at head strip.setPixelColor(tail2, 0); // ‘Off’ pixel at tail if (++head2 > 20) { Off end of strip? head2 = 10; to start

if ( b - brightness > 0) { b = b - brightness; } else { b = 0; }

// Increment head index. strip.setPixelColor(i, r, g, b); // Yes, reset head index

} if (++tail2 > 20) tail2 = 10; // Increment, reset tail index } } void Out1() { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {

} }

Appendix O - Co-Reflection Sessions M 2.2 Appendix P - Online Usability Test Appendix Q - Data Visualisation Appendix R - Results Online usability test See the Appendix Drive:

Appendix S - Expert Evaluation Meetings Frank van Rossum - Enpuls Charlotte van der Sommen: Heb je het idee dat je het concept begrijpt? Frank van Rossum: Ja ik denk dat ik het concept begrijp, wat je wilt is inzicht geven in het daadwerkelijke verbruik van apparaten in je woning. Charlotte van der Sommen: Ja. Ben je het eens met de aannames die ik doe, bijvoorbeeld, dat je deze groepen mensen hebt, en dat hier echt iets moet gebeuren? Frank van Rossum: Je kunt natuurlijk heel veel selectiecriteria toepassen tot het komen van groepen, ik ken de cijfers, data of keuzes niet achter de groepen, maar ik kan ze me wel voorstellen. Of ze uitsluitend zijn weet ik niet, maar ik kan me wel wat voorstellen bij de groepen die je kiest. De inleiding kan ik ook volgen, ik neem aan dat je data en onderbouwing hebt waarop je dat baseert. En op de vraag, of je voor deze twee groepen wat moet doen, dat hang af van wat je doel is. Charlotte van der Sommen: Het trashold verlagen is eigenlijk het grootste doel. Frank van Rossum: Wat je zegt is, ik wil mensen een stap laten maken, dat ze energiebewust worden en dat ze daarnaar gaan handelen. Wat is dan je eigenlijke doel? De aannamens van hoe kom je op die groepen? Dat is lastig om te beoordelen, waarom die, en waarom is deze tool daar dan uitkomt? Dit zijn hele grote groepen gebruikers, 70/80% van de Nederlanders, minimaal. Je doet dan de aanname, van daar wil ik voor zorgen dat ze bewuster worden van hun energie gebruik, ten einde slimme stekkers of zonnepanelen te gaan gebruiken. Maar de vraag is dan ook meer, waarom zouden die mensen dat moeten willen, of zijn er ook nog andere mogelijkheden die je kunt verkennen om die stap te kunnen maken naar energie neutraal. Want als je dit weer ietsje hoger bekijkt is dat eigenlijk je doen. Je wilt zorgen dat ze meer energy neutraal/ duurzaam omgaan met hoe ze leven. Je maakt het met Juul weer best smal, en het kan lastig zijn om dat te realiseren. Er zitten wel wat aannames in, waarvan ik denk als je ze heel goed onderbouwd en expliciet maakt, dan denk ik dat het genoeg is. Ik volg je verhaal, maar ik kan er ook een ander verhaal bij verzinnen, bij wijze van. Charlotte van der Sommen: Verwacht jij dat een tool zoals Juul, gedragsverandering teweeg kan brengen? Frank van Rossum: Uhhm, Ja, gedragsverandering ga je realiseren als je mensen bewust maakt van hun handelen en alternatieven biedt om het gedrag anders in te steken. Wat uit mijn ervaring goed werkt is een soort van game element inderdaad. Dat zie ik hier potentieel wel in, je kunt het wel beter doorvoeren. Maar het op een makkelijke manier inzicht geven in.. is in potentie wel een een leuke. Wat ik me dan een afvraag, in hoeve er niet al andere producten zijn die iets vergelijkbaars doen‌ (Wat diepere uitleg van het concept en benchmark). Je zou dan kunnen zeggen of je wasmachine rood of groen is. De vraag is, wat wil je in die rijke interface op je apparaat dan aanbieden. Je visualiseren? Als je een goed apparaat langer verbruikt, dat hij dan nog steeds rood kan worden? Ik zou het waardevol vinden als je dat in de tool kunt krijgen. De vraag is, zijn er rekenmodellen te bedenken, waarbij het zelf kunt kijken welk apparaat het is en of het in een positieven of negatieve range zit. Charlotte van der Sommen: Denk je dat de markt/of doelgroep behoefte heeft aan een product zoals Juul? Frank van Rossum: De markt Ja, bij de doelgroep ga ik meer twijfelen. Ik denk dat de markt behoefte heeft aan dit soort devices om het inzichtelijk te maken, want je ziet nog steeds dat datt lastig is. Zit deze doelgroep daarop te wachten? Nee, die zitten daar niet op te wachten, dus ik betwijfel heel erg of ze er ook gebruik van zullen maken, ik weet niet of mensen daardoor een ander gedrag gaan aannemen of gaan investeren. Ik geloof wel dat mensen die verrast zijn er wel rekening mee gaan houden, maar ik geloof ook dat een groot deel van de onwetende burgers niet zozeer, dat als belangrijkste criteria hebben, het gaat gewoon om geld. Ja dit product heeft potentie om inzicht te geven, maar of mensen er duurzamer van worden, daar heb ik mijn twijfels bij, met name omdat de mensen die hiermee aan de slag zouden gaan, aan de rechterkant van jou selectie zitten, dat vind ik wel een lastige. Charlotte van der Sommen: De Tool moet uiteindelijk rond de 15 euro zijn, en wordt echt een weggeef tool, spel, kerstpakket, bedrijf geschenk om mee te geven. Dus deze groep krijgt de tool gewoon, en zou dan ook circulair kunnen zijn. Hoe zie jij die markt insteek? Denk je dat het een slimme manier is? Frank van Rossum: Gegeven het feit dat je op deze groep wilt focussen, moeten je kosten zo ongeveer 0

