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Thursday, July 23, 2009 VOL 2, NO 381

>> PAGES 2&4


Start your day with a smile By Khemanij “Pancake” Jamikorn Actress

Liverpool striker Fernando Torres in action during the second half after coming on as a late substitute in yesterday’s match.


’d like everybody to begin the new day with a smile. Smiling from the morning – soon after you wake up – will contribute to your day being fresh and beautiful. Everything is likely to go well. Also, with the type-A (H1N1) flu outbreak, try to avoid crowded areas and wash your hands often!

YOUR health


>>DON’T MISS a wellness fair at Impact Exhibition Centre this weekend. >>Check out programmes to keep you fit >PAGE 9


Liverpool are held to a 1-1 draw in a friendly with the plucky Thai national team at Rajamangala stadium

What to see where to go

>PAGES 27,28

>PAGE 10


Thursday, July 23, 2009




It is estimated the Earth will witness

11,898 solar eclipses between the years 2000 and 3000


Thousands gather to see eclipse D A I LY X P R E S S

housands of enthusiasts T gathered at various spots across the country yesterday





morning to grab a glimpse of the much-publicised partial solar eclipse. But it’s only in a few provinces that cheers grew. Thanks to the rainy season, only the sky over Chiang Rai, Chiang Mai and a few other areas was clear enough for people to watch the crescent sun. “Here in Chiang Rai, the sun was obscured by about 69 per cent,” said Prayong Huaklang, head of the Chiang Rai Rajabhat University’s observatory. He said the eclipse lasted from 7am to 9.14am. His observatory provided free devices for keen gazers. In Udon Thani, about 500 students and people crowded Rajabhat University’s basketball court to watch the eclipse. After rain fell throughout Monday night, the sky was clear in this northeastern province yesterday morning. “From here, the partial eclipse obscured about 54 per cent of the sun,” university president Natthep Pitaksanurak said.

Students at the Debsirin School try to catch the eclipse.

In Chiang Mai, over 300 enthusiasts gathered on Chiang Mai University’s rugby field to watch the eclipse. Clouds blocked a clear view of the sun from time to time. “I was so excited. I came here because I saw news reports about this phenomenon on TV,” Grade-3 student Kittipong Suwaeng said. “But I was a bit disappointed that the clouds kept obstructing my view.” Lt-Colonel Sompong Pornsee, 70, said that although the sky was “not quite open”, he was impressed

to see the eclipse. “I am already old. I don’t know whether I will be able to witness this phenomenon again.” In Uttaradit, hundreds of students could watch the solar eclipse for just 10 minutes because of clouds. “Although the sky was not clear, I felt this was a very valuable experience,” Grade-7 student Kanokwan Panjakabut said. Locals in Songkhla, Lampang, Sukhothai, Nakhon Si Thammarat and several other provinces did not see the solar eclipse at all.

Hundreds of students and other Bangkokians waiting to witness the partial solar eclipse at Bangkok’s Debsirin School yesterday were disappointed as clouds obscured the sun. Many arrived at the school very early in the morning and waited to watch the eclipse, which was expected to be visible between 7.06am and 9.08am in Bangkok. Despite a cloudy sky, they enthusiastically looked forward to witnessing the natural phenomenon, using solar viewers and taking turns to watch the cloudy sky through telescopes and solarscopes provided at the school’s football field. They waited until drizzle fell at about 8am. Then rain forced staff to move the telescopes and solarscopes into a building. It stopped raining at about 9am, so nobody was able to witness the eclipse. National Astronomical Research Institute of Thailand (NARIT) and The Thai Astronomical Society provided the devices. “Solar-eclipse watchers at the school could not see the eclipse as clouds obscured the sun,” said Siramas Komonjinda, NARIT’s expert adviser. “After it rained yesterday [Tuesday] and it was cloudy I knew there was little possibility of seeing the solar eclipse today [Wednesday], but I still waited to watch it. Unfortunately, it rained again, so I could not see the eclipse,” said Wisarut Chaya-ngammongkol, a 12-year-old student at Debsirin School. Suradech Trisarunwong, 12, another Debsirin student, said he intended to get to school earlier to watch the eclipse. “I live in [Chom Thong district’s] Bang Mod sub-district but I stayed overnight at my grandma’s house, which is not far from school so that I could get to it quicker.” Somrit Rabruen took her six-year-old nephew Chanthut Ua-arree, who studies at Wat Plubplachai School, to Debsirin School at 6.30am so he could watch the celestial occurrence. By Wannapa Phetdee

Editor: Tulsathit Taptim / Managing Editor: Thanong Khanthong / Deputy Managing Editors: Kumar Krishnan, Jintana Panyaarvudh / Design Editor: Leroy A Sylk Web Co-editors: Marisa Chimprabha, Paisal Chuenprasaeng / The City Editor: Chularat Saengpassa / The Fun Editor: Veena Thoopkrajae / Sport Editor: Preechachan Wiriyanupappong / Group Editor in Chief: Suthichai Yoon

>>DAILY XPRESS is edited by Tulsathit Taptim and published by NMG News Co Ltd, at 1854, Bang Na-Trat Road, Bangkok 10260, and printed by FOR DISPLAY ADVERTISING,PLEASE CALL (02) 338 3000 # 1 WPS (Thailand) Co Ltd, Tel (02) 338 3000, Fax (02) 338 3334. EDITORIAL: Tel (02) 338 3333. ON THE WEB: DAILYXPRESS.NET >>DAILY XPRESS is a supplement to subscriber copies of THE NATION with bonus distribution in selected areas of Bangkok and its environs every Monday to Friday. Subscription rates for THE NATION: one year Bt4,900 within regular delivery areas; please contact Customer Service on (02) 338 3000. For bulk copy subscription rates please call (02) 338 3532.



Thursday, July 23, 2009



Type-A (H1N1) flu has killed over


people around the globe since the outbreak began some four months ago


Info highway Three accused of letting rats chew toes off US baby Three people have been accused of letting rats bite a six-week-old girl and chew off her toes at their cluttered Ohio mobile home. Pike County prosecutor Rob Junk says the baby’s toes on one foot were gone. The baby is in fair condition at a Columbus hospital. A married couple and the 18-year-old boyfriend of the baby’s mother are charged with felony child endangering. They were in court for an initial hearing on Tuesday. They’re jailed pending a plea hearing in two weeks.

Above: The solar eclipse from its initial stage, left, to a total phase over the Indian city of Varanasi yesterday. Right: The total eclipse taken from the national observatory on Iwo Jima, Japan.


Suicide over missing iPhone

Eclipse shrouds Asia IN CLOAK OF DARKNESS A F P , Varanasi

he longest solar eclipse of T the 21st century plunged millions across Asia into temporary darkness yesterday, triggering scenes of religious fervour, fear and excitement across India and China. Ancient superstition and modern commerce came together in a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to end up being the most watched eclipse in history, due to its path over Earth’s most densely inhabited areas. A total solar eclipse usually occurs every 18 months or so, but yesterday’s spectacle was special for its maximum period

of “totality” – when the sun is wholly covered by the moon – of six minutes and 39 seconds. Such a lengthy duration will not be matched until the year 2132. The cone-shaped shadow, or umbra, created by the total eclipse first made landfall on the western Indian state of Gujarat shortly before 6.30am (8am in Bangkok). It then raced across India and squeezed between Bangladesh and Nepal before engulfing most of Bhutan, traversing the Chinese mainland and slipping back out to sea off Shanghai. From there it moved

across the islands of southern Japan and veered into the western Pacific. A woman was killed and more than 20 people injured in a stampede in the Indian holy city of Varanasi, where tens of thousands of devout Hindus had gathered by the river Ganges at dawn. Some Indian astrologers had issued predictions laden with gloom and foreboding, and a gynaecologist at a Delhi hospital said many expectant mothers scheduled for July 22 caesarian deliveries insisted on changing the date. The ancient Chinese

blamed a sun-eating dragon. In Hindu mythology, the two demons Rahu and Ketu are said to “swallow” the sun during eclipses, snuffing out its light and causing food to become inedible and water undrinkable. State-run China Central Television provided minute-byminute coverage of what it dubbed “The Great Yangtze River Solar Eclipse” as the phenomenon cut a path along the river’s drainage basin. Millions of people in areas of southwestern China enjoyed a clear line of sight, according to images broadcast on CCTV.

