FREE! Take one! Chase’s community paper for over 27 years! 236-586-1766 Chase CourierDeliveryBC&Services THE DELIVERY GUY Your Local Realtor® Donna Smith-Bradley direct: 250-819-0551 office: 250-679-7748 Local Office: 826 Shuswap Ave, Chase Personal Real Estate Corporation 250-320-5472 Back to Table of Contents The tagline logo is also available for horizontal applications, with the tagline positioned to the left of “official white space” present on all versions of the logo. These logos are not to be recreated, or altered All versions of the logo are available at All versions are available as PMS, CMYK, Royal LePage Logos Horizontal Applications CHASE • KAMLOOPS • SHUSWAP New Listing: 2012 - 2 bdrm/2 bath ranch style condo, walk to 1st tee off of Sunshore Golf Course or Little Shuswap Lake access less than a block away. Perfect for the retiree.MLS 169355 The Top 10 Things to do when buying or selling your home: #1 - Call me. ...and I will handle the other 9 :) Proud to serve CHASE • KAMLOOPS • SHUSWAP YourRealtorLocalisBACK! 250-320-5472MYNEWOFFICE Issue for the week of Friday, August 26th, 2022 • Volume 27 - Issue 34 Hot Night on Shuswap Ave in Chase FRIDAY, AUGUST 26TH 6 - 9 PM Featuring Tammy LaFleur’s “My Evolution” Art Show at the Maskwa Den along with the Silent Art Auction and Live Quartet Music Also open for Hot Night on Shuswap Ave with In-House Specials: • Eye Candy • Shuswap Bargain Hunters • Gypsy Soul • Shear FX Hair Studio Join us, to have a summer night of fun in Chase! Bowling! Fall League Registration See Ad on Back Page COMMUNITY MURAL: This week has been the CAYLS Art Camp featuring art lessons and projects for 25 kids from age 6-12. The highlight of the week has been a community mural project at the Pocket Park led by Artist Joey Nash. The kids have all had the opportunity to work on this project and are feeling very proud of the results of their efforts.

Page 2 • August 26th, 2022 • Chase Sunflower Chase Rotary Box 73 Pres: Patrick Herba (250-702-3677) Meetings @ 5:30 pm on 1st & 3rd Thurs of each month at Railside Restaurant. New members welcome! Chase OFFICE: 838 Shuswap Avenue, Chase BC Hours: 10 am - 4 pm Monday - Thursday (250)PHONE:320-3050EMAIL : WEB: ** Alternate Willowslocationdrop-offatNaturalFoods ** MAIL: Box 524, Chase BC, V0E 1M0 KelseyPublisher/Editor:Snelgrove The Chase Sunflower invites stories, recipes, comments, photos, jokes and any other information that would be of interest to readers. We reserve the right to accept or refuse submissions and edit for content and length. We also reserve the right to refuse advertising that in our opinion does not reflect the concept of the newspaper. The opinions expressed in Letters and Columns do not necessarily reflect the views of this newspaper. Due care and attention for accuracy is used in checking advertising copy, but no warranty is implied by the publisher. The Chase Sunflower is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the written consent of the publisher. The Chase Sunflower is independently owned and operated by Shuswap Prairie Publishing. 1500 copies are printed weekly and distributed around Chase, as well as to Pritchard, Sorrento, Squilax, Jade Mountain, and Adams Lake. The Sunflower is available FREE for readers because it is advertiser supported. Please support the local businesses that advertise in the Sunflower; shopping locally enriches our community. The Light of Life Native Fellowship Pastor theJohn"Joseph#1.250.457-3845JosephFindShuswapKim"onYoutube3:16"ForGodsolovedworldthatHegaveHisonlybegottenSon,thatwhoeverbelievesinHimshouldnotperishbuthaveeverlastinglife." Chase Tyler@ChaseChurch.comOrder,SuspendedPhysical295FreeEvangelicalChurch-ShuswapAveGatheringinresponsetoProvincialHealthOnlineGatheringsAccessibleatwww.ChaseChurch.com2506791676or CommunityShuswapChurch Outdoor Services 10am, Sunday @ Memorial Park www.aplacetobelong.caVisitformoreinfo.Call:(778) Chase Lions Club PO Box 12, Chase, B.C. V0E Facebookchaselions67@gmail.com1M0Chase&DistrictLions Club President – Karen Bassett 250-318-4527 Please call for Lion projects incl pull-tab donations Meeting at 6pm on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month, downstairs of community hall. Everyone welcome. Lions RV Park Reservations 250-679-8470 For Medical equipment contact Sandra Welton 778-245-3808. 