enthusiastic volunteers at the Food Bank are busy packing up the first group of hampers as this is being written, which will be picked up and delivered to some out of town addresses this week. The rest of the 160 plus hampers

enthusiastic volunteers at the Food Bank are busy packing up the first group of hampers as this is being written, which will be picked up and delivered to some out of town addresses this week. The rest of the 160 plus hampers
CHASE CURLING CLUB - PANCAKE BREAKFAST. Sunday January 8th, 2023 from 8am to 10am. $10 for 12years and older, $5 for children 6 to 12years, Children under 6 years free. Pancakes, sausage, eggs, coffee, juice
The CAYLS Annual General Meeting is this Friday, December 16th at 6pm at the Curling Club, everyone is welcome to attend and find out what we have been up to over the past year, and our plans for 2023. We have spaces open on our Board
of Directors and are in particular need of a Treasurer. If you or anyone else you know may be interested, feel free to come on out on Friday or message chaseyounglearners@ gmail.com for more information.
Lot’s of improvement on the ski trails today, Dec 12th. Had the Ginzu Groomer out and levelled and re-set tracks. Sunflower is now looking good as well as all other trails. Only Minus 6 on the hill with soft snow.
Royal Canadian Legion Branch 107 515 Shuswap Ave, Chase * For info / hours phone 250-679-3536 *
Mon. Dec. 12 - open 2 pm - 10 pm - Mon league darts play off.
Tues. Dec. 13 - open 2 pm - 6 pm, fun pool, fun darts, free meat draws Wed. Dec. 14 - CLOSED
Thurs. Dec. 15 - open - 2 pm - Thurs league darts play off.
Fri. Dec. 16 - open 2 pm - 8 pm - Ladies fun darts,
Sat.. Dec. 17 - open at 1 pm - fun afternoon, meat draws, lotto, 50/50 Sun. Dec. 18 - CLOSED
New Years Eve Sat. Dec 31 - 7pm Karaoke with CC + Andy Merry Christmas, Stay Safe.
With respect, I acknowledge that I live and work on the unceded traditional lands of the Secwepemc First Nation.
Chase Rotary Box
Pres: Patrick Herba (250-702-3677) Meetings @ 5:30 pm on 1st & 3rd Thurs of each month at Railside Restaurant. New members welcome!
PO Box 12, Chase, B.C. V0E 1M0 chaselions67@gmail.com
Facebook Chase & District Lions Club President – Karen Bassett 250-318-4527 Please call for Lion projects incl pull-tab donations
Meeting at 7 pm on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month, downstairs of community hall. Everyone welcome.
Lions RV Park Reservations 250-679-8470 For Medical equipment contact Sandra Welton 778-245-3808.
Doug Sather $100.00
At the Blessed Sacrament Parish we invite you all to Mass every Sunday at 8:00 am
Tuesdays @ 1:00 pm. - Holy Hour with Rosary and Divine Mercy chaplet. For inquiries call 250679-3025 or 250-372-2581
Chase Evangelical Free Church Service at 10 am Sunday More Information at ChaseChurch.com 250 679 3626 Tyler@ ChaseChurch.com
Join us Sunday morning at 10am @ The Chase Community Hall. Visit www.aplacetobelong.ca or more info call: (778) 824-0383 email: spencer@ aplacetobelong.ca
Shuswap Community Church Outdoor Services 10am, Sunday @ Memorial Park Visit www.aplacetobelong.ca for more info. Call: (778) 824-0383 Email: Spencer@ aplacetobelong.ca
The Holiday Train rolls into Chase at 2:30 on Friday for another stellar performance in support of Food Banks across Canada. Our BC Food Banks van will be there, plus a couple trucks, to accept food and cash donations. Your donations will go to the Chase Food Bank, and will help us provide food hampers in our service area, including Pritchard, Chase Creek, Turtle Valley, Squilax, Neskonlith, Adams Lake, and the North Shuswap. North Shuswap has for many years provided Christmas hampers for their residents, while the rest of the year, they are served by the Chase Food Bank.
Donations of food can always be dropped off at the silver bin at Safety Mart or the big white bin at Pharmachoice, and the Credit Union and RBC have receipts for cash donations deposited there, OR phone
us at 250-682-6155. It is only through the generosity of the people and businesses in our area, that the Food Bank is able to give a helping hand to those who need it, whatever their circumstance.
The Senior Tree at the Eye Candy store is a good place to tuck a few extra unwrapped gifts destined for our Seniors. The little pile of wrapped gifts, courtesy of one very busy Elf, is growing, and we hope to make it a BIG pile soon, with your help.
As always, please remember friends and neighbors at this time of year. If you know of someone who could use a hand up to put nutritious food on the table, a toy under the tree, mittens and toques to keep little hands and heads warm, a kind word to let them know they are not alone, please reach out.
