High High expectations expectations
Ark AllArk Saints Academy is proud to be part theof Ark - a network All Saints Academy is proud to beofpart thefamily Ark family - a network of 38 schools in the UK, in Birmingham, Hastings, London and of 38 schools in the UK, in Birmingham, Hastings, London and Portsmouth. Each Each of us of have character, Portsmouth. us our haveown ourdistinctive own distinctive character, reflecting its local community and while each Ark school has itshas ownits own reflecting its local community and while each Ark school ethos and character, they allthey draw same – our six pillars – ethos and character, allupon draw the upon the principles same principles – our six pillars – in support of our shared mission to transform lives through education. in support of our shared mission to transform lives through education.
High expectations High expectations
Always Always learning learning
Excellent Excellent teaching teaching
Knowing Knowing every every child child
Exemplary Exemplary behaviour behaviour
DepthDepth for for breadth breadth
DepthDepth for breadth for breadth
When children build firm foundations in English and maths, they find it easier do well in well in When children build firm foundations in English and maths, they find ittoeasier to do We believe every can achieve great things. we set high expectations for all our We that believe thatchild every child can achieve great So things. So we set high expectations for all our other subjects too. That’s why we prioritise depth in these subjects, giving our pupils the best other subjects too. That’s why we prioritise depth in these subjects, giving our pupils the best pupils, and we and do whatever it takes to meetto them. aspirations are no lower our for most pupils, we do whatever it takes meetOur them. Our aspirations are nofor lower our most chance of success. chance of success. vulnerable pupils. pupils. vulnerable We’ve developed Mathematics Mastery,Mastery, and English Mastery which aim to improve attainment, We’ve developed Mathematics and English Mastery which aim to improve attainment, enjoyment and confidence in maths and English. Their approach is based on tried and tested enjoyment and confidence in maths and English. Their approach is based on tried and tested Excellent teaching Excellent teaching methodsmethods from around the world, and is endorsed by Ofsted. Mathematics MasteryMastery partnerspartners from around the world, and is endorsed by Ofsted. Mathematics A teacher affects aaffects pupil’sa achievement more than anythan other work side-by-side with with with over 500 schools outside Ark, and English Mastery is working with more than 60 schools. A teacher pupil’s achievement more anyfactor. otherWe factor. We work side-by-side with over 500 schools outside Ark, and English Mastery is working with more than 60 schools. teachingteaching staff, supporting them with training and development so that they can deliver staff, supporting them with training and development so that they can deliver excellentexcellent teaching. To makeTosure thatsure no that pupilnois pupil left behind, we’ve developed data data teaching. make is left behind, we’ve developed Exemplary behaviour Exemplary behaviour management tools which help teachers to monitor progress this shows when pupils, or management tools which help teachers to monitor progress - this shows when pupils, or Our schools are characterised by a respectful environment, where teachers can focus teaching indeed teaching staff, need extra support. Our schools are characterised by a respectful environment, where teachers canonfocus on teaching indeed teaching staff, need extra support. and pupils can focus on learning. We teach, recognise and reinforce good behaviour, and weand we and pupils can focus on learning. We teach, recognise and reinforce good behaviour, don’t tolerate poor behaviour. We don’t excuses, and we and don’twemake either. don’t tolerate poor behaviour. Weaccept don’t any accept any excuses, don’tany make any either. Knowing every child
Knowing every child
We organise our schools that every knows, is known by, well everyby,adult inadult the school. We organise our so schools so thatchild every child and knows, and is well known every in the school. We also We recognise that children do best do when and schools work together. We keepWe keep Always learning also recognise that children bestfamilies when families and schools work together. Always learning parents parents well informed about children’s targets, and we involve families in all aspects of school life. To make sure children have enough time both forboth corefor subjects and forand extra-curricular well informed about children’s targets, and we involve families in all aspects of school life. To make sure children have enough time core subjects for extra-curricular To nurture a love of reading and develop fluent communication skills, we also dedicate more activities, many of our schools run a longer school day. Others are open weekends and and To nurture a love of reading and develop fluent communication skills, we also dedicate more activities, many of our schools run a longer school day. Others areatopen at weekends time to literacy and English. We make sure that all of our teachers recognise the barriers that offeringoffering masterclasses and revision sessions.sessions. Many Ark schools offer offer time to literacy and English. We make sure that all of our teachers recognise the barriers that during school during holidays, school holidays, masterclasses and revision Many Ark schools childrenchildren face in building literacy literacy skills, and we offer tools and expertise to enable to stays, day tripsday and summer schools.schools. In everyInschool, no timeno is wasted - every -hour face in building skills, and we offer tools and expertise to teachers enable teachers to residential residential stays, trips and summer every school, time is wasted every hour best support studentsstudents who need more of everyofday is devoted to children learning. best support who needhelp. more help. every day is devoted to children learning.