400 Club Winner Brayden Segal $100.00 EventsCommunityBulletin With respect, I acknowledge that I live and work on the unceded traditional lands of the Secwepemc First Nation. At the SacramentBlessedParish we invite you all to Mass on Saturdays @ 4:00 pm. Tuesdays @ 1:00 pm. - Holy Hour with Rosary and Divine Mercy chaplet. For inquiries call 250679-3025 or 250-372-2581 Chase CommunityShuswapChurch Join us Sunday Morning at 10am @ Memorial Park www.aplacetobelong.caVisitformoreinfo.Call:(778) ChurchesofChase Royal Canadian Legion Branch 107 515 Shuswap Ave, Chase * For info / hours phone 250-679-3536 * Chase Legion Activities Mon. Aug. 29 - open 2 - 6 pm - fun darts Tues. Aug. 30 - open 2 pm - 6 pm, fun pool, fun darts, free meat draws Wed. Aug. 31 - CLOSED Thurs. Sept. 1 - open 2 - 6 pm, fun darts, fun pool, sports are on Fri. Sept. 2 - open 2 pm - 8 pm - fun darts, burger nite 5 - 7 pm with Chase Corn Sat. Sept. 3 - open 1:00 pm - fun darts, meat draws, 50/50, lotto, pull tabs Sun. Sept. 4 - CLOSED Legion Horseshoe Tourny - Sun. Sept. 18th - pre register at Legion. General Meeting Wed. Sept. 21 - 7 PM Music On the Lake Tuesdays at 7 pm at Memorial Park in CarnivalChase at the Chase Library Friday August 26 11am to 5pm All day, all ages, all fun!! Guess the Gumballs, Dart Range, Ball Toss, Art Wall, Puppet Making craft and Puppet Theatre, Sucker Pull, random door prizes and so much more. Chase Library 250.679.3331 September is Literacy Month: Please support our Raise a Reader campaign Sept 18Sept 24. All funds raised stay in Chase and receive some matching government funds. Online donations can be made starting today at!Ataxwillbeissued($20+)To find out how you can support Literacy programs and events for all ages in Chase please contact us literacyinchase@ or Visit The Chase Sunflower is Advertiser Supported Please Shop Local

On July 28th, 2022, Chase RCMP were requested to conduct a well-being check at a home in Celista. Police attended and located a male who was suffering from surprising injuries. He explained to Police that several days earlier, he was attacked by a rooster and turkeys. His injuries included two broken hips, a broken finger and various lacerations. He had received the necessary medical treatment and did not require further assistance from Police. Police were told that the birds in question were already scheduled to receive the death penalty for their crimes.
CHASE OFFICE: Open Thursdays 10 am - 4:30 pm #4-834 Shuswap Avenue Phone: 250-679-3180 Web: Wills & ConveyancingFamilyEstatesLaw 250-679-3553Grocery 8 am - 8 pm 7 days/week 250-679-8611Pharmacy 9 am - 6 pm Sundays: Closed Food & Drug 825 Shuswap Avenue, Chase BC Stop by and check out our 25% OFF Summer Sale Includes toys, floaties, some giftware.
On July 24th, 2022 at approximately 12:30 am, Chase RCMP were conducting routine patrols at Chase Memorial Park. An intoxicated and angry female teenager was found lying on the ground, vomiting and crying. A friend was valiantly trying to assist her, despite being cursed at. Police called for an ambulance to assess the teenager. While waiting for the ambulance, the teenager became violent and attempted to assault the Police officers who were trying to care for her. She was therefore arrested and handcuffed for everyone’s safety. When the ambulance arrived, she tried to kick the paramedics despite being handcuffed. All the while, she yelled and screamed crude profanities and insults, disturbing everyone within earshot of the park. Police had to wrestle her into the Police vehicle, which resulted in everyone being smeared with vomit. A parent was contacted by Police but declined to collect the teenager in her current state. Police were forced to lodge her in the drunk tank so she could be monitored until she was sober.
Page 3 • August 26th, 2022 • Chase Sunflower
Stop by and check out our great selection of in season B.C. grown fruits and vegetables. Fresh stock arriving daily. This week we have B.C. peaches at $2.48/ lb. $5.47/ kg.
On July 29th, 2022 at approximately 3:10 pm, Chase RCMP were dispatched to a driving complaint on the Trans Canada Highway near Chase. The complainant said he was cut-off by a pickup truck, and he suspected the driver was impaired. Police conducted patrols but were unable to locate the Approximatelyvehicle.15 minutes later, a frightened female phoned 911. She explained that she and her young daughter were travelling in a pickup truck and were being followed by a grey mini-van. They were nearly home when she noticed the mini-van was still following her. She kept driving so that the other driver wouldn’t know where they lived. They ended up on a dirt road in a rural area. When she tried to turn around to back track, the mini-van blocked the road. She managed to escape and phoned 911. The 911 Dispatcher directed her to the Chase RCMP Detachment. The grey mini-van followed them right into the parking lot.