If you would like to volunteer with the Food Bank, Inclusive Cafe, or the Senior Meals program, please call us at 250-6826155. We would love to have you!
The holidays are a time for family, friends, and celebrating. However, they can also be a time for accidents and fires. According to the National Fire Protection Association, Christmas trees are the leading cause of home fires during the holiday season. In fact, it only takes 25 seconds for a tree exposed to a flame to be fully engulfed in fire and only 35 seconds for the fire to spread to things near the tree. To help keep your home safe this holiday season, follow these safety tips:
• Test trees for freshness by seeing if needles fall off when you run your hands through it
• Keep your tree watered
• Always use a sturdy tree stand designed for your type of tree.
• Make sure your tree is at least three feet away from any heat sources, including fireplaces, candles, and radiators.
• Do not overload electrical sockets with lights and other decorations.
• Always unplug lights and other electrical decorations before leaving the house or going to bed.
• Never use lit candles to decorate your tree.
• Use indoor lights on indoor trees Following these simple safety tips can help ensure that your holiday season is safe and merry.
phone: 250-320-3050 email: info@chasesunflower.ca 838 Shuswap Avenue, Chase
Need to board your dog? I am a mature, pet loving lady, honest & reliable. References available. Reasonable rates. 250-679-1153.
BUYING COINS & ENTIRE COIN COLLECTIONS! Old coins, old money, Royal Canadian Mint coins, Franklin Mint, US Mint, OLYMPIC coins, and World collections WANTED! Todd 250-8643521
JEWELRY, coins, 9999 bullion, Sterling Silverware, coin collections, old money, nuggets, gold, silver, platinum. Todd 250-8643521
CASH FOR 9999 SILVER BULLION! ALSO PURCHASING COINS, BARS, INGOTS, PRE 1968 coins, coin collections, jewelry, gold, nuggets, sterling +++. Todd 250-864-3521
Small engine maintenance and repairs - Certified technician Call 250-320-6082 all outdoor power equipment serviced. Lawnmower, weed whackers, rototiller, quads, motorcycle, snowmobiles, generators, boat motors etc. Ask for Jarrett.
NO. 922-2022
The Village of Chase Council will be holding a Public Hearing pursuant to Section 464 of the Local Government Act, to consider amendments to the Village of Chase Zoning Bylaw No. 683 for the following property shown as “subject property” on the sketch plan below:
The Council, as the result of an application from the owner of the named property, will consider amending the uses on the subject property by adding “Short-Term Rental” as a permitted use.
If you feel your property interests may be affected by the proposed amendment and you wish to address Village Council on any matters pertaining to this bylaw, please attend the Public Hearing to be held at the Community Hall at 547 Shuswap Avenue, on:
Tuesday, January 10th, 2023 at 4:00 pm
Your comments/concerns may also be presented in writing, in advance of the meeting by addressing them to the undersigned, or at the public hearing in person, by petition or by attorney.
Sean O’Flaherty, RPP Corporate Officer Village of ChaseNote: This is the first of two consecutive Public Notices. Dated this 16 day of December, 2023 at Chase, BC
Submitted by Village of Chase
The Regular Meeting of Council was held on December 13, 2022 at the Community Hall and via Zoom. 23 people attended inperson and 3 people attended virtually.
There was a public hearing for Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 923-2022 – 822 Hysop Road and for Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 924-2022 – 622 3rd Avenue. Both proposals wish to be permitted to have Short Term Rentals in the homes.
United Way British Columbia. Signy Madden and Jeanne Legua of the United Way British Columbia presented to Council via Zoom regarding social issues and information about United Way investments, partnerships and operations, including emergent response efforts during the 2021 flood events.
Chase and Area Young Learners Society (CAYLS) – Summer Program for School Aged Children. Representatives from the Chase and Area Young Learners Society (CAYLS) addressed Council regarding the Summer Program for School Aged Children. They disappointment with the previous Council’s decision to not fund the program in 2022, noted that CAYLS will not be providing Summer Recreation programming in 2023 as it wishes to pursue other projects, and urged Council to provide for Summer Recreation programming and pursue grant funding to cover some of the expenses for 2023 and beyond.
Citizens on Patrol. Members of Citizens on Patrol addressed Council regarding the role of the organization in the community, the need for volunteers, issues with the collection of refundable containers and enforcement of non-smoking regulations.
3rd Avenue residents regarding truck route for Chase. Residents of 3rd Avenue addressed Council regarding the impact of heavy truck traffic along 3rd Avenue and Juniper Street and urged Council to consider establishing a truck route for Chase that would designate certain roads or areas for use by heavy trucks and prohibit heavy trucks from all other Village roads except where necessary to carry out certain functions.
Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 9232022 – 822 Hysop Road
Council passed third reading and adopted Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 923-2022, which changes the zoning designation at 822 Hysop Road from R-1, Low Density Residential to R-1SS, Low Density Residential with Secondary Suite.
Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 9242022 – 622 3rd Avenue
Council passed third reading of Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 924-2022, which would change the zoning designation at 622 3rd Avenue from R-1, Low Density Residential to R-1SS, Low Density Residential with Secondary Suite.
Council Members Extended Health and Dental Benefits
Council passed a resolution to pay ½ of the single rate premium for each member of Council who wishes to participate in the benefits program until May 31, 2023 in order that the issue may be further discussed during budget discussions.
Council Procedure Bylaw - Acting Mayor and Agenda Deadlines. Council passed a resolution approving the use of current procedures to determine the quarterly rotation of Acting Mayor with remuneration of $100 per month. In addition, Council passed a resolution directing Administration to draft an amendment to Council Procedure Bylaw No. 783-2012 to provide more time between the deadline for agenda item submissions and the preparation and distribution to Council and the public.
2023 Council Meeting Schedule
Council passed a resolution approving the 2023 meeting schedule, which includes 20 regular meetings beginning on January 10, 2023 and concluding on December 12, 2023.
Council Meeting Location – January 10, 2023. Council passed a resolution directing Administration to host future Council meetings at the Village office at 826 Okanagan Avenue beginning with the January 10, 2023 Regular Meeting.
• Apple-Raisin
• Apple-Mincemeat
The sense in the last couple of weeks of Heat hockey was that a corner had been turned, that things were looking up for our ice warriors that represent Chase. How better to display that but in front of hometown fans at the Art Holding Memorial Arena.
Friday night the 9th of the month the visitors were the Osoyoos Coyotes for their only visit of the season. 4 minutes in the Coyotes were on the scoreboard first. Less then 9 minutes later they earned their second a beauty of a shorthanded effort that sucked the oxygen out of the arena. However little surprises come in big packages as Owen Dean on the man advantage ripped a point shot past the goalie assisted by Kaleb Preymak and the 1st concluded with the Heat down 1, the score 2-1. In the 2nd the visitors scored once to increase their lead. The 3rd saw both rosters scoring. Tyson Tokarz tallied assisted by Jarod Sigouin and Parker Garries prior to the Coyotes tickling the twine twice. Bignell completed the game’s scoring assisted by Kieran Armitage and Preymak. The end a 5-3 loss for the Heat. Meyer Gaume faced 42 shots and stopped 37 of them, too many times being left unprotected and defenceless. A 7th straight loss for the Heat.
Saturday night the 10th rolls around and the Eagles from Sicamous are the evening’s guests. A nasty kneeing major by the visitors places the Heat
on a 5 minute man advantage 3 minutes into the game. First Mikkel Hrechka from Trevor Kennedy and Sigouin pops in a powerplay counter. The déjà vu happens as Dean from Armitage and Garries blasts one into the twine. The period ends 2-0 Heat and everyone has something to talk about between periods. Between that time and the remaining 40 minutes of play the Heat ran out of gas, the wheels fell off and the only excitement was the dance competition between periods and the world famous Chili Chuck. Thirtyseven shots fired in those 40 minutes and the Eagles scored 7 unanswered goals to beat the Heat 7-2. Roderic May started in goal and closed the door in the 1st period with or without help. Gaume came on in relief early in the 3rd and it would be speculation that neither one enjoyed the event. Too many breakdowns, too many miscues and too many multi shot opportunities by the opposition, leaving the tenders alone.
On the bright side of life the acquisitions of Tokarz, Preymak and Hudson Ketsa is a huge positive. Kudos to Dean who seems to have found his niche with blasts from long range. Watching the games one and all has to have a tender spot for May and Gaume. So it’s now 8 straight losses with two left to play before the Christmas Season break. Keep your twisted twig on the ice and your cranium protector cinched!
The Village of Chase provides grants-in-aid to non-profit community groups who demonstrate a funding need for a service or program that will benefit the community and local area.
The deadline for application submissions for the 2023 grant in aid is January 6th, 2023.
The application form and policy are available on the Village of Chase website at www.chasebc.ca. or packages maybe picked up at the Village office.
Please submit all complete applications to the Village office, attention of Deb Lovin, Chief Financial Officer, or submitted complete applications to cfo@chasebc.ca
If you have any questions or require any additional information, please contact the Village office at your earliest convenience.
The Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure project team wishes to provide the public with updates on key project activities, construction, and traffic impacts to keep locals and highway users informed as the project progresses. These updates can be found on the project website www.gov.bc.ca/bchwy1-chase
The Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure project team wishes to provide the public with updates on key project activities, construction, and traffic impacts to keep locals and highway users informed as the project progresses. These updates can be found on the project website www.gov.bc.ca/bchwy1-chase.
