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Monday, April 20, 2009 VOL 2, NO 318 dailyxpress.net



Living with bad memories By Chiranan Pitpreecha Poet and writer


t would have been nice if our memory was like a drawer, so that when we get up in the morning we can just pull out the drawer and take out a file. But it’s not the way things are, so we can’t just pick and choose our memories. Sometimes undesirable memories that we want to forget pop up in our mind and, funny enough, we tend to forget whatever we want to remember.

Hot gadgets Check out an easy-to-use digital camera, a LapFit second screen for your notebook, the fastest fax machine and more...



They don’t have money to buy running shoes, but students of Pong Pinyo School are winning mini-marathon competition after competition – in their bare feet >PAGE 2


Monday, April 20, 2009





TOURISTS VISITED THAILAND in 2008, down from 14.4 million in 2007

Khon Kaen’s small Pong Pinyo School makes it big in mini-marathon competitions By Sumalee Suwankorn D A I LY X P R E S S

ho would believe that a small school with less than 150 students would bag so many medals and trophies that it would almost run out of cabinets to store them? Since 1998, Pong Pinyo School in Khon Kaen’s Ban Fang district has kept winning a number of prizes, especially for long-distance-running contests. Known as “The School of Gold-Medal Hunters” or “The School of Barefoot Marathon Runners”, it wins at least eight out of every 10 contests. The school looks like any other rural primary school with two five-classroom onestorey buildings and four toilets. But don’t let the basic facilities fool you, as the teaching is top quality and the students a determined lot.

Winning over parents Although school director Jintana Srisarakham moved here only two years ago, she has managed to obtain funding for the school’s development, including participating in various projects with the Basic Education Commission Office to gain funds. Moreover, she has won over parents who were previously in conflict with the school. “We have 141 students and get a subsidy of about Bt70,000 per head each year, while the money needed for school administration and activities amounts to about Bt200,000 per year. So the school struggles to find money and gets by with funds partly from parents. Where sport is concerned too, if we didn’t have DAILY




In the running parental support we wouldn’t have won over 1,000 medals and trophies as we did,” she said. She explained that the nickname, “The School of Barefoot Marathon Runners”, came about because the school and parents were so poor that the students had to run barefoot in the competitions. Out of 50 students that took part in each contest, only three to four had shoes for running.

The first trophy Coach Yothakan Saenkaew, who promoted the mini marathon as the school’s most popular activity, said he was drawn to teach it because it

hardly required any equipment. At first students and parents did not show any interest, so he trained his own children until they helped the school bag its first trophy from Her Majesty the Queen in 1998, thus attracting people’s interest.

Wishing for a gym “We train with what little we have although we wish to get a gym set like the schools under tambon administration organisations. But when the kids get to where they are [wining medals and trophies], we are very proud that our star athletes can defeat those in the city,” he said.

Six-grader Ammarin Samran, 12, who has just received the province’s outstanding athlete award, said that he started running since Prathom 3.

Training hard He trained hard for competitions, and had to sleep over at school before the day of the competition. He said that he ran barefoot all along because he had no shoes and sometimes he even hurt his feet by accidentally stepping on thorns or sharp stones. He admitted that he envied other school children who had “nice sport uniforms and running shoes”, and added that he

won’t have a chance to own a pair of running shoes because it was expensive. “I can’t even afford a sport uniform worth Bt200,” he said. His peer, identified only as Bew who recently won the educational zone’s outstanding athlete award, said her new school didn’t seem to promote running as much as this old school of hers, thus she often came back for training. This school has also won the Model for Small School Award, the Khon Kaen University’s Mini-Marathon Centre Award, the “Jew-Tae-Jaew” School Award, the Model Virtuous School Award, and a number of other prizes.

Editor: Tulsathit Taptim / Managing Editor: Thanong Khanthong / Deputy Managing Editors: Kumar Krishnan, Jintana Panyaarvudh / Design Editor: Leroy A Sylk Web Co-editors: Marisa Chimprabha, Paisal Chuenprasaeng / The City Editor: Chularat Saengpassa / The Fun Editor: Veena Thoopkrajae / Sport Editor: Preechachan Wiriyanupappong / Group Editor in Chief: Suthichai Yoon

>>DAILY XPRESS is edited by Tulsathit Taptim and published by NMG News Co Ltd, at 1854, Bang Na-Trat Road, Bangkok 10260, and printed by FOR DISPLAY ADVERTISING,PLEASE CALL (02) 338 3000 # 1 WPS (Thailand) Co Ltd, Tel (02) 338 3000, Fax (02) 338 3334. EDITORIAL: Tel (02) 338 3333. ON THE WEB: DAILYXPRESS.NET >>DAILY XPRESS is a supplement to subscriber copies of THE NATION with bonus distribution in selected areas of Bangkok and its environs every Monday to Friday. Subscription rates for THE NATION: one year Bt4,900 within regular delivery areas; please contact Customer Service on (02) 338 3000. For bulk copy subscription rates please call (02) 338 3532.

Monday, April 20, 2009



Observing history Did you know that King Narayana the Great built an observatory to study the sky 324 years ago? By Wannapa Phetdee D A I LY X P R E S S


ou may know a good deal about space, the planets and the stars, but on Earth do you know when the first observatory was built in Thailand and where it’s located? Siam has a long history in studying astronomy. Records show King Narayana the Great supported a group of French astronomer-priests by building an observatory 324 years ago in Lop Buri for them to study the sky and the stars, according to Phuthorn Bhumadhon, president of the Society for Preserving Antiquities, Ancient Monuments and the Environment.

1685 eclipse The King ordered authorities to build a church named San Paolo together with an observatory inside the church’s compound in Lop Buri on December 11, 1685 – the day he watched a lunar eclipse with the astronomer-priests from Kraison Siharat Hall, commonly known as Phra Thinang Yen or Thale Chup Son Hall in the province, Phuthorn said. Another important record was found in faraway Paris. It is a painting of the King watching a partial solar eclipse with the astronomer-priests on April 30, 1688, at his palace in Lop Buri. “Not many people know the valuable history behind our first observatory and that astronomy was studied so long ago in our country. As a result

some people have devalued important historical sites by intruding into some of them,” said Phuthorn. In an attempt to make the public more aware of the significance of the sites and promote the country’s astronomical history, the society teamed up with the Tourism Authority of Thailand, the Thai Astronomical Society, the National Astronomical Research Institute of Top: The ruins of Phra Thinang Yen in Lop Buri, where King Narayana the Great watched a Thailand and tambon Thale Chup Son lunar eclipse. Bottom left: The ruins of the observatory in Lop Buri’s San Paolo church. in Lop Buri to organise an event earlier this month at Phra Thinang Yen.

Celebrating astronomy The April 4 event was held to celebrate the International Year of Astronomy, 400 years after the “Father of Modern Astronomy” Galileo Galilei used a telescope to study the sky. “The event featured a discussion about our astronomical history in Lop Buri together with a performance showing what happened at Phra Thinang Yen and in the observatory in San Paolo church at that time. “This helped the audience to not only imagine past occurrences but come to know what clearly happened then,” Phuthorn said. He added that staff members were also on hand at both historical places to inform visitors about the history and the importance of each place.




Monday, April 20, 2009

THE WORLD Air devil Winner Hannes Arch of Austria competes during the final of the first round of the 2009 Red Bull Air Race World Championship in Abu Dhabi on Saturday. In the contest, the world’s best race pilots fly through a low- level track made up of 20-metre-high inflatable pylons known as ‘Air Gates’ at speeds reaching 370 km/h and pulling up to as much as 12 times the force of gravity.


