FOOTBALL TOURNAMENT The response to our football tournament far exceeded our expectations. It is now a much awaited annual event and we get men from different backgrounds who participate in this tournament with their teams. We are delighted that we have held this event every year since 2016, as it plays a key role to bringing families together in a safe and fun environment while supporting the teams. It is a fantastic initiative to promote cohesion, bringing young people and the wider community together, breaking down barriers and celebrating their achievement. It is changing the narrative around the challenges that young people are facing within our communities and
giving them opportunities to showcase their talents, especially in sport. Since we started this tournament, teams from different community groups and organisations have supported and participated with their teams. It was great to see teams from Charles Bentley & Sons (a local business), Swaminaray Hindu Mission, The Carpenters Arms, Loughborough College ex-students and teams from other local community groups. Our 4th Annual Football tournament took place on Sunday 29th September 2019 at Loughborough College, where 6 teams participated from different ages, cultures
and backgrounds for a friendly 7-A side football tournament. The tournament was highly successful and an opportunity for cross-cultural integration. All the teams who participated in this tournament have joined a “WhatsApp” group, which we created. Through this group they can keep in touch, regularly communicate and organise their own football tournament at the local leisure centres. We believe due to our football tournaments over the years, a lot of the young men from different faiths, cultures and backgrounds are interacting with each other and coming together for sporting activities. This is helping break down barriers and promote diversity.