Yifan tao 752683 part c

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studio air yifan tao 2017

PART C. DETAILED DESIGN Geometry: during this phase, we working as a group to finalize a design. each group contribute their techniques and concept. we have make a serious design decision to development the innovative design proposal. for the whole project we focus on the geometry part and also join the group work to finish our final model.

PART C.1 DESIGN CONCEPT tension type




Brief: to design a pavilion that incorporates the organic forms along the merry creek Concept development: Mike xie: use minimal surface and stretch up to build the geometry of pavilion, sits beside the river, combines the idea of “aging”. use organic geometry, merge with the nature, growing plants on the pavilion. Yi fan Tao: use organic forms. With the conce3pt of “growing”, the pavilion was consisting of some components. The pavilion was able to grow or change its form for multiple purpose. Also use reflective material and curve form allow it merge with nature. precedent: We also got inspired of geometry from the soft lab workshop. The organic geometry was built through patterns, line….

Organic forms: Both mike and I use curly, continues surface to build organic geometry. After discussion, we think his “minimal surface “and mine” tension force surface ‘was close idea and we combine those techniques together. Our organic form was inspired from the nature, the curved river bank. Material: use polypropylene 0.6mm, the plaster sheet is water proofing material. but it is light and east to fabricate. Client& function: visitors from bidbang studio. The pavilion was designing for some event including concert, art exhibitions, allow people gathering, community. also allow the employees from bigbang studio for visit in casual to rich experience of the nature. in the process of define the geometry. we create a serious geometry curves up and down. then we use the kangaroo component to put the tension force in. then we increase the number of openings. to analysis how the geometry might change through the force.

PART C.1 DESIGN CONCEPT structural support: before our geometry and the structural group define a final solution. we spent a quite long to find out how to fabricate a centimes curve geometry. we use there precedent as different method we could use to our geometry.

1. Use paneling tool to apply pattern in the surface. and connect each pattern panel through pin Those pattern panel will constrain to each other and the force underneath that will form the shape we want. http://designplaygrounds.com/deviants/sangennaro-north-gate-by-softlab/

http://matsysdesign.com/2012/04/13/ sg2012-gridshell/

prototype test we also did a test prototype to see how the surface might twist and deform when the force increase. and how the bending degree change when the force comes in opposite direction. https://redshift.autodesk.com/designchallenge-portable-electric-car-chargerwins-awards/

2. The send choice was the grid shied. the geometry was formed by grid shell. They use the cane as the load berry structure. also the material cane was toughness, could bend and deform to build the organic geometry.

3. Volvo pure tension pavilion. the third choice was use a boundary structural (steel). The shape of the boundary is fabricated in manufactory the shape was fixed, then apply the elasticity fabric to the steel boundary to form the surface. in this way. the steel boundary will support all the load and force the geometry.

PART C.1 GEOMETRY Our organic pavilion has curve soft surface; thus we need some supporting structure. we got inspiration from several Soft lab project. In the stage we were trying using different pattern and pin connect those pattern to build the geometry.

Techniques: Though using paneling tools, I first create some grid point with u v direction on the surface of the geometry. moreover, I draw a symmetry pattern as a costume pattern. then use the panel 3d costume to pan-el the pattern onto the point. in the next step I unroll those pattern, and I create a grid at the same time. through calculating the area of each patter, I could find century point. then I move each pattern to the rectangular grid. also tag both of them in the geometry and the unroll one.

The geometry was got from the simulation system, it starts from simple surface and using mirror in the xyz coordinate step by step, then got the final geometry.

Pin of pattern panel: Using metric bolt to pin different part .

C.2. Tectonic Elements & Prototypes

WORKING IN A GROUP : COMBINE CONCEPT Combine concept: We change the geometry of our design after our group merge concept together. In this way, we simply our geometry, it was initially inspiring from the biomimicry group to mimic the coral. We use the sin /cosine ratio to control the boundary of the geometry. the new geometry looks similar to a coral that match their concept of differential growth. also it combines our concept of organic form.

Form development: (bioiomecry) Nick & zhuyun wang ; differencial growth ,inspiredfrom coral (patern)Bud & cathy: thansformation of triangular leaves, inspoired from nature (structural)nour & marian : glow in dark
















Technique: The geometry was simply loft from there closed curves in different scsale . in the process, I try to rebuilt thosee curves by chang the nuber of control points , also change the degree of bending. I prosudce a series of curves are twist and turns in different perspective. Loft those urve to got the geometry( surfaces ) . the next step is I connect it to the KANGAROO component. add a tension force at boundrise to streatch those surfaces .

C.2. Tectonic Elements & Prototypes

After we got the base shape, WE BUILT A SERIOU OF GEOEMETRY. Af-ter we community either other members. FINALLY, WE DIFINE TH ELAST ONE, compare to the other forms. this geometry was more formal and symmetry. For the fabrication consideration and this shape is more easy to apply our structure and pattern in.

C.2. Tectonic Elements & Prototypes

a b a

b a b

a b a

The geometry curves out of a continues system. In fact, there are two separate systems, each of them both horizontally and vertically continues, relating positive and negative to each other. Space A and b both open up in every direction. They are spaces where we can enjoy the copy from ever-changing perspective. This there dimensionally curved shell structure base on simple surface and few anchor points. maintain a good circulation

We also did a 3d print as a prototype to test our geometry .

C.2. Tectonic Elements & Prototypes


creating paneling grid (surface domain numnber)


panel cumsom 3D









C.2. Tectonic Elements & Prototypes

In the fabrication process I use laser cut to cut in the polypop clear sheet. And then use a bolt to connect each pattern. As each connection have a corresponding number then join each part through the number. After I finish a group of pattern it will be highlight in the digital model as well. To make sure each step is continuing and clear.