Police spoke with both drivers and learned that the driver of the mini-van was the original complainant. He was following the pickup truck because he thought the driver was impaired. It apparently did not occur to him that this might be frightening for the individuals being followed. The driver of the pickup was not impaired, she simply made a common driving error. Although the minivan driver did not have any malicious intent, the mother and daughter were understandably shaken by the experience.
Continued on page 9... RCMP REPORT Media Release - Routine Hot Water Tanks • Drain Cleaning • Furnace Boiler Service & Installs • Gas Fitting • Plumbing Repairs Installs • Renos NO TRAVEL OR OVERTIME CHARGES! Seniors Discount! Dan's Plumbing & Gas (778) 257-0572 Red Seal Journeyman Plumber Bonded B Gas Fitter 35 Yrs Exp • WCB & Liability Ins PATTERSONBRENDA BrendaPatterson@hhre.caPREC 778-220-1822We live here • We work here • We know here! NEW LISTING 3bed/2bath 20’x57’ home and lot.Easy walk to downtown Strata fee only $56/mo #21 Whitfield Landing Affordable at only $369,900

Page 4 • August 26th, 2022 • Chase Sunflower 250-320-3050 email 838 Shuswap Avenue, Chase BUSINESS LISTINGS Custom-made products for pain and skin management. Fireweed Wellness Products @ 632 Shuswap Avenue, Chase. 250-679-1156. Gypsy Soul is looking to buy vinyl records. 638 Shuswap Ave 250-819-3875 Small engine maintenance and repairs - Certified technician Call 250-320-6082 all outdoor power equipment serviced. Lawnmower, weed whackers, rototiller, quads, motorcycle, snowmobiles, generators, boat motors etc. Ask for Jarrett. TODD'S COINS CASH FOR SILVER AND GOLD! Also buying coin collections, old money, 999 bullion, jewelry, Rolex & Omega watches 1-250-864-3521 FOR SALE Weaver scope 4 - 9 Power New $120. Belt & Disc sander 10 belts $120. 12 1/2 alum boat, oars, jackets $850 Cutting torches, hoses, gauges $70 45” headsaw blade $165 Leather jacket, chaps, large, tall $450. 780-720-8824. SERVICES OFFERED Need to board your dog? I am a mature, pet loving lady, honest & reliable. References available. Reasonable rates. 250-679-1153. FOR SALE Great Aprons for BBQing. Available at Natty Cakes. GARAGE SALES 18 Beach Cres. Saturday August 27th from 9 am - 3 pm. Downsizing - 104 Leighton Ave. Saturday August 27 from 9 -12. Everything must go. Troy built rototiller, 12’ aluminum boat and 4 HP Yamaha motor, Bradley smoker, lounge, wood lathe, toys and much more. Yard sale for next weekend Saturday and Sunday 9 to 2. Multi families participating follow the signs down around Lakeshore Drive. No early birds please. Classifieds BicycleSunflowerRepair 838 Shuswap Ave. Chase BC 778-220-6709 web: email: SHOPWEEK:THISOPENHOURS:Tuesday-Friday10am-4pmSaturday10am-2pm WANTED Buying Old Items - Wood Windows, Doors, Ladders, Suitcases, furniture, tools, trunks, tubs, signs, lanterns, pumps, taxidermy, advertising, barrels, scales, farm. 250-577- 3357. Wanted: 4 x 4 Dodge or Chev with good engine and power train. 20002010. Phone 780-720-8824. Classifieds $5 for up to 20 words 20 cents per additional word

Page 5 • August 26th, 2022 • Chase Sunflower 630 Shuswap Ave, Chase BC (250) 679-5377 GET RIGHTFITINTOWN CHASE'S GYM
During this month, International Literacy Day will be celebrated on September 8. Literacy is a foundational skill for success in education, work, and life. An educated community is key to its sustainability. The Village of Chase offers broad access to traditional, experiential, collaborative, and networking learning opportunities to support the different ways people learn, the unique needs of local communities and the needs of 24/7 Access with Fob CleanTanningEnvironment
is Advertiser Supported Please Shop Local
Jobs include: Game day concession workers AND weekend concession workers for Chase Minor Hockey games & tournaments
Merchandise and "Chili Chuck sales singers Music and camera operators Come out and join our "OFF ICE" team. Volunteers always have a great time on game nights, the camaraderie is awesome!! If your looking for a great place to've found it!! With volunteers we can really "ramp" up our game!! If you have some time to spare and are looking for a place to volunteer, please join our team! Email or text/phone Jane Herman 250-851-6524.