zijn, dus dan zou dat inderdaad een benadering kunnen zijn. Wat ook nog zou kunnen is om te kijken of je het vanuit woningcorporaties, of bedrijven als Enpuls en Buurkracht, die ook duurzaamheid doelstellingen hebben en projecten met een sociale insteek. Bij Buurkracht hebben we ook dit soort project met warmtescanners, en krijgen mensen daar toegang tot en dit zou daarbij kunnen. Ik zie mensen dit niet aanschaffen. Charlotte van der Sommen: Heb je nog advies over de marktinsteek? Hoe zou jij het profilen? Frank van Rossum: Wat ik net al zij. Energie leverancies zou ik niet doen, het zou kunnen, maar hang af van je doel, als je als doel duurzaamheid is. Ben ik van mening dat dat een soort van dubbele boodschap is, omdat energiemaatschappijen wel energie moeten verkopen. Het maakt een meer ethisch vraagstuk, wil ik dat of niet. In de toekomst verwacht ik dat dit soort bedrijven ook op een andere manier in de markt zullen staan. Dan is het meer de vraag bij wat voor bedrijven haak je dan aan, en dan zou ik eerder een bedrijf als “van de Bron� benaderen, en inderdaad bedrijven die met duurzaamheid als energie besparen bezig zijn, dus bedrijven als Enpuls, woningcorporaties, dat vanuit die hoedanigheid mensen makkelijk toegang geboden kan worden tot dit soort maatregelen. Dit zullen voornamelijk mensen zijn in huurwoningen, dat ze het kunnen aanbieden als een soort van service. Charlotte van der Sommen: Dit was het eigenlijk, heb je nog advies? Frank van Rossum: Denk heel goed na over je propositie. Daar kun je je verhaal nog net wat beter mee onderbouwen. Begin in je presentatie andersom, we kwamen een probleem tegen, en toen hebben we een goed product bedacht, dan snap je beter vanuit waar het product ontwikkeld is. Als het overkomt alsof er later een situatie bij is gezocht zie ik altijd andere mogelijkheden om het probleem op te lossen. Pitchwise: Er is een probleem, en toen was er Juul! Begin bij de gebruikers, dan heb je een helder verhaal. Maar ik vind het wel een cool idee. Kwa visualisatie zie ik het wel voor me. For the conversations with the following people:

