Chase Sunflower - April 27th

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Chase’s community paper for over 20 years! Issue for the week of Friday, April 27th, 2018 • Vol. 23, Issue 16

BYE BYE BIN by Kelsey Snelgrove


ith China enforcing its new “National Sword” policy, which bans 24 types of solid waste and sets a much tougher standard for contamination, there is now no longer a market for mixed recycling with any level of contamination. R e c y c l i n g processor, E m t e r r a Environmental, recently informed the TNRD that it would no longer be accepting mixed recycling from the district, citing high contamination levels. As a result, the municipal recycling bin located at Art Holding Memorial Arena will be closed and removed within the week. Source separated recycling will be introduced at TNRD operated solid waste facilities, such as South Thompson Eco-Depot in Pritchard. Contamination comes in several forms,


such as food residues on otherwise acceptable items, household garbage being put into mixed recycling bins, or items that are recyclable but are not part of the mixed recycling program. “The biggest source of contamination is from the municipal recycling depots and curbsidecollected recycling,” says Jamie Vieira, Manager of Environmental Services at the TNRD. “This is to be expected as there is no one monitoring what goes in the bin. It is up to individual residents if we are to avoid sending mixed recycling to landfill.” Because of these drastic changes, the Village of Chase will be conducting random checks of curbside recycling bins. If the bin has contaminated recycling, it will not be collected. Continued on page 3...

Does a lakeshore cabin on Shuswap Lake appeal to you? Have a look at this panabode in Seymour Arm with a great beach and dock, perfect for those hot summer days. $275,000 #8-1055 Blueberry Road

Come see me at my booth for an Awesome Gift Giveaway at the Shuswap Experience Trade Show on May 5th

Join us for a Celebration of Life for Rob Simpson at the Chase Legion April 29 at 1 pm


Mega Yard Sale Back of Lewis & Short Hardware April 28, 2018 • 9 am to 4 pm

-- MAJOR CLEARANCE-Lewis & Short Hardware (Formerly TRU Hardware) 741 Shuswap Ave, Chase, BC (250) 679-3355

Donna Smith-Bradley Your Local Realtor® direct: 250-819-0551 office: 250.955.0307 ext 206

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