FREE! 115 Shuswap Ave
Friday, August 19th, 2016 • Vol. 22, Issue 34
Feedback wanted on Golf Carts
new pilot project will now allow golf carts to operate on certain local roads in Chase and in Qualicum Beach, providing drivers with more transportation options, Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure Todd Stone announced last Friday. “This project will improve the daily lives of people in small communities,” said Stone. “This is not for everyone and not for every community, but for a community like Chase, it makes good sense for their citizens. I look forward to the increased use of low-emission vehicles as we work towards our greenhouse-gas reduction
goals and aim to increase accessibility in B.C.” As part of the B.C. on the Move consultation, the Province received a number of requests from municipalities, including Chase, to allow golf carts on low-speed roads. The program will be piloted in two communities, Chase and Qualicum Beach. The pilot project will run for a period of one to two years, which will provide the ministry and the participating municipalities with information about how and where it can be rolled out in other parts of the province. Continued on page 5...
Spring Cleaning Special Exterior Wash, Vacuum and Dusting $45
Why rent when you can own for less! This two (could be three) bdrm mobile sits on it’s own lot. Great value. Close to golf, hiking, 1033 1st Avenue • MLS® #: 10107742 Shuswap Lake. Perfect affordable second home for visiting family. Quick possession!
Lorine Evans Wills & Estate Family Law Conveyancing evening & weekend appointments
Phone: 250-679-3180 Email: Web:
Announcement at the Pocket Park last Friday in Chase PHOTO SUPPLIED
This home has something for everyone, room for the kids to play, covered sundeck for the grown ups to enjoy view of the lake while they relax and it’s affordable! MLS#10122558, 1169 Okanagan Ave. $215,000
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Donna Smith-Bradley Your Local Realtor® direct: 250-819-0551 office: 250.955.0307 ext 206
Page 2 • August 19th, 2016 • Chase Sunflower
Community Bulletin Board
Email your community event to Chase Lions Concession Open Monday Want to learn a new skill? The Chase Nights 4 - 8 at Lions RV Park Mill Road. Museum is hosting a Batik Silk Painting Proceeds go to Water Splash Park. workshop on the 27th and 28th of August Specials, hamburger & fries $10. from 1-4pm. Only $45 with all supplies
Chase Heat vs Chase Chiefs - 2nd Annual Alumni Game. August 27th at 4 pm at the AHMA. Tickets $5, available at the door. All Ages TEAM CHASE FALL TEA AND FASHION SHOW- SUNDAY, Sept 25th, 2016 2:00 P.M. CHASE COMMUNITY HALL Proceeds to CIBC Run for the Cure. FASHIONS by CHUM’N LUBA’S Underwood Gift Store, Tammy @ Pebbles Place & G Force. DOOR PRIZES, RAFFLE TICKETS, SILENT AUCTION AND VENDOR. TICKETS $10.00. NB There will be NO tickets available at the door, so buy your tickets early. Tickets available at Chum N Luba’s and Team Chase Members 20th Annual Ska-Cheen Elders Traditional Pow Wow August 26, 27, 28 Neskonlith Arbor. MC Nelson Leon. Whipman: Shane Camille. Host Drum Northern Tribe. Friday: Grand Entry 7 pm. Free Admission and Camping. Are you willing and able to help pick some fruit trees for a share of the fruit? The Chase Hamper Society is coordinating efforts to identify people with extra fruit to share, and pickers to help pick the fruit. The owner, the pickers and the Food Bank all get a share. Please call Brenda at 778-220-1822 if you can help. You do not have to be able to climb a ladder, we need people on the ground too!”
included. No skill required come out and have fun while making something unique. Limited places left call 250-6798847 or stop by the museum to guarantee your spot. You could win up to $5000 the Chase Shuswap Pra Museum is having a 50-50 raffle. Tickets are $5 each and the draw is Dec. 2 Buy your tickets at the museum or from the directors and volunteers. Look for us at Music on the Lake! Gaming Licence #86493 Must be 19+
Want to play beach volleyball for fun? Call 778-257-1049.
Zootopia playing at Interior Savings Moonlight Movie Night August 22nd. Chase Secondary School Field. Admission $3/$10 for family donation to Chase Skate ParkActivities at 6, Movie at Dusk. Food concession and more! Chase Farm and Craft Market - Fridays from 10 -2 in the Curling Club Parking Lot. Fresh veggies, jams, crafts, bannock, honey. “Get fresh with the locals” Creekside Center Activities: • Mon 8:30 - Exercise Classes for guys and gals. 9 am Wed and Fri • Monday 1 pm Snooker • Tuesday 1 pm Bingo • Wed 7 pm Jam session. Call Ella FMI 250679-3375. • Thursday 9 am wood carving • Thursday 7 pm Crib Everyone Welcome • Friday Crib 1 pm We always need help.