Jeroen Hol - Media Markt Djoera Eerland - Buurkracht Michael van Hulst - Eneco See the Appendix Drive:

Appendix T - Field Test Questionnaires & Interview Questionnaire Day1 1) What is your age? 2) What is your gender? 3) What is the highest education you finished? (m) 4) What is your occupation? 5) What is your living situation? 6) When did you last check your energy bill? 7) How often do you check your energy bill? 8) Can you explain what happened when you checked your energy bill? 9) Did you understand everything about your energy bill? 10) Did the bill reflect your expectations on how much you had consumed? 11) Does your energy bill provide valuable information about your energy consumption for you? 12) What influences you when buying a new house appliance? 13) Do you know how much energy your devices use? 14) Do you have any idea how much kWh your household uses in a year? (how much?) 15) About how much money annually do you pay for energy? 16) What do you thing of the energy costs? (Very expensive, expensive, just right, cheap, very cheap) 17) Give your own description of sustainable energy? 18) What does the energy transition mean to you? Please explain your answer 19) On a scale of 1 to 10, I know how I can save energy? With 1 = I have no idea, and 10 = I know exactly. 20) On a scale of 1 to 10, How much control do you feel over your personal energy consumption? With 1 = no control, and 10 = totally in control. 21) On a scale of 1 to 10, how environmentally friendly are you? With 1 = not environmentally friendly, and 10 = Very environmentally friendly. 22) On a scale of 1 to 10, how environmentally friendly would you rate your household? With 1 = not environmentally friendly, and 10 = Very environmentally friendly. 23) On a scale from 1 to 10, I’m willing to change my lifestyle to become more sustainable? With 1 = not willing at all, and 10 = Very willing. 24) I am willing to pay more for environmental friendly products? Explain your answer. 25) On a scale of 1 to 10, I know how I can save energy? Explain your answer. 26) Do you know what an energy label is? Explain your answer? 27) Is saving energy ever a topic of conversation in your household? 28) Do you think you have a clear understanding of your personal energy profile? (What your devices consume and how much energy you consume a day?) 29) Do you think, that understanding more about your personal energy consumption would influence your interest in being sustainable? Explain your answer. 30) In what group do you fit best? a. Un-aware Energy User (I don’t pay attention to my energy consumption) b. Energy Starter (I care for my energy consumption and I sometimes choose the better energy label) c. Trendy Energy user (I pay attention to my energy consumption very regularly, I might even have a smart thermostat) d. Energy expert (I care a lot about my energy consumption, I invested in bigger projects like solar panels and isolation, to make my house more sustainable) e. Sustainability hero (I’m a sustainability enthusiast, I do everything in my power to make my house as energy neutral as possible)

Questionnaire Day2 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18)

What did you think of your days with Juul? Explain your anser. How many devices did you check? Did you like to interact with Juul? Explain your answer. Did Juul influence the topic of your conversations? About how much time do you think you spend on talking about Juul? Did you understand what Juul was showing you? Explain your answer. On a scale of 1 to 10, How much control do you feel over your personal energy consumption? With 1 = no control, and 10 = totally in control. On a scale of 1 to 10, I know how I can save energy? With 1 = I have no idea, and 10 = I know exactly. On a scale of 1 to 10, how environmentally friendly are you? With 1 = not environmentally friendly, and 10 = Very environmentally friendly. On a scale of 1 to 10, how environmentally friendly would you rate your household? With 1 = not environmentally friendly, and 10 = Very environmentally friendly. On a scale from 1 to 10, I’m willing to change my lifestyle to become more sustainable? With 1 = not willing at all, and 10 = Very willing. Is there anything you missed in the visualisation of the data on the Juul tool? Explain your answer. I am willing to pay more for environmental friendly products? Explain your answer. Do you think Juul will influence you when buying a new house appliance? Where you happy with the overview you saw on your personal energy profile document? Explain your answer. If you could have Juul for a longer period of time, for how long would you like to have it? Would you like to own a Juul? Explain your answer. How much would you pay for Juul?

