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Council Meeting Highlights
submitted by Village of Chase
The Regular Meeting of Council was held on April 11, 2023 at the Village office and via Zoom. 8 people attended in-person and 1 person attended virtually.
Council heard from various gallery members regarding the Visitor Information Centre services, that they should not be relocated, and also regarding the Entrepreneur Immigration program, that the Village should continue participating in the program.
Visitor Information Services –Proposal for Relocation
Council passed a resolution for staff to obtain more information from businesses and the Boards of Directors of the Chamber and the Museum regarding the best location for the Visitor Information Centre service and bring back a report to a future Council meeting.
Street Sweeper – Proposal to Purchase

Council passed a resolution for staff to obtain information regarding options and costs relating to the purchase of a street sweeper and bring a report back to Council.

Trail – Whitfield Landing –Development Permit
Council passed a resolution to approve the development permit for the construction of a public access non-motorized trail along the creek adjacent to the Whitfield Landing modular home park.
Development Permit – 910 Sicamous Avenue

Council passed a resolution approving the development permit for 910 Sicamous Avenue to build an addition onto the existing garage.
Council Code of Conduct
Council adopted a code of conduct which will be available soon on the Village’s website.
BC Provincial Nominee Program –Entrepreneur Immigration Regional Pilot

Council agreed to continue participating in the program pending the availability and costs of hiring a Thompson Rivers University co-op student.
Road Closure – Chase and Area Young Learners Society – Mother’s Day Event Council approved the closure of Shuswap Avenue from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. of Shuswap Avenue between Haldane Avenue and Chase Street on May 13, 2023 for their Mother’s Day event.
UBCM Letter regarding Provincial Land Inventory Council received the letter and directed staff to compile a list of all municipally owned lands that could be used for housing and send the list to the Province of BC.

Chase Secondary Class of 2023 – Dry Grad
Council agreed to donate $200 to the 2023 Chase Secondary Dry Grad Committee
Additional comments from the pubic were forthcoming relating to the Visitor Information Services location including the parking being better at the current location, the visitors like the trains, there is a lot more room at the current location for displays of brochures, sales of tourism items, and lounge area for people to check messages with wi-fi.
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