235,816 The number of people killed last year in 321 natural disasters across the globe

briefly Father kills family A man killed his wife and their three children before fatally shooting himself in a northwest Maryland home. When investigators arrived on being alerted by the children’s grandfather, the couple’s two sons, ages 5 and 4, lay dead in their beds, while the bodies of a 2-year-old daughter and the mother, Francis Billotti Wood, were in the master bedroom. On the bedroom floor was the father, 34-year-old Christopher Alan Wood, dead of a self-inflicted gunshot wound. Several notes were found, but authorities didn’t say what was written in them.

Wait, he’s a fake

Public doesn’t believe woman killed,raped girl Callers have inundated the phone lines of Tracy, California, police, saying it can’t be. Veteran homicide and sex-crime researchers say they cannot recall a case quite like it. Even the investigators themselves looked at the evidence and initially said “no way”. A woman was accused not only of killing someone else’s child, but of raping her. Law enforcement officials and other experts say the allegations against Melissa Huckaby in the slaying of eight-year-old Sandra Cantu are remarkably rare. Huckaby was charged with murdering her daughter’s playmate, with the added special circumstances of rape with a foreign object. The 28-year-old divorced mother is due back in court on Friday. Dozens of callers a day have insisted that Huckaby could not have acted alone, that no mother would rape another’s child, that the scenario was too improbable to be true. – A P

JACKIE CHAN DRAWS FURY I’m not sure if it’s good to have freedom or not... We Chinese need to be controlled, movie star says A P, H O N G K O N G


ction star Jackie Chan’s comments wondering whether Chinese people “need to be controlled” have drawn sharp rebuke from lawmakers in his native Hong Kong and also in Taiwan. Chan said at a business forum in the southern Chinese island province Hainan that a free society may not be beneficial for authoritarian mainland China. “I’m not sure if it’s good to have freedom or not,” Chan said on Saturday. “I’m gradual-

ly beginning to feel that we Chinese need to be controlled. If we’re not being conChan trolled, we’ll just do what we want.” He went on to say that freedom in Hong Kong and Taiwan made those societies “chaotic”. Chan’s comments drew applause from a predominantly Chinese audience of business leaders, but did not sit well

with lawmakers in Taiwan and his hometown Hong Kong. “He’s insulted the Chinese people. Chinese people aren’t pets,” pro-democracy Hong Kong legislator Leung Kwokhung said. “Chinese society needs a democratic system to protect human rights and rule of law.” Another lawmaker, Albert Ho, called the comments “racist”, saying: “People around the world are running their own countries. Why can’t Chinese do the same?” In democratically self-ruled Taiwan, legislator Huang Weiche said Chan himself “has enjoyed freedom and democracy and has reaped the economic benefits of capitalism.”

Police say a man posing as a waiter in Hoboken, New Jersey, collected US$186 (Bt6,500) in cash from diners at two restaurants and walked out with the money in his pocket. The 20-something man approached two women dining at Hobson’s Choice and asked if they needed anything else before paying. They said no and handed him $90 in cash. Two hours later he approached three women at Margherita’s Pizza and Cafe. He asked if they were ready to pay, took $96 in cash and never returned with the change they asked for.

Dead man’s sperm A New York judge has given a woman permission to harvest her dead lover’s sperm so she can still have his baby. Johnny Quintana was only 31 when he died last week of a heart attack. He had wanted to have a second child with his fiancee, Gisela Marrero, but the only way to make it happen was to quickly collect his sperm, which stays fresh for only 36 hours after death. A court order was needed because Quintana and Marrero were not yet married. – AP

Air passenger found with child’s corpse A Vietnamese airline passenger has been found carrying an infant’s dead body in his luggage, a senior security official said yesterday. Security staff at southern Ho Chi Minh City’s Tan Son Nhat airport discovered the tiny corpse when checking the luggage of a man about to fly to the northern port city of Hai Phong, the official said, refusing to be named. According to the Thanh Nien newspaper, Vu Van Tho, 36, was trying to carry home the body of his son for burial, who died when his mother prematurely gave birth. A similar case was reported last year when a passenger was discovered carrying the body of a relative’s daughter. She died a day after birth and was being returned to the family’s native province for burial.



Slumdog Millionaire girl ‘offered for sale’ Father of child actress Rubina Ali ‘tried to sell her for Rs20 million’ A F P , London


he father of “Slumdog Millionaire” child actress Rubina Ali tried to sell his nine-year-old daughter for adoption in a bid to escape the Mumbai slums, a British newspaper said yesterday. The News of the World alleged that Rafiq Qureshi wanted Rs20 million (Bt14.2 million) for the girl, who played the young Latika in the British hit film set in India. “Slumdog Millionaire”, a rags-to-riches tale of children from the slums of Mumbai, won eight Oscars in February, including the best picture Academy Award. News of the World said its reporters posed as a wealthy family from Dubai, employing its regular “fake sheikh” sting tactic. The weekly tabloid said a Mumbai informant told them that Qureshi was touting for the highest offer, having already


Monday, April 20, 2009

Rubina Ali Qureshi wears an outfit bought for the Oscars ceremony as her aunt Dilshad Khan combs her hair in a slum in Bandra, Mumbai, on February 20. been approached by a Middle Eastern family. The newspaper published pictures of the actress, her father and uncle posing with their undercover reporter, plus video

Madonna hurt in fall from startled horse Paparazzi ‘jumped out of the bushes’ to photograph her, scaring the animal A P , New York


adonna took a tumble while horseback-riding in the Hamptons on Saturday when her mount was startled by photographers, and she suffered “minor injuries” and bruises, a spokeswoman said. Paparazzi had “jumped out of the bushes” to photograph her, spokeswoman Liz Rosen-berg said. It’s at least the second fall from a horse in four years for Madonna, who recently turned 50. The singer was treated at a Southampton hospital and was released, said Rosenberg, who wouldn’t disclose more details on her condition. Madonna, singer of such pop classics as “Like a Virgin” and “Material Girl”, had been visiting friends in the Hamptons, a playground for the rich and famous on the eastern end of Long Island. She was thrown from a horse in England in the summer of 2005. She cracked three ribs and broke her collarbone and a hand in that accident. She got back on a horse a couple of

SHE WAS ALSO THROWN FROM A HORSE IN ENGLAND IN THE SUMMER OF 2005.SHE CRACKED THREE RIBS AND BROKE HER COLLARBONE AND A HAND IN THAT ACCIDENT. months later, when she was a guest the “Late Show with David Letterman” on CBS. She and the talk show’s host rode their horses outside his Manhattan studio. She said it was the first time since her fall that she had been back in the saddle. “I have a bit of excitement tainted with fear,” she said then before climbing on. She also said she hadn’t been back on a horse since that fall “because my record company is not very keen on the idea of me injuring myself.”

clips of Qureshi and his brother-in-law during their meeting last week. “Yes, we are considering Rubina’s future,” Qureshi was quoted as saying. He put the reporter in touch with his brother-in-law Rajan More. “Whatever money is agreed by Rajan, I will accept,” said Qureshi. “We can discuss everything about this deal when we meet. There’s a lot of interest in Rubina.” Qureshi, Ali, More and some other relatives met the British reporters in a Mumbai hotel, the newspaper said. “We need two or three months,” Qureshi allegedly said. More added: “Until then we can negotiate the amount. We’ll come to Dubai, the girl will come and go.” “It’s 20 million rupees,” the uncle was quoted as saying. “This discussion will not go beyond the three of us.” Qureshi proudly carried Ali through the Mumbai slums in February after she returned from the Oscar glory of Hollywood.


