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Monday, May 18, 2009 VOL 2, NO 335 dailyxpress.net

Hooked on


City needs bike parks and trails By Phuwadon Duangmanee The Nation’s Explore editor


f you take a close look at the curbs these days you might see urban kids braving the traffic on their fixed-gear or single-speed bicycles. They meet up at a public space to show off their acrobatics or simply to swap new music for their iPods. Not far from the city, the suburbanites huff and puff on mountain bikes along concrete tracks on their sweaty weekend. Commuter bikes are becoming larger as people enjoy freedom on two wheels. But the city itself is lagging far behind the bike trail. The governor – if not the Democrats – should build city bike parks so kids can enjoy wheeling around. Bike trails are needed around the suburbs, too, so families can enjoy back-to-basics weekends. Bangkok is not Amsterdam. It’s not a bicycle-friendly city. But we can change it.

Young teenagers are more interested in Japanese and Korean ‘knowledge cartoons’ than Thai ones, but older teens prefer the latter for their academic content >PAGE 2

What’s on Treat yourself and your home to a makeover, discover the magic of bookbinding, check out the Mini Matters art show, attend the ‘Laughter in the Home’ workshop... >PAGES 9,10

SHOP for the latest hot gadgets >PAGE 8


Monday, May 18, 2009



Bt billion

IS AVAILABLE FROM THE Student Loan Fund for around 20,000 first-year university students

Till death

Students to take their robot designs abroad

‘Very good experience’ “This is a very good experience as friends from different institutions worked together and coped with problems. It is a triumph we are really proud of,” Pongsakorn added. The national contest this year came up with the green concept of creating tree-planting robots. RDC 2009 contestants were offered a two-week training and then another two weeks for designing and creating their robots using limited cash and materials, said the caretaker of the contest, Assist Prof Witaya Wannasuphoprasit, who is vice president of Automotive Design and Manufacturing Engineering at CU’s Faculty of Engineering. Witaya added that apart from developing robotdesign skills and engineering knowledge, students were also educated about teamwork. “They will also learn to work with foreign students as their team members when they compete in the world contest. Letting them work with new friends is the same as working in the real world,” Witaya said. Nattha Wajirapornpongsa, a competitor from KMITL’s Information Engineering field, said that by joining the contest she had more chances to put her robotic knowledge into practice. “This is my first step in learning hardware assembly. I hope to use it with my knowledge of software to make my dream of inventing robots for disabled people come true,” said Sorrachai Yingcharoenthawornchai, a contestant from CU’s Computer Engineering field. Wannapa Phetdee, D A I L Y X P R E S S



do us part Twenty-one-year-old Australian Chris Ruthof ties the knot with his transvestite sweetheart, 22-yearold Suparp Ruenkong, at the latter’s hometown in Nakhon Ratchasima. Ruthof gave the transvestite dowry of Bt100,000 cash and 151.6 grams of gold. The couple will settle down in his Bt9-million home in Australia. DAILY XPRESS

Outstanding Thai university students will soon hit the world stage with their robot designs. The International Design Contest or IDC RoBoCon 2009 scheduled to be held in Japan in August will provide students here with the opportunity to compete, develop their robot-design skills and work together with other students from seven high-tech countries – Japan, the US, Britain, France, Germany, South Korea and Brazil. Sani Klinsanit from King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Lat Krabang (KMITL), Sirawut Thatiyakul from Chulalongkorn University, Pongsakorn Hanwaree from Suranaree University of Technology, Anirut Chitanantaporn from Thai-Nichi Institute of Technology (TNI) and Pornthep Chinsri from King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok will represent the country after winning the Robot Design Contest or RDC 2009 on Saturday. Their “brown team” was among 48 students from 10 leading academic institutions that took part in the competition. Pongsakorn said team harmony was their key to success. They had planned well for the contest and had clear-cut duties.


Cartoon mania Students in grades 5-9 are thrilled with Japanese, Korean ‘knowledge’ cartoons; those in grades 10-12 prefer Thai ones By Wannapa Phetdee D A I LY X P R E S S


oung teenagers are more interested in Japanese and Korean “knowledge cartoons” than Thai ones as the local ones contain fewer interesting characters and hardly any drama or plot, though the beauty of the cartoons are similar to their foreign counterparts, according to a study. “A sample of students studying in primary levels of grades 5-6 and secondary levels of grades 7-9 told us Korean and Japanese knowledge cartoons are more fun to read than those by Thais,” said Warat Karuchit, associate dean of Sripatum University’s Faculty of Communication Arts, during his research presentation at TK Park on Friday. Most of the Thai cartoons feature few conflicts or drama unlike Korean and Japanese ones, which

arouse readers and make them want to read more or be curious about what happens next, said psychiatrist Prasert Plitponkarnpim during the discussion. “Also, Thai knowledge cartoons have no remarkable characters, which is different from Korea’s,” said Watanachai Winitjakul, TK Park’s academic manager.

Focussed on academics On the other hand, the study found that a sample of older teenagers in grades 10-12 focussed on academic content and preferred Thai knowledge cartoons because these contained more academic knowledge than their Korean and Japanese counterparts. Thai knowledge cartoons contain up to 40 per cent of academic content compared to 20-30 per cent for Korean and Japanese ones.

“The group of older teenagers even told me they wanted the Thai cartoons to feature more academic content because the cartoons helped them remember events and things,” Warat said. But there is shortage of these cartoonists, while the government has yet to promote the cartoons, said Nubthong Thongbai, a lecturer at the faculty. “As cartoonists earn little income, it is hard to find new ones. They should be paid more so that new faces appear on the scene. “Publishers should set up an information department – like South Korea and Japan have done – to seek academic content for cartoonists. This will help give the content more variety.” The government, she added, must conduct contests and provide opportunities for cartoonists to compete in international competitions so they improve their capability. TK Park, in collaboration with the Cartoonthai Institute, will train young people in knowledge-cartoon scriptwriting in July.

Editor: Tulsathit Taptim / Managing Editor: Thanong Khanthong / Deputy Managing Editors: Kumar Krishnan, Jintana Panyaarvudh / Design Editor: Leroy A Sylk Web Co-editors: Marisa Chimprabha, Paisal Chuenprasaeng / The City Editor: Chularat Saengpassa / The Fun Editor: Veena Thoopkrajae / Sport Editor: Preechachan Wiriyanupappong / Group Editor in Chief: Suthichai Yoon

>>DAILY XPRESS is edited by Tulsathit Taptim and published by NMG News Co Ltd, at 1854, Bang Na-Trat Road, Bangkok 10260, and printed by FOR DISPLAY ADVERTISING,PLEASE CALL (02) 338 3000 # 1 WPS (Thailand) Co Ltd, Tel (02) 338 3000, Fax (02) 338 3334. EDITORIAL: Tel (02) 338 3333. ON THE WEB: DAILYXPRESS.NET >>DAILY XPRESS is a supplement to subscriber copies of THE NATION with bonus distribution in selected areas of Bangkok and its environs every Monday to Friday. Subscription rates for THE NATION: one year Bt4,900 within regular delivery areas; please contact Customer Service on (02) 338 3000. For bulk copy subscription rates please call (02) 338 3532.



Monday, May 18, 2009



20 QUAKES, one with a magnitude of 5.9, struck Alaska’s Kodiak Island on Saturday. There were no reports of deaths or injuries

briefly 79-year-old runs car into store


A 79-year-old driver lost control of his car, jumped the curb and smashed into a fragrance and skin-care store on busy Madison Avenue. The car hit several other vehicles before it slammed into the shop on Manhattan’s Upper East Side on Saturday. Firefighters had to cut the driver out of his car. The driver, his passenger and a taxi driver were taken to the hospital and treated for minor injuries. – AP

Playing to

the gallery

Tall people earn more, Australian survey finds The taller you are, the more you earn, but being fat doesn’t affect your pay, Australian researchers said yesterday. Being five centimetres above average can increase a worker’s pay by an average of 1.5 per cent, Andrew Leigh from the Australian National University and Michael Kortt from Sydney University found. “We see this effect both for men and women, but it’s strongest for men,” Leigh said. There was no obvious explanation for the effect of height on earnings, they said of the study that found no correlation between weight and wages. “This is in contrast with previous studies that used older data from the United States and Germany and found that people with higher BMI (body mass index) scores earned lower wages,” Leigh said. Australians are perhaps less likely to discriminate against overweight and obese workers because half of adults are now overweight or obese. – D P A

Prison break Alexander Rybak of Norway performs at the press conference celebrating his victory at the grand finale of the Eurovision Song Contest in Moscow, Russia, yesterday.