PART C.3 Final Detail Model

We have some discuss meeting to decide which method to support the structure. the paneling tool connection method was possible to work, however we find out our pavilion was in a really big scale and put in outside. those panels were not strong enough for the whole structure. And when ewe put it outside we still need to consider the wind load and the active load from people. It cannot resist the lateral force which comes from horizontal. Another reason we give up the previous method was the laser cut window have a limitation. It is not an efficient way After that we decide to use a structural pipe to held the geometry. we triangulate the geometry. we extract those lines and pipe them to get the initial structural.





















PART C.3 Final Detail Model

Node: 1.extract 1.We find the center of each node and extract the vectors of each branch 2.find smallest angle We calculate the angles between each branch within the node and choose the smallest one. We can call this the neighbor. 3. We carry out the trigonometry calculations to avoid any colisions. 4. build node We build the node using Brep’s and then we convert it to a mesh for 3D printing.

NODE: This node was designed in two separate part the internal cocoon geometry and the external arms. For the internal: we using existing script called ‘Sydney opera bar” which using the karamba to assemble all the internal lines of the sphere. Then making pipe of those lines inside sphere and then connect cocoon to get the clay shape geometry For the external arms. I using very simple script to generate the pipe. It need the input of internal structural and external structure. The external lines I select teach of them in rhino. Merge the two separate part into a whole mesh.


1. Structure: We use clear tubes from the hardware shop, and them we spray paint the wood sticks into high light colour to match our concept of “glow in dark”. we insert the wood stick into the tube represent its glow characteristic, also help to strength the tube.

2. We print the plan of the geometry, and tag the length of each stick in the plan. Base on the data of the plan, we cut the tube and stick into the same length. And all those cutting sticks are put in arrange in the desk and put a sticker of each to show the dimension. Prepare for the next step.

3. Because we haven ‘t 3-d print all the nodes, the assemble process turns to more difficult: (we did not have define angle of each individual join). In this way, we use the masking tape to connect the structural pipes. Thus even some mistakes happen, we still could adjustment and change it. After we connect one part this structural, it will be highlight in the computer. So we will not confuse which part we already done. 4. Nodes: for the nodes, we have a cocoon geometry inside and extend a few node arms (from the end point of cocoon) to connect the structural pipe. But for the time, economic consideration and it is really time consuming we using some plaster sphere to represent the nodes.


5. Laser cut pattern: we unroll those pattern and put them in rectangular grid, make 2d of all those pattern lines. Using the 900 x 600 window the and sent it to laser cut.

6. The next step was to apply all the fabric pattern. Those fabric was all cut in a larger scale. Then the pattern was big enough for us to roll the edge a little bit, and tick to the structural. We group those pattern into different dimension and stick them to the corresponding position (triangulate space).

PART C.3 Final Detail Model

PART C.3 Final Detail Model

PART C.3 Final Detail Model

PART C.3 critical development

1.using the metal plate out in two-sided of the aluminum pipe and the connect the edge of pattern. using bolt to join the plate and fabric

2. buckle: using the buckle glue to facing side of the fabric.


neon light


3. We saw one precedent to in RMIT to connect the fabric to the structural using the fabric pin gun.

alumnium pipe plastic pipe

Design of site: in part B I list lots of example for the biodiversity of the Merry Greek. Those plants, animals are precious value for human. We will not cut any existing trees, plants. However, there was a safety problem along the river bank. As there was no fence, especially when people held events at night it might be easy to falling down in the river. In this way, we design a decking that extending to the river. Thus it extending allow viewer to enjoy the environment the of another side of the river. And increase the security degree when some child play here

Further consideration for the 1:1 scale pavilion: We using the 2.5cm aluminum pipe, using saws to cut it into pieces. And neon light installation beside the pavilion for glow characteristic.

PART C.3 critical development

part c . 4 learning objectives and outcome I was able to practice a serious grass-hopper plug in in the process. 1. Kangaroo: as I choose the green-void in my part b project, so I am quite familiar with this component right now. It will help to create a serious elegant ad continues surfaces and organic geometry. It was able to put the tension force in the geometry and set the anchor points. though control the tension force, the geometry might deform. 2. Karumba: I was tough this component in the node design, quite efficient tool built the structural. Assemble the structural and put the wind load in. 3. Cull data techniques: in my case study 2, I did the Taichung opera house, it is a curved shell structure and follow a system of structural optimisat6ion based on a simple geometry transformed. But in actual the most hard of this part is how to select the data- select which geometry to curve up and down. I put the populate 2d point on the area and then set a boundary to test if the point inside or outside the boundary and them use the date select the curves I want.

Position of computational design : Computational design effect the design and the computational technique was able to help designer to analysis and develop the final outcome . however computational technique cannot replace the designer to make the decision. In practical, when relating to my own project. Computational technique help with communication: the benefit of computational tool was we it able to get a display of our design in progress. Every me member in the group could understand other’s part very quickly. Computation tool to fabrication: Assemble control: The computer will do a very well control of the fabrication model. we scale the dimension and pattern of our pavilion. In this way, we could have a quick look of the solution after we assemble whole thing. Computational technique also helps to finalise the output of the geometry. like using laser cut and 3d print. the geometry and cutting pattern we got was exactly the shape in digital. We also link the fabrication part to the geometry in computer through tag. Cn the fabric process we would connect each part though the tag number.

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