Monday, April 20, 2009







A young Vietnamese singer-songwriter takes the Pattaya festival by storm By Kitchana Lersakvanitchakul D A I LY X P R E S S


ietnamese pop-rock sensation Minh Thu has earned a reputation in her home country as one of the most talented young songwriters of her generation. Thai audiences got a taste of that talent when she recently performed her Vietnamese versions of two Thai songs, both of which will be released on her third album, scheduled to hit the shelves sometime in the summer. Those Thai songs are Palmy’s “Prung Nee Arj Mai Mee Chan”, which an aoi dai-clad Thu sang at the Pattaya International Music Festival, and Da Endorphine’s “Nam Tem Kaew”. “The melodies are similar to Vietnam’s music style. For the language, it’s harder so I had to work a lot to come up with lyrics that made sense. When I first heard Palmy and Da, I didn’t understand what they were singing but I could feel the meaning from their interpretations. A friend did the translations for me,” she says. “I think many listeners are surprised by my interpretation and emotional expression.”


Switched to guitar Minh’s interest in music began as a small child when her mother encouraged her to study the piano. She experimented but found that she felt more at home with the guitar. Her mother took some persuading but finally gave in and soon the young girl was writing her own songs. In 2005, she released her debut album, “Em Mong Vay Thoi”, and the title track, which she also wrote, became the most popular song by vote for November. In 2006, it was

SINGING ...THAT’S SOMETHING YOU CAN PRACTISE. SONGWRITING REQUIRES YOU TO COME UP WITH AND EXPRESS FEELINGS. Minh Thu picked as the theme tune for the teen soap opera, “Tuyet Nhiet Doi”. “It isn’t like singing. That’s something you can practise. Songwriting requires you to come up with and express feelings,” says Minh, whose favourite artists are Sheryl Crow and Michelle Branch. “I’m getting more experience now and I’m learning to be professional.” Minh rushed home after the festival to work on her latest project – a new song for a TV drama.

XTRA W I N N I N G WAYS >> Minh Thu won the “Yo! Cung Uoc Mo Xanh” national singing competition in 2003 with her own composition “Tieng Hat Truyen Hinh”. >> She also took fourth place in the Most Impressive Performance Awards in 2004.

Monday, April 20, 2009




“HARRY POTTER AND THE HALFBLOOD PRINCE” will open two days earlier than planned in North America, with the release set for July 15.

MILLION VIEWS have been logged on YouTube for a clip of Susan Boyle, the 47-year-old singing sensation on the “Britain’s Got Talent” TV series.

Truth in the shadows

soopsip Pris Vejjajiva in oyster world

NARET YAMAHARN is showing his latest paintings in the exhibition “Reflection” at Gossip Gallery until May 9. Inspired by shifting shadows, Naret infuses his observations with the teachings of the Buddha to point out our saintly and evil sides and stress that every action has a reflection. The gallery is open daily except Sunday from 10 to 7. Call (02) 237 5568 or visit www.GossipGalleryBkk.com.

An Oscar in your future? CNN IS LOOKING for aspiring directors with a knack for doing extraordinary things with cellphones. Its show “The Screening Room” is hosting a competition seeking the world’s best mobile-phone filmmaker. Make a video clip of up to five minutes on any subject and send it to CNN’s YouTube page, www.YouTube.com/ CNN, by May 25. Visit www.CNN.com/ TheScreeningRoom.

Track that taxi down WHAT’S FORGOTTEN in a taxi is likely to be gone forever – unless you’re using AIS. Dial *1644 when you get in a cab and register the car’s plate number and colour. The Metropolitan Police Bureau and FM91’s traffic show can take care from there if anything goes wrong or goes missing.

S E E D AWA R D S Since Pris “I-tim” Vejjajiva,

Smiles of plenty Silly Fools and Aof Pongsak are this season’s biggest winners By Kitchana Lersakvanitchakul D A I LY X P R E S S


either the red-shirt protesters nor the rain succeeded in keeping the stars off the white carpet or the fans from cheering them on, as the fourth Seed Awards were held on April 9 at Thammasat University’s main auditorium. As expected, Moderndog won the Song of the Year prize for “Ngern Larn”, having already picked up the statuettes in the same category at both this year’s Season and Kom Chad Luek Awards. Silly Fools romped home with two awards out of five nominations with Rock Album of the Year for “The One” and Music Video for “Rao Pen Khon Luek Ang”. New-generation artist Aof Pongsak also won two awards and was awash in smiles as he headed on stage to picked up the statuette for Male Artist and Popular Song for “Jud Orn Khong Chan Yoo Thi Huajai”.

XTRA OTHER WINNERS >> New Artist: Mild >> Indy Artist: Apartment Khunpa

Silly Fools, above, scored trophies for Rock Album and Music Video while Moderndog, below, took home the prize for Song of the Year for ‘Ngern Larn’.

>> Producer: Saksit Vejsupaporn >> International Artist: Jason Mraz >> Asian Artist: Dong Bang Shin Gi >> Rock Band: Big Ass >> Duo or Group: Tattoo Color >> Female Artist: Lula >> Artist: Golf-Mike >> Album: ETC >> Hall of Fame: AsaneeWasan Chotikul

the prime minister’s 16-yearold nephew, started work as an intern at Government House in January, his picture has been all over the teen websites like Dek-D.com and Bloggang.com. And, like Uncle Abhisit, it’s not just his good looks that make him popular. He’s also quite witty. Pris is on the cover of latest issue of Sudsubda magazine, and inside he displays more of his in-built intelligence in answering questions. Pris says he want to help people. “My dad is a doctor and I’ve given some thought to becoming a doctor too. I’m keen on the idea.” In the meantime he’s keen on politics too, and doesn’t mind saying he’d like to be prime minister one day. “A lot of people want the post so they can have power and money, but I just want to develop Thailand further, to the level of developed nations.” What about putting his good looks to use as a singer or actor? “I can’t sing or act,” Pris declares. “It’s not like something that you can do just because you’re good looking.”

Contact Soopsip at veenxpress@gmail.com.



Monday, April 20, 2009

FAST, FRIENDLY, UNAFRAID OF WATER The Pentex Optio W60 is a 10-megapixel camera that stays waterproof up to four full metres deep for up to two hours. It comes with 5x optical zoom and a high sensitivity of ISO6400. It has Smile Capture, shooting automatically when your subject smiles, and super-fast face recognition that will focus in three-hundredths of a second. The cost should be around Bt13,000.

GOGEAR PAYS ATTENTION The Philips Gogear Luxe SA2420BT is an MP3 player that doubles as a Bluetooth headset. It’s designed to be clipped onto your shirt pocket and supports Bluetooth 2.1. It comes with two gigabytes of memory and an FM tuner. If you’re listening to music and get a call on a phone that’s linked to it, it switches to headset mode automatically. Expect to pay something like Bt4,000 for this baby.

FASTEST FAXER IN TOWN The HP OfficeJet J4660 All-in-One is a printer that can also copy, scan and fax documents. It has hardwarescanning resolution of up to 1200x2400dpi and a modem. Its fax modem works at the speed of 33.6Kbps, allowing faxes to be sent at three seconds per page. It also has a 20-sheet Automatic Document Feeder and telephone handset for function as phone. The price is likely to be near


TO DO buy it!

Designed as a second screen for a laptop computer, the Samsung LapFit Sries LD220G has a 21.5-inch LCD screen in high gloss with a hidden support leg, so it looks like a photo frame. It’s a 16:9 wide screen with a fast response time of five milliseconds, and connects to a notebook through a USB port. We’re talking about Bt8,550 here.