Hubble can peek deeper into space Astronauts fix telescope’s broken camera, install hi-tech instrument to give it a more commanding view of the cosmos A P , Cape Canaveral, Florida


pacewalking astronauts gave the Hubble Space Telescope a more commanding view of the cosmos by installing a new high-tech instrument, then pulled off their toughest job yet: fixing a broken camera. Saturday’s job was the third spacewalk in as many days for the shuttle Atlantis crew and the most intricate ever performed because of the camera repairs. Astronauts had never before tried to take apart a science instrument at the 19-year-old observatory. Hubble’s chief mechanic John Grunsfeld deftly opened up the burned-out camera and removed all four electronic

cards that needed replacement. “Somehow I don’t think brain surgeons go ‘woo-hoo’ when they pull something out,” one of the astronauts observed from inside Atlantis.

Spacewalk on schedule To everyone’s surprise, the new cards and power supply pack went in just as smoothly. And the astronauts found themselves running ahead of schedule for a change, their spacewalk lasting the allotted six hours. The first two spacewalks ended up running long because of unexpected difficulties encountered with Hubble, last visited seven years ago. The astronauts cheered

when Mission Control radioed up the news that the repaired camera had passed the first round of testing. “That’s unbelievable,” Grunsfeld said. Initial second-round testing didn’t go quite as perfectly as Nasa had hoped. Two channels – wide-field and high-resolution – were dead on the camera. Amid time constraints, Nasa could only choose to fix one: the wide-field. But they had held out a slight hope that fixing the wide-field would somehow also work on the high-resolution. Even with two spacewalks remaining, including the repair of a major instrument yesterday, Nasa managers were handing out accolades and declaring the telescope already improved.

A team of heavily armed criminals dressed in police uniforms gained entry to a prison in northern Mexico on Saturday and released 53 inmates. The group entered the Cieneguillas prison in Zacatecas at dawn, said a source at the attorney-general’s office. “Four station wagons with police markings arrived at the prison, presumably bringing prisoners,” the source said. “Once inside, they overpowered the prison guards and rescued 53 prisoners.” – AFP

Holy window A Catholic hospital is trying to figure out what to do with a window in which some Catholics claim to see an image of the Virgin Mary. Hundreds of faithful gathered last October to view the second-storey office window at Mercy Medical Centre in Springfield, 128 kilometres west of Boston. The hospital removed the window after the crush of visitors caused traffic problems. It’s storing the window at a secret location. Engineers say the image appeared when a failed rubber seal allowed mineral deposits between the panes. But hospital officials say that doesn’t explain why the deposits resemble the Virgin Mary. – AP


Monday, May 18, 2009




“I’m so proud…I still can’t believe it, it’s like a dream. I think having the first animated film ever to open the festival was one of the greatest moments of my career.”

XTRA SHOT IN THE – HEY! >> The Thailand Airsoft Shooting Association has not yet adopted shooting qualifications.


>> If it’s equipment you need, go to www.Unagun.com.


AIRSOFT’S AIM IS TRUE At a fraction the price of real guns, the gas-fuelled rifles of the Thailand Airsoft Shooting Association offer twice the fun

By Lisnaree Vichitsorasatra D A I LY X P R E S S


hen Dusadee Bualert’s dad taught him to shoot, he told him this: “Every time you pick up a gun, you’ve already got one foot in jail.” So when Dusadee – who went on to become a crack shot, finishing second in this year’s Thailand Action Air IPSC Championships – talks about guns, he’s serious. Just the same, he and the other armed men in thick-plastic glasses are having a lot of fun at the Darkside BB Gun Field.

(Yes, there really is such a place.) They swap jokes as they take turns shooting at targets with the guns they use play Airsoft, the mock-combat game invented in Japan. The rifles only fire gas-propelled plastic balls, but the guys do take them very seriously. Dusadee has been firing fullpower handguns since age 10. It’s an expensive hobby, but Airsoft IPSC drastically cuts the costs. You spend about Bt15,000 for the equipment, a

fraction of what you need for actual armaments.

Bang bang Airsoft guns are a lot less noisy too, and the people involved, says Dusadee, tend to be friendlier. The IPSC has taken Airsoft under its wing. Dusadee jokes that it’s the luk mia noi – the minor wife’s son. The senior organisation has provided a standardised guidebook for Airsoft players, with rules assessed by the Thailand Airsoft Shooting Association.

Dusadee says it’s had a dramatic – and sometimes frustrating – effect on the game. Only 18 rounds of ammunition can be used in a game now, for instance, instead of 25. There’s more stress on accuracy, speed and power too. What isn’t about to change is the strict enforcement of the security rules, like no pointing a gun outside the safety zone and adhering to five specified steps before shooting. A single violation gets you disqualified, and no amount of cussing will get you back in.

Monday, May 18, 2009





OF THE 30,000 MOVIE SCREENS in the US can show digital 3D films. The rest of the world has just 1,500 screens for digital 3D.

ELVIS PRESLEY ENTERPRISES has released a free iPhone application that allows fans to view images of the “the king” and listen to podcasts from Elvis Radio. Fans can also use “Elvis Mobile” to “report Elvis sightings around the world” to Elvis.com.




Hong Kong’s Victoria


Harbour has a new eyecatcher for its panoramic view. The Museum of Art has been wrapped with with blow-up covers of popular novels for artist Richard Prince’s “After Dark” series. The wrap is part of the “Louis Vuitton: A Passion for Creation” showcase at the 17th French May Arts Festival in Hong Kong. The exhibition will be open to the public from Friday until August 9.


Studios competing for sales Action, romance and horror films from Thailand featured at the Cannes Film Market By Wise Kwai D A I LY X P R E S S


hile there’s just one Thai film in the “official selection” of the 62nd Cannes Film Festival, many more are screening on the sidelines of the planet’s most prestigious cinema event. “Nymph” (“Nang Mai”), a jungle thriller by Pen-ek Ratanaruang was selected for the festival’s Un Certain Regard competition, but aside from its official festival screening on Wednesday, it’s at the Cannes Film Market. Pen-ek’s name alone might attract art-house buyers, even in this economically depressed year, but there is also morecommercial fare available from Thailand at the Marche du Film. One example is the action drama “The Sanctuary” by Thanapon Maliwan and stuntman Pairote “Mike B” Boongerd. It’s co-produced by Birch Tree

Entertainment in the US, which had a cult hit with the Japanese movie “High Kick Girl”. Hong Kong’s Golden Network Asia is at the Marche du Film with “The Scout”, a fantasy-adventure involving Boy Scouts and a big snake by Pleo Sirisuwan, and “Fireball”, the muay thai-basketball combat flick by Thanakorn Pongsuwan. More action comes from the crew at Sahamongkol Film International, which is screening “Power Kids”, about pintsized fighters taking on terrorists. Also being promoted is the new action-romance from “Chocolate” star Jeeja Yanin, called “Rising Phoenix”. A rough show reel and colourful poster of the newly coifed actress are attracting looks. And the No 1 Thai film, “Saranair Haao Peng”, has posters with a gun-toting Willie McIntosh beckoning buyers.

GTH is at the Cannes Film Market, promoting its upcoming films that include “Phobia 2” and “Dear Galileo”.

Best of times? Rival studio GTH has a full slate, screening the romance “Best of Times” by Yongyoot Thongkongtoon, as well as the horror film “Coming Soon” by Sophon Sakdaphisit. GTH is also unveiling a 20minute clip from “Haa Phraeng” (“Phobia 2”) by Banjong Pisanthanakun. The sequel to the horror hit “See Phraeng” (“4Bia”) will also have segments by Paween Purijitpanya, Parkpoom Wongpoom and Songyos Sugmakanan, plus a fifth “surprise” director. It’s supposed to open in Thailand on the numerologically spooky date of September 9.