Interview Day2 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12)

Who was most motivated to use Juul? Explain your answer. Was the interaction with Juul understandable and logical for you? Was is possible for you to understand the measure of your consumption in one view? Did the side light visualisation add anything to your understanding of the device? If the LEDs could also show you by the help of colours whether your have a economical device or not, would you like to know it, would you think it would add something to the device? Show App Did you understand the overview page in the app? It is clear to you what the app communicates? Would you like to use the app? Explain your answer. Would this overview be an added value to you? Explain your answer. Would you like to receive tips and feedback? Explain your answer Where did you put Juul on the moments you were not using her? Did you agree on a place to put Juul, or did this happen organically?












How many About How much LED-Levels? Watt is it using?


How many About How much LED-Levels? Watt is it using?


How many About How much LED-Levels? Watt is it using?


How many About How much LED-Levels? Watt is it using?


How many About How much LED-Levels? Watt is it using? Hours




: Hours

When Mesured?


When Mesured?


When Mesured?


When Mesured?


When Mesured?






4 - 14 Watt 0 - 4 Watt

4 3



14 - 62 Watt

184 - 425 Watt



425 - 843 Watt


62 - 184 Watt

843 - 1505 Watt



1505 - 2500 Watt


Your Personal Energy Profile


Appendix U - Field Test Tools

Booklet to document the energy profile

Household Applience List





Nacht Lampje




Telefoon oplader


LED Lamp


Electrische Kookplaat


Koffie Perculator


Keramische Kookplaat


Frituur Pan


Inductie Kookplaat




Combi Magnetron






Losse Grill








Sap Machine









Plasma TV


Electrische Zaag


Beeldbuis TV






Scheer Apparaat







DVD speler






Air Conditioner


Air Cooler



Electrisch deken 1 persoons


Electrisch deken 2 persoons












Electrische Tandenborstel Electrische Grasmaaier

3 1400



Inkjet Printer


Computer Los


Computer met beedscherm etc.