Front Door personnel including ticket takers and hand Beerstampersgardens helpers (must have Serving it Right)
September is Literacy Monthsubmitted by Chase Literacy Program
The Chase Sunflower
The Heat is On!!
We want to build a Village that reads, and in doing so, will elevate the reading success of our children and students. To do that, we must come together as a community of readers and support our children, especially the youngest ones, by making literacy a priority. WHEREAS reading and writing are essential skills needed to function in daily life. An estimated 773 million young people and adults around the world are considered non-literate as they have low or no reading and writing skills. This their lives including their health.
Games will be starting in September and the Chase Heat is in need of volunteers to help on game nights. There are many duties involved with putting on each home game!!

Page 6 • August 26th, 2022 • Chase Sunflower Word Search - Y words If you run in front of a moving car, it’s pretty obvious you’re going to get tired. But if you run behind it.. Do you just get exhausted..? YELLYESYOGHURTYEAR YIPPEE YARDS YULEYUMMY YEEHAWYOGAYEASTY YODEL YACHTYOUNGYOUTHYARN YELLOWYAHOO YUCKYARDSTICK I told my manager that I quit. He said, “You quit...why?!” “You don’t give your employees proper training,” I snapped. Sorrento Plumbing & Pumps 250-679-0001 Serving the Shuswap! MJK Home Renovations Chris Walker 250-572-7035 Framing, Custom Woodworking, Tile, Flooring Duck Range Plumbing & Heating Your Local Gas, Heating, and Cooling Specialist 250-214-0539 Todd "The Coin Guy" 1-250-864-3521 Buying coin collections, old money, jewelry, old silver Pete’s Pizza & Pasta Open Tues to Sat • Closed Sun & Mon 250-679-2775 CHASE HAMPER SOCIETY EMERGENCY HELP 250-682-6155 Kalin Good Carpentry Services Renos, Decks, Fences, Siding, Roofing & More 18+ yrs exp. Call 250-819-9335 NEED JUNK REMOVED? DUMP RUNS? Friendly Discrete Reliable Bill Currie 250-463-2101 All your Civil & Oil+Gas Inspection Needs Armstrong Inspections 778-362-1606 ALM Mobile RV Certified RV Tech - Gas Certified & Bonded 250-308-9022 Village Fitness Gym & Tanning 630 Shuswap Ave, Chase BC (250-679-5377

SUDOKU supervisor at 250.371.7445 Page 7 • August 26th, 2022 • Chase Sunflower STUDIO SUITES AVAILABLE Independent and Assisted Living for Seniors All inclusive, home cooked meals, housekeeping, 24 hr on-site staff and social calendar. For more information or to book a tour contact us at 250-679-1512 or 250-679-4447 Ext live@parksidecommunity.ca404743OkanaganAve,Chase Chase Sunflower Out Every Week The Chase & District Museum & Archives Society is sending out a BIG thank you to all the folks who purchased hot buttered corn...we sold out!! Thank you to: • Burkholder Bros Corn Farm, Pete & Ray Murray for donating the corn • Safety Mart for donating the aluminum wrappers • Sher Dickson donated 12 dozen pounds of butter Our volunteers are truly the best...thank you: Billie & Andy Phillips, Joyce Schmidt, Vivienne Renner, Gail Maddalozzo, Janie & Laura Emeny. David Lepsoe, Hazel Bowden, Breanne Malo and all of those who stopped by to shuck all the corn. The Museum could not do it without all of you. If I missed anyone I am sorry. Museum Thank You submitted by Sher Dickson

In the event of an evacuation, the Evacuation Plan helps to inform the Emergency Operations Centre, the Village Council, the RCMP and the public which routes are best to take to evacuate from an area or from the entire community. If you have any questions regarding the Village’s Evacuation Plan, please either visit our website at or contact staff at the Village office at 250.679.3238.
The Lands File for this application is 3413584. Written comments concerning this application should be directed by email to
September 2nd, 2022 MoTI may not be able to consider comments received after this date. Please visit the following website for more information: to this advertisement will be considered part of the public record. For information, contact the Freedom of Information Advisor at Ministry of Forests Office in the Thompson-Okanagan Region of British Columbia.
The Village of Chase Mayor and Council recently adopted a new Evacuation Route Plan for the Village of Chase. This document which is available on the Village’s website and a printed copy can be requested at the Village office is intended to provide various evacuation routes for various emergency scenarios, some of which might require a portion of the community to be evacuated, and others that might require a full community wide evacuation.During any emergency, Village Administration would activate its Emergency Operations Centre - this occurred when the Covid 19 Pandemic was first declared and again briefly when the Village was on evacuation alert due to the wildfire burning in the Monte Lake/Paxton Valley area in 2021. The Emergency Operations Centre would be staffed by Village administration and other staff members. The RCMP would be available to ensure if evacuations were to occur, that people would be informed via a door-to-door campaign. The Emergency Operations Centre provides for incoming and outgoing information and communications - to the public, to various service providers required to assist in an emergency, to the Village’s Fire department and other emergency services such as BC Ambulance and the RCMP. The EOC would be integral in disseminating information regarding the best routes to utilize for the particular emergency occurring at that time.