Blessed Sacrament
Churches of Chase & Area
For info/hours phone 250-679-3536 August 12th - TGIF BURGER • 5 - 7 pm. Adults $6. Kids $5. (6 - 12) Under 6 Free August 20th & 21st NORTH THOMPSON ZONE HORSESHOE TOURNAMENT WESTWOLD. $25. per person/ Beer Garden/Dry Camping. DINNER SAT. NIGHT $12. NON MEMBERS WELCOME FMI PHONE 250-679-3536 Friday or Saturday 1- 8 pm
The Chase Sunflower is independently owned and operated by Shuswap Prairie Publishing. 1500 copies are printed weekly and distributed around Chase. The Sunflower is available FREE for readers because it is advertiser supported. Please support the local businesses that advertise in the Sunflower; shopping locally enriches our community. The Chase Sunflower invites stories, recipes, comments, photos, jokes and any other information that would be of interest to readers. We reserve the right to accept or refuse submissions and edit for content and length. We also reserve the right to refuse advertising that in our opinion does not reflect the concept of the newspaper. The opinions expressed in Letters and Columns do not reflect the views of this newspaper. Due care and attention for accuracy is used in checking advertising copy, but no warranty is implied by the publisher. irie Publishing
St Andrews and All Saints Anglican/United Church 845 Thompson Ave. - Sunday Aug 21st 10:00 AM Morning Prayer Rev. Alfred Maier
Parish welcomes you to Sunday Mass @ 9 am. + Mass most Tuesdays @ 9 am. + Please join us every 3rd Sunday at 10 am for the K of C Breakfast
The Light of Life Native Fellowship -
Every Sun 3 pm @ Chase Evangelical Free Church (corner of Shuswap Ave & Brooke Dr). Friendly fellowship with food, family & friends after service. Everyone is welcome. Pastor Joseph (250) 679-7656
wa us
p Prairi
Kelsey Snelgrove, Editor PHONE: (250) 679-8880 EMAIL: WEB: MAIL: Box 524, Chase BC, V0E 1M0 OFFICE: 721 Shuswap Ave between 10-3 Monday - Thursday
Chase Lions Box 12
President: Beverley Iglesias 250-679-3509 Medical Equip: Rob Simpson - 250-319-6702 Eyeglasses: Patsy McKinnon - 250-679-2918 RV Park: Beverley Iglesias - 250-679-8470
Chase Rotary Box 73
Pres: Roy Nelson 250-679-1192 / 250-819-4912 Sec: Doug Everett 675-2574 Meeting at Chase Creekside Centre Thursday 5:30 pm
Sundays at Creekside Centre, 542 Shuswap Exploring Christianity 9:30 am Worship Service 10:30 am Email:
Page 3 • August 19th, 2016 • Chase Sunflower
Annual Festival Another Success
Submitted by Brock Endean The 7th Annual Chase CornStock of the food vendors sold out before the end was a huge success with an estimated of the night. Of course, the hot buttered corn Grocery 250-679-3553 900 attendees at Chase Memorial Beach was also a highlight, and the committee Open 8 am to 8 pm throughout the day. The organizing would like to thank Pete Murray’s Corn Pharmacy 250-679-8611 committee is overwhelmed with the Farm for supplying the corn, from which Open 9 am - 6 pm amount of positive comments shared with all proceeds were donated to the Chase us during and after the event and for the Museum. support of our Platinum Sponsors Interior CornStock is a true community event and Savings, Pete Murray’s Corn Farm, and would not be possible without the support the Village of of the Platinum Chase. Sponsors, the 45 The MC, local businesses ZOOTOPIA Miss Chase who donated gift Princess certificates and INTERIOR SAVINGS’ B i a n c a products for the MOONLIGHT MOVIE NIGHT Dametto, door prize draws, MONDAY, AUGUST 22ND started the the service groups CHASE SECONDARY FIELD. event by and organizations Activities start at 6, Movie at Dusk. welcoming all who helped at the guests and the event, all the • Face Painting • Games and i n t r o d u c e d The Corn Star Challenge was a hit great CornStock Acitivities by Chase Legion Ladies C o u n c i l o r PHOTO BY ROB MCLEAN attendees, and the Auxillary • Rotary Food Concession • Nancy Egley amazing volunteers. Mini Donuts • Popcorn • Prizes from the Village of Chase, and Kerri Each year, over 1,500 volunteer hours are • Bake Sale Koskimaki, Manager at Interior Savings recorded with the planning and hosting to each say a few words. Tanner Dawson of CornStock. From setting up tents and (DAWsound) was the first performance of decorations, collecting the day and the sound technician was so donations at the gate, impressed with his performance that he patrolling the site, stood up on stage mid-set to recognize his assisting guests with talent. . The CornStock Stage also featured inquiries, slinging great performances by Lindsay May, drinks in the Watering Sleepless Nights, The Jeremy Kneeshaw Hole, making crafts Band, and Eargazm – with each sharing with youngsters, Village Lanes Fun Centre in CHASE accepting their unique sounds and talent to a very organizing the Registrations for Fall Leagues now! delighted crowd throughout the day. market, and providing Meanwhile, over in the Interior hospitality to the League Registration Days: Savings Little Kernels Zone, the young performers, volunteers **All registration days include free bowling, CornStockers were busy getting their faces are the back bone snacks, and coffee or pop** painted and making corny crafts. The to Chase CornStock Adult Youth Club 55+ Chase Summer Program and volunteers and our wonderful from Interior Savings did a great job community. Registration Registration Registration at keeping the young ones busy. The The committee $40.00 $30.00 $35.00 Rivertown Players from Kamloops also welcomes any Thurs, August 25th Sun, August 28th Mon, August 29th performed two original shows and Julie comments, suggestions, Drop in between Drop in between Drop in between Jagt Photography was onsite capturing or future volunteer 6:00pm-9:00pm Noon-4:00pm Noon-4:00pm corny pictures in the Farmers Foto Booth, inquiries. Contact us Weekly Rate Weekly Rate Weekly Rate and the pictures are now available on the through our website: $13.00 $7.00 or $10.50 $12.00 Chase CornStock Facebook page. ChaseCornStock. One of the most popular components to com or at info@ LEAGUES BEGIN THE WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 5TH this year’s event was the incredible variety of vendors in the CornField Market, with Mark your calendars 250-679-3432 23 booths in total. The diversity of food for August 12th, 2017 Chase, BC available was clearly well received as many for #CornStock2017!