There are things we can’t do without, and some of them are here.

So go ahead and take your pick!

enough Bt4,600.

NEVER BLOW A SHOT A really easy to use digital camera, the Samsung ST50 has 12.2 megapixel resolution, 3x optical zoom and a 2.7-inch LCD screen. Samsung’s new Smart Auto feature automatically decides which of 11 scene modes best suits your shooting environment. The ST50 is available in black, red, silver and dark blue and has a suggested retail price of Bt9,990.


Monday, April 20, 2009



WHAT’S UP Gifts by d esign More than 700 compa

nies showca wares at th se their eB Fair and Ba angkok International ngkok Intern Gift ational Houseware Fair at Imp act in Muan Thong Tha g i. It tomorrow a ’s open for tradespeo ple nd Friday a nd anyone come on S can aturday a nd Sunda 10am to 9p y from m. Call

(02) 512 0 visit www 093-104 o .ThaiTrade r Fair.com.

Keeping M um

Comedian Petchtai “M um Jokmok Wongkham ” lao to the Thun brings his “Mum on S der Dome a tage” show t Thong Tha ni from Ma Impact in Muang y 15 to 17. by his pals He’ll be join Teng, Nong ed an Cha, Tukky and Thep P d Som Cheng Sam ho-Ngam, lifer Ad Cara and songsba forTattoo Colo o and new-wave pop -rock outfit ur. Tickets ra nge from B Bt2,000 at t500 to Thaiticketm ajor.

Slimming down in style Radio stati on and Nestle 103.5 FM One Fit age music fa nesse encourn those extra s to shake off kilograms a t their “Get It ,L cert on Satu ose Fat” conrd Bangkok Co ay at the nvention C entre at CentralW orl Nologo. Tic d. Taking the stage w kets range from Bt800 ill be ETC, Tattoo Colo (02) 262 ur 3456. to Bt2,000 at Thaiticke and Dome tmajor. Call

do it! S21 in Chiang Mai The Sao-Sao-ed (Saturday 21st) network will hold its second monthly event tomorrow at the Three Kings Monument in Chiang Mai. Starting at 5, activities include a discussion on peace and diversity and a photo exhibition depicting the violent shutdown of the February 21 Chiang Mai Gay Pride as well as the March 21 Bangkok event and Rainbow March at Democracy Monument. Visit Blog.NationMultimedia.com /Soho.

Double dipping Cool off with the Landmark Bakery and Cafe’s ice-cream buffet laid out by executive pastry chef Robert St Jacques. He offers ices in mango, strawberry, raspberry, chocolate, vanilla and many more flavours. Call (02) 254 0404 extension 4106.



Monday, April 20, 2009


Home cheep home

Set up a birdhouse, but forget about offering the magpies a sub-prime loan By Terri Sapienza THE WASHINGTON POST


f you have a birdhouse, you’ll soon have more guests. The change in season is bringing in migrants, and it’s about that time of year for our feathered friends to seek out places to nest and raise a family. “Now is a good time,” says Steve Nelson of the Wild Bird Centre just outside Washington DC. “But you could have started as early as February, especially for house sparrows.” Other things to keep in mind for birdhouses: ■ Make sure there’s a hole for venting hot air, another for draining

rain water and a panel that opens and closes for cleaning. ■ Clean the house at least once a year. Birds won’t nest in houses full of last year’s litter. ■ Don’t put nesting material inside. Leave it outside the house and let the birds find it themselves. ■ Place them between 1.5 and two metres above the ground. Not only do birds like that

height, the shorter distance to the ground is easier on fledglings during their first flight. ■ Face them south to southeast for warming sun. ■ If a house is made of metal, hang it in a shady area. Otherwise it will absorb sunlight and make the inside too hot. ■ A yard with shrubs and bushes is bird-friendly. Birds like to have safe zones for cover if they think an owl or some other avian predator is flying by. ■ Birdhouses with perches can encourage predators, such as cats, squirrels and larger birds, to get a foothold inside. ■ Try to place birdhouses where you can see them, maybe from a kitchen window. It’s nice to see the birds using their temporary home.


Monday, April 20, 2009




don’t miss!

The Iron Ladies (Satree Lek) Director Youngyooth Thongkonthun’s debut fea-

Crank: Hig h Voltage After survivin

g a fall from a helicopter, (Jason Stath a tough hitm am) wakes up to find h an replaced by is heart has a battery-po been wered ticker must keep sh . To ke ocking himse lf with regula ep going, he ★★★ r jolts of elec tricity.

The International An Interpol agent (Clive Owen) and a Manhattan lawyer (Naomi Watts) follow a trail of money and murder into the heart of a financial conspiracy. At SFW CentralWorld and SFX Emporium. ★★★

Antique Set in a bakery, this Korean romance is based on a Japanese comic and TV series. At SF cinemas.

Buppha Rahtree 3.1 The vengeful female ghost Buppha (Cherman Boonyasak) still haunts her apartment.

She’s visited by a cartoonist (Mario Maurer) who’s fallen in love with her. With English subtitles at some cinemas. ★★★

Last Chance Harvey In London for his daughter’s wedding, a down-on-his-luck jingle writer (Dustin Hoffman) finds his spirits lifted by a new woman in his life (Emma Thompson). At Paragon Cineplex and Apex.

Race to Witch Mountain Two teens with supernatural powers take a Las Vegas cab

er A Frozen Flow e homosexual romance and

a charts th comThis period dram lving a Korean king, his military e vo th in to ue ir ig bear an he palace intr n who needs to at ee s qu le a it d bt an su r mande h and Thai an with Englis throne. In Kore ralWorld. nt Ce SFW n and House, Parago

driver (Dwayne Johnson) for the ride of his life. Also stars AnnaSophia Robb and Alexander Ludwig. ★★

Fast & Furious

Monsters vs Aliens

An FBI agent (Paul Walker) and a fugitive street racer (Vin Diesel) team up to bring down a heroin kingpin. ★★★

Classic sci-fi movie monsters battle an alien invasion in this Dreamworks animated feature.

Taew Te Teen Raberd

In 3-D at some cinemas, including IMAX. ★★★

Shinjuku Incident Jackie Chan is a Chinese migrant worker who gets mixed up with the yakuza in Tokyo. Daniel Wu and Fan Bingbing also stars. In Cantonese with English and Thai subtitles at House; elsewhere dubbed in Thai.

Seven gay players turn out for a former girls’ school’s first boys football team. With English

Knowing Nicolas Cage discovers that an encrypted message from a time capsule accurately predicts major disasters. ★★★

Doctor Dolittle 4: Tail to the Chief When the US president’s dog, starts misbehaving, the government turns to the Dolittle clan to prevent a canine catastrophe.

Century – The Movie Plaza (02) 247 9940

Star Movies (TrueVisions), 8pm

House (02) 641 5913-4

Channel links www.NationChannel.com Channel 3 – www.ThaiTV3.com Channel 5 – www.TV5.co.th Channel 7 – www.CH7.com Modernine – www.MCOT.net NBT – TV11.prd.go.th TV Thai – www.ThaiPBS.or.th True – www.TrueVisionsTV.com

Major Cineplex/EGV Bangkok: (02) 515 5555

Major Hollywood Bangkok: (02) 718 7999

Paragon Cineplex Bangkok: (02) 129 4635 IMAX: (02) 129 4631

Vista Chiang Mai: (053) 894 415

on tv


Lido: (02) 252 6498 Siam: (02) 251 3508 Scala: (02) 251 2861

Bangkok: (02) 268 8888 Pattaya: (038) 361 500


subtitles at some cinemas.