Land Act: Notice of Intention to Apply for a Disposition of Crown Land Take notice that Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MoTI) from the Southern Interior Region has applied to the Ministry of Forests (MoF) Thompson-Okanagan Region, for a Land Exchange for Indian Reserve Lands purposes situated on Provincial Crown land described as all that unsurveyed Crown land together with that part of Section 7, Township 22, Range 12, West of the Sixth Meridian, Kamloops Division Yale District.
Village of Chase News to this advertisement will be considered part of the public record. For information, contact the Freedom of Information Advisor at Ministry of Forests Office in the Thompson-Okanagan Region of British Columbia.
submitted by Village of Chase
In addition, the Thompson Nicola Regional District may be called upon to provide assistance to the Village of Chase in the event of an emergency.
September 2nd, 2022 MoTI may not be able to consider comments received after this date. Please visit the following website for more information:
Page 8 • August 26th, 2022 • Chase Sunflower
Land Act: Notice of Intention to Apply for a Disposition of Crown Land Take notice that Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MoTI) from the Southern Interior Region has applied to the Ministry of Forests (MoF) Thompson-Okanagan Region, for a Land Exchange for Indian Reserve Lands purposes situated on Provincial Crown land described as all that unsurveyed Crown land adjacent to Section 7, Township 22, Range 12, West of the Sixth Meridian, Kamloops Division Yale District. The Lands File for this application is 3413647. Written comments concerning this application should be directed by email to
And Emergency Management BC, part of the Provincial Government, provides assistance to all local governments in the event of an emergency.

On August 1st, 2022 at 5:59 pm Chase RCMP were requested to assist a cyclist on Highway 97 near Duck Range Road. The complainant reported that a male on an e-bike swerved across the highway, then fell off his bike. It was a miracle he was not struck by traffic. Passers-by stopped to help and called for an ambulance. The male was aggressive and belligerent with bystanders so the ambulance would not attend without Police. Police attended and waited with the male for approximately 30 minutes until ambulance arrived. The male did not appear to be injured but was clearly intoxicated by alcohol. Inexplicably, he threatened to kick and spit on paramedics who tried to assess him. He was adamant on biking to Falkland; however, he could barely walk due to his level of intoxication. For his own safety, he was arrested for being Intoxicated in Public and lodged in the drunk tank.
ARSON On July 31st, 2022 at 9:45 pm, Chase RCMP were advised of a disturbance at Silver Beach RV Park in Seymour Arm. The complainant phoned in a frenzy, reporting that a “psycho” male tried to light a travel trailer on fire. The complainant believed that Police were required immediately. Police responded immediately and arrived two hours later. Evidence at the scene indicated that there had been a small (human caused) fire, near a travel trailer. The fire was quickly extinguished by witnesses. The incident was quite unsettling for the families who were trying to enjoy a peaceful vacation. An adult male was arrested in Seymour Arm and is expected to face charges of Arson.
On July 20th, 2022 at 8:57 pm, Chase RCMP were alerted to a possible impaired driver at the Chase A&W. Police attended and located the vehicle parked nearby. The driver provided breath samples roadside, which resulted in ‘Fail’ readings, indicating his ability to operate a motor vehicle was impaired by alcohol. He was issued a 90-day prohibition from driving and his vehicle was impounded for 30 days. Kudos to the sharp-eyed staff member for their help in removing this impaired driver from the road.
On August 1st, 2022 at 6:47 pm, Chase RCMP were requested to attend Seymour Arm to conduct an apprehension under the Mental Health Act. The complainant reported that her 19-year-old son was “losing it”. She explained that his medication did not appear to be working and she feared he would become violent. She stated that she was unable to transport him to hospital. Police arrived in Seymour Arm over two hours later. The male disagreed with his mother’s assessment but was cooperative with Police. He was transported—by Police—from Seymour Arm to Royal Inland Hospital in Kamloops. Police were required to remain with the individual at the hospital for over an hour until he was seen by a doctor and admitted.