Welcome from the Principal
Welcome to Ark All Saints Academy I am delighted to introduce Ark All Saints Academy and myself as the founding principal. We offer excellent opportunities for local children, with the goal that all scholars will leave Ark All Saints Academy equipped with the skills necessary for success at university or to pursue a career of their choice. There are no excuses; we wish nothing less for our scholars than we would for our own children. We are a Church of England academy with strong values and a Christian ethos. We welcome children of all faiths and none and ask that all members of our family respect each other’s faiths and participate in all aspects of academy life. We work closely with parents, and we strive to know every child and treat all of our scholars as individuals. All of our scholars have the potential to go to university and beyond, and we aim to instil in them the confidence to achieve their goals and unlock their potential. In June 2018 Ofsted reported that we continue to be a good school, with both Leadership and the Behaviour & Safety of our scholars graded as outstanding. The successes of Ark All Saints Academy are rooted in the idea of family; we play, pray, work and eat together. When parents, staff, scholars and community are united, we are stronger. We all know that our scholars can achieve anything when we work together; we leave no-one behind. I look forward to meeting you to discuss what Ark All Saints Academy can offer your child. Lucy Frame Principal
“Every scholar
has talents which we will develop and nurture throughout their time with us.”
“The school is like a ‘big family.”
- Ofsted 2018
Welcome from the Chair of Governors Ark All Saints Academy (AASA) sits in the Camberwell community and over the past few years has become a school that the local community is proud of ! Why? Because it believes in the young people within the local area and plays a significant part in equipping them for the journey of life. For those who have entered the AASA building, you will know that one of the first things to impact you is the words, ‘I have come to give them life in all its fulness.’ Taken from one of the many sayings of Jesus, perhaps ‘life in all its fulness’ is the best way to describe AASA! Why? Because the school desires to equip ALL of our scholars for university and beyond, helping them to not just understand GCSE subjects, yet equipping them for the journey of life. To make this a reality we will ensure that our scholars build high level literacy, mathematical, scientific, linguistic and wider creative skills and develop a love of learning and knowledge of the wider world. They will have the ability to study independently and to be self-disciplined. This first class education is being delivered by an outstanding group of teachers and staff, led by Lucy Frame, an excellent principal who has vast experience in playing a part in creating successful schools in the local borough. We are very fortunate to have the support of Ark Schools and the Southwark Diocese, and with this being a Church of England school, we have a strong and distinctive Christian ethos of mutual respect and care for all. Enjoy the journey, and enjoy life with us! Jonny Smith Chair of Governors
“I am so happy
that my child is in this school - it is brilliant.”
- Parent
Vision and Values Success We want our scholars to succeed academically and socially. Good qualifications provide greater opportunities and wider choices in life. We will provide excellent teaching and regular assessment and feedback so that scholars understand the progress they are making and the work they need to do every term. We aim to train and prepare our scholars to take their place in society equipped to succeed at university and on their chosen career path. As part of that preparation we expect scholars to manage their path to success. Scholars are expected to bring with them the equipment that enables them to be successful every day, to wear their correct uniform, to attend the academy each day on time, to complete their homework and to treat all members of their community with respect. There are no excuses.
Responsiblity Ark All Saints scholars are an important part of the Camberwell community with the responsibilities that implies. We will: U Build good relationships with neighbours and community groups, involving them in the academy and keeping in touch regularly; U Maintain
a strong staff presence in the community at the beginning and end of the academy day;
Encourage scholars to work with and support local charities.
“Pupils were well behaved, polite and courteous.”
- Ofsted 2018
Confidence Confidence is important to success. To ensure that scholars are successful we need to develop their confidence in their ability to write, speak, perform and build relationships. In addition to their core academic curriculum we will achieve this through drama, music, debating and philosophy for learning. Scholars will have many opportunities to develop their talents after school through enrichment classes. As we discover and nurture each scholar’s talents – we will see our young people grow in confidence.
Integrity Our high expectations extend to how our scholars live as well as how they conduct themselves in school. Scholars should be honest, be peacemakers and act with kindness, goodness, gentleness and self-control. We expect our scholars to live and act in a way that supports and nurtures all members of the community. Scholars are expected to work together, positively and respectfully so that everyone can thrive and be successful. We expect our scholars to bring honour to ArkAll Saints even when no one is watching.
Achievement for all Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Ark All Saints Academy recognises every child’s individual needs and will give each scholar every opportunity to achieve their potential. We place a great deal of importance on ensuring that scholars with special educational needs are identified, properly assessed and well supported. Through Individual Education Plans we provide support which is tailored to cater to each child’s unique situation. Support might be given in class, in a small group or through withdrawal classes and is delivered by a skilled team of teachers and teaching partners.
English as an Additional Language (EAL) Scholars for whom English is an additional language will benefit from our emphasis on the core curriculum, gaining extra support until they reach the expected achievement for their age in English. Through careful assessment and a combination of small learning groups, our scholars have full access to the learning opportunities provided by the academy.
“Teachers are
very helpful and attentive to my child’s needs.”
- Parent
“You have created an inclusive and nurturing environment that values the learning needs of both pupils and staff.
- Ofsted 2018
“There is a strong culture of safeguarding in the school.”
- Ofsted 2018
“You clearly understand the local community the school serves and how important the school is to the welfare of young people both in and out of term time.
- Ofsted 2018