An employee at a factory that makes iPhones in China killed himself after a prototype went missing. The dead worker, Sun Danyong, 25, worked in product communications at Foxconn Technology Group, a Taiwanese firm that makes many Apple products at a massive factory in the southern city of Shenzhen. There’s tremendous pressure on employees dealing with Apple’s new products to maintain high-level secrecy over the gadgets. Apple is also a constant target of prying journalists, rabidly faithful customers and competitors who make great efforts to try to steal a peek at its latest gadgets. Sun was responsible for sending iPhone prototypes to Apple. His friends said company security guards searched his apartment, detained him and beat him when he reported on July 13 that one of the phones were missing. On July 16, Sun jumped from the 12th floor of his apartment building. – AP

Thursday, July 23, 2009



Call-girl scandal deepens for Italy’s Premier Berlusconi D’Addario and the man who allegedly paid her to sleep with PM purportedly discuss terms of the encounter in a website audio clip A F P , Rome


‘Wait in the big bed’

Patrizia D’Addario


scandal linking Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi with a call girl deepened with publication of a new audio clip purportedly proving the liaison. In the clip, the second in as many days to emerge on the website of the left-leaning weekly L’Espresso, call girl Patrizia D’Addario and the man who allegedly paid her to sleep with the prime minister purportedly discuss the terms of the encounter. The entrepreneur, Gianpaolo Tarantini, purportedly tells D’Addario that Berlusconi “is not taking you as a call girl ... he’s taking you as a friend of mine that I brought along”. A string of scandals have dogged Berlusconi since late

April. La Repubblica has led calls for him to explain his relationship with aspiring model Noemi Letizia after his attendance at her 18th birthday party prompted his wife to file for divorce. Allegations followed that call girls had accepted fees to spend the night with him. Berlusconi, a renowned playboy and bon vivant, has rebuffed the allegations of paying for sex, saying he prefers the “pleasure of conquest”. L’Espresso posted an audio clip on its website of a purported exchange between Berlusconi and D’Addario in which he allegedly asks her to wait for him in “the big bed” while he took a shower. The prime minister’s lawyer, Niccolo Ghedini, scoffed at the recording, calling it “totally implausible”.

‘Frumpy’ Obama will never be fashion victim A F P , Washington



Obama upon arrival at the White House after coming back from Saint Louis, Missouri, where he threw out the first pitch at the MLB All-Star Game.

S President Barack Obama admitted on Tuesday that he’s a little frumpy, but brushed aside suggestions that he should pay greater attention to fashion. “Here’s my attitude. Michelle, she looks fabulous. I’m a little frumpy,” Obama laughed in an interview with NBC. He was defending himself after the US fashion police let out howls of horror over the so-called old-fashioned “Dad jeans” that the president wore to throw the first pitch at a Saint Louis baseball match last week. “I hate to shop. Those jeans are comfortable. And for those of you who, you know, want your president to, you know, look great in his tight jeans, I’m sorry, I’m not the guy,” he shrugged. And he admitted that he would not be caught dead in any “low-rider” jeans. “Sorry ... it just doesn’t fit me. I’m not 20,” he said ruefully. The president of the United States also admitted that “basically, up until a few years ago, I only had four suits”. First Lady Michelle Obama, who has swiftly become a fashion icon for her style and elegance, “used to tease me because they’d get really shiny”, he added.

Further fuelling a media frenzy, Italian authorities seized hundreds of photos taken at Berlusconi’s Sardinian villa.

Telling photos Some of the pictures were published in the Spanish paper El Pais and showed Berlusconi in his garden surrounded by women. Other photos showed topless women and a man who was totally nude by a pool. The flamboyant prime minister has dismissed the allegations as “all lies” and politically motivated. D’Addario, who is at the centre of a corruption investigation of Tarantini, has told the Italian media that she was promised ¤2,000 (Bt97,000) for each of two sleepovers with Berlusconi. The new audio clip refers to a ¤1,000 payment up front followed by another 1,000 if she stayed the night.

Ecuadorian selling her virginity on the Internet in Spain A 28-year-old Ecuadorian immigrant living in Spain has put her virginity on sale on the Internet, the daily El Mundo reported on Tuesday in its online edition. “Evelyn” said she was depressed over her decision, but that her salary as a parttime cleaning lady was not sufficient to cover her mother’s medical treatment back in Ecuador. The young woman living in the eastern city of Valencia has received dozens of offers, the highest of which amounted to ¤2.3 million (Bt111 million). She rejected the offer because the man in question wanted to become her steady boyfriend. Prostitution is semi-legal in Spain. D PA


Thursday, July 23, 2009




“You couldn’t pay me to go to the moon, man. I don’t even drive a car.”



Nithiwat Tharathorn with his lead actresses, Jarinporn Junkiat, left, and Chutima Teepanat, in London.

Two Thai girls learn crucial lessons on the road in Europe in ‘Dear Galileo’


,, By Parinyaporn Pajee D A I LY X P R E S S


n any movie, the journey taken by the leading character – or characters – inevitably represents some kind of expedition, whether of a physical or mental nature. The two girls who form the nucleus of Nithiwat Tharathorn’s latest film, “Nee Tam Galileo” (“Dear Galileo”), travel in both senses of the word, fleeing problems at home to spend a year exploring Europe and picking up odd jobs, and in so doing learn some life lessons. The story follows two young Thai women, Cherry (Chutima Teepanat) and Noon (Jarinporn Junkiat), who decide to backpack around Europe after one is suspended from university and the other suffers a heartbreak. As they travel and stay in London,

PEOPLE DREAM OF A HAPPY LIFE IN LONDON OR PARIS WITH LOTS OF SPARE TIME TO TRAVEL AROUND BUT IT’S NOT LIKE THAT. Nithiwat Tharathorn, on his own experience abroad Paris, Venice and Pisa, they meet a lot of people including a a Thai guy, Tum (Ray MacDonald), and the experience changes them. “The two actresses have sim-

ilar personalities to the characters and that makes them totally believable. Ray is perfect for the part of Tum,” says Nithiwat, whose previous film was the hit romantic comedy “Seasons Change”.

Running away While “Dear Galileo” may initially convey a message about youngsters fleeing their problems, the director says that in the end, it’s about learning not to be self-centred and understanding others. “If you can’t do that, you’ll have trouble wherever you are and whoever you’re with, even if it’s someone you love,” says the director. Nithiwat says he learned a few lessons himself while shooting in Europe. “Filming in Thailand is convenient and it means that the

director can focus on filmmaking. In foreign countries where there are limitations, I not only had to focus on working but I also had to take care of my crew,” he says. The idea of spending time overseas is a dream for many young Thais but it’s not always easy. Nithiwat recalls working in a Thai restaurant in London while he was studying for his master’s degree. He was unable to graduate as illness cut short his stay and he returned home after eight months. “People dream of a happy life in London or Paris with lots of spare time to travel around but it’s not like that. When you work in a restaurant, you spend most of your time indoors and you stay in a small space to save money. “I know many people do eventually settle down over-

XTRA LIKE IN A MOVIE >> Nithiwat advertised on for actors to play small parts during three weeks of filming in London. They included a nerdy Man U fan and an Indian male to play a complaining customer in a restaurant. >> Galileo Galilei was the Italian physicist and astronomer who championed and supported Copernicanism, the belief that Earth is not the centre of the universe. >> “Nee Tam Galileo” (“Dear Galileo”) is in cinemas today. Visit

seas and have a happy life but for me, there’s no place like home,” he says.