Chase Farm & Craft Market Fridays from 10 am - 2 pm between the Home Hardware and the RCMP detachment Chase Farm & Craft Market Season Starts Friday, May 20th COME CHECK OUT THE LOCAL PRODUCTSFRUIT • VEGGIES • BAKED GOODS • EGGS MEAT • PRESERVES • HONEY • CRAFTS WOODWORKING • PLUS MORE! Brought to you by: Chase Employment Centre Inc. Looking for Work? Making Career Decisions? Looking for Skilled Employees? Considering Self-Employment? One on One Employment Advisor Coaching & Support Resume & Cover Letter & Interview Skills Assistance Free for Employers - Job Postings on Website & Job Boards Phone (250) 679-8448 Fax (250) 679-8117 Find us on Facebook 822B Shuswap Avenue PO Box 1138 Chase BC V0E E-Mail IN CONJUNCTION WITH Auctioneer: Don Raffan LIVE AND ONLINE AUCTION SATURDAY SEPT. 10 STARTING AT 10 AM PST THE POZZOBON ESTATE AUCTION * 300 LOTS * Incl: Tools, Antiques, Household Items, Collectables, RV, Boats, Truck and More VIEW NOW ONLINE AT WWW.ACTIVEAUCTIONMART.COM OR IN PERSON SATURDAY SEPT. 9, 2022 FROM 10AM TO 4PM (NO EARLY BIRDS PLEASE) 3726 ZINCK ROAD, SCOTCH CREEK, BC LIVE AUCTION MORE DETAILS, LOCATION DIRECTIONS OR VIEW, REGISTER AND BID ONLINE WWW.ACTIVEAUCTIONMART.COM Inquiries call Travis at 778-838-2645 Or email us at IMPAIRED DRIVER
On July 31st, 2022 at approximately 12:30 am, Chase RCMP were dispatched to ‘domestic assault in progress’ in Scotch Creek. A neighbour phoned 911 after hearing a female scream “stop hitting me” followed by a male voice shouting “be quiet”. Upon arriving at the residence, Police found a couple calmly watching TV. It turned out the yelling was related to an aggressive game of Jenga rather than an actual assault. Further Police intervention was not required.
Page 9 • August 26th, 2022 • Chase Sunflower continued.... RCMP REPORT

Completed Nomination documents may be delivered in
further information on campaign expense limits and third party advertising limits, please
Ninth Avenue, Kamloops, BC or may be downloaded from
Candidate Expense Limit: dance with the Local Elections Campaign Financing Act, for the 2022
Thompson), 1383 Ninth Avenue, Kamloops, BC or may be downloaded from the
3295 Tk’emlups te Secwepemc, 330 Chief Alex Thomas Way #200, Kamloops, BC, V2H 1H1, 250 828 9700 Whispering Pines / Clinton Indian Band 615 Whispering Pines Dr., Kamloops, BC V2B 8S4 250 579 5772 Candidate Expense Limit: In accordance with the Local Elections Campaign Financing Act, for the 2022 General Local Election, the following expense limits for candidates during the campaign period apply: $7,812.72 Third Party Directed Advertising Expense Limit $809.94 For further information on campaign expense limits and third party advertising limits, please contact Elections BC: Toll free phone: 1 855 952 0280 Email: Website: Nomination information and forms on USB flash drive are also available at
Nomination information and forms on USB flash drive are
Notice is given to the electors of the rural Trustee Electoral Areas of School District No. 73 within the ThompsonRegional District that nominations will be received by the Chief Election Officer at School District No. 73 (Kamloops Thompson), 1383 Ninth Avenue, Kamloops, B.C. on the following dates: 9:00 am August 30, 2022 to 4:00 pm September 9, 2022 (Excluding statutory holidays and weekends) office of SCHOOL TRUSTEE for School District No. 73 (Kamloops Thompson) for which candidates are to ONE TRUSTEE to represent the following Trustee Electoral Area: being Electoral Area "L" and "P" of the Thompson Nicola Regional District including the Village of Chase, Pinantan Lake, the Mountain Resort Municipality of Sun Peaks, Sun Rivers, McLure, Monte Lake, Westwold, Adams Lake Band, Little Shuswap Band, Neskonlith Indian Band, Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc and /Clinton Indian Band Electoral Area Locations for Pick Up of Nomination Information Packages and Forms (on USB flash drive): Village of Chase, 826 Okanagan Ave, Chase, BC, V0E 1M0 250 679 3238
• Friendly Visit Calls
phone: 1 855 952 0280 Email: Website:
to the close of the nomination period.