Fall Fo r
Bowling Leagu NOW!
Page 4 • August 19th, 2016 • Chase Sunflower
Fresh, Cut Flowers for
-Weddings - Funerals - Restaurants - Events - Special Occasions
• $55 Ready to Eat Fruit Trees • Bedding Plants: $15/Flat
Swimsuits 40% OFF G-FORCE SPORTS
& Board Shop 927 Shuswap Ave • 250-679-8456
621 1st Ave, Chase BC 250-679-8811
If you are thinking about selling your home or buying a home I would appreciate the opportunity to talk with you. I can offer an opinion on the current market value of your home and discuss tips regarding the staging and preparation of your home to optimize your sale. I live in Blind Bay and am excited to provide real estate services to lake area residents.
Submitted by RCMP Chase Detachment • Checkstops: and missing safety equipment. Police are Between July 22nd and August 15th, also watching carefully for liquor on board, Chase RCMP conducted seven vehicle and making sure that the vessel operator is Checkstops at random times and locations sober. The penalties for operating a vessel within the Village of Chase, Pritchard, while under the influence of alcohol or Lee Creek and Seymour Arm. Overall, drugs are similar to those for driving while compliance with the Motor Vehicle Act impaired. and Regulations was high, and only a few • Other tickets were issued. Verbal warnings were • On July 28th at 10:20 am, Chase RCMP provided in several instances for minor responded to a report of a two-vehicle infractions. Of note was the Checkstop at collision on Highway One at Notch Hill Seymour Arm on July 29th. Road in Sorrento. A grey Chevrolet pickA 1993 Honda Prelude approached the up truck struck a white Chevrolet van stop, then suddenly made a high-speed from behind. The van had stopped to u-turn and left the area. A search by police allow pedestrians to cross the highway at finally located the vehicle on an isolated the designated crosswalk. The driver of forest service road, with a warm engine, the truck admitted to being inattentive but no driver present. The car was no and was issued a violation ticket under the longer driveable, and the exhaust system Motor Vehicle Act for driving without due had come apart. The interior smelled care. heavily of liquor. It was believed the driver • On August 9th, a seasonal homeowner ran into the heavily forested area. Police at Seymour Arm called police to report officers called out to the driver in order to a hit and run collision that left his 2012 transport him back to Seymour Arm for Ford pick-up with approximately $5,000 in his own safety, however, he would not show damages to the left front quarter panel, rear himself. Another check of the vehicle at bumper and running board. The vehicle 2:00 am showed that someone, presumably had been parked in a public lot overnight, the driver, took out his frustration by and no suspects or witnesses have been smashing the windshield and jumping on identified. Police are asking anyone the hood and roof. Several beer cans that with knowledge of this collision to come had not been present earlier now littered forward and call Chase RCMP at 250-769the ground around the car. The driver was 3221 or Crimestoppers. not present. • On August 19th at 11:30 am, Chase • On the Water: RCMP responded to a report of a two On August 7th at 10:00 pm Chase RCMP vehicle collision on Highway One, east of responded to a call of missing persons on Chase. The driver of a small SUV that had Shuswap Lake. Earlier, at 8:15 pm, group been hit from behind stated that there was of four had taken their vessel from St Ives heavy traffic, with some people pulled over to a floating restaurant and had not taken to take pictures. Traffic had slowed to a a cell phone. Friends and family became stop, and he looked in his rear view mirror concerned that they had not returned as to see a white Hyundai approaching. He expected, and knew that the vessel had had could see that the male driver was looking engine issues earlier in the day. Shortly after at the lake rather than ahead. The Hyundai notifying police, the complainant stated collided with the SUV. There were no that the group had returned safely after injuries, and a violation ticket was issued to experiencing further engine problems. the driver of the Hyundai. Police advise everyone using vessels on the • On August 13th at 2:15 am, Chase RCMP lake to carry a cell phone or other radio responded to a two vehicle collision on equipment in case of emergency. Highway One just east of Chase. The male Chase RCMP have been active on the driver of a BMW had been driving in the water this year, with numerous vessel passing lane when he inadvertently moved patrols conducted on the main arm of into the slow lane. Almost immediately, he Shuswap Lake. The priority is boating struck the back of a motorhome that had safety education, and written warnings stopped in the travel lane due to mechanical are used most often to correct bad habits problems. Continued on page 5...