SF Cinemas

ture in 2000 was one of the first Thai films to be a smash hit on the international festival circuit, and among the recent slew of offbeat sports movies from Hollywood, Thailand’s “Iron Ladies” still stand tall. It’s based on the true story of a volleyball team of gay and transgender men who won Thailand’s national men’s title. Youngyooth and some of the cast will be present for a screening at the Foreign Correspondents Club at 8 tonight. Admission for non-members is Bt150. Visit

Critical consensus

Mei Lanfang (Forever Enthralled) Chen Kaige directs this epic drama set in the 1900s and based on the story of China’s greatest opera performer (Leon Lai), charting his storied career and stormy relationships. Zhang Ziyi also stars. In Mandarin with English and Thai subtitles at the Siam. ★★★★

★★★★★ = Must see! ★★★★ = Solidly entertaining ★★★ = It’s okay ★★ = Barely watchable ★ = Don’t bother


Close to Home By John McPherson


Pooch Cafe

The Buckets


Calvin and Hobbes

By Brian Basset

By Paul Gilligan

By Scott Stantis

By Bryan Basset

By Bill Watterson

Monday, April 20, 2009


Red and Rover


Monday, April 20, 2009



Games&YourStars SUDOKU

The last word in


Saturday’s Puzzle Answer

By Eugenia Last

Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains every digit from 1 to 9 inclusively.

Today’s Birthday: You can offer your services but don’t let anyone take advantage of you. Any uncertainty regarding what you are trying to accomplish should be a warning signal to avoid taking on responsibilities that will tie up too much of your time. Look out for your own interests. ARIES *** March 21-April 19 The more emphasis you put on your work and getting along with colleagues or others, the easier it will be to put emotional matters behind you. Concentrate only on what you can change. TAURUS *** April 20-May 20 Don’t get all wound up because someone is trying to pull something over on you. Go to the source and you will get the facts and figures you need to make the right choice. A move may be necessary.


GEMINI *** May 21-June 20 Go after your dreams and focus on the things you feel passionately about. You will discover how powerful and effective you can be. You will have the wisdom and wherewithal to face any opposition. CANCER **** June 21-July 22 Give and take will be essential if you want to make progress. Don’t avoid the truth or believe what you hear from someone you don’t know very well. Find out the facts before you get involved. LEO ** July 23-Aug. 22 Try not to disagree with anyone who can influence your personal or professional life. Maintain a position that allows you to change your mind. Love appears to be taking on a different flavour. VIRGO ***** Aug. 23-Sept. 22 If you are honest about your needs as well as what you have to offer, you can make a deal that will work wonders for you. Don’t let a jealous peer stand in your way. Don’t get involved in gossip.


LIBRA ***** Sept. 23-Oct. 22 You can make a financial deal that will help you with property, domestic changes or a contract. An innovative way of dealing with friends will help you bring others around to thinking your way. SCORPIO *** Oct. 23-Nov. 21 Keep on top of what everyone around you is saying. Someone is not being forthright with you about his or her directions. Make a few changes that will disguise what you plan to do in the future. SAGITTARIUS *** Nov. 22-Dec. 21 You can trick most of the people you talk to but when it comes to the ones who know you well, you may face a rude awakening. Don’t play with fire or you will get burned.

Carmen Electra Actor George Takei is 72. Singer Johnny Tillotson is 70. Actor Ryan O’Neal is 68. Keyboardist Craig Frost of Grand Funk Railroad is 61. Actor Gregory Itzin is 61. Actress Jessica Lange is 60. Actor Clint Howard is 50. Actor Crispin Glover is 45. Actress Carmen Electra is 37. Actor Joey Lawrence is 33.

CAPRICORN ***** Dec. 22-Jan. 19 Don’t let love screw you up when you have so much on your plate and the ability to get ahead. Make your plans and stick to them. In the end, everyone will realise you have made the right choices. AQUARIUS ** Jan. 20-Feb. 18 Arguments will not bring about a solution or resolution. Be honest with yourself as well as others if you want to come up with a workable idea. Protect your assets and your loved ones. PISCES **** Feb. 19-March 20 A challenge can turn into something very lucrative. Put your heart into something you enjoy doing. A professional gain can be the start of greater recognition, but get your facts straight.


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M.J. Bangkok Valve & Fitting Co., Ltd. We are an importer of valve and fitting from U.S.A. for oil & gas, petrochemical, refinery and power generating industries and etc. We are now looking for the following personnel.

SALES ENGINEER ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

4 Pos.

Male/Female, Bachelor's degree in any field, age below 30 years Take care of existing customers and expand customer base Salary, gasoline & medical allowances plus commission provided A challenging job that offers more than 50,000 Baht/month depending on candidate's potential Have own car, mobile phone and notebook computer Good command of reading, speaking and writing in English We provide intensive training on company's products



3 POS.

Female, age below 25 years, Bachelor's degree in any field High responsibility and good human relation, computer literate Good command of reading, speaking and writing in English

3 POS.

Female, age below 25 years Bachelor's degree in Accounting or Finance, computer literate


2 Pos.

Male Bachelor's degree in Mechanical/Instrument Age below 30 years, Good command of English 3 years experience in panel assembly,tube bending, instrument assembly Take out parts from drawing and labor cost estimate for assembly Apply in person or send documents via E-mail to:

M.J. Bangkok Valve & Fitting Co., Ltd., Vanich Building 1, 16th Fl.,1126/1 New Phetchburi Rd., Makkasan, Ratchathevi, BKK 10400 TEL: 0-2254-7624 (auto) FAX: 0-2254-7626, 0-2254-7630 E-mail: swagelok@mjbangkok.com

Sales Engineer

(2 Positions)

• Male-Female, age not over 35 years old • Bachelor’s Degree in any engineering field • Good English communication skill and sales experience • Pleasant personality and good human relations

We, Dunlop Tire (Thailand) Co., Ltd., sole distributor of Dunlop tires in Thailand, are looking for qualified professionals for the following positions.

Sales Manager • Bangkok area 1 position • Upcountry area (Central, Southern) 1 position

Min. income 100,000 Baht plus vehicle and travel allowances

➣ ➣ ➣ ➣ ➣

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Union Thailand Engineering (1977) Co., Ltd. 22nd Floor, Lumpini Tower, 1168/62 Rama 4 Road, Bangkok 10120 Tel: 02-285-6350 Fax: 02-285-6354

Send your application letter, evidences and a recent photograph to Human Resources Department

Dunlop Tire (Thailand) Co., Ltd.