• Light Housekeeping
• Resource and Referrals Services are subject to availability Staff, Volunteers and Contractors have been carefully vetted & trained for your security. Central Intake 250-253-2749 Funded by the Government of BC. Income based service fees may apply.EVCSS
Public Notice is given to the electors of the rural Trustee Electoral Areas of School District No. 73 within the Thompson Nicola Regional District that nominations will be received by the Chief Election Officer at School District No. 73 (Kamloops Thompson), 1383 Ninth Avenue, Kamloops, B.C. on the following dates: 9:00 am August 30, 2022 to 4:00 pm September 9, 2022 (Excluding statutory holidays and weekends) for the office of SCHOOL TRUSTEE for School District No. 73 (Kamloops Thompson) for which candidates are to be elected, ONE TRUSTEE to represent the following Trustee Electoral Area: AREA 4 Chase being Electoral Area "L" and "P" of the Thompson Nicola Regional District including the Village of Chase, Black Pines, Pinantan Lake, the Mountain Resort Municipality of Sun Peaks, Sun Rivers, McLure, Monte Lake, Pritchard, Westwold, Adams Lake Band, Little Shuswap Band, Neskonlith Indian Band, Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc and Whispering Pines/Clinton Indian Band Electoral Area Locations for Pick Up of Nomination Information Packages and Forms (on USB flash drive): Village of Chase, 826 Okanagan Ave, Chase, BC, V0E 1M0 250 679 3238 Sun Peaks Mountain Resort Municipality, #106 3270 Village Way, Sun Peaks, BC, V0E 5N0, 250 578 2020 Adams Lake Indian Band, 6453 Hillcrest Rd, Chase, BC, V0E 1M0, 250 679 8841 Little Shuswap Indian Band, 1886 Little Shuswap Lake Rd., Chase, BC, V0E 1M0, 250 679 3203 Neskonlith Indian Band, 740 Chief Neskonlith Dr., Chase, BC, V0E 1M0, 250 679 School District No. 73 (Kamloops School District website at July Nomination documents may be delivered in person (by appointment), by mail or delivery service, by email to or by facsimile transmission (fax) to 250 372 1183 The originals of completed nomination documents delivered by email or facsimile transmission must be received at School District No. 73 by 4:00 p.m. on September 16, 2022 or the person nominated is deemed to have withdrawn from being a candidate in the election.
A little extra help for seniors and elders to remain confidently in their own home
Shuswap Better at Home
31, 2022 to the close of the nomination period. Paper nomination information packages are available on request. Completed
Party Directed Advertising Expense Limit
limits for candidates during the campaign period apply:
Sun Peaks Mountain Resort Municipality, #106 3270 Village Way, Sun Peaks, BC, V0E 5N0, 250 578 2020
Adams Lake Indian Band, 6453 Hillcrest Rd, Chase, BC, V0E 1M0, 250 679 8841 Little Shuswap Indian Band, 1886 Little Shuswap Lake Rd., Chase, BC, V0E 1M0, 250-679-3203 Neskonlith Indian Band, 740 Chief Neskonlith Dr., Chase, BC, V0E 1M0, 250 679 3295 te Secwepemc, 330 Chief Alex Thomas Way #200, Kamloops, BC, V2H 1H1, 250 828 9700 Pines / Clinton Indian Band, Whispering Pines Dr., Kamloops, BC, V2B 8S4, 250-579-5772 General Local Election, the following $7,812.72 $809.94 contact Elections BC: also available at School District No. 73 (Kamloops Thompson), the School District website at from July Paper nomination information packages are available on request. person (by appointment), by mail or delivery service, by email to transmission (fax) to 250 372 1183 The originals of completed nomination Well fall is soon approaching and we have to say it has been a good summer without smoke and too many fires! Our range has been open all summer and it has been very busy with locals and out of towners. Many members of the club are bringing guests up to shoot or participate in archery.Our Pistol Club and Trap and Skeet clubs have been running monthly all summer. Many new shooters have come out to try these two activities and have really enjoyed themselves. The next Practice shoots are Sunday, September 11th at 10 am for Trap and Skeet and Saturday, September 18th at 10 am for Pistol Club. For both these activities, the club has shotguns and pistols available to use if you are a beginner. Ammunition is available to buy. Targets are also available for Pistol Club if you don’t have your own. If you do not have a PAL you will be taught all safety requirements and protocols and supervised during the event. CDFGC will be back this fall with their annual online BIG FALL 50/50 fundraiser. Our club has a myriad of maintenance costs to upkeep our buildings and grounds and infrastructure. We are hoping the community will again support us in this fundraising endeavor. Keep your eyes and ears open for news on Chase and District Fish and Game Update submitted by Helen Dalin this upcoming event. The CDFGC monthly meetings will be back in September. The first meeting will be on the 3rd Monday of the month September 19th, at 7 pm at Creekside Hall on Shuswap Ave. We are hoping to see lots of members attending to help them keep informed about the new regulations the Trudeau government intends to pass regarding firearms.