Page 5• August 19th, 2016 • Chase Sunflower Continued from page 1
Neighbourhood Golf Cart Project
“Making sure people in Chase have more transportation options to engage as a community is of high importance to us,” said Chase Mayor Rick Berrigan. The golf carts will need to meet detailed operating conditions and vehicle specifications, such as only driving on municipal roads with a maximum speed of 30 km/h during daylight hours. The golf cart must be registered and insured and be equipped with seat belts, a horn, lights, signals, and a rearview mirror. Drivers will need to have a valid driver’s license. The routes the golf carts will be permitted on are still being determined. “If neighbourhood golf carts are permitted on a roadway, then the speed
Continued from page 4...
limit must be maximum 30 km/h and other vehicles have to adhere to that speed limit as well,” said Joni Heinrich, CAO for the Village of Chase. She said some discussions have occurred about allowing these carts only in certain areas of the community, and another train of that is that the whole town should be ‘neighbourhood golf cart friendly. The Village of Chase is looking for feedback on the Neighbourhood Golf Carts. You can comment on their facebook page, or on feedback sheets available at the Village Office, at the next Music on the Lake event, and at various businesses around town.
RCMP Report
The driver of the motorhome had been unable to pull off the road, as there was no shoulder at that point, and had used his four-way flashers. The force of the collision sent the motorhome down the thirty foot embankment. Injuries were minor, however, the driver of the BMW was transported to hospital for observation. The collision was witnessed by other drivers, and a violation ticket was issued to the driver of the BMW. Alcohol and drugs were not factors in the collision. ( p h o t o pictured) • On August 13th at 3:00 pm, Chase RCMP was notified by BC Ambulance of a single vehicle motorcycle collision on Little Shuswap Lake Road about twelve kilometres east of Chase. The male rider had apparently failed to negotiate a left curve, and was thrown into the ditch. He was transported by air ambulance to hospital in Kamloops with serious injuries. Alcohol, drugs and
road conditions do not appear to be factors in the collision. • On August 14th at 4:00 am, Chase RCMP responded to a call from Adams Lake Security which stated that a man in the Adams Lake community was firing a semi-automatic rifle, and appeared to be attempting to scare someone. Investigation showed that the man had been making threats against a woman and another person, then came out of his house on Chief Jules Drive, firing his gun into the air about thirty times. The woman was removed from the area, and police entered the residence, arresting the fifty-four year male for uttering threats and careless use of a firearm. A search warrant on the residence was executed, which resulted in the seizure of numerous firearms, ammunition, and marijuana. The man was later released on a Promise to Appear and Undertaking with conditions. A court date has been set for October.
Thank you to the following businesses & organizations who contributed to the success of the 7th Annual Chase CornStock.
Beautiful U Medi-Spa, Betty's Books, Burkholders’ Honey, Chase Auto & Window Glass Ltd., Chase & District Chamber of Commerce, Chase & District Festival Society, Chase Employment Centre, Chase Garden Center, Chase Groceteria, Chase Heat, Chase Home Hardware, Chase Music on the Lake Committee, Chase Summer Program, Chase Women in Business, Chum N' Luba's, Citizens on Patrol, Cozy Corner, Craig's Bakery & Deli, G-Force Sports & Board Shop, Gary Lanoue, Golden Ears Farm, H & R Block, Integra Tire Auto Centre Chase, Interior Savings, J.J.'S ASIAN Cuisine, Just Ask Rental, Liquid Hair Salon, Little Shuswap Physiotherapy, Lordco, Miller's Cabin, Miss Chase Excellence Program, Mountain View Restaurant, MyEzRock, NAPA, Nationwide Appliance Plus, Natural Balance Day Spa, Pebbles Place, People’s Foods & Drug, Pete Murray’s Corn Farm, Pete's Pizza & Pasta, Safety Mart Chase, The Silver Fox Pub and Bistro, Silver Linings New and Used Boutique, Subway, Sunshore Golf Club, Telus, The Willows Natural Foods, Treetop Flyers, Tru Hardware, Underwood Gift Shoppe/ Hotel, The Underwood Restaurant, Underwood Liquor Store, Village Barbershop, Village Lanes Fun Centre, Village of Chase, and Village U-Brew – AND ALL THE INCREDIBLE VOLUNTEERS!
The Sunflower is 100% Advertiser Supported.
Page 6 • August 19th, 2016 • Chase Sunflower Chase North Shuswap
Bottle Depot 120 Alymer Road 250-679-8408
Monday - Saturday 9 am - 5 pm Closed on Holidays
We also take: • Electronics • Small Appliances • Sewing Machines • Power Tools • Vacuums • Glass Containers
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Springhill xcavating We nowEstock : • FirGbark mulch yard & arden Works • Black fertilizing mulch 314 Aylmer Road, Chase BC Cell:250371-4862 Office: 250-679-8626 • Sterilized garden soil
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Chase LIONS 400 Club $100 WINNER! AUGUST 17, 2016 TICKET # 325 --- $100.00 LYN RILEY, CHASE, B.C.