More romance is on the way from GTH, which is pushing posters for “Dear Galileo”, about teenage girlfriends (Chutima Theepanart and Jarinporn Joonkiati) backpacking across Europe. And there’s more horror from the controversial “Meat Grinder” (“Cheuat Gon Chim”) by Tiwa Moeithaisong. Five Star Production’s “Nymph” is dedicated to its Dutch co-producer Werner Barendrecht of Fortissimo Films, who died on April 5 in Bangkok when he was about to watch a rough cut of the movie. It’s opening in Thailand on July 2.



Mums should stay home Actress Rasri “Margie” Balenciaga’s mum, Orasri, is

always by her side, and that includes at concerts and parties. It’s a matter of making sure she’s safe, but sometimes, as they related on a Channel 3 talk show, the shoe’s on the other foot. At a recent concert Margie was off to one side dancing when Orasri was approached by a Western bloke who was probably half her age. Margie saw a discussion ensuing and came over to ask what was up. “The guy asked me if I’d like a drink and I said, ‘No, I just came with my daughter’.” The guy’s probably feeling a bit mortified if he saw the show, but on the other hand, Orasri is a babe. She was Mrs Thailand 2005!

Sleep well, Ben

In these times of deprivation,

spare a thought for Ben Affleck and his wife Jennifer Garner, who’ve been bickering over how the bed is prepared for the night. Garner likes it neat and tidy. Affleck doesn’t mind it messy. Guess who won? There’s probably a video on YouTube by now of Ben Affleck tucking in the sheets.

Contact Soopsip at veenxpress@gmail.com.



Monday, May 18, 2009

TIME FOR NIGHT OWLS Designed for easy reading in the dark, the Seiko Neon has a black dial with large Arabic numerals that glow in the gloom. The sporty wristwatch is water-resistant down to 100 metres and comes with either a stainless-steel or leather strap. The price ranges from Bt13,000 to Bt15,330.


love scope BY EUGENIA LAST

May 18-23, 2009

ARIES March 21-April 19

You can’t buy love but, if you show someone you fancy a little attention, the rest will be history. Love is in the stars and you can’t miss if you make it very clear what your intentions are. Live, love and be happy as you make future plans. TAURUS April 20-May 20

THIS PLAYER KNOWS NO BOUNDS The Philips BDP7200 is a Blu-ray disc player that can upgrade regular DVD movies to 1080p via an HDMI connection. It boasts a 1080p, 24-frames-per-second video playback and can output DTS-HD High Resolution Audio and Dolby TrueHD to a receiver, giving you a 7.1-channel, sound-enveloping experience. Supported formats include CD and DVD Blu-ray (CD-R/CD-RW, DVD-Video, DVD-R/-RW, CD, DVD+R/+RW, DivX, DVD, BD Video, BD-R/RE 2.0, BD-ROM. The suggested retail price is Bt19,990.

Don’t hide your feelings or you may get left out in the cold. It's your uncertainty that will cause someone you care for to walk away. Get serious and make a move that will positively position you in someone’s heart for the rest of your life. GEMINI May 21-June 20

Slow down. Someone may be leading you on or may be dishonest about a current relationship. You have to ask the right questions before you decide it’s OK to move forward intimately with someone trying to tempt you to take the next step. CANCER June 21-July 22

A change in your status is apparent. Someone unique will entice you to get involved in something you would normally shy away from. It’s time to play the game of love, so take a chance and find out what you’ve been missing. LEO July 23-August 22

LISTEN TO THE FUTURE The Samsung WEP750 is a Bluetooth headset with a sleek and metallic look designed for young, style-minded executives. It’s easy to use with its multifunction button, and the battery talk-time lasts about eight hours. Expect to pay around Bt1,300.

You’ll be tempted to get involved with someone you shouldn’t. Listen carefully to the warning you get from friends, relatives and your peers. The price you pay for a little loving will be greater than anticipated and could cost you financially. VIRGO August 23-September 22

Romantic gestures will entice someone who wants the same things out of a relationship as you do. Travel and group activities will be conducive to meeting someone who complements you. It’s time to make your dreams come true. LIBRA September 23-October 22

NEED A STARTER KIT? The Acer eMachine EL1600 is a desktop computer that’s quite affordable at Bt6,900 – although that’s without the monitor ... or Windows. The low price is probably due to using a budget Intel Atom 230 processor, which operates at 1.6GHz. But you still get a gigabyte of RAM, a 160GB hard disk, a DVD writer and a network port. The graphics are powered by an Intel Graphics Media Accelerator 950, which shares video memory from the RAM.

Open your mind to possibilities and you will find yourself in a unique situation that allows you to experience a soul connection. It’s time to allow your intuition to guide you and your heart to follow the path that is filled with peace, love and joy. SCORPIO October 23-November 21

Make it count or don’t do it at all. When it comes to love, jump in with both feet and let your passionate desires lead the way. Love will manifest itself in the strangest places and under the most unusual circumstances. Accept your fate. SAGITTARIUS November 22-December 21

You’ll play the game of love masterfully, indulging in playful activities that provide the excitement you crave. Your lovethem-and-leave-them attitude will only hold that perfect person’s interest for so long. You may have to firm up. CAPRICORN December 22-January 19

Party and have fun but don’t give your heart away. You will be disappointed by what someone does or says. Bide your time and the right person will come along. The less ostentatious partner will be the one who complements you best.

LET’S MAKE MOVIES! Shockproof, waterproof and dustproof, the Lumix FT1 can record high-definition movies in AVCHD Lite. It features 12.1-megapixel resolution, a 28mm wide-angle lens, a 4.6x optical zoom and a 2.7-inch LCD screen. Its Intelligent Auto mode makes the camera very easy to use. The FT1 is available in orange, green and silver and sells for Bt16,990 with a free 4GB SD card.

AQUARIUS January 20-February 18

Your passion and desire may tempt you to get involved with someone for the wrong reasons. Look back at your past love affairs and you will recognise what you want and need in a partner in order to justify becoming serious and intimate. PISCES February 19-March 20

Your changing mood will make it easier for you to live for the moment when it comes to love and romance, instead of searching for that perfect person who wants settle down and play house. Don’t lead anyone on or it may be costly.

Monday, May 18, 2009




do it! More power The Energy Ministry and The Nation are organising conference “Opportunities with Alternative Energy”, a conference on Friday at the InterContinental Hotel Bangkok. Speakers include Dr Cho Khong of Shell; Richard McIndoe of TRUenergy, Australia; Isara Vongkusolkit of Mitr Phol Sugar Group and Ronald Gentch of BMW Manufacturing Thailand. Admission is free but reservation is required. Call (02) 833

Going gre en

Worried ab out the pla ne ers should encourage t? Do you feel designsuppliers, p distributors ackagers a to be more nd green? Come and fi n d o u t all about th aging tomo eg rrow at 2 a t a talk bein reen packby Materia g organised l Connexion Ba Creative an d Design Ce ngkok at the Thailan d ntre. Chompoon Connexion, uj Weerakiti of Materi al Dr Thailand In Supoj Pratheepthing thong of th stitute of S e cientific an Technologic d al Apikajornsi Research, and Dr Aka n, managin jate gd will presen t the latest irector of Eco Group, materials a how green nd packaging helps to red explain environme uce negative ntal impact s. Admissio reserve yo n is free bu ur seat by t calling (0 extensi on 213 or 2 14.

2) 664 84 48

Hi-living, lo-prices

Treat yours elf Paragon an and your home to a m d Siam Disco akeover by going along tage of fab ve ulous reduct ry, where until June to Siam 14, you can ions on bra tures furnit take advan nd-name g ure, home e oods. “Hi-F ntertainme like Nakam i: Hi-Living” nt a ich fea70 per cent. i, Roominteriorproduct nd decorative items fr o s and Pasa Call (02) 658 1000 ya at disco m brands extension u n ts of up to 234-239.

5555 or e-mail seminar@ totalreservation.com.

Best medicine The International Parenting Network will conduct a workshop on “Laughter in the Home” on May 26 at 6.30pm. The fee is Bt400 inclusive of light, snacks and drinks. Want to find out where it’s being held? Call (081) 864 7861 or (081) 826 2399.