Page 10 • August 26th, 2022 • Chase Sunflower
Notice No. 3 2 LGA s.85 2022 GENERAL LOCAL ELECTION SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 73 (Kamloops Thompson) Rural Area NOTICE OF NOMINATION
A person is qualified to be nominated, elected and to hold office as a School Trustee if the person meets all of the following requirements: • Canadian citizen; • 18 years of age or older on general voting day (October 15, 2022); Notice No. 3 2 LGA s.85 2022 GENERAL LOCAL ELECTION SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 73 (Kamloops Thompson) Rural Area NOTICE OF NOMINATION
Whispering or by facsimile

Tom Cochrane’s successful four-decade career has made him as recognizable as the FridayAndandsongwritersexemplaryCanada’sasManitobanthedistinguishappointmentofanddoctorate,anmusicCountlessRockies.awards,honourarytheOrderCanadaoneofartists.his
The recent Salmon Arm Roots & Blues Festival, celebrating musicians and performers, was not only a hit because it hadn’t been held since 2019, but also because of the 44 talented acts that were part of its three days of music and fun— which marked 30 years of entertaining
2019surpassinglovers—30,944welcomed2022managed—thekeenbutitindividualsusuallyvolunteers—byandacrowds.appreciativeLocatedon23-acresiteorganized6001,000putalltogetherthisyear’sassistantseventmusic-attendance numbers. Performers such as Tom Cochrane, Jann Arden, Alex Cuba, Ruthie Foster, William Prince and Snotty Nose Rez Kids had mosh pits and seated audiences captivated. Movin’ to the music was where it was at. A wide diversity of melodies and songs were available throughout the site, with something for everyone—from funk to rock, folk, blues, and even classical orchestration that accompanied an animated literary reading.Forty-five food vendors and cuisine artisans, offering a variety of tasty choices, ensured everyone was fed. The Beverage Garden kept folks ‘watered” with its (adult) liquid refreshments. And the Kids Zone was a fun spot for children.TheRoots & Blues Festival included a Kick-Off Concert in downtown Salmon Arm on the Thursday evening prior to the main weekend, camp sites that sold out, music workshops, souvenir merchandise, ATMs, a phone charging station, a 50-50 draw, shuttle bus service, and wine tasting of world class regional wines, craft beers and ciders. All performers definitely lived up to their advance publicity, but Tom and Jann were stand-outs, along with their back-up bands and singers.
evening performance at Roots & Blues attested to this—the folks loved it!
andwereactivenumber.dancingaudienceJannJubileeElizabethincludinginnumerable(andMulti-talentedmusical.recipientofawardsaQueenIIDiamondMedalin2012)ArdenhadthelaughingandfromthefirstHerinter-banterandjokesdefinitelyahitwarmlyinvolved the spectators in her show. Arden’s covers of Fleetwood Mac’s “Dreams” and Olivia Newton-John’s “Hopelessly in Love with You” were beautifully done. And singing her own smash hits produced cheers and whistles from all. Having lived in Calgary for 20 years, this scribbler watched (and listened), as Jann’s career took off and she climbed to eminent and ongoing success. Line-ups that occasionally developed for some stages indicated how keen aficionados were to take in as much of the festival as possible, but with music from nearby venues filling the air, the wait was not an issue. So glad your journalist was able to attend the popular and sensational 2022 happening—and can confirm that a good time was had by all. Smiles and laughter everywhere! Don’t miss it next year.
by Carolyn Parks-Mintz, Author, Journalist & Freelance Writer
Here To Help With Federal Government Programs Citizenship, Immigration Mel Arnold@parl gc ca 1 800 665 5040 Seniors, CPP, GIS, OAS CRA, EI and more MEL ARNOLD Member of Parliament Page 11 • August 26th, 2022 • Chase Sunflower
Talented William Prince performs for a cheering crowd at the 2022 Roots & Blues Festival Main Stage.
Time has not diminished Cochrane’s unquestionable talent. I’ve always had a slight indirect, but somewhat personal, connection to Tom Cochrane, as my cousin was cast as one of the characters in the video of his huge 1992 hit “Life is a Highway.” Great that the highway brought him to the Salmon Arm celebration of all things
30th Roots & Blues—a Resounding Success!

Fall League Registration! 250-679-3432 • • 734 1 Ave, Chase Youth Leagues: $30 registration fee - Weekly fee $8 or $10 (depending on age) No experience or equipment necessary. Coaching included each week. Thursdays from 3:30-5:30. Leagues begin the week of September 12th. • Seniors Leagues: $40 registration fee. $13 weekly fee. Daytime options available. • Adult Leagues: $40 registration fee. $14 weekly fee. Night time options available. Senior and adult leagues start the week of September 5th. REGISTRATION DAYSunday, August 28th from 1 pm - 5 pm drop in. Free Bowling for anyone who registers for a Fall League! Page 12 • August 26th, 2022 • Chase Sunflower