Thursday, July 23, 2009




YEARS AGO yesterday, bank robber John Dillinger was fatally shot by FBI agents in front of Chicago’s Biograph Theatre. “Public Enemies”, in cinemas today, is based on his life.

TONY JAA’S “Ong-Bak 2” will be among the Midnight Madness movies at the Toronto International Film Festival. Others in the fest are “Nang Mai” by Pen-ek Ratanaruang and “A Letter to Uncle Boonmee” by Apichatpong Weerasethakul.

soopsip A possible imposter

Let there

be blood Wannasak “Kuck” Sirilar, right, and Sumontha “Jum” Suanpholrat, star in “Puen Sao Phi Dib” (“Blood Cannot Be Changed”), a stage comedy about two vampires, one of them who’s sworn off human blood and the other who’s still thirsty for it. Sink your teeth into it tonight and tomorrow at 7.30 at Makhampom Studio. Tickets cost Bt150 and Bt250. Call (089) 112 7778.

‘Best’of rewards

‘ WAT E R D R O P S ’

MVD Company in cooperation with Canon and GTH

Films for life

gear up for the DVD release of “Khwamjum Sun Tae Rak Chan Yao” (“Best of Times”) with a photo contest on the theme “Unforgettable Heart”. The photo must be in postcard format, printed on Canon’s Selphy printer and submitted by August 14. Prizes worth Bt10,000 are up for grabs. Call (02) 344 9999 ext 305.

A boy and his bear PANDA FEVER is at an all-time high in Thailand with the new panda cub at the Chiang Mai Zoo and SF Cinemas are getting in on the action with Disney’s “Trail of the Panda”. Shot on scenic Balang Mountain near Sichuan’s Wolong Giant Panda Nature Reserve, the drama harks back to the classic Disney wildlife documentaries and adventure films. Made as a co-production with China’s Ying Dong Media, “Trail of the Panda” follows an orphan boy named Lu and the lost panda cub he carries on his back on an epic journey to find the bear’s mother. The pandas were filmed for a maximum of 90 minutes a day in adherence to strict guidelines for their care and feeding. “Trail of the Panda” opens in SF Cinemas on August 12. Visit

Artists from different fields make movies to pay tribute to the Royal Development Centre D A I LY X P R E S S


he Royal Initiative Discovery campaign and the Thailand Convention and Exhibition Bureau celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Royal Development Centre with “Water Drops for Life”, a collection of 11 short films. All the films are inspired by His Majesty the King’s projects and speeches that have helped Thai people improve their lives. Since His Majesty founded the first centre at Khao Hin Son in Chachoengsao Province, the project has expanded to include other regions with five other centres opening to focus rural development ranging from water resources to agricultural produce. Filmmakers include Thanit Jitnukul with “Kiew Ratsadorn Tem Khun” (“Mr Kiew A Proud Citizen”), Silpathorn-winning performer Nimit Pipithkul with “Ruang Nai Jai” (“In My Mind”)


Erstwhile singer Nathan Oman came home from Hollywood saying he’d just made a film with Bruce Willis and Christina Ricci, directed by Wolfgang Petersen, but the amateur detectives are climbing all over him. Nathan Oman says he’s got a starring role in “The Prince of Red Shoe”, but the movie websites and 20th Century Fox, the studio allegedly involved, have never heard of it. Oman posted stills from the production on his Hi5 page, but they’re not there anymore. Folks who’ve seen the photos elsewhere say they’re dated 2005. The legions of film critics at have already concluded that Oman’s fibbing, and now they also want to know if he really is halfNepalese and half-Thai as he claims.

A real imposter Businesswoman Supornthip

BRING A BUCKET >> “Water Drops for Life” premieres at 2pm on August 10 at Grand EGV Siam Discovery. Admission is free. >> A limited release of the film is planned.

and Withaya Thongyuyong’s with “Chang Phab” (“A Photographer”). Two actresses are trying their hand at filmmaking as well with Supaksorn Chaimongkol’s “Phab Thee Tangkan” (“Just a Difference”) and Napakpapha Nakprasitte offering “Satha” (“Faith”).

Chuangrangsri gets the hi-so coverage in the glossy magazines, but the current Hello! mag cover model insists she’s just a girl from upcountry who moved to Bangkok for the work. “How can I tell them I’m Supornthip hired to attend the society events and I have to look good?” she laments. She gives Hello! a “once-andfor-all” interview, that’s how. It’s billed as “probably her last interview”, too.

Contact Soopsip at



Thursday, July 23, 2009




Guests parked their Ferraris in front of the hotel.


In a Ferrari, the faster you go, the less you have to worry about hard times You expect posh at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel, but what about the dozen Ferraris parked out front on Monday night? The occasion was the unveiling of the new Bt23-million Ferrari California, and more than 500 fatwallet devotees of the fast and the fancy packed the Authors Lounge. The swank wheels parked outside belonged to them. Cavallino Motors, a joint venture between business moguls Vudha Bhirombhakdi and Chalerm Yoovidhya, is the local dealer authorised by Ferrari SpA Esercizio Fabbriche Automobilie Corse. Keen to spend their way out of the recession, millionaires including Niti Sawangsap signed up for a fresh ride. Besides Red Bull’s Chalerm and Singha’s Vudha, VIP guests included members of the

Niti Sawangsap was one of clients booked on the debut night.

Chirathiwat clan that runs Central and the Boonvisuts of Toyota. Cavallino president Chalerm announced that the board had named Voravud Bhirombhakdi and Varit Yoovidhya vice president and executive director and Nandhamalee Bhirombhakdi managing director, the first woman to hold that position at a Ferrari dealership. The first order of business for Cavallino is to reassure customers that the company will uphold Ferrari’s image and service standards, Chalerm said. Cavallino will later this year have some Ferrari Scuderia Spider 16M’s for sale. Only 499 of them were made. - Daily Xpress

Voravud Bhirombhakdi.

From left, Varit, Chalerm, Daranee and Vorayuth Yoovidhya.

From left, Burin, Boonlert and Bordin Boonvisut.

Naputt and Pornpilas Assakul.

Duangkaew Bhakdibhumi Apichaya Krairiksh

Thursday, July 23, 2009




quick shots Shake dem bones!

Meet doctors from Skin Hospital at the Thailand

Health & Wellness 2009

The path to good health A wellness fair is being held this weekend at Impact Exhibition Centre – be there D A I LY X P R E S S


ollow the road to wellness this weekend by visiting Thailand Health and Wellness 2009. The fair, which runs from today through Sunday, at Hall 50-6 of Impact Exhibition Centre, Muang Thong Thani, is being organised by the Thai Health Promotion Foundation, the Thai Association for Health, Physical Education and Recreation and Nation Multimedia Group, and is open from 10 to 7.

There’s plenty to keep visitors of all age groups entertained, with showcases of the very latest medical innovations, along with food, exercise gear and health products spread over four zones dedicated to babies, teens, working people and seniors.