Everything for Healthy Living
Now Carrying:
Grass Roots Dairies
Happiness—An Inside Job by Carolyn Parks-Mintz, Author, Journalist & Freelance Writer
Part II of a two-part series In search of sometimes elusive happiness.... A ‘frig magnet in my kitchen reads “Life is too short to drink bad wine”— how true! And I’ve known amazing women who have lived that axiom. My darling Aunt Betty found strength and peace through her faith when, in her 60’s, she was diagnosed with an inoperable tumour. She completely accepted that “her time” had come and refused further treatment. Aunt Betty was ready and she remained happy regardless of the prognosis. Six weeks after entering hospital, my dear aunt left us—but the day before, she was singing in her hospital room with friends from the church choir. Aunt Betty taught us how to die with grace and without remorse. Her leaving was much harder on those she left behind. And friend Ginny, diagnosed with cancer in her late 30’s, dedicated wife of a good man, loving mother to young children, was absolutely relentless in keeping cancer at bay while she developed her legacy. Ginny’s legacy was all about living life fully, all about being a stellar example of courage under fire. She taught her children what love truly is, where happiness comes from and that laughter really is good medicine. She ably demonstrated that life could be enjoyed even with a chronic, deadly illness. In the midst of her heroic struggle, Ginny never lost her sense of humour. She reached out to support other cancer patients and to shore up friends and relatives trying to cope with the fact that she would be gone far too early. Her strength imparted leadership to her dragon boat racing team, urging them to strive and strive and then strive some more. As Ginny lived, so she died—never giving up, never giving in—knowing her spirit and
legacy would survive even though her body gave out. Then there was Kara, devoted mother and wife of 20 years—shattered when her husband told her “it was over.” She’d always believed the greatest gift a man could give his children was to love their mother, and that the greatest gift a mother could give her children was to love their father. The harsh reality that she was alone in this belief almost did her in. Kara also recognized that her teenaged children would need her even more, given that their father not only left the marriage but also left the province. She sought medical and legal advice, found solace among good friends, and soldiered on. Kara told me it took three years for her emotional pain to subside but even during that desperate time, she willed herself from a chasm of despair, found snippets of happiness, and recovered some equilibrium. Life’s beauty and laughter eventually returned and even though this gregarious extrovert is still on her own, Kara is thriving—content within herself and with the new-ness she has created. So, you ask, just what is the magic spell, what is the magic potion of happiness? I think it rests in two words—I will! Each of us is unique and for each of us, there is a unique “I will” antidote for life’s tragedies and heartbreaks. That is what we can seek out—find the elixir formula that works for you. And in finding the remedy, you’ll see happiness flourish within you. No one, no event, no thing will ever be able to take that from you. Your happiness will be home grown—a private and personal beautiful garden to which you can return again and again— for always. To be continued in the next Chase Sunflower...
Bulgarian Style Yogurt Made from Grass Fed Milk + GMO FREE. We carry their Cheese too!
729 Shuswap Ave Chase, BC
Carolyn Parks Mintz is new to Chase, having relocated with her husband, James, to our charming community this summer.
Page 7 • August 19th, 2016 • Chase Sunflower
10 Questions with... Q • Sheri, how long have you been a firefighter? A • I have been a volunteer firefighter for almost 15 years, I am currently working for the Adams Lake Fire Department.
Q • What are you most proud of? A • I am most proud of my children. One of my dreams has been to see them all graduate and so far they are all on track or have accomplished this goal.
Q • What made you want to join? A • I had a friend that convinced me to join with her and it just became part of my life. It has been a great way to meet people with similar interests and to give back to the community.
Q • What is your favorite part of living in this part of BC? A • I love the beauty of this area. It has such a diverse landscape. We are so close to all kinds of nature and can indulge all kinds of pastimes. There is so much to offer activity wise that every person could find a way to stay entertained.
Q • What significance does firefighting have in your family? A • Four of my children are also firefighters. Three are full department members and one is part of our junior department. It has become a way for us to work together and serve our community. It is something we all have in common and a way to stay connected by common interest. Q • What is your favorite pastime? A • I tend to be a bit of an introvert and like to spend time at my house.
Q • If you were stranded on an island, what are three things you would want to have with you? A • If I were stranded on a desert island, I would need my family, books and my cell phone. Q • What is the best advice you have ever received? A • I was told once, don’t say you will try to do something. If you say that you are already putting doubt in your mind. This
Biking not allowed on sidewalk by Kelsey Snelgrove
Cycling is a great way to get around and incorporate exercise into your lifestyle. Many folks in Chase enjoy riding their bikes, but some may be unaware of rules regarding bikes. The Village of Chase has a bylaw regarding bicycles and skateboards. The bylaw states that nobody shall ride a skateboard or bicycle on the sidewalk on Shuswap Avenue between Wilson Street and Coburn Street between 8 am and 8 pm. As a business owner on Shuswap Avenue, I have witnessed many cyclists riding at a good clip on the sidewalk without displaying any regard for people, including elderly folks and kids, who may be
exiting stores. It’s only a matter of time before a serious collision happens on the sidewalk. Bicycles should be ridden on the right hand side of the roadway, or else dismounted and walked along the sidewalk. The BC Bicycle Operators manual recommends that cyclists “ride no closer than one metre from parked cars to avoid being hit by an opening door.” Cyclists must obey all rules of the road, including signalling and stopping at stop signs. In BC, all cyclists are required by law to wear an approved helmet.
Sheri Lyson Womacks Questions by Cavelle Layes can be a subconscious block. Say, I will do something. You may not accomplish what you set out to do in the manner you planned to do it, but you will be closer to your goal. I have also been taught to pray. All prayer is answered. The answer is always yes, no or later. When my son was sick I had to learn to “let go and let God.” There were so many times things were out of our control that this was a comfort to us. Worrying will not change the outcome. Q • What words of wisdom would you like to give this year’s grads? A • Thoughts for our grads this year is, life is short. One day you will look back and realize how quickly time passes. Appreciate every moment because things can change very quickly. Try to make the world a better place. You don’t know how your actions can affect others. A small thing can be monumental to someone else. If you have the power to make somebodies day better, do it.
