reflecting on an incredible Year
As another school year comes to a close, I am inspired by all that our teams and partners have accomplished together. From new JoyFul events to renewed legacy events, your partnership is invaluable to our mission of creating moments of joy through food.
As we close out the year, we are humbled to hear that our partners honored several associates with awards. As we look forward to the new school year, we are closely following the latest food trends and looking for ways to expand our Teaching Kitchen series. In recognition of Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, our culinarians are partnering with AAPI chefs to put a unique spin on Asian-inspired dishes.
I would also like to extend a very warm congratulations to all our graduating guests. Above all, I’m grateful to our partners for sharing our vision of a better campus dining experience and working with us to make that happen. Thank you for an incredible year.

2 Letter from the CEO
3 2023 Superlatives
4 Highlighting Our Heroes
5 Crowing Achievements

6 Senior Sendoff
8 Asian American & Pacific Islander Heritage Month
on tHe cover
Lisa McEuen CEO, Chartwells Higher Education
Graduating Student Associates Celebrate at the Illinois Institute of Technology.
in HealtH & well-being
We are so proud to announce that the Business Group on Health has recognized Compass Group as the Best Employer for Excellence in Health and Well-Being for 2023. This prestigious accolade underscores our commitment to prioritize the health and well-being of our associates. We are proud to foster a culture of well-being through comprehensive wellness programs. These include specialized guest speaker webinars, proactive health initiatives, and a supportive work environment. We are so proud of this recognition and how it highlights our dedication to creating a healthier and happier workforce for a sustainable future.

HaPPY & HuMble
2023 suPerlatives Praise-wortHY suPer
HigHligHts of events & PartnersHiPs of tHe Year

We’re looking back at some of our best events and partnerships of the year and highlighting some we feel are deserving of taking home the superlative.

sustainabilitY PartnersHiP

babson college Green Dinner
learn More u
u best on-caMPus PartnersHiP
universitY east baY
best cultural celebration
universitY of cHicago
learn More u learn More u
tHe best catering e vent

universitY of wisconsin, green baY
Woman's Leadership Catering

tHe best one-off e vent

nova soutHeastern universitY florida
Heroes! HigHligHting
caMPus Partners celebrate our associates
Every day, our talented teams create exceptional dining experiences for their campus communities. Whether they’re cooking and serving great food, helping students navigate their wellness journeys or growing our catering programs, they bring joy to our guests.

Recently, many of our outstanding associates and teams were humbled through recognition from our campuses and client partners. We take pride in sharing some of their accomplishments below as we strive to exceed expectations in all that we do.
exPectations exceeding
gracious greeter
Shirley Award for Excellence
Shirley Tataglia
After 16 years of service at the University of New Mexico, greeter Shirley Tataglia is getting ready for a new adventure. For years, Shirley has been the first face students see when they walk into La Posada dining hall. In recognition of her impact, the UNM Housing Department has created the annual “Shirley Award for Excellent Customer Service.”

trulY outstanding flYing HigHer
Campus Life Leadership Award
Mark Tammone

Chartwells’ Resident District Manager Mark Tammone received Sacred Heart University’s 32nd Annual Campus Life Leadership Award. Typically reserved for SHU’s student leaders, faculty, and staff, this was the first instance in more than 32 years that a non-SHU employee received the accolade. Mark is an inspirational figure and passionate about working with students.

Wings of Kindness
Victor Kline
Victor Kline, Tennessee Tech’s Catering Director, achieves new heights. He won Campus Partner of the Year for elevating catering quality and the Wings of Kindness award for exceptional customer service. Victor’s motto, “The answer is YES, what is the question?” fuels his smile-filled efforts in building partnerships and boosting catering sales.

winning waYs

Dual Awards
Buffalo State Dining
as nice twice
Buffalo State Dining team earned dual awards for campus partnerships: Meritorious Award from United Students Government for exceptional support and Golden Bengal Service Award from Athletics for long-lasting dedication. Glenn Bucello, resident district manager, accepted both on behalf of the team, showcasing their commitment to giving back to the community.

student-atHletes assisting
Athletic Appreciation Award
Allison Bowers of Colgate University
Allison Bowers, our registered dietitian at Colgate University, is cherished by student-athletes who regularly seek her guidance on nutrition. She collaborates closely with teams to support their food, athletic, programming, and lifestyle goals. Her dedication to student-athletes earned her the John LeFevre ‘41 Appreciation Award from the Department of Physical Education, Recreation, and Athletics.

Chef Educator of the Year
Chef Peter Hodgson of University of Utah

crowning acHieveMents PEOPLE
future foodies
ACF Beehive Chefs Association recently named University of Utah Executive Chef Peter Hodgson “Chef Educator of the Year.” He was recognized for mentoring aspiring culinarians in the ProStart program and guiding high school culinary students toward professional chef careers. Chef Peter is a trusted resource that fosters their growth, knowledge, skills, and expertise.
and teaMs “take tHe cake”
student success graduates of reflections
looking back and Moving aHead graduates!

