2 minute read
Chase Environmental Action Society (CEAS) has partnered again with Chase and Area Young Learners Society (CAYLS) and the Chase Literacy Program (CLP) to honour Planet Earth on Friday, April 21st (Yes, it’s officially on April 22nd).
Come spend part of your day with Elaine Sedgman, pollinator expert and author of “A Bee Named Bob” & “Andrena, a Mining Bee.” Elaine will be entertaining and educating Haldane students (and adult eavesdroppers) while reading books. We will all learn more about the importance of protecting native bees.
Story times: 10:00, 10:45, 11:15, and 1:35.
Thompson Shuswap Master Gardeners, Sherry Bennett and Megan Blackmore (also from BC Invasive Species), will have an information table set up and provide demonstrations.
Along with Bronwen Scott, they will explain the importance of gardening without pesticides and offer tips and alternatives.
At 1 pm Neskonlith Education Lead, Iris Jules, will speak on the protection of land, water & Mother Earth.
The CEAS table will include pesticide free signs, pamphlets, pledges, a survey, cards to purchase, and lots of free items. CEAS bakers will also hand out “dandelion cookies” for a unique taste experience, and you will have the opportunity to enter the draw for a basket of goodies.
CALYS will share their plans on the “Pollinator Initiative” planned for Chase. And of course there will be an activity for the kids..
Gulshat Howard and Chase Secondary students, Paris Michel and Geo Horton, will provide face painting. These students will also teach the kids how to do the “Bee Waggle Dance.” And the entire family can colour beautiful designs created by a CEAS member. The process will be sure to motivate and inspire you.
CLP is supporting Earth Day by providing books and prizes for the various events.
Take some time to visit local businesses who are kindly displaying the posters created by Haldane and Chase Secondary students in their windows.
If you can’t join us on Friday, be sure to visit the Chase Library on April 22, from 12-1 to “plant a seed for Earth Day.” You can take your pot home with you or leave it in the library window to grow.
We look forward to meeting you all in person for this multi-group event! For further information, please contact ChaseEAS2019@gmail.com

Annual Chase Rotary Spring Food Drive

submitted by Chase Rotary
The Chase Rotary Club is excited to once again help the Chase Food Bank with our Annual Spring Food Drive on Saturday April 22nd.

The Chase Food Bank desperately needs your help! Your donation will benefit the families, seniors and individuals in our community.
The usage at the foodbank has increased tremendously over the last year. According to Food Banks BC the Chase Food Bank has experienced a 148% increase. The month of March served 94 adults and 54 children a total of 59 households.
Yellow Bags of HELP will be distributed in the April 21st edition of the Shuswap Market News. Fill your bag with nonperishable food items and leave it on your doorstep Saturday April 22nd and a Chase Rotarian will pick it up between 9am and noon.

If you don’t receive a Yellow Bag of HELP please leave the donation in a bag or box. If you are missed, you can drop your donation off at either donation bins at Safety Mart or Pharmachoice. Monetary donations are accepted and can either be mailed to Chase Food Bank PO Box 137 Chase BC V0E 1M0 or deposited at RBC or Interior Savings in Chase.
The Rotary Club and the Chase Food Bank thank you for you generous and continued support.
Let’s come together and make this food drive the most successful!!