A food stylist Suthipong Suriya from Khab Studio will take on vegetable and medicine today at 3.30pm

You can learn different types of workouts, with professionals on hand demonstrating everything from muay Thai and tai chi to aerobics and yoga. Also on offer are free check ups, consultations and advice on health issues from hospital specialists and medical equipment companies, plus tests for your ears as well as for your blood sugar. Interesting talks and activities include: ■ Anti-ageing seminars by Dr Krisada Siramput today at 4 and by Dr Anongnut Chawalitthumrong tomorrow at 2. ■ Daily food talks and demonstrations, with a focus on vegetables as medicine (today at 3.30) and healthy diets for weight loss (Sunday at 2).

■ On Sunday at 11.30 and again at 1, experts will discuss the best protective measures against type A (H1N1) influenza. ■ Tomorrow at noon, writer Maitree Limpichart talks about positive thinking for cancer sufferers, while on Saturday at 6, Dr Niyada Kiatyingungsulee discusses the risks of over-consuming medicine. ■ On Sunday at 3.30, Dr Weerachai Wasikadilok offers advice for keeping sickness at bay. ■ Today at 2.30, there’s a talk about laser treatment and skin health followed by a demonstration at 3. ■ On Saturday at noon, the new Amruth Wellness Centre demonstrates yoghurt therapy. ■ Psychologists and specialists will be on hand to offer advice about keeping your spirits up while the economy is down tomorrow at 5 and on Saturday at 4.30.

Next Wednesday at 8.30, Ramathibodi Hospital is holding a talk that explains the need for the elderly to exercise and recommends the types of movements they can make. The lecture takes place in the Atthasit meeting room on the fifth floor of the Queen Sirikit Medical Centre Building. Call (02) 201 2520.

The eyes have it Ophthalmologist Kanlayanee Rojanaporn of the Rutnin-Kimbel Lasik Centre invites 40-year-olds to discover how the Lasik procedure can fix presbyopia – or longsightedness – at a free seminar this Saturday starting at 9 in the hospital’s eighth-floor meeting room. Call (02) 639 3355 or email

Loving hearts Ramkhamhaeng Hospital holds a seminar on heart disease this Saturday at 1 in C Building. Participants will also get their blood and intraocular pressure checked and can consult doctors about any heart problems. Call (02) 743 9999 extension 2680, 2688 or 2699.

Managing lipids Sikharin Hospital holds a talk on the dangers of high cholesterol this Saturday at 9 in the Building 1 meeting room. Call 1728.

Improving OPD quality From Monday to July 31, Chulalongkorn Hospital is hosting Out Patient Department (OPD) Quality Improvement Week on the ground floor of the Por Por Ror Building. The event, which is open daily from 8 to 4, explains how medical records are kept and how patients can reserve a bed. Call (02) 256 5005 or (02) 256 5009.


do it!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

WHAT’S UP the Listen to in fallingoyrwa g ill be amon

Three-in-one deal

yB Rapper Joe Fino Rainy ers for the rm the perfo kes place al, which ta Music Festiv an Prakarnchon nD at the Khu on August hon Nayok focus is k a N in m a D he n to 2am. T – even if 8 from noo in ra d n a p -ho on rock, hip , organisers will ing it’s not rain ers from the reserow pump in sh ing wet will artists gett r e voir. Oth Slot Silly Fools, include the , Clash, Paradox, lure Machine, F Noi Pru, Blackhead, , n Hangma Buddha y Jetrin and the Sun, Ja cost Bt800 at ts Bless. Ticke 2) 262 ajor. Call (0 tm ke ic it a h T

The Grand Sale 2009 combines three sales events into one from Sunday to August 2 at Impact in Muang Thong Thani. The focus is on furniture, weddings and fashion and jewellery, and you’ll also find decorative items, beauty and spa products, electronics, housewares and deals on hotels, resorts and travel. It’s open daily from 10.30 to 9. Call (02)314 0855, (02) 719 0408 or visit


This way for books Grab the latest titles from Amarin Printing and Publishing at the eighth Amarin Book Fair from next Wednesday to August 2 in the Queen Sirikit National Convention Centre’s Hall A. It’s open from 10 to 8 daily. Call 02422 9999 extension 4350 or visit www.Amarin

Arty Indonesia Until August 8, La Lanta

Fine Art is showing the work five Indonesian painters. “Poetical Junctures” features their take on the social, political and cultural changes in their country and highlights the role of memory and its connection to history. The gallery is on Sukhumvit Soi 31. Call (02) 204 0583.


note The riwgritehr atnd pianist

g sic lovers Singer, son l invites mu cale a w ka k Ja g Neun t full-s e” at his firs to “Touch M r August 15 at the t fo concert, se m. His door Stadiu ng In rk a Hua M To , C include ET ier, Savarin guests will v Ja B i, Janice Pakkarama porn a p A , ri kornbu halatit “Korn” Sua almy, Ben C P , n a w sa n Nakho ts are aconic. Ticke and Mum L t a t2,500 Bt800 to B ajor. tm Thaiticke

Movie marathon Film fans, you have until July 31 to sign up for the movie marathon being organised by Major Cineplex and Samsung. Keep your eyes open long enough and you could win a plasma TV and home theatre worth Bt200,000 along with movie tickets for life. Sign up at Major Cineplex, EGV, Paragon Cineplex or Esplanade Cineplex.

o kill Dresseeslicdk dtuds on dis-

Stay in shape Amrita Fitness, the gym at the Nai Lert Park Bangkok, offers a monthly membership for Bt6,000 that offers such benefits as discounts on hotel accomodation, restaurants, massages, spa treatments, laundry and dry cleaning. Call (02) 253 0123.

Top of the world The Groove Riders join an international line-up for the Green Space One World Party on August 11 at CentralWorld’s Centara hotel. Foreign artists include Tahiti 80, the Brand New Heavies, Jerry Meehan, Cloudberry Jam and Shota Hishiyama. Other homegrown acts include Somkiat Z-Myx, Tattoo Color, Tul from Apartment Khunpa and Monthon “J” Jira. Tickets are Bt1,200, inclusive of two drinks and a souvenir, at Thaiticketmajor.

Check out th ngkok International Ba play at the nd Bangkok a ir a Fashion F air from l Leather F ger a n o ti Interna ll a en to 16 in Ch August 13 uang Impact in M Halls 1-3 at More than 1,000 ni. Thong Tha w off their clothing o sh ill w ery and labels ories, jewell . ss e cc a s, n g desi is free . Admission r visit re a rw e th a o le -104 513-0093 Call (02) .com and ir a F e iTrad www.Tha . www.BiffA

Thursday, July 23, 2009




don’t miss!

Week of Siam

Public Ene mies

Michael Man nd ring as the ch irects this gritty tale w ith Johnny D ari ep Bale is the m smatic bank robber Jo hn Dillinger. p staran tasked w Christian ith catching also stars. ★ him. Marion ★★ Cotillard

April Bride A young woman (Nana Eikura) conceals her breast-cancer diagnosis and one-month lifespan from her boyfriend (Eita Nagayama). But when he finds out, he plans an elaborate wedding ceremony. In Japanese with English and Thai subtitles at Apex.

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince The evil Lord Voldemort tightens his grip, escalating the peril for Harry (Daniel Radcliffe) and his best pals, Hermione (Emma Watson) and Ron (Rupert

Grint) who are all dabbling in romance. Opening scenes in 3D at IMAX. ★★★

Cape No 7 This hit Taiwanese romantic comedy is about a failed rock singer turned mailman and a Japanese model who form a ragtag band of townspeople for a beach resort’s pop concert. In

Book of Blood

t investigate a and her studen er ch ar t comes se re al velops, the ghos A paranorm de ce an m ro as and haunted house ★ ★ out.