Chase West A-D Highway through traffic
Chase West A-D Highway through traffic
Seasonal shutdown, work will recommence in Spring 2023. Highway 1 open with two paved lanes at 80km/h and temporary intersection arrangements through seasonal shutdown
Seasonal shutdown, work will recommence in Spring 2023. Highway 1 open with two paved lanes at 80km/h and temporary intersection arrangements through seasonal shutdown
Chase East E Highway through traffic Blasting continues between 1300h – 1500h Expect closures of up to 20 mins in both directions along Hwy 1.
Chase East E Highway through traffic Blasting continues between 1300h – 1500h Expect closures of up to 20 mins in both directions along Hwy 1.
Chase East F Village Roads Winter shutdown. Work will recommence in Spring 2023.
Chase West: Construction well underway, expected completion Spring 2023
Chase West: Construction well underway, expected completion Spring 2023
Chase East: Construction underway, expected completion Fall 2023.
Chase East: Construction underway, expected completion Fall 2023.
gov.bc.ca/bchwy1-advisory www.DriveBC.ca
gov.bc.ca/bchwy1-advisory www.DriveBC.ca
To apply for work on either phase of the project please visit www.bcib.ca
To apply for work on either phase of the project please visit www.bcib.ca
Ministry of Transportation: Greg Jones 778-945-6153 chasefourlaning@gov.bc.ca
Ministry of Transportation: Greg Jones 778-945-6153 chasefourlaning@gov.bc.ca
Chase West Contractor: Dawson Civil Ltd.
Chase East F Village Roads Winter shutdown. Work will recommence in Spring 2023.
Chase East G Coburn Street Access Coburn Street access closed. Notice to be provided when reopening will occur.
Chase East G Coburn Street Access Coburn Street access closed. Notice to be provided when reopening will occur.
Chris Cooper 250-374-3657 ccooper@dawsoncivil.ca
Chase West Contractor: Dawson Civil Ltd. Chris Cooper 250-374-3657 ccooper@dawsoncivil.ca
Chase East Contractor: CIF Construction Ltd.
Chase East Contractor: CIF Construction Ltd. Scott Fomenoff 778‐835‐5357 scott.fomenoff@cifcon.com
Scott Fomenoff 778‐835‐5357 scott.fomenoff@cifcon.com
Council Remuneration. Council passed a resolution approving the 2023 Council remuneration rates as per policy ADM-19 Council Remuneration. The rates will now be $14,610.84 for the Mayor and $9,648.97 for each Councillor which represents a 2 percent increase from the 2022 rates.
Letter of Introduction from Shuswap Trail Alliance. Council passed a resolution inviting the Executive Director of the Shuswap Trail Alliance to attend a Council meeting in January 2023 to further explain the structure and activities of the Shuswap Trail Alliance and the Shuswap Regional Trails Strategy.
Letter of Introduction from the BC SPCA. Council passed a resolution to receive for information the introductory letter from the BC SPCA.
With no further business, the Council meeting concluded at 6:48 p.m.
For more information regarding Council’s meetings, please go to the Village’s website at https:// chasebc.ca/council/minutesagendas/
The next Regular Meeting of Council is scheduled to start at 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, January 10, 2023 at the Village office (826 Okanagan Avenue) and via Zoom.
729 Shuswap Ave Chase 250-679-3189
Any water, sewer and garbage charges left unpaid after January 6, 2023 shall be transferred to property taxes and shall bear interest until paid in full at the rate established by the Provincial Government for arrears and delinquent taxes.
You can make payments via: Online or telephone banking payments (see website for instructions)
OptionPay is a third party credit card service provider (see website for link)
In Person during office hours, the office will be closed to the public effective noon, Friday, December 23, 2022 and reopening Tuesday, January 3, 2023.
You can pay for municipal services by cash, cheque (made payable to the Village of Chase), and debit card at the Village office located at 826 Okanagan Avenue.
There is a drop box located just inside the main entrance of the Village office, which is located at 826 Okanagan Avenue. Place your cheque (made payable to the Village of Chase) in an envelope and drop it in the box or through the mail slot if the office is closed. Please do not put cash in the drop box.
You can pay for municipal services by cheque (made payable to the Village of Chase) mailed to the Village of Chase, PO Box 440, Chase, BC V0E 1M0. Post marks are not acceptable as the payment received date so please allow time for delivery and processing.
You may make payment with a post-dated cheque. The payment is not cashed at your bank until the date of the cheque. Post marks on envelopes are not acceptable as the payment received date, so please allow time for delivery and processing.
Please see the Village of Chase website for additional information. (https://chasebc.ca/) Contact the office at 250-679-3238 with any questions.