E-mail: ute@ute77.com ∫√‘…∑— «—≤π“ ÿ¢ Õ‘π‡µÕ√å‡π™—π Ë ·π≈ ®”°—¥

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ë ™“¬-À≠‘ß ®∫°“√»÷°…“√–¥—∫ª√‘≠≠“µ√’¢÷Èπ‰ª ë ¡’ª√– ∫°“√≥å∑“ߥâ“π∫√‘À“√∑’¡ß“π¢“¬‡¢µ°√ÿ߇∑æœ ·≈–‡¢µµà“ß®—ßÀ«—¥ ‰¡àµË”°«à“ 5 ªï ‚¥¬‡©æ“– ‘π§â“°≈ÿ¡à Hardware À√◊Õ Hand tools ®–‰¥â√—∫°“√æ‘®“√≥“‡ªìπ摇»…

579 Ladkrabang Rd., Kwang Ladkrabang, Khet Ladkrabang, BKK 10520 Tel. 02-329-0111 Fax: 02-329-0802

1. æπ—°ß“π∫—≠™’ ● ● ●

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‡æ» ™“¬/À≠‘ß Õ“¬ÿ 20-30 ªï «ÿ≤‘ ª«™.-ª√‘≠≠“µ√’ “¢“ ∫—≠™’

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Male, age between 30-40 years old, Bachelor's Degree or higher More than 3 years sales experience in managerial position Strong leadership, analytical and problem solving skills Computer literate and able to communicate in English Possess own vehicle

‡æ» ™“¬/À≠‘ß Õ“¬ÿ 25-40 ªï «ÿ≤‘ ª«™. ª« . ∑’˺à“π°“√Õ∫√¡ À≈—° Ÿµ√ ®∫‡∑§π‘§¢—πÈ Ÿß (¡’„∫Õπÿ≠“µ ®∫«‘™“™’æ) À√◊Õ ª√‘≠≠“µ√’ “¢“§«“¡ª≈Õ¥¿—¬ ·≈–Õ“™’«Õπ“¡—¬

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Phetburi Rd., Soi Soonvijai Land 327 sq.w., 39 m. wide, 30 m. deep, near Airport Link, suitable for house/apartment

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Ramkhamhaeng 42

Rama II Rd. km.8

8 rai 156 sq.w., 40 m. wide, New Krungthep Kreetha Land Filled land 260 sq.w. Land + license for 8-storey hotel 330 m. deep, on main road, near Jet 44 m. wide, 24 m. deep, near 80 rooms, 413 sq.w., 28 m. wide, station, suitable for condo project 48,000 Baht/sq.w. Lotus, Central Rama III 59 m. deep, 30 m. from main road from Sell@42,000 Baht/sq.w.

Phetburi Rd., Pratunam 130,000 Bt/sq.w. Land with 5-storey apartment 75 rooms, 234 sq.w., elevator, 19 m. wide, 50 m. deep, usable area 1,900 sq.m., near community area

BROKER ¡“™‘° ¡“§¡π“¬Àπâ“



from 65,000 Baht/sq.w. Sell@58,000 Baht/sq.w.


Ram 24 Rd., Phunsubsin

Land 567 sq.w. with a house near Airport Link, expressway, can build 8-storey condo

Land 365 sq.w., 10 m. wide, 30, 52 m., filled , suitable for apartment near Ramkhamhaeng U.

Filled land 5 rai 54 m. wide, 145 m. deep, Sell@28,000 Baht/sq.w. near Thammasart U., Taladthai

Filled land 8 rai 107 sq.w. 44 m. wide, on main road, suitable for showroom, gas station or allotted project


Srinakarin Rd., Suphaphong Land 200 sq.w., 20 m. wide 40 m. deep, near 7-11, Lotus Express, Seacon Square, Seri Center, accessible via Sukhumvit 101 and Srinakarin

Sell@65 MB. No.28413-040 60,000 Bt/sq.w. No.28481-001/124 52,000 Baht/sq.w. No.27593-006 44,000 Baht/sq.w. No.28593-031 Sukhumvit 77, Onnuch 88 Phaholyothin km.40 Phetkasem km. 47 Jomtian Beach Rd.

Land 16 rai, 20 m. wide partly filled, on main road, next to Carrefour, suitable for allotted project No.28613-001/027

Phaholyothin Rd., Navanakorn IE Land with 2-storey office 6 rai 83 sq.w., usable area 16,000 sq.m., good location, convenient transport, suitable for warehouse

Sell@88 MB.


Sell@12.5 MB./rai No.28654-001 25,000 Baht/sq.w. No.28596-006 Sell@20 MB./rai No.28611-001

Phaholyothin km.60 Chiangmai-Sankampaeng Rd. Nakornchaisri-Huayplu km. 13 Land 3 rai 205 sq.w. Land 24 rai 252 sq.w. 50 m. wide, 112 m. deep, on main road, suitable for factory or showroom

Sell@30 MB.


near spring/mineral water resource, suitable for resort, boutique hotel


: Laem Chabang Industrial Estate, Chonburi (EPZ) : Amata Industrial Estate, Chonburi : Lard Krabang Industrial Estate, (EPZ) : Lard Krabang Industrial Estate, (EPZ) : King Kaew Project, km.12 : Hi-Tech Industrial Estate, Ayuthaya : Tonglow Industrial Land, Chonburi : Samutprakarn Factory

02-676-4031-5, 081-732-8242 http://www.tfd-factory.com

COURSE MEMBERSHIP EXCHANGE CENTRE THE FIRST IN THAILAND Tel: 081-5555888, 081-5555999 02-259-0980-5 www.thaigolfcentre.com 1.Bangpra International 2.RajPruek 3.Muang Ake 1 4.Muang Ake 2 5.Tanya Thanee

Land 90 rai on main road, near natural water resource, not far from Bangkok, suitable for riverside allotted house project

Sell@3.25 MB./rai No.28723-001/193 Sell@1.2 MB./rai

For For sale sale & & Lease Lease 1) 675-3,330 sq.m. 2) 1,200 sq.m. 3) 1,620 sq.m. 4) 2.3 rais Raw land 5) 700-1,000 sq.m. 6) 1,620 sq.m. 7) 2,500-5,000 sq.m. 8) 1,000-8,500 sq.m.

Land 2 rai 46 sq.w. 12 wide beach front, roads on 3 sides, with license for 8-storey building, suitable for hotel, resort

BUY SELL 155,000 2,150,000 380,000 280,000 140,000 150,000



Monday, April 20, 2009



1-0 Ryan Callahan spoiled Simeon Varlamov’s NHL post-season debut by scoring on New York's second shot to lead the Rangers past Capitals.

briefly Indians’14-run 2nd inning dooms Yanks

Santana dazzles in Citi Field debut Johan Santana breezed through seven innings in his first start at Citi Field as the New York Mets took advantage of a key error to scratch out the only run they needed in a 1-0 victory over the Milwaukee Brewers on Saturday. – AP

Kumble sends Royals crashing Veteran Indian leg-spinner Anil Kumble sent the Rajasthan Royals crashing to defeat when they started the defence of their Indian Premier League crown at Newlands on Saturday. Kumble took five for five as the Bangalore Royal Challengers gained a crushing 75-run win as the champions were bowled out for a paltry 58.“It was pretty disappointing,” admitted Rajasthan captain Shane Warne. “As defending champions we expect better of ourselves. Our shot selection was poor.” – AFP

Wozniacki, Lisicki in the finals Caroline Wozniacki advanced to the finals of the Family Circle Cup on Saturday, fighting off a furious rally by Elena Dementieva to defeat the tournament’s top seed 6-4 5-7 7-5. Wozniacki now meets 16th-

seeded Sabine Lisicki, who, after ousting Venus Williams earlier in the week, easily defeated sixth-seeded Marion Bartoli 6-3 Wozniacki 6-1 in the other semi-final. – AP

Sutil heartbroken after missing points Germany’s Adrian Sutil was heartbroken on Sunday when for the second time in his brief Formula One career a crash deprived him of scoring the Force India team’s first points. The 26-year-old, who suffered similarly in the 2008 Monaco Grand Prix, was on track for a points finish when he flew off the circuit with five laps to go, smashing his car into the barriers and losing most of the front end. “It was such a big disappointment again. But we have get over it and get on,” he said.

Aust to appeal venue decision Tennis Australia said it will appeal the International Tennis Federation’s decision to allow Chennai to remain the host venue for the Asia-Oceania Group I play-off against India.