Cheri Michelle Pfeiffer stars in this romance set in 1920s Paris as a courtesan who educates a young man in the ways of love. Rupert Friend and Kathy Bates also star. At the Lido. ★★★


Mandarin with English and Thai subtitles at House.

Petchtai “Mum Jokmok” Wongkamlao directs and stars in this parody of soap operas and high society. With English

The Secret of Moonacre


A 13-year-old girl discovers that she is the only hope for banishing an ancient curse from a magical kingdom. ★★

subtitles in some cinemas.

L’instinct de mort Vincent Cassel portrays French gangster Jacques Mesrine as he

makes his rise to “public enemy No 1”. In French with English and Thai subtitles at the Lido. ★★★

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Sam Witwicky (Shia LaBeouf) again finds himself at the centre of a war between giant alien robots. ★★

Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs Prehistoric mammals address relationship issues as they contend with giant reptiles. In 3-D

“Way Back Into Love” is the theme of what’s now the closing programme of the Week of Siam series at House cinema on RCA. Today’s movies are 1987’s “Nang Nuan” (“The Seagull”) at 1 and 1995’s “Mahatjan Haeng Rak” (“Miracle of Love”) at 4, both by ML Bhanddevanop Devakul, and 1981’s “Taa Ter Yang Mee Rak” (“If You Still Love Me”) by MC Chatrichalerm Yukol at 7. Others this week are 1982’s “Taeng Gaap Ngaan” (“Work and Marriage”) by Pairat Kasiwat, 1980’s “Roi Tai” (“Plough In”) by Amnuay “Khru Neramit” Kalasnimi and 1996’s “Koo Kam 2” (“Sunset at Chao Praya 2” by Ajaan Banjong Kosanwat. The series was to have closed next month with “A Tribute to Sinjai Plengpanich”, but was cancelled due to problems with the film distributors. Visit

on tv

in some cinemas. ★★★

Apex Lido: (02) 252 6498 Siam: (02) 251 3508 Scala: (02) 251 2861

Century – The Movie Plaza (02) 247 9940

When Harry Met Sally

House (02) 641 5177-8

Longtime friends Meg Ryan and Billy Crystal discover they’re headed for romance in this 1989 comedy by Rob Reiner.

Major Cineplex/EGV Bangkok: (02) 515 5555

Bangkok: (02) 718 7999

Star Movies (TrueVisions), 8pm

Paragon Cineplex

Channel links

Bangkok: (02) 129 4635 IMAX: (02) 129 4631 Channel 3 – Channel 5 – Channel 7 – Modernine – NBT – TV Thai – True –

Major Hollywood

SF Cinemas Bangkok: (02) 268 8888

UMG RCA: (02) 641 5913-14

Nee Tam Galileo (Dear Galileo) Cherry (Chutima Theepanat) and Noon (Jarinporn Junkiat) backpack around Europe for a year after one is suspended from university and another is heartbroken. Nithiwat Tharatorn (“Seasons Change”) directs. Ray MacDonald also stars. With English subtitles at some cinemas.

Adam By Bryan Basset

The Buckets By Scott Stantis

Pooch Cafe By Paul Gilligan

Red and Rover

By Brian Basset

By Bill Watterson

Calvin and Hobbes

By John McPherson

Close to Home

12 LEISURE Thursday, July 23, 2009


Thursday, July 23, 2009



Games&YourStars SUDOKU

The last word in


By Eugenia Last

Today’s Birthday: You can have the upper hand if you use your wit and charm. A relationship will bring with it some opportunities to partner contractually as well as financially. Your strength and courage to take on a task that others are afraid to touch will bring you greater popularity and the chance to show your leadership ability.

Yesterday’s Puzzle Answer Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains every digit from 1 to 9 inclusively.

ARIES *** March 21-April 19 Treat yourself to something special or get involved in an activity that allows you to put your skills to work. You can accomplish anything you set your mind to. TAURUS ** April 20-May 20 Be patient, especially with people who don’t understand what you are trying to accomplish. Listen to any advice being offered and it may spare you a costly mistake. GEMINI **** May 21-June 20 Don’t sell yourself short when you have so many options. Take a closer look at what’s going on and what’s being offered. A partnership looks promising and a career change is apparent. Follow through.


CANCER *** June 21-July 22 Scale down before you end up in a costly situation. Someone may push you to take on too much but, if you stick to your own agenda, you will stay on the right track. LEO *** July 23-Aug. 22 Something will backfire if you don’t see matters through to the end. Forget about being nice or generous with your time or money. Look out for your own interests and be a little selfish.


VIRGO *** Aug. 23-Sept. 22 Now is not the time to fall short on your promises. Be forthcoming. Someone you thought you could trust is not looking out for your best interests. Overspending will not buy favours. LIBRA **** Sept. 23-Oct. 22 You always land on your feet so go the extra mile and actually get ahead instead of just getting by. You may feel like being lazy but, with all you have to offer, you should be promoting. SCORPIO ** Oct. 23-Nov. 21 You have to stay in control or someone will take credit for your hard work. You may be forced to address your contribution in a personal relationship you have been neglecting lately. SAGITTARIUS ***** Nov. 22-Dec. 21 Don’t give in to your desires when you know you have to take care of business first. Do not lose sight of your goals or give in to pressure by someone you love. A trip will help you clear the air.

Daniel Radcliffe

Singer David Essex is 62. Actor Woody Harrelson is 48. Guitarist Martin Gore of Depeche Mode is 48. Actor Eriq Lasalle is 47. Guitarist Slash of Velvet Revolver is 44. Actor Philip Seymour Hoffman is 42. Singer Sam Watters of Color Me Badd is 39. Singer Alison Krauss is 38. Actor-comedian Marlon Wayans is 37. Actor Omar Epps is 36. Singer Michelle Williams (Destiny’s Child) is 29. Actor Daniel Radcliffe is 20.

CAPRICORN *** Dec. 22-Jan. 19 You may not be given all the information you need to assess a situation. Don’t be surprised if someone strays from a plan you put in motion. Ulterior motives are apparent. Change your strategy. AQUARIUS *** Jan. 20-Feb. 18 If you have questions, ask, but don’t expect to be told everything you want to hear. Take the bad with the good. Remaining positive will show others that you have more to offer than meets the eye. PISCES *** Feb. 19-March 20 A secret matter will be hard to hide. Put your time and effort into your home and family instead of risking everything you’ve worked so hard to acquire. Manipulate a situation to win.


Big C Supercenter PCL, Thailand's leading hypermarket, is looking for highly motivated men and women to join our professional team of more than 14,000 employees working in our Headquarters Office in Bangkok and in Big C stores throughout Thailand.