Abigail Salgado
Adam Locatelli
Anna Flynn
Aroosha Bhatti
Arjun Roy
Ava Frederickson
Bhargavi Sundar
Brianna Jefferson
Carly Mc Manus
Cedric Salvador
Cela Cashel
Chandini Narayanaswamy
Christian Bratner
Crystal Kleminsky
Daphinne Bazzoni
Daniel Mizera
Grace Waller
Haley Soltmann
Haoming Zhuang
Hannah Shine
Hilario Espinoza Gonzalez
Isaac Handland
Isabella Argentine
Isadora Mickelson
Jacob Sikes
Jacquelin Haigh
Jonathan Causer
Jonathan Infantolino
Jordan Dorough
Julian Crosby
Julie Tran
Kara Wilson
Katelyn Halisz
Katelyn Kamei
Katelyn Pierce
Kevin Horrigan
Keanu (Noah) Caridad
Kristian Harper
Kristin Alderete
Liz Acque
Liandry Kirindongo
Lindsey Winters
Madalyn Glasbrenner
Macey Longmire
Mackenzie Barger
Marcus Ottaviano

Mason Goebel
Melanie Caillouet
Michelle Vuong
Miguel Cabrera
Nibitika Khadka
Nibras Ahmed
Noelle Oyama
Ovidio De Leon
Owen Montheard
Paris McDougle
Ronith Sharmila
Sam Sanchez
Sambridhi Regmi
Shaynie Montee
Sofiya Gischlar
Sophia Bittencourt
Spencer Goracke
Taylor Richard
Tiffany Allen
Tina Speros
Victoria Franklin
Wiatt Trujillo
Yazmin Hernandez
Zoe Mitchel
Making tHe grade
Honoring o ur i nterns
HigHligHting a few of our graduating interns and tHeir iMPressive accoMPlisHMents

Catherine Thompson
Sustainability Intern, University of Minnesota
As the sustainability intern at the University of Minnesota, Catherine helped educate and inform her fellow students about environmental best practices. She led a plate waste study over three months that was projected to decrease food waste in the dining halls by 15%. She exceeded her goals by decreasing plate waste by 18% instead.
Jose Perez Vela
Sustainability Intern, University of Texas at Arlington

Portfolio-wortHY Projects

During his internship, Jose expanded his sustainability and marketing skillset and developed several portfolio-worthy projects. He is grateful for his team, who pushed him out of his comfort zone and encouraged his growth. Chartwells’ associates are excited to work with him again at the University of Pittsburgh as the sustainability and community partnership coordinator!
Samantha Rodriguez
Marketing Intern, Radford University
rising star
Samantha used her internship to hone her hands-on marketing experience and connect with university leaders. She is an innovative, forward-thinking marketer with a lot of big ideas for her campus dining program. The team at Radford University is excited to welcome Samantha as their new marketing manager!

Deepakshi Choudhary
Marketing Intern, University of Illinois at Chicago
Masterful Marketer
Deepakshi built many valuable career connections during her internship. She focused on learning, growing, and exchanging information with her peers. Deepakshi expressed thanks to her fellow associates, saying they were a much-needed guidance system. She impressed her team by succeeding in her internship while also studying for her second master’s degree.

Kameron Ladia
Marketing Intern, Lamar University
HigHlY skilled intern
Kameron learned many hard and soft skills, including how to develop and implement a marketing plan, navigate Canva to create social media posts, and work with Sprout Social. He also expanded his network by connecting with our senior director, catering director, and chefs. Thanks also to Kameron for impressive work on his meal plan brochure, which he submitted to Chartwells’ meal plan contest.
creative genius
Adam Cooper
Marketing Intern, Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis
During his internship, Adam Cooper explored his campus community and connected with fellow students, teachers, and associates. He also tapped into his creative side by handling marketing and communications tasks for his team, who deeply appreciated all his hard work. His favorite thing about his internship was being able to work comfortably and creatively.

not, want not
asian aMerican Pacific islander Honoring and Heritage

our PeoPle sHare tHeir stories in tHeir own voices

I’m the adopted son of a Japanese mother and a Chinese American father, who have both unfortunately passed away. During AAPI Heritage Month, I am honoring my heritage and looking back at the cultural traditions that my parents and I followed.

My family celebrated a blend of Japanese and Chinese traditions, like Chinese and Japanese New Year’s. Food was always a big part of those traditions, and we always made unique dishes just for the holidays. We only had those dishes once a year, so they always felt extra special. Another tradition was to deep clean the house and do all our laundry before the new year, to purify our home.
Since my parents loved to cook, two of my most treasured items are pieces of cooking equipment that my parents used: A cast iron skillet from my father and a bonito shaver from my mother.
I started working with Chartwells when I first came to San Jose State, and my first job here was as a donut and muffin maker at Spartan Shops. Then, I worked at several places across campus, from the Pub to Sbarros, all in food-service positions with Chartwells. Now I’m a senior cook, where I get to work with my fellow student employees and train them as best as I can.

Asian insPired disHes

aaPi takeover at ucHicago
At the University of Chicago, the dining team celebrated Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month with an amazing event! It was complete with an educational bento box Teaching Kitchen, hot wings, and an energetic Mongolian dance lesson.

Chef Thai Dang and the Dang Good Wings team joined UChicago dining to take over one of the dining stations with his famous fried chicken dishes and sauces. These are inspired by Asian cuisines, such as caramelized fish sauce and Thai buffalo sauce.

Professor Marie Jiang of the School of the Art Institute of Chicago helped guide students through a traditional Mongolian dance, while Asiana Foodville hosted the Teaching Kitchen and shared tips on how to build traditional bento boxes. Thank you to all the partners who made this event a success!

secret sauces delicious