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Chase & District Victim Services Program Manager

Chase Fundraising Society is seeking a qualified, experienced and highly motivated individual to coordinate services to victims of crime and trauma in Chase and surrounding areas.
The successful applicant must be flexible, available to be on call, and committed to attending the required training. He/She must possess strong leadership qualities, good judgement and is expected to comply professionally with the RCMP Code of Ethics.
The program manager works within the Chase RCMP Detachment and reports directly to the NCO/Liaison. This is a 20 hour plus/week position.
*equivalent Victim Services experience beneficial
*Knowledge of the Criminal Justice System
*Empathetic, Non-judgemental and able to cope with crisis intervention
*Knowledge of victimization and Domestic Violence
*Excellent organizational and time management skills
*Strong communication/leadership skills
*Willingness and experience leading a team of volunteers
*Administrative skills
*Must have or be able to obtain RCMP Enhanced Reliability Clearance
*Must possess a valid BC Driver’s license and have access to a vehicle
*Program Administration
*Direct support services to victims of crime & trauma
*Case Management, record keeping, statistical recording
*Recruit, train, direct, supervise and appreciate volunteers
*Develop and maintain excellent working relationships with outside agencies
*Liaise with RCMP members
*Ensure public awareness of the program
Start date TBA and will commence upon candidate obtaining RCMP Enhanced Reliability Clearance. Please submit a cover letter and resume by February 15, 2023 to:
Sgt. Barry Kennedy
Box 960 Chase, BC V0E 1M0 chasevictimservices@gmail.com
Guy.ramsay@rcmp-grc.gc.ca or in person at the Chase RCMP Detachment
We thank all applicants in advance, however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted.
Services Offered
phone: 250-320-3050 email: info@chasesunflower.ca
838 Shuswap Avenue, Chase $5/20 words
Need to board your dog? I am a mature, pet loving lady, honest & reliable. References available. Reasonable rates. 250-679-1153.
BUYING COINS & ENTIRE COIN COLLECTIONS! Old coins, old money, Royal Canadian Mint coins, Franklin Mint, US Mint, OLYMPIC coins, and World collections WANTED! Todd 250-864-3521
BUYING UNWANTED JEWELRY, coins, 9999 bullion, Sterling Silverware, coin collections, old money, nuggets, gold, silver, platinum. Todd 250-864-3521
CASH FOR 9999 SILVER BULLION! ALSO PURCHASING COINS, BARS, INGOTS, PRE 1968 coins, coin collections, jewelry, gold, nuggets, sterling +++. Todd 250-864-3521
For Sale
Electric Recliner, brown, in good condition $600. Allan at 250-6793753
Wall clock, with long pendulum. 8 day clock. Westminster chimes. $200. Call Allan at 250-679-3753
In Search Of
RENTAL: Long Term rental Required for Female, 65, on April 1st. 250-3201575
Business Listings
Gypsy Soul is looking to buy vinyl records. 638 Shuswap Ave. 250-819-3875
Small engine maintenance and repairs - Certified technician Call 250-320-6082 all outdoor power equipment serviced. Lawnmower, weed whackers, rototiller, quads, motorcycle, snowmobiles, generators, boat motors etc. Ask for Jarrett.
No Plastic Shopping Bags! What will we Do?
submitted by Chase Environmental Action Society

Finally, Canada will ban the manufacture and import for sale of single use plastics in an effort to achieve zero plastic waste by 2030, according to Environment and Climate Change Canada.The ban covers single-use plastics including checkout bags, cutlery, food service ware, ring carriers, stir sticks and straws, the federal government stated.
The ban on the manufacture and import of single-use plastics has already come into effect as of December 2022. But the distribution and sale of these items will not be prohibited until December 2023 to “allow businesses in Canada enough time to transition and to deplete their existing stocks,” according to the government’s website.
Up to 15 billion checkout bags are used every year in Canada, according to government data. Plastic shopping bags provided by our local grocery stores are made of polyethylene and can take up to a 1000 years to biodegrade. Much of this material ends up in our oceans despite recycling practices. See “The Story of Plastic” https://www. storyofstuff.org/movies/the-story-ofplastic-documentary-film/
But we’ve all become very dependent on plastic bags and wonder how we will ever do without them. Here are some alternatives:
Reusable bags made from cotton or jute that’s durable and will last for hundreds or thousands of uses, and are degradable at the end of life.
Small cardboard boxes or containers. They fit in your shopping buggy and can be used many times. They also help keep your bread and produce from being squashed.
Nylon bags can be folded small enough to fit into your purse or pocket. You’ll always have a bag with you.

Baskets that are made sustainably (eg bamboo) and support local or fair-trade economies. There are many sizes and options to choose from.
Shopping trolley. You don’t need bags at all.
Not recommended are plastic bags labeled biodegradable or compostable as they are not accepted in most organic programs in BC and still take years to break down and leave a plastic residue. Paper bags are available, but used too often will only add to more deforestation.
Another concern for people is not having a plastic bag to line their garbage bins with. This isn’t necessary. Your garbage doesn’t have to be in bags. It can be dumped directly into the outside garbage bin. It’s our hope that Chase will have a compost program in the near future to deal with our organic waste thereby eliminating more garbage.
In the end it’s up to all of us to curb our impact on our planet. Using less plastics and having less garbage will make a big
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Todd “Gold Silver Guy”
Buying coins, coin collections, jewelry, GOLD, SILVER, BULLION +
Pete’s Pizza & Pasta
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Duck Range Plumbing & Heating
Your Local Gas, Heating, and Cooling Specialist 250-214-0539
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ALM Mobile RV
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Kalin Good Carpentry Services
Renos, Decks, Fences, Siding, Roofing & More 18+ yrs exp. Call 250-819-9335
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Chris Walker 250-572-7035
Framing, Custom Woodworking, Tile, Flooring
Quick Dry Carpet Cleaning
Carpet, Upholstery, Hard Floors
250-851-8556 Chase BC
Word Search - Shades of red

Two dogs walk over to a parking meter. One says to the other, “Well I never. They’re pay toilets.”

I was debating with my friend about who the greatest vampire was I said, “The one from Sesame Street” He said, “He doesn’t count!” To which I replied, “Oh yes, he certainly does”