Wekker Radio



Appendix V - Results Field Test Results Questionnaire 1

Results Questionnaire 2

Results Interviews Household 1 - Participant A and B 1) What is your age? 2) What is your gender? 3) What is the highest education you finished? (m) 4) What is your occupation? 5) What is your living situation? 6) When did you last check your energy bill? 7) How often do you check your energy bill? 8) Can you explain what happened when you checked your energy bill? 9) Did you understand everything about your energy bill? 10) Did the bill reflect your expectations on how much you had consumed? 11) Does your energy bill provide valuable information about your energy consumption for you? 12) What influences you when buying a new house appliance? 13) Do you know how much energy your devices use? 14) Do you have any idea how much kWh your household uses in a year? (how much?) 15) About how much money annually do you pay for energy? 16) What do you thing of the energy costs? (Very expensive, expensive, just right, cheap, very cheap) 17) Give your own description of sustainable energy? 18) What does the energy transition mean to you? Please explain your answer 19) On a scale of 1 to 10, I know how I can save energy? With 1 = I have no idea, and 10 = I know exactly. 20) On a scale of 1 to 10, How much control do you feel over your personal energy consumption? With 1 = no control, and 10 = totally in control. 21) On a scale of 1 to 10, how environmentally friendly are you? With 1 = not environmentally friendly, and 10 = Very environmentally friendly. 22) On a scale of 1 to 10, how environmentally friendly would you rate your household? With 1 = not environmentally friendly, and 10 = Very environmentally friendly. 23) On a scale from 1 to 10, I’m willing to change my lifestyle to become more sustainable? With 1 = not willing at all, and 10 = Very willing. 24) I am willing to pay more for environmental friendly products? Explain your answer. 25) On a scale of 1 to 10, I know how I can save energy? Explain your answer. 26) Do you know what an energy label is? Explain your answer? 27) Is saving energy ever a topic of conversation in your household? 28) Do you think you have a clear understanding of your personal energy profile? (What your devices consume and how much energy you consume a day?) 29) Do you think, that understanding more about your personal energy consumption would influence your interest in being sustainable? Explain your answer. 30) In what group do you fit best? a. Un-aware Energy User (I don’t pay attention to my energy consumption) b. Energy Starter (I care for my energy consumption and I sometimes choose the better energy label) c. Trendy Energy user (I pay attention to my energy consumption very regularly, I might even have a smart thermostat) d. Energy expert (I care a lot about my energy consumption, I invested in bigger projects like solar panels and isolation, to make my house more sustainable) e. Sustainability hero (I’m a sustainability enthusiast, I do everything in my power to make my house as energy neutral as possible)

Household 2 - Participant C and D 1) What is your age? 2) What is your gender? 3) What is the highest education you finished? (m) 4) What is your occupation? 5) What is your living situation? 6) When did you last check your energy bill? 7) How often do you check your energy bill? 8) Can you explain what happened when you checked your energy bill? 9) Did you understand everything about your energy bill? 10) Did the bill reflect your expectations on how much you had consumed? 11) Does your energy bill provide valuable information about your energy consumption for you? 12) What influences you when buying a new house appliance? 13) Do you know how much energy your devices use? 14) Do you have any idea how much kWh your household uses in a year? (how much?) 15) About how much money annually do you pay for energy? 16) What do you thing of the energy costs? (Very expensive, expensive, just right, cheap, very cheap) 17) Give your own description of sustainable energy? 18) What does the energy transition mean to you? Please explain your answer 19) On a scale of 1 to 10, I know how I can save energy? With 1 = I have no idea, and 10 = I know exactly. 20) On a scale of 1 to 10, How much control do you feel over your personal energy consumption? With 1 = no control, and 10 = totally in control. 21) On a scale of 1 to 10, how environmentally friendly are you? With 1 = not environmentally friendly, and 10 = Very environmentally friendly. 22) On a scale of 1 to 10, how environmentally friendly would you rate your household? With 1 = not environmentally friendly, and 10 = Very environmentally friendly. 23) On a scale from 1 to 10, I’m willing to change my lifestyle to become more sustainable? With 1 = not willing at all, and 10 = Very willing. 24) I am willing to pay more for environmental friendly products? Explain your answer. 25) On a scale of 1 to 10, I know how I can save energy? Explain your answer. 26) Do you know what an energy label is? Explain your answer? 27) Is saving energy ever a topic of conversation in your household? 28) Do you think you have a clear understanding of your personal energy profile? (What your devices consume and how much energy you consume a day?) 29) Do you think, that understanding more about your personal energy consumption would influence your interest in being sustainable? Explain your answer. 30) In what group do you fit best? a. Un-aware Energy User (I don’t pay attention to my energy consumption) b. Energy Starter (I care for my energy consumption and I sometimes choose the better energy label) c. Trendy Energy user (I pay attention to my energy consumption very regularly, I might even have a smart thermostat) d. Energy expert (I care a lot about my energy consumption, I invested in bigger projects like solar panels and isolation, to make my house more sustainable) e. Sustainability hero (I’m a sustainability enthusiast, I do everything in my power to make my house as energy neutral as possible)

Results Energy Profiles Participant A

Participant B

Participant C

Participant D

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