Ed’s Renovations
GENERAL REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 250-319-9100 Finishing Basements Building Sundecks Vinyl Siding Full Bobcat service
N o J ob
too small or too large
Page 8 August 19th, 2016 • Chase Sunflower Classified deadline is Monday at 3 pm for Friday’s paper. $5 for 20 words. 20¢ each additional word (tax incl). $2.50 for Lost and Found. Obituaries are $35 with photo, $30 without. Email or drop off at Sunflower Headquarters (721 Shuswap Ave) or at Willows Natural Foods.
FOR SALE - Antique make up bureau. 2 vinyl recliners/rockers. Must sell. Have allergies to vinyl. Sleep apnea machine - Rem Star Pro M series. Excellent condition. Masks, hoses, etc. Has water or can run without. Deacon Bench. Correct # Phone 679-8554 5 Drawer Wood Dresser. CPAC Respitory System $1200. To give away older TV with satellite receiver. 250-679-8570. Rabbit Meat for Sale - at the Chase Farmer’s Market Fridays from 10 - 2 in Curling Club Parking Lot. 03 PT Cruiser SUV 3 Litre Turbo A/C. Non smoker. 154621 KM. Sun roof. Very clean. $3500 ask for Herb 250-679-2474. For Sale 4 Bridgestone tires. 205 55R16 Like New. Only 4000 km on tires. $200. 10,000 BTU window air conditioner, 3 years old, has remote control. $150. 250-679-7855. Moving Sale - 2 Triple Dressers with Mirrors $50. Single dresser $20. Ping Pong/Pool Table Combo $50. Granger Piano $50 OBO, Microwave Stand $20. Printing press to make logos on buckles, keychains etc. $100. Girls mtn bike 18 spd $50. Offers welcome 250-577-3557. Mobile Home for Sale 250-679-4466.
Room for Rent - $575 a month. Utilities included plus basic cable. Security cameras onsite. 50+years-old+ need only apply. References preferred. 250-679-2700 Available now - 2 bdrm house, downtown Chase; suitable for couple, NS, rental references required. Phone for viewing time. $975. 250819-7999.
Wanted to buy: Pre 1950s, snowshoes, scales, wood windows, doors, signs, galv. tubs, cowboy, oars, paddles, sports, furniture, farm, 250-577-3357
Canadian Restricted Firearms August 20th 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. Prerequisite: PAL. Contact Ivan 250679-2758 CORE Course - August 27 and 28 Preregister @ 250-679-3931
Multi Family Garage Sale - Sat August 20 & 21 from 9 am - 5 pm. Furniture, clothing, bedding, etc, logging chains, truck bumper jack. #45 - #47 Shuswap Sands Trailer Court. take 1250 Hillside Ave to cul-de-sac. Sat August 20 & Sun August 21 from 9 am - 2 pm. #8 - 161 Shuswap Ave. Mountview MH Park. Yard Sale - Sat August 20 9 am to 1 pm. Mostly hand tools and compressors 514 Shuswap Ave. behind house. 2 Home Garage Sale - Sat., Aug 20, 9am - 1pm. 519 & 523 Arbutus Street Furniture, antiques, household items Yard Sale - 216 Bell Street. Vintage items, designer clothes and shoes. lots of free stuff. Sat. August 20 and Sunday August 21 8 - 4 pm.
LOSE WEIGHT and inches, make money, drink 1 cup of coffee per day. Ask me how Maryerickson or call 250-679-0009.
Business & Services Chase Upholstery – 323 Willow St, Chase, BC. 679-3923. Furniture – Auto – Boat tops and seats – RVs SAHHALTKUM DAYCARE est.1996. Licensed facility. Certified staff. Children 3mths up to 12 years. Hot Lunch program available. Nutritious snacks provided. Daily educational programs. Part/full time or drop in available ALL CHILDREN WELCOME!! F.M.I. 6459 Hillcrest Rd, Chase (across Pine St. bridge) or ph: 250-679-2229 Need a small engine mechanic? I can do all your lawn and garden equipment as well as motorcycles, quads, side by sides, boats, and any other small engines you have. Work guaranteed. Call Jarrett 250320-6082. Interiors by Patricia - Specializing in Feature Walls, Home Staging, Man & Mom Caves & Home Decor 403-370-6661.
Mrs Sew & Sew Mending, hemming & light alterations 250-679-7770
LOST: Charger for Canon Rebel T3i Camera has cord with it in a plastic bag. Please call: 250. 679-2856. Found: Glasses at CornStock. Contact the Sunflower. Lost: Cell Phone in DT Chase. Reward offered. Contact the Sunflower 679-8880
Page 9 • August 19th, 2016 • Chase Sunflower
Classified deadline is Monday at 3 pm for Friday’s paper. $5 for 20 words. 20¢ each additional word (tax incl). $2.50 for Lost and Found. Email or drop off at Sunflower Headquarters (721 Shuswap Ave) or at Willows Natural Foods.
Need a dog walker? Or a dog, cat or house sitter? I am a mature, pet loving lady, honest & reliable. References available. Reasonable rates. Call Paulette 250-679-1153.