Monday, May 18, 2009



see it! Bliss by the beach The Zeavola Resort on Koh Phi Phi is offering a Z-Zummer promotion until June 30. Book a minimum three-night stay in a garden suite and receive a complimentary 60-minute massage. Four nights will get you a set dinner for two people. The rate is Bt7,800 per night inclusive of breakfast for two and free wireless Internet. Call (075) 627

does e z i s n e h W mattpet torillustrate that bigger is

000, (02) 684 1618, or email reservation@zeavola.com.

In my mind’s eye Until June 30, German artist Stephan Wegerer is presenting the fruits of his residency at Tao Hong Tai Ceramic Factory in Ratchaburi. His new sculptures are inspired by microscopic particles that cannot be seen by the naked eye but have curious forms, peculiar textures, and seductive colours. Tao Hong Tai is on Ratchaburi’s Jedi Hug Road and is open daily from 8 to 5. Call (081) 880 3600 or (032) 323 630.

s tebooks d n a h ndmade no sy a h e y s sl u e lo With thookiet, the lady behind thoenemtoetidcuiscover the magicerythstatubduio on

hanch g every ikaybind Phantipa T bel, is invitin kbinding classes at L rse focuses on two la y a ik L e o u th g, which sold under and sign up for her bo ents per class, the co cover bindin erson ud do st rd n a e h ca re d s n th d a n st e a h h ju 0 per p chniqu Soi 35 . Wit in-a-box te ass is priced at Bt3,50 ko o b e Sukhumvit th ht-hour cl okbinding; types of bo afted stitches. The eig 775 or visit cr e 2) 258 8 displays th rials. Call (0 te a m f o m. inclusive logshot.co yBindery.b www.Lika

as In an attem Galerie N h isd arily better, to ts is rt a not necess f mber o u n e the rg is la lt a he resu invited rks of art. T o d it w n a ll a ” rs e sm play ini Matt “M d e ll ca group show ugh June 16 at the ro Lum continues th gallery next to Suan d a o R ss Wirele ar. re Tawee Night Baza king part a ta se o th g nimit, Amon ishnu Supa P , rn ko e e n Ratcha woot tisuk, Wara min Parinya Tan g, Vasan Sitthiket, Ka n o rue-on. Shusaength d Sakarin K s, n a rt se ra Lertchaip gs, drawing are paintin raphs and On display res, photog tu lp u sc , ts prin to Sunday video art. n Tuesday e p o is N e 92 or Galeri (02) 252 15 m. ll a C 7. to o from 10 Bangkok.c .GalerieN visit www

Monday, May 18, 2009




on dvd REGION 3

ures Winged Creat ses on the survivors of a random

Bangkok A drenaline Tough foreig n

sale, drama focu This ensemble ars Kate Beckin Angeles diner. St st Whitaker. s Lo a in g tin shoo Fore Guy Pearce and Dakota Fanning,

b ping plot invo ackpackers become en tangled in a lving a Thai kidnapheiress. Con dubbed. an Stevens stars. Thai

Let the Right One In A 12-year-old boy develops a friendship with a vampire in a small Swedish town. With English and Thai subtitles at House. ★★★★

Star Trek The classic sci-fi TV series is reimagined, focusing on the early careers of James T Kirk (Chris Pine), Mr Spock (Zachary Quinto) and the rest of crew of the starship Enterprise. ★★★★

Big Stan Rob Schneider plays a nerdy con man about to go to prison. Scared of being raped while in

At the Lido.

jail, he hires a martial arts guru (David Carradine) to teach him some moves. At Paragon

Where in the World Is Osama bin Laden?


“Super Size Me” documentarian Morgan Spurlock treks to the Middle East, Afghanistan and Pakistan in search of the elusive al-Qaeda leader. At House.

The Horsemen Dennis Quaid stars as a detective on the trail of grisly serial killings that are apparently rooted in biblical prophecy. Zhang Ziyi also stars.

Mor 3 Pee 4 Rao Rak Nai

X Men Origins: Wolverine The steel-clawed Marvel Comics superhero’s epic life story is revealed. Hugh Jackman stars.

Carabao, Kotee Aramboy and Korean girl group Baby Vox Rev. With English subtitles at some cinemas.

K-20: Legend of the Mask

CSI: Las Vegas Season 8 There’s plenty of drama in this season with one character departing and another suffering serious wounds. Bonuses include crossover episodes, an episode directed by William Friedkin of “The Exorcist” fame and behind-the-scenes scoops. The soundtrack and subtitles are in English and Thai. Prices start at Bt1,170. – DAILY XPRESS

on tv

An acrobatic crimefighter (Takeshi Kaneshiro) hunts a masked Robin Hood-like figure. In Japanese with English and Thai subtitles at the Lido.

Mei Lanfang

Chatting on the Internet, a Bangkok boy strikes up a romance a Phuket girl. With


Saranair Haao Peng

Chen Kaige directs the story of China’s greatest opera performer (Leon Lai). Zhang Ziyi also stars.

English subtitles at some cinemas.

Pranks are pulled on celebrities including Mum Jokmok, Ad

In Mandarin with English and Thai subtitles at House. ★★★★

Apex Lido: (02) 252 6498 Siam: (02) 251 3508 Scala: (02) 251 2861

The Comebacks In this comedy that spoofs sports movies, an out-of-luck coach takes a rag-tag bunch of misfits and drives them towards the championship. Star Movies (TrueVisions), 8pm

Century – The Movie Plaza (02) 247 9940

Channel links


www.NationChannel.com Channel 3 – www.ThaiTV3.com Channel 5 – www.TV5.co.th Channel 7 – www.CH7.com Modernine – www.MCOT.net NBT – TV11.prd.go.th TV Thai – www.ThaiPBS.or.th True – www.TrueVisionsTV.com

(02) 641 5913-4

Major Cineplex/EGV Bangkok: (02) 515 5555 Pattaya: (038) 052-227

Major Hollywood Bangkok: (02) 718 7999

Critical consensus

Paragon Cineplex Bangkok: (02) 129 4635 IMAX: (02) 129 4631

SF Cinemas Bangkok: (02) 268 8888

Vista Chiang Mai: (053) 894 415

Angels and Demons In this prequel to “The Da Vinci Code”, based on Dan Brown’s novel, Harvard symbologist Robert Langdon (Tom Hanks) teams up with a physicist (Ayelet Zurer) to trace the ancient symbols behind a mysterious string of killings that is rocking the Vatican. Ewan McGregor also stars.

★★★★★ = Must see! ★★★★ = Solidly entertaining ★★★ = It’s okay ★★ = Barely watchable ★ = Don’t bother No star rating means no reviews were available from Daily Xpress staff or agencies.


Close to Home By John McPherson


Pooch Cafe

The Buckets


Calvin and Hobbes

By Brian Basset

By Paul Gilligan

By Scott Stantis

By Bryan Basset

By Bill Watterson


Red and Rover

Monday, May 18, 2009 DAILY XPRESS

Monday, May 18, 2009



Games&YourStars SUDOKU

The last word in


Saturday’s Puzzle Answer

By Eugenia Last

Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains every digit from 1 to 9 inclusively.

Today’s Birthday: Look ahead with optimism. This year is about timing and quality, not quantity. Don’t be tempted by what others do or say. Avoid risks and people enticing you to do something you know you should avoid. In the end, your reward for dedication and hard work will be monetary. ARIES *** March 21-April 19 You can solve any problem you face by taking a detour and inventing a new way to do what’s being asked of you. Hold on to every precious moment you have with family, friends, children or a lover. TAURUS **** April 20-May 20 Help is on the way if you are willing to let others in on the dilemma you are facing. Change will come from an unexpected place. Using your knowledge will demonstrate the skills you possess.


GEMINI ** May 21-June 20 Don’t jump too quickly into anything with the potential to backfire. Stick to what’s worked in the past and refuse to let your emotions get the better of you. Someone is likely to bait you. CANCER ***** June 21-July 22 Do something that interests you, even if you are a little sceptical. You will discover a way to help someone you care about by putting yourself on the line and doing things a little differently. LEO *** July 23-Aug. 22 A financial problem will arise if you haven’t been watching your spending habits. A debt will be called in, leaving you strapped for cash. A personal connection will be elevated to new heights. VIRGO *** Aug. 23-Sept. 22 You’ll have plenty to question regarding your partnerships and how to handle the people you love most. You cannot let your personal life cause you to miss out on a great professional opportunity.