The Cleveland Indians set the bar for Yankee Stadium’s new record book on Saturday, scoring 14 runs in the second inning of a 22-4 victory over New York. Asdrubal Cabrera hit a grand slam and an RBI single in the second as the Indians chased struggling starter Wang Chien-ming (0-3) and set several marks that could stand for a while at New York’s swanky new home. Mark DeRosa and Shin Soo-choo each hit a three-run home. – AP

Scott Strange, the winner of the Volvo China Open, with his trophy and caddy.

STRANGE HAS HIS WAY Emotional Aussie thinks of his late sister after victory AFP, Beijing


n emotional Scott Strange shot a closing 68 for a onestroke victory over Spain’s Gonzalo Fernandez-Castano at the Volvo China Open yesterday. The Australian began the final round four off the pace but birdies at the fifth and eighth saw him move into contention on a congested leaderboard. A par putt at the 12th slid by the hole but it proved a temporary setback as birdies at the

14th and 15th were followed by another at the 17th which earned him victory in the European Tour and OneAsia Tour co-sanctioned event. Fernandez-Castano birdied the par-five last for a 72 and his second straight runner-up finish after losing a play-off in the Estoril Open in Portugal. Englishman Richard Finch, the third-round leader, closed with a 74 to finish on six-under, level with Australian Ashley Hall (71) and New Zealander Mark Brown (69), both of whom had posted a courserecord 65 in the third round. Strange’s sister passed away from cancer last June after his

wire-to-wire win in the Wales Open and the Perth-born 32year-old welled up in the scorer’s tent here once he realised he had secured victory. “The win in Wales meant a lot because of what I was going through with my family and my sister,” he said. “This is just as special as Wales. If my sister was here now, I’m sure she would be proud of me. “I’m delighted. I had a break of about six weeks before this, so I came refreshed and hungry to play,” added Strange, who earned a spot in September’s US$3.2 million Volvo World Match Play Championship in Spain.

Gay holds onto Heritage lead Brian Gay shot a 4-under 67 to increase his lead to three shots over New Zealand’s Tim Wilkinson after three rounds of the Verizon Heritage on Saturday. Gay moved in front on Friday with five straight birdies. This time, he played steady, mistake-free golf at Harbour Town Golf Links to move to 13-under. Left-hander Wilkinson shot a 65 and two-time US Open winner Lee Janzen had two late birdies to maintain his place among the leaders, another stroke behind after a 69. Todd Hamilton, the 2004 British Open champ, was a stroke behind Brian Gay waves to the fans on Gay when the round began. However, he fell five shots behind after his the 18th hole. even-par 71. – A P



Monday, April 20, 2009


Juve’s title hopes wilt with draw

TREBLE DREAM ON Hiddink praises Drogba as Blues remain on course AFP, London

uus Hiddink believes his “extraordinary” Chelsea squad could yet ensure a trying season ends with an unprecedented sweep of trophies. The west Londoners, disheartened and hopelessly out of form under previous manager Luiz Felipe Scolari, were in danger of surrendering their status as one of the English Premier League’s ‘big four’ clubs until Hiddink was appointed on an interim basis in February. Now, the Dutchman’s outlook is resolutely sunny. His team are still clinging onto their place in the title race, albeit as rank outsiders to Manchester United and Liverpool, and have booked their spot in the Champions League semi-finals, where they will face Barcelona. On Saturday, they maintained their three-pronged assault on silverware by defeating Arsenal 2-1 in a hard-fought FA Cup semi-final at Wembley, courtesy of a dramatic late goal from inform Didier Drogba. It is a remarkable transformation, but Hiddink – swiftly becoming a bona fide Chelsea hero, despite insisting he will walk away for good at the end of May – was keen to play down his own role in Chelsea’s rise from the ashes. “The whole squad is extraordinary – they always deliver and always react,” he said. “We made it very clear when I arrived – I did not want to give ourselves any excuses.




Chelsea’s Didier Drogba, left, shoots to score as Arsenal goalkeeper Lukasz Fablanski looks on. “The players have experience of winning, so I said from day one: ‘Let’s work.’ I have no complaints about the attitude. The guys have worked on what we practised and that shows you a lot about their personalities.” Drogba has come to symbolise Chelsea’s renaissance. The Ivory Coast striker cut a disconsolate figure during Scolari’s reign at Stamford Bridge, when he frequently found himself out of favour. There were suggestions the former Marseille player would consider his future at the end of the season but he has been revitalised under Hiddink – more purposeful in his allround play and, most crucially, lethal again in front of goal. “He’s been smiling, working


hard.,” Hiddink added. “Before, he was not playing frequently, so he wasn’t smiling every day, but everyone signing for a big club knows there will be competition – you just have to contribute. It’s amazing, every week and every game he is scoring. But you can’t always value strikers just on goals, he’s making also every game a very determined and decisive play.” Drogba’s latest effort, which saw him shrug off Mikael Silvestre to reach Frank Lampard’s pass just before the hapless goalkeeper Lukasz Fabianski and stroke the ball into an unguarded net, was enough to win a tie which looked certain to be heading into extra-time.

Czech full-back Zdenek Grygera scored a dramatic injury-time equaliser to earn 10-man Juventus a 1-1 draw at home to leaders Inter Milan at Turin’s Stadio Olimpico on Saturday. The draw did nothing to help second-placed Juve’s slim titles hopes as Inter maintained their 10point lead with just six matches remaining now. Teenage striker Mario Balotelli gave Inter the lead on 64 minutes but despite Thiago’s sending off, Grygera headed home a last-gasp corner to restore battling Juve’s pride. Inter coach Jose Mourinho claimed the result proved his team are the best in Italy. “I like to play in the stadium of an historic team, getting a draw and seeing the joy in my players who will go home with a 10-point lead,” he told Sky Sport. “Today we showed why we’re top of the league, because we are the best, the strongest. “Mathematically it’s not yet over so we won’t claim the title. Juve’s joy at the final whistle showed how highly we are thought of.” Juve coach Claudio Ranieri virtually conceded the scudetto. “We need to win as many points as possible and we’ll see where we are at the end,” he said. “We want to finish the season in second place. “I’m satisfied to have drawn the match in this way.” – A F P

Marcelo helps Real stay on Barca’s heels AFP, Madrid



Barcelona striker Lionel Messi after scoring against Getafe.

ouble champions Real Madrid kept up the pressure on Barcelona in the Spanish title race defeating Recreativo Huelva 1-0 on Saturday to stay six points behind their arch rivals. Brazilian Marcelo scored three minutes into the second half to sink Recre as Real made it 15 wins from 17 league matches under coach Juande Ramos. “We are still hanging in there

and keep fighting for every three points,” said Marcelo. “We just have to hope Barca drop some points. I think Sevilla could do us a favour this week [the two sides meet on Wednesday] and get at least a draw at Barcelona.” The problem for Real is Barcelona are also winning week-in, week-out and triumphed 1-0 at Getafe on Saturday thanks to Lionel Messi’s 20th goal of the season.

Argentine Messi netted on 19 minutes to seal Barcelona’s first win at bogey side Getafe since 2005 and the victory means Pep Guardiola’s side have now defeated every team in the topflight this season. “It is another important win and each one gives us more confidence,” said Guardiola. “We have to pick up some silverware this season and we are working on that. “The players know what they

want to achieve and the way they are approaching things shows they want to win trophies.” Real lost 2-0 at Barcelona in mid-December to fall 12 points behind, but have dropped just two points in 2009 to close that gap to six and the two sides meet at the beginning of May in ‘El Clasico’ at the Santiago Bernabeu. Atletico Madrid scored a 3-0 win over lowly Numancia.