HELP WANTED Optometric Assistant
Power Washing, Gutters, Pruning, Windows, House cleaning, Dump Runs Call Ted 852-2754. Decks and Landscaping, ain’t no fun, but its gotta be done! Give us a call, we do it all! Clayton Casperson, Casper and Sons 778-676-9310 email to
Chasin’ Pokemon Around Town by Cavelle Layes
Pokémon have taken the world by storm and Chase was not left behind. Last month hundreds of furry, scaly, and slimy critters made their home at beaches, parks and stores in the area. Pokémon Go has become the latest mobile app to soar up the mostdownloaded charts, and has already reportedly brought in over 200 million for the company. Pokémon Go has captivated a wide audience, luring in adults with the promise of a nostalgic peek back into their childhood, as well as children with its signature characters. The app pairs virtual reality with realworld locations, sending the players on a real life adventure to catch their favorite Pokémon. You might not be able to see them with your naked eye, but hundreds of Pokémon are sitting just outside your door. Pokéstops, a place to find in-game items such as extra Poké balls, potions
and eggs, have been erected at Chase landmarks including the Rotary clock, and the Post office. The Pokémon themselves however, are wandering about the Village, hanging out in homes, offices, and stores. Pokémon trainers can walk the streets of Chase, tracking down their next catch. The game itself is pretty simple to follow. Pokémon tend to spawn in areas that are well-populated like parks, tourist attractions and shopping areas. The type of Pokémon you will find depends on where you go and the time of day you are there. Water-type Pokémon usually appear closer to bodies of water, whereas large grassy parks are more likely to catch you grass-type Pokémon. At night, some of the
more nocturnal Pokémon come out to play, so if you truly want to catch them all, you should be prepared to get you’re walking shoes on, and take in the sights of Chase at different hours. To catch a Pokémon they have come across, players simply need to flick a poke ball at the Pokémon on their screen. Pokémon Gyms are also available in the area, allowing players to use the Pokémon they have caught to battle it out in hopes of gaining points and the spot as the gym leader. While Chase is home to a widerange of Pokémon, players will be able to discover even more by venturing outside the Village, and exploring new areas. Pokémon Go is free to download from your app store, though ingame purchases can be made if you choose to do so. The game is for all ages allowing kids and parents alike to join in the fun.
Page 10 • August 19th, 2016 • Chase Sunflower Awesome Ladies Fashions Available Locally
Chum ‘n’ Luba’s
826 Shuswap Ave • 250.679.3134 • Tues - Friday 10 - 4:30
Sharen’s Hair Studio
611 - 3rd Ave, Chase (rear entrance) Mon - Fri
Dave’s Appliance Repair
Guaranteed Service to all Brands and Makes
Afternoon High Tea - Sat & Sun 1 - 5 Finger Sandwiches, Scones & Baked Goods 250-675-2977
Lyle’s Concrete
Duck Range Plumbing & Heating 250-214-0539
Plumbing, Heating & Gas Fitting
Pete’s Pizza & Pasta Open at 4 pm Tuesday - Sunday
250-679-2775 Underwood Liquor Store Open every day 9 am - 11 pm Open on All Holidays
Underwood Restaurant 250-679-3321
Roast Beef Mondays
Sorrento Plumbing & Water Well Service
250-679-0001 Serving the Shuswap!
“Greg has an easy and effortless way with a melody and a hook. He’s a natural troubadour, and his songs will get inside your head and have you humming long after you hear them.” – Pablo Pietropaolo, CBC Radio 2 Straddling the genres of Canadiana and orchestral folk-rock, Greg Drummond employs the penetrating warmth of hollow-bodied guitars, horns and mandolins to carve out a sound that is uniquely his own. In his latest and largely self-produced sophomore record, “Drive” (2015), Drummond embarks on a compelling exploration through the themes of redemption, companionship, struggle and perseverance, with dynamic instrumentation that transports the audience through the majestic, ambient expanse of B.C.’s wilderness, to the thumping pulse of a wharf pub on the coast of Newfoundland. “‘Drive’ is definitely one of those albums that takes you to another place, and you just can’t help but love every second of it.” – Canadian Beats Since his debut release in 2011, Greg’s music has garnered acclaim and continued support from the industry, including: CBC Searchlight Top 10, FACTOR Canada, The Peak Performance Project Top 20 and The Shore 104.3FM Best of BC Award.
After spending much of 2015 touring Western Canada, this year Greg is looking forward to taking his latest album back on the road and generating support out East, as well as internationally. The uplifting punch of his show is not to be understated. Drummond’s music evokes in the audience the spirit that it captures so well: epic celebration, wistful reflection and a tender yearning for hearth and good company. His repertoire has been tailored to suit a wide range of spaces; from a solo or duo acoustic act, to a swelling 8-piece ensemble. And with well-honed skill sets in composition and sound engineering, Greg is also a versatile asset in-studio, which has also yielded him greater control in crafting the remarkably distinct soul and tone of his music. The succession from his initial release of “Walking Man” to “Drive” is aptly representative of his journey as an artist. In 2010, resolved to cultivate a passionate career in music, Greg chose to leave the security of a monotonous corporate lifestyle. Through disciplined efforts and pure grit, he has since proven himself to be a valuable contribution and pioneer in the legacy of Canadian music. Growing up on the West Coast of B.C., Drummond has always drawn inspiration from the outdoors and the experience of life as he moves through them. This sensitivity serves him well while touring on the road; a process that has continued to fuel the evolution of his song writing and creative process.