LIBRA *** Sept. 23-Oct. 22 The emphasis will be put on how you handle the tasks you are given. Don’t cause a fuss because you are unsure. There is power in partnering with someone who can pick up the slack. SCORPIO ***** Oct. 23-Nov. 21 An emotional connection to someone will take a positive turn. Loyalty has to be based on conduct and motives. If someone isn’t fair with you, don’t feel you owe this person. SAGITTARIUS ** Nov. 22-Dec. 21 Don’t think you can get away with not abiding by the rules. You will be caught in a trap that you can’t get out of if you play with someone’s emotions. Exaggeration will make you look bad.

Chow Yun-Fat Actor Pernell Roberts is 81. Actor Robert Morse is 78. Actor Dwayne Hickman is 75. Keyboardist Rick Wakeman of Yes is 60. Actor Chow Yun-Fat is 54. Singer-guitarist Page Hamilton of Helmet is 49. Guitarist Barry Graul of MercyMe is 48. Singer-actress Martika is 40. Comedian Tina Fey is 39. Rapper Special Ed is 35. Musician Jack Johnson is 34. Singer Darryl Allen of Mista is 29.

CAPRICORN **** Dec. 22-Jan. 19 A relationship you are in will pose a problem if you cannot designate enough of your time to please this person. An inheritance or debt owed will put extra cash in your pocket. AQUARIUS *** Jan. 20-Feb. 18 Keep a watchful eye on the people you are dealing with. Taking a strong position will show your courage and reliability. Don’t let someone defeat you because you haven’t done your research. PISCES *** Feb. 19-March 20 You’ll be emotional and sensitive. Stick to your plans if you want to keep rhythm to your day. Go far off the beaten track and you will have a hard time getting back to what;s important.


Established since 1961, is currently one of the leading importers, distributors and marketers of healthcare and related products in Thailand. Based in Bangkok, Pacific Healthcare has over 300 full-time employees and an annual turnover of approximately USD35 million. The company is solid and reliable, with a well-established reputation and a quality of service that is second to none. To cope with our rapid expansion and diversification, we need talented candidates who are creative, energetic, and hardworking to join out team in the following positions:-

Medical Representative (Bangkok and Up-country) Key Responsibilities Responsible for opening the new product entry, regular visit customers in responsible area, maintain and demonstrate scientific knowledge potential or existing customers. Handle sales target and promote the company’s sales growth. Qualifications:• Bachelor’s Degree in Science or related field • At least 3 years experience in sales: hospital, clinic, modern trade or any other related business • Positive attitude, energetic and able to work independently • Results oriented and keen to learn a new things • Good personality, communication and negotiation skills • Fair command of written and spoken English • Computer literacy • Have own transportation and driving license

Product Manager: Pharma Key Responsibilities:Responsible for products, which requires more tactful marketing skills. Develop marketing plans and programs for the specific products, review, evaluate and adjust plans to cater for changes marketing strategy. Continuously assess and develop new channels to broaden the company’s market share and profit in the specific products. Product training and coaching Med. Rep. to deliver correct messages. Collaborate with SM to drive business and broaden client base. Qualifications:• Male or Female, age 25-35 years old (Only Thai Nationality) • Bachelor’s Degree in Science or Nurse would be preferable • Minimum 3 years experience in marketing of Pharmaceutical Products • Positive attitude, energetic, team player, service minded • Able to work independently with result-oriented • Strong leadership with interpersonal, communication and negotiation skills • Good command of English • Computer literacy • Have own transportation and driver license

We know opportunity is out there, PHC is looking for a great confident candidate who has a passion to join a winning team. We offer a competitive remuneration package for the right candidate. If you believe you are qualified for the above positions, please send a detailed resume in English stating the position you are interested in and your current and expected salary, together with your transcript and a recent photograph to

Pacific Healthcare (Thailand) Co., Ltd. Human Resources Department 1011 Supalai Grand Tower, Room No. 01, 29th Fl., Rama 3 Rd., Chongnonsee, Yannawa, Bangkok 10120 E-mail: recruit@phc.co.th Website: www.phc.co.th Only successful applications will be contacted! We accept resume in MS Word only.

China Commercial Trade Co., Ltd. We are a premier consulting company specializing in the China marketplace. We provide clients with "turnkey" services in order for them to quickly and effectively do business in China. We are looking for exceptional candidates for the following positions.

Urgently Required!!!

Telesales ● ● ● ● ●

At least 1-2 years of experience in related field Pro-active and reliable, a good troubleshooter Strong communication skills, able to quickly understand the customer's needs Team player with excellent interpersonal, negotiation, coordination and organization skills Excellent command of English, Japanese and/or Chinese (Mandarin)

Property Consultant ● ●

● ●

At least 1-2 years of experience in real estate or related field MUST demonstrate a true desire to succeed with the daily pressures and challenges within a busy environment A team player with the ability and energy to work with like-minded and driven individuals within a hectic & lively company environment A highly motivated, dedicated, enthusiastic & out-going individual who has a REAL INTEREST & PASSION to work in real estate market Good command of English and/or Japanese Dynamic and inspiring personality with willingness to continuously improve

Account Executive, Import - Export ● ●

● ● ●

At least 1-2 years experience in import/export field Knowledge of Microsoft Office, import/export (L/C and processing shipping documents) is a must Have a "service mindset", able to work well under pressure, responsible, pro-active, reliable and a good troubleshooter Team player with excellent interpersonal, negotiation, coordination and organization skills Good command of English both written and spoken The right applicant will be given on-going training and support to progress further within the company

Interested candidates should submit a recent photograph, resume, qualifications reference, and expected salary to admin@chinacommtrade.com or fax to 02-713-0382 Only shortlisted candidates will be notified.

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¡.∫â“πæ≈ ∂.«—™√æ≈ ∫â“π‡¥’Ë¬« 2 ™—Èπ ‡π◊ÈÕ∑’Ë 30.8 µ√.«. æ◊πÈ ∑’Ë „™â Õ¬ 130 µ√.¡. 3 πÕπ 3 πÈ” ‚§√ß°“√µ‘¥∂ππ´Õ¬«—™√æ≈ ‡¢â“´Õ¬‰¡à≈°÷ ¡’∑“ß≈—¥‰ªÀ≈“¬‡ âπ∑“ß ‰ª “¬‰À¡ ÕՇߑπ „π´Õ¬¡’∑“ߥà«πµ—¥ºà“π √“§“‡ πÕ¢“¬ 3,300,000 ∫“∑ µ‘¥µàÕ§ÿ≥∑‘æ¬å ‚∑√.0-2960-0005, 089-141-6053

¡. À°√≥å°“√∫‘π‰∑¬ ∂.·®âß«—≤π– ∫â“π‡¥’Ë¬« 2 ™—Èπ ‡π◊ÈÕ∑’Ë 108 µ√.«. 4 ÀâÕßπÕπ 3 ÀâÕßπÈ” 3 ∑’®Ë Õ¥√∂ ‡øÕ√å∫«‘ ∑åÕπ‘ „°≈â»πŸ ¬å√“™°“√, ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬, »Ÿπ¬å· ¥ß ‘π§â“ ‡¡◊Õß∑Õß °“√§¡π“§¡ –¥«° √“§“ 7,250,000 ∫“∑ µ‘¥µàÕ§ÿ≥π° ‚∑√.0-2645-4455, 081-947-7355









¡.∑“«πåÕ‘π∑“«πå ÕÕøø´Áπµå‡µÕ√å ∂.√“¡§”·Àß 39 ´.‡∑æ≈’≈“ 14 Õ“§“√æ“≥‘™¬å 4 ™—πÈ ‡π◊ÈÕ∑’Ë 34 µ√.«.