Come to join the Big C Management Team in any of the following open positions:

1. Store General Manager ✔ ✔ ✔

Bachelor’s degree or higher in Business Administration or related fields At least 8 years experience in retail business with 3 years as a store manager in large hypermarket store, proven track record of successes required Good command of both spoken and written English

2. Assistant General Manager/Division Manager/Department Manager 2.1 Fresh Food Division 2.2 Dry Food Division 2.3 General Merchandise Division ✔ Bachelor’s degree in any field ✔ At least 5 years experience in retail business ✔ Good knowledge of each product category 2.4 Customer Service Division/Department ✔ Bachelor’s degree in any field ✔ At least 3 years experience in retail business in the area of customer service, cashier and invoice & claim 2.5 Replenishment Division/Department ✔ Bachelor’s degree in any field ✔ At least 3 years experience in retail business in the area of inventory control and goods receiving 2.6 Maintenance Division/Department ✔ Bachelor’s degree in Electrical or Mechanical Engineering ✔ At least 3 years experience in retail business in the area of all maintenance services such as water, electrical, air-conditioning and telephone systems 2.7 Plaza Division/Department ✔ Bachelor’s degree in any field ✔ At least 3 years experience in retail business in the area of rental space and tenancy services Qualifications for all positions ➢ Strong leadership with very good people skills ➢ Open minded, strong negotiation and communication skills ➢ Good interpersonal skills, flexibility and financially competent ➢ Able to relocate and work on shift schedule ➢ Good command of both spoken and written English would be an advantage ➢ Computer literacy As a member of the Big C team, you will enjoy participating in a competitive package of salary, annual bonus, incentive bonus (in some jobs), and a benefits package which will provide financial security to both you and your family - now and in the future. Interested applicants are invited to apply in person or send their application with full resume indicating qualifications and experience, transcript, current & expected salary and recent photo to:

Human Resources Division (Recruitment Dept.) Big C Supercenter Public Co., Ltd. 6th Floor, 97/11 Rajdamri Road, Lumpini, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330 E-mail: Website:

PECI-THAI Co., Ltd. is a member of Singaporean PEC Group, a specialist engineering group, servicing the oil & gas, petrochemical, pharmaceutical and oil & chemical terminal industries. PECI-THAI's core business includes erection & installation of mechanical, electrical and instrumentation, project & site management and maintenance & turnaround services. In line with our expansion/growth, we are seeking qualified and experienced personnel in the following positions:

1) Mechanical Operation Manager • Minimum 10-15 years construction management experience in mechanical field for power plant, oil & gas construction. • Any nationality with fluency in English. • Strong commercial & business orientation; good knowledge of technical field. • Good track record in many projects worth over THB 100 million, over seas experience will be an advantage. • Minimum Bachelor's degree in Engineering and able to work in Rayong and Chonburi areas.

2) Project Managers and/or Site Managers (for M, E and I) • Minimum 5-10 years construction management experience in mechanical, electrical and/or instrumentation installation fields for power plant, oil & gas, process plant constructions. • Strong leadership and systematic working with various levels. • Thai nationality with good command of English. • Minimum Bachelor's degree in Engineering.

3) Project Engineers (for M, E and I) • Minimum 3-5 years experience as a project engineer for mechanical and/or E & I works. • Bachelor's degree in Engineering. • Good technical knowledge and skills in the construction fields.

4) Superintendents and Supervisors (for M, E and I) • Minimum 3-5 years experience in construction fields in M, E and/or I. • Able to work in various site locations. • Good knowledge and hands on personality.

5) Planner and Cost Controller Engineers (for M, E and I) • • • •

Minimum 3 years experience in M, E and I. Thai nationality with Bachelor's degree in Engineering. Able to use Microsoft Project and AutoCAD. Good communication skill in English both speaking and writing.

Interested person please e-mail your CV, day time contact number and expected salary to our Human Resources Division at or or mail your credentials to PECI-THAI Co., Ltd. 1/9 Jaroenpattana Rd., Huay Pong, Muang, Rayong 21150.

Hotel Windsor Suites is a quality international 5-star all suites hotel. We are now seeking highly dynamic, motivated, young & energetic team of people to join us in the following positions:

1. DIRECTOR OF SALES / ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF SALES 10 positions 2. SALES MANAGER / ASSISTANT SALES MANAGER 15 positions 3. EXECUTIVE CHEF 1 position Qualifications: - Thai, Japanese nationality. - Male or Female, age 25 and above. - Good English communication skills. - Experience in the field preferable. - Pleasant personality, service oriented with positive attitude. Interested applicants, please apply in person or submit your resume and recent photo to:

Human Resources Department, Hotel Windsor Suites 8 Sukhumvit Soi 20, Sukhumvit Road, Bangkok 10110 Tel: 02-262-1234 Fax: 02-262-1212 E-mail:

SIRIVATANA INTERPRINT PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED For our continued expansion and growth in export printing business, we invite high caliber individuals to join us in the following capacity.

Creative Director

We seek a high caliber person with creative knowledge, in-depth understanding of advertising, design house or public relation market background to be our Creative Director. He will be responsible for developing a team that is capable of providing creative design, with knowledge of studio photography and artwork services for customers around the world. Sirivatana Interprint is regarded as the largest printer in Thailand with a workforce of 4,000 people. We have factories in Bangkok, Bangpakong, Rayong and Vientiane capable of producing all kinds of printed product. This exciting opportunity offers the right candidate an excellent position to be part of our dynamic and successful printing company. We offer fantastic expatriate equivalent salary and bonuses, outstanding career opportunity in a successful and stable company. Candidate must possess a strong communicative skill in both spoken and written English language. Interested person, please apply by e-mail with resume and recent photo stating expected salary to:

Sirivatana Interprint Public Company Limited

125 Soi Chan 32, Chan Road, Thungwatdon, Sathorn, Bangkok 10120 Tel. 02- 6755-600 Website: Email :,,

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089-133-1189 3.2 ≈â“π∫“∑

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081-342-9090 089-126-2200

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BUY 1.Bangpra International 2.Krungthep Kreetha 1,700,000 3.Muang Ake 1 350,000 4.Bangpakong Riverside 5.Tanya Thanee 140,000 6.Spring Field -

SELL 145,000 185,000 150,000 370,000


Thursday, July 23, 2009



6-4 Pitcher Sergio Mitre earns his first win in two years while Robinson Cano hits a two-run homer as the New York Yankees beat the Baltimore Orioles.


Shoaib Malik

Former captain Shoaib Malik hit an unbeaten 106 yesterday to put Pakistan on course for a face-saving victory in the third and final Test against Sri Lanka. Pakistan, who lost the first two Tests to hand Sri Lanka a decisive lead in the series, finally flexed their batting muscle to pile up 300-5 in their second innings by stumps on the third day. Kamran Akmal returned unbeaten on 60 after adding 114 for the unbroken sixth wicket with Malik.

Windies’ players agree to play again Striking West Indies cricketers made themselves available for international duty yesterday after an arbitrator was appointed to mediate their bitter dispute with the national board. Former Commonwealth secretary general Shridath Ramphal was named as arbitrator by the Caribbean trade bloc after it was asked by the West Indies Players Association and West Indies Cricket Board to mediate their dispute over pay, medical care and working conditions. – AP

Yao undergoes foot surgery Houston Rockets centre Yao Ming underwent surgery on his broken left foot here yesterday, an operation that the Chinese superstar centre hopes will allow him to resume his Yao Ming NBA career in 2010. Rockets team physician Tom Clanton and doctor Bill McGarvey conducted the successful surgery to repair a broken bone at Memorial Hermann Hospital, grafting bone onto Yao’s tarsal navicular

bone and realigning his foot. Clanton said: ““Everything went according to plan and we were able to fix the broken bone. We expect him to be immobilised in a cast and using crutches for at least 6-8 weeks.” – AFP

Redknapp cool over Beckham Tottenham manager Harry Redknapp insists David Beckham won’t be moving to White Hart Lane, but he refused to rule out a swoop for Portsmouth striker Peter Crouch. “David Beckham is a fantastic player, an amazing professional but there is no truth in that. “We don’t know David’s situation as we have not made an enquiry and we don’t know where that has started from. “Crouchy, I have signed several times, and if Portsmouth want to sell we could be interested,” Redknapp said. – AFP


Malik’s tonne gives Pakistan control

Tom Watson lines up his putt before missing the winning shot on the 18th green on Sunday.

PERFECT SHOT Watson convinced he played it right at British Open AP, Sunningdale, England


om Watson says he is already over the heartbreak of missing out on a sixth British Open title at Turnberry, and is convinced he played the right approach shot at the final hole. The 59-year-old golf great was on the verge of becoming the oldest winner of a Major when he led by one stroke going down the last fairway on Sunday. But he wound up losing a play-off to Stewart Cink after he sent an 8-iron approach that rolled right across the green, and then missed an 8-foot putt for the win.