Page 11• August 19th, 2016 • Chase Sunflower SUMMER Fruit
- Word Search
LJ’s Towing and Transport Open 24 hrs 7 days /week
Jessica Kantymir, RMT 250-679-8066 Little Shuswap Physiotherapy Myofascial, trigger point therapy & more
Craig’s Bakery & Deli & Cafe Come on in!
OPEN: Mon - Sat 6 am • Sunday 8 am
Handyman Dave
Appliances, Heating, Locks, Plumbing, Elec. PH: 250-679-2463
Haskaps are a member of the Honeysuckle family, developed at the University of Saskatchewan. The berries taste similar to a blueberry with a raspberry flavour. Jostaberries are another bred variety created by mating a gooseberry and a black currant.
I saw not just one elephant... But a whole pachyderm!
Red Seal Chef on Board 213 Bell St. (250) 571-8858
Treetop Flyers 3 lines 2 waterfalls 1 unforgettable experience
Open 7 Days a week 1-866-343-6761
What do you call a pile of kittens? A Meowntin. Where did the seaweed find a job? In the “Kelp Wanted” section of the want-ads. What’s the difference between a poorly dressed man on a tricycle and a well dressed man on a bicycle? Attire...!! Though I got stranded on an island on accident, I left on Porpoise. You’re on your own for the answer this week!
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What do you call a short fortune-teller on the run? A small medium at large!
Located at Chase Country Inn 576 Coburn St 250-679-8822 “LIKE” US ON FACEBOOK
Page 12 • August 19th, 2016 • Chase Sunflower
Pin Chatter
Your Local Realtor TODAY!
250-320-5472 314 Brooke Drive
918 2nd. Ave.
Well maintained home on all one level! This great rancher has 2 bdrms 2 bathrooms. Nice large family room with fireplace for cozy winter nights. Bonus room off of garage that could be used either for a workshop/hobby room or spare room for overflow of kids or grandkids. Green house, shed and lots of garden area, covered patio make this a lovely spot to spend your time. Lots of parking , double care garage and newer roof make this house affordable and ready to move in! $239,900
Enjoy relaxing on the golf course in Chase in this 3 with 2 bonus rooms could easily make this a 5 bedroom home. Tis home is immaculate and move in ready! Fully finished and updated with fantastic outdoor space including large deck, fire pit & beautiful rock work, roof 2014, new hot water tank, new awning & real hardwood floor, newer windows, new paint, lighting, and the list goes on! Fully fenced, single car garage, lots of parking are just some of this bright home! $264,900
Submitted by Village Lanes Fun Centre We’re back!!! Hello again to At this time, we would like all of our awesome and faithful to welcome back our staff, readers, and if you are just and introduce a couple of checking out our column for new members of the Village the first time, hello to you too! Lanes clan! Welcome back We’ve missed all of you over Sandra (Sam) Fletcher, we are the Summer, and would like so happy to have you with us to take this opportunity to say for another season! And a big THANK YOU to our amazing welcome aboard to our new bowlers and customers who Club 55+ Coordinator, Donna understood while we took a Mosimann! We would also like little vacation time, and enjoyed to thank Violet Nancekivell for the heat with Baby Emma! It has filling the position of youth been an amazing Summer, but coordinator this year! we are ready to be back to work Don’t forget to join us for our and are excited to see you all in upcoming League Registrations! September! Mixed league registration will We are officially open at take place on August 25th Village Lanes in Chase for from 6-9pm. Youth leagues will the 2016/2017 season! Come have their registration day on on in for public bowling, to August 28th from noon-4pm, register for a Fall League, or to and Club 55+ registration will just say hello! We are currently be the following day, August in the middle of our Summer 29th from noon-4pm. We hope Maintenance, getting things that everyone had an excellent nice and spiffy for the return of Summer, but we are so excited leagues, so until the end of the to see you all in a couple of month, please excuse the mess! weeks! Cheers to a new season!!
Movie Review: Zootopia by Cavelle Layes
Zootopia takes place in a world without humans, where animals including elephants and hippos wear outfits such as business suits, have jobs, and of course, take on the odd adventure. While the movie is formulated for a child audience, the adorable animals, storyline and a few over the head jokes are enough to keep an adult audience entertained and laughing. Zootopia features all of the typical Disney movie charm, right down to the underlying message. Being a police officer was a lifelong dream of Judy’s. However, growing up she was constantly told by everyone, including her family, that bunnies cannot be police officers and that she should just find a good bunny job. Despite this, Judy continues to follow the path to her dream, and is the first bunny to graduate police academy. After graduating, Judy moves to the big city of Zootopia with big hopes for the career ahead of her. The city itself
is wonderfully crafted, with areas such as the Rainforest District, the Sahara Square and Little Rodentia. Upon arrival Judy discovers that her dream job might not be exactly what she had expected, but is determined to make the best out of it. Soon Judy gets the scent of an actual police investigation and is determined to make her mark. The storyline is well crafted, with a few twists and turns that will keep all ages, including adults, engaged. The animation itself is beautiful and skillfully done, and the perfect actors and actresses were cast to make this an all-around wonderful movie. This adorable movie brings an important message home to kids, even if they don’t necessarily realize it. There are a few scenes that might be slightly scary, but in the most Disney way possible. Overall it is a great family movie, perfect for any age.
Come watch it outdoors on big screen on August 22nd in the CSS Field