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»Ÿπ¬å√—∫´◊Õ È -¢“¬-‡™à“-®”πÕß

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¡.·°√π¥å«≈‘ ≈å ∂.ÕàÕππÿ™ ´.ÕàÕππÿ™ 80 ·¬° 5 Õ“§“√æ“≥‘™¬å 3.5 ™—Èπ ‡π◊ÕÈ ∑’Ë 19 µ√.«. æ◊πÈ ∑’Ë „™â Õ¬ 211 µ√.¡. 5 ÀâÕßπÕπ 3 ÀâÕßπÈ” 2 ∑’®Ë Õ¥√∂ ªŸ°√–‡∫◊ÕÈ ß∑ÿ°™—πÈ Õ“§“√Õ¬ŸÀà πâ“À¡Ÿ∫à “â π ‡À¡“–‡ªìπÕÕøøî» ·≈–Õ¬ŸÕà “»—¬ ‡¢â“´Õ¬ 200 ‡¡µ√ „°≈â ‚≈µ— ÕàÕππÿ™, «πÀ≈«ß √.9, √.æ.«‘¿“√“¡ √“§“‡ πÕ¢“¬ 3,500,000 ∫“∑ µ‘¥µàÕ§ÿ≥π—π∑å ‚∑√.0-2463-8333, 089-836-3699 E






¡.π«∏“π’ ∂.‡ √’‰∑¬ 59 ∫â“π‡¥’Ë¬« 3 ™—Èπ ‡π◊ÕÈ ∑’Ë 210 µ√.«.

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¡.ª∞«’ ∂.‡≈’¬∫§≈Õߪ√–ª“ ∫â“π‡¥’Ë¬« 2 ™—Èπ ‡π◊ÈÕ∑’Ë 73 µ√.«.

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¡.°ƒ…¥“π§√ 25 ∂.ª√–™“√à«¡„® ∑’¥Ë π‘ ‡ª≈à“ ‡π◊ÈÕ∑’Ë 1 ‰√à 86 µ√.«.

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www.realtyworld.co.th ‚∑√.


¡.∑‘æ¬å¡ß§≈ ∂.Àπ“¡·¥ß Õ“§“√æ“≥‘™¬å 4.5 ™—πÈ ‡π◊ÈÕ∑’Ë 21 µ√.«. 3 ÀâÕßπÈ” 3 ∑’®Ë Õ¥√∂ Õ¬Ÿµà πâ ‚§√ß°“√ ∂ππ‡¡π µ°·µàß∑“ ’ „À¡à ‡À¡“–Õ¬ŸÕà “»—¬ À√◊Õ‡ªî¥ÕÕøøî» ”π—°ß“π ‡≈§«‘« §Õπ‚¥¡‘‡π’¬¡ ∂ππ·®âß«—≤π– æ◊Èπ∑’Ë 54 µ√.¡. µ°·µàßæ√âÕ¡Õ¬Ÿà √“§“‡ πÕ¢“¬ 2,800,000 ∫“∑ ‚∑√.0-2744-0770, 085-111-6345 √“§“‡ πÕ¢“¬ 890,000 ∫“∑ µ‘¥µàÕ§ÿ≥‡™Õ√å√’Ë L.9702397 ‚∑√.089-117-7006, 086-451-5452 N ∂.√—µπ“∏‘‡∫»√å N ¡.°ƒ…≥“-¥Õπ‡¡◊Õß Õ“§“√æ“≥‘™¬å ∂. √ߪ√–¿“ 4.5 ™—πÈ ∫â“π‡¥’Ë¬« 2 ™—Èπ ‡π◊ÈÕ∑’Ë 55.3 µ√.«. ‡π◊ÈÕ∑’Ë 127.2 µ√.«. 4 ÀâÕßπÕπ 5 ÀâÕßπÈ” 6 ·Õ√å 7 ∑’®Ë Õ¥√∂ æ◊πÈ ∑’Ë„™â Õ¬ 240 µ√.¡. 4 ÀâÕßπÕπ 3 ÀâÕßπÈ” 2 ∑’ˮե√∂ √‘¡∂ππ√—µπ“∏‘‡∫»√å µ°·µàß·≈â«∑—ßÈ À≈—ß∑”§√—« ∑”‡≈¥’ „°≈⮥ÿ ¢÷πÈ ≈ß∑“ߥà«π»√’ ¡“π ‡¢â“ÕÕ°‰¥âÀ≈“¬∑“ß „°≈â ∂“π∑’√Ë “™°“√À≈“¬·Ààß, ∑ÁÕª å´ªÿ ‡ªÕ√å¡“√凰Áµ, ∫‘«∑åÕπ‘ Àà“ß®“°Àâ“߇´Áπ∑√—≈‡æ’¬ß 300 ¡. ‡∑§π‘§¥Õπ‡¡◊Õß ÕÕ°∑“߇≈’¬∫§≈Õߪ√–ª“∑–≈ÿ‡ âπ √“§“‡ πÕ¢“¬ 9,000,000 ∫“∑ ·®âß«—≤π–‰¥â µ‘¥µàÕ§ÿ≥»‘√‘»—°¥‘Ï √“§“‡ πÕ¢“¬ 7,000,000 ∫“∑ ‚∑√.0-29234100-1 µ‘¥µàÕ§ÿ≥π‘¥ ¡◊Õ∂◊Õ 089-895-1819, 089-141-6153 ‚∑√.0-2960-0005, 089-771-2473 E



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4 ÀâÕßπÕπ 2 ÀâÕßπÈ” 4 ∑’ˮե√∂ ∫â“π„À¡à‰¡à‡§¬Õ¬Ÿà µ°·µàß «¬æ√âÕ¡Õ¬Ÿà Õ¬Ÿàµâπ‚§√ß°“√´â“¬¡◊ÕÀ≈—ß∑’Ë 3 æ◊πÈ ™—Èπ∫πª“√凰â æ◊πÈ ™—πÈ ≈à“ß°√–‡∫◊ÕÈ ß µàÕ‡µ‘¡ÀâÕߧ√—« ·≈–‚√߮ե√∂ æ√âÕ¡ «π «¬√Õ∫∫â“𠇥‘π®“°∫â“π ¢÷πÈ √∂‚¥¬ “√ª√–®”∑“ß‡æ’¬ß 50 ‡¡µ√ √“§“‡ πÕ¢“¬ 4,150,000 ∫“∑ ‚∑√.0-2463-8333, 081-927-0057 L.102954



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Monday, May 18, 2009



3-2 Bordeaux take a step closer to clinching their first French League title in a decade with a hard-fought win over Le Mans on Saturday.

briefly I can go faster, says champ Bolt

Broad claims key wickets

West Brom suspend Bednar over drugs

Stuart Broad claimed the key wickets of Shivnarine Chanderpaul and Ramnaresh Sarwan as England reduced West Indies to 188-5 at lunch on the fourth day of the second Test yesterday. Sarwan made a century – West Indies’ first of the series – but was caught off Stuart Broad for 100 just five minutes before lunch. He lost sight of a bouncer and the ball reared up off his glove to Tim Bresnan in the slips. Chasing England’s first innings score of 569-6 declared, West Indies began the day on 94-3 and Sarwan and Chanderpaul frustrated the hosts for over an hour, putting on 99 for the fourth wicket. Broad made the breakthrough in the 45th over, when he had Chanderpaul caught behind by Prior for 23. – AP

West Bromwich Albion have suspended striker Roman Bednar over newspaper allegations that he bought cocaine and cannabis from a drug dealer. A report in the tabloid News of the World shows pictures of the Czech international forward allegedly handing over money to a man the paper said was a drugs dealer. The incident came hours after Bednar was an unused substitute in Albion’s Bednar 3-1 victory over Wigan in the Premier League on May 9, the paper said. The club said: “Roman Bednar has been suspended.” – AP

Dubai tennis to pay fine The director of the Dubai Tennis Championships says it will pay a record $300,000 fine for the United Arab Emirates’ refusal to grant a visa to Israeli player Shahar Peer. Salah Tahlak says the tournament chiefs agreed to pay the penalties imposed by the WTA Tour Board, which rejected Dubai’s appeal. – AP


Usain Bolt

Triple Olympic champion Usain Bolt has predicted he will smash his own world 100 metres record this year. He said bettering his world record of 9.69 seconds that he set in Beijing last August “shouldn’t be a problem” this year. “My coach expressed his views in Beijing, saying I could run 9.54, and I can definitely do that,” he said “I still feel goose bumps when I hear or watch the Beijing 100m, it feels good.” – AFP

Sonchat and Sanchai Ratiwatanas with their trophies in Busan, South Korea.