Monday, April 20, 2009




ROSE A Chicago Bulls player ties Kareem Abdul-Jabbar’s 39-year-old NBA record for points by a rookie in his play-off debut against champs Boston DPA, Los Angeles


n his play-off debut, Chicago Bulls rookie Derrick Rose did something Michael Jordan couldn’t – beat the Boston Celtics. Rose was spectacular with 36 points and 11 assists yesterday as the visiting Bulls stunned the defending champion Celtics with a 105-103 overtime victory in the opener of their Eastern Conference first-round series. The seventh-seeded Bulls set the tone for the day as road teams won three of four games yesterday. China’s Yao Ming and Houston powered past Portland and Germany’s Dirk Nowitzki and Dallas upset San Antonio. The Bulls were 0-10 all-time

in the post-season against the Celtics, including a pair of three-game sweeps in the 1980s with Jordan, who went on to lead the franchise to six championships. Rose changed all that as he tied Kareem AbdulJabbar’s 39-year-old NBA record for points by a rookie in his playoff debut. “I just wanted to come out aggressive,” said Rose, who made 12-of-19 shots and 12-of-12 free throws. “It’s hard playing in [Boston], especially with the fans, and I just played aggressive and the team followed me.” “He’s one of the toughest point guards to stay in front of,” said Boston guard Rajon Rondo, who was matched up with Rose. “He’s definitely



THORN FOR THE CELTICS John Salmons, No 15, of the Chicago Bulls nabs the loose ball from Rajon Rondo, No 9, of the Boston Celtics as Derrick Rose, No 1, of the Bulls defends in Game One of the Eastern Conference quarter-finals.


quick, and he also uses his strength to elevate.” Rose scored 13 points in the first half as the Bulls opened a 53-44 lead. He had 12 more in the third quarter, but the second-seeded Celtics rallied behind Paul Pierce and Rondo to take a 72-71 lead. After Rose’s layup gave Chicago a 95-94 lead with 31 seconds to play, Rondo – who had a playoff career-high 29 points, nine rebounds and seven assists – grabbed an offensive rebound and put in a floater nine seconds later. But Rondo fouled Rose at the other end, and the rookie calmly sank two free throws with 9.4 seconds left.

“[Rose is] poised beyond his years,” said Bulls guard Ben Gordon, who scored 12 of his 20 points in the fourth quarter. “He already carries himself like a veteran out there.” Pierce had a chance to win it but missed the second of two foul shots with 2.6 seconds to go, forcing overtime. “Sometimes you’ve got to get a break, and we got a break,” Bulls coach Vinny Del Negro said. In the extra session, Tyrus Thomas made three jumpers to give the Bulls a 105-103 lead with 50 seconds remaining. On Boston’s final possession, Pierce had a drive blocked out of bounds and Ray Allen missed a corner jumper.

Danai loses in semis to Felder

Bahrain Camels run off with Phuket title

Danai Udomchoke lost to Marcel Felder of Uruguay 7-5 3-6 6-4 in the semi-final of the US$35,000 Challenger Casablanca San Angel on Saturday in Mexico City. Danai was serving for the first set at 5-3 but lost four games in a row to drop the opener. He was broken in the 10th game of the final set to lose the match. “He put pressure on me at the net and kept me off rhythm. I thought he was more comfortable at the baseline,” said Danai. Meanwhile, Sonchat and Sanchai Ratiwatana will play the title match against Victor Estrella of the Dominican Republic and Brazil’s Joao Souza.





he Bahrain Apsara Camels were crowned Cup Champions for the first time after defeating a strong CBB Postels outfit in the final of the 6th Phuket International Cricket Sixes at Karon Stadium, Phuket, yesterday. Debutants Long Dong Wongs of Hong Kong and Custom Cockatoos of Australia won the Plate and the Spoon title respectively. There was silverware also for CBB SC’s who became Bowl champions. The Corner Tigers’ strong challenge for the Cup came to an end at the semi-final stage when their bowling was taken apart by the determined Bahrain Camels who posted a challenging score of 89 for 2 and then restricted the Tigers

Local youngsters from Cherng Talay school, part of the Phuket Cricket Union Junior Development programme, play an exhibition match.

to just 31 for 4. Sanjay took 2 wickets for just one run in the first over to put the Tigers immediately on the back foot and they never recovered. The Camels then took on the

strong unit of the CBB Postels in the rain-affected Cup final. The Camels really turned on the style as they swatted the CBB bowling to all parts of the ground. Srikanth (33) was the

pick of the batsmen as the Camels registered a challenging total of 83. Superb bowling and faultless fielding from Bahrain made runs very difficult to come by for the CBB Postels, who struggled to reach 61 with Bahrain triumphing by 22 runs. In the Plate, Toorak Prahan from Australia reached the final with impressive victories over Lamma CC and Baulham Hills CC. The Dongers had seen off a good challenge from Galah CC to reach the final which they manage to win in a tense match with just three balls to spare. Toorak had put on 84 runs with good play from Jeremy Skiba and Kristian Fahey. But the Hong Kong with skipper Manoj hitting 33 reached the target.


Monday, April 20, 2009




GAME,SET,MARRIED American tennis star Andy Roddick married swimsuit model Brooklyn Decker at the player’s home in Austin, Texas, on Friday.

Red Bull driver Sebastian Vettel leads team-mate Mark Webber in the Chinese Grand Prix.



Sebastian Vettel was left grinning and calling for more rain-hit Formula One races yesterday after giving the Red Bull team their wings with a thrilling win in the Chinese Grand Prix. The brilliant 21-year-old German came home triumphant ahead of his team-mate Mark Webber of Australia in a one-two finish for the English-based outfit in treacherous conditions. The result ended the early-season domination of the new Brawn GP team as Briton Jenson Button finished third ahead of Brazilian team-mate Rubens Barrichello. There were encouraging signs that the troubled McLaren outfit are starting to find their feet with Finn Heikki Kovalainen and British defending world champion Lewis Hamilton finishing fifth and sixth respectively. Germany’s Timo Glock was seventh for Toyota and Swiss rookie Sebastien Buemi came home eighth to claim the final point for Toro Rosso. But Ferrari again failed to score for the third time this season – now their worst start to a racing year since 1981 with Felipe Massa retiring with mechanical problems and Kimi Raikkonen coming in a midfield position. And there was agony for Force India who looked on course for their first ever point with Adrian Sutil in sixth with five laps to go, but the German lost control of his car and crashed out. Despite only coming third, Button stayed on top of the drivers’ title race with 21 points, ahead of Barrichello on 15 with Vettel third on 10. Vettel was understandably delighted at his second victory. “Yes, we made it. Thanks for so much hard work. It’s fantastic, well done and thanks to the team for a great car, just perfect. It was a dream to drive,” said the ecstatic German. Later, he said the wet conditions were tough but, as he has shown before, they suit him. “We had to push hard in the beginning to get away from the pack and we succeeded. There was a lot of aquaplaning. Sometimes you were just keeping the car on the circuit,” said the German. AFP



Guus hails Drogba as a world-beater

Rose sweet as Bulls stun Celtics

Guus Hiddink hailed Didier Drogba as one of the best strikers in the world after the Ivory Coast forward fired Chelsea into the FA Cup final at the expense of Arsenal on Saturday. Drogba has been revitalised since Hiddink took over at Chelsea in February and it was his winner that sent the west London club to the final. >PAGE 25

Derrick Rose scored 36 points, matching the best play-off debut in National Basketball Association history, to power Chicago to a 105-103 overtime upset of defending champions Boston. Rose equalled the mark set by Kareem Abdul-Jabbar in 1970 to spark the Bulls to their first play-off victory over the Celtics in 11 tries. >PAGE 27

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