I wanted to hit, I really did. And I asked my friend, Andy North, exactly where that ball landed on the green. He said it landed one foot on to the surface, over the knob, one foot on the surface. So it had the whole length of the green to stop. That’s where I was trying to hit it. I was trying to hit it 164 yards, right there. It just didn’t stop. “I look at that shot, I hit it perfectly, and didn’t get the break.” Watson said he had a near sleepless night on Sunday and also had to console his “distraught” 26-year-old son Michael. “There is still quite a vacuum in the stomach,” he said. “I’m not crying but I’ve been affected by it to a certain degree. But this, too, shall pass.”

Sven denies money lured him

Benzema likened to Brazilian Ronaldo Real Madrid striker Karim Benzema has what it takes to become a new Ronaldo, the Spanish club’s former Brazilian World Cup winner, Real’s Brazilian left-back Marcelo said. “Benzema is a great player. He is very young and we can’t yet compare him to Ronaldo but he could become like him.”

“No, there’s no self recrimination. There can’t be,” Watson said yesterday, as he turned his attention to trying to win the Senior British Open for a fourth time. “I tried my best on every shot, and sometimes you make the right judgements and sometimes you don’t. If I hit a 9 iron on the last hole, I may hit it three inches fat and come up 20 yards short, who knows? I hit the shot I wanted to and, when it was in the air, I thought: ‘This may be mine.”’ Despite the outcome, Watson said he couldn’t have hit the shot any better. “You look back in perspective of the rounds and how they went, that 8-iron that I hit at 18 will always live with me,” Watson said. “I hit the shot that

Eriksson: I am here for the big challenge.

Sven-Goran Eriksson insists money is not the motivation for his new role as director of football at tiny League Two club Notts County. Former England coach Eriksson has agreed a five-year contract worth a reported £2 pounds a year to help County rise from the bottom division of English football to the Premier League. “If it was for the money I could have gone elsewhere easily for much more money. I am not here for the money, I am here for the challenge,” Eriksson said. “I’m not here for the weather or the city. If I want that I go to Italy or wherever. I am here for the big challenge. That is the truth. I know it is the oldest league club in the world. They were in the top division the year before the Premier League started. It hasn’t been that good since then but we are here to change that.”



Thursday, July 23, 2009

Armstrong, Contador incompatible


ACCUSED NFL looks into rape allegations against Roethlisberger AP, Reno, Nevada

n the last year, Ben Roethlisberger led the Pittsburgh Steelers to a Super Bowl title and solidified his legacy as one of the game’s great big-game quarterbacks. But it’s what happened at a celebrity golf tournament in Lake Tahoe in the summer of 2008 that is the big talk around Steelers camp as the quarterback gets ready to defend the team’s championship. A woman has filed a bombshell lawsuit saying Roethlisberger raped her in a hotel penthouse a year ago, a claim he vehemently denies. The woman never went to the authorities with her story, and it’s unclear why she decided to file the lawsuit seeking hundreds of thousands of dollars a full year later. “Ben has never sexually assaulted anyone,” Roethlisber-ger lawyer David Cornwell said in a statement. “If an investigation is commenced, Ben will cooperate fully and Ben will be fully exonerated.” The Steelers and NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell said they were looking into the allegations against Roethlisberger, who has won two Super Bowls in his fiveyear career and is one of the biggest names in sports. The lawsuit seeks a minimum of $440,000 in damages from the quarterback, at least $50,000 in damages from the Harrah’s officials and an unspecified amount of punitive damages



Ben Roethlisberger has been hit by a lawsuit from a woman who says he raped her, a claim he denies. “sufficient to deter” Roethlisberger and the others “from engaging in such conduct in the future.” The suit alleges hotel officials for Harrah’s Lake Tahoe tried to cover up the incident. The woman’s lawsuit says she didn’t file a criminal complaint because she feared Harrah’s would side with Roethlisberger and she would be fired. The woman was working as an executive casino host last July when she said Roethlisberger struck up a friendly conversation at her desk during the golf tournament. The next night, she said he telephoned her to tell her his television sound system wasn’t working and asked her to look

at it. She said she was unable to find a technician so she handled it herself because she had been told it was important to please the celebrities. In Roethlisberger’s room she said she determined the TV was functioning properly but as she turned to leave, the 6-foot-5, 240-pound quarterback blocked her exit, the suit claims. The suit said he grabbed her and started to kiss her. It said she was “shocked and stunned that this previously friendly man, that appeared to be a gentleman in her previous contacts with him was suddenly preventing her from leaving, was assaulting her and battering her.” She said she feared that because he was a football player

he could or would physically harm her if she tried to fight him off, but that she objected and protested several times. “But instead of stopping, Roethlisberger began fondling plaintiff through her dress and between her legs,” the suit said. He then “held her against her will and physically moved plaintiff and pushed her onto his bed” where he raped her, the suit says. She told him, “You don’t want to do this,” and begged him “I am not on any type of birth control.” Afterwards, he asked if there was a security camera in the hallway. She said he then instructed her to claim she had repaired his television if anyone asked why she was in his room.

Astana’s Belgian manager Johan Bruyneel says there is a “certain incompatibility” between Spanish rider Alberto Contador and Lance Armstrong of the United States even as he minimised the friction between the two team leaders on the Tour de France. “There was never a ‘click’ between the two, I don’t know why,” he said in an interview published in top-selling daily newspaper El Pais, adding however that “there was never as much friction” between the two as was reported. Relations between Contador and Armstrong, which were tense since the start of the Tour de France, appear to have improved since the Spanish rider took the yellow jersey on Sunday during the first Alpine stage of the race to become the favourite to win the event. It was the first time that he pulled on the yellow jersey since his Tour win in 2007. Bruyneel said he “always thought that only Alberto could win” the Tour even if he was “surprised” by Armstrong’s level at some moments. “The logic says that Contador was the strongest, before and during the race,” said Bruyneel who is a personal friend of Armstrong, a seven-time winner of the cycling race. Bruyneel also confirmed that he would soon leave Astana to form a new team with Armstrong, because it was “unthinkable” for him to continue to lead the Kazakhstan team in the event that rider Alexandre Vinokourov returns to it after a suspension for doping as is expected. - A F P

Cool Boonsak leads Thai march Preechachan Wiriyanupappong D A I LY X P R E S S



Boonsak Ponsana gets off to a winning start yesterday.

oonsak Ponsana scored a scintillating victory as Thai players made a strong start in the SCG Thailand Open Grand Prix Gold Badminton Championships at the Nimibutr Gymnasium yesterday. Boonsak, world No 16 and third seed, received the firstround bye earlier and thrashed

Pheerawut Sumretphol 21-17 2111 in an all-Thai second round match. Boonsak, who finished runner-up at the Singapore Super Series last month, next takes on South Korean Hoon Ki Han, a 21-14 11-21 21-13 winner over Thai Vasin Nilyoke, in today’s third round. With the absence of elite players such as Chinese Lin Dan, Indonesian Taufik Hidayat and Malaysian Lee

Chong Wei, Boonsak’s chances of winning the title are bright. Last year, the Thai ace finished second to Lin, the Beijing Olympic gold medallist, who won the final showdown. The 2004 champion’s younger sister Salakjit registered her first win in the US$120,000 tournament yesterday by taming Hong Kong’s Ng Ka Shun 21-11 21-10. In mixed doubles, Bodin

Isara and Soikhaimuk Hongchookeat won 21-19 19-21 21-18 over Malaysia’s Mohd Lutfi Zaim Abdul Khalid and Lim Yin Loo. Thai second seeds Songphon Anugritayawon and Kunchala Voravichitchaikul also advanced with a convincing 21-11 21-6 victory over team-mates Tanawat Ratananont and Chayanit Chaladchalam yesterday.