DANAI EMERGES WINNER Ratiwatana twins make it a Thai day in South Korea D A I LY X P R E S S


anai Udomchoke and the Ratiwatana twins kept the Thai flag flying at Geumjeong Tennis Stadium as the terrific trio captured the singles and doubles titles in the US$75,000 Busan Open Challenger yesterday. Danai had to labour for two victories in one day as his semi-final with German Florian Mayer was postponed from Saturday due to rain. He turned the tables on Mayer, who beat him in the final of a

season by outclassing Japan’s Tasuku Iwami and Toshihide Matsui 6-4 6-2 in the final. The siblings have scooped a total of 17 Challenger trophies in their career. “It’s great to win our fifth title this year. It was windy out there but we didn’t make mistakes,’’ said Sanchai. “I was pretty confident going into the final because we never lost to the two Japanese guys. We took control of the match even though the conditions were tough,’’ said Sonchat. The three Thais will leave South Korea today to enter the next tournament in Fergana, Uzbekistan.

Deccan score 26 off last over

Sweetest of all, says Barca’s Xavi Barcelona playmaker Xavi expressed his delight at winning the Spanish championship saying the 2009 title gave him more satisfaction than his previous three triumphs. “This is my fourth league title and it is the one I have enjoyed most,” Xavi said.

Challenger event in Bangkok back in March, 6-1 6-1 before easily tackling Slovenia Blaz Kavcic 6-2 6-2 in the evening’s final. It was Danai’s first Challenger trophy in almost three years. The last time he triumphed was in November, 2006 also in Busan but in a different event. “It’s quite a relief to finally win again. I wasn’t physically tired but was bored that I had to wait for many hours for the final match,” said Danai who has a total of eight Challenger trophies in his trophy cabinet. In the doubles final, the top duo Sonchat and Sanchai collected their fifth title of the

Rohit Sharma celebrates after hitting the winning run.

Deccan Chargers scored 26 off the last over to beat the hapless Kolkata Knight Riders by six wickets in another Indian Premier League cliffhanger on Saturday. Kolkata made Deccan need 21 to win off the last over at Wanderers. Then Rohit Sharma started with a boundary off a no ball because Kolkata didn’t have enough fielders in the circle. That was followed with a leg bye, a single and a six by Sharma over midwicket off the official third ball, leaving Deccan to score eight off three balls. Mashrafe Mortaza bowled a wide. Seven needed, still off three balls. Sharma scored two, then a boundary through covers. One was needed off the last ball for the victory and Sharma pulled it over fine leg for a six to pull off the most unlikeliest of victories.

Monday, May 18, 2009




Tevez has future at Utd: Fergie

BARCA CHAMPIONS Real Madrid crash to Villarreal to hand the Spanish League title to Catalans AFP, Madrid

arcelona were crowned Spanish champions for the 19th time on Saturday as holders Real Madrid gifted the title to their bitter rivals after a 3-2 defeat at Villarreal. Real knew anything other than a win would see Barcelona lift the title but Juande Ramos’s side crashed to a third straight loss to hand the title to Barcelona. It was Barcelona’s second trophy inside four days, following their Kings Cup win over Athletic Bilbao on Wednesday, as they notched a league and cup double for the first time since 1998. The Catalan giants can become the first Spanish side to win the treble if they can overcome Manchester United in the Champions League final in Rome on May 27. “Our arch rivals are champions and we have to congratulate them,” said Real defender Sergio Ramos. “It has been difficult preparing for these past few matches as we knew it would be difficult to do anything as they had such an advantage.” Villarreal move level on points with Valencia following the Real win – courtesy of a late goal from Joan Capdevila – to keep up their Champions League charge. Veteran French winger Robert Pires scored the 17thminute opener with a rare header after Ariel Ibagaza had put in




Real Madrid goalkeeper Iker Casillas, right, fails to save a shot from Villarreal midfielder Robert Pires. an enticing cross. Real boss Ramos, who has admitted he is unlikely to be in charge next season, was visibly disappointed with the first half showing and Gonzalo Higuain replaced Klaas-Jan Huntelaar. Higuain had an immediate impact setting up Rafael van der Vaart, a huge disappointment following a 13-million-euro switch from SV Hamburg, for the equaliser a minute after the break. Villarreal responded and Cani put the hosts back in front in the 63rd minute before Higuain equalised late on, although it looked suspiciously offside. Capdevila was the hero scoring in the final minute after Real keeper Iker Casillas had dropped the ball. Earlier third-placed Sevilla


spurned a chance to secure a Champions League place following a 0-0 draw at Osasuna. Barcelona president Joan Laporta paid tribute to coach Pep Guardiola after guiding the club to a league and cup double and said it would be the greatest season in the club’s history if they could beat Manchester United in the Champions League final. “Footbally speaking this is one of the best seasons in the history of Barcelona when you consider the way we played and the titles won,” Laporta told Barca TV. “It could be the best season ever if we win the Champions League too. “It is the fifth double in the history of the club and it is a fabulous achievement for the fans to celebrate.”

Manchester United boss Alex Ferguson says he is convinced striker Carlos Tevez will stay at Old Trafford despite the player’s repeated expressions of discontent. The Argentinian’s future has been in doubt all season and remains so despite the club clinching a third straight Premier League title on Saturday. His two-year loan deal runs out this summer and no deal is in sight with Tevez also saying he is unhappy at not commanding a regular spot in the starting line-up. That unrest was again evident against Arsenal when he appeared to wave goodbye to the Old Trafford crowd when he was substituted. Ferguson though insists that Tevez still has a future in Manchester. “The demands originally put to us were unrealistic,” he told The Sunday Times. “Like other clubs, we have to be aware of the consequences of the credit crunch. It’s no time to be careless about money. “As far as Tevez is concerned, everybody would be best served by a willingness to compromise.” Ferguson also said he believed Cristiano Ronaldo’s would stay at the club despite the interest shown in him by Real Madrid. “The indications I’m getting from the dressing room are that the other players don’t feel he is behaving as if he’s discontented.”

Milan defeat hands Inter fourth straight title A F P , Rome



AC Milan’s Andriy Shevchenko, back, and Udinese’s Gaetano D’Agostino vie for ball.

nter Milan won a fourth straight Serie A title on Saturday despite not playing when nearest challengers AC Milan lost 2-1 at Udinese. Second-placed Milan trail Inter, who host Siena on Sunday, by seven points but the Rossonero have only two matches left to play. Milan’s defeat meant that Inter boss Jose Mourinho has won the scudetto in his first

season in Italian football after joining in June last year. It is Mourinho’s fifth title in seven years in three different countries having claimed the Portuguese crown with Porto in 2003 and 2004 and the English Premier League trophy in 2005 and 2006 with Chelsea. Milan went into the game in Udine knowing that they had to get a result to stop their bitter city rivals claiming the title, but they put in one of their

worst performances of the season in what could be one of coach Carlo Ancleotti’s final matches in charge with rumours growing that he will join Chelsea next season. The coach was magnanimous in defeat but was clearly unhappy with his players. “Did Inter deserve the title? I think they’ve been the most consistent team and hence they deserved to win,” he said. “Tonight I wasn’t expecting

us to play as we did. We never turned up.” Antonio Floro Flores burst into the Milan box behind the backline to latch on to Geatano D’Agostino’s through ball, but veteran defender Paolo Maldini leaned on him just enough to knock him off balance as he tried to take the ball around goalkeeper Dida. The visitors were punished when D’Agostino fired the ball into the net from the spot-kick,

Monday, May 18, 2009



South Korea’s Bae Sang- moon wins in Seoul after a thrilling play-off with Oh South Korea’s Bae Sangmoon fended off a strong challenge from compatriot Ted Oh in a thrilling play-off to win the GS Caltex Maekyung Open yesterday. Bae defeated his rival on the second play-off hole at the Nam Seoul Country Club with a par on the par-four 18th after Oh bogeyed with a disappointing three-putt. Bae has now secured a hat trick of victories on home soil

after chalking up wins on the Asian Tour at the SK Telecom Open in 2007 and the KolonHana Bank Korea Open in 2008. “It’s unbelievable! I’ve never played in a play-off before and to win the event this way is always something special. I want to thank all my fans for coming out here and supporting me,” said the champion. Bae’s win also meant that

Bae Sang-moon after winning the GS Caltex Maekyung Open. the GS Caltex Maekyung Open trophy will be kept on home soil for another year, as there

has been no international winner since Mark Calcavecchia of the United States won in 2004. The South Koreans dominated the tournament, with Kim Jong-duk and Kim Daesub taking a share of third place on 283 with another Korean trio of Kim Hyungsung, Byun Jin-jae and Kang Kyung-nam tied for fifth at 284. Singapore’s Lam Chih Bing


A CLEAN SWEEP Thailand boys and girls dominate Asia-Pacific Junior Golf C’ships

ter entering the third round ahead by two strokes.

Lowry, Rock share lead


hailand made a clean sweep of the titles in the team competitions in the 30th AsiaPacific Junior Championships at the Royal Hua Hin Golf Course yesterday. Their success was never in doubt as they were in supreme form from the opening day before comfortably cruising to wire-to-wire victories in both boy’s and girl’s events. Having endured a disastrous third round on Saturday with a combined score of seven overpar 223, the hosts’ boys comprising Atthachai Jaichalard, Poom Saksangsil, Ratthanon Wanasrichan and Natthawat Suwachanakorn recovered to round off a fine week with a dominant performance. The Thais retained the prestigious Janya Cup title named after Air Chief Marshall Janya Sukhonthasap, the former president of the Asia Pacific Golf Confederation and Thailand Golf Association, for the second successive year with the total score of 873, leaving the Philippines in the second spot, a staggering 26-strokes behind. Poom missed out on winning the top individual honours, though. Prin Sirisommhai edged him to the overall trophy by two strokes with a four-day score of 287. However, Poom was handed a consolation, winning the Class A trophy. Ratthanon needed a play-off to seal the win in the B


Thailand Golf Association president Rungsrid Luxsitanonda, fourth from right, with the Thai team’s winning players. category after finishing level with Filipino Miguel Tabuena on 290. “It’s my debut. I can’t believe that I could win the title the first time. But, I’m still not happy with my form,” said the 17-year-old Prin. Kwanchai Kongtawee and Puwit Anusuebsai ensured the hosts take all the honours in the boy’s divisions by claiming titles in Class C and D with threeround scores of 211 and 212 respectively. In the girl’s team competition, the Thai team containing Jutanugarn sisters, Moriya and Ariya, and a 10-year-old Nichakorn Muangkam, also comfortably strode to victory, finishing with a three-round score of 423, 13 strokes ahead of runners-up South Korea. However, all was not sweet for the reigning Junior Open champion Moriya after she failed to clinch the overall title, losing to South Korea’s Kim Dong-Hee who won it with a 214. Moriya and her team-

mates Ariya and Nichakorn, however, claimed the Class A, B and D titles respectively, while Pinyada Kuwanan secured the Class C crown.

Pettersen, Oh lead Suzann Pettersen and Ji Young Oh shot 3-under 69s to take a one-stroke lead over Brittany Lincicome after three rounds of the Sybase Classic on Saturday. Pettersen of Norway and Oh of South Korea had 54-hole totals of 12-under 204 at Upper Montclair Country Club. Paula Creamer and Michelle Wie shot 69s and were three shots behind the leaders in the $2 million tournament that could have a new champion. Three-time defending champion Lorena Ochoa is 10 shots off the lead after a 72. Hee Young Park was four shots off the pace after a 67. The 21-year-old South Korean is looking for her first US LPGA victory. Lincicome shot a 72 af-

Irish amateur Shane Lowry bogeyed the final hole to drop back into a tie for the lead with Robert Rock after the third round in the Irish Open at Baltray. Lowry three-putted the par-5 last as Rock holed a 20-foot putt for birdie. The Irishman finished with 71, Rock had 69. They had totals of 200, 16 under par. Johan Edfors of Sweden shot the day’s best round of 68, four under par, on a day when play was suspended for 5 hours because of high winds. He was two shots behind on 202. Lowry, who took a twostroke lead into the third round after his 10-under 62 in gentle conditions Friday, kept his nose in front throughout the final round – until the last. His third shot was too strong and finished behind the pin 30 feet away. He putted six feet past and missed. “I felt a bit nervy playing the last but I still feel I can win tomorrow,” the 22-year-old from central Ireland said. If he succeeds, he will be the second amateur to win on the European Tour this year following Danny Lee in the Johnnie Walker Classic in Perth three months ago. Rock hit a poor second shot at the 18th and his 9-iron third finished 20 feet away. But he holed it. Rock has been second twice this year as he seeks his first Tour victory in his seventh year on tour.

took a share of eighth place together with South Korea’s Noh Seung-yul, Son Hyun-ho, SK Ho and Lee Seung-ho at 285. The race for first place was tight throughout the day, with just one shot separating many of the contenders for the title at the 470,000-dollar event. Oh could have sealed victory, and his maiden Asian Tour title, had he birdied the 18th hole from five feet.

Johnson shoots 60 to top the board A P , San Antonio

efending champion Zach Johnson matched the La Cantera course record with a 10under 60 to take a threestroke lead in the suspended third round of the rainsoaked Texas Open on Saturday. Johnson holed out from 84 yards for an eagle on the par-4 seventh and had eight birdies on the soggy course in the round interrupted by a five-hour rain delay. He tapped in for par on the 18th hole seconds after the horn blew and darkness suspended play. Paul Goydos and threetime champion Justin Leonard were 12 under through 12 holes. “I hit a lot of quality shots. I think I had to get up and down twice for par,” Johnson said. “I don’t think I missed a green on the backside.” Johnson wore his sunglasses down to the end as dusk turned to dark, having to peer over them on the tee box at No 18 before pushing them right back on his face. He needed just 11 holes to erase a sevenstroke deficit after waiting until nearly 4.25pm to start his round. An afternoon storm dumped more than 2 inches (5 centimetres) of rain, causing the longest delay on the US PGA Tour this year. Fourteen players will finish the round on Sunday before starting the final 18, when they’ll re-pair.




Monday, May 18, 2009

THESPORT An exasperated Novak Djokovic was left searching for answers after his toughest loss yet to Rafael Nadal. Nadal saved three match points to complete a 3-6 7-6 (5) 7-6 (9) comeback win over Djokovic to reach the Madrid Open final on Saturday. Despite nearly toppling the Spaniard in front of his home crowd, Djokovic will likely best remember the blown opportunities that led to his fifth straight defeat at the hands of Nadal in the longest three-set match in Masters Series history. “Next time I’ll probably take two rackets on the match point and try to hit them past him. I don’t know what to do,” Djokovic said. “If I knew I would probably win.” Djokovic will still go into the French Open on a good run as world No 4 but knows that if he crosses Nadal again, he is 0-9 against the four-time defending champion on the dirt. All four defeats to Nadal this year have come on clay, too. “In some points of the match I played even above my limits. And that was especially in the match points I had,” a red-eyed Djokovic said after the 4-hour, 3-minute match. “It’s frustrating when you play so well and you can’t win. A couple of points decided the winner.” The top-ranked Nadal is 10-3 against the fourth-ranked Serb at the semi-finals stage or better. “It happened too often,” Djokovic said. “So I’m very disappointed that I can play this well and still not win a match. The positives are I’m one point away from the victory.” Roger Federer, who has suffered his fair share of tough losses to Nadal, preferred not to offer any recovery advice to rival Djokovic. “Being so close yet so far, obviously it’s going to hurt,” Federer said after beating Juan Martin del Potro to play Nadal in a final for the 16th time.


FILLYBETTER THAN BOYS Rachel Alexandra became the first filly to win the Preakness Stakes since 1924, holding off a late charge by Kentucky Derby winner Mine That Bird.


Novak Djokovic during the semi-final match against Rafael Nadal.



Tevez has future at Utd, says Fergie

Danai and twins triumph in Busan

Carlos Tevez’s future at Manchester United will not be resolved until after the Champions League final, as the club grapples with the complexities of reaching a permanent deal. Manager Alex Ferguson said United must take into account the economic crisis affecting the world when considering paying large fees. >PAGE 25

Danai Udomchoke and the Ratiwatana twins kept the Thai flag flying at Geumjeong Tennis Stadium as the terrific trio captured the singles and doubles titles in the US$75,000 Busan Open Challenger yesterday. Danai, however, had to labour for two victories in one day as his semi-final was postponed due to rain. >PAGE 24

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