Thursday, July 23, 2009



Premier batsman Pietersen out of remaining Ashes cricket Tests after surgery England batsman Kevin Pietersen will miss the remaining three Ashes Tests against Australia after undergoing surgery on his Achilles tendon, the England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB) confirmed yesterday. Pietersen has struggled with the problem throughout the opening two Tests of the Ashes series and, after being assessed by a leading specialist yesterday, it was decided

that surgery was the best option. The 29-year-old has been ruled out for six weeks and he admitted it was massive blow to be sidelined while England, who lead the series 1-0 after winning the second Test at Lord’s, try to regain the Ashes. “As an England cricketer the Ashes are the pinnacle of the game so I’m absolutely devastated to be missing the rest of this series,” Pietersen

Kevin Pietersen’s absence will be a setback for England. said. “Up until now the Achilles injury has been manageable but it recently

reached the point where we needed to look at other options in terms of treatment. “I hate missing matches for England and especially during an Ashes summer but now that the decision has been made to undergo surgery I’m confident I can return to the England team injuryfree following a course of rehabilitation.” Pietersen, whose top score in the series was just 69, had

hoped to play through the pain barrier for the rest of the series, but ECB Chief Medical Officer Nick Peirce admitted it was impossible to expect him to produce top-class performances while he was in so much discomfort. “Following a consultation, involving scans and testing, with the world’s leading Achilles specialist Kevin Pietersen underwent surgery on his right Achilles tendon,” Peirce said .


NOT SO FRIENDLY Liverpool fans brave traffic snarls, flu scanners, eager security guards to watch their heroes play in Bangkok

Steven Gerrard, in a blue jumper, being restrained by friends in this CCTV footage.

Steve threw ‘barrage of punches’

Lerpong Amsa-ngiam DAILY XPRESS


A P , Liverpool, England



o prove that you are a diehard Liverpool fan, one needs to throw more than just money for the tickets to catch some action. Ask the Kop followers. They should, by now, know better, as they had to go through a nightmare to witness the friendly match yesterday. The special exhibition was due at 8pm but football enthusiasts hit the road several hours ahead, knowing what the traffic was like around the Ramkhamhaeng area during rush hours. Some early birds arrived at the Rajamangala National Stadium before noon. But those who could go to the stadium only after finishing their routine work, had no choice but to bear with the traffic congestion. If you had entered the stadium at least within an hour, you were lucky. The savvy ones opted to enter from the back gate because it was where the traffic was better. At the entrance, the fans had to undergo strict checks in the wake of the H1N1 virus, also known as swine flu. Six thermal scanners and 12 mobile scanners were put in use as a precaution to detect patients. Anyone with body temperature of over 38 degree was detained for half an hour. If the fever had not dropped during the detention, they had the price of their

Liverpool fans outside the Rajamangala Stadium before the kick-off the exhibition match. ticket refunded. “We want to scan audience members to make sure they don’t infect anyone else,” Dr Somchai Chakrapan, head of Thailand’s Disease Control Department, said. The health authorities had also advised spectators to wear face masks as a guard against infection. Some fans arriving at the stadium had customised their masks with the Liverpool club logo. Tight security was the next procedure the fans had to go through. More than 400 police personnel were on duty yesterday to make sure fans did not carry dangerous objects. Police dogs were on patrol duty around the area to sniff for

explosive devices. Security was one of the hottest issues since the English Premier League team flew into town. Fans were stopped from getting close to their heroes. On Tuesday, a five-year-old boy was pushed to the floor by a security guard while his father was trying to get him shake hands with a player during the team’s visit to the Grand Palace. It made people wonder whether the security personnel have gone too far. It was not easy for the fans to show their passionate feelings for fear of what the security men would do. Besides, they had to brush past pushy tickets scalpers and annoying products sellers be-

A Liverpool fan wears the club’s logo on his mask. fore reaching the safe confines of a seat. No matter how bad it was, it was still worth it. How often does Liverpool come here?

he man allegedly attacked by Steven Gerrard in a bar told a court yesterday he wasn’t acting aggressively before facing a “barrage of punches” from the England midfielder. Businessman Marcus McGee, who lost a front tooth crown in the bar room attack, was initially attacked by the Liverpool captain’s friend John Doran, but said he thought the footballer struck the first blow. “I remember a barrage of punches coming in at my face but I didn’t know who has done what,” McGee told Liverpool Crown Court. “Having watched the CCTV it was obvious Steven Gerrard hit me a couple of times, maybe three times but I couldn’t honestly say on the night. I didn’t throw any punches, I wasn’t aggressive, I didn’t hit anyone at all.” Barman Nathaniel Lockie also told the jury that Gerrard used his left hand to pull McGee’s jumper over his head before launching uppercuts with his right. “[Gerrard’s] request, his attitude I would describe as bad, it was bad and it was rude,” McGee said.


Thursday, July 23, 2009




FAB DEALIS DEAD Brazil forward Luis Fabiano’s agent claimed yesterday that a proposed deal to bring him from Sevilla to AC Milan is now dead.

Ryan Babel,right, tries to get past Thai players yesterday.



hailand prolonged Liverpool’s winless run in their pre-season preparations after a 1-1 draw in an exhibition match at the packed Rajamangala National stadium yesterday. Fans basked themselves in the Kop atmosphere as the famous “You Will Never Walk Alone” and “My Liverpool” songs were played hours before the kickoff. Two disc jockeys played music to entertain the crowd. Banners hung around the stadium sent out a clear message to Spanish midfielder Xabi Alonso about how they feel of his likely departure with one reading,

“Alonso not for sale”. The day before the match, Liverpool manager Rafael Benitez had asked officials to cut grass shorter in the stadium, which would help his team’s playing style of passing football. That left the staff working frenetically but they did manage to have the pitch in perfect condition for the match. There were plenty of empty seats in the two stands behind the goal but the venue was filled to its capacity, with all sections coloured red when the game got going. An opera female singer sang “You Will Never Walk Alone” moments before the match, with

fans in the uncovered stand where the organisers intended to make it “The Kop” displaying the English club’s scarves. It was truly a scene to behold. Prime minister Abhisit Vejjajiva and the British Ambassador Quinton Quayle greeted both sides’ players prior to the kickoff. The match showed an element of a friendly early as barely two minutes into it Liverpool keeper Pep Reina sent a clearance straight at Datsakorn Thonglao but the midfielder dragged his effort wide of the unguarded net. However, it was the visitors who drew the first blood when Ryan Babel received

a searching Jamie Carragher pass into the area before firing it low past the Thai goalie in the sixth minute. The game was only midway through the opening half when three Liverpool players including Babel had to run to the sidelines to drink water. Dutchman Babel’s compatriot, Dirk Kuyt, was the next to have a shot at the Thai goal but he sent a scuffled effort harmlessly off target from just inside the area. Liverpool started the second half with a nearly different side, with Babel the only survivor. Benitez showed how serious he was with the game as he

emerged out of the dug-out at times to give his men instructions. Chants of “Torres Torres” rang around the stadium when the Spanish striker came off the bench to warm up. The hosts managed to draw level in the 72nd minute when Sutee Suksomkit made a onetwo pass in front of the area before calmly slotting the ball in off the far post. Benitez eventually decided to send in Torres with ten minutes remaining to the cheers of the crowd. However, the Spaniard was unable to help his team record a first win in their preseason fixtures.

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